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Latest revision as of 06:23, 6 February 2019

Sentinels: Storytime with Deadpool
Date of Scene: 01 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Some mission stuff, and Steve GAVE ME A HUG ON PURPOSE
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Hulk, Captain America
Tinyplot: Sentinels

Deadpool has posed:
The message was detailed, considering it was a text and covered in various rainbow and bouncing emojis and graphics. It was sent directly to Captain America, of course, on the same thread as the last time Steve reached out to Deadpool to have bro-tastic-funtime that included such exciting experiences as JOGGING.

But I digress.

<< Hiiiiii Steve! I have info. Not about the guys that put wood in my head without my consent, but about the robots and things they are doing. I'm being considerate. Let's have a date! Your rec room, in maybe an hour! Byyyye <3 <3 >>

Indeed, 45 minutes later, there is a Deadpool reclined on one of the rec couches, laying on his back, with a fashion magazine in his hands, filling in a quiz with an Avengers-branded pen.

Hulk has posed:
    Whistling a tune that was from the 80s store of music Bruce kept to keep himself calm, Bruce Banner walks into the rec room to grab one of the bottles of water there. Wearing his new shirt, new tie, new pants, and new shoes, Bruce actually didn't look as disorderly as he normally did today. Seeing as how he was just down the hall, this location was the easiest spot to get what he needs...

    ...until he stops, looks up from the scientific journal he had been reading while walking and whistling, and notices who was present. "Um. Hey. Right. I'll catch ya' later. Yeah. Um." Turning around, Bruce starts to head right back thw way he came, grimacing and trying not to move TOO quickly back towards the medical and scientific centre.

Captain America has posed:
Steve's phone pings in his motorcycle jacket's pocket. In the garage of the Triskelion, he pauses, straddling the bike as he pulls the phone out. Frowning down at it, he sighs sharply and texts back,

<<ON MY WAY.>>

The slushy rain streams on the surface of his helmet and jacket as he wends through traffic on the way back to the mansion, expertly weaving between vehicles without overtly breaking any laws. The rumble of the bike can likely be heard as he pulls into the side drive and then into the small covered 'garage' (read as: domestic hanger). The motor is killed, he rests the helmet on the handlebars and tromps into the mansion. Down to the rec room he goes, boots and all, and nearly runs over Bruce in the process.

"He must be there, isn't he?" The Captain's voice is nearly flat and good parts rueful. "C'mon, Bruce, he won't hurt you. He's just a little moon-touched." A little. "Wade," the soldier speaks up more loudly as he walks into the room. "You said you had news?" Right to the point, even as water drips off the motorcycle jacket and Steve leaves wet tracks in his wake.

Deadpool has posed:
"Hold up. Okay, I'm stuck on this one. I'm doing a quiz for my best fragrance to use for my date," Deadpool calls towards Bruce. Well, towards Bruce's hallway. It's all top volume, even if Bruce is fleeing down the hallway. "To give you context, I already chose that I'd be going to prom with my gal pals instead of a date. But I can't decide between the choices of 'strappy heels' or 'shoes don't matter, I'll be tearing up the dance floor'. Normally I just pick the fun answers but---."

Oh yay, Captain America! Deadpool tosses the 'Seventeen' magazine over his shoulder off the couch and folds his hands over his belly. "Yes."

Yes, he has news. "I feel like I need a flow chart. I'll just start in the middle?"

Hulk has posed:
    Bruce sees Steve coming towards him, and the grimace on his face tells all. His back is to Wade as he tries to sneak out of the Rec Room...and fails. With a sigh, Bruce nods, and says, "Hello Steve. Yeah, he's there." Bruce motions behind him and over his left shoulder with the journal. "If I had known he was here, I would have gone upstairs for my water."

    Turning around to face Wade as Steve passes him, Bruce smiles, and says, "Strappy heels I think." Gritting his teeth a bit, Bruce takes a deep breath, and steps one step. Two steps. Three steps into the room, and stops. Crossing his arms in a very unwelcome pose, Bruce waits to hear what is in store for them today from Deadpool.

