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Latest revision as of 06:58, 23 February 2019

Dating the Bosses Daughter can be a bad thing.
Date of Scene: 09 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Marvel Girl, Kaydin LeGraize, Souvenir

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in his more punk look. Black studded vest, spiked collar around his neck. Hair spiked up with enough gel to make glob proud. He walks into the manion with his arm around Rachel's waist, smiling a bit goofily over to her "So, you like that music good to know."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic is abusing one of the red chairs in the foyer. She is deposited in it in a very feline manner, back against one of the arms, legs draped over the other arm. She risks spiking it with her jacket spikes and how on earth can that be comfortable. Her shirt of the day is a black one (surprise) with an almost stick figure with a baseball bat chasing a swatizka chased stick figure, mid-beatdown really. Speaking of unsurprising things, her phone is in her hands as she types away, one earbud in. She also seems to be chewing gum. Current Mode: Sullen Silence.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Is looking very spikey and very punk herself as she walks her own arm around Sam as she nods " Yeah I liked it very very angry. " she says " The music of this time line isn't that bad "

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin in in the foyer, reading a comic book about captain america. He turns the page and looks up to Sam and Rachel. "Hey whats up?" He asks as he slips the comic into a pocket and looks to Ellie. "Been a quiet night." He says as he watches them.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir is just sort've.. around. Scribbling notes. Lots and lots of notes. And listening to an earbud. She glances up, notes the new arrivals, doesn't think much of it. Raises a hand in greeting. Hmmm...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Not all of them are angry but there is alot of feeling in aot of them." He will tell her. He looks over and nods to the people there. "Hey guys and gals, how are you guys doing?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ugn. Speedy is talking to her. She taps her phone muting her earbud and looks at him. "It was until you started talking." pointed and then she realizes Kentucky and Spikybirb are here. Huh Kentucky stil looks like he looted hot topics dumpster. "What aren't all angry?" directed to him, while Rachel gets an actual friendly nod. Current Mode: Mean Comment.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Grins and kisses sam's cheek, she gives the others a wave hello as she moves towards nega sonic and in response to mean comment she gives her a soft kiss " Sush I liked the music " She responds before she looks for a place to sit " Anything going on? " She asks the speedster.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin shrugs to Rachel. "Nothing much going on. Bored mostly. I was thinking about going to New York City to spray paint on a building. Atleast I would if I had access to my paints. Your mother seems to think depriving me of art supplies will make me less of a vandal." He says with a grin.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir uhms.. "Kind of tired, honestly? Kind of feeling useless and cooped up? I dunno, class is going good, but it's quiet. And I go looking for stuff to stick my nose in, and then I can't find anybody to tell."

She shrugs some, twirls her pen between her gloved fingers, then clicks it a few times. click, click, click. "At this point, I'm tempted to buy you some paint."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Actually got something I need you to do, how much can you tell about the person who made an object you touch, as in trying to figure out who it is.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Okay someone should ask Illyana to check if Limbo is frozen over. Nega returns the soft kiss hello from Rachel. Then acts like nothing unusual at all just happened. Well other than scooting a bit to maybe make room in the red chair she is sprawled across.

"Speedy when has a lack of paint ever stopped a tagger... go get paint... get Snoops to get you paint... Firebirb can't dictate what is and isn't art. Especially if it is anticorpratist art!"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Sits with nega and leans on her before she frowns and sighs leaving it alone as nega comments about her mom. she looks over to Kaydin "You any good? Cause I got a lot of wall space that needs art".

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Could probably draw and color my own comic books." Kaydin says to Rachel. "Tell me you want drawn and I can do it." Kaydin offers as he looks to Erika. "You know, Rachel has a bike she can give you rides on if you want to go to the city."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ums, "I can find a bit. Sometimes it's kind of unpredictable? What'cha got?" She perks up and puts the notepad away, then hops up to her feet, wandering that way and pointedly ignoring the PDA.

She nods at Kaydin in passing, "Yeah, that'd be cool. A few more months and I can probably get some sort of permit or something. I think I can ride a minibike right now, but like.. they're mini."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, we had a bit of an issue, and ... Well ah aint sure if it will count as an item or more a well...." He looks around the room trying to decide what he wants to say in front of the group. "It might be best if Ahshow ya rather than try telling ya." He looks over to Rachel. "Give me about 30 min and will catch back up with you?" He seems to regret leaving but knows it needs done." He walks over and kisses Rachel, before moving to Lead Erika towards the kitchen."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Nega doesn't notice the frown, not facing the right way, so instead she leans against Rachel and keeps typing on her phone while she listens to the conversation pass around. "Oh come on, they coulda talked in front of us." eye roll and then gum pop. "I tagged Fisk Tower, what have you tagged Speedy?"