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Latest revision as of 06:00, 6 February 2019

Fire from the future.
Date of Scene: 31 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Marvel Girl, Pixie, Souvenir, Beast, Phoenix

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is driving up the path towards the house. He has an older model smallish station wagon. He is taking it easy just getting near the house and the garage now.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Thankfully he's got an older car if it was newer the crackle of electricity that ripples over the building and the car would have knocked it out.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pull to a stop as it may fry some in the car, but working on ti has somewhat became Sam's third job. He will step out of the car and start looking around the area to see whats going on.

Marvel Girl has posed:
It starts with a Fuzz almost like something wrapping around the brain making it hard to think.. Like a headache pressure but without the pain! Yet moments later there is a sound a word that Blasts into every mind on the planet for one brief moment every person on earth heard the same thing.. Thankfully they also promptly forgot about it unless you're a mutant or Super. But that Word was simple " NO! " Followed by an Explosion of a Massive firebird Rising in the sky in a massive pillar. But if you look close enough you might see a girl in the middle!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will lok up and blink. he will start to blast up in the air to see who this is and whats going on. The young man has heard tells of that bird shape, but Jean aint been showing signs of that late.

Pixie has posed:
Flying over the house with an Erika in her arms is a Pixie. Her eyes are locked on the fiery appearance before she spots Sam. "Shite, setting you down." She tells Erika and comes in fast to drop off the non-flyer. Her dark eyes are more focused on Sam than she is in the landing, she's done this before.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir heard the fuzz, and got a lift. Somewhere in the air, the screaming started. "NUUUUUUU!!!!"

Twitch. Twitch. ....ow. Why does my throat hurt?

Rebooting Souvenir.exe. Ouch. She looks around. Wait, why am I in the air? Who is carrying me? Where are we going? Ack. Details are slow to come back. "...What was THAT?" Then she lands on the ground and stumbles a moment, looking around and running toward Sam, or at least the patch of ground below him, looking around in some confusion. Still recovering.

"What's going on?" She reaches in her bag and pulls out a wooden stake, getting it ready to yank off her glove and swap it into her right hand.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey It's only for a moment but that Giant Flaming bird seems to look around almost focus on those who arrive before it looks to the distance locking onto where ever jean is in the universe before the flaming bird quickly starts to dissipate. Leaving A curled up into the fetal position Rachel laying in the middle of a Flaming circle in the shape of the Phoenix.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to catch the woman in the middle of the firebird. He counts on his blast field to keep him safe, as he sees Pixie and Erika out back he will pull his com from a pocket slipping it on and says "You guys read me? Seeing this too?

Pixie has posed:
Pixie isn't wearing her com but seeing him fish his out she surges up with a push from her wings to get on his level. "That looked like the...you know. But I just flew over and SHE is in the backyard." She hooks a thumb and looks from Sam to the girl with a curious expression before flitting higher to peek over the roof as if to ensure Jean's really still back there.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir goes... that way. Slightly zigzagging. Yeah. head still ringing. "I see you. Roger.. Copy.. Yeah." She slows at the edge of the circle, shrugging her way out of her jacket. She has elastic wraps underneath. She moves to check the girl over, unsure of how good of an insulator that skinpaint bodysuit is, how those fire abilities are working, and not really wanting to get burned by that flame. "Ohh.. I didn't bring anything for power theory.. Remind me to restock at the hospital soon."

Marvel Girl has posed:
For Sam, she seems to be crying.. Tears run down her face except for those tears almost seem to be red and burning as they Drip down.. She's clearly out cold but is mumbling "Logan. Kate, Franklin .. no no please no not them..." While her hair is on fire it doesn't seem to be burning anybody though even sam might have been burned a touch by the phoenix force.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie catches her, and lands near Erika, he is gritting his teeth a bit as he is feeling the fire through his field. He will call out "She seems to know Logan." over the com. He will drop t a knee as he doesnot seem burned but seems drained "I got her, be carefull as you check her, the aura around her aint nothing to laugh at.

Pixie has posed:
Peering over the roof, Pixie looks back to Sam and Erika. She drops down much faster than when she had Erika and flutters her wings to land lightly. Walking over her eyes flick to Sam's. "She ok? What are the odds that that fire thing looked like /the/ fire thing the other adults talk about?" She asks and keeps her distance from the flames.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blinks a few times. "Wow. My head is still throbbing. Look into my eyes. Do you know where you are? Do you know what day it is? Is there anywhere that hurts to move?" She hmms, examining carefully and pointing at Sam. "We should probably grab a stretcher, just to be safe. Do we go in the front door, or is there a security thing?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Seems to be coming to starting to wake, hard to say her eyes are open but they are white no pupils nothing.. It's moments later when she grabs poor Erika the pupils starting to form, but they are of the flaming bird! What poor Erika will get blasted with is Images, the last scene that Rachel saw the image of the super sentinels arriving and blasting killing her friends.. An older Kitty Pryde, Logan and even magneto all dying as they fight than an older Franklin Richards mouthing I love you before a Blast Tears his chest open.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir's eyes go wide, and she drops like a sack of carrots onto the ground. After a moment, she moans into the snow. "Noooooo, Franklin!" and sobs, crumpled up in an obviously uncomfortable position and not looking likely to move on her own power at the moment.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will frown, and look over to Pixie, and says "Grab Erika, lets get these two the medlab. ah aint sure if it is what it looked like but looks like we need to get them there and away from folks." He will say and carrying Rachel, head into the house and down through the hole to the med lab taking the canonball express.