Captain America has posed:
The Captain glances back at Bruce, brows knitted, and mouths 'strappy heels' in confusion. Back to Wade he looks now and the discarded magazine receives a brief squint. Realization makes Steve's posture relax into something at least accepting of the situation at hand. He hangs his thumbs from his pockets and stands there as he replies to the Merc,

"Probably better to start from the beginning," the man suggests. "You can keep it succinct if you want. We're aware of the Sentinels. I saw the latest footage on the Internet." By the subtle set of jaw, he's not pleased by it.

Deadpool has posed:
Oh, he actually got an answer from Bruce?! Bruce has done the 'worst' thing: engaged with the crazy. Deadpool twists over and LEANS over the end of the couch to pick up the dropped magazine, which means both Steve and Banner got a whole lot of Deadpool ass while he did that. It cannot be treasured for long, though, because Deadpool twists around and flips through his magazine to the correct page to mark Bruce's answer with the pen. "Okay, next is 'your most used emoji', heart-eyes or dancing lady. That one's /obvious/," Deadpool scoffs.

And he tries to kind of focus on Steve while putting down the important choice about emojis: Heart eyes. DUHHH.

"Yeah, I'm a pro at succinct," Deadpool deadpans. He gives himself a little giggle with that one. Stay on target, Wade.

"Okay, so, I've been hired by somebody else to dig up info on Sentinels. So I was doing THAT, and I found a few things out. Like, there's a factory /here/ in the US. Obviously that's news: they're being made here? WHAS UP WITH THAT?" Deadpool takes a short breath. "So anyway, there's a guy being transferred over here from the Russia factory group or something, to the factory here. Boring you say? Well, there's more."

Hulk has posed:
    Bruce looks at Steve, and nods towards Deadpool and looks towards the magazine DP had been reading. "Just going with what he says, I guess." Bruce adjusts his glasses on his nose, and shrugs. Putting his arms back in place again, his eyes then return to Deadpool, and tries to look away as that "ass" was presented. Bruce whispers "Succinct...good luck...ugh".

    "Sentinels. The same stuff Tony was talking about the other day? I think he had a head of one of them we were looking at, Steve. It is relatively advanced, but certainly not that advanced." Bruce says, and says to Deadpool. "Russia Factory you say? That makes sense. It fits with the circuitry we had looked at. Interesting. We'll have to tell Tony of course."

Captain America has posed:
Steve shakes his head at the news given to him, regardless of heart-eyed emojis and that magazine's goofy quiz. He looks off to one side, towards the dart boards on the wall, as if they'd have some answer to this storm brewing on the horizon.

"Yes, Tony'll need this information. If he doesn't have access to the American factory itself, he might have an idea of connections -- management, investors, whomever," he says quietly with a nod towards Bruce. His attention shifts back to Wade. "Not boring," he disagrees to humor the Merc. "Go on."

Deadpool has posed:
"Iron man's got a piece of one? Can I have an eyelid or something?" Deadpool asks, perking up. He doesn't derail too heavily, though, but Bruce leaving makes him pout. He has to do the quiz himself, now? He plays with the next few questions, drawing some doodles in the margins, quickly answering the quiz questions while talking about business.

"So what's not boring is that there's contracts available to kidnap this guy. Why do people care so much? That's what I'd like to know. Not just that, but he's got a guard around him, apparently, like a prisoner, like he might escape. So I looked at where those contracts were coming from. Guess whooooooo." Wade sits up, in a manner that truly suggests that he expects Steve to do some guessing. He waits for him to guess.

Captain America has posed:
To not guess would feel disheartening, at least to some degree, and a touch mean to Steve, even if Wade's a veritable sack of cats sometimes. He sighs and squints at the brightly-costumed Merc. His hands now rest on his hips. Water droplets continue to puddle around his boots from the leather jacket he wears.

