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Latest revision as of 18:47, 27 January 2019

Snacking in the Kitchen
Date of Scene: 23 January 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Pixie, Phoenix, Emma Frost

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is head first in the fridge. He is singing softly to the latest Lila cheney song, as he sways with it, looking for something to munch.

Pixie has posed:
From in the hallway there's a series of thunks-not uncommon to hear in the school. More alarming is the distinctly Welsh cursing and the pink haired figure hopping on one foot in a tangle of bag, wings, and sweater. Hucking the last bag off and to the floor, Pixie straightens her sweater and pushes hair from her face with sputters. "There! Home at last every...Sammmmmy." She draws out the name seeing he's the only one and drops her shoulders. "At least, I think that's a Sam." She murmurs and walks over to peer at him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does not react to the thumping, and as she gets closer, she will see the earbuds in his ears. He grabs sandwich stuff, and turns to head to the counter jumping and stopping singing as he sees you "Err, Hi." He grins a bit sheepishly, pulling the earbuds from his ears.

Pixie has posed:
"Aha!" Pixie snaps and points to the young man. "I thought so. Hello! At long last I am back from my year abroad!" She gestures broadly and steps around Sam to get at the freezer. Pulling it open she looks about for ice cream and goes to get a spoon. "So-where is everyone?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I just got back here a month ago or so myself. Most probably crashing, looking for anyone in particular?" Illyana, Myself, are about the only old school new mutants about."

Pixie has posed:
Slumping over a counter Pixie's wings droop. Opening the ice cream she digs in with the spoon and looks back at Sam. "I'll ambush the-just you and Illyana?! Man, what a bummer. Go about for a year and suddenly everyone's got things ta do." the Welsh girl rolls her eyes and shoves a large scoop of ice cream in her mouth.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is at the counter making a sandwich. He will say "There are some new kids, Ah am working on getting the enxt class of New Mutantsto work as a team and hopfully a family. Ah figure even if they don't follow every student who has came here lead of getting in trouble, team building skills are good.

Phoenix has posed:
"I used to be new sometime ago," comes a new voice into the conversation, as Jean walks into the kitchen in time to catch the last bit of exchange between Pixie and Sam, "welcome back," she greets the returning Welsh. "How was your year abroad? Everything you'd hoped?"

She then moves further into the kitchen, inspecting the sandwich Sam is making, "have enough ingredients for another?" She asks, or hints.

Pixie has posed:
Scoffing, Pixie makes a disgruntled sound and gestures with the spoon in a circle. "Gad about Britain with wings some time." She suggests and looks to Jean. "Hello to you too by the by." She looks back at Sam and tilts her head a little. "They have you pulling a Cyclops huh? Is it going ok? Anyone put gum in your uniform yet?" She asks curiously.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks and says "Well maybe, mayo, mustard or both?" He will ask Jean, and says to Pixie, and says "Actually when ah was doing most of training, we never really pranked the headmaster, mind you our two headmasters were both rather intimidating personalities. Not that kept us from doing stuff we were not supposed to but more do it then get in trouble for not telling them to after.

Phoenix has posed:
"Sam is Sam, not Scott," Jean murmurs as Pixie mentions 'pulling a Cyclops', "but that's actually high honor, shows he's matured well, learned well, and has leadership skills the faculty acknowledges."

"Just the mustard," Jean replies, before noting casually, "you know that mayo is quite fattening, right? I try to steer clear of it." Jean chuckles at Sam's reminscing, "I heard some stories from Magneto, on the on again off again chance when he was being amicable with us. Sounds like altogether he can appreciate what it means shaping the youth to allow them to stand on their own two feet. I respect that about him." Jean says nothing of Professor Xavier, it is well known after all, at least among the older classes of X-Men, that she's been something of a teacher's pet to him. So nothing she'll say will ever be taken as non-biased.

Pixie has posed:
Megan stares at Jean as she passes on the mayo and proceeds to continue eating ice cream from the tub. "You're a mutant, what's there to worry about weight?" She wonders to Jean before looking at Sam. "Well Sammy, if'n no one's pranking you then you must be holding your own fine." She nods and beams at her former classmate.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Both had their benifits and also their negatives to be honest. Ah honestly think we were blessed to have them both." He will offer her her sandwich when done, and says "Mutant smutant, I think the Danger room is enough for a little Mayo

Phoenix has posed:
Jean laughs at Megan's dismissiveness while eating ice cream in the worst way possible, "for one thing, super metabolism isn't my power, that would be Logan...for another, you may not know that about me, but I used to be a model, some habits stick." She then looks over herself, before quipping, "besides, I like to look good and keep in shape."

Jean chuckles when Sam adds his two cents, "well, since taking over the Professor's job, I don't have as much time to devote for training in the Danger Room. I should, actually amend that. I should talk to Scott, see if he can push me a bit more."

