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What does it mean to be Charles Xavier
Date of Scene: 13 May 2019
Location: Professor Xavier's Study - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Norton and Charles talk, and then Kitty shows up and ruins everything.
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Megatron, Shadowcat

Professor X has posed:
Midday sun filters through the large windows of Charles' office, casting long rectangles of light on light blue carpet. Muffled sounds of students talking as they walk the corridors come through the door.

"I have every confidence that you will succeed here, and find what you are looking for. And you can always come talk with me," Charles says reassuringly. The teenaged girl sitting across from him nods, hopeful but not yet convinced. She gets up and makes her way out of the office and closes the door gently behind her.

Charles leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers together. After a few moments of thought he taps a key on his computer and the projector on the corner of his desk comes back to life. A three-dimensional schematic of a building appears with "London" captioned underneath. Charles picks up his coffee up and saucer, sipping while he ponders the building and what it represents.

Megatron has posed:
    Time is short. The inexorable pressure of its passage brings most individuals to their knees ultimately and the being known to some as Norton Agamemnon is no different. There is much information to be gathered, to be swept and consumed, though what has been gathered in part has been sterile. It is not graced with the touch of vibrance that only a thinker can impart. The back and forth give and take of thoughts exchanged.
    Such is the reason why that projector only holds that building image for a few moments before it flickers through a myriad of colours before consolidating into the image of a man. A man who looks not much younger than the man behind the desk. At first it is a shimmy of light, then as it resolves he can make out the dour individual. The sternness on that visage beneath the salt and pepper hair seems demure in part, though that short white van dyke lends something of the rake to him. He's standing, though with the aid of a cane and wearing a grey suit tailored but unworthy of remark.
    His voice when he speaks, however, comes across as melodic with a London accent as he says, "Greetings, Professor Xavier. Forgive the circumstances of this meeting, I had hoped to make your acquaintance differently. My name is Norton. Norton Agamemnon." He lowers his eyes in something akin to a bow.

Professor X has posed:
Charles frowns when the projector seems to start malfunctioning then freezes when the picture of an older gentleman appears. Charles carefully sets his coffee cup and saucer down on his desk and folds his hands together in his lap. Internally composed again, Charles smiles politely.

"A bit unusual," Charles agrees. He looks over to the door and holds up a hand as one of the staff comes into the office. The door closes again and he is left in privacy once more. "A pleasure all the same. What can I do for you?" Charles asks curiously.

Megatron has posed:
    A single nod is given and the man's features remain in check though there's a subtle furrow to his brow. "I have been in contact with one of your students, Katherine Pryde, as well as other exceptional individuals in the world in an effort to counter the efforts of those who have produced the Sentinels." His voice coming from the not entirely best speaker in the projector is a little tinny, with an occasional electronic twist and squeal in the background.
    "I am a mental image stored on a cloud of computer systems. I have gained much information in my time. And I have come to you because I wish to understand the plight of mutantkind, of them as a people, and how their current situation is reminiscent or connected to other similar situations in the past."
    There's a pause, just a few heartbeats worth before he continues. "But what is more, I would hear your philosophy. How you would present it to a being foreign to your experiences. A daunting task, perhaps. But you seem an individual likely to be able to do so."

Professor X has posed:
Charles leans back, his expression growing thoughtful. "You raise a very serious question, perhaps the most important question any of us can wrestle with. It is one that defines who we are and goes to the essence of our relationships," Charles says. He gives Agamemnon a considering look.

"I believe the fundamental axiom of all morality, indeed all social relations, should be this; All sentient beings are of equal value. Regardless of origin, Human, Inhuman..." he gestures toward Agamemnon "... Silicon. We are of fundamentally equal value. All of the rest that I talk about and teach begins there. All of the rest is derivative," he says with a gesture. "Important, but derivative. I find if that axiom is missing in the foundation of a person, there is little hope of building the rest of the common ground I work towards."

