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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/02/20 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=114, 1558, 1140, 7608, 1385, 42, 128 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{...")
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Latest revision as of 17:06, 23 February 2019

Date of Scene: 20 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Kid, Punisher, Cronenberg, Warpath, Wonder Woman, Polaris

Cyclops has posed:
    It's a cold Tuesday afternoon and the world is still watching and waiting to see what America will do, though there are several countries who have refused to take a single day further towards the demise of humanity. When faced with such dire situations, it seems humanity will go to extreme solutions, with some countries taking up the Sentinel Initiative, with the plans to erradicate their own sons and daughters instead of facing the unknown, that great blackness and the truth that, nothing, is forever.

    To be a beacon and a shinning light to piece the blackness, several young, and old, mutant and human, have teamed up to march upon several city halls and government buildings on today, February 19th in order to show America they will not go quietly away. They are the future and they have a voice today.

    In front of New York City's city hall, nearly a thousand have gathered to sit on the steps and have their silence be heard and their actions be seen.

Kid has posed:
    Sometimes...you gotta suck it up and take the bad to help the good. Jua normally hates large crowds of concentrated sensations, but this was too important to let slide by. He made good friends with some mutants and humans...and with robotic menaces threatning to kill folks for what they are, something needed to be done.
    And so Kid joined the thousands marching to the Hall. It was odd seeing a peaceful protest, but it was a nice change from the violence...and he felt it said something when compared to the radical methods of the sentinels. No illusions, no tricks, just a silent march as he, like many other hope for a brighter future...a peaceful one.

Punisher has posed:
A giant protest at City Hall is a great place for surveillance if your targets are few in number and in government. It's also a great place to get lost in the crowd if you happen to get caught.

With the Battle Van loaded with backup weaponry in the street below, The Punisher is sitting on a rooftop opposite the entire affair. Camouflaged against sensors and visuals as best he can, a pair of electronic binoculars is used to keep an eye on things, even as he ducks when eyes look in his direction. Occasionally, he takes pictures of a few city officials as they go about their business.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker comes from a family that's always been big supporters of mutant rights, also rather wealthy. So it wasn't hard for him to convince them to donate some money to help out in the cause. Doogie has used this to set up a table that is serving coffee to the protesters as well as the law enforcement that are no doubt in attendence. The awkward looking ginger teen sits on a folding chair behind the card table and is filling foam cups whenever someone approaches. Beside him is a laptop showing grim footage taken from Sentinel attacks in the past.

Warpath has posed:
    Across the street, a second floor window is open. A very large Native American is sitting on the windowsill, watching the protest play out. He is wearing a black dress shirt and slacks from the look of it, brawny arms crossed as he watches the crowd of humans and mutants heading towards the governmental building.
    A slight frown draws his lips down at the corners. Dark eyes stare out at the slowly moving sea of protestors, and then look ahead towards the structure they are approaching. Seeing if the police have a presence today, or if they are trusting to the protest being peaceful.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince is inside of City Hall. Her presence was requested here for today's event. She's here to ensure that things are as safe and peaceful as they were declared they would be.

Covered over in a dark navy blue robe that her arms are slipped through the sides of, her forearms are visible, armored in ornate bracers with her hands wrapped in leather down to her fingers.

For the past several minutes she has been speaking witn individuals inside of the City Hall lobby. Now, however, she is stepping outside, her dark brown hair gently waving in the cold breezes as she transitions from inside to outside, her dark blue robe sways about her legs as well, revealing her armored legs as she strides out into the winter's day and the ambient noises of the protest.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was down in the thick of the crowd, her brilliant green hair marked her as a mutant, but it wasn't as if people didn't know who she was. She was Princess of Genosha after all, Lorna Dane, Polaris. Magneto's daughter. Her image was easily searched by the masses, she was a public figure. At least as much as one could become when she's spent a year on the only Mutant Nation around.

