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Latest revision as of 16:25, 23 February 2019

Of Miracles and Business
Date of Scene: 15 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hela, Kingpin

Hela has posed:
Throughout the affairs of The Black Sleep, many have sought out 'Miracle Elle' for cure, many failed to find her. Fewer found her, but were turned away, fewer still earned themselves a cure and those were largely the people who spread the 'Miracle Elle' story. The dire need for a cure worldwide, just made her fame grow all the more. Cultivating it to a point where scammers used faked medicine by the woman to make millions. The odd thing were that most were caught, and without fail, all were found dead sooner or later.

Tonight's meeting was a rare one, as the person arranging for it managed to get through to the woman, convince her that Wilson Fisk was a man unlike any she met, and that she would be very interested to meet him for the sake of meeting him. Whatever follows, is for that meeting to decide. Intrigued, and impressed by the lack of numbers thrown her way, she consented to the meeting but elected it must be held within New Asgard, Norway. A show of respect for the Norse Gods.

The meeting itself is held in The Broken Antler, a dinstnctly Asgardian tavern, for drinks and merriments. To some it may feel like travelling back in time to the time of the Vikings and having a drink of mead or ale in a rowdy, merry crowd. Tales of war and glory shouted out or sang throughout the hall.

Elle herself, proves a rather diminutive woman at 5', but there is certainly an aura about her. No matter if one believes in sorcery and mysticism or not, some may just refer to it as natural charisma, but she gives the impression of someone whose presence matters. Who is beyond just her physical form. Those eyes of her, a deep dark green, with that jarring makeup of violet and blood red, gives her an ethereal air.

She is dressed entirely in Gothic inspired wear, black brocade strap jacket, sheer black top, all embroidered with Norse runes. A flouncy mini skirt and black stockings complete the look with stiletto heeled boots for punctuation. The only real accessory on her person is a silver Valknut pendant hanging from a simple leather strap about her neck.

Elle has secured a secluded table in the corner of the hall for her and her guest, "I am Elle Quinn, I've been called Miracle Elle, but never made the title for myself...it was given by the lost looking for a cure..."

Kingpin has posed:
It's a tell tale sign that an individual with the power and means of Wilson Fisk chooses to travel to a faraway place without a bodyguard. And when the door opens the outside world is briefly hidden by his bulking figure filling the entire doorway. Wilson Fisk walks into the tavern, his cane tapping casually beside him, obviously for decoration only, as his walk is that of a strong and fit person, not someone who needs a cane to be mobile. Compared to your diminuitive figure, his bulk is almost ridiculous in size, probably outweighting you by at least a factor of 4, perhaps even 5. He has chosen to wear a black outfit today, consisting of a tailored wool suit, Oxford shoes, a dress shirt and a silk tie. Even the handkerchief in the breast pocket of his suit is black. He cracks a smile when he enters, a polite smile, a businesslike smile, not one that a mother gives her child, but one that a businessman gives to a respected partner. "Good evening, Ms. Quinn." he says in a deep, full, slightly raspy voice. "My name is Wilson Fisk. I own Fisk Inc., a company specialising in importing herbs, spices and assorted goods. It truly is a pleasure to meet you." He closes the distance between him and you with a few more well spaced steps and extends his hand in greeting.

Hela has posed:
"The evening indeed is most fair," Elle answers in English, albeit there's quite a bit of trace of Norwegian accent, she's clearly not too well practiced in English. "You strike a powerful figure, Mr. Fisk," the words are spoken not with derision, but with genuine factual notice of the power he carries as he enters a room and moves about. He doesn't look fat and helpless, he looks strong and powerful. Immense, but not just in stature, he emanates power. That much Elle can tell with but a glance. Maybe the woman is gifted beyond just normal sight.

She extends her hand in turn, and should he try her grip, he'll find she matches whatever he offers. "I have taken pains to remain secluded, fame brings with it many dangers, and many fools sought to use my gifts for petty reasons...have you been told anything about my person?"

