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Stranger Tides: When the Sea Calms
Date of Scene: 25 March 2019
Location: Shield Safehouse - Undisclosed Location
Synopsis: Nick Fury debriefs June Connor after her encounter with the alien space craft at sea.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Nick Fury

June Connor has posed:
    The shift from the warm sun to the coldness of the interrogation room wasn't the most welcome thing. Her hair was a little ratty looking as it dried, salted by the sea, and she came in just the things she was wearing, and open button up shirt with the black bikini she had been wearing beneath it, which made the cold chair all the less comfortable. She frowns as Coulson introduces himself, chewing on her tongue ring and eying the ring on the table. "Uh huh," she says, keeping her arms folded across her chest, "So, you guys got all this hot ass equipment and airplanes and shit," she says to Fury. "But your conference room looks like somethin' out of a BDSM bondage story." It might be apparent that she seems intent on keeping her hands as far from the metal ring as possible, looking suspiciously up at the director with the eye patch.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Black overcoat. Black eyepatch. Bald head. Serious expression. Arms crossed across his chest. This was none other than Nicholas Fury, also known as, the Director of SHIELD. On an extended "leave of absence" for the last several months, no one knew where he was or where he had been. Until now.

    "Dismissed Agent Coulson." The man looks at Fury for several seconds, but doesn't say a word, as he heads out the door. Letting the door close behind him, Fury moves to the front of the table, and stands looking directly at June.

    "Look, Ms. Connor. I know this doesn't seem like a high society trip on a Helicarrier, but we'll make do. I just want you to tell me everything you saw and witnessed while you were working for Ms. Matthews." Fury does his best one eyed stare.

June Connor has posed:
    June looks a little distraught. "It wasn't my fault," she clarifies, as if she feels like she will somehow be blamed. "They went down there, I really thought it was a super bad day goin' somewhere to happen, and it was." Instead of starting at the beginning, she starts at the end, skipping to the meat of the climax.

    "And I was workin' legit," she adds, knowing that if SHIELD is here, they likely are not ignorant to her numerous brushes with the law as a minor. None of them critical, but the footprint tattoo that covers her left shoulderblade that was noted when she was picked up might indicate that her history was a little more than what her record shows. "They called me in to do system code, and that's what I did. "You can ask any of the crew."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury leans back a bit on his heels, and then forward on his toes, ever so imperceptibly. "We know it wasn't your fault Ms. Connor, or we wouldn't be here having this nice, pleasant conversation." Fury's voice is firm, and tells the young woman that he wasn't lying. Although it was hard to say what it would sound like if he was. It probably sounded exactly the same.

    "Mostly everyone on that boat was working legit. Or at least, you all thought they were. We know all about your history, and a few other's history on the crew. We're not the local Police Department or Deaprtment of Homeland Security. We're SHIELD. We have..." Fury pauses, and there was just a HINT of a smile. "...bigger fish to fry. If you'll forgive the term."

    Fury turns around and faces the mirror, then looks over his shoulder at June, so she can only see his good eye. "You see, we're after what you found, not what you did. Do you have any idea what that might have been? Now that most of your instrumentation is junk, we need to know all you know."

June Connor has posed:
    June seems to relax slightly at the statement that they are after more important things than her record, but she stays reserved and cautious. "Mind if I stand up?" she asks. "This chair sucks ass and my cheeks stick to it." She doesn't wait for an answer, but stands up, assuming it will be all right.

    "Uh, so, we came out here, tryin' to find out why a bunch of currents in the ocean were goin' weird, right?" she says, her Brooklyn accent sneaking out. "It was funded by a rich shipping lady named Cranston, wanted to use the info for...I dunno, fuel efficiency or something." She keeps her arms folded around her defensively, stepping away from the table on the opposite side of the room from where Fury stands before the mirror.

    "Aspen was really excited about stuff, loved all the weird current math and stuff. So it led us out to where all the shit hit the fan."

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Feel free." Fury turns back to face June while nodding, and waving his hand that it was okay to stand up. "I apologize for the seating. The seats on the Helicarrier are more comfortable." Was that a joke? Maneuvering back to face June, Fury's expression hasn't changed. "Continue, if you would."

