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Latest revision as of 22:50, 27 January 2019

The Frozen Sleeper
Date of Scene: 27 January 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Phoenix, Iceman, Gambit, Polaris, Pixie

Cyclops has posed:
    Down in the medlab of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, is a whole chunk of ice that has been put into a specially converted room that allows the ice to be left alone without fear of thaw. In the ice is a copy of a young woman that has been an on again off again X-man. Rogue.

    The girl has been left alone until the X-men have decided what to do next with the girl. Scott stands beside the room's door and slowly zips up the hooded jacket he has on as he knows it's going to be cold in there.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean had come along with Scott to see what she can glean with a telepathic overview of the Rogue doppleganger, similarly, she's dressed for the occasions, wrapped up in a nice coat and warm leggings. Yes, gloves too. She doesn't mess around.

Iceman has posed:
There's one person that doesn't need any of all that special stuff. And that's Bobby. "You know, things are chilled enough." he points out, folding his arms over his chest - not bothering to change into his ice form. "If you'd rather handle this without me, that's cool."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is, for a change, not making smart ass comments. He's wearing his typical battle kit, complete with Duster... but in all fairness it's pretty much what he wore to Antarctica, so this isn't likely to cause him to complain too much. "Jeanie, Ah gotta ask... what de odds she conscious in dare?"

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott opens the door and curls his hand around to the inside to allow Jean to go in first and then he motions for Gambit and Bobby to enter before he does. Scott would follow in last and shut the door. "Bobby, we do need you around, if we need a quick thaw or a quick freeze, I can't do it." Scott says with a glance towards the cold mutant. Besides that, Scott stays silent for Jean and Remy to do their thing.

Phoenix has posed:
"Bobby, nobody thinks you're irrelevent, so stop doubting yourself, that's the one kind of joke that's never funny," Jean mutters at Bobby as he makes light of his presence. At Remy's practical question, Jean notes, "she doesn't need to be conscious for me to look into her brain. Part of what makes telepaths so dangerous."

As she walks inside while the door opens, Jean remarks, "what could be a real stumbling block is what she is in the first place, for all we know, she could be a construct...or alien of some sort."

After getting inside, Jean looks at the Rogue doppleganger on ice, and initiates a telepathic scan, just an initial link to see what she can start to learn from surface scrying.

Iceman has posed:
"Freezing? I can do that. Thawing? Well, got a good heater and some Scooby Doo music?" Bobby asks, a glance to Jean. Her words hit home and his attention turns away from the redhead mutant to the block of ice. "I'll just be over there if you need me."

Gambit has posed:
"Not what I meant chere," Remy says as he stares at the ice block that contains his...what? Girlfriend's Doppleganger? Lover? Significant other? It's complicated? He shakes his head to clear the thoughts. "Ah was more concerned wit' is she aware in dare. Read enough Harlan Ellison ta nevah want dat kinda nightmare.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott moves back and out of the way, crossing his arms across his chest as he does so and leans against the wall near Bobby. "You're more useful than you give yourself credit for. What's been up with you?" Scott asks, looking towards the younger X-man from behind the ruby red lenses of his glasses while Jean and Remy get to work on the frozen form of Rogue.

Phoenix has posed:
"I wouldn't expect she is, Remy, but Bobby's more of an expert on that, if you want his two cents," Jean remarks, remaining eeriely emotionless as Remy describes a rather terrible fate, if ony truly considers it.

Then Jean's eyes turn white, and she seems to be in the mind of the frozen girl. "It's almost like I'm looking at someone under the influence of the Black Sleep, very odd," Jean relies to the others, "there's a door, however, I'm going to find out what's on the other side..."

While they can't quite see what's going on telepathically at the moment, Jean stands before a door with frost and fog seeping out from within, and she swings her hand to open it with her mind. <<Anybody home...?>> She asks as she waits to see if anything happens before venturing further.

Iceman has posed:
"As fast as I flash froze her.. maybe." Bobby isn't sure himself. "I wield phenominal ice powers - I don't know that much about them at all." he admits, before Scott speaks up, and he shrugs his shoulders. "It's nothing." he mutters to himself, shoving his thoughts down. "A second Rogue on ice just gives me chills, is all."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods back at Bobby and his explanation but remains mostly silent. His eyes glow a little brighter, obviously not /liking/ the idea that the person-who-looks-like-Rogue could be trapped and aware in there, but even if she is there isn't allot to be done about it. So he does the only thing he can do. He waits.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott leans still against the wall and looks back at Rogue, Bobby doesn't want to talk, no reason to make him talk. That's generally his natural state of being, talking, so Scott lets Bobby do what comes naturally. "A door? Minds aren't usually just a door are they?" Scott asks Jean, trying to get any more information he can.

