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Latest revision as of 16:17, 23 February 2019

Air mail in Jersey
Date of Scene: 15 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lady Blackhawk, Spider-Man, Hawkeye (Bishop), Fairchild, Melinda May

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Regal shipping" was the name of the company, like no joke thats the best they could come up with. Bad names and the fact that their corporate logo sort of looked like dick if you squinted just right. I mean like lets be frank, genius was not involved when this joint was set up. Of more recent concern however has been the flow of drugs into the area, Fentanyl was showing up in literal five gallon buckets. It was poised to flood the market, and kill plenty of folks. Definitely worth the look, right?

    It doesn't take much effort to work the pipeline back to one simple fact, all these guys have airport parking passes or airport vendor tags allowing them access to the commercial side of the airport up here in connecticut. How many drug companies can there even be up there, right? Well theres "Blackhawk Transport", but they seem focused on big government contracts with lots of extra security screening. Theres a UPS hub, but honestly they don't get much traffic. An executive jet business who havent flown in the last week, and then bingo. "Regal Shipping".

    The hangar is also the only one with tons of fancy extra security goons who look distinctly, uhh...not professional. The miracle here is honestly, how they have gotten away being this dumb for this long. The hangar is incidentally situated next door to Blackhawk, which right now is only notable because theres a great looking vintage Lincoln Continental out front. Honestly, suicide doors were always just the coolest.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man had been tracking the influx of drugs. Most of his leads had proven to be dead ends, and he was fully expecting this one to be a dud? "I mean, who would think of bringing in drugs through perpetually sunny Metropolis?" It was February, and somehow very little snow had fallen in Metropolis, despite how bad it was in New York.

Spider-Man knew that it had to do with construction techniques. Metropolis liked to use panels that could generate ambient heat in the winter, and cold in the summer, depending on the settings. It wasn't cheap, but Metropolis had made it mandatory for new construction, ad thus, Metropolis was better than New York. It was all just a matter of science. Spider-Man knowing this didn't make him want to complain about it any less.

Spider-Man has made his way to the airport's extreme perimeter, where there's a barbed wire fence. He climbs up and over it, using his spider-agility to get over the barbed wire fencing. He was hoping he wouldn't set off any alarms, but really, it's an airport. There were no buildings to websling to.

From there, he was huffing it on foot towards the nearest hanger, which he climbed up the side of, hoping to get a better vantage point. Pulling out the badge he'd taken from one of the dealers, "Regal Shipping, now if I were a Regal Shipper, where would I be?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
it was Kate's own fault she was in this neck of the woods. Her little escapades at Club Lux, and the steakhouse, with his credit card, had (in his opinion) earned her father the right to ask an itty, bitty, teeny weeny sort of favour - that mostly involved schmooozing a bunch of businessmen into agreeing, in principle, to match funds for her father's latest charity de jour. At least, she told herself, it was for charity. She'd have bristled a whole lot more if it had been any other scenario.

Business done, though, she was looking for a diversion. Otherwise known as: how to wash the bad taste out of my mouth.

Which meant, of course, one Kate Bishop, neatly geared out as the other better Hawkeye, trolling the rooftops, and as it happens, finding herself in the neighbourhood of the airport, and ultimately the Hanger in question. (Okay, so a lot less rooftops at this point)..

Fairchild has posed:
Want too make a beautiful entrance? *, Of course, you do !* want to make it flashy? * You bet that's the best!* But what are you going to get? *Your poor body Divebombing with enough force to make a crater as you impact thankfully next to a Runway with an explosion of dirt and Sand that almost looks like a mini Nuke cloud rumbling the ground. For those with excellent hearing you can hear the *Owch * when poor Caitlin lands face first into the ground those super long legs sticking out of now crater.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Honest she was just passing through originally, Honest she was going to head back home to Alabama for a few days off and a frankly heroic amount of hooch. But then the guys next door had offered to sell her something "on the down low" when she stepped out for a smoke, and well she went and pulled the flight records and yeah. Zinda Blake may not be a detective, but she knows a smuggling ring when she sees it. So she did the most reasonable adult thing she was capable of, which incidentally isn't terribly reasonable or adult in the broader scheme of things.

