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|Residence=New York City
|Residence=New York City
|Education=College Degree, Pre-law
|Education=College Degree, Pre-law
|Groups=[[Just Cause]]
|Groups=[[Just Cause]], [[Scooby Gang]]
|Quote="It doesn't matter what you are. It only matters what you do. It's your choice."
|Quote="It doesn't matter what you are. It only matters what you do. It's your choice."
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Revision as of 04:34, 17 March 2019

Sam Winchester (Scenesys ID: 294)
"It doesn't matter what you are. It only matters what you do. It's your choice."
Full Name: Sam Winchester
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Other (FC)
Occupation: Hunter
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: College Degree, Pre-law
Status: Active
Groups: Just Cause, Scooby Gang
Other Information
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 23
Date of Birth 2 May 2003 Actor: Jared Padalecki
Height: 196 cm (6'5") Weight: 82 kg (180 lbs.)
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song: "Carry on My Wayward Son" by Kansas


Sam Winchester was raised on the road by a father and a brother who were intent on avenging his mother by hunting the things that go bump in the night. He was shooting, looking up profiles on supernatural creatures, fighting and learning how to run credit card scams from a very young age. Bouncing from school to school he wanted little more than to live a normal life. When he was old enough, he applied to Stanford, got in, and settled in with thoughts of becoming a lawyer. But then his girlfriend died exactly as his mother did, his father went missing, and his brother dropped right off the grid. This drew him back on the hunt. His search for his family has brought him to New York City, and has placed him, inevitably, back into contact with everything he thought he could run away from.

Current Player Approved: July 3, 2018



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An absolute moose of a man. Sam Winchester stands at 6'5" and has a build to match. Yet there's something unassuming about him all the same. Floppy, straight brown hair frames a broad friendly face. Warm, hazel eyes, high cheekbones, and a bit of stubble give the man's face plenty of character. There is something a trifle haunted about his features, but this quality translates into a sort of focused seriousness more than anything else.

He's dressed in jeans, construction boots, a plaid shirt and a drab olive green jacket.


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Sam was born in Lawrence, Kansas, the youngest of two brothers. His father was ex-military, his mother was an ex-Hunter. Both warriors had settled down to a peaceful life until the Demon with the Yellow Eyes (Azrael) showed up one night. He murdered Mary Winchester, set the house on fire, and shoved a bunch of blood down baby Sam's throat seconds before John grabbed the boy and threw him into his brother Dean's arms.

After that, it was a harsh life on the road with an often abusive or neglectful father who was bent primarily on revenge. Dean thrived on this lifestyle. Sam did not. Sam was smart enough to know what he was missing. Christmases. Stability. He wanted to go to the same school for more than a week or two. He didn't really enjoy the lonely, empty hotel rooms, or the very real threats on his young life that seemed to crop up every month or so. It didn't help that neither of the two role models in his life seemed to get him at all.

Eventually one good teacher asked some important questions, gave Sam some hope that he could choose his own path and be happy. He left at the age of 18 and went to go pursue a degree at Stanford. It went well. He got accepted into Stanford Law with a full-ride scholarship. He had a beautiful, loving girlfriend.

It all went straight to Hell after that--literally. Demons murdered his girlfriend, pinning her to the ceiling on his bed and setting her aflame. When he tried to reach out to his estranged brother and father for help, he discovered they were both missing, not confirmed dead, just apparently wiped right off the face of the map.

The life had found him, whether he wanted it to or not, and he was alone.

Thus, Sam began a cross-country trek to track them both down, one which has most recently led him straight to New York City.


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In many ways, Sam is a study in contrasts. He is a gentle, sensitive soul who pursues a brutal, dark calling. He is one of the good guys, but he's tainted and even tempted by dark forces. He's slow to anger, but his rage is a fierce, wild thing, brimming out of him in unexpected bursts of violence. He's a quintessential geek housed in a warrior's form. Everything about his life is serious, and yet he's got a sense of humor, even a mischievous streak. All of these conflicting, contrasting elements conspire to forge someone who is driven, determined, and possessed of a survivor's iron will.


