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Latest revision as of 03:03, 14 May 2019

Starheart and the Witch
Date of Scene: 27 March 2019
Location: Riverdale
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jade, Sabrina Spellman, Yin

Jade has posed:
Normally In the sleepy little town of Riverdale not much happens, well no more than your average town with a very long history and a semi-dark past. But in the scope of the superhero realm, Riverdale is a giant Zero like most small towns. Yet today is different

     Floating above Riverdale is Jade semi-known hero and a current green lantern, but unlike them her power comes from the starheart the very source of all magic and that source told her to come here, Why she has no idea, so the green woman is currently scanning the small sleepy town trying to figure out why she was summoned here of all places.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
One potential reason, amongst any number of potential reasons, is Sabrina Spellman.

As far as superheros go she's so far down on the totem pole as to be near non existant, but she's pretty high up on Riverdale's weird o meter. Standing half naked in the woods amidst a circle of salt in the form of some eldrych symbology with various implimentations of her craft situated at the five points of some upside down whatsit. It's a very technical kind of thing, honestly. As is the language with which she is chanting her incantation. Henceforth referred not actually referenced as anything other than having been spoken for the sake of everyone's sanity.

Because the sound of mostly vowels is hard to decypher at the best of times.

Salem is nearby, sitting upon a fallen tree cleaning himself as if none of this is at all important to him. God. Damned. Cats. Paw licked, paw passed over ears, eyes on Sabrina, then on something running through the brush? Is that dinner? Could be dinner... probably gonna be dinner. "I'm hungry, Sabrina, could you hurry this up?"

Yin has posed:
Yin kneels near the cat, in meditation. Black bodysuit, full face mask with an off-white yang over one eye, red collar and short robe. Costuming is an ever changing target with her sometimes. So alive and senses spread.

"I'll bring some fish next time. Let her work." She flicks her eye over at a mouse in the bush that she has no business being able to see, then returns to waiting watchfully in case something inevitably goes weird. A demon or another wererat or something.

Jade has posed:
LOCK ON! Jade, after all, is currently the embodiment of the starheart that gives her an advantage, she's also been doing a lot of training so she launches herself downwards the moment she feels the magic starting to flow, She quickly gets close feeling what the spell is even before she can see what's going on through the half-naked young girl makes her pause a moment .

     The spell seems to be working, Especially when the Very components the materials of the spell start to smoke and evaporate into smoke that shoots towards the various symbols causing them to glow as the smoke is absorbed... As they glow a CRACK appears in the very fabric of space and slowly a clawed hand punches through, scaly and dripping something that makes the ground hiss on impact.

     Suddenly above Sabrina is bathed in a Green flicking glow as Jade reached in the fire the color of her namesake. A hand extends with a Starshaped mark on her palm " ah ah ah lets not shall we! " Suddenly green flaming beams launch outwards touching the symbols and changing them? the crack seems to flicker and snap causing an inhuman scream! That is before the crack turns into what seems to be a door and the hand that comes out this time is delicate and light with sparkly fingernails, then an elven face with larger than normal eyes peers out.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Salem, for his part anyways, rolls his eyes and continues licking his paw and cleaning his head. The mouse, for its part, is on borrowed time. He will have it. He will devour that mouse. That mouse is cucked and doesn't know it yet. "Fine... I'm just saying that we could have done this after dinner, is all." Says the feline, watching Yin, watching Sabrina, then watching green glow.

Green glow?

Sabrina glances upwards when it baths across her makeshift summoning spell, drawn out from the medative portion even as she continues speaking the dark words of the incantation in to the ether. She is blissfully, ignorantly maybe, unphased by the demonic claw grabbing upon the cracked earth in the center of her drawn symbol. Then, when the whole spell is changed, shows her ultimate disdain with hands thrown into the air! "Well, fine! Just come barging in on my magic changing the spell... Not like I was trying to bind a demon or anything! Not like I had questions to ask!" She frumps backwards onto her buttom and huuuuurumphs her arms upon her lotus folded knees.

"Alugh clah dua ooh uth!"

Flicking her fingers at the elvish face peeking out at her from across the seeming. Immediately closing the doorway with the gesture, "Why?" Up to Jade, expression looking drawn, slightly tired, and just a little aggitated.

Then down to Yin, motioning from her broken spell, to Jade, then back and forth several times with her jaw hanging slack the entirety of this comically timed motion.

Yin has posed:
Yin rises in a smooth motion. Breath in. Breath out. Relax. Eyes up at the intrusion. Peers at the figure, and the effects, and tilts her head ever so slightly.

"Well. Now that you are interfering in an investigation, would you like to introduce yourself?" She steeples her fingers in front of her. Hmm.

