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Latest revision as of 16:45, 23 February 2019

Burgers and awk
Date of Scene: 17 February 2019
Location: Salem Center, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ms. Marvel, Souvenir, Cronenberg

Ms. Marvel has posed:
After some texting back and forth, Kamala and Erika agreed to meet in Salem Center. It's a little haul for the young Marvel - but she's able to finally make her way up. She's the first to arrive at the burger joint. She wasn't exactly sure how to dress, so she went with her standards. A calf-length skirt is worn over a pair of brightly colored leggings that disappear into socks and tennis shoes. A sweatshirt is worn beneath the multiple patches of her jacket - and she has her ever-present ushanka with the chill outside. A pair of glasses are worn, with rims that her brother affectionately calls 'date deterrent' frames.

Clutching several books to her chest, she scouts out a place to sit, finding a booth and settling in as she waits for you to arrive. And she finds herself fidgetting with the books. And her pencil. And the napkin dispenser. What if she doesn't show? When the waitress comes over, Kamala smiles. "Uhm. Water. For now. I'll order when my friend arrives."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir comes wandering in from outside, checking her phone briefly and checking her bag. Pretty standard attire for her, today. Flannel long sleeved shirt, yellow and black plain pattern, worn open. Black distressed jeggings. Black converse with pink hashtag lacings. Wide studded belt. Maroon T-shirt, baggy, for the band 'Icon for Hire'. Hair brushed in low bangs. Lots of black eyeliner. Black leathery gloves covering her hands.

She angles your way and slips into the seat across from you. "Sorry, I kind of got cornered in a hallway by a teacher for a minute." She puts her bag next to her and arranges herself some.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"School stuff on a Sunday?" Kamala makes a face. "I totally would totally shrink and sneak out." A giggle follows as she considers, rising when you arrive, almost going for a hug, but when you sit, she sits back down. "You like Icon for Hire too? I totally dig Make a Move."

She then glances at the papers she brought. "I got back home and I started looking for things on the marks we saw on the paper, and I had an idea. You said you saw the boy that the wrapper was with - and that he may have been the one that made the glyphs. So I was thinking, if you describe him too me, I can draw him. And if I can draw him - maybe I can make my face look like his and then you can take a picture and we'll know who we're looking for. He might be a new mutant or wizard and he may need help. You know, or just magically inclined and needs a stern lecture from a magic user. That whole careful what you summon thing?"

She's rambling and she realizes it as she pushes the papers. There's several on nordic runes and Asgardian theories and of course - some papers that look like they were taken straight from an RPG.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs. "I didn't say I had classes, I said I got cornered in a hallway by a teacher. And yeah, that was a good one. But um, the drawing a picture thing wouldn't work, because the viewpoint is wrong."

She picks up a menu and glances over it for a few seconds, then sets it down again. "Like, if you close your eyes, you can't see yourself, and you usually don't see yourself anyway. People don't see images, they see, like, spaces with things in them. Labels. I mean, it could have been a really flat girl with narrow hips, I was just going by the stance. Boys' hips are diferent and their spine is straighter because they don't have to counterbalance anything. Anyway, we just buried it in a locked box full of salt and left it for a magician we know to deal with when she gets home."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Oh." Kamala thought she was on an idea, but when Erika explains the viewpoint thing, she realizes how it won't work. "It was a thought, at least. You have a magician on campus? That's so neat." comes her response before she glances up at the waitress as she comes over.

"I want to try the Big Bomb challenge." she says and gives Erika a grin. "What do you think? Want to try it with me?" comes the playful challenge as she waits for you to order as well. With the idea of the picture out of the way, she's clearing the space between them so they can sit and talk.

Souvenir has posed:
"Well she's not on campus right NOW, or we wouldn't have had to leave it for her. But I know somebody, sure. I - Oh God no, that thing is huge. I'd explode and wreck my diet for a month! I figured a firecracker combo would be fine, I've had those, it's plenty."

Erika Kristasdottir looks a bit horrified by the huge combos. "I leave those for some of the boys that eat everything." She frowns a bit, thinking, but it passes quickly enough.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Kamala glances down. "Oh. No bacon on that, please." she remembers to add - because bacon is usually standard on burgers. She waits for the waitress to leave to explain. "When I use my powers, I get really really hungry." she presses her fingers together - looking down at her hands.

