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Latest revision as of 17:17, 14 March 2019

Movin' On Up
Date of Scene: 14 March 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School, and a beach in Genosha
Synopsis: Four of the Stepford Cuckoos depart for Emma's academy while Esme stays behind. Blink opens a portal to a Genoshan beach for Rogue and Bobby to enjoy a quick swim. Negasonic, Sam and Erika discuss training.
Cast of Characters: Stepford Cuckoos, Rogue, Blink, Iceman, Cannonball, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Souvenir

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    Having just dropped off a final errand on their way out, the Cuckoos were headed towards the door, stopping next to the stair case to grab their thick coats, puffy and furr lined, the girls slip them on over their school outfits (For another school) and zip them up, each lifting behind their heads to pull the hood up and frame their faces magnificently.

    The five reach back to grab their rolling suitcases and start on their last time through the front door.

Rogue has posed:
The front doors pop open and a girl on a hoverboard, dressed in denim jeans, a denim jacket with a red life preserver vest on overtop of it comes flying inside the mansion! Right out of the eighties, the pink hoverboard beneath her feet carries down the front foyer steps and right toward the Cuckoos!

But before she reaches them, she comes to a sudden stop and drops one foot down off of the pink hoverboard, then reaches up to remove her sunglasses. She looks at the Cuckoos and just grins. "Far out, Five Sugahs all together." Rogue McFly says to them.

She'd just come back from an eighties part in Salem Center, its possible she's a little tipsy too.

Blink has posed:
The hallway from the kitchen has someone passing down it. The purple and magenta-haired mutant, a little older than most of the school students, but not by much, has walked with a soft step and stayed out of most people's way. Even after hearing that it was ok for her to be inside the school.

Today is no different. She waits for classes to be done and students to be off in the rooms before emerging from the kitchen, carrying a mug of coffee. With whip cream on top. And chocolate sprinkles.

Hey, you have a fully stocked kitchen? You use it.

As Blink sees the commotion up ahead, she stops a little uncertainly to see what is going on.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    "The girls stand still, watching Rogue's show but as she comes closer, all their eyes turn a solid white shade and the closest girl, Sophie, lifts her hand as if she was going to be able to stop Rogue with just her hand. Thankfully Rogue stops herself and the clones all return to normal, their eyes fading back to their vibrant blues. "Why are you dressed like a boy from the 90's?" Sophie asks as she lowers her hand back to her side and straightens her skirt that had been mussed by the gust off Rogue's speed.

    The two girls near the back, closer to Clarice, turn their attention simultaneously and lock eyes with the new mutant, but they don't address her, not yet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just steps off of the hoverboard then and kicks it up into the air where she clutches it with her right hand and drops it down to her side. She grins at the question from the girls and she shrugs her shoulders. "Why the hell not?" She asks in response. "And it was the eighties, not the nineties. I went to an Eighties Party at the bowlin' alley in Salem Center. If ya had a costume on, they let ya drink for free. So I borrowed this stuff from one'a the students here."

She doesn't see Blink at this point, she just keeps her eyes on the girls and she grins at them all. "I ain't seen none'a you for a long time. Where ya been hidin'?" She asks them, knowing that they're psychics of some power level, but she's not really sure how strong.

Blink has posed:
Blink's lips draw back in a soft smile as she takes in Rogue's appearance, and the hoverboard. It's a simple, warm smile, that touches the green eyes, though no one might have noticed.

Or maybe someone does. Clarice notices the two blonde students turning her way. Looking towards her. Clarice raises her hand in a motionless wave of greeting towards them. She buries her attention in her mug of coffee then, sipping it as she continues to watch with little glances up.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    "We have not been hiding, we just do not go to the parties you do." Sophie replies to Rogue for the group, though that kind of party does sound intriguing to the girls, they don't seem to show it, though Esme in the back does look a bit longingly for a moment that she would have enjoyed that, but her face is quickly replaced with the matching Cuckoo look of stoicness.

    "Marie, you're one of the few girls who ever cared, so we're letting you know that we're moving out to go to school under Miss Frost. Her school sounded much more like something that would be better for us." Sophie says and again, Esme in the back has that moment where her face doesn't agree, but only briefly. Phoebe and Celeste keep their eyes on Clarice but again do not report anything about the new girl though they don't stay silent. "Did Miss Dane ever get a hold of Mister Summers or Miss Grey?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue didn't have a 'real' hoverboard, it was a fairly cheapish foam replica of the board from the movie. She was using her flight power to 'fake' the hovering part and boy did that entertain a lot of people at the bowling alley! She was also ID'd as an 'Avenger' member and that got her over the 21-requirement for drinking rewards, as everyone just assumed a member of the Avengers had to be 21... oh the perks never seem to stop!

"Well thats cause ain't none of ya have ever given me a numbah t'call ya with and let ya know when a good party is goin' down and when and where t'be, party girls." She says back to Sophie, though she means it to all of them.

"Frost's school?" Rogue then says, slowly scanning the whole of them, she softly nods. "Yeah, that might make a bit more sense for ya'll. I could see her... ya know, sharin' some similar ideals with ya." She holds her grin then. "Make sure t'tell I said 'Whats up?'." And she says that in a very saucy/flirty sort've way, for some reason. Mostly because thats just Marie.

Its then that Rogue notices the two Cuckoos looking to Clarice and she looks over to see the girl too, raising a hand to wave at her. "Miss Dane?" Rogue asks, her eyes going back to them. "Who the hell is Miss Dane?" She doesn't know Lorna's last name.

Blink has posed:
Blink was indeed wondering about the hoverboard, though she still doesn't realize how it was working. Given the kinds of things that happen around a place like this, she can't discount it could be a working one. Clarice looks over as Phoebe and Celeste speak to her. "Yes, it's my understanding it's ok for me to accompany the princess here," Clarice says softly.

