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Latest revision as of 07:03, 23 February 2019

New student: Cronenberg
Date of Scene: 09 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cronenberg, Cannonball, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Souvenir, Shadowcat

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker opens the front door, or at least tries to. With a suitcase in each hand, a duffel bag slung around his neck, and a satchel at his side the hefty boy isn't exactly the shining example of dexterity. After a few more awkward tries he manages to open the door with the tips of his fingers of his right hand and pushes in. He half waddles, half shuffles as he walks in. His parents were loaded yeah, but still he stands in awe for a moment at the foyer. "Wow," he whispers to himself.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has come down expecting to meet the new kid and his parents. Sam has dressed to look good for parents, and is wearing a pair of dress pants and a buttoned up shirt with the school logo over one pocket. Sam's brow raises a bit as he sees the young man and none with him. "Donald Decker, I presume" recognizing the kid from his file. He will walk over and offer his hand "Ah'm Sam Guthrie, welcome to Xavier's school for gifted youngsters, your parents parking the car?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic is coming down the stairs, which is like cosmic bad timing on someones part. She doesn't have bedhead because her hair is in a very easy to manage buzzcut. She has on black (surprise) pajama pants, they may even be lulumon but if someone makes a comment about that they are likely to be blown up. The shirt is also black (trend here) loose and comfy looking with the Even System on the front (Xe3FCR8.jpg).

Ellie does look like she woke up not long ago, has not had coffee, and is in a predictable mood. Several of the other students get the hell out of her way fading into their rooms and finding somewhere else to hurriedly walk towards, like the rec room. The library.

Anywhere else.

Honestly thank whatever god in heaven made his parents not come in right now.

"New kid babysitting duty Kentucky?" is all Ellie says for the moment, made it to the base of the stairs, staring like a sleepy angry whatever she is.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker sets down his suitcases. "Gosh, oh gosh. I-It sure is nice to meet you Sam- I mean Mr. Guthrie. Oh no. They said that they had to get back home. Dad has a big surgery coming up. He's a brain surgeon. Gosh, wow It's incredible to meet you sir." He grabs Samuel's hands in both of his and shakes.

  He winces at the stiffness of his muscles from carrying the luggage from the road to the door. The boy is out of shape, though an application of his abilities would have made the walk all the easier. But he figures that most wouldn't yet know of his creepy powers, and wouldn't fault him for suffering rather than use them.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will offer the young man a smile and says "Please, Sam is fine enough no need for Mr. Ah remeber when Ah came knocking on that door not to many years ago myself. He looks over at Emo Boomboom. and says "Hey Ellie, it is not babysitting, meeting the new people and introducing them to folks, and showing them around is important. "Donald, this is our resident social media guru Ellie. Ellie .. Donald..Prefer Donanld, Don? He will ask the ma, and looks over to NSW. "Need to talk to you about a part time job for ya sometime today by the way."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker blushes under his freckles and acne when meeting him is called "babysitting". "Doogie sir-Sam. Everyone usually just calls me Doogie," he says and pushes his black chunky glasses up with the butt of his palm. "H-Hello Ellie. It's nice to meet you. Are you another student here?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie gives Sam a look like she might shove his phone somewhere, I mean he isn't wrong about her skills. That said she doesn't want freshman or the toddlers asking her how fucking Instagram works. "Fuck. I think you actually believe that." her eyes widening a fraction, then back to the sleepy irritiable look.

Ellie detours from getting coffee, which isn't good for anyone, and walks over to examine Doogie like he is on a market block. It isn't a comfortable walk around examination. "Jesus, Doogie.. really.. that is a mistake." she shakes her head "Well your mutant ability isn't cardio." then she looks to Sam. "Sure. I need to talk to you about picking some stuff up from before I went to Genosha"

