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The Internet Is Down
Date of Scene: 13 May 2019
Location: Security Center - X-men Base
Synopsis: A surprise AI visitor to the school prompts a network shut down. Doug, Samuel, Kitty, Lorna, Quintin, Jubilee and Deadpool converse as the network is brought back up.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Kid Omega, Cannonball, Deadpool, Polaris, Jubilee, Cypher

Shadowcat has posed:
The school's network is top notch as such things go. Though the sensitive nature of information there, plus the sheer number of threats, mean the school is not unused to crackdowns for security reasons. And that is what some of the students and staff might find. While not all internet is out, quite a few people will encounter a pop up stating: "Security Measure Are Active. Sorry for the inconvenience," along with the little logo from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

That is what the students see. Those in the know about the X-men who might be trying to work on a mission report, read old reports, or do research, will find that part of the network has been completely isolated. Of course in such times, the best place to find out what is going on is the war room, which adjourns the servers.

Kitty is in the war room currently, with boxes she has wheeled in on a cart. Each is clearly labeled as being networking components with indicators of exactly where in the infrastructure they were designed to go. Much of it built by Kitty, Forge, Hank and Doug to varying degrees.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire may not have the usual seniority required to be engaged directly with security protocols and networking, but he's also both a certified platinum supergenius and a person with very little in the set of boundaries or personal restraint. Which is how he ends up coming downstairs in a bright pink smoking jacket and a pair of Slytherin slippers with little Snape heads on the tips of his feet, green bejeweled eyes rattling a little as he walks.

"I'm just here to make sure we're not under some sort of massive cyberattack. And that my torrent of Blade Runner 2049 isn't getting interrupted. I put enough encryption on the screen that some copyright cop shouldn't have been able to find anything, but stranger things have happened. Someone, anybody, babe, feed me the deets on what's happenin'."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking in not long after Quentin. His brow raises a bit at the other young man's attire, but he says nothing "All ok?" He will ask when he sees Kitty. "Anything I can do to help?" He will ask, maybe not the most techy but he does have some skills.

Deadpool has posed:
This is a very secure place. Of all secure places, the Security Center is really, well, Secure.

So what is Deadpool doing there? Great question. It isn't getting answered right away. Deadpool is just THERE in the hallway, walking into the security room, with his phone in his hands, head angled down at it.

Deadpool is in his full usual excessively armed regalia: red mask, leather, swords and guns, all of it. His phone clashes, and looks like he picked it up off of a child on the way in: it is bright teal, and the case is covered in Lisa Frank rainbow-pastel stickers, mostly featuring a rainbow dolphin.

"I did not forget my towel," Deadpool announces as he arrives, in clear reference to the Hitchhiker 'joke'. Indeed, a closer look will reveal a towel from an upstairs bathroom hooked onto Deadpool's belt, with the Xavier School embroidery clear on the corner of the borrowed/stolen linen.

He looks up, and gets a good look at Quentin. "You're /not/ a hallucination," he accuses, pointing at the shoes, then the jacket, then sort of ALL of Quentin, as if Quentin had previously claimed to not actually exist.

"I'd like a sandwich?" Deadpool answers Sam's question. "Maybe with a Capri Sun."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was down there as soon as word spread among the staff and students. Not that she needed the X-men wifi.. She had her own personal Genoshan tech that ran on a separate server for the most part and hadn't noticed until the wails of 'Where's my internet?!' Had reached her. A quick trip down to the War Room and the green haired Princess stood tapping away on her glass thin tablet, frowning partly as she tried here and there to run diagnostics on her own devices and test the connectivity from there.

Lorna stood in a simple pair of beaten up blue jeans and a deceptively plain looking black sweatshirt, but likely was worth far too much money for the design based on the simple embroidery along the hem. She sighed, glancing up as each new person entered in turn. "Deets? No one has said that for well over ten years. If ever.."

