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International Penguin Appreciation Day
Date of Scene: 21 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: It's International Penguin Appreciation Day. Raven does not appreciate this being pointed out. Also, Doctor Strange's brain isn't in a jar, and Danger probably isn't magical.
Cast of Characters: Cyborg, Star Shimmer, Stardust, Raven, Danger

Cyborg has posed:
     It's late mid-day maybe even evening and throughout the Sanctum Santorum echos a loud knocking. It's a persistent knocking the kind of thing that just won't stop. Every time it seems as if the endless cacophony of sound would finally reach its final conclusion it just proves a pause before the whole thing starts right back up again.

     Outside it's fairly calm the sun high in the sky the birds out and about twittery tweeting away to their hearts content and a small group of people dressed in penguin hats stand in front of the doors of the sanctum.

     Cyborg has a giant overstuffed Galapagos Penguin plush hiked over his shoulder. On his head a bright emperor penguin hat is adorned with the words International Penguin Awareness Day embossed as the eyebrows of the penguin hat. The bill of the hat is the penguin.

     His shirt has the current year listed right next to that Penguin Awareness Day logo and he's even wearing penguin themed shoes. It's clear he's made sure to dress for the occasion and try to get the other Titans to dress similarly with him.

     "Listen to me guys, I'm telling you she's bound to answer eventually." Said as he lowers his hand from a fresh bout of knocking. "I'm telling you guys this'll be good for her." He pauses looking back to the others. "Who doesn't love a good excuse to celebrate a holiday and eat food with your friends? Besides this strange stuff probably has her all stressed out anyway."

Star Shimmer has posed:
The young Star Sapphire is just returning from a rather long journey. She dropped into the Tower to see what was going on and got swept up in the great Penguin Awareness day. She is in her more tame uniform at the moment and given the cold temperature outside, she has her field up so she is glowing violet. "Was I supposed to be wearing Penguin stuff?" She makes a little face and quickly her field shimmers and her cloth change to a ladies tuxedo. Its similar to something Zatanna would wear except instead of black its deep violet.

"Didn't anyone call and ask her if we could drop in on her before we left?" She asks curiously. She focuses a moment and a baby penguin construct forms in her hand. She pets it as it chirps. Yup its cute for a violet light construct.

Stardust has posed:
"Well, we could have just knocked on her door in the Tower," Colette points out. "I mean she did say she's set up a spell so she can hear. However she did also say she was really busy, so it's best to do that for emergencies only. This isn't an emergency, so obviously coming to the front door is the proper and approved manner for these things." Colette is also wearing a penguin hat.

    "You know Autumn, that energy field of yours kind of makes the penguins look a bit... unearthly. It's reflecting off the white fur. Feathers. I mean the plushy... it's fur, but it's feath... you know what I mean." Colette is in Colette mode. "Anyway, Raven has been really busy, and probably needs some cheering up. Which this is bound to do?" Colette may also be in delusional mode. "Though to be honest she'll probably be mad at us for wasting her time, and teleport us all to some penguin hell dimension. That's what normally happens." Or not.

Raven has posed:
    Raven has been soundly ignoring her teammate ever since the Sanctum informed her they were present. There has been no message over the communicator. She knows this is not urgent. However, the Sanctum informs her of an arrival to its halls, signaling the arrival of her temporary manservant, Wong. So diligent is he that he immediately makes his way to the door to answer the knocking.

    Raven begins to rush, flowing through the Sanctum as fast as she can fly, her hooded cape flowing around her in the rushing wind. "No nonono-" and then, the door opens, revealing to her the horde of comically dressed compatriots that have come to assault the tranquility of her Sanctum Sanctorum. She offers a sigh, and slumps slightly, her cape closing in front of her and obscuring the whole of her body other than her face.

    "Wonderful. It's just what I always wanted, the contents of the short bus."

Danger has posed:
    And then there's Danger. She's standing there as a Penguin. Well, a 6 foot tall Penguin but she does look just like a Penguin. Between Hardlight and illusion, she pulls off a rather convincing Penguin. She did not at all understand any of this but everyone told her it wa sa thing they were doing and that people might question her if she just looked herself. So, best option was to be a Penguin. As everyone is greeted, she stands behind all of them. After Raven's words, two flippers raise up and she states very plainly, "Happy International Penguine Awareness Day. I am a Penguin." Then she makes a sound that one can only guess is the actual sound a Penguin makes. It is. She has YouTube built in, after all.

Cyborg has posed:
     "Alright I admit, it might not be the best idea but it was either International Penguin Awareness Day, or National Cheese lovers day." Spoken with a bit of matter of factness that echoes out from him as he goes to reach up to knock on the door again. He pauses for just a moment to say. "Trust me, you do not want to see me covered in that much Dairy, Wisconsin is NOT a good look on me."

