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Latest revision as of 22:43, 27 January 2019

CupCakes n Stuff!
Date of Scene: 26 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Fairchild, Kid, Cannonball

Fairchild has posed:
It's Super early in the morning the sun is still around 45 min or so from showing its face, Most people are asleep but for heroes or villains this is magic hour.. end of the night when you can finally wind down, What's open at this hour well, of course, a bakery!!

     Right now a certain very tall stunning redhead is holding up a tiny pink cupcake with a unicorn on it before she gives a happy smile that's almost like pure sunshine before she bites into it and taps her feet at how tasty it is! complete with her other favorite the Mega Flash coffee (A extra large coffee that's half super caffeinated expresso and dark roast ) .

Kid has posed:
There wasn't quite anything like a tasty treat after a night of hunting. A few thugs down, and kids picking his teeth fulling full mentally...but now his stomech was growling begging for something to sate that too! One idea came to mind - visting a backery he heard of.

The large gorilla walks in, fluffed up and covered in white. He shakes himself off expertly, leaving a circle of fresh white powder around himself before he goes up to the counter. He looks up at the various pasteries, ignoring the startled look of the clerk. Which in fairness he didn't exactly come off as friendly. He finally looks to the clerk and signs "Got anything with mango?" a synthetic voice speaking in his place....though his eyes drift over to notice Caitlin and that large coffee she has. He hmms in cnsideration.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking up the street, he has been out all night. Not heroing but was at a show for some friends of his. He sees the shop and decides to stop in and see what kind of stuff they have. He will stop looking over the tall red head, mouth open for a moment but he catches himself and closes it rather quickley

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild For her part, she doesn't notice the Sam. Kinda hard when a giant gorilla steps into the shop! she's a bit like the clerk she's got her mouth open in surprise those big green eyes are wide open. She mouths wow before she grabs the big coffee and gives it a drink then she stops and peers at it like it might be causing her to see giant gorilla men that can talk.

Kid has posed:
Kid rolls his eyes and snorts. He slams his hand on the counter quite hard, which seems to jolt the clerk awake. Pasteries jump in their contain and a few fall over. He signs "Now that I got your attention. Anything with mango?"

The clerk stammers "S-s-sorry. We uh....got some nice strawberry custards?" he clearly wasn't sure what to make of this. Infact he stares at Caitlin coffee....and may be wondering the same thing.

Kid growls and than signs "Bleh. Jist give me uh....4 piece of that there chocolate cake. Und uh...hot chocolate. Big as the Red Tornado's over there" thumbing over to Caitlyn. The clerk gets right on it. Kid than steps aside...and sees Samuel. he waves happy to see someone he knows.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking over and puts a hand on Kid's shoulder and says "Hey Kid, how you doing?" He will nod over to the woman and says "Ma'am" In greeting. The guy gazes at the display ques and hmmms.

Fairchild has posed:
Jumps a bit when he slams the counter and blinks oohhh kay that was clearly real! Then that other guy seems to know the gorilla she puts the coffee down and rubs her eyes and seems to check again yep still there must be real. She almost internal sighs at how fast she's getting used to the crazy in this town.

     It's at that moment the guy behind the counter calls out " Miss your cupcake order is ready " . She grins "Oh goody! " her soft almost velvet voice comes out and she quickly stands to reveal just how tall and well top heavy she is (She's like a slimmer power girl!). She strides over even as the guy starts to speak " So that's half a dozen mango cupcakes and the other half Rasberry and another dozen death by chocolate".

Kid has posed:
Wait. Did that man just say a half dozen mango cupcakes? Needless to say when that order is brought over...kid thinks nothing of swipping a cupcake...well two. Already peeling the wrapper to chow down on it. No thought to ask, or even that the order wasn't his to begin with.

And the thing was...he was definintly looking at Caitlin and the clerk. Clearly not expecting they will do anything about it. Or maybe didn't think anything was wrong with doing so. He signs "...yes. I am a gorilla. No you are not drugged. Moving on" his eyes glance over to Sam and signs "Doing good! Want a mango cupcake?" clearly he was planning on Shareing Caitlins order with him "This lady got like a dozen of them! Oh.." he looks to Cait and signs "Who are you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Apologize for taking her cupcake Kid." He willtell the Gorilla. "Those were hers, and you snitched them." He looks to Caitlin, and says "I apologize for my friends behavior. It is not cause he is a gorilla, it is cause he is him." He explains."

Fairchild has posed:
Sam Bless him but that apology came Just a touch too late.. especially when you're as fast a Caitlin. Those Green eyes seem to flash dangerously and the next moment she's grabbed Kid and lifted him up with one arm and slammed him into the roof growling " HEY those were mine buster! You better pay for that ". Then Sam says what he said and she looks at him and blinks " Oh .. Well right " She, of course, Goes to pull poor Kid down "You can't steal things". She finger waves at him, even as the poor Guy behind the counter drops the spatula he was holding mouth open in shock wondering what the hell is going on in the bakery and that he totally wants more pay.

