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Latest revision as of 18:07, 27 January 2019

The X-men stand against an uncanny foe.
Date of Scene: 16 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Gambit, Iceman, Rogue, Captain America, Quicksilver

Cyclops has posed:
    So several days ago Rogue had a rather unusual encounter that she may or may not have told everyone else about, that's not really what's important here. What's important is that the x-men were quickly gathered or alerted to an 'event' occuring downtown. Not close, but certainly not far. With the Jet it's basically their back yard.

    The news was reporting that as of about 10 minutes ago a woman flying around, the known young avenger 'Rogue' was causing all sorts of mayhem, starting with stomping onto the hood of a car from who knows how high up and flattening the engine and the driver's status is unknown, but presumed dead as no one has left the car as of yet.

    With 'Rogue-Two's' spree continuing and reaching huge news sources, The X-men have sprung into action and are arriving in the jet. "X-men." Scott begins on the comms, "We have a copy of Rogue going crazy, and it seems like she has all the abilities of Rogue, maybe the memories we aren't sure. Gambit, you're going to be our ace in the hole, hopefully. Bobby, Rogue, you are both on distraction duty, keep her away from civilians and buy Gambit some time." The leader says as he brings the jet just over the top of the skyscrapers, being the respectful pilot and not buzzing the buildings on his way. The blackbird comes to a hover and the back door opens, allowing whoever is inside a quick exit.

Gambit has posed:
"Jus' so dat Ah'm a 'undred percent clear," Gambit asks, flourishing a deck of cards from one hand to the other with a casual smirk, "When yah say yah want me ta take care of 'er, yah mean yah want me ta blow 'er up, or jus' fluster 'er till she can' t'ink straight." He gives the real Rogue a bit of a playful grin, "'Cause Ah pretty sure Ah c'n 'andle eit'er. 'Pending on de situation."

Iceman has posed:
By now, word may have gotten out about Bobby's failed attempt to ask Lorna out. Listening to the comms, there's none of the usual enthusiasm in the ice mutant's voice or even a joke. And there were so many jokes on the table that are left there.

"Does she have the same powers as our Rogue?" he asks over the comms, before the order comes down. "Sure. I can do distraction." he shurgs his shoulders, as he moves to rise to his feet as he hears the Blackbird's engines whine in their idle. Moving towards the dropramp, he covers himself in ice, and then falls out the back, forming an ice ramp on his way down and starts to slide along. "What do you want? Ice walls? Abominimal snowmen?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was in the passenger compartment of the Blackbird and she had her leather jacket laying across her lap, the green and gold bodysuit from her original X-Men days 2 years ago back in use now that she's retired the suit she was wearing with the Avengers.

She stands up and starts to slide her leather jacket on over her arms and shoulders, her gaze goes to Gambit and she smirks at him. "You wish." She says quietly before turning toward the exit of the jet.

"Bobby." Rogue says over comms. "She seems t'have my powers too, yes. So we gotta box'er in... I don't know if I can absorb her or not. But its a possibility of gettin' her t'stop this without killin' her."

She hops out of the jet and instantly starts to fly to scan the area around them.

Captain America has posed:
On the hardwood desk in his bedroom lies a piece of notebook paper with a sketch left unfinished. The charcoal pencil slants diagonally across it, still warm to the touch where Steve once held it. The TV is also on, though on low volume, and the live report with questionable video feed is of the smashed car and then the smasher disappearing off and away. It's a loop submitted by a nearby passerby. The bedroom itself is empty, seeing as the Captain immediately left to assist.

Steve can be heard approaching the area of the incident on motorcycle. The engine guns as he rushes it up the straightaway of the street proper, carefully manuevering between pedestrians and stopped cars on the street. In his navy-blue outfit with white wing-barred star and the quintessential shield turtled to his back, he slides the bike sideways to a controlled stop and kills the engine before dismounting. A kick to the kickstand and he looks around. At any sign of a familiar face, he hails the person with a raised hand and jogs over.

"X-Men," he addresses the group as a whole. "Here to assist as needed. What do we know?"