She walked between the crowds, a bag slung on her back filled with medical supplies and snacks, water and the alike. She was ready for whatever was thrown her way, or at least, she hoped she would be.

Lorna moved through the crowd with ease, offering apologies here and there in passing as she walked through breaks in the crowd, trying to get closer to the steps of the City Hall.

Cyclops has posed:
    The protest is going perfectly, they're obviously a burden on the city, but they're not directly preventing anyone from doing their jobs and everyone is being basically pleasant, even to the official's they're trying to convince to not kill them. There's also the Police who are making sure things are calm, and yet they're not too worried about things at the moment as the protest has been going smoothly thus far.

    The people are coming and going as their individual lives need and dictate, with many leaving for food or bathroom breaks, or to leave to work while more come after their shifts are over. People are buying coffee and mingling while most are sitting on the steps with a path to the doors left clear. That is until a car drives up and someone leans out of the back seat window, "Go back to Genosha mutie freaks!" yells the young girl, maybe fourteen years old with black hair and a drink hurled up the side of the steps, with an eye pointed at Lorna as one of the quickly recognized mutants on Earth. The drink goes everywhere as the cup lid opens immediately and the car's tires chirp as the driver steps on it to get out of town as soon as possible.

Kid has posed:
    Kid takes a double take, first at the car that holds the very rude 14 year old who could use a spanking, and than at Lorna who she seemed to have eyed. Frankly he didn't recognize Lorna, but it didn't really matter. The now agitated gorilla simply stands up and goes to pick up the thrown cup, shaking his head.
    And well he just dumps it in the trash. Luckily the feeling of a dozen calm folks trumps that of one spoiled and badly raised child. But none the less he gives Lorna a two finger salute and simply sits back down.

Punisher has posed:
The whole exchange is heard over the directional mic built into the electronic binoculars. He briefly takes pictures of the driver and the girl while he can, before he looks back over to the drink that was hurled. "They let their kid be that stupid? Punks these days." Punisher mutters under his breath as he turns his attention back to a few city officials he's targetted.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker instantly looks over to where the shouting came from. Being of a nervous disposition, such things do make him a little antsy, but this isn't the first protest he's been to and he knows what to expect. After the car speeds away he returns to his job of serving up java to thirsty and cold protesters.

Warpath has posed:
    Up in the second story window, James Proudstar's eyes eventually settle in on that shock of green hair that stands out so in the crowd. Were anyone close enough to notice, they'd see his hands tense, closing into fists at the sight of one of the X-men.
    A deep, measured breath relieves the tension, and James rests his hands back on his legs. He keeps an eye on the woman, only pulled away finally by the act of defiance by the young woman. His frown deepens just a bit more as he looks to get the license plate number of the car as it tries to drive off quickly into the distance.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stands at the top of the stairs that Lorna Dane was ascending, she sees the entire exchange between the car and the woman with the green hair. She watches the car make to leave and then releases a light exhale... surely she desired to go after it, but her duty was here and as horrible a thing to do as that was... it was far from what could happen to escalate things here worse and if she left and wasn't here to attend to those things? That'd be bad.

Whether she knows who Lorna is or not, she doesn't outright show any signs of that at the moment because her gaze is going once more across the rest of the citizens who are here still. Her blue eyes do note the arrival of the Gorilla 'Kid'. He, she definitely recognizes from several encounters around the city in the past year. She even raises her left hand to him when she sees him toss the empty cup into the waste bin, a gesture of thanks.

Polaris has posed:
A grimace pursed at Lorna's lips as she stepped back rapidly as the drink came sailing through the air at her and splashed near her. She exhaled a breath, shaking her head as she caught sight of two finger salute and the cup being thrown out regardless of the teenager's anger. A slow nod followed, terse and tense as green eyes flickered around the gathering once and back. At least it was only a cup. She could deal with a cup.

