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Highway Wobbery
Date of Scene: 06 May 2019
Location: A highway out of Massachusetts
Synopsis: The Crimson Dynamo, Thor and the X-Men arrive to help in a morally gray situation of mutants versus Sentinels.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Gambit, Shadowcat, Emma Frost, Crimson Dynamo, X-23, Thor

Rogue has posed:
Around 5:00pm EST on a Thursday evening.

A convoy of eight cars is hauling ass westward on I-90 out of Massachusetts, five four door cars and three SUVs. The two SUVs at the end of the convoy are riding side by side with the one on the left swerving its way in and out of traffic as they come across it.

In the sky above the vehicles are the dark shapes of metallic sentinels, several of them, all soaring ever closer to the vehicles with their foot and hand powered jet propulsion rockets causing them to sound like a squadron of attack fighters flying low enough to the ground to make the world rumble and shake.

Out of the SUVs in the back, there are a pair of people hanging out of the windows on the insides of the road. One of them is holding up a hand, that hand engulfed in flame that is spiraling around their palm and fingers. A moment later they thrust their hand up into the air and a swirling fireball shoots up into the sky!

The other individual is doing similar, thrusting their hand also into the air, but what leaves their palm is something else, a ball of green and pink light that looks ethereal and magical! They're clearly firing on the Sentienls who are nearly caught up to and with the convoy of cars!

Other vehicles coming down the road headed toward Mass, are forced to swerve out of the way of the convoy's wild driving, while horns are honking and a Hostess truck is sent tumbling off the road into the ditch!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau had been watching the news when he saw the attack on screen. Pausing only to grab his duster, he ran for the garage attached to the boat house, hitting his comm badge on the way. "Any X-MEn dat read me. Attack on de highway. Look like Sentinals. Ah'm on mah bike." And with that he is roaring out of the grounds to intercept the attack... "Dis is stupid Remy. Dey fly. Yah know dey fly. What yah gonna do, mock dem wit' yah rapier wit till dey come down? Bettah focus. Yah get nervous yah start talking ta yahself."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has all sorts of programs monitoring news feeds, looking for mention of the X-men, of mutants, of Sentinels, various bad guys. Alerts get sent when something is going on. And boy were there ever alerts sent. The news of Sentinels going after some mutants galvanized a quick response.

Kitty got word out to the team, though this sort of thing triggered alerts to most of them. There was also a quick call over to the Avenger's Mansion. If the Sentinels were a threat to mutants, she damn well wanted them to see what was going on.

Finally a couple of calls went out to other people. Burner phones called the Punisher and Crimson Dynamo, requesting assistance if they were near enough.

All of that was accomplished while Kitty sprinted down to the base, into her uniform, and to the Blackbird along with any of her teammates who were on site also.

"I can fly us out there and then set the Blackbird down up the road. Unless someone else wants to pilot?" Kitty offers. She has Lockheed on her shoulder. "When we get close I'll try to figure out what version we're dealing with so we have an idea of their capabilities."

Emma Frost has posed:
    The airstream shook violently as the motorcycle went past and the telepath inside frowned at the readings she was getting from the x-men in the school. A single explitive rings out from Emma's mouth as she looks to her emergency closet and pulls out the single outfit she packed for such a situation. Though it wont help with Sentinels it does make her feel better about herself putting it on. Or slipping into it. The white queen steps out of the trailer with a flap of her cape and she takes a breath, getting taller instead of outward movement. She quickly finds her Benz and slips into it. Time to get to work. She's fast behind the Cajun.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    The reply from everyone's favorite electro-mechanical Russian comes almost immediately "Tak tocho, message received and understood. Need target description, am go for traffic on frequency 112.16. Set encryption to mode Bravo."And click, the coms network coming as Galina slips across the warehouse floor, suiting up with practiced ease before jamming that needle into her neck with a shudder. <<Net up, how copy?>>

    The Crimson Dynamo's armor plating already parting as it's venkos begin to sputter to life, auxilaries spooling as it begins to finally power up. Theres a neat little leap, before she can slither down into the big mech-suit. <<Dynamo online, departing upon confirmation of target co-ordinates."No jokes, no friendly banter. Indeed that mass of blood red Armor rises, rolling it's neck around to test the synch before casually stepping outdoors. Lift jet whirring as it comes up to speed.