    That trademark leather tunic emblazoned with the yellow Blackhawks roundel, that neat cap it's a uniform alright. Casually stepping out of the Blackhawk hangar as she rolls those sleeves up, tugging those stark white gloves on as she goes. Casually she glances towards the sound of Caitlin cratering the runway, before sweeping her hair back and striding across the open space between the hangars. The poor guy standing guard produces a shotgun as he steps outside to look towards the noise, he doesn't even notice the approach until it's too late.

    Theres an audible -crack- as those gloves meet the look out's face, that beautiful right cross catches him right on the chin and he goes tumbling back in a pile. Ever so casually, the Lady Blackhawk snags that shotgun out of the air, before giving the chamber a glance. "Well bless your heart, at least you sort've tried." The Lady Blackhawk, is -back- it seems!

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man had come here for the drug dealers, but when a woman divebombs into a public airport with enough force to make a crater that looks like a nuclear device went off, well, his priorities just got completely re-arranged.

Since he has nowhere to web to, he flips from the roof of the hanger he had been on, and runs towards the sand, dirt, and smoke that is emanating from the crater. He just hopes no one got hurt in whatever that was. Predictably, there are emergency personnel from the airport on their way, a fire truck, airport police, an ambulance, as they don't know what it is, or who's needed. Spider-Man waves the smoke away, coughing.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Now smuggling, there's a thing Katie knew a bit about after dealing with the gangs down at the Gotham docks. It was funny how they all had the same tells. It was like they attended 'smuggling 101' classes and never advanced.

Of course, that might be why the lackies were always lackies. Dumb, and easily replaceable.

She figured nobody would mind if she took a handful or two of them out.

It was quick work to draw her bow with a couple of stun arrows. Once the fine folks outside were down, well, she had plenty left for the folks inside, as well as gadgets that didn't requite a strung bow to employ.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Slowly falls down and then slowly pulls herself up, She holds her head " God damn kara why you hit so hard ". She stumbles a little before she slowly starts to get up out of the crater she made, it seems the only damage she has is the bruise on her chin where she got punched into near orbit. She blinks looking around trying to figure out where she ended up and more than a little dizzy. Grumbling " I can't fly damnit kara. "

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The mooks inside, could probably make a decent getaway if they went for it -right- now. Only they're mooks, and costumed super heroes are suddenly only now becoming part of their reality. A few force open the hangar doors to rush outside, eager to see what's happening. Which of course reveals another few dudes, offloading five gallon buckets from a gulfstream just inside. If nothing else, Caitlin had secured the attention of just about every goon in the place.

    This all of course works just fine for the Lady Blackhawk, casually strolling through the back door and jamming the stock of that freshly liberated shotgun into the back of a poor guy's noodle bucket. "Well shucks, it's just about enough to make a girl feel downright unwelcome. "Shotgun lowering as a few toughs turn to look her way. -Bkoom-, that scattergun barks. Bouncing birdshot off that polished concrete floor and into the legs of a pair of guys. Not fatal of course, but the tweezer work will be mighty unpleasant.

    That leaves about fifteen amatuer hour tough guys still on their feet, and the realization that they're being busted has just dawned.

Spider-Man has posed:
The airport police are the first on the scene of the crater near the tarmac. In the airport itself, hundreds if not thousands of passengers got to see the big board change to delay, as all flights in or out of Metropolis were delayed. Those that could be re-routed to New York, Gotham, Newark, and Bludhaven were.

The boys in blue were as surprised as the wallcrawler to see a woman emerge from it, "are you all right?" Spider-Man asked, while an African American police officer rolled his eyes, "not another superhero landing. Look, miss, an international airport is no place to make a superhero landing. I'm afraid you're under arrest." Between the overtime, delays, and all the other associated issues, this was going to cost tens of thousands of dollars, if not far more.

Spider-Man says, "and yet J. Jonah makes me out to be the bad guy." This was quickly developing into a serious situation. Meanwhile, the officer began reading Caitlin her Miranda rights.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
And there you go. Someone nicely opens the hangar doors, leaving mooks galore to pick off one by one by one by one. At least until her arrows run out. Until then, though, the mooks have a choice of Kate, or heading back inside.

Really not a great choice when it comes down to it. This is the sort of scenario not covered until 'Smuggling 201' - which clearly these poor souls haven't attended yet. More's the pity for them.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks as she rubs the back of her neck " Oh hey spider man.. buh wha? " she frowns " I didn't exactly land here like that by choice you know " she says " It was face first I got punched here! " She lifts her arms then frowns " That was a gun somebody just shot a gun " She points " That way !". Yep, total superhero I'm getting in trouble for doing stuff wait somebody' doing a crime run away! She, of course, leaps toward the sound frowning at all the men with guns.

