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R&D Blues
Date of Scene: 19 March 2019
Location: R and D Labs - The Triskelion
Synopsis: Simmons and Fitz get their turn to investigate Samantha and Nyx
Cast of Characters: Jemma Simmons, Nyx

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The Research and Development labs at the Triskelion have been a whirlwind of activity, ever since a certain senior agent made an unexpected visit and demanded some action. That seemed to have put a fire underneath the chief engineer, Leo Fitz, as he, for one, did not like unexpected visits. As a result, there was much research given in a certain laptop, which in turn produced a possible avenue to use for a communications array. That....stood in the corner. It mostly resembled a mini satelite dish, pointed at a chair more in the middle of the lab, which itself was sitting at a table with another couple of chairs. A perfectly reasonable setup for a calm talk. In fact, it would look normal, if it wasn't for the speakers hooked up to an interface, looking for all the world like an overtly complicated vocal synthesizer.

    Which it is.

    The lab is empty...except for Fitz and his counterpart, Dr Jemma Simmons. She is currently sitting at one of the chairs, watching Fitz as he tinkers with his equipment. "Are you absolutely sure this is going to work, Fitz? We are not going to like...fry the poor girl from the inside out or something, right?"

    "Oh, this should work. I'd based it on that bit of code we'd found in the hard drive. It should be perfectly safe." Fitz continue to make some minor adjustments while he mutters under his breath. "I think..."

    All that remains is to invite SHIELD's guest to the lab. Which...is why Jemma is a little nervous. "Our guest should be along shortly. Please do hurry up..."

Nyx has posed:
Since medical is her actual home, R&D may as well be like a second home for Samantha these days.

She heads that way with her babysitter Agent Phil (not Couslon) and chats the man up. Honestly despite Agent Ward being a bit of a dick he was definitely right that getting caught up with the Bachelor and then chatting up her minder would be a way to endear herself to him.

It's like Agent Ward slipped in an espionage lesson camouflaged with douchery.

Anyhow Phil peels off to stand by the door in his tactical gear while Samantha walks further into R&D and looks around the lab in question. "Well.. this is .. empty.. I mean sort of... that chair looks a wee bit intimidating?" Sam checks out all of the various jury rigging and electronics now and then the two labcoats. "So.. um.. hi. I'm Sam and I was told there are some more tests to be done?"

Sam is wearing a pretty standard issue set of SHIELD fatigues, the name on her left breast reads Twining, and her ID Card is clearly a guest badge though it has her name and photo on it. No privileges but useful for identification.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    As Sam enters, Jemma pops out of her seat, walking over to meet her. "Hello Sam! My name is Jemma. Please, make yourself comfortable." The voice is friendly and bright, with a light British accent. "And, yes, don't worry about the emptiness. We wanted things to be, you know, a little more comfortable." The badge, hanging on a lanyard about Jemma's neck, does indicate that she's the co-head of the R&D department...which explains how the lab is devoid of other scientists, other than Fitz himself.

    And...it is Fitz that offers an explanation as to the chair. "Oh, it's intimidating? Dat's not what we're going for. I can move the chair if you want. We just need to have line-of-sight, yeah?" The faint Scottish accent picks up slightly when he shows concern. He shrugs and turns to look at Jemma, passing some sort of nonverbal communication that seems to be translating to 'calm her down, please'.

    And Jemma does seem to pick up on it. A testament to how well the two work together. "What Fitz is trying to say is that you're free to sit where ever you like. As far as a test, you are correct. We noticed with your last visitor, Forge, that there was a sort of intelligence that spoke through you, via a held laptop. What we intend to do is see if we could possibly contact that intelligence, using the equipment you are seeing, and speak to it, while also project a voice so you can hear it, too." She pauses, scrambling for something Sam can relate to...and blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. "Kinda like a Speak and Spell..."

