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Latest revision as of 06:50, 23 February 2019

Shenanigans at the Bean
Date of Scene: 09 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sabretooth, Morrigan MacIntyre, Vincent Black, Carrie Kelley, Wonder Woman, Danger, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Ekaterina Vespucci

Sabretooth has posed:
    It is late afternoon in the city so the sun is beginning to dip behind the tall buildings of Manhatten. Street lights are starting to kick on as it gets dark quickly in the urban jungle in February. It is cold outside. The wind is blowing, but no snow is falling at the moment. The inside of the shop is warm and the heavy scent of coffee hangs in the air.

    The front door swings open with a gust of cold air and Victor Creed comes into the shop. He ducks his head slightly as he gets through the door. He is dressed in a tshirt and jeans as if it isn't a cold February outside. Still, he looks focused as he heads towards the coffee counter and barista.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan needed coffee, so she'd stopped in here before heading home from work. The doctor still has her badge clipped to her jacket and she's seated at a table waiting for her order. She looks like she's staying for the time being though. The violet eyed woman gives a look up and they widen just a touch as she sees Victor. Holy...that's a big dude. Her eyes dip back to her phone though as she gets a text.

Vincent Black has posed:
    There's an older man in the coffee shop as well, or at least in line. He's holding a phone up to his grey eyes and frowning deeply. Grumbling to himself about how she demanded a cup of something long winded and outrageous from this specific place. She didn't care how long it took to drive here, so, Vincent is here, with a laundry list of an order for the woman back in Metropolis. "Friggin, fraggin, gettin, coffee, gah." He growls to himself while waiting his turn in the line to order.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Cold. Cold cold cold. Too cold. It probably wasn't really much colder than Gotham, but the New York streets were in far more of a grid than Gotham so it was easier for the wind to blow through without being disrupted by the tall buildings in the way. At least that's Carrie's current working theory for why she was so effing COLD in New York when in Gotham she was perfectly fine with such weather.

Just before the door to the coffee shop swings all the way shut her arm lashes out to grab it as she, too, ducks inside. Though not literally duck. She was plenty short enough to fit through without any issue unlike the behemoth that was Victor Creed. She hadn't even noticed him yet either as her gaze was fixated on the screen of the phone in her hand while she juggles the weight of her over-the-shoulder messenger bag in the other.

"YOU have arrIVed at YOUR desTINaTION."

"Yeah yeah, I know you stupid crappy GPS voice."

Carrie finally pauses to look around the shop taking in the line, and other patrons.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince is already within the coffee shop. It is not far from the Themysciran Embassy and it is a place she visits on a near daily basis when she is free enough of scheduled burdens to find the time to venture down here. There is quite a lot of Wonder Woman memorabilia on display on the walls behind the counter because of this fact that she's a regular here.

As of right now, Diana is seated in a back western corner section where a tall table has two tall chairs. She's occupying one of the chairs. A single light hovers over the table and it is shining down upon her. She is reading a book that is laying atop the table, dressed in a slim fit red sweater that hugs her fit form, a pair of black slacks and simple black shoes. Diana's dark hair is tied back into a ponytail that dangles down behind her shoulders. Her hands are wrapped around a warm cup of coffee.

Danger has posed:
While not as big as Victor, the woman that comes in is not small by any stretch of the imagination. At just over six foot tall, the blond haired woman looks almost unreal. Danger's hair is spiked out in a bit of a wild fashion one might normally only find in an anime or the like and yet she wears it as if it were perfectly natural despite the fact that it is almost certainly styled that way. She had seen all the people going into the coffee shop and really couldn't help but follow. Her light blue eyes are wide, perhaps just a bit off in size as well, looking around slowly as she walks in, taking in the scents and sounds with a wide smile.

She is dressed horribly incorrectly for the weather, a white t-shirt that is taught in places enough to show off her modestly feminine build that is made even less feminine by the definition of the musculature beneath. It falls loosely over a pair of green pants that sight snugly over her legs, tighter at the thighs but loosenly at the boots that cover her feet. As she looks at each person, she seems to pause for what might be a longer than necessary (possibly uncomfortably long) moment before finally focusing on the counter and falling into line.