    With the door open, the figure in the block of ice begins to vibrate. Quickly. Rogue's eyes open and slowly look down towards the X-men in the room as her hands shake rapidly making more and more room in the block to shake and eventually escape.

Phoenix has posed:
"Wow...I wish we had Illyana on hand," Jean murmurs almost as if to herself, as if she didn't plan on saying anything but it was a side effect of something she saw.

Standing before the opened door with a world of fire and heat revealed on the other side, in quite a shocking contradiction to the fog and frost that seeped from it. <<You're a fan of illusions, aren't you?>> Jean states at the flaming visage revealed to her, not quite familiar enough with Mephisto to take a guess, but strong enoguh to resist the attempt to cast her out of the mind of the doppleganger. Her own body starting to catch on fire, not just in the telepathic world, but physically, flames starts to dance around her frame.

<<I am Phoenix, and I will have answers, who is this sending out shadows wearing the guise of my friend? Why?>> One could never expected such answers to be given freely, but often times, just trying, can surprise people.

To the others she offers, "it could be a puppet, I haven't ascertained that quite yet..." naturally, being focused on the mind of the iced Rogue, Jean has no clue to the result her actions yield in the physical world. If Rogue were to break free and sucker punch her, it would be quite the free hit.

Iceman has posed:
Rising to his feet as he sees the ice - more appropriately - feels the ice cracking, Bobby gets up to try to intercede. His hands move and he starts to lower the temperature of the room further. "I'd suggest you pick up the pace, she's more than a handful." he rumbles.

"Look, we're just trying to help you.. well, okay. Not help. Just trying to figure out what's going on here. Stay put and I won't have to freeze you further!" Though the constant use of his powers is already starting to drain on him.

Polaris has posed:
It was a slow day for one Lorna Dane, she had taken a wack to the head the other night and as a result, had had to go through a few medical checks to make sure she didn't have too serious a concussion. She had one alright, minor though it was, she had been knocked out and it had been for a serious amount of time. Still, her mutant genes meant she was tougher than a human by a little bit, and she was still up and active for the moment.

Even if she had a killer migraine and an ugly lump of black and blue on the side of her head that spread down her cheek-bones.

"Sorry I'm late...." She trailed off, blinking repeatedly at the sight frozen Rogue.

Iceman has posed:
Did anyone need to know what's been eating Robert Drake? The sound of Lorna's voice breaks the young mutant's concentration, perhaps giving Rogue2 a chance to break free!

Cyclops has posed:
    The figure in the ice doesn't say a thing instead it continues to vibrate rapidly, using Carol's/Rogue's super speed and strength to work her way out of the ice, almost as fast as Bobby creates it. She is just having to work harder and harder to get free.

    In her mind however, Jean finds the fires fueling the mind of the figure, almost like it's a mannequin, The fires burn out of the doorway and push into the mindscape, filling the body with motion and desires. An oddly female voice roars through the fires of the figure, "My name will not be given so easily!" The voice says with a mental push against the great Phoenix.

Phoenix has posed:
<<Name is a weakness? You must be a demon then,>> it helps that Jean has such colleagues as the Queen of Limbo, you get to learn some things about demons you otherwise wouldn't have a clue about. <<So it is a puppet...why the face of my friend, Rogue?>> Phoenix demands, luckily for the doppleganger, still preoccupied in the mind and unaware of the physical realm.

She does warn the others, however, "there's a demon pulling the strings...it fears knowledge of its name. We need to get Magik involved. As for this 'Rogue', I'm leaning that it's a demonic creation, a puppet if you will..."

Iceman has posed:
"Yeah, well, it's also got everything the real Rogue's got, Jean. I can pour it on, but if I go any harder - I may flash freeze everyone in the room." Bobby admits, worry lacing his voice. And it's true, even in the arctic gear that everyone is wearing in the room, the chill can be feeled coming off of the frozen mutant.

