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Men. Can't Live With Them, Pass the Peanuts Redux.
Date of Scene: 15 April 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Kate's frustration venting session is interrupted by Danny Rand, who she tries to oust from Fogwell's... until Matt arrives to set things right. Then suddenly it's a party and everyone goes to Josie's to eat.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Iron Fist, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Dragon, Melinda May

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
It had been days now since Kate and John Constantine had had their little tiff. Every morning when she got up, and every evening when she went to bed, the broken bit of plaster in the wall of her bedroom was a reminder of that evening and how terribly badly it had gone wrong. And, because the last time she'd been this frustrated, and her solution to that, she'd ended up not only drunk, but in bed with the man, a different tactic was necessary.

Enter, one Kate Bishop trying to vent her considerable frustration both with the man, and herself (mostly herself) by doing some one on one bag work. Her hands taped (decently for doing a solo job), dressed in sweatpants and a wifebeater tee, she's laying into the bag like it contains all her demons in a neat little leather bound package, the bag bouncing and jerking on its chain with every blow.

"And another thing, you jerk, just who are you to decide who or what you're saving me from anyway...?"

Iron Fist has posed:
    In the midst of therapy by way of punching, the door to Fogwell's opens, allowing an individual within. The figure is nondescript...and purposely, from all appearances. While not using the time-honoured disguise of baseball cap and sunglasses, this one is using Default Disguise number two...a grey hoodie pulled up and over the head, with matching sweatpants and a pair of sandals. The figure's outline betrays the form to be male in appearance, though not much else more discernable than that.

    A duffle bag, slung over a shoulder, is dropped onto the floor with an audible thud, over by the speed bags. The male figure turns, just enough to see his features, which becomes more apparent when the hood is lowered. For those in the know...it would appear that the figure is one Daniel Rand.

    And...he is listening to headphones, which would explain his lack of notice at the present time.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate is otherwise too distracted and lsot in her own world of self-loathing and venting to hear the door open or close. Lacking Spidey sense, or Matt's ability to sense by other means, the young woman is utterly unaware she isn't alone any longer.

And given his 'disguise' Kate might not have recognized the man even if she had noticed he'd joined her. Then again, in her current getup, glistening with sweat, hair an unruly mess of ponytail lashing out with every blow to the punching bag, features coloured with the faint crimson of exertion, she might not be all that recognizable as Kate Bishop, heiress to the Bishop publishing fortune, either.

"And another thing you.. you.." A hefty smack to the bag that is mistimed and has her shaking her fist at the painful reverberation. "Why are men such idiots?!?"

Iron Fist has posed:
    With the headphones in, Danny might have been oblivious. However, as he takes them off, the first thing he hears is the perhaps not-so-rhetorical question posed by the most certainly angry individual within the gym. There is a moment of hesitation, as if there is an internal battle on whether or not Danny should say anything. But, then that lopsided grin comes out...and he calls out an answer, completely unbidden.

    "Well, if I have to guess, I would think it is because women mature faster. So they see us as immature longer, and then we have to play catch up." With a chuckle, he reaches up to start hitting the speed bag...without the benefit of boxing gloves or taped hands. "But, then again, I wouldn't exactly know. Being a man and all."

    And then, with that, the hands start flying, catching the bag over and over. Yet, with his stance, it would seem that he really isn't concentrating all that hard on the practice drill...which could either speak to his skill, or to his idiocy.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate doesn't exactly startle out of her 'I am alone' state so much as she comes to an abrupt halt in her menacing of the bag bearing the brunt of her ire. "Uh, this is a private club. Pretty sure you can take your blythe observances somewhere else. I know it was vacant for a long time, but the new owner is kind of picky about who he lets in. Kapishe?"

Pointedly, without directly saying 'so bugger off'.

Not to mention, Danny is given a bored look of 'we are not impressed you can hit the bag barehanded, I hang out with people like Daredevil and the Other Hawkeye so try again *yawn* besides I currently hate men so you're out of luck anyway'.

Waiting for the man to, well, bugger off.

Iron Fist has posed:
    A hand reaches out to stop the speed bag as Danny turns to face Kate fully. With the hood down, the tossled blonde hair and facial features are more readily noticeable. As is the half-grin upon his features. "Well, you did ask the question. I was only offering an answer." There is a chuckle as Danny shakes his head lightly. "I do happen to know the new owner rather well, so I am pretty sure I am allowed here. Unless you want me to call Matt now?"

    Oh, Danny got the indirect tone to hit the road. Which only serves to increase that amusement.

