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Latest revision as of 19:27, 3 March 2019

The Hunt Has Evolved
Date of Scene: 05 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Dread Wolf, Sabretooth

Dread Wolf has posed:

Normally, this would not be on Dread Wolf's radar...but, according to the archives of his people, a select many of the humans have somehow evolved past the sum of their parts. This is what bring's Dread Wolf here. For the challenge. To state that a Yautja is STILL the great hunter that all should fear.

His ship arrives in a rainforest....the jungle. Yautja prefer tropical climates, and when Dread Wolf walks out? He looks to his gauntlet in no hurry, cloaking his spaceship...and heading out into the jungle after climbing a tree...and despite the size of this alien monster, he makes no sound.

The Hunt is on.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor Creed has been sent down to the rainforests of Brazil along the Amazon River. There is supposedly a smuggling train making its way through the jungle and sending a new drug up to the US and across the sea. He was paid to come down here to find the train and shut it down with extreme prejudice, but keep it out of the press.

    Victor is making his way through the jungle quietly much like a jaguar might in this enviroment. There are so many different scents hitting him right now that Victor is taking it slow as he tries to sift through them in order to find the one he wants. He is dressed in a OG green tank top, web belt around his middle with various pouches, BDU pants, and combat boots. He looks like he is soaked in sweat so he has been moving through this jungle for a while.

Dread Wolf has posed:
The classic Vision switch.

Thermal Vision. Regular Vision. Back to Thermal. Dread Wolf narrows those alien eyes behind his mask, and he appears to be moving swiftly throug hthe jungle....until it finds Victor. It stays a fairly good distance away, watching the mutant like a hawk.

Where was he going?

Time to find out.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor finds himself on the banks of the Amazon although this is more a tributary than the main river at this point. He growls as he loses the scent he had been focusing on as he hits the moving water. He crouches down on the bank almost looking like a great cat sitting back on his haunches as he looks across to the other side of the river. The sun is getting low in the west and the shadows are growing longer now. With Dread Wolf down wind of him, Victor has smelled him getting closer as of yet.

Dread Wolf has posed:
Dread Wolf perches on a tree, looking down at Victor. Memorizing his movements...his attitude. Then those eyes shift ahead, to the supposed target of the Sabretooth. But perhaps, Sabretooth would hear a bit of a...clicking sound? the sound of Dread Wolf's mandibles chattering in thought, though mostly blocked and nullified by his bio-mask.

Dread Wolf starts moving once again, perhaps not yet performing an action to see what this opponent's fighting style is like. He heads around the compound to get a better look...and perhaps? Steal a human to see if they still bleed the same.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor looks like he is about to cross the river when he stops. He freezes and lifts his head as if he heard something. He remains perfectly still as bugs buzz around, birds and monkeys cry out in the tries, and fish make noise in the water. He holds his pose for a few moments longer before he releases the tension. He crouches lower for a moment and then leaps over the stream to land just outside a number of huts. There is no movement coming from them yet but Victor moves quietly towards the closest one, lifting his nose up to get a scent reaquirred after getting over the stream.

Dread Wolf has posed:
Dread Wolf moves across the trees, not a sound to be made minus his breathing, but the mask easily nullifies that sound as well. He crawls down a tree, and on top of the local guard tower. Is this thing HELPING Victor? or simply taking out competition?

Dread Wolf doesn't want anyone stealing his kill. So, he reaches down...and he yanks one of the guards up and into the forest! a scream echoing throughout the compound.

No one knows where that guard went.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor lifts his head again and turns in the direction of the scream. He can see in the dark and had spotted the guard tower, but was sticking to the shadows to hide from the sentries. Now, it appears someone else is here as well. He lifts his head again and sniffs at the air, slowly moving towards the guard tower. His gaze moves up into the trees, looking for movement.

Dread Wolf has posed:
Well, that guard? Yeah...Sabretooth might start hearing the sound of something..being peeled? a hook being placed...and then, the horror begins.

A skinned carcass falls from one of the many tall, tall trees, before the fall is yanked to a stop, a robe or wire around the feet. Then the camouflage seems to end for a moment, showcasing the Predator in all it's glory, before it looks at Sabretooth...and disappears again.

It's coming for him.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor isn't usually startled by the sight of skinned bodies, but he wasn't expecting this one. He takes a step backwards as the corpse falls even though he gets some blood and gore on him at the sudden stop. He narrows his eyes as he looks back at the tree tops and sees the Predator appear and then disappear. Victor growls under his breath and crouches down. As the Predator disappears, he leaps up into the trees and works on catching the Predator's scent. Invisible or not, he has to smell.

Dread Wolf has posed:
Victor will be able to smell the Predator. It's a foreign scent. Something that shouldn't be there, but is. The Predator was cloaked...and seemed to be strining Victor along perhaps.

That is, until a large shuriken-like projectile is FLYING at Victor! perhaps to cut down the branch Victor was on to bring him down to ground level. Because not many humans are brave or stupid enough to climb up to Dread Wolf's turf.

