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Latest revision as of 00:44, 14 May 2019

The Way To Earn Status
Date of Scene: 16 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Poison Ivy, Thor, Silver Sable

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is in love. Not with a person. But with the keg of Hrulfgar that she was given by Vintridr on order of Thor. That stuff was amazing, it actually got her some good night sleep the last few days. Clearly Thor was a very important person to be on the good side of, but then, how to sneak out reasons to be in his presence more? Easy, suggest there was something important to discuss, that only he could offer help with. She also mentions she'd like to go to that Viking place again. Thor seemed...to react to it would be a nice way to put it?

When Thor meets with her she urges to talk once inside, and lingers for a moment by the bouncers at the door, "see that? One hundred percent, God of Thunder, okay? So...just remember, I'm like, VIP or something...okay? I got this Norse shit down." Utter lies, but hey, this is one of those places where just being seen by Thor is enough to get some stats, right? At least that's how Jess sees it.

Naturally, when they get inside, poor Thor does get quite a few requests for autographs and selfies, but Jess wades through people calling out, "guys, we're her to chill, can you give us some space...?"

She eventually works her way towards one mead hall styled bench that has more room than others, "this looks like a good enough spot...so...Thor, any idea what I wanted to ask you about?"

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Is here already it seems, even she feels the Viking draw or was it the Viking men and ladies that brought her here. Right now though she's sitting sipping mead, it seems watching the crowds go by . though it's hard to miss the redhead.

Thor has posed:
    For his part Thor has no objection to rejoining with Detective Jones at this curious gathering place. It has its aesthetic, certainly, and is perhaps not entirely to his taste. But the people there are lively, full of verve and are terribly excited to see him when he's there. It's a lovely party and Jessica Jones is not an entirely objectionable individual. At times she's even fun.
    So when they reach the door and she speaks with the bouncers, Thor only catches maybe a quarter of what is said. He's too busy smiling, offering a small twiddle of fingers in a wave to the occasional person calling for his attention. He even spares a moment to grant an autograph before one of the bouncers intercedes on his behalf, ever mindful of making sure the 'Talent' are rarely harassed.
    But then his attention returns to the door and he nods to the head man there letting them in with Jess mentioning she's a VIP. "Good man," He says to the fellow, and with as little as that he likely assures Jessica is guaranteed entry into perpetuity.
    Then it's into the place proper after Jess helps clear out some of the lookie loos. They wend their way through the crowd, steps easy as he pauses before taking his seat. "It seems perfectly acceptable."
    On the bench he leans forwards, tilting his head one way, then the other before looking back upon Jess. "I have not a clue, Lady Jessica. I felt it must be a matter of some import to hie me from my home at such an hour. But I hold no regrets."

Silver Sable has posed:

There's a roar from a table, a combination of outrage and glee as something is determined. A dozen men and women are congregated around it, mostly standing. They look like they could pass for Einherjar themselves. Tough, lean looking. Tall, too. No one's packing around pretty flatpacked muscle made for looks. Most of them have scars. Every one of them radiates that look that screams 'soldier' in every language.

The crowd shifts and reveals Silver Sablinova standing at the head of the table. They're all in mute greens and tans, with a lot of combat boots. In red slacks and a white sleevless blouse, she looks more like a corporate executive. That notion is somewhat checked by the respectful way the crew gives her a little extra personal space.

She narrows her eyes. Primes her throwing arm. And flicks a quarter across the table. It bounces once, hits the rim of a glass, and sinks deep into a tall flute of throat-searing scotch.

Her opponent eyes his drink like death itself and picks it up. Three big gulps and he banishes the scotch, then spits the quarter into the air. A fist raises in triumph! ...and then he sort of keels over backwards into the arms of his comrades in arms.

Another roar of laughs and Sablinova steps away from her crew, marching with an effortless confidence towards the bar. "Two more bottles," she tells the bartender. "The Kentucky bourbon, yes. Put it on the Silver tab."

She turns and look around the room with a habitual sort of awareness and blinks when she spots Jessica Jones. Her dining companion is unknown to her and Silver uplifts her chin in greeting before making a path towards the detective. She spots Pamela eying her and returns the gaze with an even look of her own, assessing the woman with a flickering glance before approaching on Thor's right side. She gives him enough of a berth that she's not in his personal space, too.

Jessica Jones has posed:
With Ivy winding up just further up the bench from Thor and Jessica, she could easily choose to slide a bit closer, and regardless, she could likely overhear the conversation if she cared to as well. For now, with Thor and The Amazing Muscle Show by her side, Jessica doesn't really notice the red head. Though she does notes the crowd by Silver, mostly because the theatrics going on are hard to entirely ignore, "hey, look over there, Comrade Not Russian is wiping the floor with people in quarters, who knew..." she laughs it off, even though Thor as no sliver of a snowball in hell of a chance to decipher what the heck she was going on about.