Pixie has posed:
"Oooch, I see what you mean. I fly sooo, it works up an appetite." Megan nods with renewed understanding and continues to scarf down the sweet dessert. "But- it's cheaper'n calling a cab in the winter in New York. Figure might as well pop over from the Air Port. Gonna travel lighter next time I think." She chitchats in a friendly tone and looks to Sam. "No doubt you're getting your Danger Room time in training the wee ones. I'd like to see that-you bein' the adult in the room."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well I do try and flying yea it does a bit of a work out bit different for me but I think i know what ya mean

Phoenix has posed:
"I fly too, but not with wings, I guess it burns more calories when flying isn't a mental exercise," Jean concedes, before adding, "and your wings are just...beautiful, Pixie, I can never get enough of admiring them." She exchanges a knowing glance with Sam, when it comes to different methods of flight. Angel would be a better person to be on Pixie's corner in this one.

Pixie has posed:
"I don't know....does your brain get tired after flying a lot? I'm sure it's some kind of exercise, regardless." Megan notes and resists the urge to flutter said wings. The mansion might have even managed to get free of the pixie dust after being away for a while. She looks to Sam and gestures with her spoon. "Best of us youngns, Sammy. That's to be sure. We're off doing this and that and you're here helping the new kids."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "Well, Ah have a bit of an added intrest, besides helping folks, I aim to help pay back the help ah was given and prep the school for more of the little ones back home." He grins a bit at this.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean leaves Pixie's comment without reply, what's regardless, is regardless. "He is very driven, that's for sure, and it's heart warming to see, Sam," Jean turns to look at Guthrie's way. "Maybe one day you'll be Headmaster?" She muses, a bit teasingly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan rolls her eyes. "Sammy? Nooo. He can't do the bald look and he's not psychic so he'd have to wear something weird on his head." She jokes in a mournful tone before looking to Jean. "Isn't that a rule somewhere? Psychic or funny hats?" Her wings flutter, entertained by the idea in her head before looking back at Sam. "When are the younger Guthries coming about?" She asks, really leaning into his last name in her Welsh accent.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well, it depends, on when they want to to be honest, Ah want them to come up but aint going to make them you know?" He looks to Jean, and says "About theonly way ah would be named headmaster is if it was between me, Bobby, and Berto.

Phoenix has posed:
"I'm not familiar with that rule, and I think it's mostly a coincidence that I happen to hold the job for now. I mean, as Sam was saying, Magneto once held the role, and he was no psychic." Jean conveniently foregoes the 'funny hat' alternative, after all, Erik hardly ever wore his helmet while headmastering.

Sam really stills a genuine laugh out of Jean, as she looks at him curiously, "you rate Bobby that low?" She does wink playfully, she knows exactly what he meant, and to be fair...Bobby would never want the role.

Pixie has posed:
"I'm sure it's a thing." Pixie maintains and starts scraping at the sides of the ice cream carton. She looks to Sam again and smiles warmly. "You still get on good with your kin, that's good. I thought about dropping in on mine while on my walk about but well, somethings are better off lettin the dust settle." She murmurs and looks to Jean briefly. "Do ya resent it ever? Bein' put in charge?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Ah thought it was the Robert rule, think it is just under the hat rule." He jokes a bit and says "Yea Jay and Ah had to have words but we got things settled, with only a few bruices.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean looks like she might say something when Pixie discusses her relations with her family, but decides not to, instead nodding along with her question, "that's a good one. I wouldn't say I resented it, so much as I felt I wasn't ready, wasn't worthy of it. I always see Professor Xavier in this role, I can't help it. If he comes back, I'll naturally offer him to retake it, if he'll so wish. It is time consuming, and you do have to deal with unpleasant people looking to bring the school down."

She reaches to take the sandwich Sam made for her, and smiles appreciatively at him, "I appreciate the snack, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to the boring staff...don't stay up too late, 'kids'," she intentionally uses the word if only to tease on her way out.

Pixie has posed:
"I'm glad things are good Sammy." Pixie says and sets the mostly empty now ice cream down. Looking at Jean she listens to the whole of her answer. "Don't work too hard-Professor." She leans into the word. "After all, you have that tasty sandwich to enjoy and just think-all this time we've been talking there must be at least ten new cute cat videos on the internet!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and shakes his head a bit to this and says "So, what did you do on your trip?" He will ask eatting his own sandwich.

Pixie has posed:
"Oh, saw the monuments, ate my weight in all the food I missed being here." Pixie smiles and comes around to lean against the counter next to Sam. "Thought it would feel weird coming back. It's like nothing's changed and everything has. Dunno that I like it." She muses and tucks her hands into her pockets.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head and says "Oddly enough ah sorta know what you mean. Ah felt the same going back home to be honest. If Ah am being honest, Ah am not sure if home is Kentucky, or here.