Rogue has posed:
The lead Sentinel is flying ahead of the others in a classic V-formation with four more on either sides of it. Its the one being targeted from the ground by the mutants in the SUV and it performs a side to side flight pattern to avoid the incoming attacks from the fire and energy balls that sizzle up into the sky in its wake.

Its then that the Sentinel's start to swoop down toward the ground and fly low over the road, their shadows on the ground rolling over other vehicles on the highway and all the scenery around them.

Another figure leans out of one of the SUV, a large fat man with a pink and purple mohawk. He shoves out his hand and a second later that Hostess truck that had gone off the road was now flying up into the air toward the Sentinels!

One of the massive robots is forced to reach out with Tentacle hands to catch the truck, but the telekinetic grasp on it is still active, and it yanks the sentinel around in the air... the driver inside the Hostess truck is flailing around in his seatbelt, clearly terrified for his survival!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau comes roarining to the edge of the property, hitting the button to open the gates barely slowing down... At least until he see's Laura standing right near them. He pulls up short and revs the engine a few times. "Sentinals attacking. Not far from 'ere. Get on." he says it simply, trusting that the younger woman will not hesitate.

X-23 has posed:
The short girl moves to more or less literally jump on the back of Remy's bike, slinging a leg over. "Go." She says, simply, as she lets him start driving.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty and Lockheed are apparently alone in the plane. She sets it on course and autopilot and then connects to a server to check on the Sentinels in question. "Ok, these look like heavily armed Sentinels. But not the most advanced models. If we get lucky they might not have power nullifiers. The ones we ran into with it are a newer model," Kitty says. "Radar's picking up a bunch, I can't get a count at this range, and there is vehicle traffic on the road."

Kitty takes over manual control. "I'm going to set the plane down ahead of the cars and Lockheed and I'll fly over to the highway then," she tells them. "Crimson Dynamo, I'm patching you through the airborn Sentinels. We don't know what is going on other than there is fire being exchanged."

She brings the plane in for a landing them, somewhere that won't be obviously visible from the road or other people. Once down, she and Lockheed just phase out of the plane, the little purple dragon showing his strength as he flies with Kitty dangling from his feet by one hand.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Move it or lose it Cajun!" Emma says in her car before she honks at the back of the bike. She watches Laura jump on the machine and frowns as the girl has no helmet and is totally exposed. <<You two better be fast on that thing.>> The woman sends a mental command, while seeking out the x-men in the air to connect them all in a mental comm system as she had experienced when they came against her in the past.

    They have a LONG way to go to get to I-90. The Benz floors it and is off like a bullet.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "I'll be there shortly, give me space to work."Booster ignites and she's airborne, hurtling up into the sky on a ballistic trajectory towards the co-ordinates supplied. Grunting under the G-load, until the acceleration slows and the Dynamo begins it's roll. Booster rocket seperating as the main flight jet takes over, adjusting her LZ minutely in real time. "Trajectory is clean, angling for a high energy intercept."As cool as a cucumber, nevermind the cockpit temps.

    In the sky high above, it's a contrail at first. It's hardly subtle mind, every thermal camera for a hundred miles can see it plain as day. Venkos surging to full war power as it rolls over onto it's back and begins it's powered descent. Aiming after the lead Sentinel, before firewalling that jet engine. Close to nine thousand pounds making a powered vertical descent, yeah that should probably get her right into the thick of things. "Contact..."

Thor has posed:
    Some small distance away, a young woman in the tower of Teterboro Airport in Bergen County pulls off her headset and lifts her voice to call over her shoulder. "I need a supervisor, please!" Her voice in no small part harried and filled with a measure of trepidation. "I think my radar display is faulty."
    An administrator walks over quickly, leaning over her shoulder to touch the display, highlighting the anomaly that as it flashes upon that screen it receives the designation THNDR-1. He frowns, taking off his glasses and then looking down at the log display, then back up at the screen.
    "Put the incoming flights into a holding pattern, shift 1138 and 2014 to Westchester County."
    "It's moving fast, whatever it is." Then the technician points at another fast moving contact with the designation, DYNMO-1. "And another."
    Rising up he calls to the people in the control tower. "Ok let's get those birds down, people!"
    And as quick as that, out of the sky above the Sentinels, slashing through a wisp of cloud, the Mighty Thor appears in his black and crimson armor. Traveling at such speed as to be in transit for little longer than a blink. He falls and /thumps/ heavy into the side of the truck, holding onto the cab with his hammer hand while _ripping_ the door off with the other.
    "Take mine hand!" He shouts at the cowering driver even as the truck is lashed back and forth with such strength between the two entities holding it.