Not that anyone in her family would accept her taking that, but she shrugged and pushed her hair back with only a heavy sigh and tried to find a break in the crowd to at least check on the edges of her expensive slacks and make sure they weren't horrible stained by the sugary drink.

Cyclops has posed:
    One of the mutants in the crowd stands up and frowns as the cup goes sailing and one of her leaders is the target of the attack. She knows they were supposed to be cool about all this, but that's Lorna! Fucking Polaris! The girl clenches her fists when the ground starts to shake slightly and the car suddenly stops as the ground itself skewers the front end of the car.

    The engine block is pushed through the hood by the terran spike tears through the metal and fibreglass parts of the car. Forcing the thing to an immediate stop. The girl that was hanging out of the back window is now dangling with her top half hanging out of the window limp, though her hand is lifting up towards her side as she likely snapped several ribs from slamming into the door pillar of the car and she groans in pain. The other passenger and the driver aren't moving.

    Just as quickly as the concrete and asphalt become a road block, the cops that were guarding the protesters start to turn their attention inward. One officer reaches for the radio at his shoulder and calls in a request for backup. Things look to be headed south. Hands are quickly dropped towards the tasers and yet some of the officers palm their side arms with the head officer putting his hands up. "Everyone stay calm! Nothing to do here. We will get this-" Then the officer is interrupted by a horrified and true scream of a woman from within the crowd.

Kid has posed:
    And...of course. Of freakin course. Someone HAS to over-react. Kid just face palms after having just waved at Diana. It was a damn cup, not a bullet. Someone outa snap that mutants neck. Kid fur was standing on end as he was riling himself up, but he shakes it off and....does as the officer says, and keeps calm.
    And than came the scream. Kid turns in the direction that the scream came from. He can feel it...this was just the begining of todays troubles. His fingers twitched at the tasers and side arms, tensing to move should something occure. His eyes wandering over to others such as Doogie coffee stand and beyound it. The wait was the worse.

Punisher has posed:
So much for quiet surveillance. From his position above the crowds, The Punisher turns his binoculars towards the shredded car... then towards the source of the screaming and what the police are doing, "Micro, get the rifles ready. This might turn into a clusterfuck." The Punisher asks of his partner who is in the Battle Van itself.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker stands up and smacks both of his hands down on the top of the cardtable, knocking over the cup of coffee that he was pouring. "Paramedics, we need some paramedics here!" he yells and looks over at the now skewered car. The overweight teen gets up and starts pushing his way through the crowd as politely as he can, making his way over to the car which is impaled on a spike of earth.

Polaris has posed:
A soft sound of frustration escaped Lorna as very swiftly someone starts in with being offended on her behalf. Just like it was in Genosha. It galled and very quickly, Lorna knew that things would get out of control. Particularly as anger spiked and the mutant woman lost her cool. A look of utter ire crossed her face as she lifted up into the sky as soon as there was a scream in the crowd. She flew, aiming to rush for the human teenager in the car wreck. The girl might've thrown a cup, but she was hurt, the car was wrecked and a riot was very likely to start any moment now.

"Hey, hey, I'm here. I'll get you out of here okay? We'll get you to the hospital." She offered as she landed by the car unless otherwise shot out of the sky.

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar just watches quietly from his perch in the window. He glances towards the girl who took out the car, keeping an eye on her throughout whatever happens next. He studies her, nose sniffing the air without thinking about it, though much too far away to get her scent, even if she wasn't in the midst of too many other such scents.

The large Native American glances towards the police, then back to the girl, checking to see if any of them are making a move on her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana witnesses the events like all others in the area do. She reacts to them by quickly descending the staircase with her dark robe flowing around her form in the hasty movement. She moves out into the middle of the space between the shouting and the car that was just demolished by the seeming use of a genetic mutation. The Amazonian guardian shows no sign of weapons or a return assault against the attacker, but what she does do is rise up into the air so that she's floating 10 feet off of the ground now, for everyone to see that she is here.