Jubilee has posed:
Completely oblivious to most everything else going on in the area, Jubilee is in what appears to be white shorty PJ's, with little pink roses all over them... shuffling past bodies, shuffling past bodies, shuffling past--"Oh hi, Wade!" She tries to snag him around the waist in a side-hug." Is the 'net actin' wonky for you? I've been trying to watch birb videos, but half of them keep comin' up with some error 24, or some number, or maybe not a number at all. Hey nice towel!" Dyscalculia has probably totally ruined her joke. "But I'm gettin' grumpy, and I demand satisfaction...."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks up as people start wandering in. "Sorry about that, everyone," she says. "Had someone get in through our security to communicate with the Professor remotely. Probably not a bad guy. Has done us favors, actually. But I didn't want to take any chances, so severed the network connections to the base and put up some extra firewalls to keep him from getting anywhere else besides the Professor's study."

Kitty glances over towards the server room. "Should have us back up in a couple of minutes." She opens up another box, pulling out the components and setting them in a row, preparing them to go replace the components that were made to be severed in just such an emergency.

"Quentin, it's been too long," Kitty says, flashing a smile over to him. "What have you been up to lately?" Kitty point Sam to one of the boxes. "If you want to get those out and just line them up in a row, that would help speed it up.

Deadpool's arrival brings a soft exhalation from Kitty. "Hey Wade, you hoopy frood," she tells him, giving the man a smile and a wave of greeting. "No stabbing me, please?" she asks as she flashes him a smile. "What brings you out our way?" she asks the sometimes visitor and ally.

Kitty gives Jubilee a wave as she came in. "Had to shut things down for a bit. They'll be back up soon. About five to ten minutes. The non-secure stuff is probably coming back on now," she says.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire sticks a tongue out at Lorna, "I'm bringing it back. Retro-chic. Gnarly is coming back, too, and I don't just mean your hair," he teases. Of course, his own mauve hair has been pulled into a topnot on top of his head that makes him resemble a particularly nerdy Troll doll.

"I plead the fifth about whether or not I exist," Quentin says to Deadpool. "The only real evidence relies upon your ability to trust your senses and you can't because I'm me and you're you and neither of us has seen this side of trustworthy since I was a zygote in my pasty father's trembling nethers."

To Kitty, he smiles, "Oh, you know, this and that. Caffeine. Ritalin. Livetweeting the Overwatch championships. Working on a Danger Room program based Goetian demonic hierarchies. Really into powdered donuts lately," he sighs. "So, what can I do, how can I help, who should I abuse?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to start opening boxes and setting things up for Kitty. He looks over to Deadpool, and says "Pretty sure you know where the kitchen is, and from your previous visits, don't you think you may want to watch your fluid intake." he asks he the merc. He hmms a bit and adds "You got a non metalic knife on you?" He will wave over to Lorna, and Jubies.

Polaris has posed:
An arch of a green eyebrow followed Kitty's explanation about what happened to mess with the internet. She hummed thoughtfully under her breath, but what good was she here? Computers and her didn't get along typically, unless she was there to fry them and completely destroy the physical memory cards. But since that seemed to not be the answer to the whole situation she simply kept tapping away at her tablet.

"Yeah, I've got the non-secure server popping up on my tablet now." She offered, and slowly shook her head in Quentin's direction, but didn't offer anything in response to the taunt about her hair. Instead her focus flitted briefly toward Deadpool and to Sam as the other mutant mentioned non-metallic knives.

"Can't help with nonmetallic knives.." She offered dryly.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee wrinkles her nose, looking at Quentin's overly-detailed hyperbole. "Grooossss."

Deadpool has posed:
Jubilee obtains her hug cheerfully, and he offers her the towel, since she seems to like it. He stares at Quentin, and then asides some to Jubilee, "I am working on staying lucid today. I'm going to not deal with that," he stage-whispers at her, as if trying to talk over the voices in his head but also not yell.

"I do. Ceramic work for you?" Deadpool asks Sam, but doesn't actually draw one yet. "Well the sandwich would be dry on its own. But your point is taken."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to the Genoshan royal. "It was probably nothing. But the 'guest' is, or claims to be, an Artificial Intelligence himself. Just the fact he made it through the outer layer of security Doug and I have in place, I didn't want to chance anything else."

