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Latest revision as of 06:46, 23 February 2019

A Meeting In Angel Grove
Date of Scene: 08 February 2019
Location: Angel Grove
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Ranger, Fairchild

Green Ranger has posed:
    Rain pours down over the quaint little town of Angel Grove, nestled in a forested region of the Pacific Northwest, just across the Canadian border. It isn't torrential or anything, but the rain has been coming down all day, and many folks are doing what they can to stay inside their own homes. A cute little coffeeshop, not far from the school, is mostly empty due to all of this.

Tommy is seated at a table near a little fireplace, his brow furrowed as he goes over some books and takes notes. The young man looks eighteen or so, and is a bit over 6' in height. He is solidly built, with the kind of form of a professional athlete. Wide shoulders and firm everything else. His skin is tanned and his dark hair is long and falls about his wide shoulders. He's dressed in tight jeans, running shoes, and a worn Smashing Pumpkins shirt under a green hoodie.

He glances up now and again to break up his studying, taking a sip from his coffee. He blinks as his mug ends up empty, considering a refill.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild In she walks she's well over 6ft about 6ft 4 maybe 6ft 5 hard to say the redhead is very very tall and built a lot like Wonderwoman and power girl, kind of hard to miss but everybody seems not to notice her, least till she sits down and the waitress walks over. She looks out the window as if checking before she smiles " I'll have the Big dinner plate, with some of that pie and some cake please" .

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy notices her. He blinks, his gaze dipping over her curiously. She's certainly not from around here. He shrugs after a moment and rises to his feet. He makes his way over to the counter beside her and nods to the waitress as he slides his mug over for a refill. "The pie here is amazing," he tells the newcomer, flashing her a smile.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Gives one of those big bright smiles back " Thanks some old lady at the Garage said the same thing I thought I'd try ". Though when a chopper seems to fly overhead she frowns and watches it move along her green eye's tracking it.. She can't help it she doesn't wanna but right now she's holding the napkin holder and she kind of crushes it. She blinks and quickly starts to try and unbend the poor metal square.

Green Ranger has posed:
He blinks when the napkin holder is crushed so non-chalantly, and his gaze dips to appraise her again. "Huh. Well, you must mean Maggie. She's right." The food arrives for her, and Tommy ends up sliding onto the stool beside her, offering a hand. "I'm Tommy. Welcome to Angel Grove."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks and slowly pushes the now uncrushed but clearly was crushed napkin holder away. Before she takes his hand with her surprising soft ones " Right sorry I'm Caitlin nice to meet you, a nice town you have here ." She starts to eat and clearly this girl can eat!

Green Ranger has posed:
His own hand is calloused, like someone who does a lot of labor, or fights a lot. "It's nice, yeah. I'm from out east, but...it's nice out here. I like the weather..." Tommy trails off, glancing out the window at the pouring rain. "Seems peaceful, I guess."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Smirks as she looks at the Rain " I've noticed the quieter the town, the more thiers stuff going on under it If you want peaceful go deep in the bush alone." She Frowns when something buzzes and she pulls it out the funny thing is the item seems to be covered in semi glowing alien looking runes.. She taps on the side of it a little bit.

Green Ranger has posed:
He glances at the alien device curiously. "So. Nobody around here seems to have noticed what you did to the napkin dispenser...or that thing. So, you've got something going on. I'm going to be polite and not pry, assuming you don't mean these people or this town any harm?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks and looks down " This is something I'm working on, That is made out of thin sheets of aluminum and suggesting a woman isn't strong enough to bend it is sexist " She frowns though " And why in the world would I want to hurt anybody for no reason?"

Green Ranger has posed:
He chuckles softly. "I spare daily with at least two young women who could kick the hell out of almost any man...and they're teenagers. So, no...I'm not being sexist, so you should drop that. And how would I know it's for no reason?," Tommy asks.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Crosses her arms under that rather well big chest before she lifts a lovely eyebrow " And your saying they couldn't squeeze a thin aluminum box when they get angry? That takes about 50 pounds of crush force to do ?". She nods " True on you don't know but I have no reason to hurt anybody and would never hurt people that can make a pie this good "She adds taking a bite.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy Oliver shakes his head, dropping the whole 'strength' thing. He definatly does NOT seem to be buying her explanation, though. "I'm happy to hear that. Angel Grove has enough problems without beautiful warrior women causing more." He chuckles a bit.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Snorts " Told you a quiet town means trouble " She smirks before she takes another bite of the Pie. Though the device lights up " Ummm question do you have a lot of alien artifacts near this town or meteorites or something like that? "

Green Ranger has posed:
He blinks and glances over at her. "Um." He clears his throat. "Why?"

And then all hell breaks loose. Specifically, a parked car outside explodes as energy is unleashed from a large teleportation field. Wirey, grey skinned creatures with black marks and monstrous faces appear amidst the wreckage, and locals begin to scatter as if they've seen this kind of thing before. The creatures immediatly begin wreaking havoc with superhuman speed and strength. They flip cars, punch through windows and rampage. Tommy leaps to his feet and gestures to the woman behind the counter. "Everyone out the back! Go!" He looks to Caitlin. "I'm going to get them out the back. You might want to keep low..."