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When Sam was a baby, the Demon with the Yellow Eyes forced him to consume demonic blood. For most of his life this has been a footnote. But lately this has started to manifest in the form of unbidden and painful precognitive visions, and from time to time he has begun experiencing bouts of unplanned and uncontrolled telekinesis. If he ever were dumb enough to consume demon blood he would gain the ability to force demons into or out of a body with sheer will, enhanced strength, and enhanced speed. He'd also start becoming horribly corrupt, evil, and scary while growing more and more addicted to the stuff. Fun times.

It's not really a power per se. But some men are larger-than-life, destined to be at the center of events that would destroy almost anyone else. 11th hour rescues, coincidental clues, and lucky shots are par for Sam's course in every way. He's the sort of man who could die and be brought back from the dead because something greater than himself is using him as a pawn in larger events. It's like Somebody Up There is watching out for him, sorta, or perhaps more like Somebody down here is drunkenly banging away on a typewriter to give him some really phenomenal Plot Armor. Sam's totally unaware of this trait and never, ever relies on it.


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Sam Winchester is a learned man. He was smart enough to finish a degree at Stanford and to earn a place at Stanford law school. He's rarely seen without his trusty laptop, which he uses to great effect. His investigative acumen extends to a wide variety of cases, but he's at his very best when he's encountering things which touch upon occult matters. He turned himself into a veritable walking encyclopedia of occult information at a very young age; his knowledge base is something some fully trained wizards might envy. He can quickly recall or find a vast variety of legends, supernatural weaknesses, and references. This trait also offers him the ability to cast well-documented ritual spells when he has the components (he can't throw fireballs or anything, do magic on the fly, or improvised, but hedge spells or more powerful, traditional spells that have been around for centuries are more than possible for him), as well as to perform exorcisms.

He's not proud of it, but Sam is not a man who really needs a regular job. He's got dozens of IDs and aliases. He can run a new credit card scam every week without getting caught. He knows how to pick locks, run cons, and otherwise work his way around the legal system. Of course, this does open him up to getting into some trouble with the legal system from time to time, but in general he's more than capable of avoiding the cops when he has to. Finally, he's outstanding at pretexting. He doesn't just dodge cops. He regularly impersonates them. He in fact impersonates someone new every week if he has to: FBI agents, priests, reporters...whatever it takes to get the information he needs. And if his manipulations are tinged with very real empathy, well...that does tend to work in his favor.

His brother might tell you that Sam is not much of a fighter at all. His brother would be wrong. Sam is well versed in unarmed combat, melee combat, and gun combat. Improvised weaponry? No problem. He was trained from the time he was old enough to hold a weapon, and he has to defend himself from something horrible almost every night; often the 'horrible' is something that by rights should be bigger, badder and deadlier than he is. His moves aren't necessarily fancy, but he makes up for it all with strength, precision, and sheer survival instinct.


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Sam has guns filled with rock-salt bullets, guns filled with regular bullets, daggers, swords, holy water, massive amounts of salt, gas cans for burning bodies, shovels, holy symbols from half a dozen religions besides Christianity, several occult tomes, a powerful laptop with multiple Wi-Fi hot-spot cellphones to help him get Internet almost anywhere, brass knuckles, chalk, various magical implements, and, once he finds it on-screen, one black Impala that his brother can have back when his brother is no longer MIA. Some of this he carries in the trunk of whatever car he is driving, some of this he carries in his backpack, and some of this he stuffs in storage areas.

What does Sam do when someone wants to verify he's really with the FBI? Gives them Bobby Singer's number, of course. What happens if he finds out about a case halfway across the country, something he can't get to? He calls a Roadhouse in Kansas where Hunters congregate, and gets someone else on the case. Can't figure out a thorny problem or too busy getting shot at to go do library research? Bobby again. And by now, his family has helped so many people that no small few of them are more than willing to drop a Winchester a line when they notice something strange or out of the ordinary. Unlike many Hunters, who prefer to stand alone, Sam is more than willing to reach out to this network whenever the need arises.

