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City Fall: From the inside
Date of Scene: 22 April 2019
Location: South Point - Nantwich - Gotham City
Synopsis: Carrie takes an undercover role with a small time gang, and gets a rather dire task put before her.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Carrie Kelley
Tinyplot: City Fall

Shredder has posed:
    False Face Society's power has been growing in Gotham, since The Snipes gang joined them, it seems to have been a large boon. They are the muscle, and enforcing the False Face Society's terms to other corporations seems to be their primary role. The pay is good, but they were too small to do much on their own, so they looked for new recruits.

    It created an opportunity for Carrie, as most of the gang were similarly aged, though not a one of them were ever intending on a higher education. Rough around the edges, they have been likely to get into meaningless bar fights, and drugs seem to be the preferred way to spend their money. Drugs are something they have. Of course, Jack, the leader, hasn't been as effective a leader since they got more money, likely to miss communications from their bosses due to his rides on heroine. Right now, in the small apartment they call their home, Jack is completely out, mumbling something as Annie and Pete have a conversation on the couch, one that seems to have no coherent value whatsoever.

    Jack's phone rings, it's the one he takes the jobs from, but of course, he's way too out of it to realize what is happening.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley didn't really join in with all the drug use for reasons that were obvious to her and her alone. Her excuse to the other kids were that she saw her parents die from it and couldn't touch the stuff herself since. She was mostly quiet though, and would help the others come down from their highs. Make sure they were fed. That sort of thing. She'd drink on occasion, of course, so she wasn't a total fuddy dud. Nevermind it wasn't *really* alcohol in her case.

While the pair are on the couch talking she's been playing some game on a beat up old cell. Looking up she glances at them, then at Jack with a sigh. "Shit. He's out of it. If we miss this..." Her head shakes, and she leans forward to stretch for his phone to answer. Hesitating a moment she lifts it to her ear saying, "Jack's phone. He's in the shitter what's up?"

Shredder has posed:
    "Carrie?" The familiar voice of Allan Thurston, the appointed contact for the Snipes, comes over the line. "Again, huh?" he asks. "I'm beginning to think we should just call you to start with," he comments. "Tell Jack that he better have that colon cleared out enough that you can get some work done. We got someone who decided disregard our arrangement in the city. Katie Grant. The big guy doesn't like his position being jeopardized. Said she's gotta go. Gonna text you her address."
    This is the first time the group has been trusted with a lethal hit, the others have all been designed to rough up corporate stooges to gain cooperation. "Think you kids can handle that? It's a bit of a step up from your usual."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Shit. That's..." Carrie hesitates taking a deep breath as she looks over the others here. That would really, really be difficult to pull off with this crew. Not to mention her own position. A small breath is let out as she responds to Allan, "We'll do what we can for the Boss. I know some places she can disapear to. If we need help with the rest..." She trails off. "I'll have it set up and waiting. But it'll get done." She sounds confident in that at least. It was after all a big step up, and better to leave an opening for 'help' if needed.

Shredder has posed:
    "Right," Allan says. A text buzzes through from a scrambled number. "She's likely to blow the whistle and get us all out of work," Allan says, "So better do it quick, before she finds somebody who will listen. Remember, not just our tails on the line, this goes down, you can kiss your cushy drug money good bye. Just remember, don't make a mess you can't cover, and let me know first thing when its done." The line closes, the contact having hung up on the other end.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lowers the phone to stare at the address a long, quiet moment as she thinks. Then she turns her attention to the others here to announce, "We got a hit. A legit hit. Any of you guys want to back out lemme know now so we don't get fucked up at the last minute." She manages to sound pretty self-assured even if she really wasnt. That was what you had to do sometimes though, right? Fake it till you make it. In the back of her mind though she's debating what to do in general. If she could just... get a message to Batman, or Robin, or hell any one.

Shredder has posed:
    Jack's response seems to indicate his strung out state, incomprehensible, while Annie answers.
    "Hey, hitting people is what we do, right Pete?" she asks, giggling from her high. "We just do that, see the joke?"
    Pete shakes his head. "Like, it's not funny if it's obvious," he answers. "You gotta make it be all enimag-enmiga-whatever that mystery word is. It's a mystery." Clearly so is how he ties his shoes in the morning. "Wait, like kill?" he seems to realize the consequent factor. "I ain't never killed nobody. Jack?" The leader remains rather unencumbered with reality, despite a few attentions called for.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances over at Jack only to shake her head. Yeah that wasn't going to be an issue right there. "Yeah, like kill. They said it's a step up for us but that if we fail we're out of money. This chick has some dirt on them that could put all their jobs on the line," she explains to the pair. "I figure we can grab her and run then find somewhere down near the sewage outlets to ditch her. ... Even if we can't kill her ourselves, the flush will get her," she explains with a shrug. "Plus who'd look there? It's gross."

And it was close to a hidden supply depot for the Bats. Easier to form a rescue that way, or hide her out. So long as it appears she 'vanished' then the job would be done.

Shredder has posed:
    "Whoa, you're like, really hard core," Annie says, running a palm across the side of her head in an awkard manner. "So, you think we should do it?" she asks. "I mean, that's kinda like murder, y'know?" she points out.
    "It is murder, Annie," Pete helps clarify. "I guess, we gotta. If we back down, they might cut us out, y'know?" He points out. "Little scared'a that. People who piss off the False Face, they end up doin' time. Max sentences with the way this stuff is going nowadays." He looks back to Carrie. "So uh, what we gonna do?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley ffts quietly giving a shrug. "Man I just watched a ton of real life crime on TV. That's how you get away with stuff, you learn how others fail, right? Besides, I mean..." She rubs the back of her head looking to Jack, then the phone in her other hand. "We don't want to get cut out. That'd be the worst. We were just starting to get comfortable with stuff the way it is... Even if Jack's overdoing it."

Shredder has posed:
    "You're really smart, Carrie," Annie observes. "You're way too smart for this stuff." Her observation seems to be on point, but she doesn't give any indication she understands the implication of the observation. "Well, if you know what to do, Jack's probably not gonna notice anyway," she suggests.
    Pete nods in agreement. "Yeah, we got our own bonafide supergenius, gonna make us all crazy rich!" he points with approval.

Shredder has posed:
    Of course, finding the location was not too much trouble. The small house was in the middle income area of town. Drawn blinds hide the inside activities, but shadows can be seen as someone moves across the window. The house can't be more than 1500 square feet, nothing to write home about, and it's a little worn around the edges, in need of obvious minor maintenance. The front door has no alarm, the back door's screen has been needing replacement, though both doors are locked.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
This was not quite what Carrie was expecting in spite of the address being in this part of the city. It was middle class enough that it was hit or miss whether people would mind their own business or be good, responsible community watch sorts. A quick trip to a dollar store, and Carrie has them all situated with some 'equipment' for the job. Namely, dog leashes. Carrie herself holds one in hand as well as a 'missing dog' flyer she'd seen walking past. Maybe she was being too smart but it gave them an excuse for wandering the neighborhood. She looks at the pair and nudges her chin toward the back. "Go cover that... I'll get the front. You guys get inside while I distract her then we can finish this off quick." That was the plan at least.