The mutant's green irises track over to Rogue. "Her Highness, Princess Lorna Dane, of Genosha," Clarice supplies for Rogue. Sounding something close to formal. And then ruining it by wiggling her fingers towards her head. "Green hair. Magnetic powers. Polaris," she offers, having no idea if Rogue has any idea who Lorna is.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    Phoebe points towards Clarice without looking to verify her words. "The second sentence is what Rogue would be looking for. Royalty is stupid." Phoebe says, thinking monarchy is dumb and that those born into it and flaunt it are equally useless, but maybe that's because they're not princesses and are incredibly jealous. "We're not concerned with the moral views of Miss Frost, we had an encounter with her last night were our mental signatures were very similar and she offered us a chance to grow under her tutalege and that is an offer we can not refuse." Phoebe notes one last time, though again, Esme looks away, shyly before looking back at Rogue like two of her sisters have been while the other two keep a focus on Clarice.

Rogue has posed:
As Blink approaches and speaks, Rogue idly listens to her response and the Cuckoos as well. "Oh, shit, yeah, Green Peace... I know Lorna. She's amazin'. Way cooler of a person than I am."

Meanwhile, one of the notorious middle schoolers at Xavier's approach Rogue, he's a heavy-set kid nick named 'Hambone'. He's got a Dr. Pepper in one hand, a striped black and white shirt like the hamburglar on and a pair of khaki shorts. "Rogue." He says. "Can I try that hover board out?" He sounds a bit nervous to be talking to the college-level Anna-Marie, with the five Cuckoos there AND Blink... thats a lot of pretty girls afterall.

"Sure, sugah." Rogue says to him with a grin as she tosses it to him. "Just slip your foot in and then jump forward on it."

Rogue then looks back to Blink and she grins at her. "How you been doin?" She asks her. "Did ya know the Cuckoos are leavin' us?" She looks back to the five girls. "I'm gonna miss ya'll."

Meanwhile, Hambone is struggling to slip the board over one of his sneakers... then he gets ready... balances himself on one foot.... then LEAPS forward. He, and the hoverboard, just slap back down into the ground, and he spills some of his Dr. Pepper.

Blink has posed:
Blink's brows draw down just a little bit at the mention of royalty being stupid. She doesn't make any waves though, not responding to the comment, not saying anything until Rogue addresses her. "No, I did not. I only arrived with Princess Lorna recently," Rogue says back to Rogue quietly.

Her eyes go to Hambone, watching with curiosity as he is about to give the hoverboard a try. As he leaps forward and then nearly falls, Clarice moves a hand to cover her mouth, trying to keep the impressionable boy from seeing the grin that she couldn't hold back.

At least not at first. Clarice manages to straighten her expression and says, "It was a good first try," to the younger man.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The Cuckoo's watch Rogue and Clarice, though Sophie turns her head to watch 'Hambone' and she frowns at the boy and they decide to cheat with a faint smirk drawing acorss Esme's face. <<Go ahead and run to your room, we will cover you.>> The girls send to the boy's mind and as he jumps the next time, Rogue and Clarice will see him stay in the air, and hover, holding his balance precariously, but he's hovering. He then starts to move forwrd by pushing his foot off the ground and he zooms about before turning down the hall and out of site. "Oh. He did it." Sophie says, still looking in that direction.

Rogue has posed:
"Hey, its broken!" Hambone says initially, and one of the highschool seniors, Mike McDonnel walks by with a couple of his friends and comments over to the plump kid. "You broke it, Fatty." This makes the spunky Hambone look up quickly and spit back at the older kid. "Yo, screw you, McDouche!" But then, the Cuckoo in his head makes him look around wildly before he tries it out and it suddenly works? "Whoah!" He says. "Badass, Rogue!"

Rogue was about to reply to Clarice when she heard Ham's words, she looks back at him to see him floating... and this makes her eyes squint. It takes her a second before she sweeps her green gaze over to the Cuckoo who's making all of this happen and now she's just grinning at her. "Nice." Rogue quietly says. "See, this is why I'm gonna miss ya'll. You guys think on my level... Well. Somtimes."

Rogue now regards Blink again. "How long you gonna be around here?" She asks of her then.

Blink has posed:
Blink continues to watch, frowning a little bit at the exchange between Hambone and the new boys who arrive. The events continue, Clarice not seeming to realize any psychic illusions are fooling her perceptions. "Wow, you've got it!" Clarice says in a joyful voice, clapping for Hambone as he rides it on down the hallway.

She turns and looks back, a soft-hearted smile on her face as Rogue begins talking to her. Clarice brushes a few strands of purple hair behind her ear. Previously covered by her hair, the movement reveals her ears are rather pointed, like an elf. Or Mr. Spock. "I am not quite certain," Clarice says, tone modest as the older student addresses her. "As long as she needs me. I'm to provide security for Her Highness. And to aid her in traveling about easily," Clarice says quietly in response. "I just heard it was alright for me to be here, but I don't know what Princess Lorna's plans are," she says.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    Esme smiles faintly, she doesn't want to go, she's going to miss this when Sophie releases a soft sigh and like air being pushed out of someone's lungs, the girl's separate, severing Esme's connection to the hive, it was something they were considering and it makes sense, why not have at least one sister here, just in case. They all turn and give Esme a soft hug before the five of them turn to address Rogue and Clarice. "You are in charge of royalty yes, you should teach Rogue a few things, because we're putting Esme in your care." Sophie says before she nods, and the three others grab their rolling baggage and start to walk towards the door.

Rogue has posed:
Hambone moves on down the hallway with the fake hoverboard that Rogue borrowed from another kid... who may never get it back now... But thats fine. She'll buy him a better one anyway.