Pixie has posed:
Walking over, Pixie hoists Erika up into her arms with a grunt. "Medlab, that's a good idea." She looks toward the flaming haired girl. "This is all sorts of weird Sam, I mean, on multiple levels." she flutters her wings a bit and tries to heft Erika more comfortably over her shoulder.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sobs. Brushes against Pixie's clothes a moment and twitches. augh. slump. Cry, cry. Is carried, limply. And gets flopped wherever. KO.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Her eye's slowly close as she hangs in sams arms. The Fire on her arms and hair also slowly seems to dim and change going back to her natural flaming red hair. She seems to take a very long strong breath almost as if coming back.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will lay her on one of the beds in the medlab. He will look over to Pixie, "She does sorta resemble her." he says to the welsh young lady. He has not the medicale training of some of the folks, but he will start to check her pulse. "Ma'am, miss, can you hear me?" He says softly.

Pixie has posed:
Putting Erika down gingerly she looks at the pained girl. "I'm sorry." She murmurs to her and looks back over to the mystery girl. "Sorta...but what are the odds, I mean...do you think it's one of those ummm-do you think Jean's sensed...." She gestures.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Her eye's snap open but they aren't on fire or white just normal eye's as she sits up quickly. Her head quickly snaps left an right eye's scanning as if trying to take everything in inside of moments.. The only issue there is something else in those eye's pain and RAGE. Especially when her arm snaps out and Tk yanks a scalpel into her hands!

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir whimpers and starts trying to recover. At this point, that's kind of rudimentary. Sit up, look around and try to figure out what happened THIS time, look around a very unfamiliar room, be very lost.

Then she sees the scalpel out of the corner of her eye, gets much more calm suddenly because stuff is getting even MORE messed up, but still hasn't quite gotten to the point of being very useful, here, yet.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will react pretty fast, as he has been trained to. His hand moving for Rachel's wrist and putting pressure to try to get her to open her hand and drop the scaple, and says "No, none of that, we are not here to hurt you, but not going to let you hurt us either." and if the scaple hit the floor, he will step on it to keep her from Tking it back up.

Pixie has posed:
Giving Erika a smile she starts to assure her it's ok before seeing the scalpel fly into the strange girl's hand. Pixie lifts her hands defensively. "Woah there. We're friendly. Logan, we know Logan." She says hastily trying to get Rachel to lock onto the present.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Clearly she's been trained as well because the moment he squeezes she lets go. But that foot Snaps up with rather fast speed of those long legs and she cracks poor Sam Right upsize the head with her foot! Trying to get him to let her go so she can flip to the other side of the medical bed.. Except when pixie says she knows Logan, she brings her leg down " You know Logan? Wait your dead I killed you " She clearly looks confused her mind reaching out to confirmed everybody in here is real.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blinks. Head still pounding. She slowly rises and tries to be ready in case this turns into another fight. She's incredibly optimistic to think she would do much more than fall flat on her face if she did.

Souvenir rubs her head with her hand, wincing and squinting at the light. My aching neurotransmitters. "..Yeah. I think I saw him not that long ago in passing. And, y'know. Not getting blown up by weird robot things. Ow..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will take the hit and about go down to his knee, but he keeps ahold of the woman, and says "We aint trying to hurt ya, calm down, tihs is not the time ot be a wildcat. Talk no kicky."

Pixie has posed:
"I'm super not dead." Pixie says and looks at Sam with concern before focusing on Rachel. "I graduated from the Institute not too long ago, him too." She hooks a thumb to Sam. She looks over at Erika and winces. "I'm sorry, I had to pick you up again." She offers and looks around for water. At the very least Erika will need some.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Right now she focuses on sam and looks at his hand holding her wrist < Let go >, Of course, she booth says it and sends it right into his mind and her tone was quite final. Though she's looking over the two girls " You booth died.. You can't be here is this a hologram? " She looks around " Can't be your minds are real .. " She's clearly very very confused right now. She looks to Erika " I was told you blew up the white house."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blinks. "Damn. Bad ass. Well, I guess with cool enough souvenirs... Um.. Well, the white house was there last time I checked. So like.. That didn't happen." She winces, head still ringing.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the woman and winces a bit but he was taught how to resist mental control by the bald man himslef "Not till you calm yourself down. Ah aint sure who you are but Ah have heard stories about that giant canary ya appeared with and they all involved another lady who lives here. You calm down and Ah will let go, and maybe we can get her or someone else who knows more about the canary than me here.