She steps into line with the formality of a wedding processional, standing up straight as if what was about to happen was an honor befitting such a stance. She looks to the person in front of her (which just so happens to be Carrie) and leans toward her, "Hello, Fellow Coffee Drinker. What do you believe would be a good choice to start out with?" She hmms and then looks to the board, "There are a great deal of options and their online menu indicates so much more."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor must be the only person in this place without a phone or his nose practically glued to the screen. He looks around and gets in line behind Vincet. He can hear the man grumbling about some complicated order and does a quick grumbling to himself as well. "Why here," he mutters, "when there is a perfectly good bar down the street." He glances back towards the door and then back towards Vincent and the non moving line.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gets up when her name is called, shoving her phone into her jacket pocket as she does. She goes up to gather her coffee. She gives a bit of a chuckle to something said, "If only they'd put whiskey in the coffee here." she shakes her head to that. Then she's returning to her seat, the phone doesn't make an appearance again. Because coffee.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
It's great being more or less back to normal. No longer having to keep and maintain a host of different thingies on her self to keep from causing a panic and all. Kae wanders into the coffee shop, happy to her self for not having to duck.. Also happy that she gets to wear pants again. That's allways a plus. She glances around, the red-head smiling cheerfully as she wanders over to the coffee bar and waits in line to order some kind of fancy latte or coffee or some such.

Vincent Black has posed:
    "Beats me." Vincent says with a sigh, looking over his shoulder at Victor and oddly enough, seems to be the only one not doing a double take at the blond man. Vincent doesn't seem bothered by the huge man at all. He does slip his phone into his pocket and then his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, taking the leather over hooded jacket look today.

    Vincent inches forward as the line does move just that smallest bit and he frowns some more. "A bourbon sounds perfect." Vincent adds to no one in particular, but it wouldn't do anything anyways so he just keeps to himself mostly.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is quick to switch off the annoying voice on her phone. It only served to make her look more like a tourist in this city. Even if she kind of was to some extent. An eyebrow rises at the sight of the familiar tall blonde grumpy mutant a few people in front of her. It does cause her to grin as she pipes up to chime in on his own mutterings, "Yeah this doesn't seem like your usual place. Too full of wide awake people." She looks around again. "Or half awake people trying to be wide awake at least." And... and... a brunette who looked... familiar. Reeeally familiar.

"Oh holy sh....." Mmm! No swearing! ... She wasn't sure why but she had a feeling swearing right now would be bad and anyway wasn't that Wonder Woman herself? There's a little build up of tense air in her throat that comes out as a squeak. A small almost squeal. Maybe. Just a bit. Before she catches herself with a quick clearing of her throat. "That was... my.. uh. Phone. Yes. My phone." Maybe no one heard that.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana turns a page in her book at her table in the back corner, her cup is raised up to her red hued lips and she takes a small sip from it. But a moment later, as is rather common here, a mother and her young daughter come up to the table to speak with her. This is a normal occurrence when she's here and she has no problems with that what-so-ever. Its evident as well in that Diana smiles openly to them both, and speaks with them a moment before she slips off of her chair to take a selfie with them both, standing between them as the mother snaps the picture.

Diana holds a small conversation with them further before they separate from each other again and she moves to sit back down at her table, taking a moment to check her phone (Thats right, phones!) for the inevitable messages she's received since her last checking.

After a bit of thumb swiping the device is deactivated again and slipped back into the pocket of her dark red leather jacket draped over the back of her chair and she turns back toward her book. Diana does spare a single look over to the rest of the coffee shop and its attendees, but she's not familiar with anyone currently here as of this moment.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor glances back towards the door and more gusts come through noticing each new arrival as they enter. Maybe that is the reason for the meeting here. Busy place even in the afternoon. Victor would never have assumed coffee would have that much of a lure this late in the day. His nostrils flare as he picks up Carrie's familar scent even if she is bundled up for the city cold when she walks in. He turns his head back towards the order board. "Should have remembered some of that Italian," he mutters to himself. He was told to order something, but he has no clue what he is going to try and order. He returns his gaze back to Carrie as she speaks. "Too many lights too," he says and perhaps about to say more when he follows Carrie's gaze toward the corner. He tilts his head back as he gets this person's scent that has Carrie so enamoured and mothers and daughters clammering for pictures.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Diana's lack of familiarity with everyone present would come to an abrupt end with the entrance of one Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci. The angel faced immortal is presently paying attention to her phone like everyone else except she is playing Pokemon Go. Astoundingly childish for a 1200 year old even if she looks about 19. "Prego prego ... Ovunque tu possa andare Rendi ogni giornata una giornata piena di divertimento Se c'è una partita o una ragazza da vincere Fallo con un bong bang bong!" She sings under her breath the Italian version of the classic song sung by Sophia Loren in the Movie HouseBoat. She looks up and smiles at Diana. Kaelyn would be the only other person she recognises. Now with two legs. Mercifully. SShe waves to the latter.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley turns a rather heavy shade of pink from her almost fangirling moment. She'd gotten herself under control though, partially due to the distraction of Danger asking her a question. Shaking her head quickly with a snap of her ginger hair around her face she flashes the taller woman an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I lost my train of thought for a minute. I'd recommend a latte if you're newer to coffee. It's got steamed milk and espresso so it mellows out the flavor and lets you taste the nuances of it. If you're not used to coffee it can be a bit harsh at first otherwise." At least she had some idea about coffee herself. The fact that Danger is effing HUGE doesn't seem to bother her other than having to crane her neck upward. Then again she had to do the same with Victor over there.