    "Look, we stepped off with the wrong foot. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Danny." He proceeds to walk over, holding a hand out in greeting. Not that Kate is likely to take it, but Danny is making the gesture, in his annoyingly innocent manner.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Riiiight," Kate drawls, sighing as she considers the tape on her hands, and whether or not she's going to be left in peace to continue venting her frustrations in the manner she'd chosen. "You know the owner rather well. Funny he's never mentioned you. Look, bud. I get it. It's a cheap gym. Nobody bothers you here. Nobody gave a darn about the place for years. Heck, they've even cleaned the place up and added equipment. I'd want to hang out here too, but you can't. Okay?"

She moves, now, to grab up a nearby towel, and dabs at the sweat that's left her damp in the now cool air.

His offered hand, when it comes with a name, is given a suspicious look. "Fine. So you're Danny. That doesn't mean you get to stay here." Of course, she's who she is and she relents enough to offer, "I'm Kate." Adding, "And I was actually trying to work through a few things. On my own. So, if you don't mind?"

Yep. She's moved from pointed, to directly polite. Still the same message: bugger off.

Then it hits her. "Wait. You know Matt?" Incredulous. "Ah.. nice try. Public record. You almost had me there." She grins and waggles a towel holding hand at him. "To bad, so sad, I'm on to you."

Iron Fist has posed:
    The offered hand shifts to join the other in a defensive position. "Okay, okay. Don't mess with you. Geez, whoever he was must have really f'ed up to get you so angry." Yes, he sensored himself. Like, who does that? He takes a step back, towards the speed bags and his duffle. "I do hang out here and frankly, I haven't seen you before..."

    However, as Danny says that, he actually does take a look at Kate. A serious look, with the questioning expression upon his face. A shake of his head is given as he dismisses whatever thought he has. "Can't be..." is the only clue to that thought, said quietly as he retreats.

    The name Kate does give him pause, but only for a moment. "Alright, Kate. It is certainly clear that those of the male persuasion are not exactly welcomed at this point in time, so...you win. I'll take myself elsewhere." He reaches down, picking up his duffle bag, but not breaking eye contact. "Suppose I could use the gym at the Rand building. Would look a little strange kicking everyone out, but oh well."

    Another chuckle, followed with a remark. "Right. Almost had you. Next time you see Matty, tell him hi for me."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Now there's a surprise. Most people just come right out and say the thing. "You didn't really.." Kate shakes her head, tossing the towel she's holding over a shoulder. "And I'm more angry at myself than him. Not that it's any of your business. And what is that supposed to mean, 'can't be'. Huh?"

Sighing, because it's abundantly clear she's not going to be left in peace, she moves to sit on a nearby bench, and rubs her temples before starting to tug at the tape on her hands.

"If that's supposed to impress me" - it's unclear which of the names he's dropped that she's referring to - "it doesn't. Okay? Grew up around enough of the first, and the second hasn't mentioned you either, so."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt was back at Nelson and Murdock and given his current caseload he was beginning to think he preferred the Hand. At least he could punch the Hand. The DA though? Not so much. Even if he was being unreasonable when it came to his Matt's latest clients, two unlucky kids who tried to stick up a bodega to pay a drug debt and get a kidnapped girl back. It wasn't that his clients weren't guilty, they were, caught at the scene red handed, but the DA was fishing for a win, a big win, any win, after this business with the Foot and their coins saw so many crooks skate on out of New York courtrooms, Matt's clients didn't have any coins, and the DA was fixing to throw the book at them to claim the win.

Matt had just finished a meeting with the DA when he stopped by home to change into sweats and a hoodie and headed down to Fogwell's to work out his frustrations on the bag.

Coming upstairs Matt can hear Kate and Danny's conversation, and he lingers part way up for a moment or two to listen, for a lawyer, he has a very skewed sense of privacy, though before too long he's making the rest of the way up to the second floor and walks through the door not bothering to use his cane with the current company.

"Hey, can you say to that Matt guy for me too, Danny? I haven't seen him in ages," he says with a wry grin on his lips. Oh yes, Matt and his self-depricating blind jokes. "And by the way both of you are welcome to stay."

Iron Fist has posed:
    "Why is it that everyone thinks I am trying to impress when I am just being honest?" That...is a rhetorical question as Danny turns towards the door...

    Only to stop when he hears another voice join in. One he recognizes immediately. Turning back, the smile upon his face is as apparent as the jovial tone his voice has. "Sure thing, Matt. I'll send along your regards." Then, a burst of laughter at the joke before Danny starts anew. "Have to say, Matty, you sure do know how to pick your friends. Kate here was practically ready to throw me out on my ear if you hadn't come along. I was just about to leave because it would have been easier than trying to explain." Danny's eyes shift from Matt to Kate, tipping a wink to her. "She just wasn't having anything I was offering."