Pixie has posed:
"Yes, do calm down. You've already done a number on poor Erika." Pixie says tartly and finds something to get Erika some water in. A paper cup inside a paper cup as gingerly as she can so she's not getting too much input. Carrying it over she studies Rachel again. "Jeeez. She could be her sister." the welsh mutant mutters to Sam softly.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Right now we have Pixie at a med bed with poor Erika laying on one bed.. on the next bed is Sam and Rachel. With sam holding Rachel's hand a Scapel on the ground held by his foot. Of course, that's before Rachel eye's turn white (Rule one don't tell her to calm down) her hair seems to turn into living flame " I SAID LET GO! " That's when a giant flaming wing turns into a Fist to slam into sam ton. Thankfully she was slow enough that he was able to turn on his blasting but not fast enough to stop her from launching him across the room and embed him into the wall on the other side of the room!

Beast has posed:
It was suposed to be one of his /free/ days. Between the number of classes he teachesthrough the week, his technical and medical duties for both the school itself and the schools 'X-tracarricular Activities' and the many many hours he puts into the lab on his own projects.. well.. He /deserves a break now and then. And by break he means /sleep in/. WHich he was attempting to do...


Then shaggier than usual Beast literally swings into the lab, his mane unkempt and his star trek bathrobe haphazardly tied at the waist. At least he is wearing underwear beneath it. A sleep mask is pushed up on his head and in his free pay (the one he is not swinging by, he holds what looks like a very hight tech smartphone.. or a small tablet..

"One day.. All I ask if for /one/ day. One day free of alien invasions. One day free of supervillians. One day free of horemonaly fueled teenagers running amok through the school halls and ignoring me in class. /ONE/ /DAY/ /OFF/.. Is this too much to ask for? Apparently so! since the psi-detector in my lab /EXPLODED/ mere /MOMENTS/ after sending me a /TEXT/. So, /PLEASE/... /SOMEONE/.. What on Terra Firma is /GOING ON/?!?" he gripes.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hisses out something with a distinctly four lettered tone in Icelandic, cringing in pain and disorientation and mental exhaustion and psychic battering, and takes a step forward to try to defend Sam. As predicted, her foot doesn't hit the floor quite right, and she goes down face first, doing a clumsy breakfall to end up prone and face down, not apparently hurt any worse at least. She moans, trying to sort out what happened, and starts slowly trying to get back to her feet. "Uuugh, please stop..!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie goes flying into the wall with an off, not seeming to be hurt. He drops his blast field, and puls himself from the wall. "Ok, red, your starting to rile me up." He tells her "Your in my home, and you have fried the electronics in my car, did the mental wammy on one of the students under my car, and now you ya done gone and blasted me into a wall. Your starting to make me wonder if Ah should have let ya fall instead of catching you. " He will look over as Beast walks in "Red here, appeared in the form of a giant firey bird out front, and mentioned knowing Logan, and some folks named Kate and Franklin. Ah brought her here to make sure she was ok, but she seems to be a wildcat with telepathy and telekineses. You may want to be careful she is quick on the sucker punches."

Pixie has posed:
"Erika, get in bed." Pixie orders and looks from Rachel and the Sam knock back to the incoming Beast. "Unknown girl. Had...I mean it looked like..." Pixie drops to a whisper "The phoenix" before resuming "a flaming anomaly at any rate. She's at some kind of psychic. Did a whammy on Erika too, thought she'd killed me already and keeps trying to burn poor Sams. Naming names aside." She raises her arms in an x. "Want me to dust her?"

Phoenix has posed:
Speak of the Phoenix...well, it works very similarly to the devil it seems, because Phoenix does walk into the medlab dressed in her costume. Apparently she picked on the psyscream earlier, which made her show up dressed for action. It wasn't hard locating a beacon of psychic energy like Rachel, and despite there already being people in the room, she speaks out in a commanding voice, "everyone relax. Calm down. And avoid stupid actions...I've had enough of those for the month," she notes in a well honed voice of an annoyed teacher, pretty soon she might assign some detentions?

Marvel Girl has posed:
Jaw drops open her eye's go SUPER wide like big like saucers. After she'd punched sam, she'd flipped to the other side of the bed to put it between her and the others. That's when Beats followed by jean walked in and well the sight of jean just made her brain go tilt all she can do is stare at jean, she's so shocked the flaming bird she's wrapped in goes poof and turns off leaving the redhead staring!

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir slowly crawls into a bed, with her head full to the brim with hot burning mental images and jangled by the psychic scream, laying down. Ow. Brain wide open, partly because it's zapped and partly because it's probably easier for Jean that way, since the memories of Sentinels slaughtering people is RIGHT THERE. She just looks around the room, trying to figure out what's going on, thankful that Jean is here with The Mom Voice.

