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Latest revision as of 06:50, 14 May 2019

A Peaceful Night At The Avengers Mansion
Date of Scene: 12 May 2019
Location: Den - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Pietro, T'Challa and Steve gather for conversation at the end of a long day
Cast of Characters: Black Panther, Quicksilver, Captain America

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa pours himself a glass of brandy. The alcohol won't do anything for him, but the taste is one he finds pleasant enough. He is dressed in casual enough clothing, a pair of dark slacks and a black cotton shirt. He settles into one of the chairs and relaxes, putting his feet up. One of the Kimoyo beads is taken off his bracelet, creating an image of a book. He begins reading it while sipping the brandy. "Jarvis, could you play some music. Something softer, a little relaxing. Maybe... Fleetwood Mac?"

"Absolutely Your Majesty," Jarvis replies and the sounds of the song "Gypsy" starts up. "Is this to your liking?" Jarvis asks. "It is. And do you like the song?" T'Challa asks the artificial intelligence. "Right as rain, Your Majesty," Jarvis replies, the bit taught to the AI by Jessica Drew bringing a soft grin to T'Challa's lips.

Quicksilver has posed:

A blue blur moving faster than T'Challa might be able to even notice, is in the room. "Wow, like this song. Though....I don't listen to it as much as I should." Pietro shrugs his shoulders before ZOOM again and Pietro is back in the blink of an eye with a cup of coffee in his hand. How on earth did the cup even survive the speed travel?



But, Pietro smiles at T'Challa. "Hows it goin, your Majesty?" Pietro is wearing a blue longsleeve shirt with white accents, some black jeans, and some white running shoes. He wears nothing on his hands, and his silver hair is a bit...unkempt. Must be a speedy travel.

Black Panther has posed:
There aren't many things that take T'Challa by surprise, with his heightened sense. But Pietro is in the room before T'Challa could possibly hear, smell or see his arrival. He sits up with a start, managing to avoid spilling his drink barely.

T'Challa lets out a soft laugh as he sees who it is. "Pietro. Very good to see you," the Wakandan says in his African accent that has been smoothed out by time at Oxford. "I am well. Back on planet Earth, thankfully. I found someone with a space ship to take me to try to rescue Nuala Duvall. Though we caught up with her as the bounty hunters were set to hand her over to a member of the Nova Corp, she became a Blue Lantern in that moment. And is now safe, thankfully."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at T'Challa with a raised brow. "Huh, didn't know you went out to space. But good to know the friendly neighborhood alien was able to stay safe and sound. No thanks to you, I imagine." Pietro does seem to wink to show that he's teasing. "But, either way, good to have you back."

He considers for a moment.

"How's Wakanda?"

Black Panther has posed:
"I was all ready to invade a Nova Corp cruiser for her, single-handed," T'Challa counters with a grin, and waggling a finger at Pietro. "Though I am thankful that it was not needed. I gather the captain who put the bounty on her acted illegally, by their laws. But, there was the possibility of a serious incident arising if I'd had to," he says. Yet he was willing to do so to save their ally.

T'Challa inclines his head. "Wakanda is well. I am cautiously optimistic my people will continue to slowly open themselves to interactions with the rest of the world. Though it is a very slow process," he says. "And how is your home? How fares Genosha?" T'Challa asks.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at T'Challa with a small grin as he speaks of his space adventure. But, nevertheless, T'Challa's words on Wakanda's prosperity, yet its continued isolation, does make him nod. "I see. Well, I'm glad the country I don't think I will ever be allowed to see is doing well." he winks playfully.

"As for Genosha...well, my father hasn't declared world war three yet, and Wanda is still doing fantastic. I hear Lorna's having an interesting time though. But...it is what it will be." Pietro shrugs. "Still a safe haven for mutants all over the world. Can't get much better than that."

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther takes a sip of his brandy. He turns off the Kimoyo bead that was projecting the book he'd been reading before Pietro came in. T'Challa gets a thoughtful look. "Lorna is your younger sister, yes?" he confirms. "I do not believe I have had the pleasure of meeting her. Perhaps if she is in New York sometime, and has time, we might arrange a meeting. Lunch or dinner perhaps, my treat?" T'Challa offers.