    Then, just for Kate, Danny offers an explanation. "since you asked so nicely..." There is a pause, as Danny walks back in to the speed bags, replacing his duffle down in the same spot. "When I was younger, I knew a Kate. Her family was a publishing magnate. But...you couldn't be her. She was..." There is a delayed pause as Danny searches for a proper word, finally settling on a single one.


Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate is mid-ripping the tape off of her fingers, totally fine with Danny marching off, when Matt arrives, waylaying that idea. It's with a puzzled frown her attention shifts between the men, and it all goes *click*.

"Oh... well, crappers," she exclaims, shaking her head at herself. "You're /Danny/. Danny Rand." Nodding now, because of course he was. She wasn't *exactly* sure how he knew Matt, but he obviously did - wait, how did he know Matt anyway?

"WAit. How..??"

Only, Danny picks just then to drop his amused little commentary on Kate's social skills at the moment, which leaves her laughing softly, if more than a little wryly. "Oh, that would be me." Because of course it was. "You're Danny Rand. I'm Kate Bishop. And wow, this is not how I ever expected to meet you again. Last time I remember you, you were.. okay, I was a dumb little kid with a crush. I think it was some summer party my mom held? I don't even think I was old enough to.. Not that it matters."

Rising from the bench, Kate approches Danny, taped fingers held out to offer a hand in the manner she'd so recently rejected from him, "Care to try this again? Kate. Kate Bishop." Lips curling over another of those wry smiles. "Pretty easy to be nice when you're a little kid. And normally I am, I'm just having a rough bit of a go and you caught me at a bad time." Now looking between the men. "How do you two know one another anyway?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles at Danny's remarks about picking his friends as he sets his cane against the wall. "Technically we used to date," he supplies with a laugh. At least that's what they'd let the gossip columns believe while Matt was temporarily wealthy. Long story.

He doesn't make any remarks on Danny's assesment of the girl he used to know except to flinch slightly and lean against the wall by the poster for his dad's last fight.

Though he does remark at 'crappers'. "Easy with the language Kate, this is a family establishment," he says smirking and crossing his arms.

When the question about how he and Danny know each other comes up, Matt turns his head towards Danny, "That's complicated," he answers Kate, leaving how much Danny wants to share about their relationship up to him. Though it's obvious everyone in the room is in on Matt's secret, he's not even trying to play blind.

Iron Fist has posed:
    "Technically." The word echoes as Danny repeats it. "interesting way to put that." There isn't any pressing to follow up on what exactly that means, but it does open the door to questions that shall be posed at a later point. "Well...at least she isn't mad at you, so it had to be amiable."

    As the final piece of the puzzle settles in for Kate, Danny lets out a sigh of relief. "Well...I did try to tell you. You certainly wasn't doing me any favors in that. And...yeah, I guess it has been a while. Still...trying to get over that part yet." Being gone for that long does put a crimp on social circles. The hand from Kate is accepted, willingly, as he repeats Kate's revelation, just to add some weight to it. "It is a pleasure, now, to be re-acquainted with you, Kate Bishop. I am Danny Rand." Silly, to be sure, but there is something to hearing it spoken, fully, by Danny. It sounds almost like it did oh so long ago, when he first introduced himself to a 4 year old Kate. "And yeah, I think it was a summer party. Usually there aren't a lot of kids to those, so it was fun to actually have some there. It's one of the reasons I remember it...it was a rare treat."

    The hand is released as Danny glances over to Matt when the question of relationships, particularly between the two of them, is poised. He turns back to Kate and nods over to Matt. "You know?" It is vague, but obviously a question asking if Kate knew about Matt's nighttime excursions. "Because, if so, that means we both have some secrets we're keeping. We wouldn't be exclusive members of Fogwell's without it." A grin is cast to both Matt and Kate. "I think it is written in the membership bylaws that secrets are necessary to join. You tell me yours and I tell you mine?"

    It is a bold question, but one phrased in a rather playful manner. Almost like back when they were kids.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
There's a laugh from Kate, both wry and sincere. "So it's a pleasure /now/ huh? And.. technically is complicated. Not to mention I was pretty angry with Matt, too, for a bit."

She casts a glance over at Matt, as if to say 'what exactly does Danny know?' - even if it's obvious that Matt can't see her glance, and that Danny clearly knows Matt isn't 'blind'. "You'll have to fogive me for my four year old self. I probably did something about as embarassing as this, only, you know, less so because I was young and cute back then."

