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Kitty Loses An Argument with Piotr's Door
Date of Scene: 14 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kitty argues with Piotr only to find it isn't Piotr. Illyana delivers a gift. Sam and Rahne talk business.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Magik, Cannonball, Wolfsbane

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has been back for several days now. The students have been talking about her return. Especially as there was some sort of incident two days ago. Depending on which rumor you believe, Kitty was either attacked by a sea monster, run over by a boat, or fought the king of the Atlanteans. Whatever it was, ended up with a trip to the Wellness Center and then healing by Elixir.

For the dozenth time since she's been back, Kitty goes over to her open door and leans against the frame, peeking out just one eye to look down the hall. Looking at the door belonging to a certain art teacher. One who hasn't come to find her yet. The muscles of her jaw twitch a little bit. No one in the hallway that she notices. Kitty finally she steps out into the hall and walks down to Piotr's door and knocks on it.

She waits several seconds, then knocks again. She catches the sound of movement inside the room. "Piotr, I know you're in there. It's Kitty," she says through the door. She's stopped glancing up and down the hallway now, focusing on the man on the other side of the door. "I thought maybe you'd come and see me before this. Look, I maybe said some things I'd like back," she says through the door. "And, some I meant. But... please, open up and let's talk about it?"

Magik has posed:
She did indeed hear movement. Only, it isn't the Russian she was looking for. In fact, it wasn't even a human. Instead, there were a trio of small demons in the room looking for something. Piotr had told Illyana where it was. She was busy dealing with some New Mutant business so she had sent her minions to find it. It was a simple task. Nightstand by the bed, top drawer.

Only the item wasn't there. Not wanting to disappoint their queen, the demons were now doing their best to find the item by performing a complete search. They had been at it for a while.

Illyana managed to conclude her business downstairs and came up the steps, hearing Kitty's voice and pausing.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans her head against the door when it fails to open. She hears more movement. A drawer opening or closing? "Look, I know I was harsh at one point. But you had no right laying that on me about if I went away to school. Just, open up, huh? I came all this way to see you," Kitty says, head hanging a bit as she rests it against the door.

More seconds pass and still the door doesn't open. Kitty straightens up finally and takes a step back. Her hands going to her hips. "I can't believe... I thought you'd at least want to see me. I know I didn't write or text. But you didn't either. But, look, I'm /here/ now, dammit it Piotr Rasputin! Now open up this door. Or, if that's how you're going to be... well, fine!" She crosses her arms, glaring at the door.

Magik has posed:
"He isn't here."

The voice will be familiar to Kitty. Illyana moves the rest of the way up the stairs, coming into the hallway proper and giving a smile to her best friend. "Piotr is back home in Russia, dealing with some things. Otherwise, I know he would have broken through that door to speak to you." She moves to give her friend a brief hug, if Kitty allows it, then puts her hand on the door and opens it.

Inside is a disaster, thanks to the goblins having opened and strewn everything they could find. Now Kitty knows what she was hearing in there.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks up quickly as she hears someone else. She totally lost track of whether anyone was in the hallway. Kitty's first reaction is the near-scowl she had erasing itself as she sees Illyana. The warm look Illyana receives shows just how much Kitty missed her. Then the words sink in.

"Isn't here? But, I heard him," Kitty murmurs. Before she can stick her head through the door to look, Illyana is there though and Kitty gives her such a tight hug. Kitty wasn't a stranger to Illyana while she was gone, plenty of texts and tweets. "Missed you so much," she tells the Russian woman.

Kitty looks inside as the door is opened then. "Oh god. I feel like such a fool," she says, but she gives a soft laugh at herself as she raises her hand to cover her face. "You... don't need to mention this to him, do you?" Kitty asks.

Magik has posed:
"I do not," Illyana agrees with another smile. She steps into the room and puts her hands on her hips as she glares at the demons. "Nightstand. Drawer. Bottom right. Which seems to be the only one you didn't open."

She walks over and opens the drawer. Reaching within, she pulls out a small velvet box like jewelry often comes in. "When I told him you were back he asked me to give you this for him. He wants to wait until he is in person to deal with things, instead of phones or text." She rolls her eyes a bit as she offers the small box to Kitty.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives her best friend a grateful smile as she follows Illyana into the room. Kitty gets a curious look at the comment, a look that grows into surprise at the sight of the box. Kitty takes the box and looks at it for long seconds before she finally opens it up and sees the necklace inside.

