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Latest revision as of 06:38, 23 February 2019

Winter (Soldier) in the Park
Date of Scene: 07 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Green Lantern (Cruz), Morrigan MacIntyre, Punisher

Winter Soldier has posed:
It's evening, the last glow of sunset painting the western horizon, the weather clearing just enough after a day of clouds and cold wind. Commuters are hurrying home, and some are strolling through the park.

There's a guy out walking his dog. She's a beautiful German Shepherd, with a coat of red-gold and black....and wearing a service dog vest. He's in an old parka and jeans, long hair tucked up under a black watch-cap. Not much of a disguise, but then, the world's used to seeing him in a SHIELD agent's black and white livery, or the dark leather and kevlar of his assassin's gear. It's amazing how well he blends in, without the metal arm on display....or Steven Roger's shadow falling over him.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
A green flare of light happens as a Green Lantern enters the park - just landing from the sky. She sighs softly as she shakes her head, as she floats over to the hot dog stand. She smiles as she buys a hot dog as she looks around - the Lantern logo glowing around her right eye. Wow, that's a beautiful dog. She moves over there as she waves at Bucky. "Hi there - I couldn't help but notice that gorgeous animal. Can I pet her?" She was going to do a charity event in an hour after sunset - she's here early to set up.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's currently one of the people walking, but she doesn't seem like she's in the biggest of hurries. The red head actually looks like she's deep in thought. She's dressed in one of her long black jackets, jeans, long sleeved shirt and warm boots. There's a nasty looking bruise across her cheek and a bit of a cut on her lip, but that's due to the week. Which started with her being witness to Captain America in a bar fight and then getting to witness the Punisher kill a few people. She's just happy to be alive, but the pistol whipping was the icing on the cake this week. The sudden flash of green gets her attention though and she looks to see where it came from, "No one is shooting Mo, calm down." she mutters to herself.

Punisher has posed:
It's been a while since Frank's done any sort of stalking/stakeouts on targets; most of his marks are easy to predict and to take down. With a ping on a monitored alias a few days ago though, priorities have shifted.

So it was this morning that 'Peter Margon' has been out in sweats and a nice white shirt. He's reading a tablet computer on a bench along the route that Bucky and Jessica are on. His baseball cap is lowers just a bit to hide his face as he listens, and watches. "The asshole actually did buy the dog, Micro." Frank mutters over his transceiver, "got a dog lover."

Winter Soldier has posed:
New York is New York, and it's a little mecca for all kinds of weirdness. So Buck isn't as startled as one might expect when that flash of green light yields a floating young woman. She doesn't seem hostile. "Uh," he says, pausing for a bemused beat, having stopped cold. The Shepherd looks up at Jessica inquiringly, black nose working busily. 'Hot dog' she knows, and there's a wave of that black-tipped tail, the beginning of a doggy smile. "She's a service dog. See the vest?" He indicates it with a motion of one gloved hand. "Kinna too busy concentrating for petting. But thanks for asking and not just doing it."

'John Frost' is an old alias, not actively flagged by the ordinary law enforcement agencies. But it's enough to be used for mundane things around New York, like buying groceries....and pet supplies. The Red Room's version of the nuclear option, buying Milk-bones at Petsmart. Who'd'a thought?

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks as she nods, smilign, as she takes a bite of her hot dog. "Sorry - I didn't see the vest from a distance. Been really busy over in Alpha Centauri, and am doing a charity event in an hour over on the stage." She smiles. "I'm Green Lantern," she states, extending her right non-hot-dog-wielding hand. Of course, there's a lot of people that use that title here on Earth even.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan doesn't go over to try to check out the floating lady or the dog with the service vest, she didn't want to bother service dogs on duty. She does give a polite dip of her head and a smile, "Evening. That's a beautiful dog." she mentions to them as she heads by in her walk. That puts her on a track to pass by Frank's bench. Then there's a curious look back when Jessica mentions the name Green Lantern. She was collecting a ton of new things this week on her end apparently.

Punisher has posed:
"And now we have the space brigade coming down for autographs." Frank continues under his breath before he turns his head just so to regard Morrigan. Recognized easily from the Harlem mission, Frank is definitely not going to attract attention.