Speaking of, when she notices Victor's attention shift toward the corner and the apparently famous woman there, she leans up to hiss-whisper, "That's Wonder Woman! She's ... freaking awesome pretty much." There goes her eloquence of a moment ago describing coffee.

Vincent Black has posed:
    Vincent too spots Diana and rolls his eyes, but doesn't say or do anything else. The ancient cop frowns to himself as he steps up while Victor orders, but he steps out of Carrie's way to let her be closer to her friend. "Go ahead, my boss can wait." Yeah, he says that now, but if she was here, she'd probably chew his ear out when they get outside. But she's not so Vincent stays quiet and out of the way as best as he can.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan just sips her coffee and her bright violet eyes watch a few people. The mothers with kids wanting to get pictures with the woman in the corner. She gives a bit of a smile to that. She's still dealing with healing so she's not too inclined to go over and strike up a conversation. She's just hoping Frank doesn't show up.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has remarkable hearing, she's able to hear every conversation going on inside the building, and possibly outside of it as well... but she does her best to never abuse that. She only will really regard it if she senses, or picks up on, a threat to the general peace around her or around those with her. No such pending threats seem to be present at this time so Diana remains to be where she is, as she has been... just enjoying her afternoon like the others here-in.

In the now though, she does look up when she hears a familiar voice and she spots Kat. She returns the smile and raises her left hand up to offer the woman on the Go with the Pokemon a light wave.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae picks up her coffee after it's delivered and glances around the palce curiously.. She looks from person to person to person, then smiles a bit and meanders to a table near Diana Prince's table, the redhead pausing a moment to offer a smile and a nod to the very famous hero type. Honestly, Kae's really not run into her before and is a little curious. Kae grins and take sa sip of her mocha, and glances around the room curiously, looking from person to person to person curiously.

Danger has posed:
A smile and Danger nods, "Latte." She states, "That does seem to come up a lot. I shall have a latte." She then looks in to the corner and nods in agreement, "That is indeed Wonder Woman." She then looks around, "She is considered by many to be quite awesome." She then looks around, "By the true definition of the term, there are several awesome people in here at this time." She then looks directly at Victor Creed and tilts her head, "I do hope that they do not intend trouble." She then looks to the side, "Strangely...that's not true."

She looks contemplative for a moment, "Huh." She says and then blinks again, "I do hope that they wish to cause trouble." She then looks up in confusion, "What...what is this?" She then looks to the side, "How strange." She then looks to Carrie, "Oh, I'm very sorry. I got off topic. Thank you for suggestion."

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Wonder Woman, huh?" Victor looks a bit more closely at the woman in the corner. "Heard of her. Never run into her." His attention is caught by Danger as she looks directly at him. He frowns a little at the completely odd scent coming off the woman and her disjointed speech pattern. "Frail, I don't go looking for trouble so no, not intending any. I'm just here to get...." He looks back as Vincent steps aside. With a nod towards Vincent, Victor steps up to the counter. "I have no idea what any of that is," as apparently Carrie's explanations to Danger were lost on him. "Just give me whatever is strongest."