With her green eyes still on Blink, Rogue nods her head softly once. "Well I hope ya both stick around for awhile. Though I hear stories of Genosha bein' quite a swell place..." She grins at her own use of the word swell, because she's like that, likes to make little jokes. "I mean it though, I heard it has beaches'n tropics... I'm assumin' it has half naked men in above average shape who'll serve ya fruity colored icy drinks too. But I may have interjected that part inta my own imaginations on the place."

Her hands go into the pockets on that red life preserver vest she's got on as part of her Back to the Future Marty costume.

The... ceremony? That the Cuckoos just did? Yeah it draws Rogue's attention and she looks at the ones who start to leave, and then looks to Esme. "What... was that?" She has to ask.

Blink has posed:
Clarice hesitates a moment before saying, "The order of command sort goes the other way around with royalty. But... ah, well, I'm sure you'll be happy here," Clarice says to the member of the Cuckoos who appears to be staying, giving her a friendly enough smile.

Everyone is standing on the main foyer. A couple of other students pass through, though mostly it's Rogue, the five blond haired students, and Clarice. Clarice takes a sip of her coffee, topped with whip cream and chocolate sprinkles. She says to Rogue, "Oh, it's gorgeous. The beaches are nice, and... there are quite a few cute guys, yes." Clarice gets a bit of a shy smile at that part. "If you'd like we can go there. If you're a friend of Lorna's I'm sure it'll be ok," Blink says with a friendly smile for Rogue. She offers her hand to the other woman. "I'm Clarice Ferguson. Though people call me Blink," she says.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    Esme steps up and stands close to Rogue, not used to the loneliness and silence, though she does look to Rogue calmly and smiles softly, hiding back tears in her eyes, "We decided that it's okay for me to stay." Esme says, giving Rogue and then Clarice a nod, "I'm Esme. I know you didn't know." She says with a half hearted smile, trying to break the tension as she fiddles with the zipper on her coat trying to occupy herself.

    The four Cuckoos are departing Xavier's to study under Emma Frost, while Esme has been allowed to stay at the school and then looks up to Clarice and asks shyly, "Would it be okay if I came too? That sounds wonderful."

Iceman has posed:
From down one of the hallways Bobby Drake emerges, chatting with a student. He's dressed for teaching in a sweater and khakis, "That's why math can be important. I'm not going to say that everybody needs it all the time, but it's nice to know how to do your own taxes. Anyway, good luck on the court. I hear you're going to need it." The young person he's speaking with chuckles a little bit and waves before heading in a different direction.

Drake spots Rogue chatting with the other young women and heads over their way, lifting his hand to give a quick wave. As a smile forms on his lips he says, "Hello ladies. Did I hear something about you going on a trip?" There's more than a hint of curiosity in his tone. "Is that where they're going?" He asks as he notices the four Cuckoos heading for the door.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue reaches her left arm up to wrap it around Esme's shoulders. She knows enough about the Cuckoos to have an idea of what just happened, even if its still soemwhat mysterious and arguably 'weird'. "I'm glad at least you're staying." Its true that she's not entirely sure which one this Cuckoo is... but she thinks she's sure its... yeah, she has no idea which it is.

At Clarice, Rogue's right hand extends out to shake, she's got a black glove on which is decidedly out of place for her Marty McFly costume she's got on. "Rogue." She says with a grin to Blink. "I don't think I'll be able t'get out that way till Summer vacation hits, but I sure as hell would like t'go. But with, college and... the Sentinels?" She shakes her head side to side. "Got a lot t'do here."

She then sweeps her gaze over to Bobby and gives him a flirty little smile, which is pretty much her usual smile. "Heya, Icy." She says to the man. "I like your sweater. Did ya steal that from Scott?"

Blink has posed:
Blink looks over to Esme as the young woman approaches, the purple and magenta highlighted hair along the edges of her face swaying with the motion. "I guess it should be, yes. If we were going to stay very long we should probably go let someone know. Or just make sure Her Highness is ok with it," Clarice tells Esme.

She turns to glance up as the teacher approaches. Blink isn't anyone that Bobby would have seen at the school before, apparently not a student, or a new one if so. The twenty-year-old looks over to Bobby at his question. "I was just offering to show them Genosha. The other four blonde-haired girls are going to some other school from now on?" Clarice says as if trying to be helpful. Though looking about uncertainly as if not sure if she have tried to answer that question for him.

Clarice looks back to Rogue. "Why would you have to wait... oh! Oh, no, you don't have to wait. I mean, anytime you have a few hours and want to go? I can just open a portal for us to step through and we'll be there. That's my mutant power," Blink explains.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    Esme tenses up beneath Rogue's arm as she knows about Rogue's mutation but she doesn't fight it, no instead Esme frowns and tells the group. "I'm going to go put my stuff back in my room." With that the blonde grabs her bag and starts rolling it back up the stairs and is going to get back to work decorating her quarters. "Nice to meet you Clarice."

Iceman has posed:
"Yeah, I figured I needed to look teachery today," Bobby replies to Rogue with a friendly grin. "Man's got all sorts of grown up clothes in his closet and you can only teach in t-shirts so often, or so I'm told."

Looking over at Blink Bobby opens his eyes wide with surprise, "Genosha? Is that where you're from? I don't remember seeing you around." He extends his right hand to offer a shake, "Bobby Drake. Math teacher extraordinaire."

The departing Cuckoos are given another look and there's a tiny frown on Bobby's face as he looks at Esme, "Take care."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches Esme move back toward the staircase up to the upper levels. "Hang out with me any time, okay? We can drive out and see your sisters whenever ya wanna go too."

A second or so later and Hambone comes running down the hallway, he hands the pink hoverobard back to Rogue and says simply. "It broke. Sorry." And then starts jogging again to the western hallway, trying to hold his khaki shorts up around his waistline as he goes.