Rogue has posed:
The Hostess truck being flung into the air from one of the mutants abilities causes the Sentinels to take a more sudden and aggressive stance on this entire situation. In that now that Crimson Dynamo is closing in, she'll find that the Lead Sentinel is firing its foot jets harder to make it soar overtop of the convoy, expertly dodging more fire balls and green/pink energy spheres from the two flinging ranged attacks up at it from the SUVs.

Its shadow rolls across the convoy, some of the people inside of the vehicles are all looking out the windows, shouting in fear, or anger, or god knows what...

That same lead Sentinel suddenly drops out of the sky, and its right foot lands squarely on the hood of the car at the front of said convoy of fleeing mutants from Massachusetts!

What comes next is a sudden and violent explosion as the car is sent tumbling forward into the air, with fire ripping through its interior! The vehicles speed and momentum carries it forward in front of the landed Lead Sentinel who just stands there, like a metal monolith in the streets as the rest of its Flight of Sentinels come to land, around the street, while the vehicles all start to veer off of the road and screech to individual halts!

Aside from the single Hostess-truck-carrying Sentinel that Thor is now attending to. That Sentinel speaks down to Thor. Voice metal.ic and robotic. "Civilians. Please vacate the area. Your presence is not tolerated here during this hostile situation!"

The rest of the Sentienls are all on the ground now, lining the sides of the highway and walking toward the rest of the vehicles that have pulled over...

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau rolls his eyes and within seconds the bike is well into triple digits on the speedometer, though he does make room for Emma to get past him... if she can. It may be quite a ways to go, but at those speeds, it doesn't take long. As they are approaching the mobile battle he calls back to his passenger, "Yah wan me put yah up dare?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    The white queen frowns as she fidgets against her car, the corset is not the most comfortable thing while trying to engage in a high speed chase, and her heels are certainly not doing her any favors, but she's taken courses for fun while doing company retreats and team building exercises. Emma never thought she would be using those fun time skills for an actual car chase. Given the chance the stout AMG tears past Remy and chirps the tires into the next gear and she's gone. Hazard lights flashing Emma gets to the scene as fast as she can.

    She gasps as the sentinels land and she reaches out to several minds and has them all press on the brakes of their cars without having to tell their own feet to move. They just do as Emma tells. <<Back up is here team. What's going on? What can we do?>>

X-23 has posed:
Laura looks interested. "If you can get me up there? Do it." She replies, as she looks at the situation. "Legs are not going to be good tactical targets on a robot."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has her comms patched into Crimson Dynamo's frequency as well as those of her team. "Crap, the ones in the car just endangered an innocent but for Thor," she says. "And the lead Sentinel just took out one of the cars. Emma, can you get those in the cars to scramble?"

Kitty motions ahead of her with the hand that Lockheed is not holding. "Let's lay down smoke to conceal the cars. And go in low near the Sentinel so I can see if he has a nullifer," Kitty says to the dragon. She phases them both so she'll know if her power gets shut off. The dragon zooms in with Kitty's feet about five feet off the ground, blowing out a trail of smoke trying to place it above the cars where it will block the Sentinel's view, while letting the drivers still see.

Gambit has posed:
"Hang on... or actully, don't." and then Remy performs a high speed stopie, like a wheelie on the front wheel, somehow managing to keep the bike from flipping over itself, and catapulting the clawed mutant directly for the chest of the flying robot. The precision involved remarkable for anyone who has never seen Remy do...well anything involving putting objects in motion really."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    The Dynamo hits the pavement, -hard-. Hard enough to destroy the road way, hard enough to set off car alarms the next county over. It vanishes amidst a cloud of asphalt and concrete dust, but well this is the Crimson Dynamo so of course it's not out of the fight. Rather it takes a single leap out of the impact crater, slamming onto fresh pavement before leaning foreward to brace itself, that massive multibarreled cannon over shoulder sliding upwards, before slamming down to target whomever the nearest sentinel might be.

    Those barrels take a moment to spin up to speed, before they erupt. Theres enough recoil to push the Dynamo back a few inches, enough muzzle blast to shatter glass a hundred yards out. Enough unspent gunpowder to flash cook the pavement, nevermind what a few hundred thirty millimeter armor penetrating projectiles can do to a sentinel up close. Missed rounds exploding mid air just beyond their intended target. That masked helm dipping it's chin, that slotted visor erupting with bright crimson as the suit finally comes up to full speed. <<Urraaa!>>That war cry run through god knows how many filters, rendering nothing more than a mechanical roar.