Sam has a prodigious collection of false IDs, including driver's licenses, credit cards, professional badges and business cards. He almost always keeps a wad of cash on him too, just in case. He has quite a few costumes that can help him sell just about any identity. He has no formal secret identity, just a bunch of temporary ones that are donned and discarded as necessary.


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Sam is usually injured. It's rare to see him 100% healthy. He makes powerful enemies and throws himself at things that both want to eat him and which ought to be able to destroy him with ease, armed only with a knowledge of their weaknesses and the determination to see a matter through. Cuts, bruises, breaks....you name it, it's probably somewhere on his body. He usually can't go to a hospital either. And he almost never lets a little thing like yesterday's cracked rib or claw-marks stop him from getting right back out there, creating dangerous vulnerabilities.

It's really not great to be a central figure in the schemes of a powerful demon which stretch back across decades. There are demons who are intimately acquainted with Sam's identity simply because Azrael invested in him so many years ago. They want to craft him into a weapon, their own personal savior, a General to lead their armies in a sweep across Heaven and Earth. They have already intervened to make sure he doesn't get too happy, comfortable, or weak. They will absolutely intervene again.

When Sam gets his hooks into a problem he doesn't let it go. This applies to larger problems-- his cases, which he pursues with dogged intensity, but also to smaller ones. Enemies have been known to get the drop on him solely because he was too busy staring thoughtfully at a clue or shadowing someone else.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Have I Got News For You April 29th, 2019 Sam meets May at Willow's and May gives them an assignment. Chinese food, werewolves and Batman fanboying may also be involved.
Age of Despair: The Mountain Makes a Housecall April 12th, 2019 Willow's plans to drag Sam to the Watchtower change when Kara shows up unexpectedly, as does Hellboy. She confesses to them about Nightmare Nurse and it's determined an exorcism is likely in order. Next stop: John Constantine.
Moonlighting. April 11th, 2019 Willow gets visited by Sam who thinks (wrongly) she may have been eaten by a grue, and reluctantly agrees to drag him along to tell Supergirl about her encounter with Incubus.
The Librarian: The Lost Motel 6 February 21st, 2019 Summary needed
The Librarian: Lost in the Interior February 13th, 2019 Sam and Willow stop at a diner after getting lost, and get a chance to relax and chat. A rarity in their lives.
Librarian: Fancy Meeting You Here January 22nd, 2019 May drops in on Sam and Willow's road trip. Plans are made and breakfast is had.
The Librarian: It's Always in the Fine Print January 8th, 2019 Willow shows her findings to Sam with regards to the hunt for the Librarian's items. Sam proposes a road trip. Little do they know...
About a Tree December 22nd, 2018 Sam gets a tree and Castiel butt dials May.
The Librarian: Questions and Drinks December 1st, 2018 Cas and Sam have beer, discuss chairs, ancient cults, witches with computers and who has to get the remote.
The Librarian: A Little Time Out for Coffee November 28th, 2018 Willow and Sam meet for coffee to discuss the search for the book and some other more embarassing topics.
Bronze Oktoberfest October 29th, 2018 Summary needed
An Angel, a Winchester and a mutant walked into a Cafe and.... October 17th, 2018 Summary needed
The Librarian: Is it a Date pt. II - The Idiots. October 16th, 2018 A mysterious woman imparts knowledge upon Sam and Buffy about what they're looking for to foil the Librarian. Nothing to be worried about there, right? Just some unknown, unnamed woman from some mysterious Order...
The Librarian: Is It Still a Date if Nobody Dies October 7th, 2018 Sam and Buffy stumble upon graveyard secrets in pursuit of the undead priest, and the Librarian's items. One of those secrets stumbles upon them! Sorry Willow, it's still not a date.
The Librarian: Parchment and Pizza September 26th, 2018 Pizza with Sam and Buffy isn't quite what anyone expected. Sam and Buffy head off to investigate. Willow: still not a demon.