The brunette smiles softly and her eyes glisten just a little bit. "He must have had it for a while then," Kitty says, reaching in to trace the Star of David with her finger. Kitty clears her throat a little bit. "I... I don't know what the future holds for us," Kitty says quietly. "Sometimes I want to make up. And other times I am still angry. But I finally just... wanted to get out of limbo with him," Kitty says. Reaching over to squeeze Illyana's arm. "If you'll pardon the expression," she says, looking up and giving a small grin to the woman intimately connected to a different kind of Limbo.

Magik has posed:
"Expression pardoned. But speaking of Limbo," Illyana says, stressing this was the other version of the word. She motioned to the demons and they gathered together. A moment later, they were gone by steppin' disc back to the realm they had come from. "I'll leave his room this way for his return."

And wiith that, she motions to the door leading into the hallway. "I don't know how long he had it. He wanted to give it to you upon your return to Xavier's. Timing just happens to be bad. At least I got back before you though."

She closes the bedroom door behind them then motions to the stairs in question as to if they should go that way or did Kitty have some other destination in mind. "I know we texted." When Illy was in this realm where she could get them. "But it isn't the same. How was Oxford really?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde seems content to let Illyana lead wherever she likes. It's probably cold up on the roof where they often talk in nice weather. "I love it. I really do. It is challenging. Even more than here. You don't get to make excuses like, Well I was on a mission so couldn't do my assignment. Which was a problem when I was with Excalibur," Kitty says.

She smiles over to Illyana and says, "The pubs after class? It's not the drinking, but being surrounded by all these brilliant minds. People who are there to focus on the academics in a way that we never really were here. It's sort of this little bubble of Academia. Its own dimension almost." Kitty gives a soft laugh at that.

"But I missed all of you. And I managed to fall through the floor one night when I was asleep. So had to put up with a few people staring, and a few former friends who suddenly disappeared from my life. I kind of miss just getting picked on for it," Kitty says as they walk the halls. "What about you then? How have you been? Anything new and exciting in your life?"

Magik has posed:
As they wander to the stairs and start to descend, Illyana shakes her head negatively. "Not really. Still dealing with Limbo and the unending coup attempts." She rolls her eyes a little. Kitty and her former New Mutant teammates are some of the few people that understand her need to continue in her place there, the need to keep something worse from having control of the realm and the demons within. Even if it would be nice to walk away from it, she has a duty.

And somewhere deep inside, Illy feels at home there. Despite it being hellish. She spent most of her formulative years there, after all.

"Oh! There is one big change. Have you seen Sam yet?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has had the box with the necklace open the whole time, and glances down at it again. She finally takes it out, sliding the box into a back pocket as she holds the necklace. "Having you back is everything. And maybe a tiny bit includes relief I don't have to take care of Limbo anymore. Though if I could have lightened that burden for you I would," Kitty says, her connection so much lessened since Illyana's return.

"I have seen Sam, but only briefly, twice. Haven't really had a chance to talk to him very much," Kitty says, smiling over to her friend, curious to hear more on the subject.

Magik has posed:
"Sam is now the responsible adult leading the New Mutants," Illyana says. Her eyes are bright and there is laughter barely held in check as she says it. "While we knew he was the leader type when I was a New Mutant, the humor of him taking that role does not escape me." She sobers slightly and gives a shrug though. "He does it well though. For some reason wants me to assist but my duties keep me away more often than I would like. He probably could use a second assistant to help out," she says pointedly.

Then she thinks of something else. "Oh and another child born of Jean and Scott in some future world that is horrible has come back to this timeline to try to stop it from happening. I think we're up to three of them now."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde and Illyana are walking along the hallway together heading in the direction of the stairs as if to descend. Kitty is alternating her time between looking at Illyana, and looking at a small necklace she's carrying with a Star of David hanging from it. "Everyone has to grow up sometime. We did," Kitty says with a smile over to Illyana.

Kitty does look like she's changed, at that. The last of her teenage baby fat is gone, her cheekbones more defined and her face a little leaner. Her body as well, looks less like a teen. When she left for Oxford one would have easily pegged her as high school aged. Now, she's looking more like someone in college.

"Yes, Rachel. I've talked to her a couple of times, but not as in depth as I need to yet," Kitty says. She looks over to Illyana and says, "Did she mention anything about me, from where she's from?" Kitty asks.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking along as he was going to find Illayana. He has a tablet he is making some notes on and luckily looks up right before walking into the two. "Oh hey just who Ah was loking for?"