Kid has posed:
Before Kid could make a remark back at Samuel, he finds himself lifted into the air, and slammed into the roof. From his pockets and pack out falls a few wallets, keys, burn phone, two guns and clips, and a package of uncooked meat still wrapped...and more tools than you can shake a toolbox at - crowbar, wenches, nuts, bolts, hammer, nails, mallet, knives, etc. And than a single mango.

He groans in annoyance, first...but than he seems quite angry -infact the clerk may have seemed angrier too now...as if the anger was just comming off him in waves...along side fear. He actually seemed prepare to bite Caitlin, seeming to have a bit of a temper infact he may have swung at her, untill she puts him down. His fist was still held back...clearly still considering it. His face twitches, as if trying to figure out what he SHOULD be feeling.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will step between the two, and says "Ok, everyone calm down." He will look at the clerk and sighs, pulling out his wallet, and offering the guy behind the counter the bills he has in it. "Sorry sir, hopefully that will pa for any damages done." He looks between the two and says "How about we step outside, and not mess up the poor man's store." Sam may seem a bit odd as he steps between the maybe amazon and the gorilla, but he shows no fear, and actually oddly semes more confident trying to calm the two.

Fairchild has posed:
Doesn't seem scared of the big gorilla punching her though she feels that hate and frowned a bit. She nods to sam " If he realizes his mistake and apologizes all is forgiven.. and of course pays for the replacements.. " She looks to the Baker " they are for a friend she tends to get stabby when she doesn't get her cupcakes".

Kid has posed:
Kid actually growls at sam, seeming much more a wild animal. He snorts scratching at his neck, before he finally nods. A calming presence is often a helpful one. He begins to gather up his stuff, in particular he gathers up the tools with particular urgency, ignoring the weapons, wallets and food.

The clerk shakedly takes the money and looks to Caitlin...than Sam...and finally Kid. He slowly nods and says shakedly "...right...right. Can....can you just please leave" he was glancing mainly at Kid and Caitlin, shaken up by their interaction.

Kid flips the clerk the bird, but none the less gathers up most of his tools. He shoves in the guns, wallets and food items that where there. He doesn't bother saying anything...but he does take the the food he order that had been prepared before hand...and just walks out and sits on the curve to eat.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look around the floor to make sure there is nothing left of Kid's things, and looks to Caitlin, and says "Sorry about that again, sounds like you have some friends where you might understand it though, as you said your friend gets stabby?" He will offer his hand in greeting "Sam." And if she is headed out he will hold the door for her.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Sighs and nods she walks out with her order thankfully she knows the owner so she'll smooth things over later. But she beams one of those Ice melting smiles " I'm Caitlin nice to meet you, Sam ". She gives him a handshake before she blinks and looks awkward "So umm you know him " she points at Kid and gives the I clearly wanna know more face.

Kid has posed:
Kid had by the time they come out, taken out his package of (clearly) raw meat. And was eating it. He glances behind him, one strip dangling, before sucking it in. He signs "We met at a comic book store. He got good taste in comics" he offers them the container of meat, he still seemed cranky, but was willing to share it seems.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Thanks man, I'm good." He will nod, and says "Yea, we ran into one another talking sci fi. He is a good guy just seems he sometimes is a bit closer to his base urges than some folks. But he also someone who seems to try to help folks alot, so ya have to take things into consideration.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Shakes her head " I got my cupcakes thank you very much "she says and clearly means it she acutally feels like apreciates the gesture ! She smiles "Nothing wrong with sci fi dosn't take long before sci fi is Science fact " . She says brightly " Besides who dosn't love doctor who , Star wars and star trek " .

Kid has posed:
Kid raises his hand and signs "Those shows are stupid. Well not star trek, but the other two are" he grunts. He looks to Sam for a long moment he growls "yea know, I am right now. Not like I need someone to explain me to folks" he signs. Evidently the gorilla can pulls 360 at some points. But he none the less continues his meal. He signs once more "Names Jua. Whats your name Redhead?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Kid an din a serious tone says "Ah have sen what your willing to do to help folks Jua, your one of the good guys even if ya got a temper, remind me to introduce you to Logan sometime." He tells him. "Hopefully we did not get ya in to much trouble back there Caitlin." He looks down one of the streets where the sun is just coming up, and says "City is nice at dawn, survived the night and hope for a better day before ya." He will looks over to Kid and says "Ah would have thought ya more for a Star Wars fan to be honest."

Fairchild has posed:
Smiles brightly and actually signs back to kid < My name is Caitlin Jua nice to meet you, but it's not nice to insult another person's fandom you can say you don't like the others but don't call another persons love trash makes em angry >. She grins " I'm not surprised those were engineer tools they tend to like trek better then again we live in a world where people fly and can lift up 600-pound gorillas " She winks.