But Jessica is quick to regather herself, and get back to the topic on hand, "ah...yes, I wanted to first of all thank you dearly for your divine gift, because that is the best thing I ever drank...I mean, I had the most peaceful sleep of my life. Pretty much. It's magic!" She smiles warmly, before sneaking the question of, "any chance you could tell me what it was? Didn't taste like anything I've tried before...was it an Asgardian thing?" One would hope that wasn't the question Jessica dragged Thor away from Avengers or New Asgard business for, but to her, it was a most pressing question!

Thor has posed:
    Thor, still working the room a bit with smiles and small waves, he doesn't entirely notice the ruckus beyond the cheer that goes up and he lifts a hand and adds his own to it but gently with a small, 'Yaay.' That isn't heard beyond his immediate company, yet conveys that he's tickled by the festivities and the atmosphere.
    Shaking his head he looks back to Jessica and his eyes widen, "Ah, Hrulfgar's?" He bites his lower lip and his brow furrows as he tries to summon the details of the moment. "Was it the Mead? Or the Ale?" Then his eyebrows lift and he adds, "Oh! Was it the cider? Did he complete his batch of Cider when you were given the gift?"
    As if Jessica would know that. But apparently the possibilities are myriad.
    Of course that's when Pamela receives a smile from the Thunderer and a small wave of his own as he nods his head giving greeting as is polite at a large shared table.
    Then he looks to the side to espy Silver and her approach, eyebrows climbing as if she did not entirely fit in with the scene. Then again she doesn't. And, to be fair, nor does he really.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Is Close enough already though maybe they notice that their table is the only one with flowers on it maybe no hard to say. But She's there Just sipping her drink and laughing as another man seems to walk over and flirt madly with her only to have her shake her head and shoe him away. She doesn't seem to be getting involved well not yet through those green eye almost seems to glow slightly when she gives that stare back towards silver after all Predators can sense each other.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver gives Jessica a once-over, perplexed by the surprised expression. "What?" she asks Jessica. "Surprised to see me here?" A grin crosses her face. Silver looks a lot more relaxed than usual, moving easily and with less rigid self-control. Her Balkan acccent comes through even more strongly, too. "It's close to the UN and my people like it here. Reminds them of home," she explains. "And the drinks are worthy of the gods." She has a beer in her hand and takes a few quaffs from it. Silver apparently prefers dark lagers over light ales. "I am sorry, you're busy and I am interrupting," Silver says, on the tail of her own words. "I'll leave you and your... friend." She looks at Thor and her eyes widen slightly. "Donner Othinson," she breathes. A name assigned to Thor in the Balkans over 1500 years ago. "Bozhe mi," she says-- and immediately claps a hand over her mouth at her casual blasphemy.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica points at Thor, with a trembling hand, "yes! That's the one! That's what she said...V, Vin..Vintri? Vint-something! She said it was a...what you said! A reward!" Jessica reigns in her excitment at hearing the name again, and then asks, "can you teach me how to pronounce the damn thing in case I ever have to order more of it? Can non-Asgardians order that stuff?" See? Important questions!

Furrowing her brow, Jessica tries to remember what it was, in all honesty, it was strong enough to knock her out after a few drinks. Which in itself is likely impressive, most mortals are likely knocked out by a single drink. "Whatever it was, it's amazing, Thor, so, thank you."

Not knowing much about the customs of the Vinkings, Jessica honestly couldn't tell if the flowers were just in this section or in all of them, but she does catches the ease with which Pamela rejects the attempted hit-on. She gives her a thumbs up with a grin, "good for you."

When Silver approaches, Jessica turns to her, she remembers her from Russians Night Out, or whatever it was a few days ago. Or was it a week? "So this place reminds you of home? So...is that what Microscopia is like?"

Then Silver reacts the way one might at meeting an honest to goodness Asgardian God, and she laughs, "that's my best bud, Thor, who I believe is an Avenger, a King and a God, not necessarily in that order..." Jessica peers at Thor as if for approval, "that's about right? What was it...Donner?" She giggles gleefully at the way Silver uttered Thor's name.

Thor has posed:
    "Hello," Thor says and indeed, it is he. That bright smile, the shine in his good eye. Even with that eyepatch he somehow manages not to carry with it the stigma of severity. Instead he looks at ease with his present company, and then when she speaks a name by which he is known, that smile broadens a touch and she might even see a touch of color to his cheeks.
    "Ah, here now." He starts and half-rises from his seat, gesturing with a wave for Silver to join them for all are able to be at the long table are they not? "A friend of Lady Jessica's is e'er welcome amongst us."
    He finishes rising up to his full and considerable height and then gestures to one of the available seats near them. "I insist."
    And, as if it were a foregone conclusion he starts to sit back down, returning to the topic at hand to tell Jessica simply, "The best way to be sure, we shall have to bring you to New Asgard and let you sample his latest." His lip twists, "Though I would have you not speak so effusively on his stock, lest it swell his head beyond tolerance."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Returns the smile with a brilliant one of her own finger waving back towards the man after hard to miss the God-like man. She flags down a waitress and speaks to her softly for several moments before she leans back

    , Of course, a bit later a huge Hand Keg shows up with help from a larger Bartender to thump loudly in front of Thor, the waitress smiles " From the lady! " She points to Pam who lifts her mug and blows a kiss.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver looks like the kind of woman who's crawled across muddy trenches with a broken limb just to spit defiance in someone's eye. When Thor tells her to sit, though, she almost immediately takes the offered seat without a word of protest. "I... Thank you, Lord Donner," she says, looking humbled. Not embarassed or submissive-- but a tree realizing it's standing near a mountain.