Beast has posed:
Beast almost doesn't seem phased as a student is literally thrown across the room to strike the far wall. In fact, after he listens to Sam and Pixie the blue furry scientist literally rolls his eyes and looks as if he wants to throw his hands up to heaven.

"I swear.. It /must/ be thursday.." he gripes just as Jean walks in and he throws a look over his shoulder at one of his oldest friends. "Ah, Jean... I see you have found yourself wrangled into this.. well.. whatever this may be." he says, then stifles a yawn and looks at... "Sorry.." he says, apologizing for the lapse of politeness. "And yes, Jean.. Quite.. We /have/ had enough." and with that he raises his palm-pilot like device and thumbs the screen like a remote and..

Being the /genius/ he is in fields biological, technological and a whole plethora of other areas with '-ogical' at the end of them, having /years/ of experience treating mutants/metahumans/clones/aliens, and being one of the designers of Cerebro and a whole bunch of other mutagenic and psychogenic devices.. Well it just means that the Beast is fairly prepared for such things as a flaming psionic teenager who appeared from no where.. at least in his own medical lab. The bed on which the girl lays is a marvel of modern (and beyond modern) technology. It looks a lot like the medical beds from a certain science fiction television program (just like the geeky bathrobe he wears)There is a humming sound and a forecefield encompasses the bed, while emittors in ceiling activate and a power and psionic dampening field is generated, contained within the forcefield.

"/NOW/ we can calm down." he shoots a look over at Erica a moment. "Give it a few minutes and the psionic backlash should fade."

Then back to Jean. "You wish to handle this while I get a coffee?" he asks. "I mean.. AFTER I check on Samuel to see if he has a concussion or not, I mean. You can deal with.. Pheonix Juniorette or whatever she is.." Yep.. Still grumpy.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Beast, and says "Ah am ok she caught me with a kick, but ah got my blast field up before she sent me into the wall." He tells the other man. Ah aint sure where she came from, but ah wanted to make sure she was ok. She does seem on the high end of the power scale." He tells them, but does relent to letting Hank check him over.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie is content to back off with Jean in the room and looks to Erika instead. She drifts over to stand by her former classmate and looks between Jean and the strange red head just struck by their likeness. "It's so weird. I mean, you see how weird this is." She mutter softly and adjusts her wings with a roll of her shoulders.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean takes note of Rachel's wide stare as she looks distinctly at her, and she can't quite blame her, because aside for her hairstyle, Jean finds looking at Rachel is very much akin to looking in the mirror, perhaps take a few years off, but very much the same. It's almost unsettling really, if Jean wasn't already likely one of the world foremost experts in dealing with the inconceivable and retaining her sanity. "First thing's first, who are you...?" Jean asks of Rachel as they both lock gazes.

"It's rather hard to ignore such a powerful psychic scream, I dare say half the Astral Plane heard that, and perhaps a fourth of the people passively attuned to it," Jean says back to Hank, her lips curve into a ghost of a smile as she surely understands the stress he's under. They both have been through quite a lot as founding X-Men.

"I believe Mr. Guthrie is in perfect health, he's one of the toughest recent graduates, but do give him a look over, just in case," Jean agrees, eyes turning to look over Sam as if to be sure, before returning to Rachel, "I'm not entirely sure the containment and dampner fields will be necessary in this case though, Hank, she needs to calm down and not feel like a scientific experiment or worse...I will contain whatever she unleashes," Jean promises, in plea to make her intervention easier by removing the stressful, and threatening element of the subduing fields currently activated on Rachel.

She looks aside at Pixie and Erika, "are you two unharmed?" She asks just to be sure, before slowly starting to step closer to Rachel. "I am Jean Grey, Headmistress of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters." She introduces herself, after all, not fair to ask for the identity of the other without offering her own. At least not if you're looking for an amicable exchange.

Marvel Girl has posed:
It's almost too much her Brain just can't won't she couldn't, but she can feel it the connection more than the connection the other is there smiling at her letting her know that this woman is really her. She swallows she wants to say a million things she wants to question to ask why her mind whirls there can only be one explanation it has to be. Yet the only thing that comes out of her mouth is " Mom? "

     Her mind whirls her eye's flashing around the room taking it in.. the room is clean everything in here is functioning it's not smashed and deserted like her memories She has to be in the past.. But she screwed up when she sent Kate back she changed another timeline not her own, Is she in her timeline another? Yet none of it matters because there she is just like she remembered her last memory of her when she was a little girl.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir mouths a soft 'thank you' to Beast and makes herself comfortable in the bed, reaching over to take the paper up from Pixie and drink out of it with a plastic straw before slumping into the bed.

