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Latest revision as of 15:59, 23 February 2019

X-Peoples Visit!
Date of Scene: 13 February 2019
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: A bunch of Xavier nerds hassle Thor!
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Marvel Girl, Wolfsbane, Thor, Souvenir

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will get them a plan ride to Norway, for the three of them, and once they will there will even find a place to change for them into uniforms, or himself into his armor and sword. "So, looks like we are gonna need to fly towards it. Want to climb on my back Rahne, or have Rach TK carry you?

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Rubs her neck " That was fun " She says simply having to mentally trick those people into believing her fake passport.. and wearing that outfit now she's shifting the outfit back to her normal garb. She waits for an answer already starting to float.

Wolfsbane has posed:
The decision was made to try to visit Asgard and see someone with more of a chance at direct knowledge of what's going on with Hela, but using the X-Jet wasn't feasible in this case. It also required reaching someone in Asgard to arrange being allowed in. A long flight overseas was ahead of them, Rahne's second in a matter of weeks, and she did not find it very comfortable. Sam might notice she wore the same plain outfit she did when she came back from Scotland, as well.

Once they're off the plane, safely changed, she let her more usual form to the fore, glancing between the two. "It's been a while since ye carried me anywhere, Sam. Are ye up for it?"

Thor has posed:
    Several hours later...

    The land of Norway reaches far to the West away from settlements and civlizations. Away from the airport. Long rugged islands, beautiful yet harsh, dominate the mountainous area with luxuriant valleys filled with uniform wild grass in the areas where the, now in the Winter-time, ever-present snow can't quite reach. It's picturesque in its majesty, yet in some ways seems almost alien, so empty of the evidence of man.
    That is, however, until the last rise is taken before Kvalvika Beach. Cresting over the trio of tall mountains that block their view, the sun setting distantly behind them, they come upon the settlement of New Asgard...
    And even in its unfinished state it is a thing of beauty.
    Flying across the Winter sky, the low-hanging clouds show mere wisps in the path of their flight. But through it they can see the tall mountain whose crest has been short by some powerful force, a brilliant white castle-fortress under construction and more than halfway finished seems to protect the civilian settlement that lies below on the beach itself and creeping up the valley.
    Several ships float at harbor, modern looking and flying United States flags. The settlement itself seems a curious melange of emergency equipment repurposed combined witht he efforts of stone-shapers to create a settlement that while it is not the Asgard of old, it somehow captures some of the majesty. Around it there are towards with guards, and then they'll likely espy the landing strip where they are expected to present themselves.
    It's there that they'll see a gathered troop of guardsmen who stand ready.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will carry Rahne easily, and says "Always up to carrying ya for flight firetop." He will lead the group to land there. He wears his more armor, hoping it and their past will help them get acess to who they need t talk to. Once landed he will lead them over to the guards "Pardon me sirs, Could you help us a moment?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Well looks like a Giant flaming bird like her namesake.. but she follows along with Sam, She's mostly curious right now eye's looking over everything.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane gets a good view of the land laid out before them as she flies in with Sam, squinting all the same. She's in her 'Renfaire' leathers, the foresty colors and black leggings, and her eyes widen when they descend toward New Asgard. "I had nae idea it looked like this. I'd heard o' it, but I never thought tae come here. I wonder..." She trails off as they land, letting Sam handle the initial questions and answers with those there to meet them.