"I did not realize ... you were friends with a God," Silver tells Jessica, finally tearing her eyes from the massive Asgardian. She gives the detective a flickering once-over of renewed respect. "But anyone who Lord Thor calls 'friend' must be of distinguished character."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica doesn't correct Thor about the status of her relation to Silver, after all, to be fair, it was a rather amusing night of drinking in the Russian inclined company, and the two of them were good sports, may as well consider her a friend. She's more of one than most people Jess stumbles by. But Jessica doesn't linger long in thoughts about just what Silver is to her, and vice-versa, because Thor just offered her the jackpot. "Are you serious, Thor!?"

While she sounds quite shocked, by all accounts, Jessica's visage is aglow with excitment, "you would take me, Jessica Fucking Jones, to New Asgard to sample your...drinks of the gods? Sold! Just say when's a good time. I'll unbusy myself at a moment's notice."

Jessica then turns to Silver, grinning somewhat arrogantly. It's only fair though, how often do stars align for Jessica to the point she could allow herself an arrogant smile? Surely this one time can be excused. "I dare say, yes, Thor is a buddy, helped me snoop for a solution for that Black Sleep, and got me the best alcohol ever to touch mortal taste buds..." she then winks at Thor, "don't worry, I won't tell it in the presence of...the Hrfuldude who made it."

When the delivery arrives for Thor on behalf of Pam, Jessica quips, "if you don't want it, I'll handle that for you. That's how much of a good friend I am."

Thor has posed:
    "Of course," Thor says. His brow knits for a moment, "Do I often state things I do not mean? I do not believe so." Though the big lug does actually seem to take a moment to consider whether he has of late.
    At the drink brought forth at Pamela's behest, Thor lets his expression shift a touch, eyebrows climbing at the presentation of that over-sized drink. A rough chuckle slips from him and then the server motions towards Pamela. He returns the wave and shakes his head, then says loud enough to carry to all those nearby.
    "You see, they are /very/ friendly here."
    To Silver his attention returns and he exhales a slight chuckle that emerges from a smile, "Please, Thor is enough. I know other names by which I have been spoken of, but my time here in the ages past was... not as great as some might imagine."
    For, in truth, Thor spent a good amount of time 1500 years ago and some amongst the people of Midgard but many of the tales about him... might be a bit further abroad than he traveled. Yet he then looks around the table, taking in his immediate tablemates and some of the others further abroad, "Please, a round of introductions! Who drinks here. Now. Tonight. With Thor Odinson?" He cracks open the keg with one hand and dips a horn into it to hold the drink aloft, waiting for others to do likewise. "To we the worthies here, we celebrate for we know not what the day shall bring on the morrow."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Lifts her mug but grinds her teeth a little she was hoping he'd come over or something. She almost reaches out, and the plants seem to twitch only to grab her hand and sigh shaking her head muttering to herself " Remember you promise dear... Yes yes, I know little ones I won't be much longer ".

     She Lifts her mug back up to toast with Thor because why not let's join into the fun with everybody else. She gives a bright smile as she lifts the mugs and takes a long drink before she puts the Glass down. She hmms as she looks over to the group.

     She blows a kiss again but this time she infuses the room with a scent a smell something primal that seems to unlock more joy feelings of comradery than normal even as she slowly puts down several hundred and picks up her purse to start to leave.

Silver Sable has posed:
A shout goes up from the crowd-- except from Silver's table. The mercenaries are watching their leader and the burly fellow she's standing next to. Some recognize him. Awe is on their faces.

Abruptly Silver is off her chair, shouldering past Thor. A devil-may-care gleam shines in her eyes as she walks in front of Thor. It's like a housecat in front of a mastiff, a swagger that defies the odds. She grips the mouth of the keg in one hand, waiting for Thor to release it. Muscles cord in her arms and she hoists it with one hand. Silver's much stronger than she looks, apparently.

"Porodica!" she bellows. She has a stentorian voice, the sort of clarion call that is meant to carry across battlefields. "Porodica! Stojimo u prisustvu Boga! Poka?ite mu kako Simkaria slavi pobjedu!" The language is Symkarian. Only they and Thor would understand her words. 'Family! We stand in the presence of God. Let us show him how we celebrate victory!'

"POBJEDU!!!" her soldiers shout back with a unity of focus and fraternity impossible to find anywhere but borned from blood and mud. The bar is dead silent at the spectacle. Silver turns and eyeballs Thor, then lifts the keg to her mouth and starts drinking. All the while, she's eyeballing Thor challengingly.

