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X-MEN: Wild Times
Date of Scene: 20 January 2019
Location: Canada
Synopsis: The X-Men experience a wild night in the Canadian Wilderness. And its possible they just recruited the Iron Giant as a new friend.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Gambit, Iceman, Jubilee, Polaris, Cyclops, Cannonball

Rogue has posed:
'A pair of young mutants are using a stolen stolen police car to flee from a group of dangerous anti-mutant cultists in the Canadian wilderness. The young mutants are running from the cultists after having killed the police officer who attempted to intervene in the situation. Professor Xavier is sending the X-Men to go and fight the slavers off and rescue the children before its too late!'

The Blackbird is dispatched from the X-Men base to a forested area just beyond the America/Canadian border. Its logging country set between two fairly unremarkable towns. The local police scanner radio service is has the cops in the area on high alert searching for the vehicle stolen from the downed officer, but they're headed in the wrong direction. Chasing a vehicle that was seen going north, when the police car has actually gone southwest.

Using Cerebero, Charles Xavier is giving the X-Men in the Blackbird updates on where the children are. He's sending the bird and its team to a stretch of highway near to an old processing plant and factory area set aside in the wilderness region.

Inside the cockpit, Rogue is seated in one of the front chairs. She's pulling a yellow glove over her right hand, wiggling her fingers into place. "Good thing these suits'a ours are warm. Worts part'a Canada is its even colder than where we're from... which is already damn unbearable."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins mischievously as he shuffles the ever present deck of cards in his hand. "Ah just as Sout'ern as yah are chere, if Ah c'n do it, Ah got fait' dat yah c'n manage as well." He grins a bit more, flourishing the deck from one hand to the other. "Course none of us gonna be as comfortable as Frosty de Snowman back 'ere but..."

Iceman has posed:
Comfortable? Who's comfortable? Oh right, this guy.

Bobby is settled in the back, looking out of the window. "So we're now doing 'World's Wildest Police Pursuits'? Wait, we're in Canada. Mountie Mischief! Why didn't we just call Alpha Flight, or you know, stop for some Tim Horton's and poutine." he asks, quipping of course to hide his own usual bundle of nerves.

Jubilee has posed:
Strapped in a seat is Jubilee, who is currently tapping along the glass of her phone with her thumbs. She has a pair of wireless pods in her ears as she listens to music to psyche herself up. She gives a glance over to the others, offering up an amused grin to the pair of Southern mutants. "That's why you pack your thermal undies, swamp thing." She teases Remy.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna //hated// flying under anything beyond her power. Even from Genosha, it had been hard to stifle her irritation. Her control. Her need for control.. It was hard in a plane that she could //feel// through the magnetic spectrum and knew as well as the back of her hand. The Blackbird wasn't any better than a standard plane and she took the only solace she could by flicking through her phone. A scowl on her face as she shot Bobby a //look//.
r "Well it's as cold as your heart, so you'll fit right in." She quipped, her voice biting and bitter as a North Wind. Why was she there? Scott had asked her. Dragged her along before she'd finished the self-wallowing bottle of wine she had purchased for herself.
5r Even if she wasn't sure why she was there.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott stays silent the ride up, taking up the other seat at the front of the jet, as is his perogative as the leader of this group. Hand firmly on the controls as he continues to fly based on the directions sent to him by the professor. Yay telepaths. Maybe that's where it all stems from?

    Scott shakes his head rapidly pulling himself out of his silence before he looks back over his shoulder as they get close to the targets. In a calm but stern voice Scott begins, "Team, this is a quick rescue and flee mission. We are technically removing these mutants illegally and transfering them illegally across borders, but it's to save lives, got it." Scott says, hoping everyone stops worrying about their personel stuff and focus on saving the two kids down there before things get really bad, and hopefully, they don't hurt any basic humans.

Iceman has posed:
"And me without my ski mask and duct tape." Bobby comments, turning away from Lorna's comment. "Someone got newspapers and magazines for the terrible ransome letter?"

Rogue has posed:
There's light snow on the ground over the forested region, and there's more snow lightly falling from the sky. But its certainly not a blizzard outside by any means, it just looks... cold.

As the SR-77 Blackbird makes its way closer to the target point, the highway becomes visible below, winding its way through the thick tree cover. Up ahead is a suspension bridge that has a few road construction signs in front of it, some of them are toppeled over and smashed through... there's clear indication that a vehicle(s) veered off the road just beyond one side of the bridge and went down into the ravine beneath it. Thankfully the ground looks sloped enough that such a destination would allow a car to do so without any severe effects.