Thor has posed:
    "What?!" The driver, panic on his features instinctively reaches out to take Thor's hand only to be /pulled/ from the cab. One moment he's being jerked around as if he were on a mechanical bull, the next he's flyyyyiiing through the air to land upon a pile of leaves with a /whooofsh/ as leaves go flying and he's suddenly clear of the ruckus.
    There's a heavy CLANG as Mjolnir slams into the Sentinel that had voiced the warning, causing it to reel and the tentacle to retract, followed by a second heavier CLANG that causes the sensors of the giant robot to go haywire. Long enough for Thor to be able to wrest control of the truck.
    As the driver looks up his livelihood is set down beside him with a heavy crunch, Thor landing for but a moment as he asks, "Are you alright?" One good eye looking the man over quickly, Mjolnir already twirling as he makes ready to launch back into the sky.
    "Yeah, yeah, I think so." The driver rolls over, leaves spilling all over the place in that wooded side of the road.
    "Good, get to safety." Then he points at the truck, "Save me some." And with that he's in the air again, flying quickly towards the front of the convoy.

X-23 has posed:
Laura finds herself catapulted in the direction of one of the robots. It's an unorthodox way to get into a fight, but so be it. She pops hand-claws midflight, and she slams them into the Sentinel's chest as she hits it. Foot claws come out just after that, and she starts to climb, using the claws to move up the robot, as she heads up the chest, towards the head.

Rogue has posed:
X-23 goes launching right into Lockheed's smokescreen, but she still manages to collide with one of the Sentinel's on the back of his left shoulder. It, instantly turns its head to look at her with big glowing eyes inside of the smoke cover. "Cease aggressive actions mutant." He orders the little Snikter.

Meanwhile, the convoy's passengers start to get out of their vehicles, some of them anyway. One of them, done up in punk rocker clothing to the extremes, raises her hands and two pink ghostly Uzis suddenly appear within her grasp. Both phantom Uzis come to life though and start to open fire on the Sentinels while some of her companions start to run toward one of the SUVs where members from inside it are waving them over, they're carrying large duffle bags with them at their sides.

The Crimson Dynamo's guns come to life and literally started to shred one of the Sentinels who turns and tries to take aim back at the armored attacker, it raises one hand up and fires off three small rockets at them! "You are submitting to destruction for your aggressiv--" Its mouth is ripped apart by that of the Dynamo's weapon though!

In the sky a bove, there's an incoming News Chopper and a Police Helicopter just ahead of it while further down the road are a field of Highway Patrol Cars all running code with their blue and red lights flashing!

This isn't stopping the rest of the Sentinels from closing in on the convoy's now parked cars! "Mutants, cease all movements and surrender to Sentinel Authority!"

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma grabs onto her steering wheel tightly and slams on her breaks as the road begins to rise up to meet her. Another explitive as she lowers her head and wills the concrete to not hurt her or her white baby. Unknown is the condition of her car and herself but she does hear Kitty's command and so she makes the people scatter away from their cars. Not just the convoy but nearly everyone in tne area wants out of their car and away. Emma then sends out a signal to not fight, but to just run, the x-men and some Avengers will have to make due to save their butts from these giant megaman robots.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde has fought Sentinels on a few occasions now. The lack of metal tentacles used as spears, electrocution, lasers, and any other number of ways of killing she's seen is starting to stand out to her. "The Sentinels are showing a lot more restraint than normal," she says as Lockheed glides her just above the smoke screen. "We need to find out what's going on here."

Kitty watches as people start to get out of the danger zone should the fight continue. "Emma, can you check one of the mutant's memories? See how this started?" she says. Lockheed swoops her down then, depositing Kitty on the ground a few dozen feet from Crimson Dynamo. "Also heads up on the news crew. Might need to keep a lid on them getting footage of what is going on," she suggests.

Kitty waits to attack. Below the smoke now, she sees what the mutants are doing for the first time. "They've got a bunch of big duffle bags," she says.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau get's off his bike, dropping cards into his hands and finding some measure of cover before launching a handful of cards charged nearly to critical at the nearest of the flying robots that does not have Laura attached to it. Normally he is careful with his explosions, but these are charged to slaughter..