And drinking. And drinking. Her soldiers start a low chant that builds in strength, hanging off each other. "Pice. Pice. Pice! PICE! PICE!" The keg's getting almost vertical and Silver's still going. Hands and boots rattle on the ground in a tribal drumroll as she puts away the last few gulps. They go still. She lowers it an inch, grins, and upends it over her own head. Not a drop is spilled.

Her warriors explode with roars of approbation, stomping their boots in celebration. She takes the stein and slams it on the table exultantly in front of Thor. "Beer for all!" she roars at the bartender. "For Thor! For Symkaria!"

The bar erupts into cheers and Silver puts a fist to her chest. And then she belches loud enough to make the table vibrate a little.

"Ooh. Your pardon," she says, hiccoughing once.

Thor has posed:
    A rousing laugh comes from the Thunderer as various people respond. Some drinks are lifted, toasts are excepted. There are clinks up and down the table as people accept it as a toast and others tilt their drinks back. Through it all Thor's good eye is alight with mirth and warmth, enjoying it all when others enjoy themselves.
    He points towards Pamela and mouthes the words 'thank you' to her politely even as he gets ready to take another drink...
    And that is the moment when Sable slips before him and lays claim to the heavy wooden pony keg in his hand. His eyebrows rise at what she proposes in that body language, and then like a martial form of poetry she raises her voice louder than his own and makes that salute and challenge...
    The Asgardian's features at first are wary, edged as if gauging her, knowing what she attempts and how few have dared to do so before a man such as him. Her pale eyes meet the lone bright blue one of his as she drinks and through it all he doesn't look away.
    Then. It is success and she marks it so not just with the empty. But with that raucous belch that set most to silence. Then laughter. And no small amount of applause. As for Thor it draws a sharp laugh as he slams his hands together twice, heavy claps. For a moment she makes him forget himself, and the fact that he is a King and must maintain the noble mien.
    For in this instant he does not when he simply slips an arm under her legs and /effortlessly/ lifts her up onto his shoulder with one hand bracing her back and the other gesturing towards her. "To Lady Victory! We are all humbled in her presence!"
    Another round of laughter and cheers.
    And as quick as she is hoisted she is set back down in front of Thor who looks down into her eyes and he says simply, "Who are you? I must know."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Smiles as everybody seems to be responding to becoming more jovial and having a feeling of comradery. She Sighs and looks to the plants " sleep little ones let them have a nice night and sleep ". She touches the plants before she starts to walk out of the bar with a slow sway of her hips and click of her heels. She wanted to play with Thor but perhaps another time or another day hard to say.

     For Today she leaves a massive tip and happyness for all to enjoy a night of drinking and singing and fun least that's her hope .

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Yes. -They- are!" Jessica raises her voice along with Thor, but any semblance of mockery is likely lost, because Thor geniunely speaks with that booming voice, and cares not who cares or doesn't care to hear him. He is Thor, and he has spoken. Jessica isn't likely to get that, not for a while. But fun and games do wind down when Thor reveals something Jessica never expected to get an inkling off. Is it possible for a God to have a less than stellar time...? Yeah, she doesn't truly know the Asgardians, else her legendary attempt to negotiate with Ice Giants might have gone better. "So...you do have bad days?" Jessica asks Thor, preplexed.

But then her gaze shifts to Silver's display, what's with that showy swagger before Thor? What could that crazy Symkarian be up to.

Then comes the display of strength, and the coin drops, as Jessica finally understands. That crazy bitch was showing off infront of Thor! Also, Jessica was entirely wrong about her, she wasn't a run of the mill Symkarian bitch, she was a gifted one. Because one way or another, Silver should have had a bit of difficulty lifting that huge mug filled to the breem.

But it's more than just a lift to drink, instead, Silver keeps it held aloft while giving her speech of a toast. In a language that leaves Jessica staring. Sure, she stares in awe at the display, but she's still staring because none of it makes sense. She was about to quip that she thought Silver claimed she wasn't Russian, but there's just so much respect due to that stunt, that even Jessica gives the proper moment of silence, simply observing.

The soldiers joining in, and the chanting, it's all so remarkable, it just looks like a scene out of a movie. But if that wasn't enough, that damned Silver just chugged the whole darn thing!? One go, no spills, and she handled it!? Jessica prided herself on showing off, and swindling some easy cash from machos who then challenged her for a drinking contest. But this was something else.

Even worse, all the work she did to endear herself on Thor, was crashing done, because Silver rendered it all meaningless in her display. Heck, he's calling her 'Lady Victory!'

But as the thoughts run amuck in her mind, Jessica feels anxiousness rising. Why is she having these thoughts to begin with? That's not like her...and throughout, there's a jubilant sense of cheer that seems to have snuck up on the surrounding. Whether guided by Silver's display or not, it felt, familiar.

While Jessica entertained thoughts of demanding a refill so she could prove she could match Silver's feat, her eyes soon detach from the Symkarian Royal and her troops. It's doubtful that Jessica is even seeing her surrounding, because she starts shifting her eyes from one direction to the next as if she was suddenly surrounded by threats all around. "NOOOO!" Jessica screams all of a sudden, a harrowed scream, as she slams the drinking glass that was in her hand against the table, shattering it completely, some of her ale getting splashed about as a result.