Rogue looks over to the others, Remy first and she just smirks at him. "Alpha Flight's got bigger fish t'free. They're the ones with the fancy space station'n all. We're the grunts, ya know? All we got is Scott and this relic of a jet from the 1960s." She leans forward and pats Scott lovingly on his right shoulder with a yellow gloved hand.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over from his seat near the back "Hey South has snow, and cold., just gotta hit the mountaints, we had a white christmas most every year." He adds in. "Snow not to bad to deal with."

Gambit has posed:
"Not'ing like doin' good by bein' bad." Remy says in amusement of Scott's nalysis of the whole thing. It's just so much fun tweaking the man's sense of right and wrong. To Jubilee he says, "Yah too young ta be concerned abou' mah underwear ain' yah chere? Call me when yah turn 21... an' Ah'm not datin' someone who can rip mah arms off an' beat me wit' de wet ends, non?" He drops the deck of cards in his hand into a coat pocket, and makes sure the ones up his sleave are ready for use. "Five bucks says we get Sentinals... or Sabertoot'. Not'ing evah easy."

Jubilee has posed:
"Uh.. ring ring, Remy, I'm twenty-two." Jubilee says with a smirk to the cajun as she raises her brows upwards. Her eyes roll upwards, going back to tapping.

Polaris has posed:
A shrug and the green haired mutant shut her Genosha made cell phone with a scowl twisting her features, even as she glanced to Bobby and bit back another insult as Scott spoke. It was better than running her mouth, she decided.. at least for now. She bit back a sigh, shoving her cell phone into her coat pocket and shook her head, her fingers combing through her green hair as she reclined in the leather of her seat.

"Who actually cares about international law here? Because I don't. If the US has an issue with it, I'll throw out that they're a Genosha citizen. Just watch how fast their heads will spin then." She smirked, and folded her arms over her chest.

"Also Remy, if you're limiting your dating pool to those that can't rip off your arms, your pool is very, very select."

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's mouth drops open as if he just watched someone slap his mother's face. Then he slowly turns his attention back forward and Logan (if he were here), might hear Scott whisper, "She doesn't mean it, you're the best girl."

    The X-men's jet starts to slow down and work more on specific recon to try and get a visual of the scene below, trying to find the car exactly, or at least more specific signs of a car. The brige and hill are a good start but the jet doesn't move slow so he's still looking far and wide with the help of the altitude and yet the snow makes visibility almost zero. He even seems to be ignoring the rest of the people in the jet, as he seems to focus entirely on getting the children out of danger. No mention of how them being in Canada without passports and all could end up badly for everyone involved and could lead to international conflict, no, he keeps all that to himself. As well as Remy could be beat with the dry ends too, but still, Scott stays silent and doesn't quip with the rest of his team.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue settles back into her seat and she glances over to Remy, smirking at him. "I'm not even twenty one, and I can certainly rip arms out!" She shakes her head then and looks up at the front viewport. "Hey, look."

Rogue stands up and she moves to the chair beside Scott's, where a Co-Pilot tends to sit. She points out the starboard side of the front windows. "Down there."

Outside of the jet, down where the Southerner is pointing there's the pin-point light sources of what appears to be... torches. Like some kind of medieval mob, running through the woods chasing Frankenstein.

"What the hell is that?"

As the Jet flies around in the sky, another vantage point is brought up, and behind an old logging trailer set off to the side of a dirt pathway are the red and blue flashing lights of a police car that has crashed into the wagon, with a pair of white vans parked behind it!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau moves foreword to to look at the front wind screen. As he see the van's a slight smirk comes to his lips and he says "Dat, mon chere, is de party we all about ta crash." He says and brings his staff into his hand, though he doesn't extend it. "C'n we get close enough dat dose of us dat can' fly c'n jump out wit' out ruining our knees?"

Iceman has posed:
Standing up from his seat when Rogue speaks up, Bobby goes to head towards the window to look down. "Hey, it's my stop." the young man offers quietly with a glance towards Scott. "Someone says I have a frozen heart. Time to prove how cold I really am, no?" he asks, turning as his flesh starts to turn to ice as he heads towards the drop door.

