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Latest revision as of 18:53, 3 March 2019

The Shallow Casket of Dr. Sarah Guillame
Date of Scene: 28 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Joker, Poison Ivy

Joker has posed:
In a small tenement behind a bazaar full of Chinese and Korean merchants, Joker sits in a second floor apartment, the apartment threadbare besides a folding chair he sits in and a cot across from him, beside the door inside. A small bathroom is off to the side, with a diminuitive shower tub next to a toilet and sink, the mirror cracked with stained porcelein beneath it, around the drain.

Joker has a toothbrush in one hand, and a jar of novacaine in the other, idly scrubbing his gums and the inside of his mouth as if it was a candy treat. He's made all the proper calls, and waits for his client, Dr. Pamela Isley, on a sale of a good.

On the cot across from him, beneath a black veil, is an ancient weathervane, from the Gothic period of England, taken from a church. It was stolen from a university in the 19th century by English thieves, and had found it into the private collection of Dr. Sarah Guillame, a corporate-employed botanist that was known in scientific circles as a major proponent of human terraforming of arboreal environments.

Joker had called Poison Ivy as his first offer to sell, for the price of twenty-thousand dollars. Joker needed seed money to operate in Gotham City, and with Pamela fresh on his mind, the theft was an easy idea.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Walks out of her car looking around, The redhead with supermodel looks lowers her sunglasses to sigh at the state of the building, She had left these kinds of places behind but still jokers offer was too tempting. She shakes her head as she walks inside her heels clicking as she walks with a hip sway, the Joker knows her too well.

     She Drops a few seeds into the ground as she starts to make her way upstairs just in case one can never be to careful with joker about but she makes her way perhaps joker can smell the sweet flower smell and the rush of sexual pheromones before she even knocks on the door.

Joker has posed:
Joker removes the toothbrush from his mouth and extends his right leg straight, heel on the ground and his stylish shoe tilted upwards.

Sucking on his cheeks and gums and teeth, he drops the black tooth-brush into the glass mason jar and rubs his tongue around in his lips, before spitting to the side, and wiping off his lips with his sleeve oafishly.

"Come on in, Pam," he says, his voice thick and wet from the novacaine, heavy, but not slurred.

Joker knows Pamela Isley all too well himself, and he knows she has her ways that he doesn't always expect. Just in case, he has a revolver taped beneath the chair, inside the inner workings of the folding seat, with the butt to the right, facing behind him, for a quick pull.

He hopes he doesn't need it.

"Door's unlocked, we're alone. Just you, me, and these trees."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Walks in and lifts an eyebrow but she moves towards the item in question she's pretty sure he'd set it up so she could look it over. She does look it over making sure it's real before she turns to him. She moves back and stands one of those finley crafted legs sticking out of her dress. She holds out a Card " here you go Preloaded card pins on the back".

Joker has posed:
Joker looks down at the card, before looking back up at Pamela with a finely honed raised eyebrow.

"What kind of sap do you play me for, Pam?"

Joker takes the card between two fingers and holds it up.

"Am I to believe that this card, is not only the proper way to retrieve my funding, which you assure me is present, but will also not get me taped at an ATM, give me a wire in the system for the Bats, and of course, be a token of respect between old friends?"

Joker drops the card in his hand on his knee, frowning with a tilt of his head to the side.

"Did your cop lover put you up to this, Pam?"

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Laughs brightly " he's not a cop dear joker and you know I have many many lovers " . She smirks " It's pre Loaded Card joker you can use it anywhere, Are you still locked onto the idea of Cash. She shakes her head " you don't have to use an atm you can use it online whatever way you want " she smirks " Get with the times dear.. they have pre-loaded credit cards that can be used anywhere " . She points to the card.

Joker has posed:
Joker squints at Pamela, pocketing the card and standing, jar in hand.

His nearly seven foot height of gangly muscle and broad shoulder leers over her, like a suit of knight armor, as he tilts his head downwards.

"Ivy, I don't think you're very funny right now, although if I was watching, I'd be very amused."

Joker walks around to the weather vane, pulling it out from beneath the black veil and presenting it.

"This is a pre-Columbian Exchange weather vane from Britain, from an old church."

The piece of metal displays Puck, with four cardinal directions and a crescent moon atop it, plus seven stars down the middle portion of the weather vane.

"I obtained it from a lady named Dr. Sarah Guillame. She is no longer with the living, a consequence of holding onto an item meant for the dead."

He presents it across both hands to Poison Ivy, before withdrawing it close to his chest, with Pam between him and the chair.

"Now, Poison Ivy, just tell me, for this weather vane."

His eyes get dark, as his chin tilts downwards.

"Where is your money coming from, that you have monetary access for pre-paid online cards, that while being convenient, manage to snitch out everyone but you?"

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley She looks over at joker her eye's narrow a moment she doesn't seem to mind him being so close. She even places a soft hand on that big chest of his..

She looks up at him with those green eye's and takes a card from her bestie " Why Mr. J don't you trust me? " . She smirks and laughs brightly.

She reaches into the perfectly sculpted cleavage her dress presents to pull out a card and hand it over " I went legit. No point to hide it you can find it out quick enough".

She smirks handing over the card showing IVY corp, Enerviomental solutions CEO Pamela Isley.

Joker has posed:
Joker's lips purse from the sides and pucker piquantly as he looks at the business card, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well well well."

He offers the weather vane, extending it as it jostles his mason jar full of dental medication.

"The prize is yours, Pam. Now I know where to look if my money ends up getting me caught by the Bats." He taps his temple, turning away with a sidelong look from the left and a threatening curl of the mouth.

He moves back to the chair and turns about to sit, rubbing the toothbrush around in the sides of the jar for fresh novacaine putty.

"Remember, Ivy. We all have friends, and secrets among friends only mean more ropes to hang ourselves with."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Laughs softly as he says this " Oh Darling I'm not Harley that kind of line doesn't work on me ".

She takes the Vane into her hands and slowly caresses it before she looks towards joker as he sits down " Mouth still bugging you? " She asks softly " you know I have some products you might like.. but I seem to remember you enjoy your chemicals".

She walks slowly to the window and without looking put the vane out the window for a Vine to grab and start to transport down to the car below. She also grabs a jar it gives her .

She turns and walks back " Here".

Joker has posed:
Joker reaches out the window and takes the jar with his thumb, middle, and ring fingers of his right hand, forefinger and pinky extended.

"Why thank you, Pam. I'll be sure to have some of the boys check this out first, of course. You know how much I enjoy going to the dentist."

He breaks out in a frightful laugh, then slams the window shut, and turns away from him, returning to the inside of the now solitary apartment to brood, his laughter heard distantly beneath the many languages spoken by the merchants peddling their wares at the bazaar below.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Smiles " of course though you can get it online from my shop, " She says softly " Though that is well stronger version since it's you, " she says patting his chest lightly before she starts to make to leave.

She stops near the door " Keep In touch Joker I do enjoy our short talks " .

Joker has posed:
Joker grins at Pamela.

"Of course, Pam. Don't lose that sense of showbusiness."

He moves to the bathroom with a faint stagger, and closes the door behind him. The faucet is heard running, as he hacks something up.