Cyclops has posed:
    The Rogue in question is down at an intersection that is now over run with cars and most have no occupants while the rest no longer have occupants. The woman is looking around for things to smash, seems she's getting a high from her intense physical prowess and is holding two very flat and ruined tires. Where the rest of the car is no one knows. She does look up at the sound of the jet and the large uncanny valley smile upon her face seems to grow more uncanny as she blinks slowly several times, allowing the team to get closer but she drops the tires and begins to rise into the air, as if they were rubber ballasts.

    Still blinking irregularly, Rogueling, casually rises through the air, her punk rock marching band like outfit at least makes it distinct which Rogue is which. We hope. She suddenly accelerates out of no where and is next to Bobby as he's forming the ice slide and without a word she moves to slap him with the back of her hand in the greatest slap this side of modern history.

    Scott had parked the plane upon one of the many helipads around with a hell of a lot of presicion and he's thuroughly impressed with himself for that, but there's no time to gawk at his skills, no he makes his way down the stairs. "Iceman, that's your call. Go with your gut." Scott orders as he's on his way to the bottom of the building just as Captain America pulls up and addresses his team. "We, Captain, can't do a whole lot. She's got Rogue's powers and we're no match, unless you have insight to the girl's powers that I don't." The leader says with a frown beneath that grey visor as he looks to Steve. "I was going to work on civilian escort and get the people to safety, that's all I can really do."

Gambit has posed:
"Now chere, dat wasn' very lady like." Remy says with a grin. He's placed some distance between him and the jet, and a trio of cards now glows a deep fuschia pink in his hand as he eyes the evil version of Rogue. "Den again, Ole Remy get de feeling dat yah not much of a lady anyway, n'est-ce pas?

Quicksilver has posed:
Well, the insanity wasn't exactly hard to miss.

Pietro quickly put on the new suit (compliments of Janet van Dyne) and soon enough, that blue streak with stark silver hair zooms past most all of the heroes, but he ends up standing near Captain America.

"So....I see there is already a problem here. What exactly am I going to leave in the dust?" he says with utter arrogance, but it was well-founded. With it comes a snarky smile, before he looks to the other X-Men. "Oh, you guys again." his history with the X-Men is.....not good. Brotherhood of mutants. Yep.

"She flies? Well, just count on me to keep up."

Iceman has posed:
"Great, Remy's going to ask another Rogue out. That'll go well." Bobby offers with a dry tone that is quickly lost at the new voice over the comms. "Oh my gosh, that's Captain America. He the only person to be on ice longer than me!" Okay, so there is a bit of Bobby still hiding beneath it all - but it's quickly gone away.

"So they want a distraction, and it seems things are pretty distracting already. I can try to wall off the area to you know - keep things contained. But she flies. So you know, there's that." he responds as he moves along his ice slide, doing slow roundabouts as he waits for his orders.

That is until there's a Rogueling right next to him. And before he can respond or even bring up his hands in defense, there's a swat to him that sends the icy mutant flyig across the rooftops before slamming into a watertower and he collapse into it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is up into the sky and she's eyeing the alternate version of her down on the street. "What is she wearing...?" She has to ask first, but her attention soon takes in the entirety of the damages caused by the alt-version of her and this makes her wince. "God. There goes my reputation. Now I'm not even gonna be welcomed in this town... Add another one t'the list." Her home town in Mississippi, San Francisco... Santa Fe... that town in Alberta with the truck stop... goodness!

"Look out, Bobby!" Rogue One shouts down to the Iceguy, sadly a little too late... With a heavy sigh she adjusts her own flight pattern and tries to intercept that creepy twin she ran into in the subway Friday night, but ultimately lost in a wild flying race out of the subway system.

"Hey!" Rogue shouts down at herself. "What the hell is your problem?!" She swoops in to punch... herself, her evil twin.

Captain America has posed:
Steve winces at the sight of Bobby taking that backhand to the face. Ouch indeed. He glances back at Cyclops and nods tersely. "You know about as much as I do. Pietro and I can focus on civilian safety while you and your teammates work at corraling her. Keep her busy, we'll get folks out of range." He glances over at the silver-haired speedster.