Kingpin has posed:
His handshake is surprisingly gentle, holding your hand in his briefly, enough for a shake or two, before letting go. Another polite smile follows as he says, "Ms. Quinn, I have been told enough to be here. I'm a businessman. Time is money. And yet, I am here, in this place, talking to you, a miracle." He rests the cane between his feet and rests both hands on top of it, being perfectly comfortable standing, despite having to look down at you sitting down. "But I also believe in not wasting time. So I will get right down to the reason I am here." He clears his throat and glances around briefly, probably already aware of exactly who is here and where they are, but he glances around anyway. His voice lowers just slightly. "Many, many people are making a lot of money off of you right now. And they are all liars and con artists. I can't imagine that this is something you approve of. So I am here to offer you the chance to replace their lies with the truth, and to deliver your miracle cure to anyone willing to pay the price. I am not going to lie about it, I can make you as rich as you could possibly want to be, if that's something you're looking for."

Hela has posed:
Elle's grip is as gentle as Fisk's, indeed matching what she is offered. There's no posturing in Elle's handshake. "I very much appreciate the sacrifice made to meet me, it is noted and respected." Seems thus far she's never met with actual bosses, only messengers, so indeed, the gesture is a special one.

She listens in silence when Fisk makes his offer, but where others have appealed to her with money, he made one mention that is distinct. Replace the false with the truth. Her eyes seem to brighten at the very words, regardless if her focus was specifically on what Fisk was suggesting, compared to a vision entirely of her own. "Are you in control of real estate?" She asks curiously after mulling over his words for a few silent moments still. "If you could see for a space, that may be used as a club...somewhere to draw people, to offer an experience, and perhaps throughout an education...I would be keen to tell of truth."

She lets it linger a moment in the air, as she scrapes her clawed finger-long ring against the wooden table, before looking directly at Fisk, and stating, "if you can make that happen...I will offer cures for you to sell for the right price."

Kingpin has posed:
Wilson Fisk nods after your question, letting you finish what you are saying before giving himself a few moments to reply. "I do not mean to come across as arrogant or haughty. I am just a spices and herb trader, after all." He reaches into his pocket and takes out a large smartphone, flicking his finger over the screen a few times. Then he leans over and puts the phone on the table, "Take your pick." On the screen are a dozen pictures of various locations. Large warehouses at the edge of town, smaller buildings in the city center, old buildings, new buildings. "If those don't work, then I'll buy whatever building you find suitable." He seems to have no problems giving a complete stranger his cellphone.

Hela has posed:
Elle doesn't seem to sway this way or that in her opinion of Fisk when he reminds her he is merely a trader of spices and herbs, she just nods, and turns to look curiously at the phone set before her on the table. She doesn't quite pick, but she does look and she seems pleased should Fisk be checking minute inflection to judge by. "Mr. Fisk...you are most deliberate, and sincere," her hand extends again towards him, "I will go with you, I respect the faith you put in me, and that you've come in person...in your words, I see you do not find me a charlatan, which is also promising. I deal in truths, Mr. Fisk, and I loathe the speakers of falsehoods, that is why I can put my trust in you."

Perhaps this 'Miracle Elle' isn't as observant as she's been given credit for, that, or she plays a game just as well as Fisk does.

Kingpin has posed:
He shakes your hand, more firmly this time, to seal the deal, and then lets go. "No one has ever gotten far in life by lying to everyone." he says with a winning smile, a twinkle in his eyes. "I will have one of my people contact you to arrange your travels to New York. Anonymously, of course. No one will be the wiser." He briefly grabs his phone again and presses a single button, "Wesley, make sure to transport our latest batch of spices to New York as soon as is convenient. Spare no expenses to ensure its safe arrival." This couldn't have been a phone call. Fisk doesn't need confirmation from his people to know they're going to do what he tells them to. "If there is anything else I can do for you, Ms. Quinn, please do not hesitate to let me know. Mr. Wesley will ensure you'll have everything you need until I can meet with you in person in New York." The phone disappears into the pocket again.