Diana's eyes scan over the crowds now, she reaches into her dark robe toward her right hip with her left hand and a second later she draws out the coiled-up golden lasso that is practically just as world-renowned as she is.

Diana looks back to where Lorna is at the car, "Help is coming." She says down to them. There are a lot of Emergency Services on hand today here, after all.

Cyclops has posed:
    The girl starts to come to, but then she realizes who's helping her and she tries to yell in defiance. She starts throwing her hands and fists in Lorna's direction. "Murderer! Leave us alone! Go ho-COUGH!" The girl falls into a coughing fit trying to get away from Lorna and she coughs some blood to the street and Lorna's direction.

    The police don't seem to know who did the asphalt spear, they just know it was a mutant. there's no one looking directly at the girl, but the crowd is beginning to get restless, and worried, feeling like they're suddenly lamb at a slaughter with the officers surrounding them. Some have peeled off to help with the damaged and hurt car and passengers, but most stay with the crowd.

    There's all sorts of people bunched up but a single light glows brightly from within the crowd an a single man is up in the air, looking like a glass shard housing several swirls of light within his glass forged body. "Everyone disperse." He says, his voice is a beautiful alto tone, that reaches out to all the minds around to sooth them and try to calm them as best as he can, with a glance in Diana's direction with a wink towards the wonderous woman.

Kid has posed:
    Kid glances up at the strange....mutant he assumes. His ears twitch as he hears the voice and closes his eyes. It was soothing and familiar. And though Kid didn't talk much, the soothing and calming sensation was enough for him to cause him to 'echo' the effects and booster it, as he sends out subconciousely the same soothing calming sensations.
    Now not so angry Kid actually begins gently getting the crowd to part ways. So that officers and paramedics can actually get through and do their jobs. As he didn't talk most of his rounding up and crowd control was regulated to gently laying his hand on those distracted to move aside - or gently planting a suggestion in their minds that echo the Glass Man's orders.

Punisher has posed:
"What is it with these things that make people do stupid shit." Punisher mutters as his binoculars move around the scene, finally stopping on the flying man. "Yeah, that's gonna end real well." A sarcastic mutter to Microchip later, and Frank adjusts the binoculars to look at the wrecked car.

"Got both rifles ready and waiting in the net. Give me the word when you want me to hook them up." Microchip notes as he finishes assembling them. "Not yet, but keep them ready."

There's a rappel line tied off to an outcropping on the roof with a hook on it waiting for deliveries; quick and easy access to pull weapons up onto the rooftop.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shot Diana a grateful look as she called down to her and the fussing, coughing young girl. "Yeah, yeah I'll go home. I get it. Right after I take you to the hospital." She murmured, with a wave of her hand she bent the door's window downward to get easier access to the injured girl. If the girl who was falling into a coughing fit didn't start physically fighting her, Lorna reached out to gently try to help her out of the ruined car. And anyone else who was still inside it for that matter. Once everyone was out of the car, she'd work on lifting the actual vehicle off the earthen spike and slowly make to reknit together the steel frame with a careful, controlled and slow motion of her hand.

All the while whispering assurances to the young, clearly distressed teenager.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker finally pushes his way up to the car where Polaris is already checking on the girl. He gives a nervous glance back at the crowd. "M-ma'am -uh, I really think we should try to get them out of here. I don't know what's going to happen, but I don't know if it's really safe here." He turns around and stands defensively between the car and anyone in the crowd who would want to do further harm. Despite the apparent bravado of his actions, his legs are quivering like a jello cup set on an iphone set to vibrate. He looks in the man floating above the crowd, some kind of empathic manipulation he wonders? Hopefully he can put out the fuse on this powder keg before it goes boom.

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar's mind runs through the training that Emma Frost gave him without even thinking about, diminishing greatly the influence that the attempted mental influence has on him. "Hmm. Now that's a sight," James says to himself, taking his eyes off the mutant girl who caused the accident as he spots Diana Prince flying above the crowd.