"I'll get the driver out of the car she stomped on. You take them to the nearest hospital. I'll move the car out of the way and start directing the bystanders. We want them moved at least a city block down if not more. When the emergency responders arrive, we'll direct them too." A glance around the immediate X-Men in his vicinity and Steve nods once more. "Good luck."

With that, the Captain jogs over to the smashed car. The sound of metal wrenching is the door frame being pulled wide enough to admit his broad shoulders. A few more wrenches of metal and one loud snap of plastic and he's got the driver carefully slung in his arms. "Pietro, here. Be gentle," he warns, probably unnecessarily.

Cyclops has posed:
    For the first time in a long time, Remy's charms do absoulutely nothing, but he call her a man, so that might not have been something Faux-Rogue, Faugue, didn't want to hear, but lucky for the Cajun, the unrestrained southern doppleganger didn't even react, she's so busy harassing Bobby back up to the rooftops. She doesn't bother with him after that and instead turns to face the team of three gathered on the ground and she streaks through the air, her hair pinned back from the drag through the atmosphere. Both hands forwards into very tight fists as she aims with her knuckles to Pietro's, Scott's, and Steve's faces. The trio are saved from the heavy blow by a green and yellow streak. Suddenly both Rogues are on the ground with the road cratered and cracked beneath them from the insane speeds they hit the ground with.

    Rogue 2 slowly starts to get back up to her feet as if she wasn't even concerned there was a pair of Avengers and a team of X-men all focused on her. That is until the Avengers go to be the big damn heroes and the X-men are left fighting one of themselves. Way to pick your battles Steve. All Scott could think is we could use a telepath in this situation. Like, a lot. He steps up with a glow of red at his eyes before the beam shoots out with a huge WHOOSH of energy completely enveloping the copycat. He even yells as he blasts her, knowing it will take what he can give to even put her down and with a snap the beam ends and the Rogue is standing there, looking completely unphased.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau's been shot down before by beautiful women. It's rare, but it happens. Still to be completely ignored? "Well dat's jus' rude." He watches the two women as they collide first with each other, and then with the ground at high speed. He times his attack and as soon as the one that he cannot help but think of as "his" Rouge and the Roppleganger separate, he launches the cards straight down at the woman. The concussive force of a cluster of handgranades arriving just about the time Scott's optic blast should. "Well if dat don' get 'er attention." He mutters to himself.

Iceman has posed:
There's a long silence from the rooftop where Bobby had gotten smashed. Underneath the tower, where it cracks and spills water, the ice mutant is knocked out, that is until he feels the water spilling onto his face. It snaps him awake, and he sputters and coughs, pushing himself up to a sitting position.

"You know what I'm sick and tired of?" he asks as he pushes himself to his feet. "I'm sick and tired of being the weak link. I'm tired of being the one that gets turned away. Turned down. Rejected. I'm /SICK AND TIRED/ of being underestimated!"

Rising to his feet, Bobby starts to take in all the water around him, working it all up into his frame. And as he bulks, his appearance becomes sharper and more angular, taking on that of what a true ice monster would look like - an ice giant. "Hey!" he yells at Rogue 2. "MY TURN!" And with that he sends out a blast of pure arctic, nae, he's aiming for Kelvin cold as he tries to encase the other dimension Rogue in it. "Bet you don't have heat vision!"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro moves over to Cap, nodding as he receives his orders. Once Cap hands him the injured driver, Pietro just laughs. "Super Speed, Captain. Google it. If you look hard enough, it will spell 'gentle'." he absolutely lies, but at least he tried to make a point.

In an instant, both Pietro and the driver are gone in a blur.

with Cap helping out the injured and doing crowd control, Pietro is ferrying people to safety, away from the crossfire of Faogue (Faux-Rogue) and the heroes.

Because when Scott unleashes the eye-beams, shit gets real. "Good to not be on the receiving end of that for once..." Pietro says mostly to himself.