Good thing it was Thor by her side, and Silver across, because she swings a few powerful fists at random, as if she was being assailed, before stumbling back over the bench and falling on the floor.

The loudness and shattering glass was enough to get attention, and when a staff member comes to check on her and offer a hand up, he gets punched for his trouble. "Get the fuck off me!" Jessica screams wildly, appearing to just lose it. But in her current state, it doesn't take long for bouncers to get to her and 'help' her leave quietly. Well, loudly, but so long as she's not screaming up a racket and shattering or punching more things.

Silver Sable has posed:
This is a story Silver will pass down to her as-yet unborn children. Someday. For now, it's a moment of exultant triumph, sitting on the shoulders of a literal *god*. If her life ended tomorrow, Silver would claim it went out on a high note.

She's dropped to her feet and lands with a gymnast's poise, looking up at Thor. She's definitely no longer sober, with flushed cheeks and ears. "Colonel Silver Sablinova of the Symkarian Royal Army!" she blurts out. She gestures at her people. "My family. Warriors in the employ of Silver International. These are my most elite, our Einherjar," she says, digging up the Norse word from memory. Elite soldiers in service to royalty. "The Wild Pack!" Roars surge from the table and the troops dash over to be near Thor, clamoring for his attention or just to *touch* him. God of Thunder and the Storm, the right hand of Odin himself. More stories that will be relayed to children through the ages.

In the din the crash of a broken glass is almost lost. But Silver catches it. She's drunk off her tits, being honest, and woozy with adrenaline and the surging emotions of the moment. And she *still* vaults the table with barely a fingertip touch to the old wood. She dashes towards Jess and elbow checks one bouncer away from her. Another gets a two-handed shove that sends him stumbling backwards, losing his grip and dropping Jess to the ground. Silver puts herself between Jessica and the army of black-shirted bouncers, early straddling the prone heroine. She bares her teeth and curls her hands into fists.

"TOUCH HER AGAIN AND PULL BACK A STUMP!" she roars, and if she was loud before, she's positively deafening now.

Something in her mien drives the closing bouncers back a full pace. Then another. Silver growls like a den mother protecting an injured cub and it's hard to miss the sudden and overwhelming attention from the Wild Pack. Even Thor can't distract them from Silver's frosty fury and in seconds, they form a grim, khakhi-colored wall between Silver and the bouncers. And by extension, that small army is guarding Jessica as well.

Silver turns to Jessica once they're all driven back a full three paces and gives the prone woman a gimlet eye. "On your feet, Jessica Jones!" she says with a low but firm voice. It's said as an order... but not a command. Someone accustomed to people *choosing* to listen rather than being forced to. "You are busom companion of our Lord God Donner Othinson. Fear does not become you!" She kneels down near to Jessica, holding the woman's attention with a gaze that is profoundly compelling in a way that has nothing to do with the power and fury of the Storm God. It's more personal. Not just sympathy. Empathy. One woman to another, recognizing the hurt that provoeks the rage. Silver's offering-- well, a hand up. Literally. It's an offering of a thumbclasp, but not a demand for one.

"Sister," she says, and her words are for Jessica alone. Velvet wrapped steel. Empathy-- but not pity. It's not hard to see the trauma victim in Jessica's eyes. But Silver speaks to the warrior woman instead. "Stand with me," she urges. "Leave or stay as you wish. But do what *you* wish." Her hand opens slightly and she nods, once, encouraging Jessica to lean on someone. Even if just for a moment.

Thor has posed:
    At the first tumult with Jessica flailing wildly when she rises, Thor had stepped backwards with hands rising to fend off the furtive pummeling lashed about by his friend. "Jessica, what sets upon you!" Though for a moment there's a sharp /thud/ as she connects with one of her fists into the Asgardian man's chest causing him to stagger back a step. Two, then stumbling over a bench seat onto the table behind.
    Drinks are knocked over, and the response is another round of laughter though aimed at the kerfluffle or the ruckus it's hard to tell. But to Thor's credit he smiles sidelong to one of the tourists there who /now/ gets to meet the Thunderer so directly as he says, "My pardon."
    By the time he's up and clear, Silver has already leapt to the aid, her men forming that wall and protecting the harried private investigator. It all serves to make him smile all the more as he advances, shaking his head.
    Not that she needs it but he lends his voice to her cause. "'Tis truth that in Asgard a brawl is a most blessed thing at times." He makes some show of cracking his knuckles and still smiling that warm smile of his. "But here I know that at the least I shall stand by the side of Lady Victory."
    A beat, then he adds as he looks towards the lady in question, "Or, my pardon, Lady Sablinova."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is utterly at a loss at terms likes Einherjar being tossed about like they meant something, but she's far more lost than just in that regard. Whatever it was that took hold of her, she recognized it. Even if not the source, even if not the method, it was very terrifyingly familiar. Someone was trying to make a puppet out of her, to get her to dance to their tune, and the world around her turned purple.