James shifts in his seat to look towards, turning an ear to try to catch the words shared with the female X-man. Watching Lorna pull the wounded teen out of the car makes James's jaw muscles twitch. He looks away. It'll be easier when the time comes to do what needs to be done if he isn't thinking of Lorna as a kind-hearted person.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's senses are at their max, she's listening for all sounds around them to try to discern the greatest of the threats and when this floating man makes his presence known her eyes go to him. She stares upon him, but his request is not one of threatening, so he doesn't initially come off as a threat... still, he's an unknown, and unknowns are more than a little uncomfortable.

When he motions to her she simply nods her chin a single time back to him. She then looks to the crowd again, toward Lorna and the others at the car, and even up toward where Frank is... its possible that she can hear the Punisher talking, but she doesn't react to that yet if she did.

Instead she floats closer toward this other person occupying the air with her. "Your name?" She asks him as she comes closer to him.

Cyclops has posed:
    The man floating has his hands out, as he's sending some sort of empathy filled light upon the crowd, or so it looks, but it seems half the light is going back into his hand. It's a weird sort of ebb and flow to the man's powers. "I-" He grits his teeth towards Diana, "You might want to step- oh god." He says to no one before he slowly shifts for a sort of soft yellow shade to something purple-blue with a red interior and his voice trembles before devolving into a primal roar and suddenly he shatters with a lightwave errupting from his core outwards and tearing through windows and brick alongside the buildings up and down the street within the path of the light burst.

    The emotions he had be sucking up were suddenly returned tenfold to the crowd below and anyone else that might have seen his sudden end.

    The girl is fighting Lorna with as much energy as she can muster in her injured state, which isn't a lot, but her angry bloody hands aren't easy to work with as she strikes Lorna's shoulder like nothing in the danger room could. It doesn't hurt, but it's the anger of a woman who wants nothing more than for the person in front of her to not even exist. It's emotional. She doesn't notice Doogie, or anyone else for that matter she's so rage filled.

    The cops all draw their weapons and all the mutants and protesters feel a great sense of fear and rage as well.

Polaris has posed:
A brief glance and the serenity that had washed over her broke as the man that was floating there above shattered and emotions swelled like a burst balloon. Lorna set the injured woman down with care beside the car, her gaze swinging around her with wide eyes and she knew it was only a matter of time before things got bad. Well and truly bad and someone died. It was too perfect, too precise. It felt like someone had been waiting to strike a match and had just waited to light it.

As the guns came out she flew back into the air, throwing up her hands to try to jerk the deadly weapons away where no one was likely to get shot accidentally. "That's enough!" Her green eyes turned toward the frightened mutants. "Stand down. If you feel any sense of obligation to me as Princess of Genosha, stand down!" She bellowed. It wasn't going to help. Not likely, but she was doing //something//. "No one needs to die here today."

Kid has posed:
And...it was Town Square all over again. Kid does NOT do well with emotions...especially other peoples emotions. Rage and fear and anger. He feels his own as well as there ten fold...and like the calm he felt and echoed outwards before, Kid now emited rage and fear in waves, potentially to those around him. A walking riot machine.

And unfortantly...Kid has a tendency to lash out when he feels either in great excess. One moment he is calm and directing folks, and the very next moment he begins tearing through them. Heedless of Lorna words, the police, or anything around him.

Kid sends human and mutant alike flying through the air as he began wailing and smashing anything near him. And biting for that matter. There were going to be alot of broken bones and injuries after this fiasco.

Punisher has posed:

"Yeah, get the net ready. This could turn ugly fast." The Punisher orders of Micro as he moves a few feet over and throws the hook over the side and down to the Battle Van. Within five seconds, the electric pulley has the payload of rifles and ammo up to the rooftop, and Punisher sets them down next to his sniping place. A Mk14 with rubber rounds is taken and set in place under the camoflage, silencer attached.