Thor has posed:
    The lead guard is a tow-headed youth with an open smile that's given to them as they set down, advancing with his spear in head and his helmet off and at his side. He looks young, but with a people such as this it is impossible to gauge his true age.
    "Master Guthrie, Lady Sinclair." His blue eyes fall upon each in turn, then he bows to Rachel, "Milady." He straightens and says, "I am Harald Bjarkeson, I am to be your guide." He clasps a fist to his armored breast and executes a short sharp bow to them all. "If you will be so kind as to walk with me?"
    As he says that he turns and the other two guards snap a salute, their gleaming golden spears shining with a hint of ethereal power as they stamp the hafts to the hard stone surface. They stay there, holding their position while their guide moves off.
    A few strides down the wending road away from the landing pad and towards the settlement itself, Harald turns his head and says to them with a smile, "You would have audience with Thor Odinson?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "If he is avaliable he would be our first choice. If he is not here, Baulder, or the Warrior's Three would be our next choice for someone to speak to. Ah had hopped to speak to him about a personal question, but something of import has came up that he needs to be warned of.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods back to the man her eye's looking around mostly checking out the ladies who are walking around as if curious as to what they wear. She's like a kid going to Disney land right now, her head snapping around trying to see everything at once. But once they start walking she leans towards Rahne and sends telepathically .oO What's a Milady? Is that like a funky way of saying, miss? Oo.

Wolfsbane has posed:
The people she sees certainly remind Wolfsbane of Asgardians, but she's yet to figure out how similar or different this version of it is, how far it extends, and just who lives here. All in due time. "Whoever we need tae see, thank ye." She nods politely to the guards, the one identifying himself as their guide as well, and she runs a hand through her hair. A brief look toward Rachel follows and she leans closer to murmur, "Aye, more or less. They talk like..ahh..like they did back in th' days o' knights an' kings an' all tha'."

Thor has posed:
    A faint cloud touches Harald's features as he continues to walk, the road leading not too far to the settlement. Soon enough buildings start to rise on either side of them and if they look closer they'll see the stones themselves have been shaped to become part of the structure. Old emergency UN shelters converted into piecs of art for these people to live within.
    Harald expains gently, "Balder is only recently returned to us, and for that we rejoice." His eyebrows lift with a warmth at that sentiment, then lower as he imparts the next. "Though I am afraid the Warriors Three fell when Malekith struck our home." For, in truth, many did not survive.
    However, before the mood can shift too much he lifts is chin towards the town square that is drawing closer. As they pass they'll see many Asgardians, getting ready for the evening meal most likely and storing their equipment from the day's efforts. They're greeted at times with nods, and gentle smiles.
    "His Majesty, King Thor is to be found within." He turns to the side, gesturing towards the only tavern in New Asgard. A sign stands without showing just a deer's antler broken in three places. It's a larger building than the others, consolidated from several other structures. And the door is hearty, seemingly made from old oak.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will frown at hearing of the death of the three, and a brow raised at hearing Thor now king. He will nod, and says "Thank you for the informationa nd for the guide, you have done us an honor leading us here and informing us. Thank you." He will look to the ladies making sure all ready before heading inside.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks this is all new stuff to her she won't say anything just watching looking around mostly, following their lead she's the heavy hitter in case they need help.

Wolfsbane has posed:
A saddened, sympathetic look shows on the wolfen mutant's face at the news. "Ye're..sure? They're no' just..missing somewhere, maybe?" Wolfsbane wonders, a touch of hope seeping into the question. It would be tragic if they were truly gone for good.

Meanwhile, she's noting what she can make out of the encampments and other structures in the works, a curious mix of things if there ever was one. They pass the others that take stock of them, greetings returned, but as they approach the tavern she squints at it. "He's just..hanging oot in there?"

Thor has posed:
    The youthful guard turns and smiles to Wolfsbane, a touch of sadness in his pale blue eyes. "Are we ever sure of anything, Lady Sinclair? The Warriors Three are strong, and stranger things have happened in your world and ours? So who is to say?" That having been said he steps back and gives a nod towards them.
    To Cannonabll, "Aye, he told me there would be no need to announce you, that you were welcome to enter at your leisure." He lifts his gaze upwards, then unhooks his helm from his hip. "You still have an hour or so before the third meal. You are, of course, welcome to join us here. I shall see to your quarters."
    That said he gives another salute, lowers his eyes, then turns and moves away into the crowd of people in the marketplace.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head and says "Thanks." He will offer a nod to both ladies, and open the door to let them walk in first, all chiverous and such. He then looks around for Thor, and will start to walk towards the man.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Cocks her head and looks curious though if anybody is watching her outfit seems to be a less leather and spikes and more Asgardian and spikes.. always the spikes.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nods once to the guard, but her attention is drifting away from him by the time he takes his leave. She's actually taking note of as many different scents as she can pick up on right now, before they move inside. Who knows if an old, familiar one will reach her? Catching nothing at the moment that would draw a particular reaction out of her, she sucks in a breath and steps into the tavern instead, pausing for a look around once she's a few paces in. With bare feet, she might have to watch out for anything that might have been spilled by someone.