"Th-thanks." Rogue says as she takes the board back from the kid. "Its just some fifteen dollar foam board from Walmart any how..." Holding the board at her side now, Rogue stares at Blink. "You can open... a portal, to a tropical island far far away?" She gives a glance to Bobby, then back to Blink. Slowly she grins. "Helloooo, new best friend."

Blink has posed:
Blink gets a small smile as Bobby seems interested in Genosha. She shakes his hand, the young woman giving him a soft, smile. "Clarice Ferguson. Or Blink as people call me too," she offers to him, not sure if he caught it earlier when she introduced herself to Rogue.

Clarice looks back to Rogue and gives a warm laugh that is near to a giggle. "Yes, it's really easy. Here, I can show you. Don't step through this one, I'm going to put it way up in the air above a beach to make sure I don't open it on top of someone, but you can look through it and we'll be looking down at the beach below."

Clarice moves to an open spot of hallway and then a shimmering circle rimmed with purple opens up. The portal in Genosha is about 50 feet up in the air, over the water and looking down at one of the island's beaches. She slanted the one in Genosha about 45 degrees down so they can see the ground easily. "There, that's a great place for swimming," she says with a smile. "Now I can see where's safe, I could open one right on the beach."

Iceman has posed:
"If you're going to a tropical paradise you probably need a chaperone, just to be on the safe side," Bobby says, sounding quite serious. That doesn't last very long, though, as he starts to grin, "I mean, I'd be willing to take that one for the team."

"Nice to meet you, Blink," the young man comments with amusement in his tone. Then he finds himself focusing on the portal and what lies on the other side. "Wow! That's a pretty handy power you've got!" A soft chuckle slips out, "Do you do dinners in Paris and stuff? Hang out at all the big parties in the UK?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just takes a step back as Clarice starts to prepare her 'trick' but when she actually performs it, Rogue can see just how damn impressive of a 'trick' it really is. "Holy hell." The southern belle says, craning her neck to look through the portal. She glances over to Blink again then. "I can fly, so I don't mind goin' through high-up... uh, gateways. But damn, Clarice. Thats a hellava thing you can do. We could really, uh, use your help around here." Does she know about the X-Men? Better safe than sorry on that topic...

Rogue's eyes go back to the beachscape then and she releases a little whine. "I wanna just run through now... I can smell the water." Its true, there's Genoshan air coming through that open gate now too and its making Rogue's white bangs flutter a bit haphazardly against the sides of her face... she lets her eyelids slip shut from the sensation of it.

After hearing Bobby's words, Rogue's eyes open again and she looks at him with a grin. "A'course you're comin' along. We need someone t'keep our drinks chilled, yeah?" She teases him a bit.

Blink has posed:
Clarice gets a bit of a bashful, pleased smile, as if she's not used to much attention being made about her powers. "Sure, I mean, as long as I've been somewhere it's fairly easy. Somewhere I haven't been, maps and photos and things can help me a lot."

She really does look pleased that they are excited as much as they are by what she can do. "Well, I'm here to help Princess Lorna. So as long as she's ok with it, I'm glad to help," Clarice says. "Come on, I'll open one a little more out of the way of the rest of the hall and we can go through," she says.

Clarice opens one right onto the beach at ground level, placed on this end so it's close to the wall, less chance anyone stumbles into the edges that way. It opens right on the beach. "Come on," she says with a smile, stepping through. The portal is tall enough they can walk through without ducking. THere's no feeling of travel, just like walking through  a doorway. With the new portal open, she closes the first which was in the middle of the hall.

Iceman has posed:
"Oh, drink chiller! I get all the important jobs," Bobby jokes, his natural good nature shining through as he winks at Rogue. Then he's back to looking through the portal, "I'm tempted to slide through, myself. Better not to disappear through portals in front of the troops..." Then Blink is suggesting making one out of the way and the Ice Man shuts his mouth. That's one issue alleviated.

"Blink, I think this is the beginning a beautiful friendship," Drake riffs off of Casablanca with ease as he looks around to make sure nobody's watching too closely. Stepping into the portal he lets out a laugh, "A guy can get used to this."

Rogue has posed:
Well you don't really have to ask her twice to go through a 'magical' doorway through space and time that instantly takes her out of late-winter New York State to... a tropical paradise half way around the world...

No, all Rogue does is set the faux-hoverboard down in a chair, then raeches up to take off the red vest and denim jacket she was wearing, before those get tossed onto the chair over the board. Leaving her in a tshirt and jeans, with some nike high tops she stole from Kurt's room, Rogue sets on to go through said portal after Bobby...

"A girl can too." She says in response as she instantly starts to peal her gloves off of he hands and forearms, tucking the black long gloves into a pocket on the side of her thigh.

Rogue looks back to Blink and grins at her. "Lorna's been holdin' out on us!" She says back to the controller of this crazy transportation power.

Blink has posed:
Blink has that shy, beautiful smile on her face as they both seem so pleased with the portal. "I hope it is," Clarice tells Bobby of the friendship comment. She slips off her boots and her jacket, now they are in the 85 degree weather. The time zone is off by quite a few hours as well, thankfully it's a beautiful sunny day there right now.

Clarice walks across the sand in her bare feet and smiles as she draws a deep breath. "Smells like home. The air in New York smells so different to me," she comments. Blink looks to Rogue and says, "Oh, well, I just was sent to Lorna the other day. Though I've known her most of my life. Or, not most of my life. I've known her since her father freed us," Clarice says, a smile growing a bit at that last part. "So you can fly? And you... you make things cold?" Clarice asks, first of Rogue, and then of Bobby.

Iceman has posed:
Once he's in the tropical wonderland Bobby peels off his sweater and looks around for a place to toss it. The sand is fine, and it ends up in a pile there. Shoes and socks are next, though the socks get put carefully into their shoes to keep sand out of them.