Rogue has posed:
The two Rogue's slam down onto the city street and the force of it all causes them to separate from one another! Scott and Gambit's combined blasts land solidly and it blinds the Rogue One in green and gold, she raises her left arm up to shield her eyes from the light of the red concussion explosions in front of her!

She takes a second to look away to see that Captain America and... is that Quicksilver? She hasn't seen him in ages... "Cap! This isn't my fault!" She shouts at her former team leader, someone she had always tried to impress since he interviewed her when she first joined the team.

Iceman's arrival in giant ice form has Rogue taking another step backward, but the damage done to the street causes a sink hole to open up and as two cars start to topple into it she darts forward to grab both of them by their rear bumpers. "Woah woah!" The southern belle says while pulling the vehicles back up and keeping them from tumbling down into the city sewer system.

Captain America has posed:
Pietro and his bundle of person are away and gone in a blink. He turns in time to see the potentially catastrophic combination of X-abilities slam into the Faux-Rogue and winces, turning his head away from the bright burst of light to follow. A wave of heated air washes over him and then he's looking up over the edge of his shield, drawn just before the displaced atmosphere reached him.

Whoa. The faux-Rogue didn't even flinch. This...is trouble. He waits yet another handful of seconds as the ice comes into play and then things appear to settle -- //appear to settle//.

"You can explain later!" he shouts to the true-Rogue as he begins loping towards the X-team and the freeze-dried copycat with her face stuck to the cement. "Pietro, I think we've cleared the immediate area, c'mere," he calls out to the speedster as he approaches, shield at the ready.

Cyclops has posed:
    Gambit's cards do just the trick as she didn't seem prepared for the follow up attack, Rogue 2 goes tumbling backwards through the air for her to PANG off of the windshield of a car, smashing it and denting it badly as she topples over and lands on the ground behind it. Then from way above, The A-Bobby-able Snow Monster goes for broke at his rage and fury of being rejected by the opposite sex. A fuel he uses to great effect on his emotional fire, metaphorically speaking. The ice wave washes over the Rogue and freezes her face down onto the broken concrete.

    Scott straightens up and lifts to fingers to the visor on his face and presses the comms switch, "Good hit team." He reports as he starts to move towards the copy. With a turn of his head to shout over his shoulder, "We may need a hand with this one Cap."

Quicksilver has posed:
That blue blur comes right back when it turns out nobody's left to pull out. "Whatcha need, Cap?" Pietro asks, looking around, watching as Rogue is hit by Iceman's ice blast. "Man, it's still really funny to watch it happen to someone else." he looks back to Cap. "I plan to blitzkrieg her. Give me a minute or two, and I'll be right back."

....Why does Pietro need a minute? "Try to keep her on the ground? Unless you have a different plan?"

Iceman has posed:
Did someone tell Bobby to stop? He clearly hasn't decided if he's going to stop yet if he continues to keep the ice on the Rogue-dopple-ganger. Bobby glances aside at Pietro for a moment - and really, if he didn't have dopple-Rogue to deal with, he might just put him on ice too.

But all things must come to an end, and as the extra mass is exhausted in trying to keep the visiting Rogue in place, Bobby gives a grunt and collapses to his knees on the rooftop. "On you, speedy."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue (the real one?) settles the two vehicles back into a safer place after dragging them away from the sink hole created in the street. She then turns around to see Bobby doing his Icey assault upon her evil twin and she winces... she'd tried to talk to it on Friday night, but it had just fled from her and flew off into the city... and now here they are two days later having to do BATTLE with it?

"Gas her." Rogue says as she quickly looks around. "Sleepin' gas, or somethin'? Does anyone have anything like that?" She knows its one of her own true weakness, and she doesn't have any mutant nullification equipment on her! But is this even a mutant? She's not so sure about that based on what happened a couple nights ago when it just seemed to 'copy' her by being near her.

Either way, the Rogue in the green and gold bodysuit just lunges at her twin and tries to tackle her to pin her down!

Captain America has posed:
"I don't think we'll be letting her up anytime soon," replies the Captain to Pietro as he watches the true-Rogue slam another tackle into the evil twin. With stance and shield at the ready, he looks to Cyclops with an eyebrow raised, the expression clear even behind his helmet.