"Let me out, I'll keep the locals busy until you guys get to the others." he offers. Because as he heads towards the back, it seems that Bobby.. is packing on even more mass. "You can always follow me out, I'm gonna make a slide. Best ride in the Great North." he offers dryly to Remy as he waits.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shot Remy a glance as she peered out the viewing window and closed her eyes, sending her senses out and beyond. With a snap her seat belt unbuckled, and despite the forces acting on the plane, pushed herself to standing and to the exit doors. It was a challenge, and she had something to prove. Green eyes flashed as she stood tall and unbent despite the immense power of the plane's flight against her.

Green eyes clashed against Bobby's words as she glowered at him. "I can fly down and always offer an alternative option.." She murmured, her hands curling tightly at her sides as the cape of green swung around her shoulders and below. A tilt of her head offered to Bobby opposite of him as well as a detestable smirk.

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh my God, you're so cheesy, Bobby." Jubilee says with amusement as she unbuckles herself and rises up to her full height. She slides the shades from the top of head and over her eyes, then tucks her earpods into her pocket. Tugging her gloves on, she gives a few wiggles. "I'm gonna need a drop off down there myself, so whoever wants to be cool and help me out, lemmie know."

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott nods as Rogue moves and points. "That's where we're going. Everyone, get ready to drop. Gambit's idea, not mine." Scott's willing to take the cajun's idea in this as it seems like they should be fine, but he does worry about weapon's fire. "You all get to work, I'll find a place to park." The leader says.

    At Bobby's words, Scott again whispers to himself, "That's what she said." But again, Logan, would be the only one who could hear. "Here we go team!" Scott says as he flips the switch and the back doors open/lower, letting everyone bail about ten feet from above the ground. "I'll catch up." Scott says as he makes the motion for everyone to get out quick as the jet hovers barely above the ground.

Rogue has posed:
Down and outside of the Blackbird the scene is unfolding, there's about an hour of daylight left in the otherwise grey hued / cloud dense sky so the forested area itself is pretty dark, thus the torches. Actual fire on the end of sticks, held up over the heads of people wearing red and white religious-styled garb... and they're all running northwest through the woods... chasing, what can only be assumed, are the children the X-Men have come here to save!

As those amongst the X-Men draw closer to the party, they'll hear voices shouting, male voices amongst the robed religious cultists. They're shouting about where to go, though not all of their words are clearly audible in the dense woods where the sound waves bounce about off of tree-trunk and branch.

Pathways through the snow between the trees are zig-zagging wildly and the cultists themselves are headed toward a break in the tree line... that leads to what appears to be an old factory, in wretched disrepair.

The cultists don't seem to know that the X-Men are here, yet. And they could likely be cut off up ahead at the tree line near the factory, if the team gets there in a rush! Confront the torch bearers before they get to the old building?

Rogue swoops out of the back of the blackbird without much of even a sound, her brown and white hair flowing behind her head as she goes, right out into the cold Canadian air.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie walks over to Jubilee, as he gets up, and says "Jump on my back." He will offer her a ride down towards the ground, waiting for her.

Jubilee has posed:
Reaching out, Jubilee leaps on Sam's back, wrapping her legs about his waist while one arm curls about his shoulders. "Hi Yo, Silver!" She hollers out, giving a wild grin on her face. She's been watching some of Logan's old man movies.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna jumped head long as soon as the door were open, even if she didn't entirely feel comfortable with the idea of what she was doing in another country, she felt like she had something to prove. Her gaze splashed over the sight of Bobby opposite of her as well as the various others before she dove out the doors that opened. She pulled hard on the magnetic fields to drag herself faster to the ground below. Bobby's barbs and response earned a sardonic look, and a twisted sneer of her lips.

"Too bad magnets are only stronger in the cold." She muttered. Her landing exploded with gusto, and snow exploded in a glittering dust or powder around her.

Gambit has posed:
"See yah down dare Fearless.." Remy offers the other non-flight able X-man, jumping off and landing on Bobby's Ice slide. He pops his bo staff to help keep his balance as he effectively falls with style until he is close enough to jump... about 30 feet.

Cyclops has posed:
    As soon as everyone was out, the jet's engines roar loudly and the exhaust flames switch from red to almost blue hot, as Scott pushes the thing. The tip of the nose rises and the jet is gone up and into the dense cloud cover. He's got work to do and places to land. Good thing he made sure everyone had a comsystem before take off. Without a telepath on site, they tend to have to do things the old fashioned way.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie steps to the edge goggles being brought up as he lets himself and jubs freefall for a moment. He then starts his blastfield and the two are zooming across the sky. He will do a wide circle around the area to get a look of where folks might be and anyone coming around in odd areas, before heading to land.