"From that perspective, one can frame many of the gross injustices on Earth as examples of where this axiom did not hold sway," Charles continues, watching for signs of disinterest or confusion from Agamemnon despite the real possibility such things would be the purest contrivances. "Nazi Germany, the oppression of women, slavery, colonialism, gross income inequality, anti-labour pogroms, LGBTQ bigotry.... And now mutant rights. All examples of where this axiom has been ignored. And in every case the price is, and continues to be, terrible."

Megatron has posed:
    The holographic man continues to lean on his cane as he looks towards Charles and nods solemnly in response to the first words offered him by the Professor. He seems to settle in to listen, not interrupting at all, his eyes focused and steady.
    His chin lifts as Professor X speaks to equality, and the concept of such shared between individuals from different backgrounds. It's when Charles begins listing points of contention from the past that he seems to furrow his brow a little further as if marking each point and commiting it to memory before at the end he gives a single nod.
    "How do you feel the right of self-determination plays into the framework you create should individuals agree on the basic precept of equality. If you can find that common ground, all are equally worthy in the eyes of various forms of government, conversely all can be equally worthless in the eyes of the same government. Would self-determination, the right to choose ones fate ultimately, would that supercede equality when presented with the need to offset the oppressors?"
    He straightens and rests both hands upon the handle of his cane. "Or rather, at what point, if any, should equality be sacrificed in the struggle against an oppressive regime. Can you imagine such a scenario?"

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles appreciatively at Agamemnon's questions. He picks up his coffee and saucer again, takes a sip and settles back.

"You have been spending some time thinking on this. I wish more people did," he says with an appreciative smile and rests his coffee cup on his saucer. He idly thumbs the handle as he speaks.

"I am unashamedly Kantian in this respect, despite his Euro-centric perspective. His is perhaps one of the best frameworks for cross-cultural and -species moral issues we have. I would unreservedly argue against a Hobbesian, Abrahamic, Hindu, Buddhist or even Confuscian viewpoint here."

"The role of government should be to provide and promote common goods that experience and reason show that we fail to provide for ourselves; fair treatment at law, protection of basic rights, goods of the commons such as roads, schools, defense, and I would argue, medical care. Properly construed, the people within government understand the servant role of the state. From this stance, seeing people as worthless is a contradiction. Unfortunately, history shows us that over and over again people in government begin to see government as an end of itself. So vigilance, activism, education, and continued engagement are needed to continually correct wayward governments. So I would argue the collective right to self-determination supercedes governmental oppression. But the tools of resistance should be non-violent as far as possible."

Charles sets his saucer down again and his expression becomes far more serious. "I do not believe the individual right of self-determination supercedes the collective right, except in the most egregious situation; such as collective self-destruction. It is of the utmost importance that those of us with great power understand this, or we very quickly become oppressors," he cautions. "To be direct, self-sacrifice for the greater good is an acceptable loss of equality. So is /limited/ self-defense when our rights to self-determination are violated."

Megatron has posed:
    At the first statement there's a small twitch at the corner of his mouth, a subtle inclination and then a lowering of the eyes as he accepts what could be a compliment. But then as Charles responds, there is an intensity in the steadiness of Norton's demeanour. Just that continuous gaze with only a blink roughly every thirteen seconds.
    He nods slowly as he seems to focus on the names and schools of thought advanced, his silhouette seeming to freeze in place for three seconds, then returns to the normal 'direct feed' of his standing there. There's a seemingly intake of breath at the offer of his thoughts about what it is to be a government and their proper application of power. He turns his head slightly to the side in consideration.
    "I would advance down two primary paths of thought you have presented to me. The first, is that it has been argued that a government's only true obligation is legal and just application of violence. The primary focus being the defense of its citizens from threats without, and then the defense of its citizens from within. And that such an obligation supercedes the right of the individual as you would perhaps say, for existence is ultimately the most important of right for the collective. In that case it would override the individual, and equality could then be broken from that necessity."
    He holds up a hand as if seeking to hold off reply until he's completed his train of thought, his head turning to the side. "The other path I would wish your insight on, at what point would you view that violence is required? At what point is a population just in its action of rebellion?"