"I didn't bring any gas canisters or grenades today. Just the Colt and the usual." Med kit, rope, etc. "I have no problem attempting to knock her cold with the shield, once your team has cleared her person," he adds.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Strength wont work on her, she's basically Marvel." Scott explains to Cap as he watches Rogue risk getting frozen too to get the girl stuck on the pavement. The leader takes a step back because he can't handle the cold as well as Bobby or Rogue. He knows his limits.

    The woman was having to actually struggle against the ice forming against her hands and legs as she's breaking the ground more than the ice as she struggles and then Rogue is on top of her and the struggle is real.

    The woman still has never said anything the whole time, and this will not be the moment as she looks up towards Bobby but doesn't say anything, just stares daggars at him.

Gambit has posed:
"Stupid flying people.." Remy says as he jumps from the rooftop to a fire escape. "Stupid people wit' Ice slides..." the Cajun mutters as he leaps from the fire escape to a narrow window ledge. "Leave de poo' Cajun boy up on de roof when all de action is at ground level." He leaps from the ledge to another ledge, then twenty feet down to a dumpster. "Whole fight gonna be ovah an' people gonna be like "Where was Remy. Wasn' Remy supposed ta be 'ere." He pops his bo staff, running towards the commotion. "Not like we c'n keep de fight anywhere near 'im c'n we?"

Iceman has posed:
"If you got a way to hit her, Rogue, I'd suggest you'd do it soon." Bobby calls out as he lifts his hands, trying to keep the ice going on Faux-Rogue, but her struggling is forcing him to try to outwill the powerful woman. Then he has an idea. A thought, at least.

"Captain America, break all the fire hydrants you can. Pietro, run really fast in a circle, and Rogue.. get ready to move. Gambit, Cyclops, get ready to blast the fake Rogue. We're going to make a frozen twister!" And hopefully catch the fake Rogue in the middle of it.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro gives a nod to Steve. "Good. Try not to let her get the best of ya, old man." Pietro smiles devilishly before he's GONE. a blue blur all that could explain at least what direction he could have went, but even that was here and gone in a flash.

It will take about two or three minutes for Pietro to be back.

But when he does? Whoa nelly. If enemy rogue is standing onto her feet, she might not be much longer, because that blue streak RACES past Scott, Captain America, and Remy, and instead attempts to give enemy Rogue a friendly reunion at mach 5 with a punch to the face that might cause a sonic boom! but otherwise, should hopefully help the other X-Men in restraining her.

But now he has new orders. "On it! Don't get used to it Iceblock!" now Pietro is running around in circles around the area, hoping to help everyone in pinning this chick down.

Rogue has posed:
"No offense, Cap." Rogue says as she struggles to keep the 'muted' version of her at bay while keeping her back to the chilling effects that Bobby is employing. "But I don't think your shield would even give me a slight headache!"

Her body is starting to slip around on all the ice and such that Bobby is creating though, so Rogue starts to look from right to left. "Where the hell is the Cajun! We need some help down here!" But with that said, she raises her right hand up and bites into her middle finger's tip, then pulls her right glove off and spits it to the side... with a naked hand exposed she's about to reach for Faux-Rogue's face when the hydrant-idea is suggested.

"I'll bolt when ya'll say 'Go!'." She tells them. Not particulaly wanting to find out if her touch-power would work on this 'thing' anyway. As Pietro appears out of no where to hit her evil-twin super hard, she can't help but 'glare' at him a bit for the force of it all. "Nice t'see ya, Pete." She says to him either way! Nope! Not preoccupied fighting herself at aaaaaaaall.

Captain America has posed:
The Captain nods and jogs off to one side, already eyeing the hydrants set at marked distances down the street. The nearest four should do. "You want more water? You'll get more water."

With a grunt, he flings the shield like a physics-defying discus. CLANK - CLANK - CLANK - CLANK! Even as he's reaching up to catch the shield by its backings once more, water is gushing from the broken spigots in torrential gallons at a time, cold to start with and more than enough volume to aid in the icy efforts to stymie the clone.