Then the question from Doogie has Ellie looking back to Doogie. "Uh. Yeah. Do I look old enough to be a teacher." tread carefully is what every instinct in most people would scream.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "And you can tell Elli is head of the school yearbook and welcoming committee." He will smile and says "Your about the same age, Ah was when ah first got here Doogie, we get some younger and some older students, but try to make the school here a home away from home for everyone.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker laughs nervously, "Y-yeah. It's not cardio. Well not yet anyway." When Ellie steps to him to inspect him he takes a step back, like she was waving a stick with a bees nest in his face. He's definitely the brave sort. He looks wounded at her comment about not being a teacher. .oO(Stupid, stupid I should have known that) He thinks to himself. With his nervousness the flesh on his right arm writhes, then his entire forearm slithers briefly like the bone were rubber and it took on the movement of an irrirated snake. He grabs hold of his wrist with his left hand and yanks it down straight and waits for the brief loss of control to pass. Maybe they didn't see it. But of course they could see it, they are standing a few feet away, Ellie even less.

  "I-I've had worse welcomes," he says with a nervous smile and an attempt at humor.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir bounces down the stairs in athletic clothes, and still smelling faintly like a fresh cut lawn for some reason. She stops at the movement. "Hey!" and waves.

"I was just on my way to do my wind sprints what's up? Who's the new guy?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie looks at the chipper girl coming down the stairs. She looks like she hasn't had coffee yet or anything. Prickly and dangerous. "Snoops." she is right by Doogie. "Doogie totally should join you." then she is looking back to him. Eyes narrowed at his arm. "What the hell is your mutant ability?" cut right to the chase Ellie.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is dressed all buisness casual for Xavier's staff. He will frown a bit at NTW, and says "Lay off the guy, atleast give new students a twenty four hour grace period from your personal touch of charming Ellie. Give them a day of neutral to get accustomed to folks." He does not ask her to be nice that would just provoke her. Hey my first day one of the other students, wanted to try to whoop me, and throw me out of the school, but ended up being my best friend." He tells Doogie. "Erika, meet Doogie, Doogie, Erika." He says introducing her a bit moe properly.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker flexes the hand on his right hand to make sure that everything there is good and stable now. Though that was embarassing, at least he didn't go the full Cronenberg on that one he tells himself.

  He adjusts the duffel bag that's still looped around his neck. "I'mma shape shifter," he responds to Ellie in a small voice. Shapeshifter, well at least that's a blanket term for a wide variety of powers. He can drop that and hopefully not have to get into the icky details that his atypical shapeshifting ability can't actually mimic anything human, animal, or object properly.

  When Sam introduces Erika he politely nods to her. "It's nice to m-meet you Erika." He cracks something that could be considered a smile despite the somewhat stressful situation of arriving at a new place.

Shadowcat has posed:
Soft footfalls precede Kitty Pryde down the stairs. She's wearing jeans and a warm sweater, with her hair hanging loose. She has some paper in hand that she's folding. No, not paper. It gleams silvery. Tinfoil? She's folding it as she walks down the stairs. Not the safest way to descend stairs with your attention elsewhere, but Kitty seems to manage it this time at least. She finishes and inspects the poorly made origami crane. "One down. A zillion to go," the college-aged brunette comments to herself.

The crane goes into a back pocket as she looks up and sees people are there. For the moment Kitty just watches, not going over and interrupting until she knows for sure what she'd be interrupting.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ooohs. "Shape changing. And something slithery? Welp, you'll fit in great. I'm not actually a nosy spy, and I don't light on fire or turn into concrete or anything, so no reindeer games for me. It's nice to meet you!"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is an epic teenage eyeroll when Sam tells Ellie to lay off and give new students a 24 hour grace period before lighting them up. "Fiiine." stepping away from Doogie phone already in her hand as she starts to twit. "Shapeshifter. Well that has mild potential." god didn't she just say fine. Maybe it is like muscle memory. Typity type. "Where is Speedy I need an expresso damnit." she looks around for any telltale blurs.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and raises a brow "Kitty, your back?" He will offer a smile, and says "Got someone new here. " He again introduced doogie and kitty this time, before adding "Another new student you need to meet sometime. " He looks to doogie, and says It takes us al a bit before we get used to the place and our powers, one of the nice things about here, we all have been where your standing now, and while things can be tough, and Ah will be honest with you there will be times when you will wonder if your in the right place, if your making the progress the others around you are. If you keep trying and doing your best you will get there, and if ya need help we will do what ever we can to help.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker reponds to Ellie with "Th-thank you." He wasn't sure if she meant it as another barb or not, but even mild potential is still potential after all. He feels himself relax more, and the worry about another loss of control lesseing. Hopefully they will be able to teach him at this school to control that. That nice Ms. Grey woman said they should.