"So I eat a lot to keep up with my use of them. So, you know, diet wrecker." There's a wane smile offered at that as she looks back up to you finally, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "But I checked this morning. Definetly not a boy."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "I guess that makes sense, but all I do is braining, and it's feel-y braining, not like, picking up cars braining. Probably Stabby eats a lot, I never see her eat anything. Or whatever it is she got nicknamed, I don't want to use names."

She nods and listens. "Well, as long as you're sure!" She smiles some and then looks kind of awkward. "So, um, what have you been up to at home?"

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Well, I've been trying to keep up with my classes, but it's hard to balance the classes with you know.." Kamala offers a little grin at that. "I can totally understand not wanting to use names. I know you and I have powers.. but outting others." she shrugs her shoulders a little.

"You said you played RPGs? I do a lot of online ones." she offers, trying to find a common ground, as she looks up at the girl again. "You look really pretty today." she comments with a little glance towards the napkin dispenser.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Yeah, I try to do them over a table. Long distance, comm etiquette gets to be a headache and I finish a game and I still feel lonely. I-" She blinks as the rest of the statement gets processed, and blushes. You can almost see the little spinny progress bars in her eyes.

"...thanks...?" Kind of a half-strangled squeak of conflicted. She smiles nervously and looks over to the side in hopes of a distraction.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"It's hard to find a tabletop group when you're the only Pakistani girl in your neighborhood." Kamala admits with a little chuckle. "I like the online stuff though.. but I get the feeling lonely part." And that's when she realizes that you're feeling uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." To what? She's not even sure herself, and there's that uncomfortable silence again. She lets out a little breath and reaches up to pull off her ushanka to give her hair a light tossle.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ohs, and is embarrassed. "No, no, it's okay, you didn't.." And then she gets distracted by your hair for a moment "..You, um, You're FINE." A bit more emphasis than she intended. She's not sure why.

"..And what, are the people in your neighborhood just jerks or something? Because I'd totally be fine with you being in a game if I was running one right now. I've been kind of busy practicing. Stuff." And suddenly she has found an entirely new reason to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"A lot of them are just you know.. not into the same stuff I am. I'll let you in on a secret. I'm a bit of a nerd." Kamala admits, and when you give that outburst, she reaches, grasping your hand for several seconds - before starting to let go.

"Like you were last night?" she asks. "I mean, I get having secrets. Noone in my family knows I have powers." she admits quietly. "It's awkward enough without you know, saying, 'hey, your awkward and shy daughter is also a mutant or something'." She sighs. "My parents are pretty well - they're just very religious. And I don't think they'd approve of me going out and you know. Doing things."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Yeah. Pretty much. My parents are cool with that bit. The heroing bit I haven't asked. Just, like, I don't know. The first thing I did, I was SO grounded. And now I'm learning how to, what, get grounded worse?" She bites her lip, and looks down at your hand a bit, not sure what to make of that and blushing a bit.

"I mean, um. I have to have stuff to do things. Like, from other people. So I have to be better at. You know. Taking things away from other people. For great justice." She gives a pained smile. "I know all the reasoning, but it's still bugging me."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
When she sees you blush, Kamala withdraws her hand, feeling the heat in her own cheeks. Finally, they're both saved when the food arrives at the table. There's Erika's little firecracker meal - and then there's the /platter/ that the Big Bomb comes on.

"You have thirty minutes to finish it all and you'll get a t-shirt and a picture on the wall." the waitress sets down a clock and sets it, starting the timer before she heads off.

"So people are convincing you that you need to steal to help?" she asks curiously. "I can totally sneaking into places and all that. But stealing?" she frowns a little, but her expression softens as she starts to dig into the two pound burger filled with condiments and vegetables - but no bacon.

"How do /you/ feel about it?" she asks curiously. "Is it what you want to do?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hrms. "It's not so much that anybody is trying to convince me of anything. It's totally rational. And useful for stuff I need to do. It's just.. That's the kind of thing that you have to practice, and it's the kind of thing that makes people not trust you if they know you know how to do it, and, like.." She frowns, thinks, eats a few french fries while they're still hot.

"People always treat telepaths weird, because they don't trust them. And I get that too. It sucks. I try to be super friendly and cute and stuff so people don't just go raar evil and blame me any time they leave their computer logged in or let their ex see their phone with all the blackmail on it or some stupid thing. And like, people aren't bad right NOW..."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"You don't have to try to be cute." Kamala says between bites. She is already waylaying the poor burger - it's obvious despite her stature, she's a ravenous little thing. "And I'd trust you with my stuff, Erika." she says with a shrug. "I mean.. that's part of.. all this, right?" All what? She's trying to find a definition and not sure of one herself.

