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Latest revision as of 17:50, 27 January 2019

It's Coffee, But Magical
Date of Scene: 14 January 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Quicksilver, Zatanna Zatara

Quicksilver has posed:
For once, Gotham was a little on the quiet side this time of day....probably because it was closer to the morning/early afternoon than many criminals would prefer. Speaking of criminals, reformed criminal and now-Avenger, Pietro Maximoff AKA Quicksilver appeared in front of the coffee shop in what many would call teleportation. It wasn't. He's just REALLY fast.

But he did so subtly, moving into the coffee shop. "Hey Italo. A regular black coffee please." his Romanian accent peaking through just a little bit. Pietro, though usually fashionable, wore simple clothes. Black running jacket with fingerless gloves, blue jeans, and white Jordans. Though of course, his literally silver hair is his most defining trait.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It was a wonder, morning people. The way they filter in and out as if they were meant to be up during this times, much like those who work the night shift are at their liveliest. People shuffle in and out with their hot brew, sipping and burning their tongues almost immediately as they push themselves out into the open cold air.

Zatana wasnâ??t going to be one of those people. She was going to enjoy her coffee, already scanning the menu as she darts a sleepy gaze to the left and right. â??Alright. Letâ??s go regular black, but with four shots of espresso.â?? She hum-dingers around, finger tapping against her bottom lip, her own gloves a pointed tip that makes a brief indent that immediately disappears. â??And sugar. Three sugars. One splash of half and half for coloring. Donâ??t want it to resemble the soul.â?? That was meant to be funny. But the barista obviously wasnâ??t laughing.

â??Tough crowd.â??

Quicksilver has posed:
After Pietro had gotten his coffee, he turns his head to the raven haired magical mistress of magic, Zatanna....as she orders the almighty God of coffee and the bane of barista's everywhere. Pietro chuckles at that last part, walking up to her.

"Be careful, or she might put less sugar in your coffee out of spite. Perhaps...simplify?" he smiles to the barista like he's trying to help, before looking back to Zatanna. "You're pretty funny though. I haven't seen you at this coffee shop before, but then again, I'm pretty new. Pietro Maximoff." he extends his hand to Zatanna in greeting.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There wasn't a jump or an 'eep' once the silver-haired man approached. He was unusual looking, though she's seen a.. lot worse in her time. A brief examination of his young looks and clothing, her own to at least compare (in which, you can't go wrong in all black), she finally cracks a smile and a lift of her shoulders. "Simplify? Why when the heart wants what the heart wants?"

True, right?

With a wave of her hand and a shake of her head, "Ok ok. Just black coffee. That's it." She tells the barista, turning back towards the outstretched hand which was grasped lightly and shaken. "Thank you! I'm Zatanna Zatara. Don't call me Zee.." She says in a playful warning.

"So P-throw? P-tro?" She mumbles, testing the name upon her lips before she finally releases his hand. "Is that russian?"

Quicksilver has posed:
She's playful. Pietro will suspect they will get along splendidly! Giving her hand a firm shake, though strangely simultaneously gentle, Pietro nods at the name. "Zatanna...Z-Tanna." he teases her after she tests the name similarly, but also apparently memorizing it. "I take it too many people call you Zee? hrm. Very well. What about Tanna?" clearly being playful himself.

"Close. It's Romanian. But it's very nice to meet you Zatanna." he smiles warmly, before he sips his coffee. "I feel like your name is familiar..." he ponders, narrowing his eyes at Zatanna, as if trying to put the name to a face. He doesn't realize he's talking to the most famous stage magician in the world.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Yes, way too many people call me Zee. Now it's like a sticking point. I simply will not answer to it!" The last line was said with a posh English accent, her eyes even tilting towards the ceiling as she tosses a long, black tress of hair behind her shoulder. "Familiar though. I do a lot of magic shows, that's possibly why?"

She stops mid conversation as her coffee was delivered, taking the time to step out of line but keeping close to the man to carry on the conversation if prompted.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro just laughs a little bit. "I'm tempted to call you Zee if we meet again, but I do not think you'd find it very funny that I remembered." he shrugs his shoulders lightly, sipping his drink. "That makes sense. Oh!" he looks Zatanna in the eyes then, doing a finger-gun/snap combo. "That's where I know you from. I think my sister Wanda talked about you once or twice. Maybe I'll come see one of your shows no?"

he looks around then, noticing they were obstructing, he offers Zatanna his arm/hand to walk her to a table like a gentleman. "Shall we find a table? I'm enjoying our chat."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'd totally turn you into a toad." She deadpans. Though it was clear that she was teasing. The coffee she has in her hand was not sipped yet, waiting for the initial scalding heat to pass before she partakes of the darkened goodness. Though, once recognition hits on his behalf, she lets out a smile that could possibly brighten the entire room.. if.. anyone was in a bad mood to begin with. "Yup. That's me!" No flourish. All words.

