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Ice Cream - Mutant Style
Date of Scene: 21 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School - Kitchen
Synopsis: Pixie, Kitty and Cannonball have ice cream sundaes and chat about pranks and Sentinels
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Pixie, Cannonball

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's been back over a week now. And still has not had ice cream. Ok, they have ice cream in the United Kingdom too. But still. It's the principle of the thing.

She has a bunch of tubs of ice cream set out in a row on the table. Bananas. Containers of hot fudge that just need to be heated. Cherries. Whip cream. Chocolate sprinkles. Even nuts. Which she doesn't plan to use. Because really, who wants nuts on ice cream!?

Kitty has her arms crossed, looking over to Lockheed who paces back and forth in front of the tubs of ice cream. He stops, sniffs at the strawberry, and keeps pacing. "Oh for the love of... would you choose which one you want?" she asks the purple dragon. "I'm going with mint chocolate chip. Though that doesn't work in a banana split as well.

Pixie has posed:
Peeking into the kitchen Pixie ambles in with her hands in her pockets. Her wings are starting to grow back in, just over half a foot long. She zeros in on ice cream and sighs. "Oh, just what I needed. I was having myself a sweet tooth and thought, Megan, get up off your lazy bones and get to the freezer before the teenagers get to it all. Hi there Kitty!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come walking in from the garage. He is drying his hands with a shop paper towel, and looks over to the ladies in greeting "Hello." He notices the dragon stalking the ice cream and will raise a brow.

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed finally decides on vanilla. "All of that, for vanilla!?" Kitty exclaims. She shakes her head and then moves to greet Pixie. "Hey Megan," Kitty says, giving her a little side-hug if it's welcomed. "Your wings look like they are coming along nicely," Kitty says. "Feel free to dig in. Hot fudge sundae, or banana split or, whatever."

Samuel gets a smile and wave from Kitty. "Hey Sam. Come get some goodies," she suggests. Kitty makes a bowl of vanilla, just one scoop, and then begins heating the hot fudge. "So, um, Megan. Have you noticed all the origami cranes showing in Bobby's pockets, and drawers and books and jackets and pillow cases and lockers and uniforms and..." Kitty says, trailing off and grinning. He's finding at least a dozen a day. This is after the first day when there were hundreds. One in every pocket of every item of clothing, at least.

Pixie has posed:
Giving Kitty a side hug, Megan laughs. "Oh, that I have. He's exasperated, poor lad." the Welsh mutant chuckles and moves to make herself a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Glancing at Sam she grins crookedly and wiggles her shoulders. "Oh look, Sams. Coming back in. Taking forever about it too. " to Kitty she explains "It's fiercely itchy, but I'm sorely relieved they grew back."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie offers the girls a smile, and looks over at the ice cream, and hmms. He will head to a cabniet and pull out a pack of grandma's brand cookies and uses a little vanilla ice cream to make a ice cream sandwich cookie. "Glad they are coming back in, wish there was a way to help them grow back in faster for ya."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gets some hot fudge on Lockheed's bowl, setting it over in the middle of the table where he starts in on it. Kitty gets her mint chocolate chip, with hot fudge and chocolate sprinkles and just a hint of whip cream. "Oh, itchy?" Kitty says. She moves over behind Megan and begins itching gently at the base of her wings, overtop of her shirt. "Right about there?" she asks with a smile.

If Megan seems to enjoy that, Kitty will keep it up. "Nice idea, Sam," Kitty says of the ice cream sandwich before looking back to Megan. "So, Megan, I was wondering if I could ask a little favor of you, speaking of the tinfoil cranes," Kitty starts.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and nods. He gets himself a glass of milk, and finds a seat to enjoy his cookie and watch the dragon.

Pixie has posed:
"Oh, you're my hero." Megan sighs, taking a break from fixing up ice cream to let Kitty scratch at her regrowing wings. Looking to Sam, Megan smiles. "It's alright Samwise. Better to take it slow I bet." She points out and gives Kitty a thankful grin before moving to put chocolate fudge on her chocolate ice cream and lifts a brow. "What about your wee cranes?" She asks curiously.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde reaches into a pocket and pulls out a crane. And another and another and another. She pulls out about 15 of them, setting them on the table. "So... um... I was thinking. I know you two are dating. And I have NO IDEA how serious you are. So I'm not assuming ANYTHING has gone on at all," Kitty says. What is she beating around the bush about?

"But... I was just thinking... I mean with Bobby finding these tinfoil cranes like everywhere? If he did have a girlfriend and should they ever... ah... have private times... and say he maybe found a couple of cranes like... in a wardrobe malfunction sort of location? It would be REALLY funny. Not that I assume anything about anything," Kitty says, wincing and waiting to get yelled at. Or slapped.