"Guess who..." he echoes. "AIM. HAMMER. HYDRA." The acronyms are tossed out randomly and the Captain watches to see if Wade twitches at any of them -- or even gives away any small tell as to recognition.

Deadpool has posed:
"Actually, I realized this game was pretty unfair, you probably have no idea who this is---Oh, holy shit. All the points. Hydra, you---... wait. You punched Nazis, right? So of course you know!" Wade adjusts, perky, pleased with himself. "So one of my contract offers led that way. Can't ever be sure with THOSE people, but I can sniff 'em out pretty well by now," Wade says calmly.

The whole of his demeanor might be alarming, in a way: that this sort of content feels normal. Like a Wednesday. Even if it's Friday.

"So I also noticed some agents of /probably/ Hydra are going to move on him when he lands here, or at least a few contracted people of my breed, to snare him then. I went the extra mile and dug into what they know, and there's some kind of thought or idea that he's a tech guy: but I figure, he doesn't want to make the Sentinels anymore or something, he wants to live in a cabin in the woods and change his ways, and do 'Seventeen' quizzes like this one. Poor old sap. Not able to find out which perfume is best for him."

Captain America has posed:
A slow nod from Steve at punching Nazis -- yes, there were many Nazis punched, Hitler himself over one-hundred times. He frowns as he listens to the expansion of details from the perky Merc on the couch and already plans are being formulated. First, tell Tony, but...

"Bet he'd appreciate an extraction if that's the case," the soldier muses to himself, his gaze downcast and off to one side. "Any idea of when the man's being flown in?" he asks Wade as his attention returns to him.

Deadpool has posed:
"Yep," Wade chirps, circling the end result. "It turns out I'm a 'Glam' scent," Wade says, and promptly stops caring about the quiz, he dumps the magazine and the pen on the table and gets up, crossing to stand in front of Steve, arms folded. Deadpool is wild and erratic, but he's also tall and strongly built.

"I don't do this all the time, I hope you realize," Wade says, tapping a few fingers against his other forearm. "This is sort of my return on your pulling shrapnel out of my head, ol' buddy." He tilts his head a little. There's a bit of duct tape in the spot: presumably healed. "I'm not taking the job about the guy. I'm gonna go after somethin' else. But if you guys care about this-- hey, you might get a good window, from what I'm doing. I'm the /best/ distraction."

Captain America has posed:
Steve looks away from the Merc briefly and shifts in place, a side-step and back, and generally appears to lose patience for a short period of time about the magazine and its perfume quiz. Inhaling through his nose, he then stands his ground on Wade's approach.

"I appreciate you returning that favor, Wade," he says firstly, sincere. "This is something the team's going to need to know about, especially in light of what we've already discovered from the head in the lab. However, you didn't mention the window." His eyebrows lift as he gives the Merc an expectant look. "When's the window?"

Deadpool has posed:
"Oh, yeah. Let's not trust the memory of the guy with the hole in his head, though. Let me see." Wade swings around to stand/lean near where Steve is positioned, and pulls his phone, flicking through it with the edge of his thumb. "Meeting meeting meeting.... yeah, here. Okay. They're flying him on Saturday night. So you could hit before the plane leaves if you have super big boy pants for that awful Russian airport, or when it gets here Sunday, but with the latter, you'll have rivals. I'll forward it." He taps a few more times, and sends along the information.

"I /might/ be talking to a rival. It's better if I don't explain how I know things like this, it'll hurt your morality maybe," Wade whispers, leaning in to attempt to pat Steve a few times on the upper pectoral. It's friendly, not weird, but it is a personal space thing. Or lack of thing.

Captain America has posed:
Given he's still not been knifed just yet, and Steve is beginning to understand that tolerance is in his favor when Wade broaches his personal space in his overly-friendly manner, he simply stands there and watches the phone's screen. Days fly past on the calendar app and he frowns, glancing up to the Merc's masked face.