     Then sure as sunshine the door swings open leaving Cyborg's hand hovering right in place for a moment before he holds up the penguin in his arms. "Only short buss here is the short buss to the semi aquatic flightless bliss that can only come from the world beloved Spheniscidae of the order Sphenisciformes" A broad ear to ear grin firmly in place with no where else to go.

     "Otherwise known as the penguin." A light pull at his hat causes the bill to move open and make the docile tones of the emperor penguin. He motions as if dropping the mic, as he motions over towards danger giving her the cue for her little explanation of their visit.

     Once she finishes her bit he finally adds a firm and confident "Booyah."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale idly pets her baby penguin construct. Even if it a violet light construct it is a level of adorable that isn't often seen. "You feel how cold it is out here. No way am I letting my field down. It keeps me warm!"

When the door opens and Raven makes her greeting, the star sapphire makes a mischievous little face. Her hands go behind her back. Within moments the sound of trumpeting emperor penguins fills the air. Then several violet light penguins come waddling their way into the sanctum!!

Stardust has posed:
    Colette points a finger at Cyborg. "International Penguin Appreciation day!" she confirms. "We are here to make sure you are properly appreciating penguins. Also, Cy's back. So, Rae! Penguins. Happy International Penguin Appreciation Day. We are the National Board of Penguin Inspectors, and we have reason to believe that you are not properly appreciating penguins." She nods her head sagely. "Also, we suspect you're overworking and wanted to cheer you up. We realize this is probably to you a strange definition of 'cheer', but you have to admit that it's a break from the routine. Also, we have someone to introduce to you.

    Colette ushers Danger forwards. "This is Danger. She is not in fact an actual Penguin. She appears to be a being who evolved from the Danger Room. I would like to point out that this has absolutely nothing to do with me connecting up the Playstation, and it's not my fault. It's clearly Cy's fault. Also... and please don't ask 'what are you talking about,' or 'why,' but I'm about to ask you something and I'd like you to do it immediately. Please check Danger is what I just said and is not in fact magical. I want to make sure this isn't a reappearance of that cybermancer guy who was responsible for the Punchbot 3000 debacle last year."

Raven has posed:
    "House, eat them." Raven commands, in a quasi-serious tone. Alas, however, the house does not eat them. For his part, Wong has inflicted all of this on Raven by breaching the defenses and deigning to be a good host, and because of this, he immediately leaves. He offers a small bow as welcome to the other Titans so as to make them feel comfortable being allowed, temporarily, into the Sanctum. He is gone before the Pink Penguin Parade. Raven stands there under her cloak, considering how best to murder the young yet prestigious heroes before her.

    "This is it. This is how it happens. This is how I lose control and end the universe." she begins, watching the congaline of constructs. "I refuse any request made of me. The reason is obvious. If it is a reappearance, if he is free, then you deserve what he does to you. My only hope is that he allows me to watch."

    Her attention is on both Cyborg and Colette, and she speaks up again. "As an aside, I have never not blamed both of you in concert with Garfield for everything that has gone wrong. I have never been more than one third incorrect." This is mostly addressed to both of them, but the statement itself is -directly- following Colette's.

Danger has posed:
    Waddling forward, Danger raises a fin again, "She is correct. I am not truly a penguin. This is merely a deception I created in order to better bring you the joy of this day of Penguins." She looks into the Sanctum and then looks back at Raven, "Your house does not appear to have a mouth." She then continues her penguin disguise as she waddles further in and states, "I do not understand, personally, the point of this Penguin celebration but I was under the impression it would bring you joy." The Penguin Danger turns and looks more directly at Raven, "You do not appear to be experiencing joy and this leads me to believe that this is some form of joke." She turns the penguin eyes upon the others, "They do not appear to be laughing, however, so my confusion is frankly compounded." She then rubs a flipper across her beak and lets out a Penguiny hmm, "I may have failed in my delivery."

Cyborg has posed:
     "No, this one was all on me." Cyborg admits as he walks in. Each step causes those penguin shoes to let out a little quiet penguin noise as he walks along. "People were getting worried about you Raven," He rolls his shoulders a bit as he sets down the overstuffed toy onto the first bit of furniture.

     "Thought you could do with a bit of silly to brighten things up with everything going on lately." The smile comes back a little bit as he looks back that way. "Besides, who deosn't enjoy penguins now and then?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Besides you're not the Only person protecting the galaxy. If you focus too hard on it you'll wind up burnt out. Then you won't be able to do much if things get bad. Soooo here have a baby penguin construct!" Autumn gently offers the cute baby penguin construct to Raven.

Then, she gives a smile to Danger, "Hey, I'll explain it later, alright?" She makes her way inside, "Hiya there, Mr. Man!" She comments to Wong.

