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Latest revision as of 22:13, 17 August 2017

Catching Up
Date of Scene: 17 August 2017
Location: Hyperion Hotel - Lobby
Synopsis: Angel and Fred discuss the rescue of Sam and hydras - both animal and organization.
Cast of Characters: Angel, Winifred Burkle
Tinyplot: Tayaniye

Angel has posed:
    Angel was watching as the shadows overcame the Hotel, a sign that it was time to get up and wander. Restless for some reason, Angel moves downstairs into the main area of the Hyperion Hotel. Moving to the main desk, he leans against it with a frown and a sombre look on his face. Looking at the door, Angel waits, just in case there was someone who needed his help tonight. Another night, another soul or two saved from darkness!

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred has been splitting her time, lately, between the Hyperion and elsewhere in New York City. The days of her refusing to leave her room or the hotel unless under strict orders or duress is certainly over. Pushing her way into the lobby, Fred sees Angel at the counter and makes her way over toward him. "Heya Angel," she greets. "How're you?"

Angel has posed:
    Angel stands up straight when he hears Fred's arrival, and with a nod of his head, moves from the desk a few steps forward. "Fred! It is great to see you," Angel says with a slight smile, "I'm fine." Another nod. "What's going on?" Angel looks at her carefully. "Have you any news in regards to your friends kidnapping and this soldier character with the metal arm? I heard through the grapevine that the battle is still going on." A pause. "Are you okay?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred makes her way to the counter, leaning against it comfortably. She still walks with a slight limp but it is barely noticeable. "It's good to see you too," she smiles back. "I'm...okay. We got Sam back, but still haven't found Claire. We don't think she was where they were holding him." As for the soldier character, she shakes her head. "We're still looking for both of them. Metal Arm Guy - we found that his name is Barnes - he was there. He called up a hydra that nearly ate us. You don't happen to know anything about hydra, do you?"

Angel has posed:
    "You are limping...you are hurt." Angel looks concerned. His eyes regard her thoughtfully for a moment, as she tells her story. "Claire...another friend I assume?" Angel nods, not interrupting, but filled with questions. As soon as she mentions "Barnes" his frown deepens. He's heard that name before...then..."A Hydra? Truly?" Angel pauses for a few seconds, and his eyes blaze in a distant memory. "Yeah. I've encountered one before. A Lernaean Hydra. Back i the Angelus days. Barely got out with my life. Our lives." Then he sees her expression. "Do you mean A hydra or HYDRA Hydra?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"I'm alright," Fred assures Angel, giving him a smile to show that she's not actively in pain. "Apparently hydras have poison on their tongues. Got me around the ankle, but I'm okay. It's healing." During the actual fight it was less calm and more screaming. Now, though? there's still a shiver of fear in remembering the hydra yanking at her legs and pulling her off her feet, but she's alive. "Did you manage to kill it, though? We thought it was just a big snake until we blew up one of its heads and it came back with two. That shouldn't be allowed, it's not fair."

The question about Claire is given a nod. "Claire Temple. She's a nurse. I think she got mixed up with Metal Arm somehow even before all this." She catches that darkened expression. "You're looking a bit more frowny than usual," she points out. As for a Hydra or HYDRA Hydra, there's a shrug. "Either. It seems like we're dealing with both."

Angel has posed:
    Angel's look is one of disbelief that Fred is okay, but he doesn't press the issue. This time. "Fred. If you are injured or hurt, you should take care of you. You are...mortal, and can get in serious trouble. Healing takes time." Angel pauses, and says, "And we rely on you." We, not I. As Fred continues, Angel says, changing the subject with her, "Yeah, Hydras are deadly. They can only die if you burn where you cut off their head, and decapitate the "immortalt" or head...head." Angel blinks. "It's hard. You need someone who can dish out some fire and heat."

    "A nurse." Angel nods. "Good. When we rescue her, she can take care of that leg." Angel nods towards Fred's injury. More frowny than usual. "Maybe." Angel crosses his arms across his chest. "I'm just concerned you are getting in over your head and I am not there to save you." Yes he said it. "The Hydra is tough but do able. HYDRA is a whole different story. Their organization runs deep."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"I've been keeping off of it," Fred tells Angel with a good natured roll of her eyes. "The most I've done is run toward a burning building. Vengeance demons." That should explain that as far as she's concerned. There's a kind smile for Angel as he tells her that the team relies on her. "Not as much as we rely on you. I'm just a crazy lady you found in a cave. But, don't worry, I'm being careful. I promise."

How he killed the hydra before forces the smile to fade slightly. "We tossed a bunch of bombs down its throat and it still grew another head. Maybe they've gotta be more magical in nature. So, the original head head?" She seems to follow Angel, despite the non-descriptive descriptor.

"We'll get her back and I think she's going to need a bit more nursing than I do when we do. They're not kind to the people they keep." There's a steeliness in her voice as she says that, thinking back to the torture that poor Sam endured before she catches the frown again and the crossed arms. "See!" she gestures toward him. "There it is again. Do you know something?" As for getting in too far over her head, she shakes her head. "We have to help her," she says, firmly. There's almost a bit of a smile when he says that he's not there to save her. Perhaps she's thinking back to the first thing she ever said to him. "You're not always gonna be there to save me, Angel. And that's okay, because I know you want to be and will be if you can."

Angel has posed:
    Angel nods sagely. They all had some experience with Vengeance Demons after all. "You are more than a crazy lady Fred." Angel actually smiles. "Crazy yes, but more than just that." His eyes glint mischieviously.

    "Yeah. Sounds like this Hydra was trouble. Could have been magically enhanced, but it does have an original head. The head head." Angel shakes his head. If anyone had been listening to their conversation they would have thought they were BOTH crazy, crazy. "I agree. I'm sure we'll get Claire back."

    His arms were still crossed across his chest. "I know a lot of things Fred. Okay, maybe I need to meet this "Sam" character you keep mentioning. And his brother. I have to get a feel for them, make sure I can trust them." Angel looks at Fred. "You seem to."

    Angel hears the timbre of her voice, and the passion in her eyes. "I respect that Fred. You want to help them, so I do too." Angel nods, and adds, "Well, I will always try to be there to save you Fred. Always." With that, Angel says, "So, let's get to work then. Hydra. Maybe there is something in the lore I have forgotten?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The fact that Angel thinks she's more than a crazy lady makes Fred beam, despite their subject matter. "Thanks Angel," she says sincerely. To someone else that might have been worthy of a raised eyebrow, but to her it's a compliment. "I think you're better than crazy."

When Angel says he knows a lot of things, she shakes her head - though still smiling. "I never doubted that. You've got a couple hundred years to learn and see things! Even evil things because you were evil for a little bit." She means all these things in a good way, even if it might not come out that way. "You should meet Sam. He's a good guy. I think you'll like him. Dean, too, though he's the kind of guy that runs into burning buildings at moment's notice. I haven't told Dean yet about the, uh," she puts her hands up to her mouth and points her fingers down to pantomime vampire.

At the promise, she smiles. "And I'll be here for you, too. Maybe Wesley has some books somewhere on them. Maybe we can find something we're missing."