Pixie has posed:
"Mmmmn, this is home." Megan says and looks up at the ceiling. "I'm sure of that now. Don't have any kind of place in my old world." She murmurs and squints her dark eyes. "I suppose you'd feel more divided with your herd of siblings and kin back home that care for ya."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Guthries have been on that land for generations, and Ah am pretty sure there will be ones there for generations to come." He tells her. "Ah have seen some amazing things but there is still tugs on the heart strings when I see back there."

Pixie has posed:
"It sounds nice Sammy boy, I envy you." Pixie says and glances over. Letting a little silence lapse she smiles and gives her wings and idly flutter of restlessness.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is at the bar in the kitchen munching a sandwich talking to Pixie. "IT is sometihng Ah have to admit, Ma and Pa both made sure we had a good family life, and Ma doubled down on making sure we were a family after pa passsed.

Pixie has posed:
"It sounds nice." Megan nods. There were a pile of bags at the door and one here in the kitchen. It would seem a wayward Pixie was back in the states, and the school, and bothering poor Sam while he eats. "Do ya think about going back there ever? Leaving the school for good?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma wanders in on the tail end of Pixie's question to Samuel. "I should hope not," she says of his leaving. "He's only just arrived not so long ago."

She makes her way to the coffee maker and peers at the still heating dregs remaining. "I think not," she declares, and wanders fridgewards for something else to drink. "Hello Samuel. Young lady I don't know. I do hope I'm not intruding?"

She almost smiles as she says that, only the blue of her eyes betraying amusement.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "There has been times, I have thought about it, but ah don't think it would happen any time soon. Ah have seen Asguard and Space, Ah want to see even more if Ah can." He will then say "Ema, this is Megan, she is another student who is just returning from being away."

Pixie has posed:
Lifting a hand, Megan waves to the newcommer and watches Emma look for a drink. "Hi!" She offers and hoists herself up to sit on the edge of the counter. Her wings adjust and resettle. Looking at Sam she nods a bit. "Yeah, it's worth seeing for sure."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Ah. Returning," Emma murmurs, as though that covers an entire gallery of evils. "Has Samuel had a chance to put you through your paces yet?"

The fridge is found to be lacking, and Emma decides that perhaps brewing a fresh pot is the better part of valour, though one might wonder at this hour. Still, she empties the carafe and fills it with fresh water and hunts down the coffee grinds. All the necessary motions for making coffee.

"It seems we have any number of returning students lately. Though I suppose that isn't surprising." A quirk of brow for Samuel. "Space? Now there's somewhere I haven't been. I can't say as I find myself drawn there in any particular fashion."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "We went on a bit of a round about trip, when we were dealing with Magnus, Warlock's father. A bit of time travel into the past, and alternate futures, and then on the other side of the galaxy. And of course on Lila's band tours we hit a few places." He smiles "And Megan is closer to Magic and my own level, but if she is willing to work with the younger class would be a good thign.

Pixie has posed:
"What? Sammy?" Megan asks incredulously and looks from Emma to Sam before looking to her bag on the floor and then his sandwich. "Well, being as I only just flew in-and he's having a sandwich, noooo, can't say as I've even considered it." The Welsh mutant clicking her tongue at Emma. "Closer to Magic than Sammy boy. I'm not much for a brawl." She fluffs her wings a bit.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma smiles somewhat enigmatically. "Not all fights involve fisticuffs. I daresay you're useful enough despite not being much for a brawl." The smile drifts into something rather more thoughtful as she fills the carafe with water and pours it into the resevoir of the coffee maker. "I don't find myself all that inclined to brawl either. Though, closer in skill to Magic, hrm? So, rather well acquainted with your abilities, then, I gather. And I'm guessing in the arcane arena?"

Samuel gets a nod. "How is that going, anyway? Working with the students. I've been meaning to ask if I might sit in on a session or two."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Erika was helpfull in a situation we had the other day. I do need to see if I can help her find a few more useful items with for her abilities." He looks over to Megan "Psychokineses skill sharing abilities, he tells Megan."

Pixie has posed:
Pixie blinks at Emma. "I came up in this school, did New Mutants with Sammy boy here. I know how fights can go just fine." Swinging off the counter there's a small puff of pixie dust. She lands on her feet and goes over to pick up her bag. "I'm gonna stow my gear Sammy. See you in the morning." She calls over her shoulder. She'd normally be very interested in talks of other powers but the Pixie seems riled and like her Disney counterpart stomping out.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma remains calm in the face of one riled up Pixie. "And nobody said you didn't know how fights went, my dear. However, we can chat about that another day when you're more settled."

She flips the switch on the coffee maker and waits for it to begin brewing.

"I remember ERika," she tells Samuel. "I'm afraid I was rather indisposed the last I spent any time with her. I do suppose one should remedy that impression."