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Latest revision as of 15:18, 14 May 2019

Subway in a subway
Date of Scene: 14 April 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Kid, Martian Manhunter, Power Girl

Mon-El has posed:
    It's a typical afternoon down in the Manhattan underground, with people milling around the old station, going about their business. Not the most slick-looking place in the world, but it's not bad considering how long it has been around.

    Every few minutes, one can hear the roar of the trains passing on either side of the station, causing the walls to shake a little, as packs of people stand in between them, waiting for a ride to another part of the city.

Kid has posed:
There a loud yawn from a disgruntled looking teenager. One glance at him, and people would out him as a mutant, but he didn't much care. The subways was often busy enough after all. Though he kept to the back to avoid going to deep into the crowd, not particularly enjoy it. He double checks his ticket and nods, being fairly certain he was heading to the right place.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
After spending the entire afternoon monitoring the monitor room of the watchtower J'onn realized a thing, he has never used a subway in his entire life. Who would understand how to be human without trying it at least once? That is why he is, now, walking to approach a random subway entrance, that also happens to be the same one that Kid is heading to. Shapeshifted into a male human dressed in a fine tailored suit, also the same form that Kid had seen him several days ago, J'onn moves calmly, ticket in hand, waiting for the train to arrive.

Power Girl has posed:
    Despite being able to fly at supersonic speeds herself, Karen Starr is riding the subway as well. Mostly because her car broke down and she's waiting for it to be repaired. For being a scientist...she feels really dumb when it comes to cars. Especially muscle cars. She doesn't even realize she's on the same subway as J'onn either.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar is down here for much the same reason as J'onn. Given his ability to fly as fast as he does, he has never really -been- to a subway station before. While his understanding of Terran culture has improved, he still has a lot to learn. And you know what they say, experience is the best teacher.

    As the train J'onn and the others are waiting for rolls into the station, people start to line up in front of the doors as they slide open, first waiting for those off-boarding before stepping on themselves. Lar finds himself standing in the line near the others, looking down at the piece of yellow plastic that apparently the Terrans use to authorize themselves to use the mass transit system. He recognizes Karen but given she is dressed in civvies, maybe he shouldn't call out to her, since he doesn't actually know her civilian name.

    As it is, if anyone is being particularly observant, they might notice a shady-looking character sort of loitering about the station, hanging around at the back of the crowd waiting to get on the subway. Its eyes have an eerie yellow glow to them as they peer out from behind a shadowy mask. Certainly not just a normal human, but that sort of thing is so common around here these days that no one else really pays it any mind.

Kid has posed:
Needless to say, Kid takes note of this. Mainly because, he himself was at the back of the station as well. He recognizes J'onn, and even Mon-El for that matter, not Karen though. But really he was concentrating on the train. Even as people where moving in, he was 'psyching himself up.' Telling himself it was a short trip, the doors do infact open by hand, there was knock out glass, roof top hatches, etc. Basicly assessing how to get out of what was a tiny space to him...a tiny enclosed space.

He hated the subway.

None the less, he takes note that one cart at the very least emptier than the others. He opts to try and board that cart. But he goes glance to the shadowy masked figure again...he decides to peer a bit into their mind.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
So intent on enjoying the subway and its atmosphere, tuning his senses out a bit so that the huge amount of people don't overwelm him, J'onn doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary for now, nor any people he knows but Kid, and even then he does only because of the telepathic signature he still clearly remembers from the recent encounter. As for Mon-el, if he's aware of his presence, he doesn't show it for now, he's not in his usual martian form anyways so he would hardly be recognizable. Boarding the train not far from Power Girl, he grabs one of the support poles and stands there, his senses doing a quick and careful scan of his surroundings, picking up sounds, smells, images and even all telepathic signs as well.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl stretches her arms as she starts to board the train herself. She lets out a groan as she rubs her face and starts for the train. She's close to J'onn, but doesn't realize it's J'onn. Then a person bumps into her and...the person bounces off rather hard. "Be more careful hun." She says to the person before she starts for the train.....

Mon-El has posed:
    What Kid would find in that mysterious person's mind, is that they seem to be thinking in mostly some alien language he doesn't know, but what is clear is that he's focused on Mon-El, who is about to get on the train. And also, that this individual is also a telepath. Right about the moment he realizes this, the other telepath is made aware of the fact that someone else is in his head. Speaking of which, J'onn's own telepathic scanning would alert him to the fact that Kid isn't the only other telepath down here. But Kid is the one who gets a response.