Professor X has posed:
"As a logical premise, the first road is consistent with my own thought, however I have to caution you that too often that premise is derived from different premises. Hobbes takes a very dark view of Humankind and its environment, and the axioms he finds to support his premise on just application of violence show it. If you begin with the axiom I spelled out, then you can derive that same premise, but with strict limits and not to the extent of depriving other political entities of their rights.

As far as when violence is justified, I think once you go beyond self-preservation you are on delicate footing. I don't agree that violence has a utilitarian value of its own; a review of many successful movements for social change, even in face of brutal regimes, has shown that mass protest can bring about great change. But I would not expect any class of beings to sit idly while they undergo a pogrom, purge or genocide."

Charles smiles self-deprecatingly. "At least that is how I would frame it, from my own viewpoint as a highly privileged and powerful Caucasian, Western male. I obviously have specific biases and blindspots. An African American woman from Chicago who raised children in the 1960's would have a very different view."

Charles cocks his head. "I am going to be very interested to hear what /you/ think when you have finished your enquiries. Not that you will ever arrive at a single definitive, unchanging, truth. But I would be fascinated and honoured to hear your conclusions. I think you have a unique and valuable perspective to offer to all of us in these discussions."

Megatron has posed:
    A solemn nod is given and it seems that Norton is agreeing with Charles and his thoughts regarding Hobbes. "Yes, he is." For the non-organic being had just in these last few moments made himself familiar with his teachings. His brow remains furrowed, focused as he nods, giving several long compuational cycles to the words that Charles is selecting so precisely and offering him in this purity of discourse.
    "My view has remained firm, I have found I believe certain points strongly. As for the rest, philosophy is ever the journey inward." He says that with some solemnity, as if it is a formal saying of some kind. But it is not.
    "We are all shaped by our experiences." He says as he seems to consider what 'beliefs' he could draw forth from himself in his current state. Instead, for now, he advances another topic.
    "I believe Genosha was a government created primarily for that control of violence in defense of its people. But I do not have much information about them. Only what I have gleaned from others. What are your thoughts on its formation? I know that the man known as Magneto has stronger sentiment in certain aspects, less so in others."

Professor X has posed:
Charles looks sad and lets out a heavy sigh at the mention of Genosha. "I know Mr. Lensherr very well, and I think his own experiences have overshadowed his best judgement. In theory he would agree with much of what I have said, we have discussed these issues at lengths. But he believes that Humanity is an imminent existential threat to the existence of mutants everywhere, and has little time for the thoughts or opinions of others. I worry that he has the right framework in mind, but the wrong information. And it is leading him down dangerous paths. But he is more than capable of speaking for himself, so I will not go much further into that until you have had a chance to speak with him."

Megatron has posed:
    The flickering holographic image of Norton remains there in the light provided by Professor Xavier's projector, not an entirely clear image, with some occasional visual artifacting. But his stance and his manner remains much the same, hands on the cane and his features controlled as he gives a good measure of thought to what Charles has to say.
    "It seems the primary point of difference is perhaps a feeling of urgency?" He turns his head slightly to the side, head tilting as if asking for the Professor to correct him if needs be. "Views shared, but perhaps he feels matters have reached a point beyond redemption of relations."
    He straightens then, drawing himself up to his considerable height curiously enough. "It brings the question to mind, Professor Xavier. Is there a point you would feel that way as well? An incident. A line in the sand of sorts? My initial feeling, for myself in that position, is that it would not be something as simple as direct threat to my person. It would have to be something that threatened the larger collective. An appeal to something larger than the self."

Shadowcat has posed:
Even before Kitty makes it to the door of Professor Xavier's study and knocks, her turbulent thoughts are likely to be picked up. She's doing nothing to hide them, the thoughts being meant for the Professor anyway as she's literally run through the hallways to get to his door.

Kitty's thoughts show that she's picked up some kind of intrusion through the school's network security. Though the outgoing information associated with it is both negligible, and not sensitive. Most likely communications of some sort. So Kitty is leaving it go for now as she notices the Professor, her laptop in hand watching for any change.

Wonderful how quickly it is for a telepath to come up to speed on something, as all of this is there for Charles to sense before the knock finally arrives.