"New York's home to me and it still smells weird," the young man says as he looks around the beach, checking out his surroundings carefully. At Clarice's question Bobby nods his head, "Yeah. I'm a pretty cool guy." Get it? He continues towards the water, bending down to roll up his pant legs.

Rogue has posed:
Once through the portal, Rogue is staring at the water with her hands on her hips. She's wearing a white tshirt that is tucke dinto her beltless light blue jeans... she crouches down to start to pop her tennis shoes off and then those are tossed back behind her as she rises back to her feet.
Rogue looks back over to Clarice then and she cracks a grin at her. "Oh. I do a lot more than just fly, Sugah." She says. "Trust me on that." Then her eyes go back out to the water. "Speakin' a which, ya'll better keep your distance from me for awhile." And with that said, the southern belle starts toward the water, and her hands go to her hips. Its not but a few seconds later that her tshirt is pulled up and off of her body. She shakes her hair out from the garment and then tosses it aside too. She's got the black strap of an undergarment on keeping her decent at least!

She doesn't stop there either as she's still headed toward the water and her jeans are gone next, same black matching style of garment on keeping her decency down there... and those wadded up jeans are tossed away to her side... but its not a second later that she SHOOTS UP INTO THE AIR! And once she's about fifty feet into it? She just drops... into a knife-like dive that leads her splashing down into the ocean waters and vanishing!

Blink has posed:
Blink smiles over to Bobby at his comment, and then breaks out in a grin at his choice of confirmations of her question. Clarice turns back to Rogue then as the young woman celebrates like a college student on Spring Break, not able to wait to reach the ocean!

Clarice laughs and claps her hands once as Rogue is rushing for the water. But then she takes off flying, causing Clarice to let out a gasp. The dive is accomplished to a one person section of applause then as Clarice claps.

She has a bright smile on her face. Having felt a bit out of place at the school, and with the uncertain greeting she received, the zest that is being shown here is really leaving Blink feeling good. She doesn't join Rogue in the water, but just walks along the beach barefoot, letting the tropical waters wash up over her feet as the waves comes rolling in one after the other.

Iceman has posed:
If Rogue can shed her pants Ice Man can too. He slips them off of his legs, showing off his boxer briefs, and tosses his trousers over by his shoes. Then he runs towards the water, splashing into it up to his waist, "Woo!" The water seems pleasant as he dives forward, surfacing just his head a moment later.

"Clarice, thank you so much. I had no idea I needed this," Bobby tells the young lady with a big smile on his face. Running a hand through his hair he lets out a hearty laugh, "The other guys at the school are going to be so jealous."

Rogue has posed:
Its only about 45 seconds or so of Rogue being under the water before there's another sudden break in the waves crashing toward shore, and she BURSTS from the water, almost like a dolphin... except that she's going about fifteen feet up into the air and then deactivating her flight power again to let her now soar toward the wet sandy beach where she lands in knee-deep water with big white splashes around her bare naked legs. Her hair is all plastered down the back of her head neck and shoulders and her body is glistening in the sunlight! She opens her eyues and smiles nice and bright!

Then of course, she raises her hands up, sticks two fingers into her mouth and does a very loud wolf whistle at Bobby. "I like them shorts!" Rogue shouts from where she's standing in the waves crashing ashore.

She looks to Blink then and waves at her. "Lorna's gonna be pissed she's not here!"

Blink has posed:
Blink is smiling almost ear to ear as she watches them have fun. "If she approves it, maybe you could bring some of the students for a day or an afternoon. I'm happy to open the portals for you," Clarice says. "And Lorna could authorize it so there aren't any issues if security sees a large group suddenly appear. Or we could just pick some other island somewhere without anyone to care."

Clarice smiles over at the pair "Oh, I might as well," she says. She quickly strips off the tights she's wearing and her top. Underwear still keeping her modest but you wouldn't think it with the way her cheeks are blushing. She opens up a portal at her feet, flat on the ground, and another opens in the air about ten feet above the water, farther out where the water is deep enough. Clarice jumps in the portal and comes out the other one, landing feet first in the water while holding her nose to keep water from going up it.

Iceman has posed:
"Thank you. Thank you very much," Bobby grins at Rogue as he makes his way back towards where the women are hanging out, walking most of the way out of the water. "That felt great."

As Blink makes her suggestion Ice Man chuckles, "I could give some classes here. Kids would love that. I might even try to find a way to tie the beach into math problems." When Clarice does her thing, opening her portal above the water, Bobby claps politely for her, "Very nice." And then he glances around again before climbing out of the water, making ice form atop the surface of the ocean so he can step onto it. And then he slides upwards and forwards as a sheet of ice appears beneath him, propelling him upwards. Until it cuts out and Bobby falls towards the water, folding his knees into his chest and wrapping his arms around them, "Cannonball!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is lightly jogging through the water, just to feel the sensation of the warm and foamy water splashing around her, as well as the great sensation of the wet sand beneath her feet squishing between her toes... its a very sudden and unexpected turn of events for the day, considering 45 minutes ago she was in a bowling alley in Salem Center at an 80s costume party...

She stops her jogging though and waves her body back and forth to the push and pull of the ocean waters at her knees and just cheers the both of them on as they both do creative ways to get into the water, just as she had. Her hands cup the sides of her mouth and she shouts at them both words of encouragement!

And within moments she's running back out to sea, crashing against the waves that collide with her mid-section, her strength and ability to fly means she feels nothing as she lunges forward and dives into the water like one of them super cool Baywatch lifeguards!