  "Slithery? He says. Yeah... sometimes... I guess. I mean other stuff also," he says to her. He smiles. A little more genuine this time. She does seem to be pleased to meet him. That's just... neato.

  "I'll fit in," he repeats. It's not really a question or even a statement really. It's more like he's thinking out loud. It couldn't be any worse than his last school. His time there ended with a group of bullies pushing him around in a big circle until he lost control and became some kind of a kraken, goat, spider...thing, then posted it on Youtube. It was taken down due to rules against cyberbullying there, but has since made some rounds on some anti-mutant blogs.

  He offers a small wave to Kitty and listens to Sam's short speech. How did it make him feel? Uplifted? Is that what he's feeling. He briefly runs his hand of the Superman S on his shirt, and nods to Sam. "I'll do my best sir."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde moves forward again as Samuel addresses her. There wasn't any advanced notice that she was returning after having been away for the last year at college in England. "Yes, I'm back. For awhile at least. Just got in an hour ago," she confirms to Samuel, walking over to give him a quick side hug before letting him go.

Kitty turns to Doogie, giving him a warm smile. "Welcome to the school. It's an incredible place, in so many ways. I'm not sure how long I'll be back on this side of the pond. But if there's anything I can do to help you find your way, just let me know," she offers.

Kitty glances over to Negasonic, giving Ellie a little up nod of greeting. Keeping it simple there. And Erika gets a quick smile as if they've met.

Souvenir has posed:
"Yeah, you're probably going to be, like, one of the jocks or something. I don't get to. We have, what, like, two werewolves now? I end up doing other stuff when they have PE." Erika Kristasdottir hmphs a little. "Anyways, I'm sure you'll do fine."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Nega just looks back at Doogie as he talks and god it is like catnip to the caustic teenager. She just stares though and then pinches the bridge of her nose and purposely turns away to look at Kitty. She spends like half her willpower pre-coffee on not engaging because she said Fine. This is especially challenging when Erika says Doogie is going to be a jock or something. Jesus Christ Erika.

Look a distraction, staring at Kitty "Kitkat" she says with familiarity. "Did you bring us anything?" of course Ellie didn't bring souvenirs for anyone but Snoop from Genosha. Double standards.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "So, guess we should get you a room so you can store yourstuff, and then get the tour of the place and see what interests you and what you would like to learn more about."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker laughs in a good natured way to Erika. "Me a jock? Hah, nah. Probably not. I mean I can do this though." He draws in a slow breath. The skin on his right arm ripples. The adipose on that arm of the overweight teen seems to melt away. It bulges up instead with muscle, like an Olympean level of it. The proportions aren't quite right, and some of the muscles are in the wrong spot and there even seems to be a few that don't exist on a normal human anatomy. But the result is the same. Erika putting him at ease makes him a little more comfortable to show off. Even if the result is a fat teen now with the arm of some muscle bound monster. He takes off all of his bags and lines them up on the floor, then despite the problems that he had carrying them all previously with his whole body, lifts them again one handed with little problem. The rest of his body not sharing in the transformation means that his stance is a little wonky. But still it's a fun little display for the "jock" comment.

  He nods to Sam and says, "S-sure." He sets his luggage back down and takes another slow breath, intending to let his arm return to normal. But when it starts to look like it's going to return to normal, he loses focus. The limb splits into half a dozen what looks like tentacles, each ending in what looks like a chitinous black claw. Okay, this is the embarassing weirdness he's was really trying to avoid showing.