In all honestly, the color didn't really feature about Club Mjolnir, at least not that she could tell while focused on conversation with Thor and Silver. But now it was all around, almost glowing, and stealing away her ability to focus. She certainly saw HIM, even though it made no sense, and onwards she lashed out in a fight for her indepedendence. Striking Thor in the process, and causing a ruckus.

Luckily, Silver proved to have a very discerning eye, as she jumped in to Jessica's defense. "Leave me alone," Jessica begs of Silver as she demands of her to get on her feet. The words, however, spoken so deliberately drill into her conciousness. They embarrass her, as much as her total loss of control embarrasses her. A breakdown in public wasn't something she needed. She takes the offered hand, but as she pulls herself to her feet, the force she uses in her anger is quite immense.

Jessica is still breathing heavily, jarred no doubt, though whatever caused it remains unseen, her eyes shift towards Thor as she takes a deep breath. Attempting to calm herself, "I apologize," she hisses at Thor. But she is quite touched by how he comes up with a way to brush the entire affair off, even playing it as something of a customary thing. You know, just a good old fashioned Asgardian Brawl in a Mead Hall. Makes perfect sense.

While Jessica is blushing, is shaken, and is mostly of a mind to get the hell out of there. She is grateful for her friend trying to help her save face.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver endures the crushing grip to her hand without complaint, barely blinking. She gets Jessica hauled up and turned towards Thor. It's extremely peculiar, the way she navigates Jess. She relaxes her grip on Jessica's arm and hand once she's stabilized and starts herding Jessica towards the table. Towards Thor. As if sensing Silver's intent her crew breaks up their line and starts apologizing to the bouncers.

"Next round, on Silver!" Sablinova shouts. Again. Never once does she push, shove, or pull Jessica. She just... herds her using a little skilled footwork and clever understanding of social protocols. And her crew makes an easy withdrawal a cumbersome exercise of social violence.

Of course, there's nothing stopping Jessica from simply knocking Silver out of her way. The Wild Pack's leader is definitely going to be needing ice and a wrist brace for a day or two.

Thor has posed:
    Silver is the picture of control, calm, precise as she manages to handle Jessica with an ease that to Thor's perception speaks of years of leading men and women. She manages the crisis, and it is left for Thor to move forwards and to reaffirm that Jessica is amongst friends and safe.
    He steps to her even as Sable shouts for the next round, and the Thunderer's smile is an open things as he lends his own voice to the cheer even as he slips a strong arm around Jessica's shoulders. Not urging or leading, but perhaps aiding Silver, simply to reassert his presence there and in support of her as he says, "Let none doubt the strength of those who share a drink with the Mighty Thor!"
    Perhaps it is truly that he is that self-focused, or perhaps he looks around with that smirk trying to draw what ire or attention to him like some social lightning rod. A sweep of one hand is made and his voice lowers, "We can rejoin should you wish, Lady Jessica. But you are why I am here, if you would leave we can always leave with thee."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is at first trying to push Silver away, to make herself an opening to make good on her plan to flee, but the way Silver positions herself with that impeccable footwork, and ever so gentle prodding that's seen and unseen, Jessica somehow finds herself worked closer and closer to return to her spot, and closer to Thor. Somewhere she didn't want to wind up.

"I think..." Jessica starts, stumbling on her words, and breathing more laborously once more. She certainly doesn't seem well. "I think I've had enough," she finally says to Silver's offer of the next round. Surefire sign that Jessica is gravely ill and will likely die in the next 2 minutes.

But then Thor wraps his arm around her shoulders. His massively impressive arm. The sort of presence one simply does not ignore. Jessica looks up at Thor, and lets him bring her closer to his side. Yes, let's him rather than giddily skip over, because as we all know, she is unwell. "You guys are nuts," Jessica eventually spits out, "...why...?" It's a simple question, but she's honestly preplexed, nobody ever fought to try and get her to reaffirm her grip on herself. To be fair, most in this position were scared shitless to get anywhere near Jess. It's not exactly easy when she's losing it. "How am I why you're here, Silver?" Jessica asks dubiously.

Silver Sable has posed:
"More drunk than mad," Silver tells Jessica. Her Balkans accent is growing heavier by the moment. She grins wryly at the woman, a little flushed with drink and exertion and the charismatic presence of a god. Ivy's lingering pheremones aren't helping, though at least a good airflow exchange is blowing them away quickly enough.

Someone brings her a pitcher of loose ice and water and she promptly jams her hand into it. "You've got a grip like a gorilla," she compliments Jessica. She gives the raven-haired beauty a critical eye at the question.

"I've been commander of the Wild Pack for nine years," she tells Jessica, finally. "I took over at eighteen, from my late father." She grimaces, moving her wrist deeper into the ice. "I've fought on every continent in the world and I've seen villages burned and refugees driven into the wilderness. I've held soldiers broken by war. That expression you had, it's not hard to miss. I've seen it many times." She glances at Thor, then back to Jessica. "It is too common a face, in my opinion. But that does not mean your injuries are less important than anyone else's. We've all our crosses to bear." Paradoxically, she crosses herself. "But there's no rule that says we can't help each other up when we struggle."