Blink has posed:
In the main foyer of Xavier's school, a portal stands over nearly flush against a wall, out of the way. Rimmed with a glowing purple energy, the opening is large enough to step through without ducking. On the other side is a white sand beach, where rather than night time, it is a bright, sunny day. The portal looks out on the beautiful, tropical ocean waters. There are some clothes on the sand between the portal and the water. And Rogue, Bobby, and Blink can all be seen out in the water.

There's the remains of one of Iceman's ice slides out there as well. And a pair of portals can be seen similar to the one in the hallway, one on the beach, flat, and one ten feet up in the air above the water, where Blink is now swimming back in beneath it. She glances up and the portal in the air and the one flat on the beach close at the same time as if connected. Which indeed they were.

Clarice reaches shore. She won't look familiar to most who haven't just run into her. Not a student at the school. She wades up into shallower water, wearing just her underwear. She smiles and laughs as she watches the other two having a good time. Iceman's ice ramp makes her gasp. "Oh my. I thought you could just cool drinks!" she calls towards Bobby. "That'd be an awfully big drink."

Clarise walks up on the beach and then opens another portal. She reaches through, grabbing a couple of towels from wherever she opened it to, and then closing it again. She drops two towels on the sand for the others while she begins drying herself off with the third. Though the warm tropical sun will do that soon enough without a towel.

Iceman has posed:
Rising from the water by creating a pillar of ice beneath his feet, Bobby has a huge grin on his face. He jumps forward again, doing a shallow dive before beginning to swim towards the beach. Eventually reaching a point where he can stand easily Drake gets to his feet and starts walking towards Clarice, "I thought that since we were showing off I couldn't let myself fall too far behind. I can chill all the drinks, too, though. I'm pretty talented that way." Once he's out of the ocean he finds a place to plop down on the sand, leaning back to relax. "So, if you end up visiting beaches all around the world you could pretty much go to one any time of day and still have it be bright and sunny, right? That's really awesome."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking along the halls of the mansion checing on things. He stops in his tracks seeing the portal. "Thats not one of Illyana's" He says from the color scheme. He will step up to it looking through it. He will look around and see if anyone is about, and grabs a pad off a nearby table, and jots down a not. <Bobby, Rogue, and I went through a purple portal with a purple girl, Sam.> He will then walk back over and with a deep breath step through.

Rogue has posed:
Meanwhile, Rogue has disappeared under the water again... this time she's down there for well over a minute... it actually might start to get a little concerning if people even notice that she's vanished amongst the waves rolling toward the beach.

What happens next though, will likely shock everyone to a degree that the may not have been ready for...

Because the water about half a mile out suddenly breaks and an object raises up out of the picture-esque paradise of pure blue waves. Its big, its shedding water... its an airplane.

Its a non functional airplane, and its appears to be from a very long time ago, a single seater fighter plane!

Beneath is Rogue, her bare arms holding up the fuselage as she emerges from the water of the ocean, her mostly naked body on display as she too is shedding water. She tilts her form forward and starts to fly the plane sideways... back toward the beach!

"Look at this!" She shouts as she draws closer and starts to descend.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie meanders down the stairs and wanders into view behind Sam and peers at the portal he just stepped through, then walks over to check the note he left.

She adds her own note to it now. ~I followed Sam. -Ellie~ then follows after Sam stepping out onto the beach. Pulling her phone out as she does. "What the hell is going on Kentucky."

Blink has posed:
The twenty-year-old with the purple and magenta highlights in her hair that is drying off with the towel lets out a warm laugh as Bobby shoots up out of the water on the ice pillar. When he reaches shore, she offers him one of the towels. She also starts to blush a little bit again, turning a bit as she dries herself more quickly.

Clarice is just starting to pull back on her black tights when she sees Rogue soaring just above the waves, carrying the old airplane. "Oh... oh wow," Clarice says, green eyes widening. "So... more than just flying," she agrees as Rogue's strength is on display.

Clarice turns to glance deeper into the island, as if having a mind for whether they might be noticed and any security forces might be heading this way. So far, no sign of anyone. She does though, see Samuel as he comes through her portal. "Another student? Or teacher?" she asks of Bobby, getting his attention to motion towards Samuel. "And, another," Clarice adds as Ellie wanders through. If Ellie's phone works in Genosha it will connect. That's whose beach they are standing on now.

Iceman has posed:
"That's awesome, Rogue!" Bobby yells at the young woman when he sees her returning with an aircraft. He's quite amused by the occurrence, but he doesn't move from his spot sitting on the beach, even when he grabs a towel from Clarice.

"That's Sam and that's Ellie. Sam's a college level student, Ellie's still in high school," Ice Man explains to Blink before lifting his hand a waving at the newcomers. "C'mon guys, water's fine. Planes are flying. It's a beautiful day out here."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over his shoulder to Ellie, and says "OK, did you leave a note?" He will ask her. "Not sure where we are, but should be ok." He will step over looking both Rogue and Bobby over a moment cautiously, considering both have had clones of them recently.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue settles the WWII airplane down on the beach and she jumps out from beneath it. She's wearing a pair of black undergarments she'd had on beneath her regular clothes, and she doesn't seem even remotely shy about that being all she has on right now... the southern belle is just as confident as one can possibly get in such little amounts of clothing. In fact, once she has the plane set down she just jumps out from under it and spins around, then points at the tail of the plane!

"German!" She says, and looks over her shoulders at the others, her hair is all matted down around her head, the brown and white locks soaked and still dripping water.

A second later and Rogue LEAPS at the plane, and is now standing bare-footed atop it. She starts to stalk toward the front of it and to the cockpit... the canopy is long gone. She crouches down over it and peers inside.

"No pilot. Looks like he bailed out." She tells anyone who's listening, not yet having even noticed that Ellie and Sam have arrived.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie pulled her phone out on purpose, roaming turned on and all that because be damned if being anywhere will prevent her from being on social media, ever.

