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Latest revision as of 03:28, 14 May 2019

Punching Paper
Date of Scene: 29 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crimson Dynamo, Nyx

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Even at SHIELD, Russian heroes have a certain exotic buzz about them. They spent so long as the default SHIELD foe, even the friendly ones tend to generate a degree of curiosity when they're about. The Crimson Dynamo, had been the longest serving heroic mantle the Russians had until her recent defection. So yeah she's all the talk at the odd water cooler or canteen, and who can blame them right? The Dynamo is rad as hell.

    She'd actually come down here to have a secure, safe environment to get the Ultra-Dynamo's weapon systems calibrated. Only the novelty of an indoor, air conditioned range had grown on her once again. Even if she couldn't drink beer and smoke, but life isn't perfect right? The Dynamo stands back up against the wall behind her, hidden for the moment under a convient drop cloth to keep the idle curious at bay.

    The Dynamo herself though, she's down on the firing line. Gorka jacket and a ratty ballcap set off to the side, that trademark blue and white stripe of the VDV in a neat fitted T-shirt format. All the better to show off that prodigious amount of Russian army ink, and that bright red mechanical left arm of hers. Casually fiddling with the red dot on her AEK as she taps her foot to some, ancient Russian pop song left rattling around in her head.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha is technically off duty, after a very long day of filing paperwork on both of her encounters with the Speedster going by the name of Zippy. Skye basically used the whole thing as a crash course in how the whole red tape and reports side of life at SHIELD is. No sugar coating Sam's new life.

She lets herself into the Weapons Testing Range, it is good for heavy ordinance testing after all. "I don't see why I need to learn to shoot a pistol.. or an ICER.. whatever the hell an ICER is.." her eyes on the SHIELD approved tablet in her hand now as she bitches, then pauses.

Slowly Samantha looks up and around then down at the lady with the mechanical arm and the AEK. "Oh.. uh... sorry.. didn't know anyone was in here at this hour."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    She doesn't even turn at first, taking care to set that rifle down on the table first. "Oh is ok, I'm in at odd hours. Please do not worry on my account, agent."And well when she does turn, mechanical left eye and yeah it can only be the Dynamo herself. Still she offers a smile, before offering a gloved hand. "Nice to see not all agents are morning people, I'm Galina Nemirovsky. Perhaps you know me better as the Crimson Dynamo, yes?"

    A thumb offered over her shoulder towards the firing line. "Blowing off steam or, trying to get your scores down agent?"Not every day you get an empty range with bonafide special forces yaknow.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha looks a bit sheepish. "I ... don't really have to sleep very much lately. It is super odd..." now that Sam thinks about it, it is pretty odd indeed. Sigh.

She meanders closer to the firing line and Galina. "Samantha Twining, Agent in Training actually." she is wearing SHIELD fatigues at least.

"I... am not very good with a gun actually.. but I am told I need to pass a basic proficiency which seems really nuts considering.. but yeah.." she sort of trails off. "It is cool to meet you, I think I saw you in the news... you have a metal arm like Barnes."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "His is much more advanced, but yeah Russians and their metal arms for certain. Bucky is friend of mine now, which is crazy to think about considering where we all were a few years ago."Theres a smile there, as she trails back to the firing line. Listening as she goes.

    "Well Agent Twining, would you like some help? I do not know how the SHIELD teaches people to shoot, but their methodology seems overcomplicated thusfar. Too much reliance on sport shooting, not enough kinesthetics."Because despite the myth, Russians do take their shooting fairly serious. "What is it that's giving you trouble?"

Nyx has posed:
Samatha smiles back "Well good.. I get this impression Barnes can use more friends that understand him." she considers "He does have the sweetest dog though."

At that point she follows Galina back to the firing line. "I haven't actually had lessons yet or a lot of practice. I took the basic compentency and safety session yesterday but wow I sucked." she gestures down range. "It isn't at all like the shooting I'd been practicing really."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Alright, set your weapon on the table and I'll get you started."Casually reaching over to snag the cleaning rod from her AEK, before easing over towards Nyx. "Pistols are most difficult to learn, not intuitive unless you were raised with them. Part of this, is developing the proper eye for it which Americans teach very poorly."Theres a pause there as gives Nyx's piece a cursory glance. "Empty magazine, rack slide and show me the weapon is safe for starters."