    The barista nods, plays with the machine, and hands Victor a small cup of espresso. Victor looks at it as if the barista's head had fallen off. "What the hell is that? I wanted a cup of coffee. Not a baby sippy cup?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks up when she hears the exchange at the counter, "It's espresso. Believe me, she gave you the strong stuff." she tells Victor with a smile. The bruise on the side of her face is healing, but that doesn't mess with her ability to smile. "You'll like it. If not I'll buy you a beer down the way." she muses. Then she's taking a sip of her own coffee.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley finds her attention torn multiple directions all of a sudden. It was a bit much, but not so much she couldn't handle. A pleasant smile slips into place which she graces Vincent with when he steps aside to let her move up in the line as well. "Are you sure?" She asks, as politeness dictated she did. "Thank you!" Then she dips in ahead tugging her bag closer to her side to avoid bumping anyone with it in passing.

Danger's disjointed remarks earn a tip of her haed back at the woman as well with a mild look of confusion. "Don't see why anyone would. It's a coffee shop. Not like these places are ripe for bar fights or something." Maybe she missed something here. Either way her attention then turns back to see what the barista came up with for Vic.

And she snickers audibly before faking a cough.

"That's an espresso..." Should she bother to explain? A mischevious grin creeps over her as she leans to the side just around Vic to waggle her fingers at the barista before much argument can come. "Hey, just get him seven more of those and put it in a cup all together. Trust me."

Morrigan's injection into the strength of the coffee has her nodding in agreement with that same smile in place. Oh, maybe she was going to have a little fun with it after all.

Vincent Black has posed:
    Vincent sighs as he feels pinned against the wall by the taller woman with the crazy hair basically talking over him at Carrie who he just let cut. The cop isn't the tallest, but he is stocky and now getting rather grumpy.

    "'Scuse me." Vincent demands as he pushes his way past Danger and Carrie in order to get out of line. This isn't worth it. He's fine with pissing some people off to not be disrespected so, the mutant will just have to get coffee somewhere else.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat for once does not get pushed out of the way given her relatively small size and the proportionate rudeness of Manhatten to small people. She gets her long black and not knowing anyone here save for Diana decides to pester the latter. The last time they had seen eachother it may well have been over that fiasco in Central Park where Kat died and came back to life again with an audience. "Busy?" Kat asks the celebrity as Diana she presumes may have gone back to reading her book.

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Espresso....." Victor says as he looks at the little cup. He glances to Morrigan and to Carrie. "That's the strong stuff, huh?" He looks back at the barista and nods after Carrie's suggestion. "Yeah. Seven of those. All in one cup." He points towards the stack of large coffee cups behind the barista. "One of those is fine." The barista blinks and stammers out, "S-sir....are you sure? That....you could end up in the hospital....."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana spares a glances up from her book when she sees Kaelyn moving to a table not far before her own and she returns the smile with one of her own. Her hand falls down onto her book and she's about to turn another page when Kat approaches her. She regards the other with a held smile and a light singular nod of her head.

"Not especially." Diana replies in her Greek accented voice. "I am just... unwinding." She says, giving a little shake of her shoulders in a playful way of expressing that desire to unwind and relax. "In my favorite coffee shop no less." It is then that the Themysciran Princess shows a sly grin that fades fast as she reaches for her tea once more.

"How have you been? It has been some time since we last saw one another." She asks Kat as her tea is raised up to her lips for another sip.

Danger has posed:
Pushing against Danger is like pushing against a steel wall. Hell, it even feels like steel to a degree. She ends up giving way of her own accord, none the less, "Wait, did I do something wrong?" She looks at Vincent and then at Carrie in confusion before looking to Victor. She then blinks at teh explanation and points, "Oh, I wish to have many of those in a cup." She nods her head, "If that is so potent." She then looks back to Vincent, "I do apologize if I did something wrong. It is, well, I'm not sure if it is like me or not but I do not wish it ot be like me."

She is also likely getting her own strange looks before she looks then to Kat and Diana briefly and then at Morrigan. All these people, she almost seems distracted by each of them in turn. Either way she pauses and looks back to Morrigan and points at her, "Oh, I will have beer as well. That is a good idea."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks as Vincent charges out of line. She turns her head and follows the cop's path curiously. She doesn't say much at first, but then tries to wave em down. "Yer welcome to joint he table here if you like." She says to the man, yeah maybe her heart's in the right place... She cdould also be accidently setting her self up to draw ire...

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glaces back toward Vincent when he steps out of line. Even as Danger starts to question if she'd done something wrong she chews at the inside of her cheek considering. "Hey, lemme buy your drink for you," she offers Vincent apologetically. "It would have been your turn anyway. Kill two birds with one stone this way, right?" Given she was next in line after the Espresso Incident about to happen. Apparently twice over. Then again the other woman invites him over, and she shrugs making it obvious it's up to him either way.