"Of course I left a note you boyscout." not pointing out she did it because she saw his note really.

"Genosha.... wait we just stepped through a portal from the school to Genosha... what the holy fuck is that... also that girl is pink... " and Negasonic looks at Bobby "FrostedDrake what the hell is going on?"

Blink has posed:
Blink rises to her feet and looks over, hearing the conversation. "Yes, we're in Genosha," she offers softly. "I'm Clarice. Known as Blink. I'm security for Princess Lorna," the young woman says. Seeing their demeanor, not quite as excited as Rogue and Bobby were, she says, "I hope this was ok? I was telling them I could show them the island sometime," Clarice tells them.

She glances back over her shoulder at Rogue up on top of the airplane. As long as it goes back in the ocean at the end, no problem probably. No one will know anyway. "Need to take you looking for sunken treasure ships," Clarice says, just a little teasingly as she flashes a friendly smile at Rogue.

She looks back to Samuel and Negasonic. Realizing her upper body is just in her bra, she drapes her towel over herself to provide a little more cover, not nearly as comfortable with her attire as Rogue is.

Iceman has posed:
"It's a field trip, courtesy of Clarisa here," Bobby replies to Ellie as he puts his legs under his body and pushes himself up to his feet. "She thought it would be nice for us to check out the beach for a little while." He's relaxed, taking the whole event in stride. "You should check out the water, it's great."

Looking at Sam the teacher gives him an upnod, "Hey man. Water's fine if you want to go for a dip."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gives a glance over to the others and she raises her hand up from where she's crouched to wave at the new comers. "Welcome t'paradise!" She shouts at them before she looks back to the cockpit and then drops down into it, her bare feet going down into the muck and gunk inside it. "Ah, hell yeah..." A second later and she's crouching down to pick something up, then comes back up with a... okay, she's got a gun.

Rogue's right hand raises up and she starts to pull the kelp and sea-junk off of the old rusted handgun and she holds up into the sunlight to get a good look at it. "I'm gonna give this t'Scott, I bet he'll dig it." She then tosses it out of the cockpit and onto the sand where it thuds against the warm sandy beach.

With a quick hop she's back out of the plane and her hands are going down to her bare hips. "Want me t'put this thing back?" She asks Blink.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will start to say something but at Blink bringing the towel up, he will turn away from her, maybe a little blush but not as bad as it used to be. He will look to Ellie, and says "Genosha, Ok, if Jean gets upset took a student to Genosha, one of you two are taking the blame. Ah got in trouble for taking Erika to New Asgard." He will look out over the beach and hmms softly. Seeming to get his bearings a bit for now.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir wanders through. "What the frick a frack?" She peers at the portal, then goes to look at the notebook, then back at the portal, peering through at everybody before turning around and walking up the stairs, grumbling a bit.

After a few minutes, she returns in a long plain long sleeved grey dress over skin tight student bumblebees with a green shopping bag, signs (Erika) on it and bunny-hops through in one jump before looking around.

"Totally worth it, though, I got a bow trigger there. Seriously? Genosha? Okay, so what's the rules here? I'm not sure what's up."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Well... we skipped customs... but I figure I have my Genosha citizenship and we have a palace guard so we should be fine.. well pinkypie and I should be fine." this is in answer to Snoops question about the rules.

"Also Rogue found buried sea treasure... you should check out that pistol Snoops." meanwhile Ellie is walking over towards Blink "Hey, call me Negasonic." not Ellie. Though she did just call her Pinkypie.

Blink has posed:
Blink smiles to Negasonic and says, "Ah, you are a citizen? Hello, I'm Clarice," she offers, extending her hand to Ellie. "But yes, just the same I'm hoping we don't run into anyone from security. Princess Lorna can probably smooth it over. But if we wanted to bring a group sometime, it would be best if she clear the way in advance," Blink suggests.

The young woman has her tights back on after having been in the water. But otherwise has a towel draped over herself, upper body just clad in her bra.

Rogue is in less, but returns the plane to the ocean before coming back to towel off. Blink meanwhile sees another person come through. "Perhaps... I do not wish to cause problems at the school. That is the last thing I wish. Perhaps we should head back before too many more people come?" she suggests.

Iceman has posed:
"Nice find!" Bobby cups his hands around his mouth to call out to Rogue when she produces the antique weapon from the plane. "Yeah, Scott'll love that thing."

"No worries, Sam. This is a diplomatic mission pretty much. Making friends with one of Genosha's finest," the last words are punctuated with a wink at Blink.

Glancing over at the sound of Erika's voice, then back at Blink at her suggestion to head back, he says, "That's probably not a bad idea. We'll have to arrange things ahead of time if we want to do this again, make sure it's okay with everybody at the school and with your boss lady."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Mag.. Eri...errr his highness Ah don't think would mind us here as long as we are not causeing issues, but yea, permission would be a good thing. And a pleasure to meet you Blink." He looks over to Erika, knowing the poor girl took the time to change "Think we can give it a half hour or so?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods to Ellie. "Check that." She starts wandering over to the gun to inspect it. She shrugs at Sam, "It's okay, don't get in trouble on my account."

She picks the gun up, and puts the side of the barrel against her cheek, then gasps sharply, closes her eyes, and twitches visibly for a couple seconds...

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic shakes Blink's hand. "Good ears PP. Yeah I grew up here ..well kind of...been in the states since I was like thirteen. Though I did spend last fall back here for that semester."

"The beaches are definitely pretty nice... not too bad even." looking around. "So are you hanging out at the school now?" curious look back to Blink.

Blink has posed:
Blink greets Samuel, and glances over to see what Erika is doing with the gun. She looks curious, but her attention goes to Ellie then as the young woman addresses her. "I was assigned as security to Princess Lorna," Clarice confirms. "So since she is living at the school, I will be around it a lot so I am there if she needs me. I believe this is being allowed," Clarice says.

