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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/02/14 |Location=Xavier's School, Westchester, New York |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=7608, 1790, 1795, 1258 |pretty=yes }} {{Po...")
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Latest revision as of 16:11, 23 February 2019

Doogie meets Andrea
Date of Scene: 14 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cronenberg, Rage, Souvenir, Cannonball

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker walks cautiously into the rec room. He heard that someone named Andrea was in there. According to Negasonic on the day he first arrived, Andrea could possibly help him with his accidental transformations. He moves in an awkward way, the mansion still feeling more hallowed than home to him. "H-hello?" he calls out and pushes his glasses up his nose.

Rage has posed:
Settled on a couch with her guitar is the current global icon and popstarlet Andrea Jackson. She is strumming away with a low hum in her throat, at times scribbling down a few lyrics into a notepad. She's wearing an expensive pair of designer skinny jeans and a baggy Xavier's sweater with her dark hair pulled back behind her. Glancing upwards at the voice, she peers over at the voice and offers a smile. "Hey there." She calls over as her fingers dance along the strings.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker extends a chubby arm and points. The sound he makes is something like a leaky balloon, except in reverse as he gasps. "Y-you? You're Andrea.I-I mean I know that you are Andrea. But I didn't know you were ANDREA. I mean I know that... but I didn't," he says trying and utterly failing to express himself in his shock. The teen boy is very far from looking cool. He's overweight, has acne, weird hair, and is wearing a large Superman t-shirt.

Rage has posed:
Blowing a strand of hair away from her eyes, Andrea gives him a grin. "I'm definitely her. You must be Doogie." She says as he motions for him to take a seat near her. "It's nice to meet you. Your name got tossed my way, fellow shifter. Was told I have to see it to believe it. How're you fitting in by the way? Everything cool? People are treating you okay?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker sits down next to you were you motion to. Still amazed that he's talking to THAT Andrea, his posture is stiff and unrelaxed. "Y-yeah. I mean Negasonic is a little bristly, b-but overall no one here treats me like I was treated in my last school." He closes his eyes briefly and thinks about that. His time at that school ended when he was getting harassed and accidentally became a giant mass of weird. The event was briefly on Youtube before being removed, but now is doing its rounds on various mutant hate-group blogs.

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, kids can be real dicks, huh?" Andrea says rather bluntly as she brushes her hair back behind her ear. "Here at Xavier's, we should be all treated with respect, but you know, it's still a school and there is outliers. Obviously no one will mess with you for being a mutant, but people do enjoy hearing themselves talk, huh?" Her brows lift upwards. "So, you are totally freaking out because you're sitting next to world famous Disney actress slash global popstar and grammy winner, right? Well, here at Xaiver's, I'm just Andrea. I'm just like you, okay? So don't worry about freaking out around me. I'm as normal as you are, cool beans?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker laughs a bit, seeming to relax, if only a bit. "It's been a while since I've been called normal. Not since... well... you know." He holds up his hand and the skin on the back of it briefly ripples. It's a small and not very weird example of the larger and weirder things he's capable of. "But the reason I wanted to talk is because I need to learn not to accidently shift when I'm scared, or upset. It's embarassing"

Rage has posed:
Nodding her head, Andrea says, "Gotcha. I don't think there is a trick to it, you know? You just need to learn to control your emotions and it takes practice. I think when you learn how to be at ease with yourself, it makes it easier and becomes more natural and instinctive for you." She pushes herself up to her full height, placing her guitar to the side. "Do you know what I can do?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nervously picks at a loose string on his jeans. "Well, I've never been at ease with myself I think. Even before I knew I was a mutant." He shakes his head to your question and answers, "No. But generally shapeshifters come in various archetypes. There are those with just one or a handful of forms. Then there are those who are more freeform. After that there are those who can disguise themselves as others, there are animalistic shape-shifters, then those who can mimic inanimate objects. Some can do all three, but usually are more skilled with one over the others." He's quite a hero fanboy, so has done some homework on the subject it would seem.

