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Latest revision as of 17:56, 27 January 2019

Much Ado About Nothing
Date of Scene: 15 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Nina the Conjuror and Spider-Man investiage... a role-playing group?
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Nina the Conjuror

Spider-Man has posed:
Having just bought a bagel, which he was having a thoroughly difficult time digesting, Peter Parker returned to his hidey hole to switch back into his tights. It was quite a feat to change clothes while eating a cream cheese bagel, but with a bit of contortioning, moving his arms this way or that, and often putting the bagel into his mouth as he changed, he managed the feat, slipping the mask over his head, as he finished half of the bagel.

The other half was still in a brown paper bag, on the ledge, and he was giving serious consideration to throwing it out. "When will people over here learn how to make a bagel?" He shook his head, and decided to dangle his feet over the ledge, coming better into view. He was good at preventing from being spotted by prying eyes, either visible, or electronic. It made changing in what appeared to be plain sight so much easier. His spider sense would alert him when he was being watched, or recorded.

But anyway, looking across the way, he could see someone had set up a blood red tent in one of the graveyards, "why does Sunnydale have so many graveyards? Was there a special at Sam's Club, buy 29, get the 30th one free?" Bludhaven was a weird place, and the Sunnydale neighbourhood took the cake. People in black robes with white and red accents were moving into the tent. He couldn't hear it from where he sat, but they were singing some kind of Gregorian chant as they entered.

Deciding to investigate, he spun a webline, jumped, and moved across a building, then another. They weren't nearly as high out here, but it was doable. Plus, there was an unusually high level of criminal activity out here, so he put it as a higher priority in his route. "Maybe I should start delivering papers while I'm out here. I could certainly use the money."

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
The woman known as Nina was already there. She wasn't exactly involved yet, she was watching. She had sensed a form of magic coming from that tent and saw people going into it so she considered it. What were these people up to. It couldn't have been anything too amazing. After all, they really weren't producing a great deal of magical power. None the less, what is an out of place magical investigator really supposed to do with her time when people weren't passing out ocnstantly due to an evil magical plague?

Of course, then there's some kind of thwip noise and someone is coming. A...man in blue and red spandex? Well, not the strangest thing Nina has even seen this week but still kinda ont he strange side. She arches her eyebrow in his direction and moves out form her position behind a large oak tree at the edge of the cemetary. She idly hops up on to a grave stone with grace befitting an active gymnast and gestures a finger and thumb in the shape of a gun at the spandexed weirdo, "Hey, what exactly are you doing there?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man was pretty stealthy, or so he thought. Dark red and dark black were pretty good colours in the dark, they blended well. There was a whole scientific principal about how black actually wasn't the best colour for stealth. It had to do with the human eye and how it processed movement, light, reflections, but in his own head, he didn't feel like going into that fine a detail. He quickly thought to himself . o O ( Uh oh, I think I just self censored my own thoughts. I am so lucky that Betsy wasn't here for that ). But in light, there was nothing secretive about his costume. And he was close enough to the tent that he was illuminated by the faux fires near the entrance.

Looking to the branch he by then was crouched on, "regularly scheduled bark cleaning. Arbory maintenance is no laughing matter." Inside, the chanting was louder. And then it got spoiled by what sounded like someone coughing, and then using an inhaler. There were no guards though.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
Turning her attention to the chanting briefly, Nina hmms idly as she looks that way and then hops down and starts toward it. The woman really was dressed like something out of the 50s. It was likely only the fact htat Peter had Spider-Sense that he could tell something was off about her. What that thing was was possibly the fact that she was concealing via magic two gunswords and two more pistols. Either way she states, "Sure, yeah, Arbory maintenance."

It's really nothing on poor Peter that he was spotted by Nina, she was supposed to be Sorcerer Supreme at one point of her existance but that never panned out. Either way, she looks to the tent and states, "Do you...uh mind if I take care of this?" She asks and looks at him, "Not sure what they are planning but doubt they have thought it through." She looks at Peter, "And unless you are actually a sorcerer and that's why you dress so funny, then this is more my area of expertise."

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man looked at her, he looked at the tent, he looked at himself, and then back to her. "Sounds like a plan." She wasn't setting off his spider-sense, but then the tent wasn't either. This wasn't him trying to solve a crime, but more curiosity. He was wondering why guys in robes were going into a graveyard, with a crimson tent, and he was pretty sure he had heard an inhaler going off. It seemed like a party was going on in there to him. Glasses were jiggling, he could hear talking. After their conversation, he would try and focus on those sounds, to see what he could make out from it.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
A smile and she nods, "Reasonable for a man wearing spandex." She then looks him over a moment and gestures, "When I'm done with this...we should circle back on to that. It seems like a strange choice." She then walks up to the tent and idly tries to better analyze the happenings in the tent through her mind's eye. Then she considers another moment and idly whispers something in latin. A moment later she simply pushes her face through the tent wall, phasing through rather simply as she peeks inside.

Spider-Man has posed:
Inside the tent, there are nine people sat around a circular table. In the centre of the table, there seems to be a scale model of some medieval village, with a forest, and a dungeon off to the side, though that is covered by a box, which reads 'Dragonicom Tomb Set'. Seven of the people, all men by the way, have tablets, some have sheets of paper with notes, and all have dice. The last one had a screen up, and behind that there are miniatures, a tablet, notes, and yet more dice. One of the players seems to be giving off the faint signature of magic.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
A blink and she pulls back out of the tent and looks understandbly confused. She tilts her head left and then right before she looks to Spider-Man, "So, you...know what a Dragonicom Tomb Set is?" She then looks back at the tent and then looks to him again, "I mean, what is happening in there seems genuinely terrible though not for some reasons that endanger others."

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man knew exactly what it was, and fibbed, or pretended that he wasn't as geeky as he really was, "Sounds like table top gaming, Dungeons and Dragons, Rampant Griffin, that sort of thing. A role-playing group in a graveyard, an actual graveyard." He reached up and scratched the back of his head through his mask, "that's a new one." Not knowing about the magical aura coming from one of the players, and it wasn't setting off his spider-sense, so he seemed content. "I guess they can't all be fodder for the Bugle."

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
"The Bugle?" She asks and then looks back at the tent, "And role playing I think I understand..." She idly shifts her eyes, "Though it was not like that." She shrugs and then looks back at him, "So, what ar eyou supposed to be?" She looks him over again, "Some kind of webbed crusader?" She asks and then shrugs, "Well, anyway." She turns her gaze toward the way out, "Seems these people are just being weird but not dangerously so." She starts toward the exit, "Are you just weird or should I worry about dangerous weird?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Daily Bugle, the newspaper, okay, I understand, nobody reads the printed news these days, but DBG, Daily Bugle Group, DGB.com, J. Jonah Jameson?" He said this as if saying Rupert Murdoch and Fox. He wasn't upset, just surprised that she didn't get it. "Anyway, I'm Spider-Man, I do what I can to help, despite reports to the contrary. I have a pretty bad rap, none of it earned, well, there was that one time, but how was I supposed to know that the Kill-Fever was a good guy? He had a decapitated head on a pike on his chest. I forget what he changed his name to, Kirby, Kearny, something like that." And he was most decidedly weird, but not much in the dangerous way.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
"I'm not really up to date on things." She shakes her head and shifts her footing, "I've been rather out of touch." She then considers, "Spider-Man? Sounds appropriate, I suppose." She then nods her head and she walks idly toward the exit of the graveyard, "I am Nina. Sometimes go by Nina the Conjuror." She shrugs, "It's just Nina most of the time though." She nods her head.