Well, unless a perfect opportunity appears, but it seems unlikely with Jessica around. "Does the drone see any other League around, or is it just the one glowstick?" Frank asks as he listens.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Satisfied that she doesn't need to protect Bucky from the floating girl, the dog sits neatly at his side. She does, however, lean on him, just a little....and his gloved hand falls to her ears, petting her. It's not clear who's being reassured, her or him.

"A Green Lantern? *The* Green Lantern?" he wonders, still confused. But he does take the offered hand, and shakes it firmly. "Call me Jack," he says. Some Red Room agent has a sense of humor, considering that particular alias. "That's Lili," he adds. Clearly responding to her name, she beats her tail on the pavement. Then Morrigan pays her a compliment, and he actually smiles. "Thanks, she is, isn't she?" he asks. He doesn't seem to've clocked Frank. Where'd his instincts go?

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "Well - there's like four human Green Lanterns. I'm the newest of them. And the only girl among the four." She smiles. "Hello, Jack and Lili," she states. "So - I'm going to be doing a charity event for the orphans tonight..." There's a bit of a hitch in her voice when she says it. "Why did I let myself get talked into this?" she mutters softly, shivering.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile back to Bucky, stopping short because her phone chimes, "I grew up with a pair of long haired german shepherds. I was thinking about getting one recently due to recent events." she admits. When your head got scrambled you talk to strangers in parks and apparently can't pick out the guy that blew someones head off. There's a look to Jessica, "Are you guys taking donations at the event?" she asks her with a smile. "I could stick around for that cause." she nods to this.

Punisher has posed:
"Too much attention, too much risk. Keep the drone on him, I'm going to head to the end of the path and see if I can find any ambush opportunities." Frank mutters into the transceiver. "It's got about four hours of battery left, you're good, Frank." Microchip replies.

Soon, the man with the tablet computer is standing and casually taking a stroll away, down the path. "At least the dog's confirmed."

Winter Soldier has posed:
He looks a little blankly at Jessica, then ventures, "....is that something to congratulate you on?" What's the etiquette here? James clearly has no idea. "And uh, what's the event? Public speaking get to you?" Then he's offering Morrigan an uncertain little smile. "She's the first dog I've ever owned," he confesses, almost shyly. "A friend got her for me. He thinks I needed a service dog...."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz just isghs softly. "Yeah - I'm not really good at being around crowds. I'm doing this to face my fear. I'm... well... I need to work on my issues and H... ummm... the senior Lantern... suggested I do something like this to get used to it."

She seems unaware of Punisher prowling around. She's not scanning for radio messages - there's just SO many of them these days...

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a warmer smile, "Shepherds are really a great dog to start off with, so your friend was right in that choice." she tells him. "She seems to be doing a good job out and about." she comments as she looks to Bucky. "I didn't catch her name. I was trying not to eavesdrop, my parents told me that was rude." she muses. Then there's a look to Jessica and a smile, "It'll get better as you do it. I was like that when I started doing conferences." she admits.

Punisher has posed:
"Got a few promising places." Frank continues as he nears the end of the path, "most of the area is groomed, but the obsession with aesthetics means they have enough shrubbery at the end for a decent trap."

Once the coast is clear, he starts to inspect the ground, the terrain, and the layout of vegetation... until eventually he stands, and starts to head for the parking lot nearby.

"I have a potential plan. Keep me updated on his speed." Frank declares as he heads for the Battle Van.

Winter Soldier has posed:
The man in the parka grins at that - not in mockery, but with ready sympathy. "Yeah, tell me about it," he says, voice low, rasping. "That's part of why my friend gave her to me. She's supposed to help with that. Crowds, they get to me, too."

"Nah," he tells Morrigan. Buck's smile is wan, only a faded echo of the old lady-killer grin from before the war, but warm enough. "Her name's Lili," he says to Morrigan. "Yeah, they're really trainable, and someone in this pair's gotta be, right?" Utterly unconscious of the trap that's being laid for him.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs. "I'm supposed to be without fear. But... I'm still working on it. This is a step in that direction." She sighs. "Hey - I'll be back in a jiffy - I have to get the stuff I need for the event." With that, Jessica darts out of the park, flying away at high speed.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of an understanding look to that, "I was going to ask a question, but don't want to seem like I'm seriously nosy." she tells Bucky. Then she looks to the dog, "Hello, Lili. You're a great companion. And cute to boot. So he's got that going for him." she grins. She's teasing this person who she has no idea who he is. Then she digs into her pocket and pulls out a card, handing it to him, "Figured it doesn't hurt to make friends or if you need to talk sometime." she offers. "I should get heading that way, friend wants to meet up and gossip about Steve Rogers and a few others in a bar fight the other night." she shakes her head.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Steve Rogers bar fight what? Buck looks up from his contemplation of the card to give Morrigan an owlish look. Surely that can be attributed to her mentioning the famous Steven Rogers. He tucks it away in a parka pocket. "Sure," he says, blankly. "Uh, have a good night."