"Jarvis," T'Challa says as Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac comes to an end. "Please continue playing the rest of the album," the Wakandan says. Jarvis' voice answers. "More Stevie Nyx coming up, Your Majesty." The song Rhiannon starts up then.

Quicksilver has posed:
"....is this your way of saying you want to date my little sister?" Pietro is clearly playing, but he wanted to see T'Challa's reaction to it. While Pietro is less protective of Lorna than he is of Wanda, which is saying A LOT, Pietro is still a protective older brother.

He grins though, and he sips on his coffee. "But, I think you and Lorna would get along well. She wouldn't like Wakanda's isolation, but she'd understand it. She's a very....eh, progressive thinker. To the point of extremes."

Pietro doesn't seem to be paying attention to the music at all.

Captain America has posed:
Having heard voices on his way up from the kitchens where he'd prepped something akin to a midnight snack (a sandwich, heavy on meat and mustard to compliment his mug of coffee), Steve appears in the doorway and taptaps the outside of his heel on the doorframe to announce himself.

"I've heard this song before," the Captain comments as he lingers there briefly, wishing to be sure of his welcome. "Fleetwood Mac, right?" Both T'Challa and Pietro get a small grin, bright enough that it twinkles in his blue eyes.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther breaks out in a warm chuckle and tells Pietro, "No, merely thought it would be worthwhile to meet another of your family. I would like to meet your father as well, though I was not sure if you spoke to him as often," T'Challa says. He looks thoughtful. "Well, I would be interested in hearing thoughts. Sometimes extreme thoughts are worth hearing and considering, even if not always worth adopting," he shares.

The arrival of Captain America in the doorway draws a warm smile from T'Challa. The Wakandan is very much relaxed in a leather chair, with his feet up and a glass of brandy in hand. T'Challa points a finger to Steve. "Got it in one," he says, confirming the band. "I have not yet entered my mission report. But Nuala Duvall is safe now. Not only rescued from the bounty hunters, but it appears she has become a Blue Lantern now."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro shakes his head at T'Challa. "Unless you want a debate over mutant rights or a possible war, I don't think you should meet my father. We don't get along anyways, so its not a necessary thing.' there's a small bite in Pietro's words, though his head bows apologetically.

Then there's Gods righteous man himself.

"Cap." he gives a small upnod. Then?


Pietro is back in less than a blink of an eye, a cup of joe offered for the Captain. "How you doin, boss?"

Captain America has posed:
Steve grins at the confirmation of his musical guess -- it's the little things for the man who still struggles at times within the current era. "Glad to have you back, T'Challa, and to hear that she's safe. I never doubted you."

And the Captain never did.

"Pietro, h -- " Zoom, the silver-haired speedster's gone and Steve blinks, now seeing Pietro reappear with a freshly-brewed cup. "Oh, thanks, I'll..." He kills the lingering dregs of his current cup and sets it aside on the small table by the door, sure to be picked up on his way out, to accept the cup offered by the speedster. "...take that. Tony does get the good stuff," he says with a sniff of the steam rising from the coffee. Wandering farther into the room, he settles himself in a comfy reading chair and puts the drink and food on the accompanying table tucked to its side.

"So you're back from space-spelunking," he points at T'Challa. The finger flicks to Pietro. "And you?" His eyebrows jump expectantly.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther tells Steve. "Yes, I actually needed to do very little, thanks to the Blue Lantern... I am not sure what the right term is. Inducting her? The timing was fortuitous. The Nova Corp captain was trying to double-cross the bounty hunters and not pay them. I was worried it might end with their ship destroyed and everyone dead. Possibly my ship as well. As it was, my artificial life form pilot was disabled by an EMP, along with his ship. Though Nuala was able to talk me through restarting it."

T'Challa tells Pietro, "Well, I imagine not a war. But hearing his concerns about the problems facing mutants would be a worthwhile experience to have." And then Pietro is zooming off and coming back with the coffee.