Those helping get a grateful smile from Kitty. The boxes contain what amount to a box with plugs on it. "We just need to pull the existing ones and replace them with these. They are all labeled," Kitty says, motioning to the label that says what rack and spot in the rack each one goes within the server room.

Kitty rubs at her chin thoughtfully. "You know, we could probably redo this where it would break the connections, but just need a lever pulled to restore it. No replacement parts." She pulls out her phone and begins tapping on it, recording that idea and sending it to herself and Doug.

The mention of Overwatch gets a grin from Kitty towards Quentin. "Did you catch the match yesterday? I only saw little bits of it," she tells him. Kitty picks up a few of the components and makes ready to start swapping them out. "So Wade, are you stilling hanging out over with the Avengers?" she asks him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Would be perfect, figure less metalic things touching high tech gizmos is a good thing." if Deadpool gives him a knife he will use it to open te boxes. At Kitty's explanation, he will start moving to help change out parts. He has worked on a few high tech things over the years so plug and play should not be to hard for him.

Polaris has posed:
A blink and Lorna settled into a chair at the additional information that Kitty offered. "An AI just hacked into our systems to speak directly to the Professor? Geeze.." She muttered and shook her head as she tapped away on her tablet, likely sending a quick report on what happened and to give a heads up to the Genoshan technomancers that worked on the various technological systems that ran her own devices.

"Dare I ask if it was a 'friendly' AI that just wanted a friend or something and not our certain doom?"

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire perks up, "Did I hear mention of artificial intelligence? Oooooooooooo. Can we get a look at its algorithmic architecture? Have you done any testing on it, to see if it's actually autonomous or just simulating organic responses? Did it ask about me?" he says with a little squeal.

He floats across the room quite literally, the Snepe faces on his slippers pointed downwards until he plops comfortably into a chair in front of a monitor, fingers dancing quickly over the keyboard, "Sam, you beautiful troglodyte you, mechanic the chungus out of this sucker for us and we'll be basking in the glow of post-meatspace digital consciousness before you can say "Hakuna Matata"."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee grins brightly when Deadpool offers her the towel, and she quickly fashions a hat out of it, then puts it on. "Maybe if we plugged the hoobajig into the uh...." She blinks and looks around at the boxes and their labels, grabbing one and following directions. "I mean, just...which one of these boxes has my birbs in it, anyway?"

Deadpool has posed:
"Overwatch feels like ... like when you can drive, but you go to Disneyworld and sit in a car on a track and it's supposed to be like driving. But you just go, 'what am I doing, I am an adult that can drive and I don't have to stay on the track' and you get up out of the toon car and go to your real car. Overwatch is like that. I don't want to just shoot things when it doesn't /matter/," Deadpool chatters, while moving to one of the boxes to help.

He's actually helping, he follows what Kitty instructed them to do: pull the boxes, cut the green wire, blah blah, the usual.

"But sometimes I get it. Toy. It's cute at first. Then you just miss the smells and the agony. I mean. I still play though."

"An AI? Is it a murderbot Sentinel?" Deadpool wonders. He then stares at Kitty as if caught doing something terrible. "Noooooooooo?" he asks, while nodding his head yes. "Cap and I are best buddies. We talk about personal things, but I respect his privacy, so I can't tell you a lot."

Deadpool pauses, and points Jubilee at one of the boxes. That one.

Cypher has posed:
All this going down, and where was Doug? He wasn't here. He went *out*. He had things he needed to do. Doug things. You know. Nerd stuff?

And now he's back, dressed quite smartly, in a turtleneck and a light jacket and khaki pants -- and he knocks on the doorframe, lightly. "...Hello?" He asks, peering inside.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is pulling old components out, setting them aside, and putting the new boxes in place. Each one coming out has a severed network connection. Each one going in restores it. Things start to come back up as soon as each network connection is restored.

Kitty waves a finger towards Lorna and nods to her and Quintin as if that's a good idea. "Friendly as far as we know. He supplied us with schematics of the Sentinel's mutant power nullifier, that Hank and Forge are working on defeating. And he's learning about the world. Curious about mutants. Expresses a favorable sentiment about beings having free lives." Kitty plugs another box in and then turns to Lorna to say, "He also wants to talk to Erik. So, your techs might want to leave him a clear path that doesn't connect to anything sensitive. So he doesn't need to try to break through."