"I mean, I could totally be a super secret spy or something. Able to change my shape and appearance? Totally like a Terminator." she giggles. She glances up at you and winks. "Come with me if you want to live." She continues to eat, considering her thoughts. "If it's what you think the best is, then I don't want you to give it up. I mean, there's honor among rogues, right? And you can be an honorable rogue."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "Right, well, I worry. Because like, all my friends know that I might know more about them than they're ever going to know about me. So like, I can try to be really open? Except when it's like, well.. you know. Stuff that's going to creep them out when they learn it. That I kind of have to know so I can help people, because irony."

"Anyway, I am totally making this all about me. What's your family like?" She smiles at you, tilting her head and looking into your eyes, putting a french fry in her mouth carefully. Probably not actually licking the salt off of it.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"I like learning about you though, Erika." Kamala responds, "So. You know, if you want to be open, we can." she smiles back, watching the way the fry goes and gets lost in your lips for a moment before she blushes, and tucks into her food.

"I'm probably a total bore when it comes to me. I mean, I go to school in Bludhaven - at the Coles Academy. I take some of the AP courses, and all." she says, "I don't really fit in, and well, like.." she considers. "The night before I found out I had powers? I went to this party. And I asked for a drink, right? And someone spiked it - I didn't know it was alcohol. And I got totally sick from it." She sighs. "Everyone made fun of me, and I'm never going to live that down." she shrugs her shoulders. "I can't drink. Or have pork. I mean.. I'm Muslim." she explains. "It's part of me, but it's not me, if that makes sense? I want to live my own life - but I want to be the best me I can be."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, listening intently. Big dark eyelashes blink at the bit about the alcohol, fluttering lightly as she nods. Another french fry gets brought up to her lips, and rests on her bottom lip for a moment before she puts it in her mouth. "Mmm-hmm?"

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"So anyway.." Kamala continues to eat, trying not to be distracted by you, but it's failing as she swallows a bite of burger and reaches for her water to take a drink. Her hand, when it leaves the drink, searches for yours again, but pauses just short as she's gotten over half the burger and fries down.

"I ran away from the party, like totally freaked out. And then I got sick and passed out. And I had this /really/ freaky dream." she continues. "And the next thing you know, I looked just like Captain Marvel, wedgie swimsuit and all." There's a little sigh as she keeps her own dark eyes locked with yours.

"And I realized.. I'm never going to be that pretty. Or be everything that those heroes that you see.. are going to be. But I can try my best."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Yeah. Different party. My drink didn't get spiked. My friend was the one who got roofied. I carried her out of there. Some people started chasing me. There was a back door to a restaurant there, with a six digit combination lock to open it. First try. I stayed there all night until she was feeling better. Then the cops brought me home and I was in so much trouble."

She frowns a bit. "Except they stopped being mad when I couldn't sleep for like.. four or five days. I guess at some point, I called a hotline. I was completely deranged by that point, so I don't know what I said."

She nibbles on another french fry, watching your eyes. "And I don't know, I think you look just as good as they do."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
There's a blush from Kamala, her eyes cast down for a moment. "T-thanks." she manages, before she catches on what you said, and she stops eating - because concern finds her features. "...you never told me how your powers work." she says quietly, considering you as she brushes some dark hair back over her ear.

"I've been going on and on about me, and just.. I want to know more about you too, Erika." Her hand does give your gloved one a squeeze this time, almost daring to pull at the leather.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ohs. "I guess it's like.." She picks up her glass with the ice in it, and puts a napkin under it in the pool of condensation. then she puts a straw in the glass and stirs. "You have all these thoughts and stuff when you're doing things, right? And they kind of.. leak, a little bit."

She picks up the glass and rubs the side of the glass with the napkin. "And it gets on everything you touch, But it's really thin, not just anybody can pick it up. You have to be sensitive in certain really specific ways to." She hmmms.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
There's a nod as Kamala listens. "And when you pick up something - you get those actions?" she asks. "What about when you dropped that hair tie down.." There's a glance to Erika's chest and she blushes heatedly for a moment before she looks towards her food, trying to continue eating - but suddenly feeling more demure around you.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir mmm-hmms. "I mean, first it's just this big noisy jumble of stuff all at once. It's totally overwhelming. It takes me a couple of seconds before I can start picking it apart into a story. Like.. compiling or unzipping or whatever. That's what makes me freeze and twitch and stuff."

