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Forging Some Answers
Date of Scene: 10 March 2019
Location: R and D Labs - The Triskelion
Synopsis: Forge examines Samantha and Nyx and manages to freak Samantha out.
Cast of Characters: Forge, Nyx

Forge has posed:
Forge was contacted by SHIELD, and it was, unfortunately, something of a while before Forge was able to extract himself from the other important projects he was buried in. But he's come, finally, to do several tasks at SHIELD, including to check in and get a read on a particular young lady with a tech problem.

Skimming the briefing, Forge considers it, and reviews some of the materials available, before heading into the facility where Samantha is being kept. He adjusts his own technology, as he is expecting she may try to hack, using one of his newer security sequences. Forge is wearing tech: he has two cybernetic limbs, but their interfaces are physical in nature only, they can't be used remotely. The security on them otherwise? Forge's tech is a maze of confusion that shouldn't work: like programming a device ass-backwards and yet somehow because of bugs, it does what Forge wants. Most everything he makes (that's personal tech) confuses the hell out of others, like there's a touch of magic and coincidence to it somehow.

Finally he enters the room, datapad in hand, smile relaxed. Forge is a quiet personality, reserved and, despite his muscluar frame, usually not threatening. He looks more like just another agent, a 'good cop' type maybe, except that he's dressed somewhat casually for the cold weather, in tones of gray, and has a black glove to cover his prosthetic hand.

Nyx has posed:
For the second day in a row Samantha finds herself in R&D instead of her clean room in Medical where she has been put up for weeks now.

A long term resident of Hotel Black Eagle.

She is sitting on one of the workbenches in a lab that is purposely without any technology in it, despite it being R&D. There are a lot of mobile units, scanners, etc that can be wheeled in as needed.

Phil, her usual escort (except when he isn't) is in full tactical SHIELD gear and standing in the hallway running babysit duty on Samantha.

when another new face comes in Sam looks up and cocks her head to the side. She could be sitting in one of the chairs, but honestly she got antsy waiting for the appointment. She does have a popular mechanics in her hands, magazine someone found to keep the teenager entertained while she was waiting.

That smile cast her way does get a smile in return, though her eyes drift down to your hand and then to the leg that aren't real despite them being covered, it is a guileless peering with no attempt to hide the fact she is glancing at them. "Uh Hi." is finally offered and eye contact is re-established. "You the specialist?"

Forge has posed:
"I am," Forge answers, approaching, indifferent about where she's sitting or how, by the look of him. He's just very calm about the whole thing. But that's a normal ambiance for Forge: taking problems one at a time, in a thoughtful way. "I'm Forge," he introduces himself simply, no other names are forthcoming. "I've been asked to come have a look at what's going on with you and your tech. Mind if I sit?" he asks, with a gesture towards the chairs, his manner serene. She doesn't bother him, from all appearances. He's watching her in return, though: and Forge's gaze sees a very large amount.

The mutant can look into a system, into a piece of tech, and determine use, upgrades, schematics flood his head: it's a benefit but also distracting. He deals with it in his way, sifting through it. "I see you've noticed I have some particular upgrades to my body too, from injuries in my past," Forge says, open and direct. He isn't offended, by his tone. "They bother some people; I usually keep them covered for that reason."

Nyx has posed:
Lots of stuff comes into view when she is looked at like that. Some of the systems are online and active, some are in passive or an offline sort of mode right now.

Her eyes, well, they are extremely modified. Which is how the young woman noticed your modifications. They seem to be a full cybernetics sensor array, crammed into a very small pair of objects. Everything from infrared, nightvision, radar, telescopic, microscopic, energy sensors, and more. Which really explains the 20/5 vision on her file from the medical tests. A whole lot of things that would be very hard to fit in eyes, cybernetically enhanced in the young girl with alien technology.

Also the weapon platform in her arms, has a shunt, or redirect to her eyes. Highly probable that she could fire the same beams detailed in her file that she does from her hands out of her eyes if she knew how to do it. Conventional technology is lightyears behind this stuff. It's comparing modern rifles to the first thrown rock in comparison.

"I did.. I think .. it's kind of like Agent Murphy's back implant. There is some sort of power source in your leg and your hand, not as big as the one in his back though." she blushes. "Sorry if I was staring.. I ..well I'm really not sure what I am looking at half the time." another pause. "Sorry you were hurt." she seems to mean it too.

All of the systems are very complex and interconnected by threads of alien alloy that seem to conduct energy, a lot of energy, but each could be parsed like her eyes with study, even the powersource in her chest.