    < You're going to regret that one, fool. >
    Well at least -that- part he can understand perfectly clearly.

    He'll soon see why, as there is a shout of surprise from the crowds and suddenly, Lar is hovering above them, and red lasers lance through the air straight at Kid!

Kid has posed:
     Kid initially rolled his eyes. The whole typical 'your a fool crap' that so many damn telepaths...and villians for that matter, just make him annoyed. It was often times, alot of talk, with not alot of back up. That is...untill he sees Lar hovering in the air.

First thought that came to mind was 'Crap'

The Second thought was 'DAMN THAT HURTS!'. Kid being relatively untrained hero...and the fact their lazors - get hit right in the chest by the lazors, sending him flying back. The scent of scorched fur fills the air as he suffers a rather nasty burn in the chest...if not a deeper wound considering someone just shot lazor eyes at him! Oh he was pissed now.

He pushes himself back onto his feet....and dissappears. Or at least tries too. Dissappearing was one of his most practiced illusions. But how effective it would be here is hard to say.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn perches up as soon as he notices a telepathic signal, and he is already turning his body towards the direction of it, his eyes looking at an hovering Lar shooting lasers at Kid. Even being quick, he can't be fast enough to block it especially since it has already happened, what he could try to do however is, first of all shifting his form slightly, altering his skin's density to make it extremely resistant, and second advance towards Lar, his mind expanding outwards to try to understand why he is acting that way.

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen whirls around and winces. "Damn. EVERYONE IN THE TRAIN!" Karen yells as she starts to push her way through the now panicking crowd to get to Mon-El. No, she's not shoving people out of the way...she's gently (for her) nudging by to get to the flying superhero. Cuz changing in front of everyone is a bad idea. Very bad.

Mon-El has posed:
    As soon as the lasers come out, the crowd flies into a panic, everyone screaming and rushing for either the exits or to get on the train--anywhere away from this madness. In the midst of the chaos, the mysterious telepath who had just taunted kid slinks off into the shadows, trying to stay out of sight of any heroes who might track him down. Heroes like J'onn, whose mental investigation would demonstrate that Lar is behaving this way because someone else is in his head, and that someone else is most likely that 'other' presence he detected just now. The one that isn't Kid.

    Speaking of Lar and Kid. Normally, that illusion would've worked like a charm on the Daxamite. But unfortunately because he is being controlled by another telepath just as powerful if not moreso than himself, it isn't very effective. He descends a bit, and rips a bench right out of the ground before hurling it at the sapient gorilla.

    That voice is in his head again, taunting him. < As you can see, -I- don't make empty threats. >

    For the time being, Power Girl and J'onn are unhindered.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn throws up his mental defenses immediately, subtly scanning Lar's mind to trace the location of the one controlling him to the other telepathic signature just perceived a few minutes ago. Keeping his defenses up so as not to be detected, as well as to be safe from mental intrusions to his mind, J'onn starts quickly advancing towards the mindcontroller, trying to stop the problem at the source, confident that Kid can handle himself for at least a bit longer. However it is not like J'onn is walking slowly, he is infact running, almost sprinting towards the strange man.

Kid has posed:
Well...this was definintly new territory for the gorilla. He relied quite a bit on his illusions to stay ahead of the game. In most cases he didn't have to worry about someone going for him in an illusion. But he also learned long ago to always keep an eye out.

And so when the bench is hurled towards him? Kid actually manages to dodge out of the way. He let out a beastial growl. Now he was pissed...and can feel the panic and fear in the crowd. In truth, such a situation often causes him to experience the same emotions...and so he held onto the one thing he had: His rage.

He lets out a beastial roar at Lars and charges him. When he gets within range...he leaps up and towards Lars with all the strength he could muster, intent on grappling the Daximite. Which to many might seem stupid, but Kids has a plan...hopefully a good plan!

Power Girl has posed:
    As soon as everyone is turned away from what is going on, Karen acts like she's drinking something (which is actually a bottle of colored water), and ZIPS towards the flying bench to grab it before it can hit Kid. It's then Kid is jumping towards Mon-El to grapple him. "This....is definitely not good." She doesn't know whether Mon-el is mind controlled or not....she's just there to keep people from getting hurt.

Mon-El has posed:
    J'onn's mental defenses appear to be successful in preventing him from being detected and also from intrusion. As he follows his own mental senses toward the source of the problem, he'll eventually find the masked being lounging at a subway restaurant nearby with a sandwich and a cookie as if nothing were amiss. And yes, it is a Subway in the subway. There's a couple of other very oblivious people in there, their faces fixed upon their phones.