X-23 has posed:
Needless to say, X-23 is not going to desist. She makes it up to the neck, and starts going at it, with that patented wolveriney hack and slash, as she starts cutting her way through the thing. It's a robot. What else do you do with it?

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Small rockets impact right on target, but the Dynamo seems unscathed. This is the Dynamo of course, Moscow's lone defender. "Explosives off table, roger."And with a series of pops, three chainguns and a rocket pod go clattering to the pavement. "Stay well clear."

    The Dynamo throttles up that jump jet, gauntlets snapping open to vent superheated air as the blue glow of those venko generators arc to life. Flashes of electricity jumping across armored panels, sparking between those big armored fingers. The Dynamo takes off running, jet engine assisted sprint no less.

    It takes flight only at the last minute as it picks up even more speed, aiming right for the sentinel's abdomen.

    The arc flash as the Sentinel and the Dynamo make contact is enough for a localized EMP, enough to drive the Sentinel onto it's heels as the Dynamo bowls it over and the pair go slamming into the deck. Venkos burning brighter and brighter, as the brilliant red suit firewalls it's electrical generation. Enormous bolts of plasma and wild electricity arcing as the suit takes mount and starts swinging for the fences with wild abandon. The drone of all that brilliant juice enough to flash weld the dynamo's fists to the sentinel's armor with every blow, pulling more and more of that armor plating away until finally a big overhand smashes through it's chest and enough raw wattage to run vegas is unleashed in an instant.

    Batteries explode, wiring melts, actuators burst into flames, coolant is boiled and hydraulic fluid cooked into pillars of flame. The Dynamo's own ERA begins popping off, not that the armored suit seems to care. Armored gauntlets grabbing fistfulls of burning sentinel and pulling it from that armored abdomen like so many intestines. Whelp, the suit was never painted Red for the sake of subtlety now was it? Slowly the dynamo leans back, stepping free from it's mechanical victim. Ventilation ports cranking open to start venting steam. <<What sort of fools sends mechanical mice to slay a tiger?>>

Thor has posed:
    Thor flashes through the air, buffeted by a heavy wind that swirls the smoke screen up in a twin of spirals just moments before he lands with a quick running series of steps. He turns, interposing himself between the mass of Sentinels and the most aggressive of the mutant perps, Mjolnir swirling in his hand.
    "Halt your attacks!" He roars, turning to look at either one of them. "Get clear while this matter is handled!" Though, to be fair, his instinct is to smash giant robots.
    "You!" He points to the telekeniticist that had lifted the truck though he knows not that the man is responsible for it. "Leave this area and do not endanger others!" Though, on some level, Thor feels like he should leave the area too for some reason...

Rogue has posed:
The Sentinel that Gambit throws his cards at is hit by every last one of the flying explosive paper slips and each one of them detonates against the armored body of the robot. It causes it to stumble forward and fall down to its knees, one of his shoulders completely blasted off, making its arm fly off and land on top of one of the vehicles that had been abandoned by the fleeing mutants from Boston.

X-23's relentless attack with her claws are like piercing needles to the Sentinel that she's perched upon and she starts to shred her way into its interior, its not long before she's severing all the connections in its neck while its trying to reach back and BLAST her with a burst of jet flame from its left hand!

Emma's telepathic orders are working on the civilians, and many of the mutants that had been in the cars, but some seem to resist, just three of them in fact, these are the three with the bags that are piling into the SUVs.

Near the back of all of this, the Highway Patrol cars are arriving and the two helicopters swoop over head with their rotor blades thumping loudly in the sky over the still-smokey stretch of highway. The Law Enforcement cars are pulling up and parking while their passengers jump out with weapons drawn!

One of the Sentinels, the Lead Sentine, looks down to Thor and it speaks to him. "Member of Avenger. Identified. Point Break. Your services are welcome but un needed. Please leave." And then it looks away and starts toward that SUV with the three people still inside it.

Emma Frost has posed:
    <<Several confused pilots and one browser history coming right -- Kitty. They're ... they're mutants but they're thieves.>> The White Queen responds to the assertive Kitty quite well, but she does note that with the original x-men not present, Kitty's ethics about forcing herself into the minds of other people conveniently disappear when needed.