    "No! Not like a Speak and Spell!" Leo cuts in with a shake of his head, his attention on Jemma. "I can't believe you just said that. Now you're sounding like Agent Ward." With that, he turns to Sam. "It's more like the voice software that people use who can't speak. Ya know, like Stephen Hawking? Only better, because I designed it." No shortage of confidence from Fitz there.

    There is an apology from Jemma as she facepalms, hand flat on her forehead. "Sorry Fitz." She drops her hand, turning to Sam. "Anyways, Fitz says that everything should be fine. So, really, make yourself comfortable."

Nyx has posed:
Samantha wobbles her hand lightly "I mean compared to the cathode ray thing and the radiation scanner thing.. this doesn't look nearly as intimidating as some of the other tests?" honestly Sam is being nice and helpful in her tone.

There is a smile for Jemma and then a look and a tilt of her head for Fitz. She makes a mental note that he seems a little jumpy.

"I'm sure it will be totally fine.... I don't mind sitting there at all." a little roll of her shoulder shrug and at that point Sam moves over to settle into the chair that was set out for her. She settles in getting comfy and then ends up looking back and forth between the two of you as you explain things to her. Outbursts and all.

"Honestly it does sort of sound like a speak and spell.. you know from that E.T. Movie?" she cant help it, there is a bit of mischief in her eyes and at the curve of a hint of a smile now as well.

"But yeah sure.. I don't know if Nyx will talk to you both but I'm game." oh, well it has a name now does it.

Forge in the video logs tell it to start talking to Samantha and stop keeping things from her after all. Maybe it has.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is a moment of slight relaxation as Sam states that she would be okay sitting in the chair offered. It isn't like there is anything actually attached to the chair, though the vocal synthesizer is relatively close to there. There is an even larger release as the smile, however faint, is visible. Jemma glances over towards Fitz, who just pauses...considering the reference. "yeah, I suppose you're right. Though we're not trying to phone home. Just...talk."

    The one thing that both of the scientists pick up is a name. "Nyx? It calls itself Nyx?" Jemma slides over a notepad, scribbling the note down quickly as Leo steps away from the machine, hands held out as if to will it to life. Or, rather, to keep things going, as there are some definite activity with the machine.

    Just, you know, no voice. Not yet.

    Fitz shifts to claim a seat as Jemma leans in slightly. "So...has Nyx been talking to you? I have to admit, that was unexpected. It, err...Nyx seemed like it wished to keep you in the dark. Perhaps for your own safety or something like that."

    Leo...seems a little dejected. After all, if Nyx was already talking, he might have did all the work for nothing.

Nyx has posed:
"Nyx yes I believe.... which is the codename I actually gave Vision and the Wasp when they confronted me so I..well I guess I'm not surprised. It just sort of popped in my head.." Samantha sort of rambles as she watches Fitz hook things up and start the machine going now.

She also does pick up on the dejection. Offering a quick helpful "It said hello I ... think... and explained what Micah's implant is.. well where it is from. Nyx hasn't really talked to me much but I got the impression that Agent Forge made it agree to let me know it was present."

Which gets a deep frown from the girl. "Which was pretty.. um disturbing. I mean I guess I could just be going crazy but I sure hope not.... you know I've never been one to talk to myself really." Samantha is one to ramble to herself though when she starts getting nervous like this.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma Simmons says, "I guess that is true..." in response to the statement about leaving if Sam really wanted. "Still I figure it is best to not try to break out of here. I really don't want to be on the run from the Justice League and Avengers for like ever.. and I don't want to end up in some sort of supervillain prison. Heck I am just like .. 18 I am not ready to live a life like that." there is a bit of a pause "Also I am told the pay here isn't bad." an attempt at a joke and a smile.

    Samantha does kind of quiet down as well when the speak and spell goes active and she assumes Nyx is talking by her expression. I mean for all she knows this is recorded Doctor Who and it is all Fitz's fault right. Though when Fitz gets defensive about his choice there Sam offers a soft "Well David Tennant is a pretty good actor." encouraging about it all.