She pushes the burned in memories of Sentinels slaughtering Kitty, Magneto, Logan, and Franklin with energy bolts to the front of her head, uncovered so Jean can easily notice and read them. Her brain looks like it took quite the beating from the scream; she's extra sensitive and not shielded.

"Thank you. I'll be okay in a bit, she slammed some memories into my head with like.. a claw hammer, but I'm already starting to feel a bit better. She said something about me being dead after blowing up the White house, and I'm pretty sure I would remember if I did something like that."

Beast has posed:
Beast frowns and a little and crosses his arms againbst his broad chest.. the blue star trek bathrobe (complete with TOS Chevron on the breast) fluttering a bit. "If you insist, Jean, but the fields are there to help me /treat/ my patients. You have never had to remove the appendix of a mutant with pyrokinetic abilities. Or try to take the pulse of a student who can become immaterial at will. And don't let me get started on the time I had to remove the flaming Kabob from Glob Herman's.. well.. Lets just say this is not to make anyone feel like they are under 'scientific experimentation'. These are the tools required after years of /experience/ trying to treat people with enhanced abilities." he grumps.. and then turns the fields off...

ANd almost drops the remote when the girl drops THAT bomb...

And then the Beast growls lowly and points a finger at the newcomer. "No!" he says. "No! You are NOT gong to be playing these games. What are you?!? Genetic experiment?!? Time Traveller?!? Alternate Reality?" he bares his teeth, not even CARING if the students are looking at him. He turns to Jean. "I'm not going through this /again/, Jean. No more strangers playing on our sympathies because they seem to know us but we don't them.. Not /again/." And he suddenly turns on a furry foot and stomps out of medical.. presumably to the science lab next door because there is a loud *SLAM*.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie blinks a bit at the Beasts reaction to this and over to Rachel. He looks to Pixie, and says "Ah thought she resembles, not enough to be a clone like Rogue's but Ah did not see this coming.." He will look over towards the door, and to Rachel, and then to Jean "Um, should Ah go check on him?" He will ask, thinking he must have missed something while he was away.

Pixie has posed:
"Mom?" Pixie repeats and looks from Rachel to Beast with alarm. She belatedly remembers to answer Jean's question. "I'm whole. Had to manhandle Erika a bit but she's the one worst off." Sam's Rogue comment makes her flinch a little but she's got herself on lock and holds her position in case Sam decides to go after Beast after all.

Phoenix has posed:
"Mom...?" Jean repeats and pauses, freezing in her advance towards Rachel. It's just about the last thing she'd expected to hear from that girl, particularly as she asked for her identity. There's confusion, uncertainty, and at the same time, the girl seems very much balanced. This wasn't musing of a deranged mind, this was an acertaining of a truth. Yet it doesn't make it any less jarring, "who are you?" Jean repeats her question, this time in a more demanding tone, yet a much more quizzical look on her visage.

Erika's words don't make it any clearer, as her claims are quite flagrant. That is not an every day use of telepathy, the girl must be extremely gifted, and extremely powerful at the same time. Rather than explore what have been done to Erika, she lets the girl be, not further invading her mind. Instead she looks to Rachel once again, "have you grafted memories unto her mind?" She asks while pointing at Erika, "why would you do such a thing?"

Jean turns to look back at Beast, smiling more easily now, "worry not, Hank, I'm not calling into question why we have them, I just meant for right now...I think it's better to have it off, thank you!" Then there's Beat's reaction to what Rachel just said, and Jean sighs, "Hank...we can't judge new people we meet based on past interaction, no matter how derivative it may seem..." but to her credit she doesn't try and calm Beast empathically, she doesn't get in his head, she just let him work through his emotions. Like everyone has the right to do.

Her attention returns to Rachel with the containment field and power dampners now off, "we will not harm you, but you must tell us who you are. Where are you from. What is your purpose..." and with that, it seems Jean also took heed of Hank's words, not spiralling out of control just because she heard the word 'mom'. From a girl who looks two drops of water removed from her. A girl who by all accounts exhibited powers similar to her. In other words, Hank was right, it's tough!

"Sam, please give Dr. McCoy a few moments for himself, I understand his reaction, give him sometime to work it over...he is just trying to protect me, and he's frustrated because he knows I will listen to this girl despite his warning..." Jean puts it as simply as she can, while simultaneously making it clear to Rachel she has no biases against her, but would really need to hear more than just 'mom'. As freaky as that was, maybe Rachel can find it in her to freak Jean even more?

Marvel Girl has posed:
Reacts a bit like a child would as she hears jean question her " I'm rachel " she says a bit subdued, Then she talks about the grafting she glances to poor girl " I'm It must have happened after the Phoenix forced dropped me off I was scared and confused." She rubs the back of her head that tatoos are almost glowing on her cheeks.