Thor has posed:
    The door opens on the interior of the Broken Antler and they will see those four long tables, currently empty, that dominate the walls. There's the large hearth and several fireplaces, and the floor is a dense stone that grips the foot with each stride. On the walls are pieces of art, donated likely, that depict the advance and the building of New Asgard.
    But what might well draw the eye more is the gigantic keg of ale that is currently held on the back of the tall blonde man, one arm gripping it and helping shift it to its supports with a loud and heavy /thoom!/ Once that's set he wipes his hands and turns...
    And there is Thor, eyebrow rising behind that strapless eyepatch as he turns his gaze upon the newcomers and then allows a smile to blossom across his features. "Ah, there you are!"
    A young woman steps away from the bar and offers a curtsey and a smile as she heads towards the kitchen area, leaving the Thunderer there to greet them. "Samuel. Lady Sinclair." He takes up a rag from the table to wipe his hands and smiles towards Rachel.
    "And who is this?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Raises her hand in greeting and gives a nod but she doesn't say much else.. though she is touching Wolfsbane's shoulder to see if she's okay clearly worried a bit about her friend .. Though looking around she's surprised and kinda likes the place.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie offrs the man a bow, the same he would have ofered his father now knowing Thor is king, and they are in his relm. "Thank you for seeing us, we have had an encounter of recent that thought it was important for you to know of. This is Rachel Grey, a friend and companion of ours, and this is Suvenir, she is friend and guide in the land outside Asgard.

Wolfsbane has posed:
It's not the first time Wolfsbane has seen Thor, whether in the media or elsewhere, but he still makes for an impressive sight to behold. She returns a half-curtsey of her own, a glance and a murmur following to Rachel. "I'm all right, thank ye." More in a normal speaking voice she adds, "Hullo..Thor? King noo? Ahh..Yuir Majesty?"

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir follows after in a grey and maroon suit, bulky, soft armor, soft soles. She's mostly just looking around, seeing who is about. Inspecting the people. And their posessions, a bit. Taking the back of the group in a way and being quiet, slightly nervous that someone will notice that she's from closer to here than everybody else and suck her into some sort of craziness. Admittedly not the only reason she's being nervous.

She looks around the room and, um, curtseys back unfamiliarly, trying to follow the lead of the people who have actually visited Asgard before, looking around for something that looks as though the locals have carried it around extensively. Which kind of makes her feel like the party thief, in a place she has a lot of respect for. And therefore self-conscious. Ergo a bad thief. "Souvenir." She debates on how to attempt a greeting, then gushes something overly formal and muddled in Icelandic. She tracks the rag, with at least some semblance of cool and competence.

Thor has posed:
    "Serious news indeed for you to wing yourselves here."
    At Souvenir's greeting he smiles and replies to her in what might well sound like Icelandic as well, but eveyone else is able to understand through the Gift of All Speech. "I bid you greetings, Kristasdottir."
    Looking between them, Thor gives a solemn nod of understanding then to Rahne he holds up a hand and states with a small smile, "Thor is fine. Come." He turns away and waves them towards one of the tables, gesturing for them to have a seat even as he pulls a wooden chair around and takes a seat at the head of the table.
    "Your urgency is admirable and so I shall treat with you as such in return. State what has passed and I shall answer as I can." Then to the side he catches Hilda's eye and grants a nod. It's a nod that sets her to action, gathering a tray and several mugs as well as a pitcher.
    Back to them he states, "But first let us break bread and raise a tankard in honor of your return." A look towards Erika and Rachel, his smile growing gently. "And to the finding of new friends."
    With that Hilda emerges, smiling, and though it be humble fare it is placed before them with some solemnity for such is the guest rite held in honor. The bread is fresh, made perhaps an hour or two ago and some sections still warm. And the drink is a mulled cider, though strong for in truth... it is Asgardian.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will nods, and says "We thank you and you honor us. " He smiles and says "And the tale of what we have to bring you is the Lady Rahnes." He tells the god.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Turns to Hilda and gives her a big bright sunny smile she can saying her first words " Thank you " she says holding up the bread to thank her. Rule one logan taught her when she lived in the camps. Be nice to the people who give you your food or you'll get it. Tough, she sniffs at the cider as if not sure what it is.