    <<There's nearly four million in cash and rare gems in the cars.>> Emma reports to the team. While she takes over the helicopter pilots desires and suddenly they feel like this isn't the right place and all the passengers in the air keep flying over in pursuit of the non-existant car/sentinel chase, until they're out of Emma's range. <<I'm going to get them out of the cars and get them to move to the jet.>> Emma warns Kitty then sends a mental message, not a command to their brains about a way out of this mutant hell.

Shadowcat has posed:
For all that Kitty does not trust Emma Frost fully, it is not the first time they have had to work together. Nor likely will it be the last. Kitty swears softly. "Ok, the mutants in the cars are thieves. We will need to bring them to justice. But thieves or no thieves, that Sentinel just annihilated a car full of people who I didn't see firing on it."

She looks up at the towering robots who are left. "If we have to fight them to stop more killing, we do it." Kitty turns and runs over towards Thor then, while Lockheed is zigzagging through the air up above her. She gets close enough to the Asgardian to be able to lower her voice and be heard. "The ones in the car are thieves, a big heist. If we can stop the fighting and apprehend them peacefully, it'd be best," she suggests.

Gambit has posed:
"Oh sure," Remy says as he continues his assault on the Sentinals in question, explosion after explosion as fast as the mechanism can feed the cards into Remy's hands. "Persecute a group of defenceless mutants whose only crime is takin' t'ings dat didn' belong ta dem. What a world we live in,, Ah swear."

X-23 has posed:
X-23 manages to gut out a large portion of the neck...and then gets caught by the flamethrowers. Ow. Flaming sniktlet takes a dive off the thing before it falls. She'll stop, drop, and roll when she hits the ground. She's a regenerator. She'll be ok.

Thor has posed:
    "Curse you, Stark." Thor rumbles to himself as Mjolnir continues to spin. He's still trying to stare down the perpetrators, and seems about to say something else before the slim silhouette of Katherine Pryde darts into his sphere of awareness. He turns, for a brief moment giving her a once over as if trying to place her, perhaps surprised to see her there. But then his eyebrows shoot up and he scowls.
    "Why can things not be simple?" He says, mood clearly soured for some reason as he rounds to the Sentinel that dare called him Point Break.
    "You!" He gestures with the hammer, a crackle of electricity dancing up and down it. "You recognize me, fine then! Know this. You have caused much destruction, much mayhem! If you continue to pursue these then I /will/ destroy each and every one of you!"
    Mjolnir flashes to the ground but a step in front of the robot, _flashing_ with a burst of lightning as electricity dances along the ground and around it, lapping at its legs. "Step beyond that point in pursuit and I will be most displeased!"

Rogue has posed:
The mutants inside of the SUV are on pins and needles watching what the Lead Sentinel does in response to Thor's ultimatum....

The Lead Sentinel stares down at Thor, then down at the Hammer. Then it steps forward beyond that point toward that SUV, with the rest of its (still functional) crew closing in as well.

Except for of course, the ones that X-23 and Gambit have torn into. The one that Gambit was unleashing his cards upon is fully and completely decimated by the onslaught of explosively charged playing cards. Its final words from its decapiated head are robotic and pathetic in their dying sound. "This... is... not... how--- bzzzzzt!" Eyes flash out.

X-23 had dropped off of the flame attacking Sentinel and its attention is now on her as she tries to roll and stamp out the fire. It raises one foot and tries to STOMP on her!

Meanwhile, a handful of the Law Officers on site are now rushing toward the visible Heroes, Thor specifically. Guns out, but aimed down at the pavement. "They're cop killers!" One of them shouts to Thor, and Kitty.

Its then that seeing the Lead Sentinel closing in, ignoring the Asgardian and seeing the Cops coming, that the SUV's engine turns on again, that Mutant with the pink glowing Uzis leans out the window and starts to fire on the incoming officers!

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma's mind is pushed harder, she's trying to get the remaining mutants to do SOMETHING to get out of the situation. She's trying to save their lives and then get them to westchester for 'help'. Then as she's pushing hard, one of the other mutants in the SUV puts Emma into a mental feedback loop where she hears herself louder and louder and louder until -

    Emma's eyes roll up into her head and she falls unconscious, a blood vessle popping and starting to run down her nose as her face smashes against the wheel and the car horn begins to cry out as the white queen is taken down on accident.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty tells Thor, "I'll try to deal with the thieves." She turns towards the SUV that has started up. The smoke is starting to dissipate as a breeze blows through, stirring the brown hair where it springs out of the pony tail. Shadowcat suddenly darts forward then, sprinting for the SUV.