    Meanwhile, Kid is lucky that Power Girl intervened, catching the bench before it could hit him. He's also lucky because that appears to draw the aggro off of him and onto her. A punch is thrown her way, hard enough to send her flying if it connects without a counter.

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen manages to put the bench down and stand up JUST in time to get nailed by Mon-el's punch. With a loud SMACK, Karen is sent into a wall and the wall collapses onto her.

Kid has posed:
Well this is convient. If Lars wants to ignore the giant gorrila pouncing him, that just fine by Kid. The massive rilla manages to get a grip on Lars, and hangs on tightly. But that was hardly the important bit.

With the close proximity comes the chance to Drain the Brain! He begins to actively syphon off Lars psychic energy. But this was important for another reason. This draining of the Mind can cut off a Telepaths grip on another being - a tactic he actually used agaist The Shadow King before.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn slows his pace as he approaches the subway in the subway, and when he enters it is with a calmness that fits into his gentlemanly appearance. Moving slowly, J'onn approaches the source of the mind controlling until he finds himself just in front of him, and that's where he would stop, with an expressionless face that turns into a slight smile. Readying his body for eventual physical attacks, he tries to project quite a bit of mental force towards the other individual's mind, trying to wrap his mind around his own to entrap it and stop it from messing around with any form of telepathy. Of course, the attempt tries to be as subtle as possible at first, without using more force than necessary so to not give away his entire mental strength.

Mon-El has posed:
    CRASH. Power Girl is sent into the wall on the other side of the subway track--that is, the one that didn't just have a train on it--causing it to collapse down on top of her. Now there is a bunch of rubble and Power Girl strewn across the tunnel. And any person off of the street would know that characteristic rumbling sound meant a train was coming in hot. If it smashes into Karen, or into the debris, or both--well, things were not going to be pretty for those on the train. Now, several hundred feet up the track toward the oncoming subway is a switch that could be thrown to redirect it--if someone can get to it in time...

    As soon as Kid starts trying to drain mental energy, Lar's attention is once again back on him. He attempts to grab the gorilla and throw him off in the same direction as Power Girl went--in front of that train. However, given what J'onn was concurrently doing, he falters a bit and doesn't throw with quite the force he's actually capable of. Which is unfortunate for Kid.

    J'onn approaches the mysterious being seemingly without incident. However, when he ends up standing right in front and starts trying to dampen the telepathic connection, the stranger suddenly lashes out, drawing a blade that he tries to plunge into the Martian's chest.

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen pushes some of the debris off of her, in time to see the train coming....and she zooms off to flip the switch. That potion must've done wonders for her....especially when she lets out a belch. She knew she didn't have time to move the debris....even moving at her fastest. She stays in the air to make sure the train makes it by safely...before she concentrates on anything else.

Kid has posed:
Kid slams into the wall where there was a hole due to Power Girl being thrown. He before falling into the rubble before him, having been thrown with enough force to crack the wall. He now had several deep cuts/wounds from the jagged rocks, rebar etc. And...a short electrictuion...because you know, train tracks are electrified. He thankfully has enough resolve and durability to pull himself off THAT.

Needless to say Kid was not in the best state at all, his body racked with pain, burned chest, blood. Yea, not having super strength or durability would do that to a person. His eyes widen as he he sees the oncomming train...and sighs with relief as the oncomming train takes a new direction.

He weakly pulls himself back onto the main platform...and was none to happy. But he was too fried to even put up an illusion. The best he could do was hide behind a pillar, and hope to get a jump on Lars if that telepathic hold isn't broken.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn keeps part of his mind focused on blocking the other telepath, his body however is still reactive enough. One of the first things J'onn did, as soon as he realized what was happening, was changing the density of his skin so that the blade shouldn't pose a problem. Just to be sure, however, he lifts his left hand quiickly, closing it about the armed wrist of the one who has decided to be his opponent. Turning anticlockwise, he twists his hand upwards and tries to flip the man over his shoulder, the blade flying away and the man should find himself on his back, with J'onn kneeling next to him and placing a hand on his chest to keep him in place.

Mon-El has posed:
    Power Girl rockets off toward the train, its headlights glaring forth from the darkness. She'll probably catch sight of the faces of stunned passengers or operators for a second before she reaches the switch and manages to throw it just in the nick of time, diverting the the mass transit vehicle away from danger.

