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Latest revision as of 02:45, 9 April 2019

Late night talk with sam and Rahne
Date of Scene: 06 April 2019
Location: Xavier's Kitchen
Synopsis: Rahne's been a little scarce. Sam gets her to talk about it.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Wolfsbane

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is down in the kitchen late one night, seems he has got a bit of themunchies and is making a sandwich as he found no left overs that drew him to them

Wolfsbane has posed:
It's a quiet night, one that's had a certain wolfgirl roaming the grounds by herself. Wolfsbane has been doing this quite a bit lately, enough that some may have begun to notice that she's been more distant than usual. In keeping to herself, while she's done things like this in the past, it'd seemed like she'd outgrown things like this. Perhaps..not.

This is how it is as she enters the kitchen, pausing as she realizes she isn't alone. Knowing it'd be rude to say nothing, she murmurs, "Hullo, Samuel." She's in her midform, otherwise human-looking.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks up, and without a word slides his sandwich over towards her and starts making another one "So, whats on ya mind Carrot top?" He asks using a nickname trying to bring a bit of a smile to her face.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I'm..no' verra hungry. Ye keep it," Wolfsbane answers, plucking at one of the buttons on her outfit, the one that doubles as the costume. "But thank ye for th' offer." She rolls a shoulder at the question, her expression an evasive one. "M'fine," she lies, and lies poorly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "You know, I might not have the mind link, but I have known ya since before you could drive, your gonna have to work a bit more if ya want to fib to me girl" He tells her and takes the sandwich back cuts it in half picking up half but leaivng half in case she changes her mind "Whats wrong?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane levels another look toward the man from Kentucky, the son of a coal miner who became one himself, and she rubs the back of her neck in one of those self-conscious ways of hers, eyes shifting away from his. "Fine," she mumbles, taking in, holding, then letting out a longer breath. "Do things ever get better? I mean, do they ever /actually/ get better?"

The Scot gestures between them. "I thought..I thought I could just come back here an' it'd be like I never left, but I'm no' sure where I fit in. An', there's always trouble going on around us. We get attacked, we get hurt, we..we die an'.." It looks like she's having trouble getting through this part, judging by a few stops and starts, restarts even. "..sometimes, somehow, some even come back from it. But th' bad things, they still happened." She leaves off here, fiddling with her hands.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks down for a moment as she seems bothered by the whole coming back, and looks back to her as she finishes he starts with "Ah'm still me, Ah will admit took me a bit tobe sure of it, but Ah am me. As for it getting better, Ah aint sure, Ah know Rachel is worried it is going to get worse, and well, some of her concerns Ah agree with and am pondering a way of maybe trying to start a better path.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Dinna get me wrong, Sam..I'm so, so thankful ye came back, but I'm no' sure I can bear th' thought o' someone else going an' no' getting a second chance," Wolfsbane explains, lamentation in her tone. "I worry so much about tha' every day noo, wi' these Sentinels causing trouble an' so much more. Sometimes I'm afraid tae even leave muh room." This is sounding like a regression, her budding confidence shaken. "Even Rachel's told me in her future, she an' I were.." A hand gesture, like she's searching for the words. "..were under someone else's power, like slaves. I'll never be someone's slave, Sam. I'd rather die first." A quick bite, a flash of something more firm.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie reaches to take her hand and says "Rahne, Ah am doing everything in my power to make sure that world does not happen. Ah am looking for the world where Rachel and Ah have kids, and we can pawn them off on their Auntie Rahne to watch them occasionally." He trys to make her smile again, and says "Well, Ah am thinking of trying something and was thinking about having you be part of it. What would you think about facing it all head on. A team of mutants that are public like the Avengers and The Justice League?