Iceman has posed:
"Alright with me if we stick around a little longer. Hopefully nobody else goes through the glowing portal in the hallway," Bobby says with a little chuckle. He moves to lay back on the sand, resting his hands behind his head. "I'm going to snag a little nap while we're somewhere warm and beautiful. Make sure you wake me up before it's time to go home."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Erika watching her. His brow raised, knowing the gun came from a nazi war plane. He hmms a bit to her and will ask "You ok Erika?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir puts the gun back down without fanfare. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Sprechen ze Deutche, flying a plane, only fired at circles on paper, pretty much what I figured I'd find." She wanders back over to Sam.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie will look around very slowly at the beach and Clarice "Cool. Or something. I guess I'll see you around PinkyPie." then she walks over towards Sam and Erika. "Sprechen ze Deutche?" and she shakes her head. "Surprised the knife I found was more useful.. though i guess that makes an amount of sense Snoops"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the two girls, and says "Well figure enjoy the sun for a bit least it is out and about and should hve no problems here." He will say "Sorry didn't gab ya something off the plane before she put it back.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs some, "It's a gun from a pilot. Pilots don't get in firefights with their pistol, they get in dogfights with their airplane. It has the German language in it, not that that's hard for me to grab off of something easier to carry. What're you up to here?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Just know sometimes ya pick up the creep vibes from some creeps, so just thought Ah would check on ya."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ohs and shrugs. "Nazis were ordinary people. I mean, when they weren't one of the people punching a clock to do something horrible their boss asked them to do, they were just like everybody else. And there's a bunch of people in America that have done awful stuff that sleep good at night. I can't see a pilot doing anything too creepy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to her and says "Ah am sure some of them were just not able to fight what was being done, and some may have been ehh what ever, but there were quite a few who felt the hatred there, and that hatred is a bad thing be it again Jewish, gays, blacks, mutants what ever.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs some. "They have rallies in New York." She crinkles her nose.

"Anyway, what else is up?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Not alot going on, and the Friends of Humanity have rallies too." He tells her "Just was checking the halls, and found the portal here.""

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "I guess that makes sense. I wasn't sure what the deal was.. We can go back now if you want. Hmmm. Anything else I need to worry about?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well sems her portals are a bit more friendly than Illyanas, nothing Ah have seen emuch, you do have my phone number right?

Souvenir has posed:
"Uhh, yeah, why? Are you, like.. going somewhere or something?" Erika Kristasdottir blinks confusedly at you.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head and says "Not that Ah plan on it, but with another teleporter about Ah want to make sure ya can contact me if you somehow get stranded.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Right. Yeah, I have a few numbers. Memorized, even." She hmms. "And super sick of giant robots."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Trust me, Ah am not a fan of them either." He says as he rubs hsi chest absantly

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. "Well, I can't do anything about them, and I'm so sick of feeling like I'm in jail."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Ah know it sucks, but.... Erika, this may sound like Ah am full of it, but the last encounter we had with the sentinels... Ah was killed.. Ah know how am Ah standing here, somehow someway Ah got better, but Ah had a spear tentacle through my chest right here." He motions to the center of his chest.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir takes a deep breath. "..Right. Okay. Yeah. See, just because I GET it doesn't mean I LIKE it." She stares a bit more. "Also? Weeeeird. So you're like, Laura now too?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah do't think so, Ah don't heal faster from normal wounds that Ah have. Ah don't know if it will happen again, and don't want to find out, but thats how dangerous these things are. Ah wish Ah could help ya out some with."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Yeah. I wish we could take everyone in. This sucks so much..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this, and pats her shoulder, since she has the insulated suit on. "We do what we can.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. "Or, like, go here or something. I don't even know anymore. I'm just.. TIRED. I can't DO anything but sit and stew. It drives me completely crazy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ah have an idea for ya slight of hand training, but have to talk to kitty, see if she can do it.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blinks. "Wait, Kitty? Miss I spend my time recompiling operating systems for fun? tell tell."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I believe she might be able to take some books on magic, and videos of preformers. And use them to create you a teacher in the danger room, till we find you a real person."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods.. "Well, that would be cool. There's a bunch of videos of magicians out there to video capture from. Probably beats watching them on repeat a hundred times.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "It might me a bit more of tthe academic side of things, but Ah figure might be able to get a better look at some of the tricks and such."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "That's fine. It's the misdirection, the pockets, and just me getting a rep as the weird girl who pulls rabbits out of her hat instead of, you know... how people talk about Gambit. Seriously, sometimes I don't know why he stays."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, Ah think it maybe hge does not have a problem being known as a thief, he takes pride in it Ah believe."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "Well yeah, that stuff is hard, and I'm not robbing anybody. If I'm really good at something, because I put in the time to learn it, and I'm doing it FOR my friends? Damn straight I'm going to be proud of that. But I'm still gonna make it look like I do card tricks and Houdini stuff, so people that aren't my friends don't get nosy."

She crinkles her nose. "I just get kind of annoyed if I hear his FRIENDS being stuck up about it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks and says "Only problem Ah got with him is he thinks his chicken si better than my mommas."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir tilts her head. "Well, I've never tasted your momma's chicken, so like.. I'm staying out of that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Mine is good but there is just something about hers that is better."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Well, it's hard competition. Anyway, a teacher would be cool. So would, like, knowing the sims have all the weird ways people react? I mean they probably do, but I don't know if anybody tries doing magic tricks at a holo."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Not sure, thats why I figure ask kitt the codeing wiz to work on it."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmmms. "Okay. That makes sense." She sighs. "I feel like I am going to end up half living there. Like maybe they can make one with a city with no giant robots or something."