Melinda May has posed:
< Quinjet Alpha three six zero to Metropolis International. Requesting clearance to land and offer assistance. > The voice speaking to the air traffic controllers is female, and completely deadpan. Also, WHAT quinjet? They're approaching at well over the sound barrier, so will arrive much faster than it seems.

Of course, if they don't give clearance, May will just pilot the jet in below air traffic jurisdiction. It's not like his bird needs a runway, after all.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Kate drops three in quick succession, which leads to utter chaos as guys start shouting to close the door whilst others dogpile over each other to get out the back exit.

    The back exit is incidentally where Zinda is, which works just dandy as far as she's concerned. She leans back to dodge an incoming swing, before driving the muzzle of that shotgun into her attacker's teeth and delivering a brutal stomp after his knee that sends him to the ground in a heap. Number two gets the full force of a right cross and goes tumbling back into his comrades, another shot rings out but it's way wide. Zinda's response of course, is to barrel right into the thick of it. Shrugging off a glancing blow before driving her knee into some unfortunate dude's...delicate bits. That leaves what like...ten dudes left maybe less?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate? Totally not where the others are, though as the numbers at the hangar opening fall to smaller and small numbers as she drops a few and the rest retreat, the young woman makes the executive decision to get closer to the rest of the action. It might not be the wisest decision given the imminent arrival of SHIELD, but enh, the party seems to have moved inside. The least she can do it get closer.

Spider-Man has posed:
The police officer was puzzled, but somewhat expected the woman to do that, even if it weren't for the gunfire, which is of concern to him as well. But anyone who could walk away from a superhero landing was well beyond his league. He and his fellow officer looked to each other, looked to Spider-Man, and then at the crater. Spider-Man shrugged his shoulders and spread his arms, "I'm sure she's definitely going to come back after dealing with the criminals. Which reminds me, criminals, I heard there's drug smuggling going on here, and if those gunshots are anything to go on, it's in that hanger!"

Spider-Man then did an about face, and started running, since there was nothing to websling to, following after her and towards the gunshots, but as he arrives, he sees Lady Blackhawk hit some unfortunate dude's sensitive area, "ouch, remind me never to upset you, Captain." He said Captain, taking a total guess based on the costume. He then fired some webbing with a noticeable thwip sound.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Strides in and well looks confused stuff clearly going down... people are getting hit, guns are going off it's a mess.. She blinks and well she peeks as spiderman shoots, She checks and spots him shooting at those not so guard guys, so she grabs one and lifts him up " What's going on here? " She as's the now dangling man. She's 6ft 5 so she can lift him up pretty high.

Melinda May has posed:
Quickly enough, the quinjet is given clearance -- it helps that the jet is small, very fast, and VTOL capable -- and arrives with a nice sonic boom to herald its arrival. The black jet settles near what must be the source of the disturbance and the back loading ramp lowers, disgorging a STRIKE team followed by a tiny Asian woman who appears to be armed with only a single pistol.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The dude Caitlin snags, is apparently not a genius. The moment his boots come off the floor it would probably be wise to start talking, but no. He produces a switchblade instead, and some -very- foul language before trying to drive the blade into her elbow.

    Theres another shot from the main group, but the shooter is starting to turn and run as he realizes he's done nothing but antagonize this veritable cornicopia of capes coming down on his head. Considering she's been shot plenty by now, Zinda feels somewhat obligated here. Theres a flurry of blows traded, before she can break out of the mob and make a lunging dive. Those pistols come out from, somewhere before she hits the ground in a slide. A pair of shots ring out, and the gun toting thug's piece goes flying. Zinda tucks a knee and pops up to her feet with a pant and a grin, holding the remaining thugs at gunpoint. "Alright funs over, reach for the sky pardners. I've had just about enough of you turkeys, can't even have yourselves a fistfight proper without playing with iron. Ya'll wanna play with guns, we can play with guns."

    To their singular credit, the thugs finally come to a stop and lift their hands.