Watching that sets the physicist in T'Challa to wondering. "So do you have to turn the cup sideways when you accelerate to keep the liquid in the cup?" he asks Pietro. "And, even then, I imagine it behave like... like a bath tub where you move back and forth to make huge waves," he says, chuckling at his choice of description. "Do you have to frequently adjust the cup's position to get it back here without spilling?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro hands Steve the cup and thats all she wrote. Easy peezy. No problems there. Though he looks at T'Challa as he's suddenly asked about the science of his speedrunning and the coffee holding. "Well, thats generally what I do to keep the liquid from flying everywhere. Be a shame if I dumped coffee on either of you. I'm faster, but your tougher." Pietro chuckles a little bit, before his eyes shift off to Steve.

"I'm back from...well, running, clearly. Not like I do anything aside from taking apart machines or fight weird magic people." Pietro sips his coffee, downplaying himself uncharacteristically.

Captain America has posed:
Steve reaches to lift his coffee mug in salute to T'Challa's tale. "That's some timing indeed. All's well that ends well then, especially with the life support systems. I'll make a note to contact Nuala if we ever run across an issue with a flight system that Stark might not know about." A rarity indeed, but the Captain does like to have aces up his sleeve. The world keeps getting weirder, after all.

His regard shifts to Pietro again and gains a silent interest within it. "You got something you wanna discuss?" he asks the young man before he takes a deep swig of his coffee.

Black Panther has posed:
"It sounds like there has been a lot of taking apart of machines lately," T'Challa says, having caught up on the logs while he was gone. Sentinels. Oof. The Wakandan gives a sad shake of his head, but then has to move his hand to cover his mouth as he yawns. "I think the lack of a regular sleep cycle on the spaceship is catching up to me." Who would have thought artificial beings wouldn't need to sleep?

T'Challa rises from his seat. "If you will both excuse me, my friends, I think I shall turn in for the night," he tells them. Both men get a nod and a warm expression from the Wakandan. "Good night."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro seems to look at Steve with a shake of his head. "Nope, not really." Pietro does seem to crack his neck a little bit. "Speakin' of family though and all that, you see Wanda around Cap? Been meanin' to chat with her." the twins have been inseperable lately. Its a wonder that Pietro hasn't just looked for her yet.

He does look over at T'Challa as he rises from his feet and announces his leave. "So long, Your Majesty." Pietro does a two-finger wave, before he does look over at Steve. "So, are you dating Janet yet?"

Captain America has posed:
"Sleep well, T'Challa, we'll catch up more later." Steve gives the Panther a significant look, like as not insinuating in regards to the Sentinel robots and what both have learned of them. They continue to haunt the First Avenger as is.

He glances back to Pietro again and gives him a small smile, its curvature a little deeper for the two-pronged vein of questioning. "Wanda, no, unfortunately. She's been hard to find as is. I was thinking she was out running errands for herself. She'll show up again, I'd think." A dimple shows as he continues on. "Janet and I are dating, yes, been for a bit. Surprised it hasn't showed up in the popular media, but probably for the better. Don't need my laundry aired." Despite the mild grump, he continues wearing the little grin.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro seems to chuckle a little bit. "Heh, saw it coming from a mile away. You were a little slow, but Janet's a keeper." of course, Pietro's use of 'slow' doesn't mean dumb. It literally means slow. Like Steve took too long or something.

Did he? Eh, Pietro wasn't sure. he was just playin'.

But Pietro does seem to chuckle a little bit. "Janet seems to be the type who would want it aired. Keep all the other ladies from taking their shot at Captain America himself."

Captain America has posed:
A quiet snort from Steve and he slides his eyes briefly away as to avert the incipient eyeroll. "You 'nd Buck both on that nonsense...not slow," he grumbles. "And it's not on Janet to keep anyone from taking a shot." He sips at his coffee again. "Anything about my half of the relationship and my own? That's on me and me alone. Nobody's about to waltz in and cause any issue between us. The news can focus on something else instead, not on the last time we had lunch."

There's the eyeroll, unable to be helped.

"Anyways, it's...it's been great." Despite the lack of poetic prose or vast and sweepingly-dramatic gestures, it's earnest from him.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro seems to laugh a little bit. Success! He got Steve's opinion on the matter. Good, good. "Well, as long as its been great for ya. Yo utwo seem a nice couple. Sadly, I'm still quite forever alone. No one can keep up." he shrugs, but then he gets serious, knowing that Steve was gonna ask 'why?'.

"Super Speed. Google it."

Apparently thats enough said, if you ask Pietro.