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Revision as of 09:08, 6 September 2017

Can I go? Huh? Can I?
Date of Scene: 05 September 2017
Location: Legion Cruiser
Synopsis: Timber Wolf visits Mon-El and expresses a desire to take on more duties...on Earth.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Timber Wolf

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El is currently on the bridge. The day has been quiet so far, as he scans the systems with his practiced eye. There was nothing to report so far, and so, Mon-El continues to stand with his hands behind his back. Several things have happened to the team recently, but they were still no closer to going home.

    Mon-El walks around the bridge, looking out at the main viewscreen, and then back to the systems. He didn't get tired easily, so he didn't mind taking an extra shift here and there so the others could spend more time doing what they wanted to do. Lar has been all about sacrifice for most of his life, and he wasn't about to change now.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf comes striding in from the direction of the cargo bay, a box of some sort of food tucked under one arm, an article of clothing draped across the same shoulder. "We need to talk, bossman," he says, sounding gruff about it whether he means to or not. "You got a minute?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El hears Brin long before he enters the bridge. Noting who it was based on his stride, Lar turns, and smiles as TWolf starts off. "For you my friend, I have as much time as you need." Lar looks at the clothing, and then back at Brin. "What's up?"

Timber Wolf has posed:
If Mon-El has seen some of the Earth clothing, it appears to be a basketball jersey of some kind. Brin says, "I was helping out in the cargo bay. Sidenote: if Brainy is going to be having tons of lab equipment shipped in, I think it's only fair he helps organize it when it arrives. Anyway, what are things looking like with Earth exploration right now?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El nods and says, "Yeah. He can be a bit disorganized for such a...smart person." Mon chuckles, shakes his head, and adds, "I'll talk to him. In the meantime, as it looks right now, Earth exploration is fine as long as we don't influence the timeline too much. We are already affecting how things are in our time." Mon-El taps a button, and nods. He then turns back to Brin. "Why, what were you thinking?"

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf grunts as far as Brainy is concerned, but he got a little satisfaction out of the box and crate moving anyway, which Lar might hear about sooner or later. He sets the box down on a chair and fishes out a bag of something called 'beef jerky,' tearing the top off to chew on a few pieces. One bag is already empty. "You know it's going to be hard to avoid stuff like that, just by being here in the first place. But, I'm offering to take extra shifts down there. Like I told Brainy, I know the streets. I can find out things."

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El regards the beef jerky for only a second, before saying, "Yeah, I know." Lar sighs and shakes his head. "I'm trying to keep us as "out of the mix" as possible, but everyone has lives to live and all that." MOn-El straightens up and says, "Anyway, I don't hav ea problem with you checking things out." Lar looks Brin in the eyes, and says, "Just try and stay out of trouble? Okay?"

Timber Wolf has posed:
"Good, good." Brin's already rubbing his hands together, then he pauses to sniff at a few fingertips before licking beef jerky residue off. So tasty, even for dried meat. "Look, I was even proactive and got something that will help me fit in better." He holds up the garment, indeed a jersey. On the front: "Wolves." On the back: "Londo." The number "1" is shown on both sides as well. "They're one of the sports teams around." He seems proud of this.

Then, Timber Wolf scoffs and waves Mon-El's concerns away. "I don't go looking for trouble. I can't help it if it finds me sometimes, but I'm equipped to deal with it." A thought comes back to mind, a recollection of something. "By the way, what does irrepressible mean?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Interesting choice. I assume that is a "basketball" thing?" Mon-El chuckles. "I remember that from my previous time here. Good choice, it fits your...motiff." Mon adds, "At least you are thinking clearly which, well, surprises me a bit." Mon says, sheepishly. "I know you never go LOOOKING for trouble, but well, it finds you. When dealing with it though, try not to...break anything. Okay?" Lar grins. When Brin asks him about, irrepressible, Lar blinks and says, "Who told you that? Um...let's see, you can't be controlled or restrained? Your free and not under anyone's restraints?"

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf nods once. "They worship the wolf, so I may wish to meet some of them and express my approval. They are in a place called Minnesota," he explains, throwing the jersey back over his shoulder once more. A brow slides upward at the remark about thinking clearly, but he lets it go. Even if he got upset and tried to punch the Daxamite, that doesn't tend to go very well for the one throwing the punch.

"I swear on my ring or whatever we do to swear these things that I will /try/ not to break anything." Again with the waving of a hand as he passes on telling Lar who said it. "Doesn't matter, but you're sprocking right I'm free and unrestrained." Yes, he likes that word, irrepressible.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Worship huh? Mon-El's expression gets a bit severe, then he relaxes when he looks at Brin. "I can understand that. Minnesota is a long ways away though. Maybe they are visiting the Knicks?" It was a little closer, if Lar remembers his teams right. Then, Lar chuckles, and holds up a hand, "Okay, okay! No need to swear on your ring." Lar shakes his head, and says, "I believe you Brin. Irrepressible suits you. " Mon chuckles, moves forward, puts his left hand on Brin's shoulder, and nods. "As a friend, I know I can trust you. You are a man of honor, and I expect nothing less than the best from you. Old friend." Lar releases him, and says, "So. When are you heading out?"

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf shrugs and gestures with his palms up, "Or whatever you want to call it. It's the name they gave themselves. I'm not going to disapprove of anyone who likes wolves," he says with a grin that shows a bit of fang. All he adds to that topic is a gruff, "Maybe," as far as the Knicks team goes.

Crossing his arms when Lar approaches to offer his show of support, he says simply, "I'm not doing this to bring us back any problems, but I need to stretch my legs more than I can on this ship. I have to be around more people so I can see things, smell things, hear things. Outside, it's more alive and the air gets stuffy in here fast, especially when that evil green genius is around." He chortles, then flexes his fingers. "I was thinking as soon as we're done. I'm hungry for something unhealthy."

Mon-El has posed:
    Nodding sagely, Mon-El smiles, and says, "Sounds fine Brin. You have to do what you have to do." Mon smiles, and adds, "I know you would be terribly hard to deal with if you were cooped up in this ship for too long. Very well, go. I trust you Brin. If you get into trouble, let us know. We're a quick comm channel away and I can get there in moments." Turning away, Mon looks at the screen, and then back at Brin. "Go have something unhealthy on me then." Mon chuckles and says, "Thanks for letting me know how you felt Brin. It means a lot."

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf snorts at some of what Mon-El says, but he's already scooping up the box to move on to his quarters to prepare for a little jaunt planetside. "See, I think you understand me," Brin remarks, throwing a 'But...' in there as he pauses at the doorway leading to the more private areas.

"Whatever I eat that's unhealthy, I will never have it on you." He still has some progress to make when it comes to various sayings.