"Eh she is right it could give you a heart attack," she has to admit with a shrug to Victor. Best to be honest before making the man discover otherwise if he wasn't that familiar with coffee and it's stronger varieties. "I'm just gonna get a latte."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Oh alright - I have had a run in with more than one royal recently," Kat says to Diana. "T'Challa or Black Panther as he is known paid me a visit at one of my galleries. And a bundle of other stuff has happened of little importance. Mind if I sit?" Kat asks the princess politely. Her previous attidtude towards celebrity heros might have been one that was standoffish given she wanted to avoid the limelight. But she had been captured doing some pretty supernatural things on camera now. No point hiding.

Vincent Black has posed:
    "I'd rather not." Vincent says towards Carrie and a squint is levelled at Danger, but he doesn't seem to react to how strong or cold she is. Either he didn't notice, or is that jaded. "Take care." Vincent says in finality towards Carrie and then Kaelyn is inviting him over and Vincent's eyebrows furrow, this is just, weird. Not used to it. The man just walks towards the door, not going to bother with niceities, not tonight.

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Do it," Victor says in a tone that doesn't sound like he would take no for an answer. He glances at Carrie. "I'm not going to get a heart attack. Caffine doesn't even register." He watches seven cups of espresso get brewed and poured, one after the other, into the large paper cup. He chuckles as Danger says she would like a beer too. "Wouldn't we all," he says as he raises the full cup of espresso towards Carrie, then Morrigan, and then Danger.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana nods her head lightly a single time to the chair opposite to her own at the tall table she's seated at. "I am familiar with T'Challa. He is a wonderful man... very kind and considerate. It has been awhile since I met with him last. When Thor spoke to the United Nations is when we last spoke to one another." She tells the other before her eyes glance to her left toward the rest of those within the coffee shop, she is ever-watchful of the going-ons around her after all.

"I hope that your art endeavors are all going well also." Diana then tells Kat, returning her eyes to the other who'd approached her.

Danger has posed:
A frown and Danger looks at Vincent with a nod, "Well, you take care as well." She states simply enough to him before looking over at Victor and nods, "Ah, yes, the typical cry of those who work a 9 to 5 job." She smiles and nods to him before looking to Carrie and then to the barista, "I will have what he is having." She points at the drink that Victor has which of course has the Barista staring in unsurety. She then looks to Carrie, "And before you say anything, I am incapble of having a heart attack." She nods, "Do not worry." She then considers her, "Oh, I apologize. I have sort of cut you in line." She gestures, "Go ahead. I am going to go say hello to Diana Prince."

With that,s he walks right over to Wonder Woman's table and offers out a hand, "Hello, Diana Prince. I am Danger." She nods her head even as she offers the hand. If taken, the hand feels inhuman. Colder than one might expect and harder. Though, given Diana's background, she might just be used to such a thing.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a smile to Victor, "Yeah, sadly no beer here." she chuckles to that. "I'm sure after coffee though some people will head that way." she tells Danger. Then there's a look back to the others, "Well, enjoy your drinks." she gives a nod to them as she collects her own coffee and her gloves.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Yes he managed to find a gift I had given a dear friend back in the 1500s would you believe? He is going very 'Chariots of the Gods'". Kat says all this as she sits down. "Have you read that book Chariotss of the Gods? It's a bunch of theories relating to prehistory. Supposed Alien interference in humaan development. It's all pretty mundane now that we know alot of the supposed Pagan dieties are real and some of them are just aliens like the Asgard. Thingsa make alot more sense. I ran into your brother (is it?) Ares a few months back. I told him as I was Catholic I was obliged to inform him that he didn't exist. he took it rather well."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley watches after Vincent with only a nod as he leaves. She hadn't meant to insult him... If she had. Then again he just seemed a bit upset in general. Her attention shifts back to watch as Victor lifts up his cup in salute. "Fair enough, though I think that's probably the equivalent of thirty cups of coffee. I'd have to do the math. I'm not gonna do the math." Grinning she dips her head toward Danger as well when she steps away to go greet Wonder Woman.