Spider-Man has posed:
With the remaining thugs lifting their hands, Spider-Man says, "all right, don't move folks, I want to see if I can web an S in a diamond here," and he begins tying them up with thwips of webbing. He tries to make Superman's logo, since he's in Metropolis, but none of them are very good. The authorities, from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the airport authority are on the way, with proper handcuffs and such, but Spider-Man's webbing is quicker, even with his artistic efforts. "Great work guys, yeah, strike a pose, like that, whatever you're doing, keep it up." Then, turning to the others, he asks, "so, who's up for explaining this to the authorities?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
It's not like there's a whole lot of cover on the tarmac, other than the planes, and carts. Luckily, all the attention is towards the back of the hangar, and not on her. Which leaves her scuttled close enough to observe, but not have to actually get involved (seeing as the police are on scene, or so it seems).

She's actually amused at Spiderman's attempt at the Superman logo. Like a webbed logo was going to scream Superman to the authorities. Not. She curious, though, who exactly they've got there - oh, not the mooks. MOoks are a dime a dozen. The others, though. Now there's interesting for you.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Frowns because well she has an S on her hip hanging off a chain around her waist. She's waiting for the big man to give her the suit she ordered so right now she's wearing her old one but still. She frowns " That's not how you do it, " she says to Spiderman. She actually ignores the man that tried to stab her his blade snapping on her elbow and he's still dangling in the air held by her arm like he weighs nothing.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Once Spidey shows up, well Zinda is more than happy to lower those pistols and let out a little sigh. "Well hey capes, nice of you kids to drop on by."Safeties on, Zinda holsters those guns back under her Tunic with a little roll of the shoulders. "Ya'll do me a favor and watch these hooligans whilst I pull the flight logs onboard, see where these here turkeys have -actually- been pulling this junk from? Sure as hell haven't been making round trips to Mexico city international, takes a day and a half just to get in and out with all the traffic down yonder."Theres a pause there, as Zinda casually flips that blonde hair over her shoulder. "Oh hey, and I'm Lady Blackhawk on account of nobody readin history books no more."

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man asks, "Capes? I don't like capes, capes are bad. They could get caught in the elevator door, snag on a handle or a piece of shrapnel. Around here, they could even get caught in a jet turbine. Capes and superheroing are just an accident waiting to happen. So I don't wear capes. Besides, it'd clash with my costume. Oh, I'm Spider-Man by the way, and" seeing the police arrive, he says, "hello officer." What was he still doing here when the police were so close?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate remains in her observant hunker - because why put yourself in authority's way if you don't have to. Besides, the other three seem to be handing that side of things just fine. If nobody notices her arrows still scattered here and there, she should be just fiiiiine. And even then, all attention still seems to be elsewhere.

The swat team are well trained, and have their orders. They fan out in pairs and triples, securing the area. There are a couple other mooks scared up out of hiding, and brought over to the main mess of it all. All in zipties and looking miserable.

The Agent in charge, May, seems content to stand back from the time being, and one of the senior of the team steps forward. "Who's in charge here?"

All three of the heros in plain view are given stern, and not exactly trusting looks. They might *seem* to be on the right side of things, but it wasn't Sgt. Zapro's first rodeo.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I didn't mean it literally sugar, costumed crime fighters I mean. Back in my day nobody but magicians wore capes, though there was that crazy woman with the big spider. I'm fairly certain she was actually out of her mind, but thats besides the point."Zinda ducks into the gulfstream for a moment, before emerging with logbooks to survey. "Oh don't look at me officer, I'm hardly in charge. I just came over to borrow a cup've sugar and all these hooligans got rowdy. "She seemingly finds what she needs, before setting those logbooks aside.

    Theres a casual hair flip, before crossing her arms across her chest. Fixing Sgt.Zapro with a brilliant smile, the sort've thing that might be classified as a weapon all by it's lonesome. "Hey officer, my experience is the boys in uniform always know the best watering holes. You wouldn't happen to know of a good local bar, where a lady might cool her heels and maybe...meet somone after their shift ends?"Theres no attempt to disguise it, which is why that sucker punch usually works. Then again this is Zinda Blake, go on and bet against her if you want.

    "Oh hey, does anyone here speak Spanish? I think I need to fly down to Venezuela, and I could use a translator if anyone wants to earn a few extra bucks."And just in case, she lets the lead float out there for the other heroes to potentially follow up on. Thats experience, everyone.