"My mother threw a lot of those. She still does. I'm just not obligated to attend them all, though. Sunday dinner like clockwork, though? Those I'm required to attend. My father rarely misses an opportunity to check if I've become aware of the error of my ways and decided to repent, otherwise known as give up the P.I. business and return to the fold."

That is followed by a grin, "Kate Bishop. The P.I. Without Profanity. For all your Investigative needs. Also really terrible at choosing men. Though probably not the secrets you're looking for."

She's more than a little intrigued that Danny has even thrown that guantlet down on the table. "Okay, I'll show you mine, and you can show me yours.. Though I'm not sure mine is all that secret. I'm Hawkeye. You know, pa-ching?" She miomes shooting an arrow. "That's me. Hi. I know, you don't recognize me outside the office or without my trademark purple." That, and he's been away for lo these many years.

Daredevil has posed:
"It was a publicity thing," Matt explains of the 'technically'. "She needed a break from the Bishops and I needed to be off the market to mourn Elektra. It just made sense at the time."

As for the anger that followed... well Matt doesn't comment on that, he just takes it with a bit of that good old Irish guilt.

Matt smiles through the talk of the parties, it was easy to forget these two came from that lifestyle, which means yeah of course they know each other.

As for the club rules, "That's about the long and short of it," Matt agrees. "A few holdouts though." Namely Hellcat, but she was the cautiious sort. He waits to see what Danny says in response to Kate 'showing him hers'.

Jessica Jones has posed:
It has been a while since Jessica had a chance to check on Matt Murdock, and so she goes to one of his known hangouts, at least among close friends of the know a secret identity variety. But almost as soon as she walks into Fogwell's Gym, she already begins regretting it. There's more than just Matt here, and she's not sure she's up for the company. Nevertheless, one could never claim that Jessica Jones was a coward. Not after saving the world, surely, so she walks further inside and calls out, "hey...glad to see you're still alive, Murdock." She then looks at Kate, and snorts, "and here I thought I could relay on you more, now that Alias is getting more calls thanks to the April Bump."

Danny gets just a nod, acknowledging his presence.

Dragon has posed:
"Of course he is still alive. I trained him well enough." Dragon seems to play off of Jessica's words as the Martial Arts Grandmaster arrives. For once, he wears normal clothing. Jeans, boots, a brown jacket, and a white shirt. his hands clasped behind him as he enters Fogwell's gym proper.

"Its good to see you again Jessica. Managing to come out of scraps mostly unharmed, I see." he teases, though his eyes shift to Danny, Matt, and Kate. "Miss Bishop, Matthew, Danny. Its good to see you three again, and in mostly good health, I might add."

Iron Fist has posed:
    Danny taps the side of his nose as his expression changes to that of understanding. "Ah. gotcha." And yes, he isn't going to ask about that anger bit either. Danny had quite enough of that from Kate with their whole initial meeting to have a pretty good feel for how that anger stage might have felt.

    Turning back to Kate, Danny shifts on his feet slightly. "Only if you forgive my 10 year old self. Honestly, I don't remember anything as embarrassing as this back then, so I think you and I are just fine." There is a slight pause....as Danny reaches into a pocket to retrieve a smartphone. "Hmm...yeah. I remember a lot of those parties, though only a few ever allowed me in. Seems things haven't changed too much. Looks like I just got an invite. Though, I might be too busy to attend...we'll see."

    Then, secret sharing time. "Oh...so...you run around on rooftops and whatnot and shoot arrows at people. And investigate them to boot. Well, that sounds certainly better than what I do."

    Then, with an amused glance to Matt, Danny asks a question to start his sharing and caring time. "Have you ever heard of the Iron Fist? Champion of K'un Lun? The Living Weapon? Well..." He trails off, spreading out his arms in indication to himself.

    And Danny would have given more info...but then Jessica walks in, followed shortly by Richard Dragon. Jessica receives a nod in return, while Dragon himself receives a bow in salute, with Danny's right hand resting upon his left fist at chest height.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Oh, yeah, you might want to avoid my mother's parties. She's gotten even more.. her. I swear it's like someone didn't tell her that there's an unwritten rule that as long dad has more money than God people will show up and pretend they like her." Kate exhales with a helpless expression. It might be clear just exactly what Kate thinks of the jetset by that alone, if her choice of profession hadn't made it clear. "And yep. Totally the whole rooftop schtick. Except for when I'm doing the Motel 6 thing. Gotta pay the rent you know?"

When Danny reveals himself, it takes her a minute before she turns a disgusted look on Matt, "Oh. Em. Gee. You knew all along you ratfink. So Mean, Matt Murdock. If we hadn't broken up I'd dump you right now." Leaning over she gives his arm a light punch. "Mean."