Kid has posed:
For a brief moment, Kid seems surprised. Gone was the anger and aggression in his body language as Caitlin signs. This seems to bring Kid an actual smile. But it brief and fades...though not completly, nor does his full aggression come back. He signs "Than I'll just snap their necks" it was...hard to tell how serious he was. Might be his form of humor. "But eh, yea got the right of it. Sure, Star Wars establish a wide open world where anything can happen, but most of it doesn't bother with explanation. In truth it would be more accurate to classify star wars as a Space Opera instead of a Science Fiction, since little if anything in star wars is based off...well science, least science as we know it." he glances to Sam "Dawn is...nice. Yea." he nods in agreement.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah think Ah like Wars more, cause it is well as odd as it sounds it is more realistic. Yea the tech and such in Star Trek is probably more likely to happen, but it has Mankind working together and seems to have gotten rid of alot of our worse failings. Hatered, waring amongst ourselfs, heck in Next Gen, we have even supoppedly beaten greed. Ah would love for that kind of thing to be true, but don't see it happening any time soon. Wars, has people who are good, andeven some who maybe on the border but see what true evil is and will stand up to fight it."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Nods " The Sun is nice". She looks to kid < Your right on that front but they are booth fuck and make us richer for having them two points of view on the figure to help spark idea's>. That's when she sighs to herself " I miss my lab ." She looks to sam " Mankind cannot grow without struggle and unfortunately struggle often means conflict but it's still nice to think about".

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "It only make folks richer if they are willing to listen." And judging by the look on his face, he doubts folks are good at that "...Wait you have a lab?" he perks way up now. But than he looks to Samuel and hmmms "Fair enough...but it nicer to think of the good, see what the world could be...and maybe strive for it. Course yea can't get there if you ignore how it is now" he shrugs and rubs at his stomech in contemplation

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Yea, always strive for the better, Ah hope one day maybe, but Ah find have to be prepared to deal with the bad if we want the good to be there. Heck Ah wager been working on making things better for the good and worse for the bad recently." He smirks and says "Might be something to think about."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Nods her head softly < Sorry Jua it blew up I don't have it anymore, You would have liked it I had a whole section for my engineering work I had a lathe and everything right next to my Genetics lab >. She continues to watch the sunrise " It is nice to go for but I gotta say I'm upset with Discovery, they could just have easily put it in an alt timeline or different time.. them putting it before the Og trek has me upset cause it changes way too much. "

Kid has posed:
Kid hears genetics lab...and he actually slowly stands and backs up from Caitlin...he went from normal, to angry, to friendly...to now distrustful. He was just stareing at her for a long looong moment. He signs "it...sounded neat" is all he says, keeping one firm eye on her. He than signs to Samuel "Heh, good or bad is hard to...tell the difference sometimes honestly. Something just not get" he admits

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and looks to Kid, and says "Ah don't think she is the mad doctor type, she seems much more the whole trying cure cancer than making an army of sentient twinkies to take over the world." He smiles and says "Not that Ah think it would take much to turn twinkies into an army of drones."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Curls her nose "No I'm not the make evil army I swore I'd never use my research for anything like that.. your right I'm trying to cure twinkies " she says with a laugh. "Evil twinkies will take over the world, besides they go straight to a girl's hips and that's not okay".

Kid has posed:
"Can never be sure with geneticists" is what Kid signs. He had a clear distrust of them, and wasn't afraid to be blunt about it. He doesn't even seem to laugh at the obviouse jokes made. Actually...by the look on his face he may be considering how viable that option of using twinkies may be. So much so he signs "Wait...if you can geneticlly alter twinkies, why do they bother using animals?" he was dead serious.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Don't think you could really do it, you would probably more need someone who could animate inanimate objects, and then just tel folks they were geneticly modified so they sound more fierce. And remember there are some genetists that are ok. You said you met Dr. McCoy right? " He chuckles a bit as he realizes his comment from the other night was more accurate than he had thought.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Giggles she can't help it she starts laughing so hard she's got tears in her eye's before she beams a bright sunny warm smile at kid and sing < Thank you Jua that was very funny but no you couldn't do that with a twinky nor would you really want to, It would serve no purpse but I use my skills to heal people now well once I get a new lab going.. though it looks like I might be doing more engieering that science > . She smiles as sam tries to correct Jua " Yeah some of us are trying to help people with defects or even though who have powers from thier genetics to better understand what's going on and help them.. maybe even prevent some of the blow back and damage thier genetics cause "

Kid has posed:
Kid glances to Samuel "No...I have heard of him. But never got to meet him proper" he corrects. And infact having heard McCoy was a scientist it seems like Kid may have avoided him. "Still...not sure about meeting a scientist." but than again Caitlin seems..okay. He signs "Ummm....your welcome?" but at the corrections he seems a bit embarresed and just nods along. Yup it was a joe. (No it wasn't). His bag vibrates and he pulls out the burn phone. He sighs and grumbles texting something back. He signs "...eh. Gotta go. Try not to crush skulls without me"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs and says "Ah think I need to go as well." He will look over to Caitlin, and says "Ah would offer to stay and make sure you get to a cab ok, but Ah got a feling someone trys to steal your cupcakes they are going to regreat it." He will smile and nod to the two and walk into an alleyway and if someone is paing attention they will see a man sized metor heading up from that aleyway and north.