Hopefully, things don't go too bad... but he was ready to knock out serious troublemakers, "Get the drone in the air Micro, With a crowd this big, I'm gonna need a spotter."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker moves to stand in front of the injured people from the car when Lorna takes to the air. He knows better than to move an injured person, but if it comes to it he might have to. Thankfully his holographic imager is working well, otherwise people would get a show at the strange transformations his body cycles through due to the stress of the situation. Then he sees a... gorila tearing things up. "Oh, oh gosh," he says.

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar frowns as he watches the guns get drawn. His eyes sweep over the mutants in the crowd and his hand goes to one of his blades, ready to draw and throw it in a moment's notice if need be. His eyes drift to Lorna one last time, frowning but then focusing on the rest of the mutants in the crowd. You know. The innocent ones.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's expression toward the man flying/floating in front of her starts to change as his reaction to... something... begins inside of him. She has to raise her left hand up to cover her eyes from the resulting burst of light that spreads out with a kinetic energy from the man and it causes her to react in an instinctual way as soon as she realizes that this explosive energy is damaging the area around them.

The lasso of truth flashes from its docile state into a bright glowing gold state where she then lashes outward with it in her right hand, sending the rope swirling through the air toward the floating man to ensnare him. She hopes to grab hold of him with the lasso and then drag him higher into the sky above the civilian chaos breaking out beneath him, to take him away from everyone, to stop him from causing anymore chaos ontop of whats already been done!

Cyclops has posed:
    The lasso goes through countless shards of glass that fall to the ground and splinter into even more shards of what was once a man. The mutant is no more, how bright his light was when he tried to help his own kind and those like him. And such a great cost.

    The girl is on the ground once Lorna leaves and she stays silent as she presses her hand against her side with large purple bruises already forming over parts of her arms and face. She's badly hurt, and the sound of sirens is starting to get closer.

    The police all loose their weapons with the barrels aiming up away from the crowd as the guns are ripped out of their hands. "H-hey! returns those or else mutant!" One of the officers dares to demand as he reaches for his taser to fire up at the magnetic controlling mutant. Then the Gorilla is going ape s--t and several people start to scream and flee while others try to fight and restrain or keep their own ground in front of the City Hall.

Kid has posed:
No has to die today - and a gorilla going (appropiately) ape do not go well togeather. Snaped arms and legs are the lucky ones as people in the crowd have to catch any one unlucky enough to in his reach. Other folks seem to be knocked out after Kid grabs them.
    but he wasn't stopping in his movement and raged fueled rampage. Those who try to restrain him though...end up the worse off. As Kid bites down with his massive canines on the shoulder with someone with enchanced strength who tried to take him on...and quite litterly rips off a chunk. He even goes as far as to beat another person with a person. He was all over the place, but at least as folks got the point of -do not go near the rilla- it at least made him an easier target with less folks sticking around.

Punisher has posed:
"One Batch." Breath, "Two Batch..." Breath out.

"Penny and Dime." *Click*

Silent rubber rounds start to fly through the air from one of the best marksmen in the world. Chambered for 7.62, he starts to fire in rapid succession as he gets clear shots on the rampaging Gorilla. "Micro, spot me."

The recon drone is already up in the air and flying about, watching for other potential threats as the Punisher focuses on knocking out Kid.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker maintains his position standing in front of the injured people. He looks up at Lorna, down to the crowd, and up at Lorna again. "Oh gosh, oh gosh. I really really wish Mr. Guthrie was here," he says. He makes sure to keep an eye on Kid. He really really *really* doesn't want to try and defend himself or the people from the crash from that.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana lunges up into the sky only to have nothing of the man follow with her... Mutants... they are hard to predict, even for the likes of Wonder Woman. She only ascends 10 or so feet before she stops and looks back down to the chaos unfolding below. Her eyes fall upon people rushing toward the officials at the City Hall stairs and this is where her attention is drawn next... so unfortunately for those in the corwd the rampaging Gorllia is still left to do as he is!