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Gotcha," Victor says quietly as he isolates the scent of the Predator. He smiles wide enough to flash his fangs and his claws extend a bit from the tips of his fingers. He digs into the branch he is sitting on and looks ready to move when the flying star comes at him. The branch below him is cut with speed and precision, but Victor is able to grab a branch above him and swing towards the Predator, boots out, as he tries to kick at where the Predator smells to be.

Dread Wolf has posed:
Heh...Sabretooth is good. He'll find his feet make contact with something invisible, and it sure as hell wasn't a tree. But in terms of trying to knock the Predator off his perch? Well, it feels like Victor probably just hit a brick wall as the Predator looks now to Victor, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and growling in his face, before trying to jump off the tree, and slam him against the ground.

No one else was around, too scared at the skinned corpse to even come close to where Dread Wolf and Victor were at.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor was expecting to knock the figure and when it hits the solid, he is surprised. He almost loses grip of the tree, but then the PRedator is grabbing him. Victor snarls and swipes with his claws towards the grip on his shirt, trying to cut the unseen assaliant. He is then thrown down to the ground where he hits with a huff and thump of his breath being knocked out of him. He is pushing himself up onto his hands and knees as he tries to regain his breath.

Dread Wolf has posed:
As Victor slices at the Predator, he seems to catch some small amount of blood! It glows green...like it's completely alien. That should give Victor some idea of what he's up against. Though now that it's a one on one fight? THe Predator ends his cloak, growling at Victor as it starts to be...removing gear? or deactivating it. But, the main part of the hour? the Helmet. Once that's removed, Victor sees his enemy in full.

And it roars a deafening roar at him.

Predator vs. Predator.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor makes it back to his feet and backs away from the tree slowly so he can get a good look at his foe. His claws extend fully now and he roars back sounding like a lion echoing through the jungle. He throws his arms to either side, tensed and ready to pounce. "Bring it, Ugly!" he roars as watches the helmet drop to the ground.

Dread Wolf has posed:
Just as Dread Wolf is about to Charge, two men were brave enough to follow the chaos. Firing automatic weapons at the alien in fear, the Predator doesn't even look bothered by it, instead turning half-way to fire the wrist-blades on his right hand at his enemies! cutting them clean in half and killing them instantly.

Now, back to Victor for honorable combat. He charges Victor, and seems to try and throw him through the tree behind him! Raw power and all.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor is more than just a blunt instrument. As the Predator charges, he leaps forward in an attempt to get over the attack. As he lands, he swings with his claws trying to rake the back of the Predator. He glances towards the dead men after they are shot, but as he was here to kill them anyway, he won't lose sleep.

Dread Wolf has posed:
The Predator howls in pain as Victor gets a more clean shot. but he'll notice his claws arn't cutting very deep. So, in response, the Predator will swing his clawed fingertips at Victor! trying to gauge him across the chest and/or face.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Sucker is faster than he looks. Victor isn't ready for the return swing. He tries to jump backwards but the claws rack across his chest, ripping his shirt, and drawing gouges into his chest. Victor growls, but the Predator can see the wounds already beginning to close and heal. The blood stays on his chest, but it is getting harder to see where it came from. "No quarter then." He growls and tenses. Suddenly, he drops to all fours and leaps forward as he attempts to tackle the Predator and drive him into the ground.

Dread Wolf has posed:
Victor is sliced! and Dread Wolf seems to take pride in such a feat. He was quick and he was strong. He roars at Sabretooth as he growls, and leaps at him ferally, though the Predator is experienced, and lunging happens to him all the time. So what to do? He grabs him in mid-air and tries to smash him into a tree hard enough to maybe break his back!

Test the limits of that healing factor...that is, unless Victor can counter this.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Damn. Victor can usually bowl over an opponent fairly easily with his quick charge, but the Predator is ready. As Victor is caught, he brings up his arms over his head as he hits the tree. The sound of cracking wood and falling timber echo in the jungle and birds suddenly explode around them flying away from the fight with angry calls. Victor rolls over and gets to his feet. He reaches down and picks up the fallen tree, swinging it like a club towards the Predator.

Dread Wolf has posed:
The Predator watches Victor just get knocked straight through a tree. He growls. "Strong....Human." Predator says in honor of his opponent, before a tree is swung at him! The Predator brings his arms up, getting smashed by it and flying backwards, but he rolls to his feet quickly. Takes a stone, and chucks it with FORCE at Victor's head, It could take a chunk out of him even if it doesn't hit his head...like his shoulder, or something.

That is...unless Victor has a mind to dodge.

Sabretooth has posed:
    And yes, Victor does have the mind to duck. He drops the tree and drops into a crouch to let the rock fly over his head. He hears the whistle and knows that thing had some speed on it. This alien is no joke. He looks like he is about to rush forward, but rather ducks to the side and into the brush as he will attempt to get around the Predator quickly and out of sight.