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Revision as of 22:16, 11 February 2019

Off to the blue
Date of Scene: 20 January 2019
Location: Bus Station - Gotham City
Synopsis: June heads out to California to work on Aspen's project.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Slipstream

June Connor has posed:
    A job. A real job. June Connor, Assistant Programmer. No blades, no bombs, no shady pajamas. Instead, she is heading on a boat with normal people. Her bags are mostly packed with a several changes of clothes, though none of them are very business appropriate. It's the duffle she salvaged from the apartment when she left, and lets face it, she hasn't gained a lot of stuff since then. But she did let Drake know she was going to be gone for a few weeks, and it is just about time to head to the bus station.

Slipstream has posed:
What has Drake been up to lately? The Foot got a wake up call after a visit by the speedster and Captain America the other day. Besides that? Mostly street level things which barely makes the news. It's not as if he will ever be an A-Lister like most of his teammates. Currently he is at his more empty apartment now, still staring at the guest room that was cleared out. He lets out a breath and leans against the door frame, still looking down at the text he got from June. Gone for a few weeks? His thumbs brush along the glass screen.

'Hey, congrats on getting a job. I'm really proud of you. I'll miss you.'

It's pretty simple and clean as a text goes. Supportive.

June Connor has posed:
    Going to be at the bus station in one hour. Want 2 see me off?

    June grabs the duffle, grabs her ball cap and puts it over her recently dyed blue hair, heading for the door. After her standard checks to see if there is danger, she starts walking down the street.

Slipstream has posed:
Thumbing along the phone a bit, Drake lets out a soft breath and closes the door with a soft thump. Symbolism perhaps? Another door shut in his life.

'As long as you are okay with it. Don't want to make it weird or anything.'

Pulling on his black Avengers jacket, he zips it up halfway, then starts for the door and out into the hallway.

June Connor has posed:
    She glances down as her phone buzzes, and knits her brow.

    'Why would it be weird? Thought that's what people do. U OK?'

    She pockets the phone again, hitting the crosswalk button and waiting for it to change. Well, she doesn't really wait for it to change. She waits for a break in the traffic, then jogs accross the street.

Slipstream has posed:
'I just know you aren't into the sappy stuff. Just don't want to make you uncomfortable'.

Drake pockets the phone and heads out on to the street, then slips the keys out of his pocket for his sleek black current BMW. He has an Avenger salary, he may as well use it. After climbing into the car, he pops in the directions for Gotham, then lets the car being it's self drive journey.

June Connor has posed:
    June quirks a half smile at the text, and continues down the street until she reaches the station. As per most bus stations, it is filled with all sorts people, odd collections from every reach of society crammed into one place. She goes to pick up her ticket, but of course, the line is about twenty deep.

Slipstream has posed:
It doesn't take too long for the ride across the bridges and into Gotham. After securing an address, Drake parks and heads out to meet up with her. He scans the faces curiously, trying to find the red headed girl who recently dyed her hair blue. Snowball follows after him as well after detaching her from his backpack in the car ride up here. She rams against his shoulder, making a beeping noise as she finds June first. Upon seeing her, he lifts his hand upwards.

June Connor has posed:
    The beeping of Snowball caught June's ear, and she turned to look back, spotting Drake. "Hey hero," she says, still waiting in the line, giving an inverted nod. "Think you'll survive a few weeks without me?" she asks.

Slipstream has posed:
Wandering over to her, Drake blows into his hands to ward off some of the chill. "Hey. You got blue hair now." He says as his eyes roam upwards to it. "Looks cool." He shifts a bit on his feet side to side on the balls of his ankles. "I don't know. I'll manage I guess. So who are you going out with on this .. uh.. boating thingy? What is it you are doing?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Yeah," June comments, eyes drifting up at the blue locks. "Thought I'd change it up, with goin' to California, look more professional and stuff." Which of course blue hair screams professional. "I'm supposed to do programming to analyze why ocean currents are changing in the Pacific. Don't know shit about it, but I'm just the assistant, so whatever they tell me to code, I'll code it. And how often do you get to hang out on a boat for work. I've never even been on one, unless you count the State Island Ferry. Which...I don't." She reaches up and gives a light punch to his shoulder. She's actually really excited, something that isn't common for her. "You got that roommate to keep you company. Not like I'm goin' away forever, it's just a few weeks."

Slipstream has posed:
"Ah... she ... moved out. It wasn't working out for either of us." Drake says as he takes the punch easily to the shoulder. "She joined the Justice League anyways and decided she'd rather kick it with the A-listers and hang out." He rubs the back of his neck a bit. "I hate boats. They're like plague factories you can't escape from. They also sink and I think drowning is a bad way of dying. You know, one of those slow death things." He runs a hand over the top of his head, working his fingers through his shaggy hair. "But I'm glad you get to do something that sounds like will be fun. Will you have cell service to keep in touch?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Oh," June says, looking awkward. "Sorry about that," she comments. "Yeah, I mean, I'll have cell service while we are in dock and stuff. Not sure if it will reach when we're out on the ocean. I think we may start to have problems out that far."

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, maybe make sure you guys have a Sat phone just in case something happens, that way you can reach out for help." Drake says as he rubs his neck, then slips his hand into his pocket to take out his phone. Sliding the cover off, he removes a thin plastic card and holds it out to her. "Avenger's beacon. Press it for about five seconds hard and it will send an alert to HQ. We'll come get you. Better safe than sorry."