Thor has posed:
    "A noble sentiment," Thor says as he gives a nod towards Silver and her words though his attention returns towards Jessica, "If this place displeases you, then we can always find another or simply take a walk as is needed." He straightens up a little and gives Jessica's shoulder a firm squeeze as he tries to meet her gaze even if it's just the one good eye of his.
    A nod is given as if she had passed some test, then he looks around the room and chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully for a time.
    Of course whatever he might have been about to say is lost as a man in a baseball cap comes up and says, "Hey, Thor! Can I get a selfie?"
    "Bide a moment, friend. I am currently engaged."
    Of course that doesn't seem to deter the fellow who already has his camera raised.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Fair point," Jessica must concede, drunkeness does often stand behind many a marvellous deed. "Meh...I have my moments," Jessica tries to downplay the compliment she gets from Silver, not feeling too good about herself at the moment. "Every continent?" Jessica simply has to be Jessica, as she quips, "even Antarctica?" She somehow doubts it, but who knows, maybe Silver meant that one as well.

Jessica does flinch a bit at the mention of Silver's experience seeing soldiers broken by war, "I was never in a war, never a soldier, I wouldn't ever persume to know the horrors of war, or what those suckers faced." As if recalling only after that the aforementioned Wild Pack are standing right there, she looks up and quips, "no offense boys, but far as I'm concerned, you joined a military force, you've been suckered in." She grumbles and grabs the nearest mug, was it even hers? Impossible, she broke the one she was drinking from, still she empties whoever's drink it was. Hopefully wasn't Thor's, that would be all the more embarrassing still. "I'm fine, my only problem is I was a stupid teenager doing stupid teenaged stuff."

But when Thor gives her a bit of a squeeze, Jessica can feel like she could melt into that, she does her extreme utmost to avoid showing any reaction. Going as far as surreptiously biting her lower lip, . o O (keep it together Jones, you already fucked up bad enough) O o . she thinks to herself, while offering a ghost of a smile to Thor's gaze.

Luckily, rude fan to the rescue, and Jessica prompts, "you're the hero here, Thor, go, have a selfie with the guy, I'm fine...promise I won't break any more stuff."

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver focuses on Jessica, eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "If you were suffering a gunshot wound from a mugger, and I was suffering one from an enemy sniper. Who would you say is in more pain? Who is less or more worthy of the pain? I agreed to serve my country, you chose to live in a city with high crime. We take risks every day, Jessica Jones," Silver points out, and leans forward when Thor's distracted by the fan with the phone. "But do not disparage yourself so readily. Do not dismiss your own pain because you feel it's not 'worthy' of concern. Pain is pain." She reaches for a glass, swings it in offer of a clink to Jessica, and then downs it. She very carefully rests a featherlight touch on Jessica's shoulder and turns away so she's speaking away from Thor, but into Jessica's ear. "And Lord Thor seems taken enough with you as it is. I think, this once, permit yourself a little happiness." She steps back and holds Jessica's eye, cocks a 'it's up to you' brow at her, and slams back the rest of her drink.

Thor has posed:
    The Asgardian's brow knits with furrowed concern as he looks between Jessica and Silver. He spares just an instant to share a look with Silver as he quirks an eyebrow asking the silent question of, 'You got this?' To which, assuredly, the answer is something akin to a yes. But he makes sure to get confirmation from Jessica as he murmurs, "If you are certain, Jessica. I will be but a moment."
    And as he says that he will offer a smile to each of them, the worry is still there seen in the depths of his gaze, then he turns away and he smiles to the fan.
    "Come, sir. At your wish, capture our likenesses together for eternity upon your cellular telephone. I am at your disposal!" The Thunderer's voice is loud and rowdy and the atmosphere starts to liven up again with some other aspect of distraction.
    "Hey, Thor. Over here!" A few flashes light, some young women giggle and ask him for selfies as well and thus it begins.
    All told he will likely be busy for the next ten minutes. Perhaps more.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica seems to have been helped by the combined effort of Silver and Thor to get to the point she's not freaking out, but the way her eyes gaze through Silver rather than at her when she talks, it's rather clear that whatever she experienced, hasn't truly left her. "Uh huh," is the intelligent reply she gives to Silver's very solid reasoning, but offering this passive sort of acceptance, even if not whole heartedly done, is something of a breakthrough.

"Sounds like a leading philosophy that makes sense, pain is pain, go figure..." Jessica gets a little bit more like herself, nodding at Silver's words. But then Silver reaches to touch her shoulder, clinking glasses, and before she can realize, Jessica hears the words she never imagined she'll ever hear whispered to her, and she's just barely manages to stay seated. "Whhhaaaatttt? Nu huh, no way, nope. He was just being nice," Jessica explains, turning to peer over at Thor, as he falls into the classic selfie for days trap. "You know he's a god? And apparently a King of some Scandinavian country?" Yeah, Jess hasn't really been keeping fully up to date in world affairs, her focus truly does mostly reside in New York. "It doesn't matter what he thinks...I'm Jessica Fucking Jones, I don't get a god, and definitely not a king..." did she just rate divinity beneath royalty? Sure sounded that way. "You know what I get? I get to snap photos of creepazoids cheating on the people they swore to love forever and ever." Way to sell herself short after the Black Sleep affair, but she wouldn't be Jessica otherwise.