Back when Roosevelt was in the White House, this whole thing might've been flirting. Now.....presumably it's the dog being her adorable self. "Lili, you're a girl magnet. It's almost like old times," he tells her, sotto voce, with that lopsided grin. Then he's turning to head for the subway.

If he were someone raised in the digital era, no doubt he'd already have his phone out, texting Steve a demand for explanation. Being what he is....this is going to wait on a face to face encounter. He sets out at a smart pace, the Shepherd heeling neatly at his side.

Punisher has posed:
By the time Bucky is nearing the end of the path, the trap is already set; a remote operated claymore with armor piercers meant for the arm. Franks done his homework on that thing, but hasn't had a real look at it... so it's guesswork at best what sort of Anti-Armor he'll need to use. Time to test and find out.

Back in the Battle Van, an M4A1 is ready in the back to finish him off if he survives, somehow. "Try to get some solid shots of the arm. If this fails, it'll be because of that." Frank mentions into the transceiver.

Winter Soldier has posed:
It doesn't compute, at first. Whatever it is that gives away the mine's presence - this is a public space prone to be full of civilians. A park. A shot from atop one of the buildings at the park's edge, when he comes out - that Buck'd almost expect. But this....no.

Which is why there's that fraction of confusion that almost kills him. Winter in control, on his game, would all but laugh at such a relatively crude weapon. But he's nowhere near that point, these days, and even the reflexes Zola's work and long training have granted him don't carry him clear in time. For there's Lili to consider, the Shepherd utterly bewildered by her master scooping her up so he can curl around her and try to let the arm and its support structures take the brunt of the blast that comes. It's a loud bang, the path lit up by the flash for a strobed instant.

What's left behind is apparently a pair of bodies, until a furry head pokes up from the shelter of her master's arms. Lili wriggles free and nuzzles at the dark hair left exposed, whimpering. Then she's looking around for a human to go to for help.

Punisher has posed:
The dog was given just enough time to get clear of the blast, but then Bucky just had to play shield. "Shit, almost got him too, poor pup." Frank sighs, before he looks at the scene through a monocular at Bucky. "Yeah, the piercers weren't enough. I'll have to finish the job myself."

The M4A1 is pulled out of the back, and Frank stands in the front cabin. A specially constructed hatch is opened, allowing Frank to bi-pod the rifle up top and aim down the scope at the wounded Winter Soldier. Frank is obvious by now, and Bucky will be easily able to see the would be ambusher from his position.

Lucky for Frank, he has very little cover, and very little time to find it.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh Morrigan you're so stupid." Morrigan states as she rubs her face when she is a few feet away. She's totally not berating herself over handing her card out and how silly it seems. Nope. Then there's the loud bang and then the path behind her is lit up like a Christmas tree. She turns, slowly, her violet gaze going wide as she sees what's happened. "What the...I can't have one normal night this week?" she looks up to the sky. Then she remembers which way the guy and his dog were walking and she runs /towards/ the mess, "Shit..." she murmurs as she realizes that decision was stupid way too late.

Winter Soldier has posed:
The dog clearly has no training at all on the protection or attack front. She's exactly what she appears to be - a service dog. She even, when she spots Frank, wags her tail. Oh hi! Surely you will help us, human. Humans are for helping. Confidently, she advances towards him - her leash was cut by the blast, and her master hasn't given her an order. "Lili, down," he croaks, even as he's scuttling for what cover there is. They're too close to one of the great lawns....and even the trees aren't the dense copses of the Ramble.