    The Speaker meanwhile is silent for a time as the conversation between humans goes on. Then asks ~What are the implications as far as you both are concerned between Alien Intelligence and A.I.~ pause a beat ~Also wouldn't a sentient A.I. of nonterestrial origin be an Alien Intelligence?~

    Both Fitz and Simmons pause as Nyx asks a rather compelling question. "Well, I guess dat a sentient A.I. of a nonterrestrial origin would be an Alien intelligence. Meanin' dat we would both be right."

    Rather than muse on the possibility of both being right, since it seems that Leo has that well at hand, Jemma chooses to answer about the implications. "Well, you see, if we know where your origins are, hmm...Nyx...then we may be able to more accurately determine how best to help both you in your mission and Sam." There is also that directive to determine if said intelligence is a threat, but that is not mentioned. "It is really just a means for understanding. For observing, if you will. You know, to find that happy medium between you and Sam."

    Well, now that communications are established, it seems that the two scientists are using the time to see just what is happening, as Leo has fished out a tablet of his own, with different diagnostics upon the screen analyzing the technical aspects while Jemma's is most certainly focusing on the physical.

    Well the technopathy, most likely a Nyx's command reaches out to the wireless receivers and synched with the Speak and Spell array. The network is very tight, encrypted (though not insurmountable), and an alien protocol (which adds more security than any actual encryption, but again not insurmountable. Honestly there is a chance is could probably interface with any wireless device or by touching it. Which is why Sam's room was practically a clean room until she just learned to stop doing it all the time.

    Which in hindsight may have been Nyx learning it wasn't allowed.

    ~Congratulations to you both then.~ curt as Jemma continues to explain. ~My mission is to protect myself and observe everything I encounter. I am, for lack of a better word a probe. Like the ones your species has flung into space. As for determining more I can't help you about my origin, it is not known to me.~

    "Interesting." The single word is spoken by Fitz as Nyx defines its mission. "A probe. Dat's fascinating." A pause, as confusion colors Fitz's expression, then a single question. "Do you have a central point you report your findings to?" It seems logical to him, at least. Probes are sent out for a reason...and send data back to somewhere.

    Whereas Jemma has focused on the 'protection' part. "Oh, so that explains the techno-organic augmentation that you have provided Sam. It is a defensive mechanism to protect you and your host. Might I ask, how are you delivering the precise genetic conversion as to not cause Sam's immune system to simply reject your enhancements like a incompatible organ donation? We have studied the techno-organic limbs and did not find any active delivery method which would house your intelligence sub-routines. Are we missing something?"

    ~I assume that will be made clear when I have fulfilled my mission. As for the moment no, my memory ban"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    ~I assume that will be made clear when I have fulfilled my mission. As for the moment no, my memory banks are extensive and distributed. I have been doing this for a very long time and distance have not been triggered to report back yet.~

    Sam is watching the speaker and listenign to this, also looking between you all.

    ~I believe you would refer to them as nanites. It is not precisely how it operates but it is close enough. It is also the key to the distributed network. Redundency and protection. You are right Agent Simmons that is why she has been enhanced, she is very fragile. You all are.~

    Which actually gets a "Hey!" from Samantha "We aren't all that fragile... I'm capable..." which well to be honest isn't entirely true but the A.I. is talking about replacing parts of her, upgrades. It is a lot.


Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Nanites!" The word comes as an exclamation from the bio-chemist as Jemma literally face-palms, her hand solidly to the forehead. "We didn't look on a microscopic level, Fitz!" She then turns to regard Sam, but it is really to Nyx that she is speaking to. "The nanites become inert when separated from the host body, correct? So, when drawn out as part of a simple blood test, they become virtually undetectable?" Now it is Jemma's turn to be excited. "That's why we couldn't find anything before. We were looking for something active."

