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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/02/01 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=762, 248, 1258, 314 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:762|Rachel G...")
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Latest revision as of 06:14, 6 February 2019

Out shooping with the Future girl
Date of Scene: 01 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Marvel Girl, Pixie, Cannonball, Black Queen

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Is walking with Pixie and Sam, she's more than a little spooked right now mostly cause there are so many people on the street. Of course, she Moves up to a window of a shop peering at the window she does the only thing she can think of to make herself calm. Even if people can see she uses her powers to change her outfit! Of course, that might draw some attention since she's using tk to rearrange her outfit!

Pixie has posed:
Subtle was out the window the second Pixie was invited along. She trails along though, wings fluttering here and there to keep warm and her dark eyes flitting face to face as she watches the people around Rachel warily. "Still think this is too soon." She murmurs to Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will see her looking at the clothes and as her clothes start to change he will move to step between her and the majority of people. He has seen her do this before, and he will softly scold her "We need to try not to use our powers when folks can see us. It does still freak some people out and some we even get esnting to be like us. Out here people are a bit more.. understanding as some of the students here are known mutants.

Black Queen has posed:
What's even stranger than having a woman make some questionable fashion choices in the middle of the street? Perhaps the fact that the street of moving people, running around and doing their thing... just stops. And the glass in front of Rachel wobbles a little, looking a bit like the surface of water, and then just as if a rock had been tossed into it, it ripples out. Selene Gallio steps out of the shop's glass. Some people staring at clothing inside, some people on the street stopped, but not Rachel or her friends, they are untouched. Some where off in the distance, perhaps a few other people are running about, or leaving the creepy area, but for the most part it's as if these few blocks of New York have just gone quiet. "Oh, do not worry young children. You can use your powers freely now." The raven haired woman smiles, not looking older than her early twenties herself. "I heard the sing song of a little birdie, from a voice I did not know. And I have known all her voices..." Looking at each in turn, Sam, Pixie, then narrowing in on Rachel with a big smile.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks when the woman comes out she's stunning to be sure incredibly beautiful but Rachel knows just enough because the first thing she does is shout "NO! " even as she is suddenly wreathed in flames blazing as she crouches low clearly ready to do battle. Quickly switching back to all red and spikes.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie double takes and looks to Sam with alarm. Her expression is filled with "I told you so." but she draws out her dagger and looks between Rachel and Selene warily. "Rachel, we don't start fights." She cautions and gives Selene a hard look. But they will fight if pushed. "She's registering to me as magical." Pixie warns Sam softly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and will recognize her, and he will move to step between Rachel and Selene. "She is one of ours, you can keep on going, we don't need a fight here Selene. It is not one you want trust me." His manorisms have changed to protectiveness

Black Queen has posed:
A bit of a smirk, "There she is, though a bit... small, really." Selene seems thoroughly happy and not at all afraid of the fire. In fact she kind of reaches out a little bit, extending an index finger and one of the wisping flames coming off of Rachel sort of touches her well-manicured finger tip. Then she pulls her hand away, "Such an exquisite bunch. A not so big bird, an unfull fae, and a..." She looks to Samuel and rolls her eyes a bit, "A brutish lad. Does the tiger alert the deer? Or the hurricane the cars? Dear boy, if I came for a fight, you would be ash on the ground suitable only to be blown away by the breadth of dogs and the movement of skittering feet."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Speaks to Pixie " She's Selene Gallio she's 100 times worse than just magic " When she touches the flame she looks shocked but quickly Steps back eye's Blazing if anything the heat coming off her becomes more real and rather hot! she's even making air move around her. Without thinking the moment Selene seems to look at the others she reaches out and quickly shields their minds from Selene least she hopes she does.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie gets some air to get clear of Rachel's flames. Sticking close however she keeps her eyes on Selene. "No one here is happy to see you, best move on Witch." She growls and grips her dagger tighter. She's worried, angry, a tiny part of her whispering how easy it would be to stab Selene and it puts her hackles up. The threat to Sam makes her the most angry and she tries to keep half an eye on him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie just smiles at Selene. "Ah do believe your track record against my friends speaks enough for how much Ah should fear you. He will cock his head slightly looking at her, and says "You waited till we came out instead of visiting us yesterday for a reason. "Should we call Jean and the others, or you care to let these people go about their day and have your little speach? You won't take her, you won't harm us, and if you harm those around us, you will regret it." He does not show the woman fear, not cause he is unafraid, but knows she would enjoy it to much.

Black Queen has posed:
Looking around at the very angry group, Selene is the only one who's calm and even perhaps friendly. "She speaks correct little winged one. Though, I wonder how it is ... she knows of me and I do not know of her." Selene squints a little bit, right at Rachel, and then she takes a half step back, and puts up her hands. "Happy to see me? No. But the gods ask not permission of mortals where they may tread. I am speaking the truth, I know you do not hear that a lot in your little school, but I am when I say - I did not come for a fight, but instead to offer. I come with generosity in my heart, to fulfill a wish for each of you, in thanks for bringing me such a surprise. Would you deny your heart's desire?" Getting a bit of a sour look on her face after Sam talks, Selene mentions, "I am the one who has prevented your friends from being assaulted by the police, or worse, these new anti-mutant forces. Not your precious Jean, or your Professor, why do you think that is?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Doesn't say anything she just glares at Selene she can't comment because she has no idea about this timeline, what' more she knows it's not the same as her's. But Her body is wreathed in Tk and Flames right now ready for any move she Might do.. She can't help it though she makes a mistake her own mind to ready takes a mental stab trying to see what her motive is!

Pixie has posed:
"Heard that one before." Pixie grumbles and turns her blade in her hand to settle it better. "I think you've brought your shock and awe, we've seen your might, you're welcome to leave any time." She gestures with her free hand to Selene as if to shoo her away.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "My heart's desire currently is for you to leave, and interesting you try claiming credit for what is not your doing. The only thing that would be brining us unwanted attention to an extreme today is you. "Showing people that mutants and humans can live together is the way of a brighter future, you just want to be in charge, and as for gods, Ah have met them, and mine have bested them.

Black Queen has posed:
In the Mindscape: Selene sits on a chair inside of a dark room. Whispered screams play around the edges of what can only be described as a room from one of those horror films where people are cut up and killed. Left to die. And there she sits. In this psychic world she waves a hand in the direction of another chair that suddenly appears, <<Please, come and sit, little bird. You are out of place, and I can help you.>>

In the Real: "You have heard such things from liars before, then." Selene says to the flying Pixie and then takes in a deep breath and shakes her head a little, "I do not force upon anyone what they have not brought upon themselves." And Selene's attention refocuses on Samuel, "If they still teach you biology in your school, and not just how to put on awful looking outfits, then you would understand that eventually there will not be humans and mutants. Just mutants, we are the favored group, we have natural selection on our side. Must I teach you everything? I will leave, because you do not wish to be reasonable. Your friend flares up, your other draws a weapon and flies, and you speak ill. Me, I am but a woman accosted by mutants."

Marvel Girl has posed:
In the mindscape, Rachel takes one look and nope nope nope a whole bucket of Nope with that NOPE ... She quickly uses all her power to flee! Snapping back her eye's Glow and runs.. Yep, those Flaming Hands wrap around Sam and Pixie and Boom she takes off at supersonic Speeds trying to get as far away from the super scary lady as possible!