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir smiles softly and sits. She looks around and locks her eyes on the tankard. Perfect. Her left glove is removed and slipped into her costume, and she slips her hand around the tankard in the manner of someone who plans to hold onto it for awhile. She closes her eyes, gasps and pants briefly, and twitches. Language, etiquette, random conversation topics.

She takes a deep breath and lets it out, opening her eyes, then raises the tankard and drinks in the manner of all Asgardians! Though only a small sip actually passes her lips, for even if she is borrowing a taste and tolerance for fine drink, and though she's had the occasional drink in past, she can't claim to be borrowing a strong Asgardian liver. She acquires some bread, taking a bite and nodding her head approvingly, partaking of the offered meal graciously as is proper of a guest before turning to face Wolfsbane to grant her the space to speak.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ah, thank ye," Wolfsbane says politely as they're seated around one of the tables with Thor, a few things soon brought out for them. "I'll..be fine wi' th' bread, thank ye," she explains, having sniffed out some of the contents of the tankard and determined it not to her liking.

She then goes on, "I'll no' waste yuir time an' babble on. Hela stole me off tae her realm an' had one o' her Valkyries..judge me, I guess. Then she sent me back home like it was nae big deal tae her. But I saw th' Fenris wolf behind her, an' I saw th' light tae..Valhalla."

She doesn't look or sound as troubled as the day before when she explains this again, Sam and Rachel may notice, but it might help that someone of Thor's stature is there to hear it this time.

Thor has posed:
    Lips parting in a small 'ah' of recognition even as people begin to eat and drink, Thor takes a small loaf of bread from the basket and tears it asunder as he nods his head, listening to Rahne's account. His good eye flicks briefly towards Souvenir, but then back to the young Scottish lass. There is such an intensity to his gaze, the full level of his regarded levelled on the youthful girl. Then as she nears the end he nods slowly.
    "She did this against your will? You were taken from the care of the others." He looks towards the other people there, then back towards her. "Or was there aught you took exception to?" For perhaps it might seem that Thor is not quite clear what the transgression was.
    He does, however, take a bite of bread and chews thoughtfully.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over to Thor and says "While it was ratteling for her, Ah believe we were a bit more worried about you and yours. The last time someone went messing around with the Valkyrie, it was a plot on your fathers life, and we assumed it maybe the same, but hearing you are king, fear it maybe a plot on your own." He pauses and though it may sound odd speaking to a god and about another he adds "Sorry to hear about your Pa."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks about she bites the bread and takes a big swig of the drink " Woah .. that's good ' She says to the others motioning to them looking at it again and bites some more.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nudges her tankard toward Rachel if she wants more of it, or Erika if it's her preference. It's got alcohol in it, so it's just not for her. "Against muh will, aye. I was oot for a walk an' a portal just opened up right in front o' me an' th' next thing I knew I was on th' steps tae her palace." She considers the bread for a few seconds, turning her piece around in her hands as she studies it. "All I know is she's up tae something, probably with her Valkyries. Maybe she's looking for more."

Souvenir has posed:
"She was much more frightened the first time she said it." Souvenir munches more bread, gesturing toward Wolfsbane with the mug. Rachel gets, "Don't drink too much at once. You need to keep your focus."

