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Latest revision as of 19:00, 3 March 2019

Running the Numbers
Date of Scene: 01 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blue Ranger, Green Ranger

Blue Ranger has posed:
It had been a day or so since the incident had occured in Central Park. The whole thing had made national headlines - like any odd alien attack would in Central Park - luckily, SHIELD hadn't gotten involved, thank goodness - with the intervention of the Power Rangers and other super-powered bystanders that New York is teeming with. However, it was an odd occurance that Rita Repulsa had decided to pick New York City as a new stomping ground to begin terrorizing. Why here, of all places? Billy had been left at a loss the entire time he had been fighting the three-headed dragon monster that Rita had conjured. He, Jason, and Trini had fought valiantly, and the other bystanders held their own alongside them... but still, the fact remained - people could have gotten seriously hurt in the process. It was a concerning situation. And the Rangers needed to get to the bottom of it.

So, Billy had taken it upon himself to remain in New York for a day or two longer to at least investigate. He had conjured up a reason for suddenly disappearing to New York - a school trip to look into colleges, sponsored by the High School - to handwave it to his parents. It made sense, since he was so close to graduating high school. Scholarship invitations were coming in to him almost *daily,* and it would only make sense that he would be investigating options in the United States as well. Having contacted Tommy, explaining the situation, he had arranged to have him meet him at the Museum of Natural History, and was awaiting him in none other than the prehistoric dinosaur exhibit, studying one of the cromagnon exhibits carefully, reading the flavor text. "Extraordinary," he comments to himself, chuckling softly.

Green Ranger has posed:
Normally, the team leader should have been present for something like this, and Tommy is kicking himself that he wasn't. Recently, Rita has been pushing at him more and more, to the point of even having one of her minions sneak into his home and attack him in his bedroom. She wants her Coin back, and he has no intention of getting it to her. He had been dealing with a lot of issues because of it all, and Zor-Don, in his infinite wisdom, had decided to send Tommy away for a week to have some meditative training to help cope with his anger.

Of course the evil space witch chooses that week to attack, right?

As soon as he had returned to this plane, he had been alerted by Zor-Don of the attack...and off he was to New York City.

The teen makes his way into the museum, peering about cautiously as he searches for his friend. The long-haired boy has his dark hair pulled back in a pony-tail, while wearing a green hoody over a battered band t-shirt and jeans. The dusky-skinned teen moves slowly through the museum, his hands in his pockets. Eventually, of course, he finds the other Ranger. He makes his way over, glancing from Billy to the exhibit.

"With the kind of stuff we deal with daily, you find -this- extraordinary?," he asks with a lopsided grin.

Blue Ranger has posed:
Caught off guard by the appearance of the team leader, Billy is lightly startled, but quickly collects himself, laughing a little bit, adjusting his glasses. He is used to having a book bag on his shoulders... so he shrugs slightly, trying to adjust something that's not there, before standing up a little straighter. He clears his throat, shrugging again. "Affirmative," he replies lightly, still chuckling. "It's the history of... well, us," he explains, gesturing to the exhibit lightly. "What we came from, and... well, if we aren't careful with our ways in handling our environment and planetary ecosystem, what we could devolve to." Another shrug, and he turns toward Tommy, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"I'm glad you made it out here. I managed to adjust the teleporter for longer distances before Trini, Jason, and myself left. We should be able to cover much larger distances at this point, should our lovely friend decide to pop up anywhere else unexpected," he tells Tommy quietly, sighing. "As for that..."

A pause. "I've not really figured out what or why she decided on *here.* New York. It doesn't make sense. Other than the fact it's a densely populated area..."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy furrows his brow and glances at the exhibit for a moment. He plucks his hands from his pockets and crosses them over his chest. "Mmmn. I guess you've got a point. We need a planet to save, afterall." This is said soft enough that passerbys likely -won't- jump to the random conclusion that they are superheroes. He turns to peer about the fairly empty hall, before he turns his attention back to the smartest member of the team.

"It's appreciated. Especially if we have enemies attacking so far from the town. It means she's expanding her reach, though. That's...a problem."

He shakes his head and uncrosses his arms. It's like he isn't quite sure what to do with them when he isn't punching monsters. "It wouldn't be to lure us away from Angel Grove, right?"