Cyclops has posed:
    The girl keeps squirming and breaking her invulnerable skin away from the concrete with pieces stuck to her. She starts to reach back to hit and fight back against Rogue, when a speeding fist smashes into her face with a heavy blow. The clap of her cheek meeting her teeth and vice versa as her face twists around from the blow, causes her to spin rapidly and back into the ground. The clone is seeming like she is running out of energy. Yet she still fights with Rogue and against Bobby's ice.

    The X-man reaches up to his visor again, and nods to Bobby, "Nice thinking Iceman. You got the go ahead." Scott says, his visor beginning to glow as he readies his blast for Bobbie's command. With the water flowing and the speedster running, Scott is waiting for the command to shoot from the Iceman up top with the eagle eye view and the plan.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby watches for a moment as the water comes out and Pietro's blue goes round and round, making the water swirl, pull and form into a water spout. The x-man swallows, finding a place to brace. "NOW!" he calls out to Rogue, prompting her to pull back and for Scott and Remy to open fire.

As soon as Bobby sees Faux Rogue hit the waterspout, he's going to try to flashfreeze it, knowing that it's going to take every moment of intense concentration to do it.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau arrives on the scene, already drawing a trio of cards into each hand, setting all six of them aglow... still he does pause momentarily to admire Cap's throw. As someone with an innate understanding kinetic energy, and with the ability to manipulate it to a great degree, Remy /might/ have been able to take out all four of those hydrants at once. if He was lucky. He shakes his head a bit, "Captain America is so fuckin' cool." he mutters, just before Bobby gives the go ahead. He throws the double handful of cards, peppering them down the length of Evil Rogue's body from head to knees. Any one of those explosions enough to cripple a normal man.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro just keeps running in circles, looking around as he sees some wicked blasts about to go off. "Ohhh shit." Pietro says, wondering if he'll end up getting caught in the crossfire. So instead, he just focuses.

~If iiiii could save tiiiiiime in a booooottttllleeee~

Everything is extremely slow motion for Pietro, so he ducks rather easily under Remy's card throws, and he looks around. Needless to say, when he focuses enough to not let the world appear in slow motion? well, watching fake rogue get peppered was immediately satisfying. Though to the real Rogue, Pietro smiles. "Hey." in reply to her colder greeting earlier.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue keeps herself connected to her evil twin as long as she can, maintaining her arms wrapped around the other's shoulders and out of the reach of the other, to keep HER arms pinned down to her sides in case HER absorption power is a 'thing'.

Either way the true Southern Belle here also keeps tabs on what her companions in this fight are doing and when she sees the hydrants getting Cap'd (uncapped?) then that she uses her legs to shove OFF of her mirror-self, shove her at the trap and in the process!

Rogue lunges backward in a back-flip that ends with her floating up in mid air above the street... drenched in water and ice now, dripping it down onto the damaged pavement beneath her.

Captain America has posed:
Steve leaps up to catch his shield and, with the usual grace, snags it. He lands again on the pavement and dances immediately away from the incipient ice-tornado about to be whipped up. No more cold for him, thank you very much! The only ice he wants is in his drinks.

He marks each attack as it comes into play -- from eyebeam to playing cards to Pietro in his usual blurred actions and Rogue disengaging from her not-self. With a grunt, there's one last attack on his part. If he can't knock the clone out, he can knock her more off balance! In flies the Vibranium shield with the intent to dent -- or not dent, but merely concuss and then return to his wrist as if inherently inclined to do so.

Cyclops has posed:
    The clone is flash frozen and the explosions rocked her hard enough that she was in the air as the ice formed around her with Scott's concusive blasts more than enough to sever the ice blocks, with Pietro getting the sections that Scott couldn't quite see well enough, disconnecting the icey prison from the hydrants. Then the final piece, Steve's shield flies in and PINGS off the ice, toppling the chunk backwards and landing perfectly solid onto the ground, with Fake Rogue bottled up inside, unmoving.

