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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/02/28 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1120, 1368 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1120|Caitlin Fairchil...")
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Latest revision as of 18:55, 3 March 2019

CupCakes are WIN
Date of Scene: 28 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Fairchild, Origami

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild It's late at night almost time for the Crime in the city to start. Where is Caitlin getting ready to patrol nope the Super tall supermodel looking girl is sitting at a table Happly munching on cupcakes.. She's got a box next to her and what looks like about 12 other wrappers of eatten goodies next to her. She beams " Oh wow Manuel these sea salt caramels are amazing". The joy of saving the bakery owner you get to try new products!

Origami has posed:
The paper airplane, the size of a car, soars slowly down to the sidewalk in front of the cupcake shop before silently imploding. Miyako Moore steps down and grabs the crumpled up paper plane out of the air, dropping it in the trash on the way in. She's wearing a firefighter coat, open, firefighter boots, and has a leather messenger bag over her shoulder.

"Hey, the guys at the station said they were going to call ahead, but then I just heard there was a holdup. I'm here for that order when you get it ready." She smiles and looks around the room, pausing to pull out a big tube of prescription lotion and rub it into her scarred hands.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks when she spots the huge paper airplane land and changes into well back to normal. She blinks her eye's a few times before she shakes her head in surprise. Right now she's wearing her hero outfit so the Green spandex complete with a Belt with a big S from Superman on it " Neat trick".

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore smiles some. "Thanks. Um... I don't remember you. You haven't shown up at any fires that I've been around, anyway."

She wanders over, spins a chair out, and sits sideways, making sure her bag is at easy reach.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks as she peers at the girl and smiles " Maybe not what's your district ? " she asks even as she stands up and she's TALL after all she's 6ft 5 so she kinda towers with those long legs of hers walking over towards Miyako. She cocks her head " Do you guys get a lot of fires you need help with? "

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore shrugs, "I wander all over the place, depending on if somebody found something weird they want looked in to or they need the help. I kind of Mystery Machine my way over and crash on their couch for a few days while I check things out and help. Yesterday there was an incident with some mystical accelerant on a probable arson site that they wanted me to look at, so that's what I did. The building was a loss, but at least I could downgrade it to a normal fire." She looks up as you wander over. "There's always fires."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Hmmm and makes a mental note to open up the band to fires in case of trouble. She cocks her head She actually takes out the tiny ear piece and pulls out a small tool kit from her belt to start making an adjustment " Just a moment that makes sense I should include the firefighter band on this".

Origami has posed:
"I do okay, but I'm the worst person to be helping with firefighting. All my stuff is paper. Weak to fire and water. Somebody has to do it, and I owe them everything." Miyako Moore acquires some cheap coffee and sips. "What have you been working on?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Shrugs " Working on gadgets to help me doing patrols and helping people, " She says brightly she smiles " Trying to keep up with my boss " She winks. She stands walks over and brings over a box " Wanna try a cupcake they are super yummy , brand new sea salt caramel sauce " .

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore smiles. "Sure. Who's your boss?" She idly pulls a sheet of paper out and starts folding and creasing, more as a fidget than anything. It gets turned into a boxy animal, rapidly taking shape as an origami cow. She doesn't bother with creasing or anything, she just brushes the paper and it creases.

It gets dropped on the table, where it grows slightly, having penciled in black spots appear on its side. It makes a soft 'moooo' noise and starts grazing on the table.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks " Wow that's a very neat power you can make things from paper and bring them to life " She's so surprised before she points to the house of EL Super man symbol on her belt " he's the boss " She winks a little big " I work for superman "

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nods, "Nice. I helped him out once, a long time ago. I'm good for making walls and things." She gets the cupcake and starts nibbling at it. "I haven't seen him in awhile either. I know he's there."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Smiles " He's in space " she looks up " He's not far though, " she says softly " he's one man and it's hard to be everywhere at once." She says softly " But we do our best to help him and pick up the slack."

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nods and hands you a makeshift business card. "I'm always happy to help, I just don't always know where. The fire department can pass messages on, too. Any fire department."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Smiles brightly as she pulls out a card " here you can use mine too "She smiles " Any time you want help just call " She beams " I don't have super hearing like the boss man"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nods and enters it into her phone. "I go by Origami. Everyone knows me, though. I can use the company sometimes. The firefighters don't deal with the same stuff."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Smiles and nods her head " Well I'm pretty much fire proof.. well I think I am I had a guy who is on fire and stuff try and melt me and I didn't work so I'm thinking.. and he got hot enough to melt a steel bank vault door " .

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nods. "I'm just some girl." She stretches and wiggles her fingers, wincing a bit at the pain and massaging each hand a bit. "Fire hurts a lot. You're lucky."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild fRowns " Those are some nasty burns " she says softly " I'm sorry they happned to you... did you think of some skin graph's to ease the pain?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore shrugs a little. "This is what they could do. I have good mobility with my hands, so they don't want to do more damage. I just have to take care of them... all the time. That's part of why I fold things, it keeps my hands busy."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Nods her head " Well hopefully we have the tech to fix your hands " She frowns " well we do but it's horrible expensive and not easy to do .. hopefully it's easier to reach " .

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nods. "Where are you off to after this? Someplace interesting?" She sips more coffee, dabs a little more lotion onto a bit of her hand, and massages it in.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild shrugs " I was gonna go patrol and see what I can find.. fire up the scanner and keep and ear our for trouble I can find " she smiles " Nothing big or anything "

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore mms. "I have to drop some pastry off at the 104, but I can tag along if you'd like. I don't have anything better to do tonight, and I might smell something you can't."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild beams a big smile " That sounds lovley why don't you lead the way and we can see what we can uncover maybe make sure some people have a nice night " .

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nods, "Sure." She snaps at the cow (which reverts to a crumpled up ball of paper) and throws it away, then folds up a basic paper airplane and holds it in one hand, goes to the counter and retrieves two big boxes of pastries in a big bag in the other, then steps out the door, and tosses the paper airplane down. It grows, and she climbs aboard. "Alright, off we go." She soars into the sky.