Polaris has posed:
A glance at the 'thing' followed as the vibrations broke through ice nearly as fast as Bobby could summon it into being. Bobby's words made Lorna move into action as she threw up her hands and pulled a hospital bed from the other side of the medbay. The metal liquified under her direction, twisting with a high pitched scream of steel and iron as she twisted it rapidly around the ice that Bobby created to hold the Rogue 2.0 imprisoned.

"A demon? Can we say a quick prayer then and like drive it away? That's how that works, right? What about Holy Water? Does that work if its ice?"

Cyclops has posed:
    Rogue starts to shake more and more violently before the woman's fingers ball into a fist and she punches through the ice with shards flying everywhere. The cold and warm room starts to get awfully crowded until Lorna steps up and removes the bed with creative uses planned for it.

    The wall seems to be holding as the sounds all stop for a few moments until suddenly a fist comes tearing through the metal and then another and Rogue starts to rend through the metal. No words come from the doppleganger, but in her mind Jean is getting a mindful. (((I am no deamon. I am going to make you all suffer for taking my favorite puppet.))) The flaming figure projects from a great distance to Jean's mind through the puppet, even as it begins to attack in the room.

Phoenix has posed:
<<My advise to you...keep your puppets from resembling X-Men, else we might come after you...>> Phoenix warns the beings, before disengaging from the mind, and suddenly becoming aware of the doppleganger just breaking free, "guys, destroy her, she's an empty shell." Not often that Jean speaks with such deliberance, and she immediately joins the fray by trying to employ her telekinesis to keep 'Rogue' at bay.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby grits his teeth, trying to fight off both the flames and Rogue, and now the hands forming and slamming into the walls. As he does so, he glances back, towards Scott and Jean in turn - and this eyes fall upon Lorna. For the longest moment, as Bobby's frame is covered in ice and frost, he holds the green eye mutant's gaze. Before he finally quirks the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry." is said to her quietly.

And he slams down an ice wall between the X-men and Rogue. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

And with that, he falls to his knees, and then facefirst onto the floor.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna kept her grip on the metal, even as it was ripped and punched through, she kept her powers wrapped tight around the liquified steel and iron alloys from the former hospital bed. She swept her hands out before her, fists clenched as she continued to rewrap metal over metal in a constant loop. Jean's words had Lorna turning green eyes to the telepath and grimacing. It was going to be hard to destroy someone or something that looked like Rogue.

"Right, metal spikes.. coming right up.." She drawled, twisting her grip on the metal away from enclosing to death by metal spikes through vital parts.. At least that had been the intent before Bobby looked her away, muttered a soft apology.. and slammed down an ice wall in front of her.

"BOBBY! What are you doing!?"

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott starts to move to blast Rogue with his beams, hand on his glasses ready to rip them from his face when the ice wall comes up and he pauses. "Bobby!" He says, glad the man did something but he's concerned as there's a heavy and loud sound from the other side of the wall as the puppet shoots up through the ceiling, much like she did when she first encountered Rogue. This time she's up through the medlab's roof and then the several floors of the mansion before she's up and away, and ripping the sheets of metal off her form without a scratch on her, seems she even has Rogue's invincibility as well.

Phoenix has posed:
"Bobby!" Jean cries out when Iceman creates that dividing wall between the team and fake Rogue, before over exerting himself and collapsing. But then fake Rogue breaks free, and causing Jean to take immediate action, telepathically transmitting to Pixie, <<Pixie, take to the air, that thing that broke through god knows how many floors isn't Rogue, it's a husk. A puppet. Something demonic...I think you should be able to stop her with your Soul Dagger. We need you now!>>

Having sent her message, Phoenix takes flight herself, only she has the decency to only spread her fiery wings after she cleared the Mansion, rather than introducing more damage to the poor structure. "Running away, are you?" She calls out after the fleeting Rogue.

Pixie has posed:
Megan was looting the fridge, but hearing the warning in her head she quickly ran outside. Taking to the air, the pink haired mutant puts her hand over her heart and draws out the blade. She spots the trouble quickly enough and starts flying toward the not-Rogue.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced at the wall of ice as Bobby flopped in the tell tale way of a body smacking the floor way, before the not-Rogue crashed through the ceiling above and shook off her metal encasing. A scowl tore at Lorna and she flew off after Jean as the woman took to the air as well through the hole in the mansion and above. Metal bits and bobs came floating up into the air around the green haired mutant as she took off after, trying to catch up and hopefully slow down the imposter Rogue by throwing the metal scraps at the flying thing.