Frank can see, even in the dimness of the winter evening, that he's hurt the Soldier badly. There's blood on the path and in a trail behind him....anda the gleam of the metal arm. Most of the parka got blown to hell, and there's nothing to hide it.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz was starting to fly back, a construct box with her that has various things. "J-Bird! An explosion in the park! Hurry! Hurry!" yells her ring. She leaves the box behind on a rooftop and books it to the park, as she lands by the wounded man with the metal arm, a bright green forcefield forming around him (and encompassing the dog too). She kneels down by the wounded man, shining a green light over him to check for injuries. "Who would set up a LAND MINE?"

Punisher has posed:
"Fuck. Glowstick is back." Frank mutters. "The drone picked her up too late, and I'm reading a nearby police unit a lot closer than we anticipated. We're going to have to cancel this one if you don't want to end up in SHIELD custody, Frank."

"Fuckin' hell. Aborting." Frank doesn't even get a chance to fire off a round as he pulls back into the Van and tosses the M4 into the back. Shortly after, the Van is pulling out of the parking lot and driving off.

"Asshole got lucky this time. We need a better look at that arm. You got the pictures?" "I did." "Good. Missed a golden fuckin' opportunity there. Simple and effective." Frank grates as he drives out of the park.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Oh good, Morrigan's not going to be shot tonight! She slows the run as she approaches the scene. She eyes the blood on the ground and then heads closer. "Hey...we're going to need to get him to a hospital. Unless you have healing on the list of things you can do?" the red head looks to Jessica. "I'm a doctor. Can I take a look? See if you're hit anywhere vital? If so we need to get bleeding staunched." she states. Keep your head straight, Morrigan!

Winter Soldier has posed:
Lili circles within the confines of the forcefield, confused, upset - ears and tail down. But Jess is help, even if help that arrived not precisely in line with training.

Her master, however, is much less reassured. Buck's a weird spectacle. The blast all but shredded the side turned towards it....but the result's much less devastation than one might expect. It's still a mess of torn cloth and flesh, especially on hip and leg, but what could've been the wreckage of his left shoulder and ribs is an improbable sculpture of gleaming alloy. Is this guy just a robot? Or merely a cyborg, for that's definitely ordinary red blood present.

"No," he says, hoarsely. "No hospitals. SHIELD...." he says, but he's already starting to go vague. "Call Steve?" On the phone that was reduced to splinters in the blast. Right.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz opens the forcefield and lets Morrigan come in, closing it behind her. "You're a good dog," she coooos, creating a construct leash (that seems rather vine-line) and pulls Lili over to her. "Ah - if you didn't have that metallic arm, you probably wouldn't _have_ an arm - that was one helluva explosion. Do you have a price of your head? Was this an ASSASSINATION attempt?" She sighs softly, rubbing her forehead. "I am working on a healing - but it's a very advanced skill - not something I'm good at yet." She shines a green light on Bucky. "But I don't even know where to start..." She sighs. "SHIELD? I can take you there... are you sure you don't want proper medical attention?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks over the state of Bucky and there's a bit of a wince when he says no hospitals, "Alright...how do we call SHIELD?" she looks around. "Until then, you're not going to bleed to death." she mutters as she kneels next to the man, inside the forcefield. "Steve? Steve who? Does he have a last name? Come on, don't fade out on us." she tells him. She was in full doctor mode apparently and not wanting him to pass out. Then there's a look to Jessica, "SHEILD probably has ways of healing him that might take me a bit. And he doesn't want a hospital so I'd have to take him to my lab." she looks very concerned about his state.

Winter Soldier has posed:
It's utterly absurd....but the man on the ground grins at that. They have no idea who they're helping. What he's done. There's a momentary impulse, born of the weight of all of it, to say nothing more. To let it all come down and end here on a park path in his hometown.

But then his gaze darts to Lili, who is letting herself be pulled along, if unhappily, and he says, "Rogers. No hospital." Then he reiterates, "SHIELD." As if SHIELD's number were one everyone knew, like 911.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz glances down at her ring. "I know SHIELD's location - I made sure to get that information from the Watchtower," chirps the ring's male baritone voice, sounding very proud. "Alirght. If you'll excuse us, Madame Doctor. I'm going to take this man to where ne needs to go." The forcefield collapses and reforms just tightly around the Lantern herself, the injured man, and the dog. She carries him in her arms, and just floats away. She smiles. "I'll make sure he gets the care he needs," she states as she flies Bucky away, trying to use that limited regeneration ability of her ring to keep him stabilized.