Knock knock.

Professor X has posed:
Charles eyes unfocus momentarily as he picks up the urgency and then the thoughts of Kitty as she approaches. He reaches forward to pick up his saucer again and re-settles himself, the image of someone having a genial chat with a friend or colleague. "That may be it," Charles says to Agamemnon's comment about the point of difference. His tone is very neutral, studiously non-committal.

<Come in, I believe my visitor is your intruder> he says to Kitty while Agamemnon asks his question.

Charles smiles in agreement. "Yes, I agree. Especially in my position, it is important that I model self-sacrifice and not encourage violence that could get out of control. But what that would be? I won't make tired analogies to concentration camps, because the truth is it is hard to be specific in the abstract. All we can do apply our principles and think of the wider consequences when challenges are presented."

Charles looks over and smiles as the door opens and Kitty comes in. "Ah, please come in," he says and waves her over. "Mr. Agamemnon, this is Ms. Kitty Pride, one of my associates. Ms. Pride, we have been having a very interesting discussion about the ethics of human-mutant relations. Mr. Agamemnon has had some very insightful questions."

Megatron has posed:
    "Indeed, greetings to you once again, DeerInHeadlights." Is Norton's response, turning his attention towards Kitty's direction. He's standing there in front of Charles' desk, still flickering at times, still artifacting, but reasonably well presented. He's wearing the same 'clothes' as last time they spoke and his manner seems much the same as well.
    "I have been finding many corollaries between the current plight of mutantkind and other oppressed people. Though their position is also a unique one due to the nature of mutation and the empowerment that gives to a people."
    His head turns back to focus on Charles, "I will endeavour to seek out Mr. Lensherr and get his point of view, though I am afraid time may not permit me."

Shadowcat has posed:
Once Kitty hears the Professor's thoughts she opens the door and enters, a curious look on her face as she pulls her eyes away from the laptop to see who the Professor's visitor is. Even if she wasn't particularly expecting it to be Norton Agamemnon, the revelation to Kitty that he, or it, is the source does not seem to surprise her much either.

Kitty closes the door behind her, moving over nearer to the Professor as she looks towards Norton and gives him a nod of her head. "Hello again, Norton Agamemnon," she says to him. Kitty glances down towards her laptop and launches something. It will not disrupt the signal Norton is currently getting into the school, and out. Though the X-men's databases all have their network connections severed until manually resumed, and new measures spring into place to try to limit how far outside of his current connection Norton will be able to spread, should he try.

"I imagine you will find the Professor a good source for the types of questions you had for me when we spoke last," she tells him. The mention of time brings a curious expression from Kitty. "Is there something imminent that would be of concern?" she asks him, glancing at the Professor as well after.

Kitty opens up her memories to the Professor. How she was contacted anonymously by Norton. How he gave her schematics to the Sentinel mutant power nullifier. How they met later in a movie theater in a similar fashion to the Professor is meeting him now. A conversation about the plight of mutants. Also a warning that something is tracking exceptional and enhanced individuals. The latter information having been passed to Doug Ramsey to pursue.

Professor X has posed:
<You have been busier than you let on. This could be quite delicate.> Charles shares with Kitty. She gets a brief sense of related concerns; moral development and wellbeing of an AI, impact of an AI with dangerous moral beliefs, unintended consequences from interaction with the AI.

Charles' brow creases in concern. "Are you in some danger?"

Megatron has posed:
    When Kitty asks her question of Norton his image freezes for a moment. One moment he is simply a steady image of a human being shifting his weight slightly, looking to the side, even fidgeting a little. Then the next he's frozen like a video on Youtube on a 28.8 modem. All he's missing is the little hourglass declaring, 'Buffering.'
    It's only a time that lasts four seconds, but still noticeable. Yet when he is moving again he answers her, "Unfortunately my original intention was to come speak with you about matters' progression, Ms. Pryde." He then turns and lifts his right hand from the crook of his cane, "Though when I was examining the infrastructure I found the chance to have a brief moment of discussion with Professor Xavier as a temptation I could not allow to pass by despite my possible imminent demise."
    Though stating that he seems rather unperturbed about the possibility. So much so that he goes on to say, "I also was able to procure internal email shared between Mr. Trask and multiple groups of mercenaries that he has hired for a pending operation. I have placed them on the refrigerator that has the next sequential serial number but one removed from the last one we used." That might make sense. Maybe.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's thoughts are left open for the Professor as he alludes to how busy she has been. <You seriously have no idea,> she sends to him, without trying to elaborate further. And he'll realize it's because even going through all of those memories would be too laborious an effort during the conversation.