At least.. her intent was to try to slow the thing down, and hopefully stop its flight.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Lorna, Jean, go get her!" The leader says as he looks up to the hole in the ceiling, he frowns and realizes at the best, someone is going to have to fix all those. "Sigh."

    Rogue-a-like hovers in the air as a trio of x-women converge upon her and she still emotionless and voiceless looks around and spies a forrest below and to the south. Exactly the direction she's being urged to move. The puppet raises her hand and smacks down the metal bits before she turns around and speeds off flying towards the ground and to the forrest, even if she has to pass through Pixie, she'll mow the young mutant over.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean is very pleased that fake Rogue seems like she doesn't see a threat in Pixie, that one is really going to be a surprise to the puppet master. But in the meantime, she'll not make it seem like a trap, she flies uses her telkinesis to get in the way, trying to block fake Rogue with sheer force forming infront of her, ready to dissipate as soon as Pixie comes nearer. "Tell your Master he needs to learn not to mess with the X-Men."

Pixie has posed:
Pixie looks at the Rogue like woman flying towards her and holds out her knife. "You're sure it's not Rogue?" She yells out with a flicker of doubt before yelling at the impostor. "St-stop! Or I'll make you!" she grips her blade in both hands and gets between Rogue and her exit route.

Polaris has posed:
"It's definitely not! She doesn't give off a magnetic presence either!" Lorna shouted over the roar of the rushing winds as she flew after the imposter and Jean's flight, her green hair streaming out behind her as she continued to catch and redirect the metal scraps into sharper pointed weapons. They flew with her, and even as the imposter chucked them away, the metal scraps were only caught in Lorna's magnetic fields and relaunched back at the creature.

"Do whatever you can to stop it!"

Cyclops has posed:
    Rogue soars rapidly, knowing her incredible strength as well as her powerful speed, the woman plans on just flying right through Pixie to safety, unconcerned about Lorna's spikes, and yet the force of telekinesis from Jean does slow her down incredibly, slowed to almost a stop right in front of Pixie.

Phoenix has posed:
<<Pixie! This is not Rogue! And if it was...you're dagger would do nothing, right? As best as I know...just strike her hard, and do it while I can still hold her, she's very strong....and did I mention she was a demon?>> Phoenix tries to offer every bit of explanation and incentive telepathically to Pixie while holding on to Rogue to the best of her ability. There's a whole list of people to consult, chief among them Magik, but right now, they need to end this puppet.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie hesitates for a moment. Looking down at the hole in the ground and at Jean's urging Pixie flies into the stalled non-Rogue. She drives her dagger up into the chest cavity of the impostor with a cry. There's some worry in her face though, it's not every day she stabs someone who looks like a friendly face.

Cyclops has posed:
    Rogue's chest is pierced easily by the soul dagger, the mind being pushed out of the form of the woman as she falls as limp as her face has been since she first appeared. The mannequin flumps against Pixie and thankfully she doesn't touch skin to skin, as we never got to learn if she possess that power of Rogue's.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean is quick to take telekinetic hold of dormant mannequin Rogue, if only to avoid exactly the off change that a touch would do anything to Pixie. "Great job, X-Men, but we're dealing with a serious threat here...we should have Hank look at this copy and see what he makes of it." She turns to look at Lorna, "between you and me, repairs will go smoother, if you have some time to spare? Sorry to bother you, but," she peers at the holes through several levels of the mansion, "it's an emergency."

Pixie has posed:
Looking at Jean with relief, Pixie backs down toward the ground and looks at the knife. "I can't....I don't want to put it back in." She says and looks a little green around the gills. Looking to the other two women she takes a small breath. "Sooo, anything else that needs stabbing?" The young welsh woman asks. "Home all of a few days and we're invaded." She smiles crookedly. "Nothing changes."

Phoenix has posed:
"Welcome home, Pixie," Jean says with a wink at the Welsh, "and I sure hope no further stabbing is needed today. I was desperatley looking for Illyana, but she must be in her home realm and unreachable...good thing you were around. We have a real threat on our hands, but what else is new, let's go update Cyclops," Jean carries the dormant fake Rogue using TK, as she flies back down to the basement, she's definitely forcing Lorna to help her with temporary repairs.