She runs right through the engine, disrupting the circuitry that the 2027 SUV requires to function. The engine starts to cough and sputter and eventually dies. Shadowcat doesn't pause to see the effects of her passing through the engine. She continues through the vehicle, diving at the mutant with the two pink uzis. Kitty's hands hit the uzis and they guns phase right through the woman's hands. Kitty rolls and comes up standing turning back to point the guns back at the people in the car. She's still fully phased, though she looks tangible enough. "That's it. Fight's over," she tells them in a firm voice, trying to imagine how Jean would sound saying it.

Thor has posed:
    "Very well then," Thor says and as the Sentinel starts to step past, Mjolnir flies back into the Asgardian's hand with a /whom/ of sound, even as above the clouds start to darken faintly to mirror the darkening mood of the Thunderer.
    No crackle of the storm yet, but once the Sentinel makes to move by it is suddenly eating the impact of Thor's shoulder slamming into it, taking the machine off its feet and very roughly _tackling_ it into the pavement with the heavy whoompf of metal bouncing upon the ground.
    Mjolnir rises in the deity's hand, electricity lashing around the weapon as it gathers energy. "I say unto thee!"
    "Nay!" And the hammer comes down.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    From the mass of billowing steam comes a crackle and a brilliant cherry glow, for a moment you can almost make out an armored figure wrenching on the Dynamo before vanishing back inside and getting back into the fight. That familar mechanical growl, broken by the sound of rotary cannon coming up to speed. "Come on girls, not one step back! Give them blood and hate!"The Dynamo all but stalks out of the steam, armament replaced thankfully.

    The Dynamo takes a moment eyeballing it's targets, before that 30mm cannon drops back down and it gets right to work. Sending a long burst of 30mm after the nearest Sentinel, before half turning to empty that rocket pod at the next nearest one. The dynamo is back in the fight!

Rogue has posed:
One of the Sentinels spies the White Queen as she falls over and its big metal hand reaches down to catch her. It wraps his hand around her and lifts her up to stare at her face. "Mutant." He announces, apparently intending to keep her as he lowers her down to his side to hold her like an action figure as the rest of its brethren close in on that SUV.

Kitty successfully deactivates the engine on the modern SUV and the driver starts to curse and slam on the steering wheel. He knows it was Kitty so he's shouting some choice curse words to describe her too!

The Uzi Wielding mutant loses the grip on her guns as Kitty swipes them from her. But when turned around to be aimed back inside the vehicle, the mutant woman in the dusky hued skin and black eyeliner just grins back at Kitty and suddenly the Uzis vanish fromn Kitty's hands and return to her own. She doesn't fire at Kitty though, she just lowers the guns to her sides and then raises her hands up since there are Law Enforcement officers closing in on them now.

That Lead Sentinel that just walked past Thor's hammer indicated line of 'no further'? It gets slammed into by the Asgardian and its completely obliterated by the power of Mjolnir! It goes down to the pavement hard and slides across the ground toward the ditch across the road where it breaks into several pieces.

The other Sentinels near to Thor look down at him. They have standing orders not to attack Avengers. "Weakest Avenger." One of them says. "You are interfering with Sentinel Service directives. Please stand down."

Crimson Dynamo's firepower is impressive, and effective. It both tears into that Sentinel with shredding power, the machine turns to face the Dynamo and it raises two of its hands to lash out her with two metal spiking tentacles!

"Cease fire!" One of the Law Officer shouts as the two helicopters return now that Emma is down and her mind power over them has stopped.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches the guns disappear back out of her hands. But as the police close in and look like they might have it under control, Shadowcat then turns her attention to the Sentinels. And, oh shit. Emma!

For all she will never really trust the platinum-haired blond, there is no hesitation as Kitty takes off running at the Sentinel that is holding her. Kitty doesn't run across the ground, but instead each step takes her higher. All of her body is phased but a few scant molecules on the soles of each foot, allowing her to literally run on the air.

By the time she reaches the Sentinel she's at the height of Emma. Kitty just runs through the giant robot's hand, phasing Emma out of his grip and then phasing those last few molecules in her feet. The pair drop, pulled by gravity's tug until they both disappear underground. Once safely out of sight, Kitty runs through the ground with Emma, heading away from the road before she'll finally pop up. She's gasping for breath when she does. "Good lord woman, how about jogging or a bike instead of using that great big car all of the time," Kitty says as she drops the taller and heavier woman.