As he offers his elbow, she carefully loops hers into his, waiting for him to lead the way as a dip of her head and a straight face is allowed. "If you want. It's not required. At this point, it's just a hobby until the bills need to be paid again. Suppose I am due." A grin here as she gives him a little hip bump. "I am enjoying this too. I usually don't like meeting new people but.. lately its refreshing." Considering her other problems. "What do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro laughs loudly then. "Well, at least I'd be a handsome toad." he winks at her, walking with her to a table and letting her take her seat first. "Well, at this point, I feel like I am required because I met someone new and interesting." his romanian accent peaks it's head out once more. He's likely actually FROM Romania.

"Oof, at this point? Various. I work with the Avengers on certain days and on others I'm a simple guy. I work a few side jobs. Not anything as grand as being a stage magician, but I get by." he smiles kindly at Zatanna, sitting near her as he enjoys his coffee.

"Tell me more about yourself? Hobbies?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Interesting? Me?" Zatanna couldn't help but laugh, even taking his joke about being a handsome toad into consideration. She wasn't the evil type who would do it just to see, but there are images that flash through that makes her laugh even more. Still, his accent was a sticking point, and she tries it again. "Germany?"

Though, once the table is reached, she slides into her spot easily, bobbing her head at the mention of Avengers, attempting to place it and.. failing.

"Trust me, being a stage magician isn't grand. It's grueling work." She nods. "But, any trades? Specialities? Stop me if this sounds like an interview for friendship." She jokes. Though, for her?

"Uh.. I don't know.." Which, is the problem. Zatanna Zatara doesn't know much about herself since a few months ago. Which is troubling. So.. she make sit up! "..I knit." And then she sips her coffee, her eyes adverted as if she just heard the juciest gossip in the world.

Quicksilver has posed:
"Yes. I find you very interesting in many ways." Pietro teases and only gently flirts, but when she takes another guess at where he's from, he shakes his head. "In the same continent, but no." he winks at her.

"Well, I imagine you're very good at it. Specialties? Hrm. I'm good with computer systems and sculpting. Give me a few seconds, and I could probably make a replica of you." he smiles. "Though some things might be off, I like to think I'm pretty good at it. Well, interview for friendship is never something to toss aside, so I'll play along."

She knits.

"Oh you do? maybe I could commission a scarf from you." he winks.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Was he flirting?

Zatanna almost forgotten what that felt like. A little bit of red hints upon her pale cheeks, still taking a sip of her coffee as if the gossip just became even jucier. Salacious, even!

"Same continent.." She murmurs, focusing in on him as a whole and not the fact that she thinks he's flirting. "Christ. I give up." Then she pauses. "No.. no that's not it. I give up."

His range of specialities were ..different. Computer systems and sculpting. Perhaps she could have lied so that they could have something in common. Was she really that desperate?

"Oh oh. You don't want a scarf from me. It's all frayed edges and loose string and.. whatever." She laughs, waving her hand, now finally placing her coffee upon the table. "Its a raggedy sort of business." She half-heartedly admits.

Quicksilver has posed:
She liked the flirting!

Then Pietro was more than willing to continue! The blush on her cheeks really brought out her eyes. He laughs then, reaching to perhapssqueeze her hand comfortingly. "I'm from Romania." he lets the accent roll out in full somewhat.

"Well, that is certainly -A- style that I like. How much for one of your scarves hand-knit?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Romania.. Romania.. v'ere the vampires are?" She teases, all the while he squeezes her hand. She wasn't rude about her withdrawal, only carefully inching it away which causes the leather glove to bunch up, which she quickly fixes. "Uh.." She stammers a little, then shakes her head.

"I.. er.." She stands, then shrugs! "Five dollars, maybe?"

And as non-committal as most of her conversations as of late, especially with the lack of departure or anything resembling a proper goodbye.. She just stands up and leaves. Just. Like.. That.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro scoffs and playfully rolls his eyes. "To many stories, yes. Transylvania, specifically. Though as you can see..." he smiles. "No fangs."

Then she just gets up and leaves! Pietro blinks then. ".....was it something I said?"