Iceman has posed:
There's a snort at Scott's comment, before he turns his attention to Lorna, and finally rises to all of her verbal barbs and looks.

"I remember a movie I saw as a kid. Snowman said that the only thing that can thaw a frozen heart is love."

With that, as the door opens, the ice covered mutant drops out the back. "Pretty prophetic snowman, looking back on it. I'll distract, you disarm" he says to Lorna as he disappears - opening his arms and bringing them forward to make a slide as he begins to form more ice over his body, taking on more of a monstorous appearance.

It's the abominal frozen heart snowbeast, rawr!

And his voice goes chilled. "Hey, you hosers, bugger off, eh!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is on her comms as she's soaring over the tree line headed toward the factory. "They're pushing ahead, ya'll. Factory looks dead, like... really dead, post apocalyptic kinda dead. And--oh god... Its a pig feeder. Cover your noses, ya'll." She says as she comes around the building's side and sees the faded paint marks along the western facing wall.

The X-Men's arrival in front of the cultists causes their lead pack runners to stop and raise their hands, signaling their followers to all stop and they come to a hautt just outside of the tree line near the edge of the factory's property line.

All of them look around at the people who've come to intercept them. "Mutants!" One of them shouts... a few of them raise up hunting rifles, but do not yet aim them at any of the X-Men specifically.

The one at the front, sporting a beard and a pair of dark yellow aviator sunglasses just grins. "We're not here for you!" He shouts at the members of the X-Men who're making themselves visible. "You've clearly come to the wrong place!"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shot Bobby a look, her lips twisting over the opening doors of the Blackbird. "The cold never bothered me anyways." She drawled, half flirting and half sneering. She exhaled a breath as she came barreling down through the blistering cold air, her hands out stretched before her as she threw her powers out before her. She looped magnetic fields through weapons and vehicles and //pulled//.

"I prefer person of genetic difference." She drawled in response to the 'mutant' comments. Even as she made to steal their rifles. "Really? Are these all you'be got?" She sneered, her hands making to try to direct the weapons into the air and out of the human cults' grip.

Iceman has posed:
Landing on the ground, Bobby rises up into a powerful snowbeast. And then he pauses. He looks towards the guys with their rifles, and he snorts. "No, I think I'm the right place." he says, his voice as cold as the winter wind.

"You know what the worst part of dating a snowman is?"

He waits a beat.

"You wake up wet."

Badumtsh. Welcome to bad comedy night with the Abominal Snow Drake.

"You know, I thought I was going to date someone once."

"And then I found out she was a flake."

"No no, really, it's ice to meet you all. We're here all week, try the ice cream."

And as he makes his jokes, he waits for Lorna. "Ah, and meet my lovely assistant for tonights show. She really is quite the //draw//. One could say she's downright //magnetic//."

"You'll want to //stick// around for our next act. Dueling explosives!"

Jubilee has posed:
"Holy crap, you two are so embarrassing." Jubilee calls out to Lorna and Bobby as she leaps off of Sam's back to the ground, rising upwards to her full height as her hands begin to crackle with colorful blobs of heat. "Okay, suckers! No more beating up kids and name calling! All of you get back in your trucks and just go home." The light flash off the reflective lens of her shades as she holds her hands out, but not firing off any rockets yet.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is a few dozen feet behind Bobby, so he has to endure all of those horrible puns. He jumps off the ice slide that he was riding down actually behind the mob, always preferring to take the stealthier approach... So while they are all trying to figure out how best to Pun-ish Iceman... Remy charges 6 cards and launches them at the men with rifles... shoot 'em in the back.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will take off and head back towards the van. He trusts the others can handle a bunch of culties, he is heading trying to find the people they are here to save. He will fly to get a look at the van but not to close yet, wanting to see if it is in danger of falling from where it is, or anything else.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott, begrudginly recalls the rules about Comms. He hears every single one of the bad puns and he takes it all in silence, like a good leader who's flying the impossibly high tech jet around the Canadian border. Because that's what you do when you lead the X-men. You let them crack wise, you let them flirt, and you let them all do it in the open because you could be called a hypocrite by your time travelling children. So Scott, focuses on the now and lands the jet not too far away from the factory Rogue pointed out. "At the factory, good work team, keep it coming, I'll be over watch for the op." Scott says as he gets out of the jet and eyes the building, looking for the tallest point and finding out how to get up there.