Nyx has posed:
Samantha furrows her brow a bit, okay the kid doesn't really get how nanites work at all and this is a bit above her head science wise.

~They partially destruct not just become inert. They can't be seperated from the whole it is not our purpose.~ is Nyx's reply. Which honestly is probably good for everyone and everything. No nanite left behinds to worry about.

Sam finally notes "Is that all safe... ?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is a shrug as Jemma shifts to explain. "Well, it depends on what you consider safe. What Nyx is stating is that it is not meant to multiply...to spread out, if you will. If some part escapes from the whole, then the foreign objects basically self-destruct. So, really, Nyx stays with you." Jemma shrugs a little bit, then offers a tentative smile. "So, that's safe, yes?"

    The engineer pops up to his feet, shifting to examine his little communication interface as he offers a similar explaination. "So, basically, Nyx likes ya and isn't gonna go anywhere, yeah? I mean, there's worst things dat can happen." Fitz fiddles with the interface just a little, as if he is contemplating an upgrade already. "I mean, someone could like try to stimulate somethin' with like microwaves or somethin', just to see what would happen. Not like dat sort of thing should ever be done around here. That's....just plain dumb."

    The biologist nods as Leo returns to his creative thoughts. "So...really....the main thing is that Nyx is here to observe....and is willing to protect you to do so. That is fascinating. I would ask how that came to be, but it is really none of our business."

    And, turning to Leo, Jemma empathizes, "And I don't care what Special Agent Grant Ward has to say about that."

Nyx has posed:
Samantha looks thoughtful about Jemma's explanation and then turns to watch Fitz and listen to his explanation. Then she turns back to Jemma. "Okay so it won't hurt me... check. Don't have someone put me in a microwave.. check."

Little humor inserted there, she can't help it there is a bit of gallows to all this. "Well I guess it is good that Nyx will protect me.. I mean super powers isn't all bad. Right. I.. " she trails off. Yeah Sam is having some struggles with the whole being replaced by inhuman components and parts, is she even human still. Really that is an issue for the SHIELD psychiatrists.

"Oh... well uh. I don't mind sharing that part." a smile from Sam. "I was coming home from a party.. I was pretty high and there was a boom and flash of light from the park so I went to check it out. There was a silver sphere in a crater and when I touched it... well it just coated my arm and vanished. Though I guess it didn't vanish right?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Nope, I would guess that it didn't." This time, Fitz offers the smile as he comes back to the table, sliding his own table while he sketches out his designs. "Though yeah, I guess things could be worse..." He doesn't elaborate at all on that, but turns back to his design. Which...basically, looks like a smart watch. Only...with the ability to at least interact with the alien intelligence. Looks like someone was seeing about modifying equipment to accept that alien protocol. Leo might not have hacked it, yet...but it seems he is getting close.

    There is one concern that has yet to be spoken. And, judging from Jemma's expression, she is about to. "Nyx, is it possible to, you know, not assimilate Samantha with the techno-organics? I understand that it is to protect her, but perhaps seek her approval first? After all, it *is* her body you are occupying. It was the assimilation that had us mostly worried. Now that we understand it is a defensive mechanism, we should be able to be less....restrictive in Sam's current accommodations." She shifts to focus on Sam. "Not that we promise anything immediately...but we can see what we can do. With communications established, the scary part is over. We can work more freely from here.'

    Both Fitz and Simmons do seem more relaxed. That is a good sign, yes?

Nyx has posed:
Samantha takes it as a good sign. "Man... I hope so.. I mean I really would like to get out of the room and stop having a babysitter.. I'm like 18..." she pauses "No offense Phil!" calling over to her minder, he looks amused.

~They are beneficial upgrades though.~ yeah concept of consent is a bit alien to the A.I. though after some cycles. ~I will discuss with her. If it is critical for our joint survival I will act.~ as Nyx imagines that is really what Fitz and Simmons want to hear.