Jade has posed:
Jade Crosses her arms she's wreathed in fire and those that can detect magic feel it bleeding off her like massive waves as she looks down almost glares at the two teens. She looks to Sabrina " Didn't anybody tell you summoning demons is a bad Idea and anything that demon could have told you that spirit could of as well. Not only that before you cast her out, but she would also have told the truth". She looks to the cat and lifts an eyebrow as well as scanning over Yin.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina pushes off the dirt and grabs up her own clothes to slip back on with a glare directed skyward, "Has anyone ever told you that meddling is testimount to mumbling?" Slipping on her shirt and tucking it into her unbuttoned pants with agitated jerks of her hand. "I needed that demon. He's the responsible party and I was well within my scope to force him to answer the single question without any concern for him lying." She scoffs a little, but she recognizes that Jade may have been trying to help and tries, stressing try, to look at it in that light.

"I collected the reagents for a week. That's a weeks worth of time I can't get back." She grumbles about it. Salem, for his part, finds it all amusing. Albeit with a cautious eye direct upon Jade's floating, firey form. "Hey, she has a point, though." Because cats are arbitrary and kind of instigatory.

Sabrina drops down on the ground beside Yin to pull on her boots, trying not to acknowledge the familiar rhetoric with anything more than a scornful expression. "So... you didn't answer the question. Who are you? We know why you..."

Yin has posed:
Yin is mostly just standing, impassive. Full to the brim of qi, totally relaxed. But there's not much to say, yet. Sabrina is covering this so far. She's the backup.

Jade has posed:
Jade Crosses her arms " Nobody needs a demond if you want to summon it then I can bring it back.. but honestly your better off destroy it or asking the spirit " She shrugs " I'm Jade Green latern of earth, Part of the Justice League " She could go on but she lets it drop The JLA is normally a big enough name drop. She slowly floats downwards closer to the girls but doesn't touch those symbols least not yet.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Unless what you need is a demon." Sabrina reasons aloud, "No, now I'm all dressed and my circle is broken. At this point it would be kind of irresponsible to resummon it." That doesn't mean she can't be indignant. Even with the name drop of JLA, "So you just fly around interrupting very intricate spells hoping your affiliation will protect you from the backlash? Kind of douchy, isn't it?" She's a teenager, this is part of the stigma of dealing with them.

Salem hackles out a laugh. Oh so amused. He climbs down from the log to go look for that mouse.

Dinner time is ney.

"Had everyting under control, you know? All the components were in order, all the symbols were precise." She's kind of holding onto it a little. It was a lot of work, afterall. Eyes up to Yin, "Is it too late for us to get milkshakes? I need a milkshake..."

Yin has posed:
Yin nods, just enough to be recognizable as one. "Yin, working with Alpha Flight. We can still get milkshakes, and the mouse is right there." She points behind her into a certain part of the bushes.

"And it does seem irresponsible to be interfering with rituals without investigating. I was right here, and I am not a complete unknown."

Jade has posed:
Jade Lifts an eyebrow she's not that far off them in terms of age " Now who's being douchy I'm saying Sorry and I can fix the circle and help you summon it as a sorry but your giving me the no but I'm still gonna make you feel bad about it " . Her eyes narrow " If you know magic doesn't matter on what level demons are bad and illegal especially for a newbie " . She points " Third you were summoning a 7th layer demon that tiny Circle would not hold it.. and You " She points big glowing hand grabs the CAT lifts him up " Should have told her as the stronger mage here " . Yep she can see through his locked form " And who cursed you cause OWCH ." She looks to Yin " Chi and Magic not the same source " .

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Let loose of me!" Salem says in a commanding voice that no less relieves of him that hackle raised appearance of a cat handled in such overtly unregal a manner! How dare anyone do such a horrendous thing. "The cheek! Don't you dare presume to know me or my particular place in the greater scheme of things! Also, you owe me dinner..." Because the mouse has scurried away.

Meanwhile, Sabrina narrows her eyes, "I'm allowed to be a little peeved by unexpected interruptions, no matter how you attempt to remedy it. I am not a newbie, thank you very much. I knew exactly who and what I was doing, even if you happened to know more. Can't come in here acting like Bobby Brown smacking around my experience because you happen to be in the Justice League!"

Turns out two can play the lowtide game.

She glances at Yin, then back at Jade, "Listen, I appreciate that you're trying to remedy the situation, but if I wanted someone to do it for me, I'd have let someone do it for me... I had everything under control. Do. Not. Tell me how I did it wrong, then offer to do it yourself ot prove how I did it wrong. That's just uncool on a fundamental level. Also, put down my cat." Wiggling her hands for Salem. Who, for the record, is still quite displeased by his predicament. "Or insult my friends who were here helping. We didn't go seeking out assistance, so you have to appreciate that we may not be so excited that it was given and then being called out on what we were doing perfectly fine before you showed up."