"Just a latte. Normal latte," she requests of the beleagured barista who looks relieved to do so. "I'm just saying if you DO keel over, don't expect me to drag you to a hospital. I'm not that strong." It's a teasing remark offered to Creed as she watches with amusement. "So how's the drink?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's gaze is on the person she's conversing with, though her hands are on her cup of tea in front of her on the table. "I have not read that book." She replies then to Ekaterina's summation of it. "Though now I am quite intrigued, so it will go down on a list for when I get back home. And..." She trails off for a second when the subject of 'Ares' is brought up. Her body language visibly seems to change, she grows a bit colder. Bad blood, perhaps?

"I am glad that he took it well." She replies, her smokey voice seems a little off-put as well. But its Danger's approach that draws her away from this subject and she looks over and up to the very large one.

Diana does reach out to shake her hand. She has shook the hands of many people in her day, they come in all shapes and sizes, textures and strengths. This one is certainly one of the more unique of-late though. "Hello." Diana says to her. "I certainly hope that your name does not reflect your intentions." She then says, showing a faint smile. Most people who are dangerous do not approach so peacefully though, obviously, so it is likely just a bit of humor.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae lifts her mocha to her lips and takes a sip, then smiles a bit at the mention of carting someone off "Am quite sure there are plenty here to help get anyone to the hospital due to caffein overdose..." She says cheerfully. Yeah, she's happy to be back to normal and so her usual chipper mood is well, more so...

Danger has posed:
A blink at that and then Danger looks to the side, "Oh, I see." She looks back to Diana with a smile, "You are attempting humor because of my name." SHe then laughs...a rather...uh. Well, it's a laugh. It certainly isn't a normal laugh by any standards. More like one might expect if Siri were to laugh. Either wya, she stops after a moment before looking to Kat and frowning, "I apologize, I interrupted you. I simply wished to meet Wonder Woman. Carry on." She then turns away and walks back over to pay for and collect her drink as if that was the end of that.

She then looks to Kaelyn in passing and states, "I appreciate your willingness to help those in need." She nods, "I will be fine though, I assure you." She then points at Victor, "He will as well, most likely." She then takes the drink offered to her, takes a sip and blinks. She stares at it for a long time before she looks to the side, "That is...extremely unpleasant." She then looks to Carrie, "Why would anyone ever subject themselves to this?"

Vincent Black has posed:
    Vincent ignores all the offers and marches his way out of the shop and gives Danger a rather harsh look back over his shoulder as he reaches the front door and pushes through. His boss is going to kill him.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Oh sorry - family issues?" Kat asks Diana, "Never mind - there are only 11 of my kind of mutant and my older brother tried to kill me some time ago. Ugly stuff." Kat smiles at Danger by way of greeting. She's a tiny cute thing sitting at Diana's table. "Anyway I just wanted to tell you you remind me of my friend Isabella of Castile. She had a similar effect on me - made me go all heroic." That's 'the' Isabella I of Castille evidently.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives another smile as she shoves her phone into her pocket and then slips on her gloves. "Have a good evening." she tells those that were still around her. Then she heads for the door, whistling a little tune as she does.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes remain on that of Danger's throughout the interesting laughing from the interesting woman and it just makes her show a bit larger of a grin, amused by these actions. "I take no offense, and while I am here I am open to those who wish to meet with me. It has been an honor to meet you in-turn, Danger. I hope that you enjoy your drink." She watches Danger walk off again then before her eyes return to Kat and she shows a soft smile to her now.

"Yes, 'Ugly stuff' as you said." The Princess then tells her table companion before taking another sip of her own tea. The talk of remind her of her sister--even though Diana doesn't know this sister--makes her tilt her head and show an expression of endearment at least at the inspiring of heroics. "Aww... I am glad to hear that. We very much need all the heroics we can get in this... pardon the timely pun... dangerous world that we live within."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tears her gaze away from watching Vic down the drink to regard Danger's own assessment of it. She reaches out to wrap her hands around the overly large mug of her own latte which has a pleasant little leafy design poured into the white foam on top. "That's why it's usually in a tiny cup," she explains with a shrug. "It's mainly drunk for the caffiene, but some people like the taste of it. I like mine more mellowed out. Easier to drink that way for me, personally."

Danger has posed:
Looking to Carrie, she nods her head a little before looking back to the drink, "I shall keep that in mind." She then blinks and looks distant, "Oh, I am supposed to return before now." She looks over at Carrie again, "See you later." She states rather abruptly and then nods to others on her way quickly out.