Kitty waves to Doug. "I hit the failsafe. Just restoring it now." She looks to Deadpool and chuckles with warm amusement about him respecting Steve's privacy. "I really hope it isn't a murder bot. I can't even say that it is an AI for sure at this point, really."

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire calls out at Doug's arrival, "Cypher! At last! Pull up a keyboard and see what you can do. Would you like some Red Bull? If this thing is all about murder, I definitely want to spar with it. Wait, it wants to talk to Magneto? Sweet." he says. "Can I see the nullifier schematics? I had been doing a little freelance sidework on that sort of thing myself. Nothing practical yet, just a few sketches. Maybe a 3D simulation. It always causes DNA meltdown, though. Not really, just...simulated."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna looked up from her tablet and frowned faintly, "Yeah, great. Of course it wants to talk to my father." She muttered, and tapped along a message directly sent to Magneto as well as the techs in Genosha. All better safe than sorry. It was something she'd prefer to talk about face to face, but since it was a bit more involved to get over to Genosha than she wanted to wait for...

An email would do.

"If it's curious about people, then it should learn to knock or something rather than to just barge in.." She muttered.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Quintin, as he is basicly called a caveman, and says "I do know a little about technology, I did take computer classes here, and have worked on repairing a space ship." He tells him. "I just normally let those who are better at it do it unless it is a all hands on deck moment."

Jubilee has posed:
Hands raised in mock surrender, Jubilee backs away from the indicated Birb Box, and shakes her head. "Sparks an' computer components go together like y'know, peanut butter and mayo. Mebbe I should just keep my distance."

Cypher has posed:
"...All right." Doug says, before he walks into the study, and says, "Quentin, good to see you man, it's been years. Still a feckless hedonist?" He looks around, and then absently pulls out a clump of wires, and begins to start fiddling with them without seeming to pay attention. "I never underestimate a man who read 'All The Myriad Ways' before I did, Sam." Doug flashes a grin, and then strokes his chin, before he pulls a multitool out of his pocket and starts levering open a panel.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire grins, "I'll have you know I have more feck than you'll ever see in your life! I'm up to my ears in feck." he jokes back at Doug. "Sorry, cornpone, didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I know you're not a bumbling hayseed, you just sound like one. All apologies, namaste, I'll send you an edible arrangement.

Deadpool has posed:
"Did you want to chat with the Avengers or something? I see how it is. It isn't me, it's who I know," sighs Deadpool heavily towards Kitty, but is being constructive physically. It's like he's diffused a bomb before, or something.

Enough of them blow up in your face, you start to learn.

"Do you need rubber gloves? I have some," Wade says to Jubilee, and stops what he's doing to sift around in his pockets. "Just don't ask where they've been."

He reorients to Kitty again, as if remembering. "Logan said you had a thing. Messages?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna clicked off the tablet and set it down on her lap with care. "There, messaged my father. But I'll warn you that he might very well go on the defensive over it rather than welcome it for a chat. You know how he is.." She offered dryly, and tapped her fingernails against the hardcover of her tablet's backing. Her gaze shifted to those around her that worked or in Deadpool's case made jokes.

"Anything else I can tell the techs to look out for?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde comes back to grab another set of networking component boxes. "Jubi, maybe you could pick out some music for us?" she suggests. "Something to make the work go quicker? Or, more enjoyable at the least," the Jewish girl says with a smile to her fellow guidance counselor.

Kitty tells Lorna, "The AI was interested in learning about the mutant condition. Talked to me. Talked to the Professor. Is looking to get perspectives. I need to analyze how it got in. I'll forward what I can to you, to send to them," Kitty says. "Devilishly hard to stop those things though. But at least it doesn't seem on board with what is being done by the Sentinels." As she says that, Kitty seems to remember something else.

"Which reminds me, heard back that Forge and Hank have made some progress. While they can't stop the nullifier, they can hide that we are mutants with a device. So they don't bother deploying the nullifier. I imagine the power drain is enough they'd only use it when they detect mutants," Kitty says thoughtfully. "I hope so, anyway."