He ushers the civilians out the back, and once he is out of sight, he pulls a certain alien coin from hiding...

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Lifts an eyebrow " ummm that " She says simply as she Seems to quickly be trying to finish her pie before they notice her. She is though also looking and making sure people are getting out of trouble.. Tommy Might notice as he takes out that Coin the fact that one of the Tables the bolted to the floor one Fly's out of the window at bulette like speed and Rips the head off one of those alien attackers.

Green Ranger has posed:
The Putty Patroler collapses and then vanishes when the head is taken off, and more of them take notice of Caitlin. They begin to rush the diner. However, they are interrupted before they can make it inside and begin trashing the place. Caitlin can see out the windows of the diner, so she has an excellent view of everything going on outside.

A tall, muscled finger in sleek green armor, with white icons emblazed on it, and a black, white and green helmet, drops down from the roof. With blurring speed, he begins to dispatch the Putties with a sharp, oddly shaped dagger. The Power Rangers are a worldwide phenomenon. Their color-coordinated outfits and massive robots have saved the world at least once in the last few years, and that is -absolutely- their leader.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Lifts an eyebrow but she doesn't let him get all the fun. She jumps outside via the broken Window Dusting a putty with a kick and using a powerful arm to slide a Car to block some civilians who were still running away from some splash back of explosions. Of course one of the putty's Lands a rather bone shattering punch on Caitlin only to have her blinks and glare at the putty before she crushes its head " Ow."

Green Ranger has posed:
The Green Ranger glances over at the woman as she kicks some Putty ass, and he chuckles a bit to himself. Weak napkin dispenser. Right. He turns his attention back to the mayhem, where he notices a few of the Putties have surrounded a child, who is trying to hide behind a bus bench. The Ranger leaps through the air, jumpkicking one Putty, before he grabs one and twirls it about, hitting another Putty with it. "Get inside kid!" The child follows orders, running inside the diner.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild It's when they hit her enough they start wrecking her clothes and basically starting to make her clothes become a lot more revealing. She Stomps the ground Causing a massive ripple that knocks most straight off their feet " that's it! Leave "*smash* " A girls " *Clobber * " ALONE " She brings her hands together creating a rather powerful sonic boom!

Green Ranger has posed:
The Putty Patrol isn't incredibly strong, and soon enough they are dispersed and defeated. The Ranger turns to look at Caitlin again, and he hesitates as his gaze dips over her fairly bared body. He makes his way closer, his voice altered. "Um, miss. Do you...you know...need a blanket or a towel or...something?" He cannot help but admire, of course!

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Looks down and quickly covers up her underboob that's showing turning well red as her hair .. she shakes her head quickly " Ummm no thanks...I'm okay Nope I'm good " She grabs a car and drags it over to hide behind " I'll find something.. happens all the time sucks but it does " .

Green Ranger has posed:
The Ranger ducks back into the diner, and he walks back out a few minutes later with a familiar green jacket. "Found this on the counter inside. Here. Toss this on, at least until you can cover up, miss..." Inside the helmet he's blushing, being a hormonal teenager.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild She grabs it and nods " thanks " though when she gets up, it's clear she can't zip it up thanks to her girls but she's mostly covered.. she never showed any significant bits at least. Caitlin is barely 20 herself she's not that far from teen as she stands up and sighs looking down " I hate my body " .

Green Ranger has posed:
"You shouldn't. I mean...it's incredible." He catches himself, and the Ranger glances about, beginning to turn cars back over and try to do some basic repairs. "You were really good out there, by the way. Thanks for the assist. Putties can be a pain."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks " Putties that's what they are called ?" She frowns " somebody needs to turn in their naming card that's just awful naming sense." She shakes her head as she helps to move the cars, she's crazy strong it seems " Do you know a lot about them? They set off one of my detectors. "

Green Ranger has posed:
"They're alien," he responds. "Minor minions for this crazy alien who's constantly trying to take over the world. It's a long story." He watches her work, trying VERY hard to be respectful and NOT admire too closely.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild She's got a jacket yep barley keeping the girls in also yep.. But she didn't change her pants though right now their more like bikini bottoms and some shredded bits of jeans that used to be pant legs.. so her long long legs are totally exposed. She looks over her should " Well I am a bit of an alien expert I could help you know, I mean I help power girl and Superman so I think I can help you."

Green Ranger has posed:
"Well, we're pretty educated on this particular type of evil, but...allies are always useful..." He makes his way over and fishes out his odd looking Ranger Communicator. He adjusts something on it, and there is a beeping sound. "I've just given you my signal...and taken yours. We can get ahold of eachother now.."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Nods " Handy Nice tech " he beams brightly as she sighs and looks around " Now I need to get out of here " She says looking around as she's rained on . She sighs cause the car she showed up in was well one of the first one's smashed so she just shakes her head and starts to walk away . Though she checks a door to find it locked for a clothing store.. clearly not planing to keep her ass showing all day .

Green Ranger has posed:
"Nice to meet you," he calls after her. The Green Ranger watches her go, admiring until she is out of sight. He then taps his communicator and brings it to his helmet.

"Rangers, we need to talk. New heroes in the area. En route to the Ranger Station." He vanishes in an eruption of shimmering green.