Blue Ranger has posed:
"I honestly couldn't say. If she is, she's doing a good job, considering there's now *four* of us here in New York, leaving two of us back in Angel Grove." Billy looks toward Tommy forelornly, adjusting his glasses again and taking a deep breath. "The math doesn't bode well."

He pauses, then, looking around for a moment. He observes the crowd around them, noting the people. "In any case... we made international news. We're *all over* the internet now. The Power Rangers are a big deal now," he remarks softly. "We're not just local legends now. We hit the big leagues by showing up here."

A pause. "Maybe that was her intention. Trying to draw attention to us. To make other organizations aware of us," he remarks softly. "So they'd take interest in us. I mean... it makes sense. There's international organizations... especially here in the United States... that may not exactly like how we just operate freely. Even in Canada," he remarks, "they may not exactly care for it."

Green Ranger has posed:
"Well, let's hope that isn't what she's after," Tommy replies with a soft chuckle. He reaches out and gives Billy's shoulder a squeeze. "Either way, good job on the teleporter adjustments. Really. It'll be a big help." He lets his arm drop again before he turns to glance at the exhibit again.

"Well, honestly, our skills and abilities put us on even footing with a lot of the big leaguers out there...and that's without even bringing our Zords into the conversation. I think it's about damn time." He glances over at Billy with a lopsided grin. "If they come to cause us trouble we'll deal with it. For now, we just have to hope they see us for what we are."

Blue Ranger has posed:
"Let's hope," Billy replies, smiling a little bit at the hand on his shoulder. He reaches up, patting the hand lightly in return. Even after being friends with Tommy for a year or so, and getting used to the way the fellow Ranger operated, he was still awkward about how he dealt with physical contact with other people.

Letting his hand drop back down, he glances back toward the exhibit, and he studies it, before beginning to speak again. "In the meantime," he begins, breathing in and sighing, "I'd like to continue investigating. The teeth that Rita used to summon her monster was new. Typically, she has Finster build her monsters from clay," he explains, "but this time, she summoned it herself. She also had help," he adds. "She contracted someone... someone *here,*" he adds, "to provide an overwatch."

Green Ranger has posed:
"I trust you to know what you need to do, man," he replies about Billy wanting to investigate more. "You're good at putting the pieces together..." He trails off when he hears about Rita summoning in a new way, and he clenches his jaw when he discovers she has been hiring humans. "...That is new. And bad." He takes a deep breath and spends a brief moment calming himself. Rita is a tough subject for him, as he spent a decent amount of time as her magical killer.

"So, you plan on staying in New York for awhile, then? I'm going to stay based in Angel Grove, of course, and I hope you can still make the weekly training sessions. But...I see the need. I'd get in your way when it comes to something like this, and we both know that. If anything turns violent, though, contact me. I can be here almost instantly now."

Tommy might not be a genius (Though he is far from an imbecile), but he is devastatingly skilled in combat.

Blue Ranger has posed:
"At least a couple of more days, I think. Jason and Trini may head back before I do."

A pause, and Billy smiles a little bit. "I... appreciate your confidence, Tommy. I really do." He breathes in, and begins to nod, then, smiling some. "My parents think I'm visiting colleges here in New York. So, they've sent me some spending money to get by with until I come home," he explains, laughing a little. "It works out." He grins, shrugging slightly. "I'll make do. And I should be back in Angel Grove by the end of the week with *some* sort of findings," he remarks.

"If not, I'll at least have something to show for the trip. It can't be a complete waste. Right?" He grins.

Green Ranger has posed:
"If they poke me about anything, I'll give them the same story, then," the Green Ranger says with a nod. He reaches back to adjust his ponytail as he considers everything. "Even the smallest amount of information puts us ahead of where we are now, so...just do what you can. I'll keep an eye out back home to make sure she isn't trying to split our forces or anything like that. Also, there's this charity pie eating contest on Sunday, and I saw Bulk and Skull eyeing the flyers for it. So...somebody needs to keep an eye on -that- too." Ah, to be a Ranger. Some drama is small, and involves idiot bullies...some problems involve giant mecha.