Stardust has posed:
    Colette stops pointing at Cyborg and starts pointing at Danger. "This, Rae. This. If you think I drive you mad, just think what this will do to you. It's possible she's an evil Cybermancer's plot! However she's kind of fun, so hopefully not. I kind of want to keep this one. Also, wrong!" She unslings her backpack as she's talking, and starts opening it. "You have said, many times... 'Colette! I blame you. This is ALL your fault.' See? 'All', Rae. On those occasions you were not blaming Gar or Cy."

    After a few moments fishing around in her bag, Colette pulls out a plushy penguin, and holds it out to Raven, in the vague hope it might be accepted, while at the same time assuming it probably won't. "Happy Penguin day, Rae. As Cy says, yeah. We thought a bit of silliness might help. I know this has been hard and stressful on you. Still! Shouldn't be long now before you can hand things back over to Doc Strange, right? That's got to be a relief."

Raven has posed:
    "First, as usual I resent the implication that you are all in any way capable of thought." she bites, floating quietly up into the air, and over the banister to land in the inner portion of the doorway. "Second, inaction is a form of fault. You were informed of his idea and you participated. I would have had a field day with you at Nuremburg."

    Looking momentarily at Danger, and then back at Colette, she remarks. "I have known Starfire for years. This is naught but a renewal of that horrible trial." There is a pause, then, "Either way, I am fine. The concern is unnecessary." That's as close to a 'Thanks for your concern' as anyone is going to get. "The real Sorcerer Supreme has been... Partially found. His mind is somewhat... Elsewhere. I have no way to repair it, and have not been able to bring him back here. I am not sure where he is right now, physically."

Danger has posed:
    Slowly, the Penguin disguise falls away now that she is inside. Instead, the real Danger is revealed. She stands there in all her robotic glory and blinks at Raven, "His mind is seprate from his body?" She asks and then considers, "I can do something similar when I wish to search a computer or the internet more thoroughly. Doing so requires a great deal of concentration and if not careful could result in a more permanent separation, especially if the link is broken." She nods her head slowly, "Would it be possible that his link is broken in some way? I know that my body, as I have created it, is uniquely suited to my proverbial mind." She looks around slowly at the house, "If my body were linked to the internet and my mind were out there, unattached to my body, my mind would be drawn back to it." She states simply, "For they are two parts of the same whole." She looks back to Raven, "Could you not in some way link his body up?"

Cyborg has posed:
     Cyborg looks thoughtful for a moment at the mention of the sorcerer supreme situation. Well as thoughtful as one could when dressed in enough penguin merchandise to stock an entire small town petting zoo in the arctic.

     A single hand moves to rest on his chin. "If it was technology based we could potentially run a cross reference of preexisting brain activity scans in order to try and match up the files online and see if we can't track down a matching file somewhere on the dark corners of the internet." He rubs the chin with thumb and index finger. "Or if I could get my satellite network up and running cross reference to see if anyone else is walking around with his brain in their head."

     A squark echoes out from his penguin shoes as he starts to pace, one for each footstep. "And people said trying to set up my own array of satellites just so I could get the game without a subscription was a bad idea." He snaps his finger with a light clank. "Magic has always been more your thing but high end technology is mine, with Dangers help we could potentially create a device that we could launch into the atmosphere and track his brain scans that way, assuming his brain is still in this plane of reality" squak

Stardust has posed:
Colette gives Rae a puzzled look. "Partially found... but you don't know where he is? That doesn't sound like found to me. Normally found means you know where someone is. Huh." She frowns slightly. "Are you sure about that? 'Cos Captain America said... oh yeah! That's what I was going to tell you. We have made progress with the Fae thing."

    "Vorp had his mind messed with by a Fae lord called 'Cait Sith'," Colette explains. "Who is like the king of the cats. Apparently cats have a king. Anyway he put some kind of message in Vorp's mind, which was a sort of verse about some kind of fae war. Which apparently we're in the middle of. And so is Captain America. Anyway..." she looks momentarily lost. "Wait, Doc Strange. So, we thought the best thing was to summon this Cait Sith guy, to find out why he messed with Vorp's head, what the message is all about, and if he's still prowling around inside there. I'd have thought he'd have taken one look and run the hell away myself. So Cap. America suggested getting Doc. Strange to summon him. I said I heard he was missing, he said that he had been found again and seemed to be under the impression he was up to summoning Fae Lords. So uh... if you're not sure exactly where he is, I guess we could ask the Cap if he has the details?"

    Colette tilts her head to the side, frowning. "I suggested we get you to do it. I can tell there's gonna be all kinds of demarcation issues on this one, with Titans and Avengers involved. However if Doc Strange's brain has gone missing, that may be moot. Are we going to have to go on a quest for Strange's Brain? That almost rhymes. Do you have any idea where it is?"