     She moves out from behind the table having calmed down it seems the moment she saw jean her mind seemed to snap out of it as she quickly moves towards Erika " I can take those back I'm sorry I couldn't handle it I must have lashed out."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods a bit. "Okay. I'm pretty good at memory management, I've got them up front for you, you've got my consent to read them."

Then Rachel makes that comment. "Or, you know. That. Are they just a copy? Because, you know. I don't know if I feel like having you dig around in my head again just yet. My head still hurts."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and will move to one of the chairs and have a seat. He will keep an eye on this, offering another of the chairsto Pixie as he figures best thing right now is to just keep quiet and listening and be there if he is needed for anythign.

Pixie has posed:
Looking from Rachel, Erika, and Jean towards Sam, Pixie nods and sits down with a quiet "Are you sure you don't need water or something? You aren't burned?" Wings flitting with concern briefly as she keeps half an eye on the two psychics.

Phoenix has posed:
"Rachel..." Jean repeats the name as if tasting it on her lips, it doesn't sound familiar, but then nobody should be calling her 'mom' either. Yet somehow, it didn't sound like an elaborate prank concocted by Bobby Drake. "Are you willing to remove those memories from her so they don't plague her? Potential identity disorders can occur from mixing up different people's memories in one mind," Jean warns.

With the tattoos showing clearly about Rachel's face, Jean soon gasps in alarm, moving even closer, and slowly reaching with a gloved hand towards Rachel's face, "what are those...? Who did that to you?" There's no question such branding on one's face cannot be self inflicted, this wasn't something done for beauty.

"It's okay, Erika, the skill it takes to graft memories...? I have no doubt Rachel can remove them easily, and it's better for you, trust me," Jean offers with a smile, "it's better she does it now without lingering."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Nods her head " It's easy " though if Jean does reach out she will feel the sliver of the Phoenix power inside this girl and There is a connection she won't be able to explain.

     When Jean reaches for those tatoos she will flinch but not move out of the way almost just stand still and tremble.. Strong feelings of Shame, Sadness, Rage, and hatred rolling off her when those tatoos are spoken of.

     She reaches out her hand pointing towards Erika and quickly remove the last memory of her time pulling it back herself.. She even soothes the poor girls brain a bit as a way of saying sorry taking away the pain.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir mmms, "Are you sure? I mean, I'm really good at version controlling memories, so it really isn't hurting anything if they're just there in quarantine. I have to be, with all the memories in souvenirs I have to shuffle around."

She frowns a bit. "But I guess if you think it's best. Just keep an eye out and make sure nothing else janky happens, please?"

Then stuff just happens very quickly. "... Gah. Slow your roll! Yeesh." Hmm. To Jean, "Is memory management really that bad for people? Because I have, like, twenty skill memory blocks in my head right now. Sorry, geeking out. Shutting up now."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit at Erika, and will gently elbow Pixie, and says "Yea, I think she is one of us." and then says "Yea, Ah am ok, the fire burned, but, Ah think it was more a physic burn than a physical one, and have had a few big guns in there, can honestly say not the worst thing to happen in there and pretty sure no lasting damage."

Pixie has posed:
"Saaaaam." Pixie rolls her eyes. "You don't have to be so tough all the time." She mutters but grins at Erika. "She's taking it like a champ." the welsh woman agrees and lightly elbows Sam back before resuming watching Rachel and Jean with fascination. She's at least curious after learning the younger? redhead kills her.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean, Rachel may soon find, is remarkable in the way she chooses not to abuse the power she has. Since setting foot in this medical lab, she has yet to try once to reach into Rachel's head, much as she avoided reaching into others. Trust and respect, Jean believes, build much greater relationship, than certainty and abuse of privacy. She speaks nothing of it, and makes no lectures. She just looks at Rachel operate as she removes those grafted memories from Erika.

She does take back her hand at Rachel's reaction when she asks about those markings, empathy working a bit different to telepathy, she easily picks up on what a disturbance it is and drops the question. Not pressing it at all.

"Thank you, Rachel, I'm not sure how well Erika can appreciate it, but what you've done will be a great help." Jean smiles at what could well be her younge self, before turning to look at Erika. "I'm not entirely sure it's a healthy habit you've adopted Erika, remember the adage, just because we can do something doesn't mean we should..." Jean doesn't linger beyond that, not intending to turn this visit into a lecture.