Yin has posed:
Yin looks between the two. "Are you done lecturing yet? This is verging on a jurisdiction issue. Also. Have you seen any wererats around here? There are at least two on the loose now. I have been trying to ferret them out. Among other things. That a demon may have had its fingers in." Her finger tracks the mouse around the tree to its hidy hole.

Jade has posed:
Jade Lifts an eyebrow 'That's Why I asked who cursed you ' she shrugs and drops the cat it seems this town is full of rude people. Though she looks back to Sabrina when she speaks. She crosses her arms " Not a newbie alright I'll give you that circle with the reinforcments was strong, but it still wasn't up to the task one little screw up, and I'd have to clean your guts off the three's and frankly you looked too cute to do that.. so instead of blasting your demon into nothing " she motions to the circle.. " I changed it to light magic still doing what you seek summoning for answers but getting it from a source that doesn't wanna wear your insides as a party dress. "

     She actually turns to yin " Apologies if I offended you "the Green girl gives a little bow.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina opens her arms for Salem who, instead of coming to her, goes directly for the mouse nest to paw at the dirt. So much for comradery against common enemy, right?

At least there's still Yin. "So you define your intention to save inexperienced witches based on their asthetics?" Her expression scrunches a little, dubious at best. "Justice League, ladies and gentlemen." Motioning up to Jade. "You're in Canada." Complete with finger quotes. "I get it, you're group isn't specifically centric to America, or whatever, but I had a double layer here." Motioning to Yin.

"Because she trusted that I knew what I was doing without needing to interrupt or, otherwise, show me how I was doing it wrong." Now it's just national pride, to be perfectly honest. Also, maybe just a little, embarassment being called out in front of her friend.

"Were you chilling out, maxin, relaxin all cool?" That's the opening to the Fresh Prince. "Up there? Waiting for me to almost summon a demon?"

Yin has posed:
Yin sighs a bit. This has become a point of pride, and she eschews the stuff. inhale, exhale, feel the tao.
    "You did not offend. You did seriously inconvenience my colleague, here, by interfering without communicating. If you could modify the spell, could you not have reinforced the safety measures? It would be appreciated if you made amends for that inconvenience somehow, Jade."

Jade has posed:
Jade Looks " My powers are Magic based they told me that something bad really bad was going to happen, then you summon a demon that Spikes on my senses " She sighs " I admit I rushed and didn't get info but if I was right you were about 30 seconds from him eating your innards.. " She looks to Yin " I am trying yet it seems she's too busy insulting me and getting bent out of shape about who I am after I answered her question who I was in the first place, I protect this whole sector of space that includes millions of planets not just your silly beliefs based on a tiny geographical area on a tiny planet . " Yep, she's getting mad now.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina frumps a little, but doesn't relent, not completely anyways. "I spent a lot of time preparing that spell, is all." She motions around at the various hard to acquire reagents. "Went to all the effort, studied up ont he signs, symbology, and was really kind of looking forward to the whole experience of doing it myself. Just seems like all my effort was curttailed and it's got me a little miffed." Which is as good as any a road in to apology for her own part, "Sorry... I'm just.. Sorry." Waving both hands, she then uses them to push up from her seat. "I'm going to go get a milkshake. Yin, you in? Want a milkshake?" Salem, he's off still trying to lure out a mouse. Pawing at the dirt expectently.

Yin has posed:
Yin nods again, minimalistic.
    "She spent a lot of time building a double layer of wards and circles. She was being very careful. Imagine how you would react to having a week of work disrupted like that. Politeness might not be the reaction you would be inclined toward."
    "And of course. Maybe a smoothie instead. Elsa it, Salem. It's three feet underground now."

Jade has posed:
Jade Sighs " okay I'm sorry alright hows this You tell me why you wanted to summon the demon I'll help but the spell is yours I just supply the power and the Heft to make sure the circle to control it can't be broken hows that? " She cocks her head she is sorry just her gut is normally not wrong and demon shortly after her powers tell her something is going down is a pretty good indicator. She also holds up a bank card " Also Milkshake on me? "

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"I'll let it go once it's in my stomach." Salem says defiantly of the mouse, still pawing. At least until Sabrina hoists him up and places him upon her shoulder. He may be disagreeable, but he knows when he's licked.

"Alright, that's a good start..." Too Jade, motioning up the unbeaten path towards the road that will lead them to Riverdale proper. "Milkshakes on the Justice League."