Rage has posed:
"Well, get at ease with yourself and do it quick. You're here at Xavier's. The best school in the world for mutants. It's okay to be yourself here, because look, Doogie, there's /nothing/ wrong with you, okay?" Andrea says with her usual soft and assuring voice. "There is nothing wrong with the way you look, the way you act, or your powers. You are perfect the way you are and I know it may be hard to believe that. I would love to sit here and tell you I can relate, when I know what I look like and what I've accomplished, but I can't. I was popular. I was talented. I was also really lucky. But consider this a startover for you in life. Be the you that you want to be. Be happy. Be confident. Go to school with your head held high and have fun, okay?" She says as she reaches out to flop a hand on his shoulder. "Being honest with yourself, and being a good person goes a long way in life."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker scratches the back of his head. He looks like he's trying to take in everything you say, but is thinking about how exactly to implement it. "Well.. I guess I'll have to? I can't afford to lose control anymore. I haven't left the mansion since I got here. I'm afraid that I'll lose control again. But I'll.. I'll try to get comfortable with myself." He doesn't move any when you place a hand on his large shoulder. "Especially with the beehive being kicked lately. That makes me even more nervous."

Rage has posed:
"Dude, people on the Internet forget things so quickly. Don't worry about it. Okay? Accidents happen, as long as you don't go full Hulk and knock a city down, no one will remember you and your fifteen minutes will be up. But it takes practiced in a controlled situation you know?" Andrea pats him a few more times. "Wanna see me do my thing?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker looks up, "That? Yeah I'm worried about that also. But mostly I'm worried about what effects the saber rattling from Mr. Magneto over in Genosha. Really makes me nervous to go out, especially if I lose control." He nods and answers, "Yeah. Sure thing!"

Rage has posed:
Taking a few steps back from him, Andrea gives him a wink. "Don't worry about Mags." And with that, the loud snapping and cracking of bones can be heard as her body gives a visible twitch and shudder. She hunkers forward, clutching her hands to her head as her face breaks, splits and starts to protrude. It's obvious that this is most likely a painful ordeal. The clothing is peeled off her body to reveal thick black fur, muscle as her body shoots upwards to tower over seven feet. Dark black claws shoot out from now large paws. Instead of a girl, is now a werewolf. Not the cute kind either. She is terrifying, the stuff of nightmares. Once the change is complete, she whips her head towards him, gold eyes gleaming brightly in ravenous desire. << This one is a fatty. I could eat for days. >> *Shut up. He's my friend. You will do no such thing.* Obviously, all that comes out of her is large grunts and growls. << I will huff and I will puff and I will blow this pig's house down. >> *YOU WILL NOT!* The wolf gives a visible twitch, then her posture relaxes less feral and more calm. Taking in a deep breath, she lifts her paw up and waves to him.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker tries to stay calm when you change. He knows what it's like for someone to be afraid of you when you shapeshift, so doesn't wish to put that kind of shame upon you. But fear doesn't generally heed a persons' will. At the sight of the large werewolf in front of him his hand squeezes down on the arm of the couch he is sitting on. The fingers on his left hand become twice as long. Quills poke out from the skin of his forearm and a trio of miniature tentacles sprout from his elbow. "That is... something," he says trying to hide just how intimidated he is at the sight.

Rage has posed:
"Stay. Calm." The English is growled out deep from her throat, broken. Rage stares at him for a long moment before she gives a wide, toothy grin. The better to eat you with my dear. She takes a few spins around so he can see her entire body. The tail, her powerful legs. Then, she starts to shift back down, the process painful and loud again as the bones snap and resettle. Instead of her clothing which is shredded upon the ground, she is wearing a black and gold jumpsuit with a belt with a red X on it. "Months ago I'd be naked if it wasn't for these unstable molecule clothing that shifts with me. You doing okay?" She says once she straightens upwards with a few pops.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker closes his eyes and takes in a couple of deep breaths. He shakes his arm, that often seems to work to reset it. When he does the tentacles and quills vanish, but now a large fold of loose skin hangs down over his hand and down about half a foot. He shakes his arm again, this time everything going back to normal. He looks at the uniform and rubs his chin, "I wonder if it's anything like the uniforms that the Fantastic Four wear. Mister Fantastic and The Human Torch both have uniforms that go well beyond the level of normal textiles."