She then focuses on Rachel once again, "listen, if you know Logan and have called him a friend, you are with friends. More than that, you are with family," ironic that Jean should say that after what Rachel asked earlier, which likely caught everyone's ear. It's almost like Jean is playing coy, "you're welcome to stay with us, rest, I will assign you a room in the girl's dormitory...and we can talk more tomorrow after you've had a chance to rest, ok?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Nods her head softly before she frowns " Just one question mo" She's about to say mom again but she strips it and coughs feeling awkward " What year is it?" . She looks to the two sitting down and over to Erika doing a quick check to make sure she didn't leave any damage almost fixing everything without thinking about it. She turns back to jean chewing her lip because based on how she answers will clearly tell her what's going on or at least, give her a clue.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs helplessly and mutters. "It's that or walk around naked, and like.. it's cold out there. I mean, unless you WANT me showing up at classes poking out in body paint or something. Even then, shoes and gloves." She shrugs and looks over at Sam. "Glad you're okay. That looked like it seriously hurt. Hashtag collateral damage."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Just part of the job, you both were there heading in to help first worried about yourselves second." He says of the two younger girls. He will look over to Rachel, and says "And I am glad your ok, and will say you got a heck of a kick on ya." He looks to Jean and says "Ah probably should have checked with you before bringing her down here, sorry about that but figured making sure she was ok needed to take priority.

Pixie has posed:
"She did seem pretty out of it and Erika was down." Pixie notes and blinks at the declaration that Erika would just go about in the buff. "That's surely not a thing." She murmurs and tucks her hands under her arms. "Sam, there was like fire, and psychic screaming. Of course I flew over." The pink haired girl blushes. "Honestly I sort of thought it was Ms. Jean hollering." She slinks down in her seat some and looks between the pair again.

Phoenix has posed:
"Mom...?" Jean completes Rachel's word even though she gave her the courtesy of not stating it again, "maybe we can talk more about it once we're both rested." Jean says with a warm smile, "the year is 2027, is this your way of telling us you're a time traveller?" Always an option with the X-Men.

To Erika Jean offers a glance that says she doesn't buy it, but considering it's just a glance, it seems she won't be arguing with Erika tonight. "Sam is one of the toughest young men you'll meet, Erika," Jean gives Sam full vouching, which is likely why she wasn't as concerned as Hank. There's a reason she was comfortable placing Sam Guthrie in charge of the New Mutants.

"It's fine Sam, I don't hold it against you. This is all very confusing for everyone involved." Nice of Jean to say, but only one person was called 'mom' in this room, and that has to be freaky.

"I don't blame you for thinking so, Pixie, I was thining the same, and I am me...I should at least know that much." Funny, lately Jean has been having some issues with that, specifically during the whole Astral Flux / Shadow King affair.

"Well, all of you know what I've decided, Rachel, you can come with me right now, or have Sam assign you a room later. I am in need of some rest," she turns to look at Sam, "if Rachel chooses to linger with you in the lab, place see to it she gets a dorm room before you leave?" And she'll wait a moment or two at the door should Rachel decide to come with her, otherwise she'll be off for the night.

Souvenir has posed:
"Like, twelve of my memory blocks are literally just random memories attached to my clothes, so. You know. Zero invasive memory blocks requires nudity and like, either grass floors or levitation."

Souvenir slurps the rest of the water, then stands up to get more and return to sit with Sam and Pixie. "And since the annoying stuff happens from the first, and I can throw on at least a few hundred without making things worse that I can tell, I'm not too bugged by it. I don't know how to do it any other way."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Chews her lip a little more saying mom seems almost strange to her as it must be for jean but she lets her leave " I'll stay here " She says a bit perhaps a bit to scared and also her mind is whirling around the date.

     She turns moves right up to Sam maybe a touch too close! " Is senator Kelly still alive? ".

Pixie has posed:
Looking at Rachel as she comes right up to Sam, Pixie sighs and gets to her feet. "What is it with girls and Sam?" She mutters and pushes out of her chair with a little slap at Sam with a wing as she goes. "Catch her up on history, coach. I'll go work on room assignments." The Welsh girl waves a hand over her shoulder and takes off so she's not left giving the history lesson...or getting one.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will shakes his head a bit and look at Pixie like she is crazy him and girls yea, he still does not see it. He will stand and look over to Rachel, and says "Well not sure which one there have been a few but we can check to see if the one your talking aout for sure is or has been a senator, and is alive or not." He will ask her "You want to get something to eat, time travel does tend to make me hungry." He admits, and looks to Erika "Want to join us?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Blinks and frowns " Wait you don't know him? Does mutant registration act? Hates all of us? Ring any bells? " She waves her hands " Ring any bells " though her belly starts to growl so she holds it " Okay yes food would be good but no Rat.. it makes me vomit".

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms. "I think I'm going to crawl into bed. This whole thing? Took a lot out of me, and I have to get up early. You two have fun. How old are you, anyway? Wait, rat? Ew no, they don't sell that." She hms. "Like. I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "No, was thining more beef, or chicken." He will tel her, and looks to Erika "Take care and let me know how your feeling in the morning." He says wanting to check on her. To Rachel he will says "We have had problems with hatred of course, but no real worries about any mutant registrations gotten to any real backing at least. Closest was probably after the presidentual assissnation but well with Aliens, Asguardians, and Meta Humans I think people are not ready to seperate us from other super heroes

Marvel Girl has posed:
Blinks and frowns " Wait aliens, " she thinks okay those were a thing in her time but not that big " Meta what? " She cocks her head clearly getting confused.. When she hears beef or chicken her eye's go wide " You managed to sneak that stuff? Woah " .