    Lar watches as Kid is thrown into the pile of rubble. He ascends a bit more now, watching as the young gorilla tries to hide from someone with X-ray vision. The Daxamite zooms at the support column, not even trying to go around it at all but aiming to simply plow into it and Kid, then keep going until Kid has been pulverized--however, just before he makes contact, he suddenly goes limp and just...flops onto the floor of the station.

    All thanks to J'onn's efforts. Unfortunately for the other telepath, his weapons are no match for the Martian's ability to use shapeshifting to adapt to the situation, as he finds himself facedown on the floor with a knee in his back. It seems the force of that move had been enough to knock the being unconscious, immediately severing his connection to Lar.

Kid has posed:
Kid glances around the pole...and sighs with relief. He grunts and limps over in pain and rolls Laws over. He stares at him....and than the train cart J'onn and that telepath where in. The pained gorilla snorts, half in thanks, and half in relief. He sends out a general broadcast o O ("....you guys alright?") cause he sure as hell isn't.

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen flies forward to intercept Mon-El, but instead catches him before he hits the support post. "Really...." Karen says with a sigh...and slowly lays Mon-el down on the ground. She then looks at the bottle of 'stuff' she had...and tosses it away. "I'm okay. Apparently he isn't though." Kid's doesn't get further than communication though, instead of being able to look through her mind.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn Keeps the man where he is, expanding his mind to send out reassuring telepathic messages to all civilians, projecting the illusion that everything is allright and that there's not a man pinning down another man so calling the police is totally unnecessary. Searching with his mind to locate kid, it wouldn't be probably long until he could perceive the presence of other two heroes, even if one of them doesn't seem in the conditions to do much of anything. Kid's message is received, and an answer is sent by J'onn to him, Power girl and even Lar just in case. "Everything should be allright." before an unknown voice could be cause of any panic he adds "J'onn here... With the telepath responsible for all this in custody. I'll fly him somewhere secure" and indeed it is just what he does, wrapping both arms around the unconscious villain and walking towards the exit, still projecting the illusion used to keep everyone else not interested in them. "please, be safe, all three of you..." he transmits to Lar, Power girl and Kid, before taking off to the sky and disappearing after a few seconds.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar groans and finally gets himself up off of the floor. "Ugh..." Sitting up, he stares around at the damage that he had unknowingly incurred. "Oh, grife. Did I do that?" he asks, glancing at Kid, and then at Power Girl. Then he hears J'onn's message in his head. "Crap, I did, didn't I?"

Kid has posed:
Why Kid would be trying to go through Power Girls Mind is beyound him, as he was only sending out a broadcast, not going through any one persons thoughts. He looks to Lars and broadcast o O ("More like someone controlling your mind. Also, your lazer eye things hurt. Pretty sure you weren't completly out...cause I got a feeling that coulda kill me")

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen slowly starts to help Mon-El off the floor. "Come on, Mon-El. Whatever I cooked up isn't going to last much longer. I'm Karen Starr by the way. One of the scientists in Star Labs." She then looks to...whomever is broadcasting. "If possible, I'd like you to come along too. Find out someway to counteract someone taking over another person's mind."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar quickly turns his x-ray vision in Kid's direction, concern on his face. He frowns. "Damn, you'd better get that looked at, it looks bad." A sigh, then he turns to Power Girl. "Nice to meet you, Karen. Thanks for the help." He says. Even if he does know who she is, he'll still keep up appearances since this is a public place. "I take it J'onn will be taking the perpetrator the Watchtower. Not sure if telepaths are counteractable other than by another telepath." he admits.

Kid has posed:
Kid eyes bulge and he takes 5 large steps back from Karen, his eye twitching. o O ("...I am NOT a lab experiment.") clearly he has had some very bad experiences. o O ("....no needles. No cages. No feeding or injecting me strange thing. No restraints. If I say no...it means no. And so help me if someone tries, I WILL tear their head off") VERY bad. But he did see this Karen fello want to help Lars...so she might not be all bad, but his worry meter was at an all time high now. And while he hated labs, his injuries warrented some proper medical help anyways. Which is confirmed by Lars no less.
    Kid sighs o O ("They can be counteracted by collars. And a person mind can be turned inwards. Which why it does not stop a telepath from getting into your mind...does stop them from sensing your thoughts and junk passively")

Power Girl has posed:
    "Calm yourself. I had already taken those into account. And I'll be the only one working with you." Karen says quietly. "Come on. We'll figure something out." She says as she looks towards the subway. "And I'm going to need my car sooner rather than later."