Diana lands on the stairs at the City hall and she tosses her robe from around her shoulders, her hand comes back to pull her shield off of her back, but her sword remains sheathed behind her body, her shield comes up to block the people rushing the City hall from gaining entrance to the historic building and the center of city government power.

Polaris has posed:
The tasers were inherently electro-magnetic, they sang in her senses and it was all too easy for her to swat them back to the ground. She closed her eyes exhaling a breath as she reached out with both hands at being ignored by the masses for her calls to leave. They were scared, they were angry. Someone had set this all into play, it was too convenient. Too perfect. She did what she could, which was extreme and would leave her exhausted...

A concentrated, focused EMP... not directed at the electronics in the area. No, it was aimed at the crowd's nervous systems. An electrical twitch, a shove, to make people freeze up for a beat, two. Enough to freeze the crowd for the moment and hopefully save lives before things got too much further.


Cyclops has posed:
    At Lorna's demand, everything stops for a second or two and the crowd all looks up at Lorna. Some as their ruler, princess, queen. Some as the second coming of one of their greatest fears. The message is loud and clear however. As the edges of the crowd begin to disperse in a hurry. Afraid of what might come next.

    Diana will have to help get some of the officials back inside as their legs and arms are twitching extremely, this is going to be a black day in the history of mutant human relations. Things will not end well because of this interaction.

Kid has posed:
    As the rubber bullets reign down, Kids Chaotic movements don't net a head shot immediately. But he feels them hit his back, shoulders and so forth and he let out a terrible roar. He turns about to tear off the head of the nearest person possible. In this case he ends up charging Doogie in a blind rage...but as he does so, he feels the EMP of Lorna and he seizes up, his muscles spasming as he barrel head over feet before just standing unable to move.
    The gorilla frozen and no longer able to move, he was struck in the head twice with additional rubber bullets before he officialy goes down in a heap. Thankfully knocked out by the quick work of Frank, and Lorna ability. He'll be feeling this in the morning.

Punisher has posed:
Pain is an old friend for the man who used to be called Frank Castle... and he's trained to deal with tasers before. Resisting them is always hard, but the Punisher manages to keep the rifle mostly steady as his finger involuntarily presses the trigger again, sending at least one round bouncing off the ground, before he readjusts and fires twice more into Kid, knocking him out with precision.

"Got the monkey prick. Anyone else, Micro?" Punisher asks of Microchip in the Van.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes look out toward Polaris and she watches her send that shockwave of neutralizing power... Its impressive, its impressive because its a serious level of crowd control on a situation with a low risk of lethal force, not many are able to achieve that as evident by really any chaotic situation like this!

Unfortunately Wonder Woman is a little pre-occupied with the city officials and helping keep them safe and get them back inside the building. She keeps the stairs from being rushed as many people fall, stunned, while the others behind her are helping each other get back inside.

The NYPD is in force here now though, so there should be plenty of people here to stop the madness now, hopefully!

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker panics when he sees Kid rushing at him. In a reaction the mutant teenager quickly shapeshifts to a more defensive form. His mass nearly doubles, going from fat and flabby to covered in monstrous and disproportionate muscle. His skin hardens up into a grayish carapace that looks like the shell of a crab. His forearms and hands look twice as large as they should be even for this larger size, with much thicker carapace there. But then he and Kid are hit by the EMP. He stumbles, twitches, and falls. His form shifts quickly back to its normal form, though his clothes are a little worse for wear.

Cyclops has posed:
    The rest of the protest wrapped up with ease thanks to Lorna's interruption. The cops arrested those who stepped forward, but the damage was done. A mutant lost his life today and some humans were severely injured as well as a couple of mutants arrested for disturbing the peace and assault. Everyone slowly went to where they had to go with a black cloud looming over the city for this event. We'll see what the morning brings for humanity and mutantity.