The Librarian: Meetings Over Magic September 13th, 2018 Sam and Willow meet at the Magic Box and find they're on the trail of the same book. Oh, and there may be a pizza date in Buffy's future. Isn't Willow the best bestie?
The Librarian: Old World Treasures August 21st, 2018 Sam and May hunt down the ritual altarcloth the Librarian is looking for. Unfortunately, in the process, they release an undead priest with designs of his own.
Something Like Food July 29th, 2018 Molly and Sam meet at the deli, shop is talked, connections are made.
Welcome Home Boys July 15th, 2018 The Winchester brothers come home only to find there is an intruder their apartment! At least he brought alcohol.
They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab October 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Rise Up While You Can October 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Heads Will Roll October 2nd, 2017 SHIELD sends a team on a rescue op. Things are far worse than intel suggested.
Cold as Ice September 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Shot Through the Heart (Almost) September 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Knowledge is Power September 24th, 2017 Sam Winchester checks up on Mercy. They discuss the magical item Hydra possibly has and Sam borrows several magical tomes for research.
Workplace Safety September 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Stairway to Heaven (or the Subway) September 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Boulevard of Broken Dreams September 20th, 2017 The Winchesters smell 'off' and end up with an angel tailing them as a result.
Meet the Parents September 14th, 2017 Fred stays with her parents while waiting for them to wake up. Sam keeps her company and they discuss the previous events as well as his blood addiction.
Meet the Parents September 14th, 2017 Fred stays with her parents while waiting for them to wake up. Sam keeps her company and they discuss the previous events as well as his blood addiction.
Hey Jude September 14th, 2017 After the incident at Sioux Falls, Dean wakes up in SHIELD medical. He and Sam reconnect after nearly a month apart.
Third Option September 13th, 2017 After receiving word of Dean's possession, a team goes out of their way to get White Eyes out of the Elder Winchester's body. Things don't go as planned.
Travelling Riverside Blues September 11th, 2017 Fred Burkle and Sam Winchester race to South Dakota in the hopes of driving the white-eyed demon out of Dean's body.
Back in Black September 11th, 2017 After Dean and Fred's contentious conversation, Sam returns home and realizes that something is not right with his brother.
Lab Partners September 11th, 2017 Sam Winchester reports to FitzSimmons to try to tackle his demon blood problem. Things get uncomfortable.
Save People... Hunt Jerks September 7th, 2017 Steve and Sam have a chat.
Don't Look Back September 6th, 2017 Sam Winchester extends the hand of friendship to James Buchanan Barnes.
What Is, And Should Never Be September 5th, 2017 Sam Winchester stops by to check on Claire Temple after her ordeal at Hydra's hands. She earns his implicit trust.
The Obligatory Familial Threat September 4th, 2017 Sam Winchester touches base with Wesley Wyndam-Price at Fred's request.
Solving for X September 3rd, 2017 After the events of the Hydra base in their rescue of Claire, Fred remains unconvinced that this is the real world. Sam does his best to convince her.
Ataraxia September 1st, 2017 Plot finale. Having developed a plan to save Claire Temple, Steve Rogers, Mercy Thompson, Sam Winchester, and Winifred Burkle follow Bucky Barnes to the Hydra base where the former Winter Soldier knows she is held captive... but find themselves facing their personal nightmares before they can break her free.
The Trust of a Misfit Toy August 31st, 2017 Sam Winchester takes a huge step, asking Melinda May to make him into a SHIELD agent.
Awkward Preparations August 30th, 2017 Sam, Fred, Mercy and the Winter Soldier discuss next steps. There are plenty of mental and verbal landmines to avoid while the four begin to plan Claire's rescue.
Worlds Colliding August 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Anamnesis August 26th, 2017 With the Winter Soldier captured, the difficult task of undoing decades of brainwashing awaits. Loki, making use of the Mind Stone, sets out to do just that, enabling Steve Rogers, Mercy Thompson, Sam Winchester, Melinda May, and a very cross Winifred Burkle to assist him in the repair of the Soldier's fragmented mind. Additional guidance comes in the periodic appearance of Claire Temple(?).