Pixie has posed:
"You want me to stick these in my unmentionables?" Megan asks and picks up a crane. She pokes at it with her finger curiously. "Hmmm. Well, that certainly would surprise him. I'll see what I can do." She grins impishly and gathers the set out cranes up. Her short wings flutter, delighted at the chance to mess with Bobby a little. "Oh, I caught him watching a scary film and jumped out. Got him real good. Except then I saw the monster on the tv and scared myself proper good." She shakes her head a little.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will snicker a bit at Kitty's question but does blush a bit listening to the two. He looks over to Lockheed, and says "Want some cookie?" He offers the dragon, yup dragon is real interesting, only thing going on in the room is the dragon eatting ice cream.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a warm smile to Megan. "Thank you. I just wish I could see his face, but maybe you could describe it because... ah... yes I'm just going to shut up on this topic now," Kitty says, laughing gently. She sit at the table and starts in on her hot fudge sundae.

Lockheed sniffs the cookie and then gobbles down the bite-sized piece. He goes back to the vanilla ice cream. Nom nom nom. Kitty smiles over to Lockheed, reaching over to brush her fingers over the back of his head affectionately. "So the Russians sent their powered over on some kind of tour, apparently. The Crimson Dynamo armor? It's in Gotham at the moment," Kitty says.

Pixie has posed:
"Huh. Well, if they have sentinels attacking mutants in Russia maybe it's for the best their powered people aren't there. Is it just metas or are Russian mutants here too?" Megan wonders and proceeds to add cut up banana to her ice cream. "Did you see that viral video of them attacking mutants at that protest? The one that got zapped was like me- but butterfly shaped wings. I wonder if she was fae blooded too." She murmurs and finally starts on her sugary treat with a curious glance at Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "has anyone heard anything else about the sentineals, have there been any other attacks from them?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little shake of her head to Samuel. "I have not. I have been thinking I might... poke around... and see what I can find out. I've just been a little concerned about... well, if I got caught it could cost me Oxford. Though... oh hell. What's being done to mutants over there is so much more important than another degree," Kitty says, frowning. It seems like someone's mind is made up on that point.

Kitty reaches over to squeeze Megan's shoulder softly. "I saw the video, yeah. It's horrible what they are allowing to go on over there. And I have to wonder, if that's what managed to leak out... what aren't we finding out about over there?"

Pixie has posed:
"It scares me. All of it. Those poor people. It's not as if we can help it." Megan says and shovels a mouthful of ice cream in her mouth. "Think we could get out there and snoop around?" She asks around her bite and scrunches her eyes. "Oh, cold. Cold, cold, cold." she hops foot to foot. "Do you think Samwise?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Well if we do, we are going to need to make sure if aint tracked back to us. Scott seems really worried about public image, Ah got clean up duty for using that tanker to help take out the ice dragon. If your going to check into sentinals. Rachel is going to want to go, but Ah will be honest, Ah am not sure she could keep from going nuclear and have issues with stealth missions around them.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I was thinking I could snoop around some of the different groups and agencies who might be keeping tabs on it. Figure out what they know," Kitty says. She takes a bite of her ice cream, already thinking she needs to build a new computer to handle this. She looks like she's just sitting there eating ice cream, but in reality she's mapping out how to hide her identity behind a network of computers, DVRs, and internet enabled thermostats and even refrigerators.

Pixie has posed:
"Snoop around? Oh, like ask Logan to ask his Avenger friend? The redhead." Megan asks and squints considering. "Do you think they had a thing. There's a weird energy between them." She notes and shovels more ice cream into her mouth. Glancing back to Sam she looks like she's trying not to say anything as her squint intensifies. "Would you say her temper is...explosive....like a cannonball?" She asks pressing her mouth into the straightest line possible.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Pixie, and says "Ah would say when she find something that sets her off, Ah might be one of the few people to be able to help her get herself under control, and even Ah might not be able to. She is trying but she has had a harsh time of it. She is still dealing with not just the time travel, bug also a power boost." He will admit to them "Forge might have gathered some information as he has been researching the sentinels also.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, I was thinking about hacking their computers and finding out what they know. Though... I really should just start with Rogue. I mean, she used to be one of them so maybe they'd just give her the information," Kitty says, before taking another bite of her ice cream.

"Tried to get her to set me up with Captain America for Valentine's Day," Kitty says with a small grin to Pixie. "Or, you know, Thor would have been ok too. I mean, if he wasn't doing anything."

Pixie has posed:
"You can hack? Did you change all of Bobby's computer icons to paper cranes?" Megan asks and looks at Sam with a roll of her eyes. "Samwise, I was picking fun." She tells him and sighs into her ice cream before working on draining the bowl. "I dunno about Thor or Captain America. They don't sound like they'd be fun dates. Why not like, Spider Man or something?" Megan asks Kitty and moves to the sink to clean her bowl out.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "I know, she is very special to me, and I am ok with joking, I just worry about her somewhat you know?" He will look between the two, and says "And I aint sure of any good snowmen jokes."