Rogue has posed:
The cultists, all twenty or so of them, converge on the edge of the forest between the Factory and the X-Men who've blocked their pathway.

As Lorna makes her powers known, the men suddenly lose grip on their weaponry and they go flying toward wherever the Genoshan Princess decides they belong, easily disarming the men.

"They're takin' our guns!" One of the men shouts.

The apparent leader of the group looks to his right down his line of comrades, then repeats the gesture to his left, he motions to all of his followers to stay calm. "Well... then. Looks like you've got us by our scruffs, now don't it?" He says, as his eyes go forward to the X-Men.

"But our kids are in that Factory over yonder, ya see. And we're not about to leave them in there. Its a dangerous place. Foreclosed and all..."

His right hand raises up and he points one finger to the factory behind the X-Men. "So might I kindly ask that you all fine folks just let us go about our---"

One of the men behind the Cult Leader suddenly SCREAMS IN TERROR and is ripped back into the forest!

And then there's a low growl, a rumbling growl, a deep growl... deep enough that it could be any sort've monster out of any sort of nightmare.

Rogue touches down ontop of the factory and she reaches a gloved hand up to support herself where she stands on precarious metal perch. "What was that?" She says into her comms then.

Scott, after landing the Blackbird and making his way past the factory now will get a full smell of... pig feces. But what else? He hears metal rumbling inside the factory, and its getting closer to him, bathed in the shadows of the dark building.

Samuel, reaching the vans. He'll find two people gagged and tied up inside them, young teenagers with frightened stares looking over at him.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau blinks as he sees the beaties... and decides NOPE! Not dealing with that. LEt them have their lunch. Gators he can deal with, but those things? Not Mrs. LeBeau's Baby boy. No thank you. Keeping an eye in the direction of the growling he launches another cluster of cards into the center of the mass of cultists... just nice and disorienting..

Jubilee has posed:
"Uh..." Jubilee trails off a bit as the man screams out from the woods, the gives a glance back to the factory. "Wait, you have kids in the building?" She looks confused as she leaps up to a vantage point on top of a large rock to try and see over the heads of the men back towards the forest. ".. Lorna! May wanna give 'em back their guns! Something is out there!"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna wasn't trying to figure out more intel. It wasn't what was asked of her. Not for this mission. She sneered at the cultists, not giving them so much as an inch as she waved her hands and the guns rotated to point at the humans that had dared to turn their weapons at the X-men. Her eyes narrowed as they spoke of the factory and she shook her head. "I am taking your guns. And your pathetic attempts to stop us. Lay on the ground, submit." She arched a green brow upwards as if challenging them to try something else. She didn't notice the growls else where. No, her focus was on the cultist.. and by extension Bobby. "I'm no one's assistant." She muttered, her gaze swung upwards at Jubilee's call out.

Iceman has posed:
"Might want to remember that in Canada, this is no right to bear arms, though that guy with bare arms might have bear arms. That's a lot of hair. Ick." Bobby comments. That is until he hears the loud noise, and he sheds the extra ice weight, going back down to his normal fighting size. "Jubilee, do you see something out there?"

And then Lorna has to go turning the guns on the humans. "Polaris!" he snaps, the first tone of anger in it all as his hands go up to trying to encase the guns in ice where they float so that they can't fire. "We don't do that." Though he knows he can't freeze them all before Lorna pulls triggers, if she wanted.

Cyclops has posed:
    Quickly on the coms, Scott's voice is heard in everyone's ear. "We have a new player on the field! Eyes up and heads on a swivel X-men. We're not alone. Everyone stick together and slowly make your way to the factory at my position. I will give you a location marker in three."
    A thick red beam flies out into the clouds above the tree line, indicating where Scott was when he gave his orders. The man however is back focusing on the factory, eyes aimed at the sound of the thing that was rustling in the building, waiting to see if he can draw it out into the outside.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will add on from his side of the field "Ah got two kids tied up in the vans, getting them out and going to see what they can tell me." He opens the door, looking tot he kids "It is ok, Ah am here to get you out, tell me what happened." He will move to ungage them so they can tell him whats going on before he works on their bounds.

Rogue has posed:
Gambit may be a lot wiser than people give him credit for. As he makes his way around the growling sounds, the man who disapepared back into the woods screams again and then... silence.