Forge has posed:
Since Sam doesn't say no to his question, Forge takes a seat at the workbench, resting his tablet to one side within his own easy reach, as well as that forearm. "Well, I don't need my devices described to me; I built them. I know what's in them," Forge teases her. And also, in a subtle way, letting her know that he's a technological person: not just someone wearing them. "But staring does not bother me. I am sorry for the situation around what caused the injury, myself," Forge says, with a softened depth to it. He is deeply sorry, but isn't bringing in the baggage of his limb loss for now.

"More specifically, I am able to tell what is going on with your vision, or other features," Forge says simply. He's extremely direct: hopefully SHIELD realized that when they sent him in here. Forge and his Facts. "But I want to know if any of it is physically troublesome for you, and what you want from SHIELD, and myself. Is it information? Is it return to what you were? Something else? This is /your/ body, and your future." Forge quiets, his dark eyes serious.

Nyx has posed:
"Oh.. um..." that actually has Samantha pretty surprised. "I'm not really sure what I want entirely matters at the end of the day.. I mean... " she frowns at the thought. "I think they might offer me a job.. or you know prosecution at this point. I don't think a job would be the worst thing in the world even though I may be a pretty bad spy.. not really subtle or an expert in anything. It is a lot better than being on the run or in jail though and the people have mostly been pretty nice, if nervous here."

"I guess information is good... it's pretty clear a lot of stuff has happened to me since that night in the park but I don't really understand most of it. Like could I even go back to being the way I was if I wanted to.. and I'm not sure I do really" she blinks "Wait what about my vision?" like that for instance, no real understanding.

The power source in her chest is extreme based on the flow of power through the various systems. It is also taking up the space where her heart should be. A small stars worth of energy held together with advanced magnetic containment. That can't be healthy for any efforts on restoring her to normal.

Also what is left that is normal. There isn't a major organ or system that isn't at least mildly threads with the alien alloys and techno-organics. Her dermis is definitely not human though it looks remarkably like it. Her arms are full replacements, bones are really dense superstructures to support the really advanced particle beam canons, that should not be able to function as short as they are, if not for the power source that is.

Another series of shunts seem to go to the girl's back, shoulders of some sort. Propulsion system that is not in her file yet at all. She either can likely move very fast or maybe even fly.

Forge has posed:
"In a nutshell, a large amount of your body has been replaced by techno-organic alien matter and systems," Forge says, direct and to the point. "I do not see a good way to remove the arrays for now, though research could be done on it; restoring biological flesh isn't my area," Forge winks some. He would have grown a new hand!

"A nullification or restriction device could be made if you are uncomfortable or cannot control your abilities, and could also make SHIELD less jumpy about you, so that you could have more freedoms." He's confident about that, or at least appears so.

"It could also restrict the change-over into tech; that concerns me a little: that it may be continuing." Forge clears his throat and opens the tablet, starting to put in lists of what he's seeing, notes, and so on. He isn't hiding it from her.

Nyx has posed:
There is a slow blink from Samantha there at that bit of information download. Wait what.

The young woman continues to listen pretty numb as he keeps talking about options and her situation there. Tryng to formulate thoughts that are a whole lot more complicated all of a sudden.

While Samantha is quiet Nyx is suddenly very active having mostly been processing a billion other things in the background. The talk about nullification or restriction as well as restricting the progress with the host is enough to get its attention. It focuses on Forge, the optical array very active, though no network is sensed so there is no attempt to remote hack his cybernetics, it would require touch and Nyx does not want to start that conflict with Forge right now.

Still the AI becoming very active reveals the AI systems and presence, lighting up the network array around the 'Heart' of the system and Samantha's brain which looks to have been partially co-opted for processing power and enhanced a lot.

"I uh... wait.. I mean I know I got like.. particle beam guns and I'm strong.. but what do you mean replaced by alien systems... " yeah Samantha didn't really understand. "Like.. I'm not a person anymore or ... what do you mean??"

Forge has posed:
Forge watches the changes in his calm way. He wishes he had his goggles for a moment, but pulling that tech from his thigh right now wouldn't probably make her react very well and may even be seen as agressive, so he doesn't do any of that. He simply rests at the table, watching her and her other systems process and respond to his words.

"In no way did I say you were not a person," Forge says firmly. "I said that you have an alien technology in your body. It may advance, or it may not. I'm seeing some signs from how it is arrayed that it may advance. Until it communicates with me, I have to treat it as something that is potentially separate from your best interest."

Nyx has posed:
The girl looks very worried about this. "Oh.. um.. okay good.. I think?" she really isn't sure at all as she chews her lower lip in an obvious nervous habit. "I .. just want to be happy." she notes worried "I don't want to hurt anyone .. I just .. I don't even know what to do you know?"

Nyx is still very active, then Sam blinks and gestures a bit. "How can it communicate with you if it can. The people here don't want me messing around with computers or networked devices at all without being told to?"