Thor has posed:
    Spinning away from the fallen Sentinel, Thor quickly assesses the other targets. He scowls and takes three quick strides then reaches a hand backwards for his hammer to fly up out of the wreckage of the robot and back into his grip.
    "I shall not stand down, automaton! I shall destroy each of you. Either fight me or flee! It makes no differece to me." He spins Mjolnir in a blurring twirl at his side, instinctively using Galina's Dynamo to cover his right side, he shifts to focus on the left assuming she has her corner of the fight handled.
    A few quick strides has him rushing across the broken asphalt as he rushes towards a pair of Sentinels and /leaps/ into the air at the last moment, before bringing the hammer down upon the ground and slashing bursts of lightning into the nearby mechnical beings. A powerful blast of Mjolnir's power as well as the God-Force that explodes around him like some silver light beacon.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    The hulking red suit glances over towards Thor, but well she's fought with that other better lightning god before. (Perun) No indeed she widens her stance somewhat, reaching a hand up to that cannon fixture as she flips the cyclic up to "11", and opens fire. It's a drone more than anything, a fantastic otherwordly amount of violence hurtled downrange at any and all Sentinels she's got in her quadrant. Big cannon emptied, she rolls back, lifting those gauntlets up to open fire yet again. Raining an ungodly amount of 30mm, 12.7mm and now 7.62mm down range as fast as those guns can fire.

    When the smoke clears, there are three neat piles of discarded links and casings, the Dynamo indeed is sending off no small degree of heat haze but it seems essentially undamaged. Casually working that right elbow back and fourth, as she slowly steps foreward to get visual confirmation of her kills. She says "Something", and well you don't need to know Russian to understand it's vulgar. No indeed if the Sentinels are still standing, such foul wicked words might be enough to finish them off entirely.

Rogue has posed:
Kitty Pryde, action hero, X-Men hottie, and professional cereal taste tester, rushes toward the captured Emma Frost and arrives just in time to claim her from the Sentinel that looks all too bewildered after the woman has been taken from its hand. It turns to try to find where the two had just gone into the ground, only to be electrified as one of the two Sentinels that Thor struck down upon with his mighty thunderous rage!

The two machines are shook, rattled and destroyed mechanically from the inside out by the Thunderer's lightning! They both start to sizzle and fall to the east, and west, loud thuds upon the concrete of the city street...

OF course, those thuds are kind of over run by the sounds of Crimson Dynamo's insane level of firepower being unleashed upon what remains. Those two Sentinels can't even react to the destructive power of that kind of gun-mech that is the Dynamo! Mother Russia doesn't mess around!

When it all settles, when the last of the Sentinels are destroyed... the Police are in the process of putting mutation nullification collars onto the mutants that have surrendered, the others out in the fields have taken off toward a nearby Forest park, but they're still being tracked by other members of the PD's mutant task force... not quite as terrible as Sentinels, but still not exactly a refined group themselves.

The lead officer on the site walks up to Thor, he puts his hands on his hips and shakes his bald head. "Those things... just purchased by the city. First day on the job. Boy, the Mayor's gonna be pissed _off_" He tells the Avenger, smirking over at him, huffing a laugh as he then looks at the Dynamo. "You sure as shit better be done with all that firepower. Whoever the hell you are."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    The backplate cracks, cockpit temps were well above three hundred degrees even after the venting. That dull black and grey undersuit sizzling as it comes into contact with the humid air. Casually it's pilot rises, snagging a carbine from somewhere in the cockpit. That brilliant ruby red gaze swiveling around to glare after the PD, nevermind what all that cyrillic graffiti says...or the shark teeth painted over her helmet's chinbar. "I'm the Fucking Crimson Dynamo, you stupid bitch."Oh yeah whats that thing on her chestplate, glued right on top? A SHIELD badge?

    She dismounts with a grunt, carbine held low in one hand as she walks out to survey her good deeds and the rampant property distruction she's wrought. She pops that face shield as she nears one of the burning sentinels, eyes narrowing somewhat before she can produce a cigarette from a chest pocket and light it. "Tell your mayor.."She starts, before half turning back towards the cop and raising her voice. "Tell the mayor the Crimson Dynamo was here, and make sure he knows I'll be back if he buys more. You got that, Barney Fife?"Oh wait, wait wait...is that a cigarette she's smoking or...yeah thats not Tobacco.