The cultists as a whole are about to move AWAY from the woods, until Remy's card throwing-explosive powers makes them FREEZE and now they're unsure of WHAT to do... the 19 men are looking back and forth, between the woods and the X-Men... Lorna pointing their guns at them.

Its not but a second later after Bobby's bear-arms pun that the snow covered flora of the forests edge is suddenly shook by an explosion of movement. Not one, but TWO massive brown bears come charging out of the forest, right for the men in the Cult Attire!

ROARING, LOUDLY, the bears roll out to attack the collection of men who are now trying to scramble out of the way, some of them just not knowing WHAT to do, so they collapse to the ground and its these poor fools that the two bears come down upon with nature's fury, biting at their heads! One of the cultists jumps up in the air to grab at a hunting rifle with his left hand, while he raises his right hand and throws a rock right at Lorna's head!


Inside the Factory. Scott's eyesight will pick up something moving in the dark, lumbering, massive... metal... its moving toward the front of the factory where the fighting is going on... and for a very brief second it 'looks' at him with two glowing yellow eyes.


Samuel, with the kids, they shake their heads and stammer their words. "Th-these freaks think we're mutants. We were just joking around with them, we thought they were a mutant clan. We wanted to get in and steal their stuff! Let us go, man!"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was too focused on the human threat, perhaps it was because of her training. Her father had helped her learn leaps and bounds about what her magnetism could do living creatures as well as what she could do without an abundance of metal around. She'd learned tricks and deceptions.. but she's also learned a certain amount of over arrogance about what her powers could do. She was too involved with tormenting the human cultists with their own weapons.

"What? You want to shoot us because we're different? Huh? Huh!?" She jeered.

If she wasn't so involved in baiting the men she might have noticed the rock thrown at her head directly. As it stood, the rock was more frozen permafrost and dirt than anything composed from the magnetic spectrum. She didn't catch it's presence as it sailed through the air and promptly knocked her up side the head.

Jubilee has posed:
As the bears rampage their way out of the woods, Jubilee from her spot on the rock lets out a loud holler. "Bears! They're attacking the people!" She slams her hands together, then pulls them apart as energy crackles about her gloved hands. "Everyone, down!" She calls out as she steps forward and throws her arms in front of her. She sends out a dazzling blast of lights towards the bears in an attempt to stun and blind them long enough for their targets to move and hustle. She pours on the fireworks as they pop and crackle in their bright, colorful explosions.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives the bears a bit more room, looping around back towards his allies as it were, having no interest in becoming Cajun-style bear food. "Dose t'ings are proof God wen' t'rough a teenager phase. LEt's make t'ousand pound balls of muscle wit' sharp claws an' teet'... makem cranky when dey wake up."

Iceman has posed:
Hearing Jubilee's call, Bobby moves to raise his hands. He starts to make several ice globes, so that the lighs from Jubilee's show are reflected and made all the more brighter by the show. "You heard her, get down!" he calls out at the others.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's eyes widen, not that the yellow eyed thing could see, but Scott does begin to back up, his hand palms the mechanism in his glove that allows him to remotely open the lense in his visor and he's ready to blast the thing away with his eyebeams, but he waits. Not sure what it is, Scott doesn't want to start something when there isn't anything. "Who- what are you?" Scott asks, eyes ready to fire.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will looks to the kids frowning, and says "Why did you think they were a clan of mutants?" He seems a bit confused on that one but keeps untieing the kids "And what were you wanting to steal from them?" He keeps an eye on them half expecting them to try to bonk him on the head and run while he is finising with the binds

Rogue has posed:
Unfortunately for the green haired princess, the rock hits her square and hard in the head. She drops out of the sky and crumbles into a lump on the ground with a thud! The man that threw it, has grabbed his gun now and is spinning around to raise it and aim at one of the bears!

But with the combined efforts of Jubilee's light show and Iceman's disco balls... the darkening area of the old pig feed factory has never sparkled so bright!

Its lighting up the whole area, the massive bears and the line of wildly dressed Cultists who're screaming and panicking as some of their men have already been turned into bear food.

A SHOT RINGS OUT! The man who'd knocked Lorna out, fires his gun, right into the guts of one of the bears. It just turns toward him, ROARS in the sparkling light show, and rushes toward him!

The other bear, disturbed by the fireworks light and sound is turning to flee back toward the woods.