Samantha meanwhile looks a little mecky about the whole conversation, one imagines she has been avoidant on the whole topic because it is kind of disturbing and upsetting, again nice talk for her therapist when that gets assigned. There will probably be regular sessions to check in on her mental stability and health, for everyone's health.

"What is that?" asks Sam curious about the watch looking design.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is a nod as Jemma offers a warm smile. "We will certainly see what we can do." Then, a shift to speak to the alien intelligence. "Yes, I understand that they are beneficial, Nyx. However, you do have to realize that it is all just a bit frightening to experience changes against one's will." When Nyx says it will discuss in the future, Jemma actually breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Nyx. That is all that we could ever hope for."

    The question from Sam gets a big grin from Fitz. He points a stylus towards the communications array. "It's dat. Only, you know, smaller." Then, he slides around and, in a display of trust, sits right next to Sam, pulling his tablet around to show off what he has. "I'm close to figurin' out da alien encryption. At least, close enough ta modify some of our tech to interact with it. This..." he taps the smartwatch on the screen, "...will let ya talk to Nyx without it, ya know, havin' ta take over equipment ta do so. It will give Nyx not only a voice, but an image you can see. Making it more relatable." Leo shrugs as he continues. "It'll also help monitor your vitals, stream music, and lets ya on social media. You know, Twitter and stuff." There is a glance over to Jemma, who just shakes her head with one of those knowing smiles of hers, while Leo places the stylus down. "It'll take me about a week or so ta get it up and runnin', but figured ya might like it. Can even upload da David Tennant vocal library, if ya like."

    "Just...don't tell anyone I gave it ta ya. They'll flip if they found out I got ya around da basic firewalls."

Nyx has posed:
"Oh thank goodness... I mean.. I was about to die without social media." of course Sam is exaggerating but she is a teenager. "Nyx can kind of think at me... but an image and voice and all would probably be more relatable like you said.. for me and for other people I imagine." she leans to look over the sketches. "I'm pretty sure once I am off lockdown it will be okay if I have my phone back or this watch, it just needs to be .. well you know off lockdown."

At least Samantha hopes she will get her technology privileges back soon, dying here. Totes dying of social media drought. "Also I like the doctor voice, though not sure what gender Nyx would be... I looked it up though before I got brought in. The computer said it was the Greek Goddess of the Night or something?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Well...we can ask." Leave it to Jemma to be the sensible one. "Nyx, what gender do you identify yourself as? Or, does it not matter to you?" The scientist just speaks into the air, not really looking one place or another. "Consider it another one of those silly human concepts. We just want to make sure we are not offending you if we call you male or female or whatever."

Nyx has posed:
Samantha looks amused now as Jemma is asking the alien A.I. in her head, well in her, not really sure where to picture it being to be honest, about it's preferred gender identification.

~It doesn't really matter, the voice you are using now is acceptable.~ Nyx seems indifferent.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Perfect!" Both Fitz and Simmons exclaim the word together. It is almost scary just how alike they think. Then, with a clearing of her throat, Jemma stands up. "Well...I don't see any additional need for testing on our part, do you, Fitz?"

    When the shake of the head from the engineer is seen, Jemma offers a hand to Sam. "Well...since you have been isolated for so long, how about we go to the science lounge? It isn't as grand as, you know, outside...but it does have a fair selection of video games and pinball machines. We can call it research and let you play for a little bit before Phil over there would need to take you back. Does that sound like fun?"

    As an extra incentive, Leo adds "There's junk food back there. It will be awesome." Well...in comparison to the cafeteria, maybe.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha perks up, tha all sounds excellent based on the expression. "Science lounge sounds fantastic." and honestly compared to Cafeteria (even if it is nice) and empty room in medical it is probably a palace.

Sam slips up to her feet and gives Phil a puppy dog look before he nods his assent. Then Sam jumps a bit "Woot." and grins to the science team heads. "Lead on!"