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Latest revision as of 17:52, 27 January 2019

Sister, Oh Sister
Date of Scene: 14 January 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Quicksilver

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had left the mansion behind to take a trek around the mansion grounds. She stepped lightly over the snow, leaving no tracks behind her with her magnetic fields lifting her weight off the ground and into the air. The green haired woman seemed to enjoy the silence, undisturbed by students or others that made the large mansion their home. She sighed, a cloud of breath visible in the air around her as she hugged her arms around herself. Her jacket was well cut, heavy and meant for the freezing temperatures of the northern hemisphere.

A scarf, hat, and mittens of off white stood out starkly against the black of her winter coat and black, fur trimmed boots.

She turned her gaze around the ice and snow covered trees, inhaling deeply against the winter air.

Quicksilver has posed:
Suddenly, As Lorna investigated the tree, she'd notice, literally in less than the blink of an eye, a mutant standing right in front of her. Silver hair. thick jacket, blue jeans, some neat snowboarding boots. His hands had fingerless gloves on them, and blue eyes stare her down.

After the dust of snow falls back to the ground, he speaks "Well, despite still being fashionably inept, you look like you're doing well." Pietro gave her a kind smile, reminiscent of one an older brother would give to their little sister.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna blinked, as if she wasn't entirely ready or prepared to handle her brother's sudden appearance. Then a grin pulled at her lips and she stepped over the snow with too light steps toward him. "Pietro! Where have you been? Wanda and Dad were worried that something had happened." Mostly she had been worried, Magneto hadn't cared all that much, and Wanda was more or less confident that her twin was fine.

"You missed the holidays. Wanda came to visit Genosha and Dad let us decorate and everything." She pursed her lips together, crossing her arms as she shot the speedster a look.

"How'd you find me anyway? I just got in from Genosha." She'd been on the island nation for the past year nearly, and only had just returned States side.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro smiles to Lorna, before she takes two light steps towards him. A chuckle exiting his lips as he pulls her up into a big ole hug! "Yeah, I missed ya too." he releases her. "Yeah, well...I was busy." because that is a LONG and COMPLICATED story. "But I'm glad you had a mini reunion with the old man."

Eyes briefly narrow. "Speaking of which, how IS the old man? He up to anything stupid?"

Then he was asked how he found her. "Oh, it was easy. I just ran to every place I thought you might be. Here was last on the list."

Polaris has posed:
A small sound of surprise escaped her as Pietro swept her up into a hug, but she returned it none the less. A grin brightened her expression as she settled back to the ground more firmly and her boots sank an inch or two lower in the snow. She reached up, pushing her green haired locks back behind her ears as the wind tousled them them about her face. She exhaled a breath, and glanced about once before her attention returned to her half brother.

"He's fine, he's.. you know how he is." She grimaced and shoved her hands into her pockets to keep them warmer against the winter chill.

"Wanda coming to visit really cheered him up I think.."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro lets out a sigh, crossing his arms. "Still the same old bastard." Pietro knows how Magneto is, possibly better than anyone. "I bet it did. I know I should see him, but..." Pietro perhaps has the least healthy relationship with Magneto. They argue ALL THE TIME. Especially since Pietro left from under his wing, though he's technically still a 'prince' of Genosha.

"I reunited with Wanda the other day too. I hear she has a boyfriend that I'll probably kill when he breaks her heart, but...she looks happy. and if she's happy, I'm happy. same goes with you, greenie." Pietro winks at Lorna.

He sighs. "So what brings you here to the institute?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna made a face, "He's not that bad you know.." She muttered, but still her smile remained as she watched her brother and kept her weight off the snow more or less thanks to her powers. It was chilly outside, and she didn't particularly mean to stay in place without trying to keep moving. Of course, her own perceptions of their father were vastly different than the twins' own. She was the baby, the youngest, the one that shared his powers.

"And I didn't hear about this boyfriend.." She drawled, "And I don't have one. No one wants to date me when Dad is around." She glanced back to the mansion properly, and returned her gaze to Pietro's figure before her.

"I wanted to see everyone, bring them gifts. Say hi. I needed a break from Genosha..seemed as good a time as any."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro scoffs and rolls his eyes. "He's not the absolute worst, but he's still horrible." Pietro shrugs his shoulders very softly, before he looks at her. "Besides, from what I've seen, you have the best of him. Since you literally got what was closest to his powers." controlling metal.