She raises both hands to her forehead and mimes an explosion there, making a small explody sound effect, then her fingers twinkle down to the table, which she smooths like a bedsheet. "Oh, that's because I have to be touching it, like with bare skin, so I can read it. And it has to stay put, just like how you can't be reading stuff off a thumb drive and yank the thumb drive out. It doesn't, you know. Upload a copy."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Aha. So that's what was happening yesterday. So like, if you touched my clothing. You'd pick up on stuff from me?" Kamala asks. "Would you be able to mimic my powers?" she asks curiously as she studies your eyes.

"So. Is touching and stuff out of the question?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "Yeah, if I touch your clothes. So i don't get to hug people very much. My face bumps into their collar and stuff. It sucks so much. If I keep going I get their senses overlayed and it's confusing and awkward."

"Skin is fine, though. I'm like.. I'm not a telepath, I'm wired different. I can't read things that are alive. That's why I sleep on a bunch of grass."

She hmmms, "And I can't copy anything I couldn't learn how to do. I can learn how to juggle or open a combination lock or play a guitar. I can't learn how to shoot lasers out of my mouth. Does that make sense?"

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Okay. When I hug you, will have to find a way to do that with you." She winks at you, before Kamala nods. "So you can learn skills - but not abilities." She smiles brightly. "Just like a rogue." comes the response. And just then the bell buzzes at the table.

And Kamala is not finished with her meal. The waitress comes over, and awws, "You didn't complete the challenge. You didn't get the t-shirt."

"I think I found something better." she says bravely, but bites her lip quickly, "Uhm."

The waitress can't help but to giggle before she heads off, taking the clock with her.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods and smiles at the waitress, blushing at the comment. "Thanks." She gets more to drink, waits for the waitress to leave. "And so - yeah. Like a rogue. So I think I get the overprotective treatment, too. Eh. I statted myself out, I know where I stand." She sips some of her drink.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Well.. I'm hoping we get to do more adventures and stuff together." Kamala responds as she glances down for a moment. Then she pushes aside her plate. Reaching across the table, her hand finds yours, and she lightly tucks a finger inside the glove to touch your skin.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods........... The hand squeeze and touching kind of makes her trail off into the middle distance, closing her eyes. "... Uh... Yeah. Stuff." She was sure she had something else to say, but she forgot.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Can I see you again?" Kamala decides to be the brave one and ask first. "I mean. Like.." she pauses. "..you know?" There's a little laugh.

"I don't know if you have to go! I don't at the moment, and wouldn't mind taking a walk with you if you want. I saw a comic book store." she admits. "But. I just wanted to ask, just in case you know.." she glances aside. "I don't know. If you're not. Well. Interested."

Souvenir has posed:
"Uh." Panic slowly building. Erika has been very good at avoiding thinking about this kind of thing. She's not very good at introspection sometimes.


This whole scenario is getting entirely too hard to keep her plausible deniability up, all of a sudden.
    "...I... guess we could walk to the comic book store..."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
There's a pause. Perhaps she sensed the inclination. Or the hesitation. "Oh gosh, I am /so/ sorry." Kamala suddenly offers, realizing she did something totally wrong.

"I assumed and I was having a good time and and.. oh gosh!" she blushes hard. It's taking everything she can just not to stand up in run out the door.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir looks a bit more panicked as everything starts turning into a flaming train wreck around her. She can imagine the forlorn wheel bouncing past the table. She blushes bright red and tries to figure out what to say. Apparently, it's more of a helpless drowning flail. Instead, she goes slightly catatonic. "Comic store! We can go there!"

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Comic store. That sounds good. Standing up suddenly after paying the bill, Kamala takes Erika's hand to bring you with her. She feels lost and confused, while Erika is having the flaming train wreck, Kamala's a sinking ship and she's on the door by herself. "Let's go, then." she offers quickly.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, too quickly. "Yes. Let's." She squeezes the hand in a slightly alarmed way and races after, throwing her bag over her shoulder. She blushes and gets the door for you, then points at the comic store vaguely. "So yeah."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Kamala's hand doesn't leave Erika's the whole trip from the burger place to the comic book shop. Finally at the shop, she opens the door for Erika first before following her in. Comics are a good distraction. And apparently, distraction is what is needed.