Visitation Rights August 25th, 2017 Winter Soldier receives a visitor. Captain America. Sam and Mercy give the low-down of their plan.
The Nature of War August 24th, 2017 Sam Winchester takes a turn guarding the Winter Soldier. They discuss the nature of war, and reach a strange sort of understanding between one another.
Epokhe August 23rd, 2017 Several days ago, Sam Winchester received a precognitive vision, telling him where the Winter Soldier would be on this date. He and Mercy, Fred, and Dean pull together their weeks of preparation, and set and spring a trap.
Wanted August 23rd, 2017 After Sam uses his telekinesis to help capture the Winter Soldier, emotions run high and truth bombs are dropped.
Let Me In August 23rd, 2017 As Dean races away to forge his dark deal with Crowley, Fred confronts Sam about all the secrets he's been keeping.
At the Crossroads August 20th, 2017 Summary needed
We Got Your WMD Right Here August 19th, 2017 Fred and Mercy get together to build more BOMBS. Secrets of Sam's scent are however revealed. And visions. So many visions.
Backahasten to the Future August 16th, 2017 The Backahasten begins a series of murders along the Hudson River with the aim of capturing one of the Brothers Winchester at last. Did she get a little nudge from a certain King of the Crossroads? Or is his latest offer just an attack of opportunity?
Picking Up the Pieces August 12th, 2017 After the incident with the Vengeance Demons, Fred and Sam discuss the past.
Don't Treat Me Bad August 12th, 2017 Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Winnifred Burkle and Agent Melinda May team up to investigate a rash of freak accidents and suicides targeting NYU athletes.
One Job August 11th, 2017 As Sam Winchester tries to tend his brother in the hospital, Dean is caught up in a memory of a deadly deal made 9 years ago.
We're All Okay Here August 10th, 2017 Sam and May pop over to Mercy's garage to check in, while Loki brings lattes and the battered form of Dean. With car.
Sleep, Sugar August 8th, 2017 Sam struggles to cope in the aftermath of his rescue from Hydra. Fred presents him with a special gift to help him out.
No Regrets Policy August 5th, 2017 Sam and Fred strengthen their relationship in the aftermath of Sam's rescue.
Walking it Off August 5th, 2017 The brothers Winchester catch up in the aftermath of Sam's rescue. When a freak accident proves Dean is far more hurt than he's letting on, Sam insists on a trip to SHIELD medical, where Dean gets a clearer picture of what happened to his brother in Hydra hands. The resulting rage is epic.
I Want to Break Free August 4th, 2017 Mercy Thompson, Fred Burkle, Dean Winchester, The Black Widow, Melinda May and two werewolves team up to retrieve Sam Winchester from Hydra's clutches. The Winter Soldier shows up to stop them, as does a special guest hydra (emitted by Claire Temple).
In Your Dreams July 28th, 2017 Fred Burkle uses a dreamwalking spell to try to reach out to Sam Winchester in the hopes of gaining details about his location, captors, or anything else that can help.
Respite July 24th, 2017 The Winter Soldier visits Sam in his cell. It seems almost friendly. Right up until it isn't.
Korenizatsiya July 18th, 2017 Sam Winchester faces the questioning of the Winter Soldier's Hydra handlers.
Moose Hunting July 14th, 2017 The Winter Soldier takes Sam Winchester hostage for Hydra's own inscrutable purposes.
Locking In Romance July 14th, 2017 Sam Winchester brings Fred Burkle an unusual gift and they spend a sweet evening together hours before the Winter Soldier takes him.
Rivers Overflowing July 12th, 2017 A swim in the Niagara, a near-death experience, a headache, and a shirtless drive down the highway. Yup, the Winchester brothers are at it again.
Team Bucky Nooooo July 7th, 2017 Claire Temple, Mercy Thompson, The Black Widow and Sam Winchester come up with a plan to retrieve the Winter Soldier from the clutches of his handlers.
Eye of the Storm July 6th, 2017 Sam Winchester and Winifred Burkle get to go on their very first date without monsters, demons, or any other sort of life-threatening scenario.
Aftermath - Soldier lost, Nurse saved. July 2nd, 2017 "As advertised on the tin."