Raven has posed:
    There is a long silence from Raven. Her gaze goes back and forth, between the participants giving her recommendations. Throughout it all, she remains at best seemingly neutral- at worst, a little nonplussed. When Colette finishes speaking, Raven addresses the matter rather simply. "He has amnesia. That's all it is. He can't remember who he is, last I saw him. I allowed someone else to take him when he was found, hoping that they'd at least be benevolent enough to restore his personality to a degree. I have not checked in on him in a short while, and am not entirely sure where he is." she notes, hoping that that ends the discussion of where Strange's brain is. She was being metaphorical. She understands that that is a mistake. She blames Colette for it being that way. These are things that are evident by the way she is looking between them.

    "I will speak with the Captain as soon as I can. I imagine he will want to speak with me relatively soon if you sent him to me. As for Vorpal... If Strange is not back in his position by the time everything is ready to summon this other cat, then I will do it. It will require some research, which I will do, in how to keep such an ostensibly powerful fae from doing whatever it wants. I warn you, however, they are capricious. You should be prepared to receive as many non-answers as you have questions."

Danger has posed:
A halt and a moment of seeming contemplation followed by, "I see, than perhaps a knock to his head. THat seems to be a popular fix for Amensia within popular culture." Danger nods then looks to Cyborg and the others with a nod. She then looks more directly at Raven, "As to other issues, can you tell them that I am not a magical being sent to murder them so that this issue might be put to rest?"

Cyborg has posed:
     Cyborg gets a little bit deflated when it turns out it's just amnesia. Shoulders slouch and it's clear that his plan just went up in digital smoke. There's a low slow penguin noise from his shoes as he settles down low onto his penguin shaped shoes.

     "One of these days I'll get an excuse to set up that satellite system." He looks off into the far distance for a moment eyes defocusing for a second. "Ah man, the Murder brawl tournament got cancelled because of that mess downtown."

Stardust has posed:
"Danger, it doesn't work like that." Colette isn't sounding exasperated. Honest. "Just because something works in the cartoons doesn't mean it actually works. It's fiction. If someone has a head injury and you hit them on the head, in reality it just tends to make things worse. I mean, I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that would not be considered an approved medical procedure." She gives Danger an encouraging pat on the shoulder, then turns back to Raven.

    "Yeah, the capricious thing," Colette says with a nod. "I have been doing some reading. Apparently their moods are about as stable as a Titans Tower made out of jello. They use magic in some kind of innate, instinctive way that human sorcerers don't quite understand, which means they sometimes do spells that human sorcerers think are incredibly hard but it's easy for them, and other times they are completely baffled by a spell a novice mage could do. They think that doing something fun is more important than doing something necessary. Sometimes including things necessary for their own survival. There are good fae and bad fae, but the good fae are just about as dangerous as the bad fae because they're basically crazier than a cat with tape on its feet. See? I'm not completely in the dark about it. However, you can punch fae. I looked that up too, and it is possible. Though not recommended except in a last resort. So, there is that. Also, I did kind of get the amnesia thing. I didn't think his brain was literally missing. However much that disappoints Cy. Though, if it turns out it is, I'll be right on that. Someone probably keeping it in a jar, that's what normally happens. Just call around all the big glassmakers in town and find out who's been ordering brain-sized jars. That'll do it." She flashes Rae a grin. Someone's enjoying the silliness that Cyborg had encouraged, anyway.

Raven has posed:
    Stone-faced, Raven nods to Danger first. "I will work on Strange, but I have heard Garfield complaining of memory loss. You should practice your technique on him." Then, her attention turns to Cyborg. "I am very sad that your obnoxious tournament is cancelled. It doesn't make me happy in any way that my presence at the Sanctum stops me from hearing it at all hours."

    When Raven's eyes flit to Colette again, it's sort of half-approving nod that accompanies. "I am well versed in the, frankly, annoying nature of fae." That is the most she says as Colette digresses into silliness regarding brains in jars. Raven's expression returns to its usual heavily nonplussed, and when Colette gives Raven a grin, Raven's hand extends from the front of her cloak, and her wrist flicks from one side to the other.

    In response, the door to the Sanctum closes. For a moment, it might occur to the three Titans standing outside that they probably should have walked into the Sanctum to prevent Raven from closing the door in their face like an elderly neighbor, but Danger's sudden presence standing behind them would dissuade that idea. Whether Raven teleported her or the Sanctum shunted her out isn't entirely clear, to be honest- and the answer to that question isn't necessarily important.

Danger has posed:
    A blink and Danger looks around with sudden surprise. She then looks over at the others and then looks around the street. She suddenly is not seen and states from her invisible state, "I was told that I should not be seen in public as I am. If that is true, than I shall stay invisible until we are back in the tower." She then looks back at the door, not that anyone can easily see that and states, "I do not believe she ever stated whether or not I was made with evil magic. I believe you will have to take my word for it that I am not."