Wanda was a hex-user and a magic mistress, Pietro was VERY fast. it makes sense that Lorna would be considered Daddy's little girl regardless of if she was theo ldest or the youngest.

"Well, good to see you're doing well. I came to check up on you. I think I'll return to Genosha soon...probably get into another argument on arrival."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna gave her older brother a dubious look, her arms crossed as she eyed the speedster. "You're too like him. Which is why you don't get along." She shot back, "I just have the same power set. You act and look like him you know.." Her voice was dry and only half teasing. For the most part it was true. The same white hair and same blue eyes were shared between father and son. As was the domineering 'I know best' temperament.

"Anyways, when you go back, I'd like to come? I'm only visiting here. It's a short break. I can't stay away for too long. I've been working too hard to get Genosha working to ever completely leave it, I think."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro rolls his eyes. "Please, I'm nothing like that old metal-bending asshole." which is probably exactly what Magneto would've said at Pietro's age. but, he sighs very softly. "I just look like him." eyes shift to the surrounding area. "I guess so. I'll let you know when I mean to go back and give you a piggy back ride or something to it or something." he uncrosses his arms and smiles to her. "But...it'd be nice to have a family reunion."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a green eyebrow upward. "Uh huh. Sure." She drawled lightly, a hooked smile pulling at the corners of her lips as she made to start walking to keep warm in the winter air. She exhaled breath, another gust of visible cloud leaving her. "Magnetism isn't //just// playing with metal, Pietro." She added after a moment of stepping lightly over the snowy backyard.

"You could hitch a plane ride over you know. It's a rather nice way to travel." She teased, "I rather prefer it. Sure it takes a little longer, but you get a private jet."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro stares at her. "Whatever." then he seems to shrug lightly. "Anyway, if you're me, then you know that one second feels like a damn eternity. Riding on a plane would take a lifetime for me. I'd rather just run, where I could be there in a few seconds to a minute."

Simple is as simple does.

Polaris has posed:
A faint trace of laughter escaped the youngest Magnus sibling and Lorna shook her head. "I'm teasing. Don't be so serious. Geeze." She grinned, and continued to walk about to keep warm. Oddly enough the one to be moving rather than the Speedster. Her smile faded briefly and she seemed to go silent for a time, thoughtful rather than teasing as before. She hmmm'ed under her breath, looking away from her half brother briefly.

"Don't go so long without saying hi and checking in next time, yeah?" She'd been worried. She had a magnetic tie to their father, she knew, vaguely, where he was. Wanda knew that Pietro had been alive.. but beyond that? She hadn't really known.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro's serious and cold demeanor finally drops, revealing the softie underneath. "Yes, yes....I know. Don't worry, it was a one time only occurence. I already made Wanda upset because she didn't know where I was. but that's been fixed. and now, I'm visiting you. seems like it's been fixed. I won't leave without telling you or Wanda ever again." notice how he leaves his father completely out of that equation.

Polaris has posed:
A crinkle of amusement warmed her expression, and Lorna continued to meander about the snowy expanse of backyard to keep warm. "Uh huh. I'll hold you to that. The next time you vanish for however long I'll demand chocolates or something. Maybe required big-brother-outing time. Like hitting up a bar or something." She glanced over her shoulder at Pietro, tilting her head to the side as if to ask if that was acceptable or just boring to the speedster. Followed by a lazy follow up of pretended indifference.

Lorna, had cared. A great deal. Even if she wasn't particularly good at showing it.

"You weren't being experimented on by aliens, right?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro's expression showed that he didn't really mind that kind of a deal. His head tilts to one said when she questions if he weas experimented on by aliens.

".....No? Why is that the first thing you go to? I just...got caught up in a few things. Really, it wasn't serious."

Polaris has posed:
A shrug, and another teasing edge entered her smile as she made her way back toward the mansion proper, deciding it was simply too cold to linger out in the winter weather despite the sun above and blue skies. "I dunno, I thought it was better than being kidnapped by anti-mutant haters or something. Plus, it sounds like something that might happen, so it's probably true." She drawled, and flashed her big brother a grin.

"And if you don't tell me I'll just have to come up with my own ideas about what happened. Aliens sounded entertaining."