"Saturday night," he echoes quietly as he reaches up to wipe a stray line of rain-water from his temple. In his pants pocket, his phone buzzes to indicate he's received the information passed along. A nod.

"The fact that you're speaking to me about it gets you a free pass this time, Wade," he adds, before quietly emphasizing, "//this time.// 'm also not gonna stop you if you feel like...say...interfering with this rival's attempts along the way. My morality would feel better if you did," the blond asides mildly, as if it were a brilliant idea.

Deadpool has posed:
"Super-bros help /other/ super-bros out, right?" Wade asks, in an easy tone that isn't actually easy it all. It has some frightfully aware undertone in it, as if somehow the conversation was abruptly balanced on the edge of a knife, determined on how heroic Wade is thought of as being.

Wade withdrew his hand, looking at the information he took notes on. It isn't in much of an order, and Wade scratches his head a little while trying to parse some of it. His notes don't make sense to him later, some of the time, but he has enough to go on. There are some clear code-names for people in the text of his personal notations.

Captain America has posed:
"There's a brotherhood to us all, yes," Steve agrees, his tone equally easy and yet understanding in his way. "Doesn't matter if there's a reputation or rumors. If you're batting for the same side, you buck it up and work as a team."

Pulling out his phone, the soldier unlocks it and swipes to the information shared. He considers it before looking to Wade again. "Code-names are great, but only if you know the code," he says, a little drily. "Clarify these real quick?"

Deadpool has posed:
Wade is all smiles about the brotherhood. "I tell Logan that /all the time/," he explains emphatically. Then the topic moves, and the bullet is dodged: Wade doesn't linger over trying to decide if he's a hero or not. He's a hero by Captain America's statement, and right now, that's enough.

"Y--ees," Wade agrees. "Douchecanoe #2 is Rival #2," Wade says, moving over to look at Steve's version of the text (as if it would be different), pointing down through the thing. "Castle Princess is the tech guy to rescue. And that's his flight number. It's not in code. And that's a link to it. So if you click it, it'll lead to like the delays and so on." It isn't meant to be insulting but helpful: Wade realized Steve may or may not be super tech savvy, in that moment, and moved to assist seamlessly.

"This other thing isn't in code. Expecting a dozen in his entourage, and then they're going to immediately try to take him to their factory. I'm betting a helicopter. If they get that far."

Captain America has posed:
No insult flickers through Steve's features as he keeps half an ear on the explanation of the information and watches the Merc's finger touch at the various links. He nods slowly, brows gathered, and files all the numbers away for later reference, if necessary; after all, he forgets to charge his phone more often than not. A bane of his existence, phones that lose battery charge.

"It'll be need to be covert, however it's done," he mutters to himself. "Counter the agents, disable as necessary... An extraction..." He slides his phone away into his pocket. "It can't be a fracas." Suddenly, a snap of finger and brightening of expression. "That might do," he says thoughtfully.

Deadpool has posed:
"That seems like a great plan so far," Deadpool encourages, suddenly sliding into what amounts to a cheerleader mode. It's just pure support, and positive vibes, out of the murder-hobo lunatic-mercenary.

"What might do? I'm on the edge of my seat." He hops up to sit on the edge of the table they'd leaned on, to demonstrate. "And I'll keep my fracas elsewhere. Unless, I mean, I'm /needed/. Then I won't let you down," Wade says, tone abruptly firm and serious and full of meaning. "Unconditionnnnnallyyyy," Wade hums. It's probably a song.

Captain America has posed:
If it's a song, it's lost on Wade's audience, unfortunately. The Captain shifts weight to lean his hip against the table that the Merc perches upon, his arms now loosely folded.

"If you'll play nicely with the other team members, you'll get to enjoy double if not //triple// crossing your rivals," Steve points out with a little smirk. "And what'll do is one of the Avengers. He's pretty...uncanny sometimes." He nods as if agreeing with his choice of descriptor. "I don't foresee an issue sending him in and the rest of us being in the wings if things escalate. No doubt they'll have sentries we'll need to take out first."