She looks back at Wolfsbane and nods. "Yeah. That." She takes another tiny sip of cider and savors the flavor.

Thor has posed:
    A nod is given, accepting the condolences from Sam with a raised hand as well as if staying him from needing to say more. "Then I must thank you for your concern and coming to me with such words." Thor smiles between them as he then takes another bite of his bread, tearing small soft bits from the iterior and tossing them in is mouth. His features are weathered and jovial, but there is definitely a subtle gravitas to the man that might not have been ther ein the past.
    "But my sister Hela, aye she is the goddess of death. And in exchange for rebuilding Valhall she has gained the aid of the Valkyrior." He delivers this statement to clear up what the status is. Yet he goes on. "However, if she is seeking to recruit or gain the aid of others, and in so doing took you against your will, then I shall speak with her. She knows we are to abide by the laws of Midgard. Yet she is young to this realm. We shall speak."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow will raise at the comment of Hela being his sister, but he nods his head a bit this and says "Ah did not know she was your kin. " he will say to this and says "Speaking of Kin and loved ones, we do have a few questions if you ahve the time."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"She had nae right tae take me there for whitever games she's up tae," Wolfsbane remarks, and there's a colder, firmer tone to the words. "Och, aye, I was scared, but I had tae be strong in front o' them. She mentioned Dani, which made me worried. Tha's why I think she's looking for more Valkyries tae make." At that point, after nodding once to Souvenir, she leaves it to Sam to ask his questions. She's got some of her own but will wait her turn.

Thor has posed:
    Another nod towards Sam, "Of course, ask as you would." But then his attention is drawn back to Rahne. His smile is gentle, perhaps trying to ease the speaking of such a matter as he tells her, "You were brave to hold your composure against an individual who has unmanned even the most courageous of us." Looking around the table Thor says, "Though she is a being of some power and at times her ways are strange, I doubt she would do you harm." Then again Thor has not exactly known her for long.
    "But come," He lifts his tankard and extends it before himself, "Now that pressing matters have been addressed, I would offer a toast."
    He tilts his head to each of them, good eye flitting from face to face as he commits them to memory. "To you, new friends and old. May you enjoy our hospitality and carry with you warm memories that will grant warmth in the coldest of Winters."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will drink and eat, lifting his mug for the toast, and will drain it down. He did live with dwarves for a while. "Well to be honest sir, with the fall of Asgard and it coming to earth, we were worried about those of the other Relms. Ah was wondering about Eitri, and the dwarves, and Ah belive Rahne is curious about the wolven people and their prince."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Lifts her tankard " Yes I'm down " she beams " If you need a mountain moved or something lemme know " she grins yep already drinking too much.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane can feel some eyes settling on her as she fails to touch her drink. She's already sniffed out what it's got in it, but she doesn't drink! Was even Thor beginning to eye her? "I just tried tae be strong, is all," she tells him.

The call for a toast leads to her half-heartedly holding a breath before she brings it to her lips for a sip, and whether it's the taste or Sam mentioning the wolves and their prince at that very moment, she inadvertently spits it up right into a nearby cloth. "Och..I'm sorry!"

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir takes another small sip, since it's good and polite, but she's absolutely pacing herself conservatively. She eyes Rachel a bit and frowns, then glances at Sam a moment warily before looking back to Thor.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor says with some satisfaction, pleased to have something he can answer with some authority, "As to that. The other realms that swore fealty to Asgard have not been harmed, though communications are difficult. Malekith's wroth did not strike them down." He settles back in his chair some and looks between them. "My brother, Loki, with the aid of Dr. Strange are tasked with the rebuilding of the Bifrost."
    He takes a drink of the mulled cider which to him is likely little more than flavored water. "Once that construction is complete we shall be rejoined with the others."
    At that other Asgardians begin to file into the alehouse and they become aware that they do indeed have guests. Thor smiles to the newcomers then turns to the youths from Xavier's. "But now, please, do be so kind as to enjoy our hospitality as our guests."
    And with that, a long night might well begin for all of them.