At the Factory where Scott is-behind the X-Men and their wild time--the front of the building opens up like a giant metal doorway, and whatever Scott just spoke to emerges... with a child on either shoulder. "Woooooooo!" One of the kids shouts, thrusting a hand up in the air. "Lets go, big guy!" Both of the children and cheering now. While riding on the shoulders of a home-made, Iron Giant.


At the car where Cannonball is, the teenagers are shaking their heads wildly. "They said they were a mutant recruitment league. That if we joined them we'd become super heroes like the Avengers. The Avengers have mutants on their team, ya know!" One of the seems very mad, the other just scared. "Come on, man. Get us out of here!"

Jubilee has posed:
"Bobby! ICE WALL!" Jubilee calls out to her teammate as she swivels her hands around, blasting forward again with another explosion of lights and color at the bear that is rushing the gunman. "Iso him, dude!" With her stance on the large rock, she shuffles her feet left to right as she moves, feeling her long trench coat whip about her body with the movements. "Rest of you idiots get out of here! Run!"

Iceman has posed:
"I'll put him on ice!" Bobby calls out. With that, he's following Jubilee's direction, forming a large ice wall that would make orange skinned troll dolls go 'Dayum, now that's a wall'. Once the walls in place, he's turning his attention to the others, lifting out his other hand to make a slide. "Go!"

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott dives out of the way, landing face first on top of a pile of snow and he rolls, getting out of the path of the iron giant, rolling onto his back and elbows so he can get a view of the thing and to make sure he's not going to get splattered on the Canadian rock faces. "X-men heads up, there's a large robot headed your way from the factory."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grabs the kids one on each side, his arms wrapped around them, and he is blasting up in the air. He starts to head towards the factory calling out "These two claim to have thought they were joining a mutant clan to be superheroes." He will subvocal so his blastfield covers the next part of his message "Ah think they aren't telling me the whole truth." And at hearing and seeing the Robot, he wills start to swerve up in the air.

Rogue has posed:
"Woah." Rogue says from her eyes-in-the-sky position as she sees the Iron Giant come out of the factory with the kids on top of its shoulders. "Thats that thing from that movie." Rogue says over the comms. She takes to the air then and slides down to where they others are, and with a low scoop she picks up Lorna and carries her in her arms, looking down to the knocked out princess. "We gotta get you a safety helmet, sugah." She says to her.

The efforts of both Iceman and Jubilee pay off in keeping the bear from attacking the man with the rifle. The wounded bear roars in frustration (and likely pain too) then turns and high tails it toward the forest to join its brother again!

This leaves the cultists gathering up their injured friends and making their own escape toward their vehicles that Sam just left from with the two captured teenagers pretending to be mutants.

And the Iron Giant?

It comes to a halt, standing there triumphantly out in the open with its spot-light eyes looking around at everyone and everything, sending cones of light down upon whatever it stares at.

The kids atop it shout triumphantly as well! "We did it! We're the best!" One of them is seated, the other standing. "We're Life and Death and you're in our situation!" They don't seem even remotely afraid or worried about any of this.

Jubilee has posed:
Blowing a bit of smoke off her fingertips, Jubilee gives a quick uppercut fist pump. "Rock and roll! We did it, Bobby!" Poor bear though, she does feel bad that it got lead to the gut. The sight of the Iron Giant coming into view causes her celebration to slow down, eyes widening. "... Uh.. Cyclops! .. Got a gameplan my man?"

Iceman has posed:
"Yeah, we got them!" Bobby agrees in triumphantly. "Anyone got eyes on Gambit or Polaris?" he asks, before the giant robot comes out into the opening, and the ice covered mutant steps back. "It's a Gundam?!" he asks, clearly confused and in the wrong movie./

Cyclops has posed:
    "It's just a robot, though Bobby may be more right than he means. The two kids on top, get them down before they hurt anyone or themselves." Scott says with a soft frown, resetting his visor so he wont accidentally blast the kids off. He stays away and out of sight, "Hey Rogue, you're an Avenger, the kids might respond to that, Bobby and Jubilee, get to work friend-i-fying this place a bit, get them calm and talking."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will ask "Want these two with you, or where ya want them parked at?" He does a circle around the area, keeping his birds eye view of whats going on. He will try to keep an eye on where the bears are going as well.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sweeps out of the sky beside Bobby and Jubilee and she gives them both a grin. "Nicely done you two." She says to them, holding Lorna in her arms as though the girl doesn't weigh anything to her she offers her over to Bobby. "Here. She took a hit to the head."