Rage has posed:
"Probably is. I'm pretty sure everyone trades secrets in the supernatural world. Who knows." Andrea says as she plucks up her clothing from the ground and wads it up. "Best way to keep your wardrobe up to date? Just keep shredding them." She brushes her hand through her hair. "So, you have an interesting thing going on. You got porcupine quills, some tentacles. Are you a metamorph?"

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir slips in quietly, heel toe in a lightly soft-armored suit in dark maroon and matte grey, very quiet. Sneak sneak. Still moving nonchalantly, so not quite so obvious as someone slinking around. She has her usual gloves and such.She waggles her fingers at both of you, not calling attention to herself, and quietly starts glancing in trash cans and under the furniture.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker flexes and extends his arm to make sure that everything is normal. "Yes. Although I'm a shapshifter, I can't seem to mimic anything found in nature or made by man. The best I can do is awkward mockeries of nature." He blushes some and adds, "Sorry, I know I'm supposed to be working on being more positive about myself and I guess that came out wrong. Never had the quills before, so I guess that's new."

Rage has posed:
"You can call it awkward. Ellie was calling you Horror Show as a code name. You aren't really going with that are you?" Andrea says with a concerned tone in her voice. "Because we can come up with one way better than that." Her voice trails off as she sees Erika in some type of uniform, tilting her head to one side at the dumpster diving.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker waves at Souvenir. Seeing people in interesting uniforms is still peculiar to him, but he's adjusting. He holds up the palms of his hands to Andrea's question and says, "I don't know yet? Maybe, maybe not. I haven't thought that far ahead. It's been hard for me to come up with a codename considering the... uniqueness of my mutation."

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir pffs. "Hey, I LIKE 'Horror Show'. Like, I want to be friends with the big Lovecraftian terror. He's totally badass. If people are going to think you're scary, hey, run with it and make it cute. What's up?"

Rage has posed:
"Right, Erika, because you want to announce yourself on camera in front of millions as the hero known as 'Horror Show'. That doesn't scream future bad guy or something." Andrea says with a soft noise in her throat. "Look, you can be a badass with crazy weird powers, and have a code name that won't make parents lose their mind on social media either. You know, if that is the path you end up taking and if you need a code name. Trust me, as someone who has like millions and millions of people watching my every freaking move on the Internet or when I'm on the street, you gotta have good PR." She rubs her chin slightly in thought. "We'll hive mind and come up with something that you really like, you know? Remember. New school, new you. Consider this a lesson is re-branding and confidence building." To Erika, she says, "Hey. Not much. Just having a shifter heart to heart. Why are you digging in the trash? Also, what's up with the suit? You're not using the standard New Mutant uniform?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods in agreement with Andrea when she says that they are having a shifter heart to heart.

Souvenir has posed:
"Well, what are people going to try to call him? If he goes with, like, 'Mister Nifty', he's getting the spooky name anyways. What are you going by?"

Souvenir shrugs, "This is what I've managed to find, so far. I need pockets like whoa, and not like the ordinary kind. And I don't want to have a whole bunch of lumps when I'm running around. I've got to have some bulk to work with, here. If you feel like helping out with uniform design, I'm cool with that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk into the room about now. He has a DvD in hand, and looks over offering a wave as he gets himself a drink and throws some popcorn int he microwave.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker looks a little confused and asked, "So you're... looking for uniform pieces?" He figures that's probably not what she's looking for, but it's almost what he feels she was implying. "Well, I have time to decide on a codename. It doesn't have to be done right away or anything right?" he notes. He throws a wave to the teacher when he enters with his DVD and popcorn.