Looking around, Kamala glances to the girl next to her. "What's your favorite type of comic? I like the Fantastic Journeys ones. And most of the fantasy ones. And well.. anything, really. Did I mention I was a nerd?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker is standing by a bookcase where the graphic novels are kept. He doesn't have to tell anyone he's a nerd, the large ginger overflows with it. He already has a stack of books in his hand, and a model kit on top of that. He doesn't see his friend Erika walk in yet, being too transfixed on his purchases.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir wanders in, looking kind of weirded out. Although she hasn't actually objected to the hand being held, so that's obviously complicated. "Um. I don't know, mostly I look in the roleplaying game parts OH HEY!"

She retrieves her hand suddenly and waves at Doogie, cheeks obviously pink. "Dude! What's up?" She tilts her head, well, from the waist up too, to see what books he has.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
When Erika takes off to meet someone, confusion returns to Kamala. Her own dark cheeks are darker. And not wanting to interpose, when she takes off to speak to Doogie, Kamala turns, heading over to where the little miniatures and dice are kept.

There's a glance towards Erika on occassion, before she blows out a breath and tucks her ushanka a little further down on her head. She probably is trying to hide inside of it.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker smiles when Erika (and...friend?) walk in. "Oh hiya Erika! And uh, +1?" he says attempting to be a little more outgoing than he's used to. He attempts to return the wave, but between his hands behind full and his utter lack of grace everything almost goes flying everywhere. "Whoop," he says trying to get a hand on things. Most of the stuff in his hands are different manga. There's some One Piece, One Punch Man, but most notably the full run of Parasyte... for reasons likely obvious to Erika.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blushes brighter. "Yeah, she's a friend. I kind of wanted to introduce you two, actually. Oh ack, let me help you with that.." She kneels down and starts helping you to pick up books. "Cool cool, I don't usually get around to reading manga." She glances over at Kamala, and pauses, uncertainly. "..So yeah."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Kamala is trying so hard not to listen in or anything. Instead, she's looking over the dice. She finds some that are some very vibrant red and blues and yellows, and her eyes widen. "Of course. Get dice the same color as my costume and that will totally help my luck!"

There's a nod at that as she moves to pick up the small container of dice and starts to look over the miniatures, giving them a thoughtful exploration.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker is free to wave a little more freely to Kamala after Erika helps him out with his stack of books. "Well it's awfully nice to meet you," he says to her. "Oh, I have something for you Erika. He reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a small shiny black rectangular box that is about three times the width of a pencil and a little longer than one.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ooohs? She blinks and looks it over. "Awesome. Like.. is there a story here? Or well, I can ask you later if it's going to be weird. I'm sorry, this is like, a surprise. Um." She looks a bit more flustered than usual.

"So, yeah, like, Kamala? This is Doogie, I met him not long ago, you, like.. have a little bit in common, maybe? Like.." She frowns some. "I don't know, I just figured." She bites her lip.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
When Doogie and Erika come over, Kamala blinks when Doogie gives Erika a present. And realization comes to her features. "Oh." she says, as she feels a lead gut in the pit of her stomach. Of course she has a boyfriend! Stupid.

"Hi, nice to meet you." She smiles, lifting up her head to look at Doogie. "A little in common?" she asks curiously of Erika, and then tilts her head in a bit of confusion. She looks from Doogie to Erika to try to figure out what she means. "Do you play MMORPGS, too?'

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods to Erika, "Well the box isn't the gift. It's what's inside. It's a scalpel that belonged to my father. He's a nerosurgeon. I thought you wanted to hold on to it for... well you know." He wears an odd look of perplexion on his face when it's mentioned that Kamala has something in common with him. He looks dubious but he asks, "Oh? We do?" He nods to Kamala, "Oh yeah. I've played couple of them."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir OHS! "AWEsome! that is SO! COOL!" She hmmms, "yeah, we met the other day, um.." She furrows her brow a bit. Doogie hasn't dealt with much of any weirdness to allude to, at least that she knows of.