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's hand is tense. Sam may feel a faint tremble to it. She's nervous, on edge, and while she begins to clam up at first, the holding of her hand is a focus she can latch on to, figuratively if nothing else, and there's a brief twitch of her lips. "I canna imagine muhself an aunt tae anyone, Sam," she answers, stopping again to listen to what he's beginning to propose. "Whit do ye mean, public like them? I'm no' sure I'm th' right person for tha' sort o' group." But she hasn't heard the pitch yet.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move around the table, and take both her hands in his and says "Rachel and Ah have been talking, while the school is a good thing for people learning to use their powers, and makes it harder for people to find us, it also keeps people from knowing us. Thinking about a group that will have a public base, that is up front, we are mutants, we are here to help you. A group that is to help humans and mutants find a place where they can exsist together without fear of one another."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"An' ye think they should see me, more oot in public? Is tha' it?" Wolfsbane asks, looking down at her smaller hands within his big mitts - comparatively. "I mean, we all still have things tae learn an' practice an' keep getting better a', but i know whit ye mean in a way. I've no' spoken tae anyone much lately about things, so it's more muh own fault."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Right now Rachel and I are thinking of the people in our generation, young enough to try to make a difference not set in their ways. It is still in the talking stage, but you, were the first person I mentioned to her when we started naming names"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane admits, eyes wandering away toward some indistinct part of the kitchen, "I dinna even feel like I have any ways tae be set in right noo. If I can be curious, whit made ye think o' me for this?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at her, and says "Your my sister, Ah trust you with my life, Ah trust you with anything and everything." He makes sure she is looking at him, and says "And Ah know you will fight tooth and nail to keep Rachel's future from happening. " He looks to her, and says "And even though your doubting it right now, Ah have faith in your heart."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane chews at her bottom lip for a couple seconds. "Och, Sam, when ye put it tha' way I must sound like a daft fool. Ye have more faith in me than I have in muhself right noo." This is not at all to suggest she can't get back on the horse again, so to speak. Everyone has ups and downs, peaks and valleys. "When it comes doon tae it, o' course I'll fight for th' right things. I hope ye'll tell me more when ye've figured it oot."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and will step in and pull her to a hug and says "Oh course Ah will, I aint gonna have ya come at me with that right cross of yours."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane is mostly swallowed up in the embrace, her hands pausing at Sam's sides, but even the reminder of that one time doesn't do much to lighten the mood. She's not as down as she started out, but there's a quiet seriousness that isn't going away. "I know ye're just trying tae cheer me up, Sam, an' I want tae thank ye for tha'."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head and says "Just no, but maybe that and buttering you up for my team." He grins at her "Oh, did I tell ya took Rachel to meet Ma?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane eases her way out of the hug after a few more seconds, resulting in her rubbing one of her elbows up and down. "I'd still have tae see exactly how ye want tae do all tha', but keep me updated if ye would." Then she shakes her head, a brief look of concern showing. "Dare I even ask how tha' went?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ma liked her, I made sure we didn't tell ma about her being from the future or my incident recently. The little ones teased me about keeping this one.""

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Well, tha's good news. I'm happy for ye," Rahne says, a briefly distant look showing in the wolfen mutant's gaze. She has remained single ever since a certain place they had adventures in. Holding out hope?

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and does not tease her over that one, even if he thinks she and Josh would make a good couple. "Thanks, and you know you need sometihng even just a shoulder to lean on, Ah am here hon."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ye're a good friend, Sam," Wolfsbane finally says after allowing her silence to linger for a spell. "I think muh appetite is coming back a wee bit." Just enough for that part of a sandwich, reached for with a clawed hand.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and says "Good, I been told i do a good sandwich

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to get some chips, and makes sure to get Rahne's favorite and opens them for them to split. "So, what ya think about Rachel?

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane gets a few to go with that sandwich, after grabbing some water to drink it down with. "She's nice. I just still have tae get used tae her knowing another version of, well, me. It's hard for me tae grasp."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah know, and sometimes it feels a bit wierd she knows alot of the other folks here, but she didn't know me or Manda when I mentioned her recently.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane decides not to get into how that might have been possible, and that's probably for the best. "I'm no' sure I'll ever get used tae th' idea of different realities, but I'm glad she go' away from th' one she was in." She starts to inch her way toward the foyer, indicating she's probably ready for some alone time again. Confirming it, she says, "I have some reading I wanted tae do. I'll see ye in th' morning, an'..thanks."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods to her, and says "You need me you know where i am, but the man seems to be willing to give her her space.