Deadpool has posed:
"Uh huh," Deadpool answers, listening. He swings his heels like a five year old, now sitting on the table, and puts his phone away into a belt pouch, tenderly tucking in the little hanging phone charm into the pocket as well. He sets his hands on his thighs, head tilted. "Or just use your influence to just walk up to the guys. I mean. It's bad guys that /want/ him. I dunno if the people making the robots are actually bad dudes yet. I mean, other than that they are transferring the guy against his will. Supposedly. Take with a grain of salt the source of my information. I mean, not /me/, but. The offer came from guys that want to kidnap the man."

Captain America has posed:
Steve smirks, tucking his chin. "Can't walk up on HYDRA. They'll sooner shoot me than parley. A quiet extraction, from under their noses. If we get interference, we break some while we still attemp the extraction." It appears that the Captain is at least decided on that.

"Once we have him, we'll talk more, see where his alliances stands. If it's on the side of continued creation of those robots, well..." He sighs and sets his jaw. "Discussions will be had. These robots are crossing a line. There's safety and then there's holding a gun to the world and calling it peace."

Deadpool has posed:
"Whatever you like," Deadpool says, cheerleading again, and claps twice. He's mostly just excited he's being included at all in the planning. It probably shows. He's just glad to be a part of things. He looks at Steve's shoulder as if considering hugging him, but keeps his hands to himself. Maximum effort of personal space. "Perrrrsonal Spaaaaace," says the merc softly to himself under his breath. He pats his hands on this thighs again. Patpatpat.

Be the man Captain America wishes you were!

"I like it. I won't be there. Take video, okay?"

Captain America has posed:
Steve's brows jump up nearly into his hairline. "Not gonna be there? Your call," he's then sure to add to smooth out any insinuation of ruffled feathers or disappointment. "Dunno how we're gonna take video either, so you might need to accept a retelling by word of mouth." A little snort of a laugh, soft huff through his nose. "Regardless, I'll be sure to let the team know who passed on this information so you get your credit where it's due."

A pause and he adds sincerely, "And I appreciate your self-control, Wade, about respecting my personal space."

Deadpool has posed:
"And not putting things in my mouth without permission," Wade says, as if finishing Steve's sentence. "Helps to have the mask down, less likely to accidentally lick anything," teases Wade in mock-deadpan that ins't very successful. He's too amused to be truly deadpan.

"I'm doing something peripheral. Not going after the guy. I thought I said that, but hey, maybe I said it inside my head. I'll be at the factory. So if you and /all/ the rivals or hydras or whatever fuck up, well, then maybe I'll nab him then, but we'll see. I got a different, still /moral/, job."

"I won't take a hug but I'd still like one."

Captain America has posed:
The small wrinkle of Steve's nose can't be helped, at least in regards to remembering the toothbrush incident. Blugh. Still, he shakes his head, clearly trying not to smile if only out of internal embarrassment about the whole affair.

"Language," he says off-handedly before delving back into the main topic of conversation. "If you end up needing back-up at the factory, contact us somehow. We'll see what we can do." He then falls quiet, his eyes resting on Wade consideringly. Then, almost cautiously, he reaches out an arm.

It's a quick little one-armed half-hug from the side, more a lean of his torso against Wade's arm complete with firm thump-thump between the shoulderblades. Then he's attempting to retreat immediately afterwards.

Deadpool has posed:
"You'd come /back me up/?!" Wade demands, entirely thrown by that. Nobody does that. He is so surprised, it seems, that he doesn't react to the one-armed half-hug at first. So Steve is about to aaaalmost entirely pull away before Deadpool chokes out a sob and turns towards him to throw front arm around his buddy.


And abruptly release, lifting a hand to smear across his mask as if wiping tears. Not that that works, since there's a mask.

"Shitfuck. Yeah. Shot me in the FEELS, Steve. I'm going now," Wade says through sniffles, and fidgets with his belt....

And is gone with a soft teleporter hum.