Silver Sable has posed:
"I should slap you for your insolence," Silver tells Jessica, cheerily. "You slander yourself, and therefore you slander my drinking companion."

She rests her elbows on the bar behind her so she can talk to Jessica, prison style, and both can more or less glance at Thor while he's mugging for the cameras. "He is a god. He is my God, and that of my country. We still honor the old ways and the old rulers."

"But I am not speaking to you as a scholar. I am speaking as a woman to a woman. Even if his attention is brief it is still the favoured eye of a god. And do you know why you deserve that?"

She bumps her mug against Jessica's shoulder, gently, as if fistbumping her. "Because *you are* Jessica *fucking* Jones."

Thor has posed:
    As for the aforementioned God, he is about twenty feet away now in a crowd of various people and from afar... one might well get the idea how some in the past would consider him such. The casual charisma, that magnanimous manner, so larger than life and effusive even as he's smiling and giving a big old thumbs up to the camera as two young women and one young man have their arms around him and are giving thumbs up as well.
    It's had an affect on the room and the mood of the people. No crude thing like spores of pheromones lost into the air, but just that casual sincerity and strength of character that Thor brings to such things.
    One might imagine that he had forgotten all about his drinking companions, but then even as he's signing an autograph and speaking to an older woman, he smiles to her. Then shoots a look back across the crowd towards the long table he had been at before, and the two drinking partners he had. And he'll wave. Just an effusive smile and a wave perhaps to let them know they're not forgotten.
    And then it's back to signing that autograph.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"The fuck...?" Jessica stares incredulously at Silver, "are you using some reverse psychology shit on me?" She wants to continue with the fact it's never going to work, but she relents, and just has herself another glass. When Silver mentions Thor is the god of her country, Jessica blinks, "is he for real? I thought it's all about Jesus these days."

By the end of Silver's pep talk, Jessica has to laugh, looking strangely at Silver, "do you even know anything about me, Silver? I'm not sure you do, but you sell it very well," she laughs, "I'll drink to that."

Jessica does look over at Thor, as he signs autographs and partakes in selfies, and laughs, "you know, Silver, it is funny to think half those people rushing to take selfies with him probably believe in anything but the Norse Gods, and yet here he is...and they take him for a celebrity."

Silver Sable has posed:
"It's complicated in Symkaria," Silver allows. "The Orthodox Church is very powerful. Conversion of all the major nobility happened centuries ago. So it was socially and poltiically necessary to be allied to the Orthodox church or else face pressure from the Holy Roman Empire. But... old traditions die hard. Many of us see a blending of the faiths, another 'face' of God. Look at him? Does he not bring joy and terror? Lightning from the sky and move the earth from below? That sounds very Old Testament to me."

She sips her drink, savouring it and letting the rush of adrenaline leave her flushed face and neck. She lolls head head back towards Jessica when the raven-haired detective looks at her, and Silver sighs. "I know you think you are worthless because you are damaged," she says, finally. "I can make some educated guesses. A man, someone close to you. The means does not matter, but he made you feel powerless. You are afraid of losing control and you cling to alcohol because it numbs the pain." She eyes her glass and sets it aside. "Believe me, I understand. Ever seen Russians perform traditional dances? Imagine doing it while drunk on Stolichnaya."

A bit of humor clings to her face, then it levels into a thoughtful placidity again. "Two reasons." Her fingers lift in a 'vee'. "That I see women reject a man such as that. A good... well, godly, man."

"The first is that they are afraid he will prove them wrong, and they *are* worthy of him. The second is that they fear he will make them lose control again. No knife cuts deeper than to stare into your soul and dislike what you see."

She lets that sit for a beat, eyes flickering to Thor to prompt Jessica's glance. "Alternatively," she allows, "You are not into the men, and I have been wasting what could have been valuable flirting time." She grins at Jessica when the detective looks back and straigtens her posture to throw back her whiskey.

"Lord Thor! Will you not rejoin us?" she calls to the Thunderer. "Or have you found more pleasant company?"

Thor has posed:
    The call is enough to beckon him, to draw him forth from the attention and the adulation even as Thor spreads his arms and walks backwards from the crowd as if wishing he could hug them all. "Another time, my friends. Another time." The Asgardian smiles to them as he turns around and waves a hand over his shoulder, "I must away. Be good."
    And with that he's able to depart, slipping away from that throng and moving across the way, around a server, and then back towards the table where he had first shared their company. It is to the same seat he retakes it and thumps back down at the table, palms flat upon its surface as he smiles at them each in turn. "Forgive me for such neglect. I return to you, sound and at your service."
    That said he'll look around for something proper to drink and then help himself to it unless there is a suitable objection from whomever might own that particular beverage.