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Mayan Secrets: The Vigilante
Date of Scene: 17 February 2019
Location: Clarkston Hotel, New York City
Synopsis: T'Challa seeks info from Frank Castle on a mob boss with an art collection
Cast of Characters: Punisher, Black Panther

Punisher has posed:
It's been a while since the Punisher has had a favor asked of him from the greater 'superhero' community. The Avengers by all accounts would probably try to bring him in, being a wanted fugitive from The Law.

This afternoon though... Black Panther needs intel, and he's the only one with the details needed. A call was made to one of the many burner numbers, with the voice mail getting a reply five minutes later with a time and place; the Clarkston hotel.

It's hardly the most glamorous place, but it's a good twenty stories high. The hotel room that the Punisher gave Black Panther was the 19th floor; room 19F. The whole place had a run down feel to it, but there were few current occupants, at least.

Was the man himself in the apartment? Only one way to find out.

Black Panther has posed:
The night skies were cloudy, with a cold wind whipping across the tops of the buildings. The cloaked Wakandan jet maneuvered through the maze of taller buildings, passing a dozen stories overtop of the Clarkston Hotel. The quieter-than-normal engines might have drawn a few eyes skyward, but those looking up just saw nothing but nighttime, cloudy sky. A small circular opening formed in the bottom of the unseen jet for Black Panther to drop through, arms crossed over his chest. The fall of a hundred-plus feet ended with a light landing, the energy absorbed by his footwear. T'Challa retracted his suit into his necklace and then pulled out more suitable clothing from a bag over his shoulder. Dark shirt and slacks, and a jacket. Slipping it on and heading over to enter the hotel from above.

The stains and frayed spots on the carpet are not that bad. The scents though? The ones that anyone could notice, those are particularly unpleasant to T'Challa's senses. He pushes them from his thoughts, if not his nose as he moves over to knock upon the door to room 19F. Standing in front of the door where he can be seen through the peephole, hands held gently in front of himself.

Punisher has posed:
"Come on in." Comes the easily recognizable voice of Punisher from inside. When the door is opened, the black carpeting gives a stark contract to the brown walls. The entire room is a simple -but large- two bedroom affair. The beds are to the right, while the small kitchenette and bathroom are to the left. There's a straight corridor of space from the door, to the lone window at the end... and it's in front of this window that Black Panther sees the black trenchcoat wearing man. It's easy to tell it's The Punisher himself, even with his back turned.

His hands are placed in his pockets as he watches the city, "Heard you had a thing for historical artifacts, yeah?" Punisher grates as he watches.

If T'Challa has anyone monitoring the situation in the aircraft, their sensors will easily pick up a drone taking off from a nearby building and heading in the direction of the hotel from up high.

Black Panther has posed:
Okoye notes the drone's launch as the jet's cockpit display highlights it for her. "Keep an eye on it," she says to the other member of the Dora Miraje that accompanies her in the plane. Okoye grits her teeth at only being allowed to have one other royal guard in the plane with her. Of course, the two down on the street that T'Challa doesn't know about won't be a problem if they aren't needed. Hopefully they aren't needed.

Meanwhile, back in the hotel room, T'Challa walks forward, closing the door behind him. Nose drawing in the scents, seeing if anyone else has been in the room recently. "Yes. Repatriation of certain items has become a personal hobby for me," he admits. Should there have been any research done on T'Challa and artifacts, there have indeed been a number of items obtained and donated back to their sources, primarily African locales though.

"I understand these particular ones were obtained by the Gnucchi family? Some time ago," T'Challa says in his African accents, his English made more cultured by his time at Oxford. "It seemed more prudent to seek an expert in them. Rather than try to unravel them on my own. Do you think that you can help me locate their current possessor?" he asks. Possessor, not owner.

Punisher has posed:
The drone moves to a good half block distance, before it stops a few hundred feet in the air above. "Frank, I'm getting some strange readings in the cameras on the drone when I look at the rooftop. Thermals show exhaust, and visual inspection is... some sort of refraction, if I had to guess. We're dealing with serious technology here." Microchip notes in the transceiver the Punisher is wearing.

Outwardly, Punisher gives no indication of having heard the intel from his partner.

Scent wise, there was one other in the room besides Frank in the last day, no one else.

After a moment, The Punisher turns, and his rugged face sports a slight frown as he looks the slightly younger King over, "A hands on sort of guy. I like it." Punisher offers in reply, before he smirks, "yeah, I've been doing my homework on those assholes. Got a bunch of pricks who like their museum full of things they took from others. Most of it's bullshit legit that they bribed for, but I'm sure there's a few things in there you can slap theft charges on them for, if you can get the cops to touch them."

From the tone of his voice, he isn't counting on that happening anytime soon.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa walks forward nearer towards Frank who is outlined by the view of the city out the window behind him. T'Challa's hands stay gently laced in front of him as he says, "My experience with your criminal courts has been an inconsistent one at best. Though if I am able to see those who would harm others put where they belong? That is something I will try to do," T'Challa tells Frank.

"Would you know specifics on which of these men interest me? And even better, anything of the particular location?" T'Challa asks. He reaches into his jacket pocket, slowly enough that Frank has time observe what he's doing as he takes out a slip of paper.

"If so I would wish to be able to show my gratitude. I imagine someone like you has need to move from time to time. I have here the address to a four story building. Including the remains of a machine shop. The new owner, a retiree in Florida, has little interest in the place and will not be checking on it," T'Challa says, offering the slip towards Frank.

Punisher has posed:
"I've been waiting for a delivery for a couple weeks now for an infiltration. I go in loud, and most of that museum is going to burn. I'd rather that not happen." The Punisher offers in reply, before he takes one hand out of his trenchcoat, pulling out a notepad. He holds it up, "A list of names involved in the trade on their end... and the location of their museum."

When Black Panther offers the slip, he nods his head to the bed further from him, "put it there. I'll take the donation."

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther moves to set the paper over on the bed and then returns. "These are such trying times. It might be a museum? Even a private one? Could find what they thought was an original, is just a replica," T'Challa muses quietly, a hand going to rub at the hair on his well-groomed chin.

"Who knows? It might even be a back door could be left in their security system. Without them knowing. Should that be possible, others might find it useful," T'Challa says. "If this is possible, I imagine another message would be left," the African says in his quiet, precise way of speaking. "And no one else need be the wiser, yes?" he asks, giving Frank his own nod on that point.

Punisher has posed:
The slip of paper is taken, replaced with the notepad itself, before the Punisher moves back to the window. Now, he's leaning against the frame... but there's a tenseness to the movement, as if he's expecting to have to go into action at a moments notice. "That sound like it'd be very useful information to have for someone willing to clean up the trash after you're done."

The Punisher could never be accused of being a spy, but he's had plenty of experience with wordplay in infiltrations. "I'll keep the burner open for a few days for you. I'll have Micro keep an eye on the place for status updates for you."

Black Panther has posed:
"The matter is greatly appreciated," T'Challa says as he pockets the information. "I will let you return to your evening," he says in polite enough fashion. The African turns and heads towards the door, but pausing to turn back and say, "I will continue to hope that your courts improve to handling what needs to be handled, Mr. Castle. I do see the need for cleaning," T'Challa says, as if the closest to endorsement of Frank's actions that he can allow himself to state. "Best of luck to you," he offers.