  "No! Stop it!" He says seemingly to himself. The tentacles stop their mad waving about, freeze, then twist together. They soon melt together into his normal limb.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's head swings back to Ellie to give a little bob of her head that is partially committal. "For you? Some Turkish coffee. I have to warn you it is pretty strong. They drink it out of the tiniest little cups you've ever seen," Kitty responds.

Kitty Pryde turns back as Samuel talks about a tour. "Sounds like a great idea." Her focus swings towards Doogie in time to see the demonstration. He gets an encouraging smile at the first transformation. After the tentacles, Kitty tells him, "You'll find lots of people have issues along the way with their powers. I have a few moments in my past as well," she tells him. Kitty's cheeks might seem to take on just a little bit more color than they did before.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Well damn, Kitkat came through. Ellie is equal parts pleased and unnerved someone actually thought about her like that. "I can handle it." Ellie notes with pure confidence.

At Doogie showing off well FFS.... the off balance chubby dork with the monster muscle arm just makes Ellie bite her lip to keep her damn mouth shut.

Then things turn around and he loses control and goes full on horror show. "Holy shit!" yeah it slips right out. The wheels are turning as Nega just stares fascinated. Then there is this soft muttering "Slither.. Horrorshow... Hentai .. Tentapal.." she isn't saying it very loud but she does seem to be trying on nicknames talking mostly to herself.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nodsnods at Doogie's demonstration. "Oh yeah. Totally a jock. You remember Sky High? Totally 'Hero'. I'm a sidekick. Anyway, that's awesome. You're like a badass horror show. I totally want you on my side."

She hmms and holds up a black gloved hand. "And I totally sympathize with the squiggles too. I have some issues like that too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Remind me to show you where there used to be a few lines of trees that aint there anymore." He will walk over and put a hand on Doogie's shoulder, and says "Kitty, you want to start coffee, and see whats for breakfast while we get doogie's stuff stashed and then meet ya in the kitchen?

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker looks down when Ellie blurts out the "Holy shit!". Yeah. That's definitely what he was trying to avoid showing. It was stupid for him to show off. He's been called things similar to a horrorshow before. But still, when Erika calls him a "badass horror show" there strangely doesn't seem to be any malice in it. He looks at Erika's hand when she holds it up. He ponders what the gloves would be for, but thinks better of asking.

  "Heh, yeah I guess I am something like that," he says to Erika as he's gathering up his luggage again, this time in his normal body. With all of it he shuffles over to Sam, as he mentioned getting Doogie moved into a room. He should do that in private. He could only imagine the ribbing he would get from Ellie if she discovered his super hero action figure collection which took up the bulk of the duffel bag that he has drapped around his neck.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's affirming nod suggests she has confidence Ellie will indeed be able to handle the coffee. Kitty breaths a mental sigh of relief she had the coffee on hand. Gifts! Why didn't she think of gifts!? So caught up in her own-

Well, the inner monologue isn't helping matters. A few packets of tea. Those chocolates she likes. As long as she doesn't have to give out too many gifts, Kitty can probably get by as she did with Ellie.

Kitty gives Samuel an affirmative nod. He's asking her to see to breakfast. He really wants everyone to have bowls of cereal doesn't he? "I'm sure there's some bacon and, maybe eggs," Kitty says, trying to be responsible since the meal will be for the students. "Sure, I'll see you guys there," Kitty says, turning and heading back up the stairs to retrieve the tin of Turkish coffee from her bags.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is a mmm as Erika actually seems to agree with her. Anyhow Ellie is pretty Tentapal is lame. "Well that settles that." and never fear Doogie, eventually that collection will come to light and there will be scorn and drama. Right now though Ellie just snaps a photo of Doogie with all his luggage as he shuffles. Type Type, twit sent on the school twitter network.

"Oh hey breakfast I don't have to cook. Excellent." and Ellie starts to head towards the Kitchen still on her phone. Coffee has to be acquired post haste before someone is blown up.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "Way cool. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. I didn't get my exercise in yet, though, and I am totally going to need that. Sucks to pop a souvenir and end up gassed out and panting or with a pulled muscle or something."

She bounces the rest of the way down the stairs, and waves. "I'll be back in a bit. Let me know if there's anything going on, K?"