June Connor has posed:
    "Aww, you're worried about me," she says in a slightly teasing voice, patting the side of his face. All said and done, though, she takes the card. "Okay, I'll take your card. But I'm sure it'll be fine, I mean, they've been doing boat stuff for the last who knows how long, They probably know what they're doin', y'know?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I know, but it'd make me feel better." Drake says with a smirk as he pokes at her stomach with his finger. "Never know if ninjas may jump out of the water with snorkles or something. I wouldn't even be shocked at this point." He gives a glance about the bus stop. "You are taking a bus to California? I could have flown you."

June Connor has posed:
"Fly me?" June asks. "When did you become a pilot? I can't get on airlines, they'll stop me in a heartbeat," she says. "Remember, just because you believe I'm not a bad guy anymore, doesn't mean the rest of the world thinks that. Plus, I got like 3 outstanding warrants."

Slipstream has posed:
"You act like I can't get you a whole new ID and what not." Drake says with a soft puff under his breath. "I could call Lar and he can fly you, if you're into the whole hanging out in someone's arms and letting them fly at the speed of sound across the country. Would take him like ten minutes or something. Just saying though, you can just.. hit me up for stuff like this. I have access to all of this."

June Connor has posed:
    "Sometimes a girl's just gotta stand on her own, y'know? I don't need you tryin' to fix everything all the time. And flying at the speed of sound outside of a plane sounds like a rather painful way to die that I'll pass on. And I think it'd still take like 4 hours to get there." June gets her turn, and she picks up her ticket without much trouble. "See, this works just fine, and no death by superhero."

Slipstream has posed:
".. Well, I mean .. he creates a buffer around him when he flies and..." Drake trails off a bit, then rubs the side of his ear. "Nevermind." He gives a scuff of his foot against the ground. "I'm not trying to fix everything, but I think you being able to board planes is a big deal." He shifts his jaw a bit to the side, then lets out a slow sigh. "Long as you're happy I guess it's what matters."

June Connor has posed:
    "What are you all mopey for?" June asks, going toward the bus that is supposed to be hers. "You can go beat the shit out of bad guys and play Overwatch while I'm gone. You'll have a great time."

Slipstream has posed:
"I dunno. Just had a lot on my mind." Drake says as he shifts his eyes upwards and to the side. "Amy left the apartment because she has a huge crush on me and she's.. just upset at .. um.. the fact we're dating, you and me. She doesn't think I'm happy with you." He rubs the back of his neck a bit. "It got to the point that we got in a fight about it after she um.. made it /very/ clear that she wanted me.." He stubs his foot a few more times against the ground. "I didn't even know she had those feelings.. well.. I mean.. okay.. so I did.. I just thought she'd wise up and move on to someone with muscles and a cape or something."

June Connor has posed:
    June seems to freeze at the commentary. "So..." she pauses, looking a little uncertain. "You're upset about...what? That she actually moved on?" There's a measured tone in her voice as she probes on the story.

Slipstream has posed:
"I dunno, just upset that I think I lost a friend over it." Drake says as he shrugs his shoulders. "I /think/ we are still friends but she hasn't hit me up since she moved. Which ... I get. She probably needs space. Just the apartment feels lonely now, like something is missing you know?" He lets out a slow breath. "Was nice coming home to someone and watching TV and talking about our day. She'd go out with me on some jobs and it was cool, you know? She's sorta this immortal princess from another dimension and she can summon armor and crystals and she's really OP as hell. Hanging out with me was way beneath her payscale, but it was still something to do."

June Connor has posed:
    June looks down at the ground for a moment, then back up. "Was she right?" June asks. "Are you not happy with me?" she asks. There's one of those looks, a look of someone who is afraid to actually hear an honest answer to the question.

Slipstream has posed:
".. I mean.. it's been.. challenging at times..." Drake trails off a bit. "There's been times I feel like.." He rocks his feet back and forth some. "Eh. It's nothing to get worked up about or worry, you know? I told her no, and she left. It's all good." He says with a quick smile to her.

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't return the quick smile. "Drake," she says. "If you want her, then...go be with her," she says. "I mean, I don't get why you hang around me anyways. I'm shit. Hell, some immortal princess, before that you were with a Green Lantern? People who do stuff that's good? Why the hell would you want me anyway." There's a bit of anxiety in her tone. "I can't compete with that, so if you want that, go get it. I'm a fuck up." It's not a tone that she doesn't care, it seems a tone of resignation that her competition far outscales her.

Slipstream has posed:
"I didn't say I wanted to be with her, June. I'm not gonna cheat on you with anyone." Drake looks a bit worried now as he reaches out to nudge her on the arm. "Relationships aren't competitions, June. They have ups and downs." His fingers slide down to try and take her by the hand. "Do I need to do another speech about how awesome you are before you get on a bus?"

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a half grin, "Yeah, yeah, okay," she says, waving off the lecture. "Don't get started on all that again. Hey, I'll see you in a few weeks, try not to get murdered while I'm gone." She leans in to snap a cheek kiss on him.

Slipstream has posed:
"Pff. Can't kill what you can't catch." Drake says as he gives her a grin. Before she pulls back, he tugs her in close again to give her a more meaningful kiss on the lips, fingers curling about her waist. Once he leans back, he brushes his forehead to hers, staring down into her eyes. "I love you, okay?" He whispers to her. "Be safe yourself and have fun."