She looks back to Deadpool and tries to assure what he's talking about. "Messages. Ah... the ones from the AI you mean? Or something else." There are a few something else's that he could mean, but that seems like the one Logan might have referred to.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and just shakes his head a bit at Quintin, but continues to work, and then says "Hey read out here is saying a connector blew down the hall, I will go fix it.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee takes those rubber gloves from Deadpool without reservatuon, and definitely without asking where they came from. Or where they've been. Or why he had them....

"Oooh, music!" She pulls out her phone and frustrated tries to navigate it with her new gloves on. Finally, she manages to get a song pulled up. Clearly a Beatles fan, she pulls up and mis-sings the classic song. "Heeey Juuubes. Don't make it baaad...Take a sad song, and make it beeetterrr."

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam a pat on the shoulder, and says, "I've got things covered in here--" He levers the panel off the wall, and then wrinkles his nose. "Fried." He says, leaning in, to study it, "But I can fix it. I need a soldering gun."

Polaris has posed:
The green haired Princess remained seated and away from the delicate work of repairing the various parts that needed attention. She sighed softly as Kitty mentioned sending a copy of the report her way to forward onto Genosha. "I'll let my father know, and the techs. Wish I could do more to help.. but I think everyone would agree that it's better for me to //not// accidentally run my magnetic powers all over the intricate electronics.." She drawled lightly.

"At least it's a 'nice' AI this time.. I'd hate to see what we'd have to do if it wanted to cause trouble.."

Deadpool has posed:
"So when I was on a mission in a Sentinel Factory, one of them like saw us, it decided it REALLY hated Wolverine, but not me. I'm pretty great, though. I mean, even in the esteem of robots. But then Black Widow made one of them accept me as even better, a friend, and I got to command it. It wasn't as good as riding in a mecha and commanding that, but we take what we can get. Maybe there's a way to just command them to not nullify because reasons." Deadpool hums along with the tune given by Jubilee, but hasn't sung. Yet. He might not remember the words right now. It varies.

"No, he said I maybe had to run a message over to them. I don't think it involved violence. I would have put a mental pin in it if it had," Deadpool shrugs. He's not worried about it: if there's no message, there's no message, and he's not upset.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a soft grunt. "Yes. That's what worries me about the Sentinel cyborg. I have no idea what his AI is capable of. He doesn't yet either if what we've observed of him was correct. I'm so scared of him getting loose somehow," she says with a sigh and shaking her head.

Kitty pauses in what she's doing, looking over to Deadpool. Her expression suggesting she's trying to figure out what Logan was referring to now. "Whether we can just command them, is one of the things we're investigating," she says. "The cyborg certainly can, but... well, maybe a good way to put it is they scan him and recognize him as being one of them. Or maybe he just has the passcode. Or it takes multiple levels of authentication. In any event, that's definitely something we'd love to be able to do," she says. "If we can figure it out. I'm curious how you managed to command it though," she says, her forehead making those lines of curiosity that form sometimes.

Cypher has posed:
Doug managed to find a soldering gun somewhere. Smoke curls around his hair, as he leans in over his work. He looks up at Kitty, and then throws out there, "Dead man's switch?" Before he leans back in. "...Man, you sure did do a number on this, Pryde. Did you phase and roll around in it for awhile?"

Polaris has posed:
A shrug and Lorna stood from her position of just sitting down and watching. "If they run on electronics and have no magnetic blockers, I could try to find or take out one? It's something to consider. If we managed to take one and look it over we could figure out what exact is going on and how. We need information to be better prepared." She murmured, and picked up her tablet with a grimace.

"We can't always just be reactive to attacks..."

Deadpool has posed:
"I told it very sternly and with great authori-teh," Deadpool says, straightening to show exactly how he did it with a grand gesture of hand. "I'd have to ask Black Widow what she did. Something with their computer thing on the site, and it told them instructions that I was a cool dude." Deadpool shrugs, letting it go. He doesn't linger on focusing on it too much. He also has gotten distracted from properly helping with boxes, and wanders away from them a little way.