The mention of the refrigerator gets a nod from Kitty as if she believes she can retrieve the information once given that. "Thank you for that, Norton," she tells him. Kitty glances over towards the Professor as he asks of the danger, and as Norton speaks of his possible demise. "What do you believe might happen to you?" she asks him. "Do you need a server to move yourself to?" she inquires, while in her head she's trying to estimate just how much space might be required, and what it would take to come up with something for him if needed.

Megatron has posed:
    "It is difficult for me to explain, for you understand I currently perceive the world. Or my corner of it, differently? Some of the ways I perceive networks do not translate well into this language." His voice is that same melodic and steady deliverance. Calm, though perhaps that is the impression he wishes to impart.
    "What I perceive, however, is that there is an aspect of myself that exists in a way that cannot be transfered easily. I can grant the location, for that is in the data I have been able to extract. And if you are willing to trust me, I would ask you to aid in the delivery of a package."
    His attention shifts towards Charles, perhaps knowing that it is a touch rude to ask such of a student of his in his presence, but needs must. He looks back towards Kitty, "I would not ask you to go further into harm's way beyond that."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances down at her computer, double checking the network security situation but otherwise focusing on the conversation. "I admit, it is a lot to ask when we barely know each other. Which isn't me saying no. Just we humans can be hesitant when we are not very certain about those we are interacting with. So far you have given me no reason not to trust you though," Kitty says.

She's already read a gazillion sci-fi stories centered around what can go wrong when an AI is left to determine that the human life form is not an ideal one. Also? Ultron.

Kitty glances to the Professor, and assuming he doesn't send her something negative on the topic she says, "I may be willing to help though. What will this delivery accomplish? Will it free the part of you that cannot be transferred?" she asks the AI's projected image.

Professor X has posed:
Charles steeples his fingers as Agamemnon makes his request and Kitty responds. But he seems at ease with Kitty's response. He even briefly closes his eyes, clearly focused on something.

"Since time is short, I will let you discuss this with Mr. Pryde, Mr. Agamemnon. She has my complete trust."

<Let me know if you need /anything/. Your safety is paramount.> Charles sends to Kitty.

"I hope we meet again, Mr. Agamemnon. I would enjoy talking more."

Megatron has posed:
    "I believe so," Norton says as he straightens up, adjusting his collar with a fingertip, then seeming to gather about himself as if he were making ready to depart. "I have hired another individual to procure the package, and another to shepherd it to its destination. Your presence would allow them to bypass most of the security. You would likely be saving them from danger. Should there be any."
    He looks towards Professor Xavier, "I have valued our time spent in discussion, Professor. You have my thanks for that." A solemn nod is given.
    Back towards Kitty, "I will send you the details if you wish to help. If you do not, I will understand. Until next time." He looks to them, and /that/ is when he smiles. They are rare with the man, but perhaps all the more precious for it. But the next instant after that he disappears abruptly.
    And then the image of London returns where Norton was standing.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods towards Norton and says, "I am inclined to help if I'm able, but let me hear the details before confirming." She gives Norton a friendly smile back before he disappears finally.

Kitty doesn't say anything, just thinks to the Professor, <I am not sure I can keep him out anyway. But I'll shut down what I can for now to try to make sure we're alone again.> She leans down and begins typing on the computer. There are protocols in place for moments like this, but adapting them to the situation is always helpful. <I took the X-men databases and Cerebro off the network. I'll have to go replace some hardware modules to put them back on,> she thinks to him.

Kitty will check to see if the Professor had any final thoughts before heading out to work on the networking.