Forge has posed:
"This is a clean datapad, beyond the notes I've made about what's going on with you," Forge says, and pushes it across the table. It isn't high tech, or all that special. And besides, Forge would be able to watch her interact with it, and it's worth seeing. "What can you make of it? Does holding it do anything?" Forge asks.

While not frustrated, without the girl knowing anything, the whole situation is very hard. Like dealing with any number of explosive mutants with amnesia. Not something he usually deals with. Comptuers are so much better.

Nyx has posed:
It's true, and the girl's background means she doesn't really grok the scientific explanations. It really is a teenager handed weapons of mass destruction. Which isn't dissimilar from mutants.

"Okay..." she really wants the datapad, though for the life of her Sam doesn't know why. Still she accepts it and then tilts it up facing Forge.

A new document window opens on it's own and text appears rapidly on it. ~We will not tolerate you turning us or the girl off, nor restricting our powers. So what do you want to know.~

Sam can't even see the text appearing in the file right now. Her touch though compromised the tablet and took control of it, rooting it basically and she is interfacing with it directly. Technokinesis.

Forge has posed:
There we go. Forge looks quietly at the tablet. "Hold the tablet there for now, please. Try to breathe and relax, Sam," Forge instructs.

"What is it you do want, then? We are curious about you, as is the girl," Forge answers the AI verbally. "It is not my preference to restrict your powers, unless you aim destruction on others."

Nyx has posed:
Sam blinks and almost drops the tablet when Forge talks to it like that, but she can't really move her arm right now, which is also a bit disconcerting to the young woman. "Uh..um."

~Curiousity seems to be a trait of your species. You should follow your preference so there is no conflict. Our aims are not to harm the girl or your species. We are improved together and she is necessary for our function. We are observing your species.~

Forge has posed:
"So an informational and scouting capacity," translates Forge, with a simple nod. "Curiousity seems to be a trait of yours as well, then," says the perceptive inventor with a direct, meaningful look.

"What is the phase after the initial observation?" Forge queries. "If our interests align, I can help you with your observation."

Nyx has posed:
Sam fidgets a little bit, with her other hand and her feet swaying. She isn't entirely good with this.

~Point made. Observation is our task. We gather and classify and blend to do such. Probe Protocols if that is helpful. Once complete we may move on to observe another sphere.~

Forge has posed:
Forge isn't good with it either, but there's not a lot here.

"Sam," Forge addresses her now, "Are you able to read what's on this tablet?" he questions her gently. Perhaps proof to the girl via what she's actually printing is the best route. "I suggest you communicate with the girl," Forge adds gently to the AI. "As it is ultimately her choices I need to take into account, for her wellbeing." He looks to Sam, trying to meet her eyes. A flutter of something non-technical is there: Forge is more than tech, he's 'other', as well. But he suppresses it.

"Is there anything else I should know, and can take to my people, or SHIELD?" he asks the AI as well, starting to get up from his chair. "Would you prefer to keep the datapad?"

Nyx has posed:
Sam focuses a bit and yeah the same control over the pad lights up, though it is slightly different in the protocols when Sam is accessing the datapad. "Oh.. well fuck." yeah Sam just cussed a bit and she looks even more uncomfortable in her own skin now. Other is a good description for how she is feeling. "It's in my head?"

~Fine. We were concerned she would not handle this knowledge well but you have made that moot. We need each other to function. I will communicate with her. You may take the datapad with your notes.~ at that Sam pulls her hand back from it leaving it there on the table.

Forge has posed:
Forge shrugs a little; the AI could have refused or negated what he said, but Forge, ever the open truthteller, chose this route. "I will take that is a no, to my question," Forge sighs, and looks at the datapad. "If you do not need it, all right." Forge looks to Sam, now. "Samantha," he says to her quietly, "I'm going to talk over with SHIELD what I've seen. But if you need to know anything else from me, or need help, call for me. Forge. All right?" he says gently. "I can teach you some ways that are non-invasive to help be calm, and work through this. I'll do what I can to protect you." He looks to the guard, and then starts to move to the door.

Nyx has posed:
"I ... really don't want to be locked up forever or have them decide to stick me in some hole Forge. That scares the hell out of me." Samantha seems to be pretty up front about this, but then who wouldn't feel the same way. Also there is a non-zero chance that could be attempted if things were decided in a bad way for the girl.

Forge has posed:
"I can understand that. I hope this entity within you will not act in such a manner that steps in that direction need to be made," he says, soothingly, though Forge's 'sooth' is mostly just his calm, rational way of speaking. "I'll see what I can learn of what SHIELD feels about this," he says. He looks at her now, and nods once. "Goodbye for now, Samantha."