    "Well he came out of the Red room, but we both understand what it's like to feel adrift after devoting so much of yourself to your duty."And a shrug there, as she presses the button to run the target out to ten yards. "Not much of a dog person myself, but yes he struck me as the sort. Always preferred bears, personally."

Nyx has posed:
It is clearly a range piece she checked out for practice, not a personal firearm. She hasn't even got a holster for it anywhere on her.

Samantha does pay attention though, she has to manage to pass the minimum requirements really. "Okay.." she after a moment pops the magazine catching it in her other hand and then rack slides showing she hadn't chambered anything yet. She did take the class on gun and range safety.

"What is the Red Room?" Sam looks sidelong at Galina and then back down to the target. That isn't too bad, knowing nothing of hitting people with pistols at even 10 yards and the difficulty.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Carefully, she ties a lenght of string onto the end of the cleaning rod, which is an easy 18 inches long or so. Then into the barrel it goes, the slide delicately racked to tug the string through before letting it close. "Alright, Rod has two function. One it will wiggle around in barrel as your aim wiggles around,and two it lets you focus on the fundementals with instant visual feed back. Now manually cock hammer, take sight picture and flip safety off. Try and hold sights on target without focusing too much on precision just yet. Watch the rod's movement, notice how it moves in a loose oval?"

    "The Russian Intelligence operates three soldier factories. The Red Room, which is where people like Black Widow and Bucky came from. Neurochemical modification. The Blue Room, which utilizes cybernetic behavoiral modification. People like the Titanium man, or Sputnik. The Black Room, is where they create agents from raw materials. Embryos, genetic engineering and so fourth. All of these places are off limits to VDV, or the Winter Guard. We were an Army program, and the Army and the Intelligence service are enemies."

Nyx has posed:
That is actually very interesting, both parts.

Sam holds the gun out and follows directions, she actually fidgets a bit until she figures out how one manually cocks the hammer. Then she is back in action. she takes site, and manages to wobbble it ab it a she thumbs the safety off.

Really she just needs to practice, a lot.

Once she is holding it and aiming down the target though it doesn't move. Creepily just stays right where she left aimed down the sight. No muscle wobble or twitch or spasm or anything.

"Why would Army and Intelligence be enemies.. don't both work for Russia?"

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Russian Army takes vow to protect people of Russia, Russian Intelligence takes vow to Russian state. Russian Army likes Mutants, Russian Intelligence views them as threat. Everything spirals from there."Galina leans back casually, watching with a practiced eye.

    "Now pull trigger, and pay attention to the end of the rod. Watch how even the impact of the hammer is sufficient to jar your aim, if only slightly. Recock, and repeat. Do this many times, before we progress to live fire."A mechanical hand reaching in to adjust posture gently. "Square hips, and shoulders. Do not hold pistol off to one side, align it with your spine. You want to create symetrical path of resistance, so recoil remains predictable."

Nyx has posed:
Samantha is thinking about the bit about the Army and Intelligence when Galina tells her to pull the trigger.

The cleaning rod and string definitely wobble when she pulls the trigger, mostly because everything that is corrected in a few moments after the first one is wrong. Though mostly she is holding it badly.

She starts to pull the trigger, recock, and repeat. Even as she is guided into better posture accepting the adjustments. "What if I just hold the gun really still .. wouldn't that prevent the recoil?"

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Form trumps power always, always endeavor to utilize less force. It is trademark of a professional."And a raised finger, as she reaches out to manually cycle that slide and steal back her cleaning rod. "Recoil is like any resisting force, it can be channeled. Once you in tune with it, you can tell when pistol is too dirty or magazine is low."

    And finally a loaded magazine is offered. "I want you to slowly fire, two seconds at least between shots. The foundation of accuracy, is consistency. Focus not on ultimate precision, build yourself first a foundation of comfort and consistency."Theres a little nod there as she pulls on her earpro, not that icers are particularly loud in the first place.

    "There is always much concern over the speed of your shooting, but for right now ignore all of that. Speed comes with comfort. When you are comfortable, you are smooth. Smooth is fast, Fast is slow."Shooting zen, with Galina. "Imagine a line like before, tracing from pistol to target even when not firing."

Nyx has posed:
"What if .. it isn't much force though?" she sighs a bit and continues to listen to the lesson though.

Sam takes the loaded magazine and slots it back in and then holds the gun back up like she was shown. She aims down it and considers looking down it now. "Okay." she pulls the trigger, and the recoil well it does make the gun shift, but not in her grip and the barrel does not move.