After handing the damsel with the magnetic powers off, Rogue shoots back up into the sky toward the Iron Giant and the kids on its shoulders... The Giant raises its hands at the southern belle and rumbles a near-growl like noises from deep within its metal body.

"Woah!" Rogue says. "Chill. I'm just here t'talk to your friends."


The kids stand up on its shoulders, one of them is holding a control box-possibly FOR the giant himself.

"We've been working on him all year and we've been plannin' to use him to attack those kidnappin' jerks!" The kid on the Right shoulder shouts. He seems to be the loudest of the two, the one on the Left shoulder has the control box.

"I'm Life!" The kid on the Right shouts, then motions to his friend with the controiller. "This is Death! Now, who the heck are you nerds?!" The kid shouts down at the X-Men. After a second of searching around, 'Life' speaks again. "Where the heck are my bears?" Both kids are about 12 to 14 years old, its hard to tell.

The two kids with Cannonball look freaked out still, but they're mostly staring at the Iron Giant situation. "Far out." One of them whispers.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau steps out of the shadows now that chaos is pretty much taking care of itself. His eyes trailing up and up the giant thing's form before he mutters softly to himself. "Ah mean steel is goin' foh what...a quarter a pound DAre still probibly close ta twelve grand dare.." Then he cups his hands around his mouth into a megaphone to call, "Rogue! Yah already got a puppy chere, I don' t'ink yah c'n adopt dis t'ing.."

Jubilee has posed:
"Wait, they think /we/ are the nerds?" Jubilee looks confused as she runs a hand back through her black spikey hair to pull the long bangs away from her face. Her brows shoot upwards as they mention the bears, then gives a glance back to the woods before pulling her gaze to the robot once more.

Iceman has posed:
Humming quietly to himself, Bobby sings,

"Gigantor the space aged robot,
He is at your command.
Gigantor the space aged robot,
His power is in your hand.
Bigger than big,
taller than tall,
Quicker than quick,
stronger than strong.
Ready to fight for right, against wrong."

Bobby suddenly finds himself handed a green-haired woman. "Looks like I get the worst escort mission in the world." If she was awake - Lorna would easily handle this. Instead, he's making an ice slide to get himself and Lorna clear and get her back on the plane. "Be safe, Jubilee, I still have a few weeks to late." he says with a smirk at her.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott stays back, he can't do a whole lot, he'll trust the more charismatic X-men to deal with this, so instead he'll head back towards the jet, which isn't too far from where he is, as it's near the factory and he'll begin getting it ready to high the skyways again. As soon as he gets onto the jet, Scott reponds to Sam, "Bring them to the blackbird, we'll get them home."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to the two kids he is carrying and says "You know those two?" He will ask nodding to the robot twins.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue hovers in front of the giant and she looks over to Gambit down on the groun. She grins down at him, but the Giant's got her blinded with its huge spotlight eyes. She has to raise a gloved hand up to shield her face because of it. "No promises." She shouts back down to Remy.

She looks back at the Giant and the kids, peering through her spread fingers.

"Ya'll done an amazin' job with him too." Rogue shouts. "How about this... Hows about you come ride in our private secret Avengers Jet and I'll carry your big friend here back to our base with us. Ya'll get t'hang out with the Avengers, and we can make sure your Robot pal is safe."

The kids stare at each other for a second and then start to climb/race down the robot. "Deal!" One shouts. "Such a deal!" The other shouts! "Life and Death are onboard for this!"

Once on the ground the two kids start chasing after the other X-Men. "Avengers!" One shouts as he runs past Jubilee to catch up with Scott. "Captain America?!" He asks Cyclpos.

Rogue huffs out a heavy sigh. She lifts her hand up to the side of her face to touch the communicator in her ear to broadcast to the whole team. "I'm gonna carry this thing back t'Westchester... I'll put it out by the lake."

Jubilee has posed:
"Well, at least I didn't get confused with Tigra, or else I'd be questioning my wardrobe choices." Jubilee says with a smirk as she trudges back through the snow towards the Blackbird, sliding her shades back to the top of her head.

Iceman has posed:
"Put it in the middle of Salem Center, people will think it's an art installation." Bobby offers unhelpfully. "You don't have the hips for Tigra. Which is a good thing."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau touches his own communicator, "All Ah'm gonna say is dat it's gonna be a bit more conspicuous den yah average Garden Gnome. See you when we all get back chere. Ah'll take yah out foh cocoa and we c'n discuss patio decorations next.