Magik has posed:
Illyana shakes her head negatively. "I haven't actually spoken to her yet. I've just been told she's here. I find it better not to ask questions about alternate selves. It just makes things...weird." Like being best friends with someone whose alternate self Illyana had to kill in Limbo. She quiets a little, thoughts going to that very place and situation.

Saved by the Guthrie. She glances up at him. "Kitty or myself?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well," Kitty tells Illyana. "In this case, for her sake, it's probably best I know. Apparently I had a large role in her life. Possibly as a substitute parental figure. Which... I'm not that Kitty. But at the same time? I mean..." Kitty says, trailing off. It's not like Kitty would turn her back on her.

Kitty looks up then, seeing Sam come up the stairs. Kitty and Illyana are in the hallway, heading as if to go down the stairs. Kitty has a necklace in hand. "Hey Sam," she tells him, adding a curious look to suggest she also wonders whether he meant Illyana or herself. Kitty undoes the clasp on the necklace she's carrying and puts it around her neck. Once it's fastened, she touches the Star of David that hangs from it, caressing it with her fingertips.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Was looking for Illyana, wanted to give ya this, a few notes have made, and a report on trip took Rahne, Rachel, and Erika to Asgard to talk to Thor about a run in Rahne had with Hela recently." He tells the two, offering Illyana the tablet.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's made her way up the stairs toward the staff wing of the mansion for one purpose or another when she slows to a stop and takes in the trio approaching from that area. "I thought muh ears were ringing," she remarks quietly. The Scot is in wolfgirl mode, as she often is these days.

Magik has posed:
"New Asgard?" Illyana confirms, knowing that the Asgardians had a new place in Norway where they were building their own place, after the loss of their realm to Ragnarok. She could only hope some of the friends they had made got away safely to some other place before it happened.

She frowns slightly as she reaches for the notepad. "Hela? And Rahne?" WHich is when she hears the wolfgirl arrive. "Speaking of. Hello, Rahne. What's this all about?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde falls quiet as Sam indicates which of the pair he needs. The brunette listens with interest though at the talk of the Asgardians. Kitty is wearing a simple pair of jeans and a warm sweater that fits her snugly, with a pair of boots sticking out from beneath the denim legs. She leaves the necklace out on the sweater as she glances over towards the notepad that Illyana has. "I probably need to start reading mission reports," she comments to herself.

The arrival of Rahne draws a soft smile from Kitty. She gives a little wave of greeting to Wolfsbane, but otherwise remains quiet for now.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Yea, took Rachel, cause Scott is saying Ah need to work on my telepathic coms, and Erika speaks native Islandic, family from the rouch area, and if she can grab an item, can help fit in if need be. " He looks over and says "Hey Carrottop, want to fill them in on your side of things?

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane looks between the three, giving room on the stairs if they're looking to pass by at some point. "Ahh, Rachel. As near as I can figure, in her world I was a Hound wi' her an' we ended up..verra close." That sort of news is a little awkward for her, to say the least. Just how close, she might wish to keep to herself, but she fiddles with one of the buttons on the front of her top.

Then, glancing back up from that being the focus of her attention, she adds, "I'm getting a wee bit weary o' telling th' whole story, but..I think Hela's looking for new Valkyries an' she teleported me tae her world, then she had one o' her people tell her whit she thought o' me, an' then I was sent back home."

Magik has posed:
"I'm not sure what to make of that," Illyana admits as she frowns slightly, glancing over at Sam in concern then back to the notepad. "Recruiting valkyries? Maybe cause of our knowing Dani and having visited Asgard in the past?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans against one of the walls as she listens. One foot lifting to press against the wall, leaving one leg straight and the other knee bent. "Valkyries?" Kitty repeats with wide eyes. "Whose side is Hela on? Is she with Thor? Or is she on her own side?" Kitty asks, not having been able to keep up with super hero affairs like everyone at the mansion has been able to.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "It sounds like she is in a sorta peace with him, it turns out she is his sister, and they are on ok terms, but she is new to our world, and following the rules. Things seme a bit topsy turby though. Thor said Loki is working with Dr. Strange trying to rebuild the biofrost."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"She mentioned Dani, aye. I think she grabbed me because I know her," Wolfsbane adds, leaving the button alone again as she looks between Kitty and Illyana, subtly leaving herself slightly closer to the side of the hallway Kitty's on. "But th' problem is she just snatched me oot o' th' blue an' had nae concern over it, like it was her right." That's a violation, the way it sounds. "I dinna think she's on Thor's side wi' anything," she adds with a frown, crossing her arms.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and adds "Thor is king of Asgard now."