Rage has posed:
"What am I going by? Andrea Jackson, popstar. That's what I go by. I don't have an official code name. Emma code named me Rage when we first started the New Mutant program, but it wasn't like I was married to it. I guess it's a name that works for a werewolf. Either way, I'm a recognizable face. If I ever got in a situation on camera, I'd just be myself. Know what I mean? I can't speak as a wolf." Andrea looks to Doogie and gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Doesn't have to be at all. You can just be Doogie. All around nice guy and cool dude." To Erika, she rubs her neck again, a bit of confusion on her face. ".. Just.. get a New Mutants uniform." She motions to herself. "They can customize it any way you want it to match your particular skills I believe." At the sight of her team leader, she straightens up. "Evening Mister Guthrie."

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir sighs in some exasperation at Andrea. "This is to spec." She starts counting out points on her fingers. "Dark colors, gray or maroon red, matte. Check. Bulky. Holds souvenirs against my skin without making me look like a Katamari. Check. Soft soles. Check. Also armored. Bonus. Like I said, if you want to help with the design elements, we can work on this. But you weren't around. " She waves at Sam. "Hey."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, and hmms, softly wondering what all the girls have told young doogie." He will lean against the bar, and says "So, what have you guys beem up to today?" He will sip his drink "Anything interesting?

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker answers Sam, "Classes. Worked on some paintings. Worked on my blog." What he doesn't mention is that part of the classes were PE, where he pushed himself to hard and neded up in the med bay after collapsing.

Rage has posed:
There is a low sigh from Andrea as she heads over to her guitar and plucks it up.

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir frowns a bit and tilts her head in thought. "Yes." No elaboration. Probably working on that class level Sam wanted. She rubs her face a bit. Obvious brewing argument is obvious.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Costumes are great, but really more important is your classes and such. There will be a party in a few weeks that al who are passing their classes will be invited to. I am thinking a night at the club for just under twenty one year olds." Speaking of the club Andrea, you interested in playing a rebranding?

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker looks between Andrea and Souvenir. He's not sure exactly what's going on between them, but he has enough sense not to ask. He busies himself by pulling his phone out of his pocket and checking up on his social media.

Rage has posed:
"Of course. Just let me know when ahead of time and I will have a set put together." Andrea says as she settles her guitar into her case, locking it up. She shifts it upwards and puts it to the side. "I'll have a sound crew come out as well to make sure everything is on point."

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir sighs. "Whatever. Anyway, yeah, I've been busy. No, I can't talk about it. Yeah, it sucks. Asgard was cool, they gave me a bow trigger and I picked up some pocket change if we ever go back. Did you hear anything else new?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Nothing much, been working on the club stuff, and tryimng to figure out everyones classes for the next quarter.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker looks up and says, "Wait, Asgard> Like Thor's Asgard? Or like Asgard.... Utah?"

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir shrugs some, "We had to go talk to Thor. For reasons that, um. You'll get used to the cray-cray after a bit and then it'll make total sense."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Asgard, like Thor's in iceland, needed to check into a few things and pass some messages to him. It was a bit of an expensive trip but needed done.""

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods in response. He's just surprised that the school would have dealings with the God of Thunder. He has a full size replica of Mjolnir on his dresser. "I'm starting to see that this isn't like most schools," he notes.

Souvenir has posed:
"Well yeah. Anyway. Now I see why my party role is always the mysterious one. Yeesh. Anyway. In other news, I can safely hug Rachel in a G rated way, so that's a plus." Souvenir shrugs some, mood decidedly turned down by now.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit at Erika, but says "So Doogie, I have to ask, how did ya get doogie from donald?

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker holds his ands up in a shrug and says, "It's just what my parents called me ever since I was a baby. I guess it's because dad wanted me to take after him and go into the medical field, and you know that old show Doogie Howser."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to thsi and says "I would not have thought of it for tha, but hey it makes sense ah guess. Ah have almost always just been Sammy.

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir mmhs. "Anyways, if you don't have anything else to talk to me about that I can actually talk about? I'm going to get back to what I was working on. Since apparently I can't do anything else right."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker chuckles, "But I'll probably never be a brain surgeon." He shrugs then stretches out. "Well I really need to get some rest sir...er Sam. P.E. Really beat me up today.