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shakes her head a bit and waves, slipping out. "Right. I'll catch you later."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We don't have to sneak, food is alot more common here in our time than your time. Ah am begining to believe you might be from a time similar to one Berto told me about where the Sentinals were in charge and Lila and Ah were taking all the mutants off earth." He will stand and says "To the kitchen?""

Marvel Girl has posed:
Follows along " Mutants are hunted the world turned into a war zone, were mostly kept collared in camps those of us that aren't killed for sport " . she Hugs herself a bit " Eventually they just wanted to kill us all even the ones in the camp. " . She sighs" That's why I need to know about Kelly , and what about aliens and metas "

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will put his hand on her shoulder gently, and says "Nothing like that has started her, and people know there are other things out there than us. Like Superman, alien, who is sorta like gladiator, but different, and then there is Meta's people who have gained powers in other ways, sorta like the Fantastic four." He will look at her costume, and says "Ok, going to ask this, would ya like some sweats or jeans or something instead of the costume? If ya want to keep the costume on no judging just thought it might be more comfortable

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks and frowns " Superman who's that? " She frowns trying to go into her memories and figure out who this guy is. She thinks " So like cosmic or science stuff like the hulk before they nuked him." She looks over the kitchen kinda almost remembering something.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "You don't know who superman. You know about Captain America? He will ask, and as he does he gets her a glass of ice tea, and starts gathering some left overs out and starts heating up a few different things

Marvel Girl has posed:
Nods her head " Of course who doesn't know about him before they betrayed him and shot him in the back." She frowns " he was Logan's friend, he used to talk a lot about him.. like what a hero should be". She licks her lips clearly getting hungry.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and will bring her some fried chicken, some meat loaf, some mase dtaters, green beans, and a few other things "Well Cap is about same level of famous as Superman. Seems things maybe different than you knew there, but then again, always thought time is not set in stone least not with us.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Frowns and shakes her head ' Never heard of him " she says simply "Must be a different timeline " she says frowning but when he takes one bite of the food she stops talking. Least with her mouth, she's too busy stuffing it as fast as she can.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "You can eat slow, we have plenty and won't take it away from you. Food is easily gotten here, Ah do believe you have found yourself in a time you may like and hopefully you can call home.

Marvel Girl has posed:
All Sam will get is .oO Sooo good oh godess this is soo good, whatever it's called it's amazing Oo. Maybe he's used to telepathy hard to say but she's clearly not listening and is too busy trying to eat and taste as many goodies as she can.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will smile a bit at that and give her her time to enjoy it, and will make sure she has enough to get fill but also makes sure not enough to make her sick. He will hmms and sem t wonder something but stops himself from asking.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Looks up her eye's narrow but she keeps eating .oO Ask Oo. Is all she says .oO Or I can go get it myself if you rather, better to say than to hold because the sentinels can get you any day Oo. she seems to say that like it's a rhyme they tell children.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well, as Jean said, remember we leave in a place where it is considered bad form to go in and get it yourslef, but if you want me to ask ok... "Whose ya dad?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Blinks and shrugs still chewing her chicken and looking at the mayo and trying to dip it before taking a bite and her eye's roll in her head sooo good. She telepathically sends the info .oO Easy Scott Summers her boyfriend right? Oo.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Well thought it might be but was not sure. He is around your liable to run into him as well. Honestly not sure what their current dating status is between the two honestly.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Blinks and swallows speaking finally " he's alive? " She says looking at Sam she suddenly looks around as if nervous before she seems to calm down " Okay he's not here right now.". She sighs " I'm not sure if it has to happen I mean if this isn't my time " she frowns and touches her head " This is very confusing".

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Ah can imagine a bit. I have done a little time travel, but the only time that was even close to my own life span was going into the future, where Mutants were a ruling class, and treated humans were treated as sub par beings.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Frowns and thinks for a moment " That's just doing to them what they did to us " She says softly and frowns " That's not right sounds like giving more pain it doesn't fix anything."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Just because someone does something to you, doing it back to them does not make it right. We strive for a better world, where man, mutant and every other thing that is out there can live together in peace. ah know it might not happen, but ah also know Ah fight for it and try to help it get closer rather than farther away. Ah want the world a better place for my brothers and sisters, and for those to come after us, human or mutant. No one deserves to be treated worse cause of how they were born, if your going to judge someone let it be upon their actions not there gentics. Heck you booted me in the head and I aint holding it against you.""

Marvel Girl has posed:
Sighs and rubs her stomach " I'm getting sleepy maybe we can continue this later. This is so confusing I need to lie down.. I just need a corner or something maybe a sheet ".

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and will says "I promised Jean, i would set you up with a room, you will have a bed and all of that, I think you will like it more than just a corner