Schwerpunkt July 2nd, 2017 A premonition prompts Sam and Dean Winchester to race to the aid of James Barnes. They're able to save Claire Temple, but Hydra gets their Soldier back.
Hexed July 1st, 2017 4 gruesome deaths connected to Ravenna Levesque's Aunt prompt a shared investigation between Hunter and mage.
Wounded on a Shore June 29th, 2017 Sam Winchester's efforts to protect the Winter Soldier from the shadows brings him face to face with the a man. Bucky Barnes struggles to break through the cracks in the walls.
Heart to Heart June 29th, 2017 Melinda May comes bearing gifts...and demands for one Sam Winchester.
The Lineup June 26th, 2017 Claire Temple and Sam Winchester work together to put a human name to the near-mythical legend of The Winter Soldier. And then? Together, they come up with a plan.
Training the Hunters June 25th, 2017 The Black Widow confronts Sam Winchester when she realizes he's had more encounters with The Winter Soldier. Then, she gives Dean Winchester a chance to work out some of his pent-up aggression. Melinda May is there to Mom at Sammy.
Sanguine June 25th, 2017 Romance blooms after Winifred Burkle proves she's a force to be reckoned with when a group of vampires take Sam Winchester hostage.
Log June 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Stalking the Rugaru June 23rd, 2017 Erica Reyes and Sam Winchester team up to hunt a man-eating rugaru.
Auction House: A Sword June 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Moose Sighting June 19th, 2017 Darcy Lewis and Melinda May touch base with Sam and start clarifying more of what it might mean to work with SHIELD.
Brotherly Revelations June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Soldier and Hunter June 15th, 2017 One of Sam Winchester's premonitions presents him with a choice: face the Winter Soldier alone, or allow a man to die by the grace of an assassin's bullet. He makes the only choice he can. Despite assistance from his strange and growing suite of unasked for powers, the assassin once again turns the young hunter into an unholy mess of quivering Sam beans...and might well have killed him, had the past itself not risen up to intrude.
Fractured Images June 15th, 2017 Sam, Loki and Mercy talk about the mirror that was found previously by Sam and Mercy.
Patch the Woobie June 15th, 2017 Fred Burkle retrieves a wounded Sam Winchester in the aftermath of his encounter with The Winter Soldier, and calls Claire Temple to help. The conversation takes an unexpected turn.
Third Eye Blind June 11th, 2017 Sam meets Piper Halliwell. A shared vision of the future prompts him to go hunting.
Oh Brother Where Art Thou June 5th, 2017 In which Darcy helps May track Dean because Sam is in the wrong hospital, Dean may or may not be completely happy about this, May has no fucks to give, and Sam is a big ol' moose puppy. Or May really dislikes misplacing assets.
Pills June 4th, 2017 The hospital calls one Fred Burkle because she's Sam's only emergency contact. Claire Temple covers for him and his unexplained injuries. Claire is rattled when Sam mentions his vendetta against the man with the metal arm.
Parties and Embassies and Death May 30th, 2017 A routine SHIELD warding job for one Sam Winchester turns into a big mess when the Winter Soldier arrives on the scene to kill the Ukrainian ambassador.
Mirror Mirror ... May 30th, 2017 Mercy Thompson and Sam Winchester team up to deal with a group of cursed animals created by a mysterious enchanted mirror.
SHIELD's Not Done With You Yet May 29th, 2017 SHIELD cleverly plants a tracker on one Sam Winchester in the form of a paperclip, which means Sam leads May and Darcy straight to Dean.
Hell's Bells May 28th, 2017 Sam and Fred meet at on a demon hunt. Neither really know what to do with the other.
Log May 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Bar in the Afterlife May 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Reunion May 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Hunting with Speed! May 12th, 2017 A rocky night of sleep leads Eva to an early morning jog where she finds a Tall man giving a corpse their last rights.


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Title Date Scene Summary
A Memory of Barnes (Sam Winchester) July 29th, 2008 Flashback scene to July 29, 2008: Young Sam Winchester finds strength and comfort in the example of his favorite comic book/historical hero.


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