"You have a pet evil cyborg? Nice. Wait. Is he that guy from the .... hey, that's probably confidential. I'll zip it," Deadpool promises, lifting a hand to zip across his mask. He's been pretty rational today, considering. Nobody's been stabbed.

"I'll ask Widow if you want. She and I used to date."


Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up at Deadpool, and then at Kitty, and he says, quite plainly, "Did he just... show up and nobody's got the heart to Jazzy Jeff him?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde waggles a finger at Doug. "It's all set up to be easy to restore, if others don't monkey about with it," she says, and not meaning him apparently if any soldering is needed. The rest are just replacing detachable components with replacements that were kept close at hand.

Kitty puts the last one in place and says, "Ok, when your stuff is ready Doug, should be good to go," she says. Most of the systems will be back on the network already by now.

Kitty looks over to Lorna and says, "We have some Sentinel components. The older model, and then also some newer model ones from the batch that Rogue, Thor and War Machine destroyed. If you want to test on them we can set it up. Really though? I think we need to dry up the demand for these things so people stop buying them. Then run Trask out of business. That's one thing we haven't settled on with our allies, is an actual battle plan to use going forward."

Kitty leans back against a counter and looks to Deadpool. "You used to date?" she asks, her tone just friendly and matter-of-fact, rather than sounding shocked. She nods to Deadpool though. "Right. The guy and the thing and the place. That one."

Polaris has posed:
A look of consideration crossed Lorna's expression and she smiled at Kitty. "That was my thoughts exactly, I've been speaking with tech companies and working with Lex Luthor actually on making an alternative that flood the markets and play as a stop gap for people's fears. Something that wouldn't target mutants and has no AI to speak of. It's just in testing right now, but I'll let you know how it goes." She offered, and reached up a hand to push her hair back.

"If you can't drive up the price of something to make people no longer want to produce it, go the other way. Make cheap knock offs and flood the market to the point that it's not longer worth it to produce." She glanced down at the tablet as it dinged and she sighed.

"At least, that's my working theory. We'll see if it plays out. We can't stop people from being afraid, but we can give them something less dangerous to us to play as their security blankets.." She muttered and shook her head as she tapped away on the tablet.

"I gotta run. I'll check in later."

Deadpool has posed:
"Yeah, but we're better as just friends. Mutual parting, no drama. The best kind, right?" Deadpool says, as if he were in a coffeeshop just chatting with his gal pal. "At least, that's how I remember it. My memory can alter things in fun ways. Just a perk."

Deadpool crosses to Doug, removing a piece of paper to show him, as if it were a badge. It is a very official hall pass. Signed by Logan.

"Also I have been thrown out numerous times. I think I've just wormed my way into your hearts."

Cypher has posed:
"You know what else does that?" Doug says. "Heartworm. They make a pill for that." He looks up at the Hall Pass, and then rolls his eyes upward. "...Fine." He looks up at Deadpool, and then says, "...What's the best episode of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe?" He gets up and brushes his hands off, before he says "I want to redo this whole thing."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty knuckles her back from getting at the bottom row of network components. "Ok, everything should be back on," she says. "Doug, I'll draw up some schematics of what I have in mind for next time. Let us airgap the servers on command, but won't require replacing anything to turn them back on. Just walk around flipping switches, maybe a minute to do it all," she says.

"Thank you for your help, everyone," she says. Kitty pauses then, looking at Wade. "I'll talk to Logan, see what he had in mind. Appreciate you... being helpful here today," Kitty says. Which could be code for 'not making things worse somehow'. Then again, she has generally been friendly enough with him the few times they've met.

"See you Lorna. I'll send along what we find," she promises. She'll then make sure to escort Deadpool back up to the school, hall pass or no.

Deadpool has posed:
"I didn't make things worse?" Deadpool says, beaming some, and flashes two enthused thumbs up at Kitty. He then rounds on Doug, who opened pandora's box.

"Okay, but after that, I'm going to tell you about the best Golden Girls episodes," Deadpool warns, finding a chair from the security area, dragging it over, and setting about 'entertaining' Doug.