    Listening to what June has to say, Fury frowns. Fury doesn't say a word, letting the story flow naturally. Any interruptions from him would probably make it harder for her to remember anything. A "spure" statement is always the best kind. They were recording everything anyway, so they wouldn't miss anything.

    Simply nodding and listening, Fury returns to his, "hands crossed across his chest" body language, listening for anything that could help them discover the identity of the people in the underwater craft.

June Connor has posed:
    "So, we showed up, there was some big fuckin' thing under the water. Like...two miles long fuckin' monster thing. We thought, maybe it's some submarine? Or weapon from some government. Talked about callin' your kids in," she mentions, waving indistinctly at the door. "But then we were like, "Fuck, what if it does belong to the government, and they fuck us in the ass for learning something we shouldn't?" She shrugs helplessly. "I mean, government does that shit, y'know," she says in defense. "So Aspen and Bruce Banner, deck hand. Way to smart to be a deck hand though, if you ask me. That dude was hidin' something. Anyway, they suit up, they go down their, and turns out that there are fuckin' aliens down there. Straight up, E.T. shit. I couldn't see anything, I just was on comms, and they couldn't hear me."

    She sighs. "I tried to tell'm that it was gonna do that thing again. Y'know? But they couldn't hear me."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury listens to all of this, absorbing every detail with a guarded expression on his face. "Bruce Banner? Doctor Bruce Banner?" Fury says, a question but not a question. "I see. They both went down to the "two miles long fuckin' monster thing" did they?" Now the rest was important.

    "Aliens. Ah. You couldn't see anything." Fury frowns. "They didn't describe the aliens at anytime? The detail of the ship? Technology? Did Dr. Banner state he recognized it at all?" Fury's questions come quick in secession, guiding the discussion.

    "Did either one of them make it out of the ship before it exploded? Do you know why the alien ship exploded?" Fury uncrosses his arms, and leans forward a bit, intent on the answers.

June Connor has posed:
    "Doctor? I dunno about doctor," June shrugs. "But he knew a lot of science stuff. He never said he was a doctor, but somethin' was screwy with the way he knew so much. Just got that vibe, y'know?" she asks. "They described them, said they had blue skin, they were all dead, something about how they just seemed to have passed out wherever they were and died. Said they were definitely not human. Sorry, I was kinda preoccupied by the fact they were saying they saw aliens to think about what exactly they looked like," she comments. "One was alive, or somethin', there was a button or switch or something they wanted them to press." She shakes her head. "And...that was it. Next thing I knew, the boat was gettin' knocked around like a ten dollar whore, and...and they were gone." She looks a little sad. "Life too fuckin' fragile. Shoulda never gone down there."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Deep in thought, Fury doesn't reply right away, chewing on everything that June had just revealed to him about this incident. Something in his expression told June that this wasn't the first incident about this kind of thing that Fury had been following. His one good eye looks at June for a few more seconds, before he says, "Thank you for your time Ms. Connor. You are, of course, free to go."

    Turning to face the door, while keeping her to his right, Fury raises a hand, palm up, pointing to the exit. In-between his last two fingers or his right hand was a card with the SHIELD crest, and Director Nicholas Fury's name and phone number on it.

    Offering June the card, Fury says, "If you remember anything else, if Ms. Matthews or Dr. Banner try to contact you, or if the aliens try and make contact, please do not hesitate to call me direct. Leave a message if I don't answer, and I will get in touch with you asap." Fury then leans forward and opens the door for June. "Thanks again."

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a contorted stare back at the extension of the card, looking at it for a moment. "Fuck, seriously?" She takes the card, and glances at it, reading the number, as if committing it to memory. "They are dead, you get that, right?" she asks in disbelief. "They just got blown the fuck up. If they call me, it'll be from a damn oujia board. The aliens? They are blown the fuck up too." There's an edge of anger in her voice, as if his impassionate conclusion is something to be offended by.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Perhaps." Fury says, but doesn't extrapolate further, and ignores her anger as though it was something he expected. "As for the aliens, I expect there are a lot more of them than was just on that one ship." Fury takes the exit, and walks through the door, allowing himself one last look back.

    "I have seen people come back supposedly from the dead before, Ms. Connor. You never know in this Universe what is in store for some people." With that infuriating know-it-all tone, Fury disappears down the hall, while another SHIELD agent moves forward to escort June out of the facility.