Magik has posed:
"So she is likely on her own side. Even if they are working toward the same goal," Illyana muses as she glances to Rahne during her tale then back to the rest of the small gathering. "No, taking someone without warning is improper. It should always be agreed upon by all parties." Not that she hasn't done it herself. We won't talk about that.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's lips purse slightly as she sifts through that information. Kitty might think she picked up on something in Rahne's tone. She reaches over and gives Wolfsbane's shoulder a gentle touch as Kitty gives her a supportive look before letting go. "But so Thor knows what she did. What she's doing. So he is forewarned at least. Though... if we haven't started thinking through contingencies for dealing with Asgardians? We probably should. Just to be safe."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, Ah aint sure of what we can do really, but we went out there to make sure, and seems the rest of the nine relms is mostly ok, but we did find out looks like the Warrior three were killed in the fall of asgard."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane raises quite the skeptical brow at part of what Illyana has to say. "Och, but ye'd never do a thing like tha', wid ye?" she asks, rubbing an elbow for a moment before Kitty's hand comes into contact with her bare, fuzzy shoulder. A slight nod of appreciation follows. "We went tae see Thor. I dinna think they're about tae lead any sort o' attack on us," she states, growing a little quieter for a spell.

Magik has posed:
There is a faint momentary apologetic smile from Illyana which quickly twists into a smirk. Yet she says nothing. She knows she was the proverbial pot calling the kettle names over there.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I wouldn't be so concerned about Thor leading an attack," Kitty says. "It's the other possibilities. Should something happen to him. Should someone wrest control from him. Or just plain some other Asgardian setting out on their own."

The young woman rests her head back against the wall. Anyone who saw, or heard about, the big knot and bruise on her forehead. it is completely gone as if it was never there. "Just a good idea to be prepared. They could already be the most powerful nation in the world, if you think about it. Hopefully they are never anything but allies to us," Kitty says.

She glances over to her friend as Illyana gives that smile. Kitty reaches over to give her hand a quick squeeze before letting it go.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah so need to find a way to contact you when your in limbo, Ah really could have used a portal twice recently, and not been able to get ahold of you. "Oh, not sure if yu got the message about heading home, Jeb is ok broken leg but he will recover."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane shoots Illyana a brief look, shaking her head afterward. It repeats when Sam brings up Limbo and using Illyana's portals. Anyone care to guess why she flew back to the States from Scotland instead of using something like Illyana's method of transportation? They all may be older than they were, but some things are hard to shake when one is as religious as Rahne's been. "While ye all talk about Limbo, I have a few other things I ought tae be doing." She starts on her way back down the stairs, apparently having forgotten why she was going up in the first place.

Magik has posed:
"Glad to hear he's okay," Illyana says to Sam. She frowns slightly as Rahne moves to make her departure, sighing slightly and giving a squeeze to Kitty's hand before releasing. She takes a step away from them. "Speaking of, I need to go make sure those three aren't getting into mischief." Kitty knows what three. "You don't have to go, Rahne. I'll get back with everyone later. And if anyone sees Kurt, if he will give permission, I'll be glad to get those flowers out of his room. The poor things probably are terrified of him."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a gentle look over to Wolfsbane, catching the looks going about. "I should get going for a bit. Have some thinking to do," Kitty says. "If anyone needs to talk, my door is always open," she offers. Kitty will move over to offer Illyana a side-snug. "Thanks for... you know, earlier," Kitty says. She gives a little humorous side-side eye thing and a little waggle of her head. It gives the impression Kitty might have done something silly earlier. "Let's catch up later," Kitty will say, and then turn to wave to the group collectively before heading back to her room.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is a little lost but that is not something new for the man, and he looks over "Oh your al invited to grand reopening of clube Evolution under new managment soon. Ah am still putting the final touches together for it.

Magik has posed:
"Club? You'll have to tell me more about that too!" Illyana says a she reaches out for that stepping disc. It appears at her feet and rises upwards, her body disappearing as it passes by. Then it reaches above her head and she's gone. A moment later, the disc of light disappears.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane shakes her head, seeming..fine, all things considered. Just a bit on edge, still. "I just need a bit o' a walk." Illyana's disappearing act goes unanswered, but she squints at Sam's mention of a club before shrugging and wandering off back downstairs.