"I was, like, wearing that maroon and grey outfit from the other day that Andrea hated. Well, actually I wasn't. but I totally should have been. She can be mad all she wants." She pauses and considers, "I think I'm going to change the maroon for pine green though. Anyway."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Looking between the two, Kamala frowns a little. She's not sure what's going on as she looks to Erika. And then Erika is talking about costumes and such and the girl lets out a little breath. "I.. maybe I should get going." she offers awkwardly. "I don't want to interrupt anything.."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods politely to Erika as she recounts the tale of her outfits. He's too polite to interrupt to ask what he and Kamala have in common. Though he considers that maybe she *can't* discuss the similarities in this setting if it has anything to do with his peculiar biology. Doogie shakes his head to Kamala, "Oh gosh no! You don't have to go. I'm the one who interrupted."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir acks a little, reaching out to touch Kamala's hand. "You aren't interrupting anything, I.. I think I'm the one making a mess out of everything." She looks around awkwardly. "Crap, I need to run to the bathroom, I'll be right back, okay?" She flees briefly. Create opportunity! but not too terribly dissapeared, since she has to walk past you to get out.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
The touch to her hand causes Kamala to pause, then Erika's having to run off. "O-okay." she says, watching her head off, before she turns her attention back to Doogie, looking even more confused. And it only gets more awkward the further down the rabbit hole she goes. Then she decides to broach the subject. "Do you go to the same school that Erika does?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker looks ready to speak up when Erika says she's going to go to the bathroom. He looks back to Kamala. He's awkward in the most casual of circumstances, now he shifts his weight from left to right looking even more awkward than normal. "Yes. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters," he replies and pushes his glasses up his nose. "I just transfered in last week."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Oh! Did you know Erika before that then?" Kamala asks curiously. "How long have you two been seeing each other?" She's just trying to make conversation because right now, she's imagining that 'you two have something in common' is in fact that they both know Erika.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hides in the bathroom. She actually has a reason to be there yes, but still. She stares into the mirror and starts straightening her makeup. Because sometimes that helps clear one's mind.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker shakes his head, "No I didn't know her from before." He looks a little embarassed and says, "I didn't really have anyone who I considered a friend before I came to Xavier's. Well outside the internet that is. I have a lot of people who follow my blog that are- well internet-friends you know?" The look on his face says that he's also searching for just what Erika could have been talking about. "So..." he looks around the store, there aren't too many people milling about the area. "Has Erika told you anything about Xavier's?" he asks. Far be it from him to spill those beans, but it wouldn't hurt to probe what she does know.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Oh? I run a blog for Captain Marvel. Princess Sparklefists?" Kamala asks. "That's also my name on WoW." she smiles at that, glancing towards the bathroom. Shouldn't girls go to bathrooms in pairs? No, this isn't a club. Turning her attention back to Doogie, there's the second question. "She did." And then her voice lowers. "Uhm, probably because I can do it." And with noone looking around at the moment, Kamala lifts her hand against her and makes her fingers grow out and twist around each other before she snaps them back into place.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods and says, "Oh! I'll be sure to give you a follow. My blog is New Olympians. It's all about superhero news that I can find online. Just general news, up and comers, that sorta thing." He looks shocked when Kamala's fingers grow. He looks around conspiratorially and holds out his own hand. Calm, focus, empty out feelings, just like his new meditation books said. Don't screw this up. The skin on his pointer finger seems to darken, harden and become rather shiny. It looks like a dark gray carapace of a crab, with soft joints between. The end of that finger points out into a serrated claw. He pokes his thumb with it, and winces, drawing a dot of blood.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
There's a wince as Kamala watches Doogie work with his powers. So //that's// what Erika meant. Her cheeks darken for some reason, and the girl lifts her gaze to him again. "Maybe that's what she meant when she said there was someone I should meet and could maybe help at the school. Though I can't do /that/." she admits, a gesture to the armor that formed.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker looks side-long and quietly says, "I can do different stuff. All weird though." The carapace on the finger softens and the finger then becomes a boneless, writhing protuberance of flesh, the end swells into a small ball that opens up into what looks like a tiny mouth of a lamprey eel. But soon he drops this and lets the finger retake its normal appearance. "I don't have a good handle on it yet though," he admits sheepishly.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
The show causes Kamala a little discomfort, but she understands the shapeshifting thing better than most. "You're further ahead than I am." she admits with a laugh. "I can only change my whole appearance, and I have to concentrate really hard to do that." Her phone buzzes in her pocket and she takes it out and blanches. "That's my Ammi. I need to get back home - I have class with my Sheik tonight." she sighs and glances towards the bathroom. "When Erika comes out.. tell her to text me later, okay?"