Iceman has posed:
With ice-Rogue coming back to the ground, Bobby draws in several breaths, feeling the drain from the hard use of his powers. "Roguritas anyone?" he asks, as he looks around. "I can say we closed that case, cold." The lame jokes are back - Bobby must be feeling a little better.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro comes to a stop once the deed is done, and he turns to look at Bobby as he makes the joke. "...really?" he shakes his head. then pauses. "Guess she was 'frozen in fear' of the heroes, eh?" THE PUNS. he chuckles to himself, before he looks over to Steve, then finally to hte real Rogue, wondering if she's alright.

Rogue has posed:
Floating there, soaking wet, in the middle of winter, Rogue stares at her frozen alter-self on the ground now. She glances over at Bobby, then to Pietro and their jokes, then over to the others. She has her hands over either of her elbows, forearms crossed over herself clearly indicating that she's cold.

A quick shake of her head and she's suddenly flying upward toward the sky, arching her body backward and entering into a reverse loop that has her vanishing overtop of the building the Blackbird landed on top of. Seems she's not interested in sticking around to see what happens next, disturbed by this? Quite likely.

Captain America has posed:
The silence that falls after the rush of arctic-chilled wind dies down is somehow loud. The sounds of the city filter in. The rush of the hydrants hasn't yet stopped and in the distance, no doubt the echoes of sirens are on the approach. Steve seems to be chewing on the inside of his cheek as he stares at the frozen faux-Rogue, his squint a thing of distance and even mild discomfort. A glance over at the rest of the X-Men.

"Speaking from experience, she should be fine. Just thaw her out someplace secure." He pauses and glances over at Pietro. The smallest little smirk begins to curl his lips. A sigh and he adds, "Hopefully this is an ice-olated incident."


Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's jaw almost drops at Steve's pun, unexpected, but comical, especially because of the source. Scott then looks up to Bobby and Gambit as well as Pietro after Rogue zoomed off. "Good work team, Bobby, great call, but you got relocation duty. None of us can even touch that block, and we need you to keep her chilled in the Jet. Everyone else stay on your toes. We're not out of the woods yet." To which Scott would start to move back up stairs but after he gives Pietro and Steve a solid nod, "Thank you for the assist."

Iceman has posed:
There's a glance towards Pietro, and then Bobby turns his attention back to Scott. "Sure thing, Boba Fett." Bobby manages lamely, starting to slide the carbonite - err - ice blocked Rogue down the streets towards the Blackbird's location.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau takes a quick moment to walk up to Cap and offer his hand. "Mah papa said dat 'e worked wit' yah once back in de war. Course mah papa is a big liar so who know if it was true. Still he talk really highly of yah sir, an' it an honor ta meet yah, if yah don' mind mah sayin' so." Then of course he has to go rejoin his team, but still hey he got to meet Captain friggin' America.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks over to Scott after he crosses his arms. "Yea, don't mention it." he looks over to Cap before he just starts gives a little smirk in return. Okay, old man's got some jokes. Eyes shift on over to Rogue though as she just heads out. "I should get her a coat, or something."

Captain America has posed:
With the faux-Rogue-cicle in Bobby's cold-fingered care, Steve lets out a sigh. Things appear to be contained, which is all that he can ask for in the end. "You're welcome. Pleased to help out a fellow defender of the people," he replies to Scott in particular and returns the offered nod.

Remy catches him a little off-guard, but having been in the public spotlight for many years now, the Captain recovers quickly enough and returns the X-Man's handshake. "It's an honor to have worked with you. Pass my greetings on to your father next time you see him." He smiles warmly enough.

Once the X-Men have all moved out of the immediate area and towards the Blackbird, Steve turns and shakes his head at Pietro. "That's your call, but not something I'd pursue right now. It's not every day you see yourself pummeled and then flash-frozen. Maybe wait a few days and then drop by the mansion." Not that Steve's got a wealth of experience in wooing anyone, but it seems like proper wisdom enough. "We'll speak with the authorities once they get here and explain what happened, pass on the business cards proper, and then head back to base."

A beat and as the first cruiser pulls up, lights flashing, he quips at the speedster, "And no, we're not getting ice cream."