Another creepy thing to notice, her breathing when she isn't talking is incredibly slowly. Maybe she is already a it zen.

Still Sam repeats, putting exactly two secodns between shots, exactly. Focusing on aiming like you said, spacing it, and picturing a line like the cleaning rod sort of offered. Visualization.

Seriously it is like that pistol is in a vice fixed to the floor though so the problem isn't recoil it is a problem with visualizing and aiming but that can be worked on. Heck she is adjusting a tiny bit with each of those spaced shots even.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    She's a former Winter Guardian, she's used to this sort've stuff honestly. "Hold gun less tightly, slide velocity is too high. You need to allow some rotation to permit slide to slow down, it's going to beat itself apart. In future I would increase recoil spring weight, or use something without the swinging link like these ICER pistols."Yeah the lack of recoil, doesn't phase her much.

    "Alright, now reload weapon and wait."and a few key presses to switch out the target, and run it out to fifteen again. "Focus now on trying to hit the previous bullet hole. Same pacing, but focus intently upon your intended target. Pay attention to difference in where sights are, verse where bullet impact is."And a sage little nod there.

    "All combat is a composite of little moments, focus on these little moments."

Nyx has posed:
There is a slow inhale and then a big exhale as Sam gets told that not letting it rotate and have some recoil will end up breaking the pistol really. "I don't really know what that means at all.. swinging link?" and yeah Samantha is puzzled. She seems to trust that Galina is right and will try to remember to ask about a gun like that though.

The weapon is reloaded and then the new target is out at fifteen and she squints at it and then tries to focus on where she wants the bullets to be, sighting down the gun. "Shooting is all about .. seeing where the shot goes .. is that it... and being comfy .. like getting out of your own way?" she paces them, every two seconds once more.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Browning Moses Browning designed 1911, with at time a revolutionary tilting barrel operating system. Makes feeding very easy for the pistol, these ICERs are based on a 2011 which is a polymer evolution of the same. It uses a rotating link between barrel and frame, produces very light recoil and is very accurate. However the system requires a finely balanced operation, between magazine load angle and slide velocity."See, Galina does know stuff.

    "Its about shooting each shot as if it is your first, and not getting excited about hits and misses. Just shoot the gun, and in time the gun will cease to be a seperate apparatus. Your brain will begin to recategorize what is self, and what is other. It becomes a part of you, is why soldiers often form such emotional bonds with their tools. It becomes part of their self, yes?"And a slow inhale from Galina as a keen eye studies the shooting. "Then, you can free your mind up to concern itself with things like target selection, tactics, movement and so fourth."

Nyx has posed:
Samantha soaks it in, this is actually really useful. Not the gun design talk really, that may be very knowledgable and expert level stuff, no offense. No the lesson about how to practice and shooting that is very useful.

"That actually makes sense. It is definitely easier when it is a part of you." Sam notes, a wry note of amusement as she keeps practicing and listening between the two second spaced shots.

When that clip is empty though well, she shifts the gun to her left hand and holds it palm out now. She isn't pointing her palm at the target she just filled with holes but rather a target one lane over, still hanging there. There is this build up of energy, white light just jitters down her arm wrapping around it and then an energy beam lances out and vaporizes the paper target and scorchs the heavy ordinance wall behind it. It was only on for a heartbeat but yeah, that was something. "I will admit.. I am unsrue why I have to learn to use a pistol and get certified other than red tape... SHIELD seems to love paperwork and certifications though."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "You can not fight beside people who use arms, if you do not understand them yourself. It also makes it easier to understand the ways in which an enemy who uses arms may attack you."Galina gives a sage little nod at that. "Continue your course of fire, continue your reptition sets until the pistol feels like part of you. Then, you will pass the test with ease."Theres a little shrug at that. Casually stepping away to snag her Gorka coat and her AEK. "I however, must depart and attend to dinner. I will see you around, Agent."

    Casually slipping around to throw that drop cloth aside, and snap that AEK into a neat little mount on the armor's back, before stepping into the suit herself. Theres another little wave there, before she strolls out. No doubt terrifying some janitors, or whomever.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha nods lightly and then relods her pistol once more. "I do appreciate all of the advice, really. It does make sense." it is like Galina has done this before.

Watching the work with the armor Sam adds "Also that armor is really cool." before turning back to the firing range and trying to keep practicing the lessons or a while. She really doesn't need as much sleep as she used to.