Of her misunderstanding with him, over their prior relationship, she doesn't say much more, quite possibly because the others arrive right then.

"Oh, hey, Boss," she tells JJ near-cheerily until JJ chides her for not showing up at the office. "What do you mean you thought you could count more on me? I've been.." Then Kate has to stop and assess: when /was/ she last in the office, and she can't remember. "Oh. I guess it's been - and besides, it's your own fault, telling me to.."

Enter Richard, and Kate's sudden awareness that she's about to spill entirely more than she intends to to a much wider audience than she needs to. "I'll be there with bells on tonight."

Because of course she will. Rent still needs paying.

Daredevil has posed:
The sound of familiar footfalls on the stair clue Matt into the new arrivals before they push through the gym's rickety door. Even so, he waits for Jess to speak before making a show of surprise, and asking, "Oh my god, is that podcast star Jessica Jones?" smiling wryly as he does.

The Grandmaster gets a smile, "Sifu," he greets with an incline of his head. "And I think she just meant I haven't called or visited for awhile," his attention shifts to Jessica offering a quick, "Sorry."

As for Danny's revelation and Kate's reaction Matt just smiles. "We can go with mean, but I prefer cautious," he jokes lightly taking the little punch with good humour. "Now I think we're all in the know." Which did make thing simpler.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica looks back at Richard as he follows her inside, smirking, "your steps are quiet," before turning to Matt and asking, "so was it Stick or that Richard dude who taught you?" She knew about Stick, though she wishes she never knew about him. He was one of the few guys who handled her in ways she wasn't accustomed to. "Oh, I am long past just scraps, Richard, you should know that...I'm dangerously close to the big leagues now...though I'm trying not to be."

"Don't worry Kate, Matt is Catholic, being mean is in his blood," Jessica explains, her thoughts of religion are hard to sway, no matter how often Matt would try to explain it's merits and the good it does. Particularly when it's run by actual people of faith, as opposed to people of greed. Jessica waits a moment to see if Kate will argue, but when she finally just agrees to be there, she gives a thumbs up, "great. We've been popular."

But then Matt has to go and share the one thing that probably no one else in the room besides him is even aware of, as she turns to look his way and rolls her eyes in aggravation, "oh my god, Murdock, since when do you have the time to listen to podcasts?"

Dragon has posed:
Of course, Richard smiles gently to Jessica. "Old habits die hard, I'm afraid." He looks to Matt, and he bows his head in return. To Danny? a more formal bow in return for the one that is given. His right hand over his left, held in front of him, as he bows. "It has been some time Danny. I take it you haven't gotten too far into the world of finance?" he asks the Iron Fist curiously, before his attention falls upon Kate, giving her a gentle smile as he approaches, looking between her and Jessica with a look of amusement on his face.

To Matt, Richard chuckles. "Fair enough. Though I believe that is what happens when you become too focused on too much noise." which is Dragon's way of saying Matt focuses on too much at one time, and thus neglects important things. if he had a stick, he'd poke Matt in the chest with it, but he does not, so Matt is free. Richard lets Matt answer for himself when it comes to who trained him.

To Jessica, Richard smiles. "Riding with the big dogs is a dangerous path, Jessica. Sometimes it is wiser to stay on the porch, and other times, wiser to join the hunt. You'll know when the time comes." he smiles to her gently.

Dragon doesn't talk about podcasts, namely because he doesn't pay attention to them.

Melinda May has posed:
While the others are sharing greetings and bantering back and forth, another person enters the old boxing gym on near-silent feet. The faint smells of oiled steel, leather, electronics, and strangely chemical venom announce who she is to those sensitive to smells, followed by one finger brushing along the edge of one of the posters still gracing the walls.

This tiny Asian woman very likely looks to be in the completely wrong place to anyone who doesn't already know who she is. Despite this, she's clearly channeling the honey badger. She don't care.

Iron Fist has posed:
    "Of course Matty knew, Kate. Matt's a walking, talking lie detector. Can't put anything past him." There is amusement at the exchange between Kate and Matt, though Danny does have the common decency to place a hand over his mouth, presumedly to rub at his chin, but really to keep the laughter at bay. "but it is okay. He just didn't want to spoil the fun." Or give away secrets that are not his.

    Richard receives an honest, if not somewhat less-than-serious answer. "Only as far as I am allowed, sir." Danny uses the domestic honorific, rather the more appropriate one Matt used moments ago. "I do tend to stay out of the way and let others who know more take the reigns. Though, it has been a rather...enlightening....transition from foundling to CEO."

    And no, Danny does not offer any additional information...at least, not at the present time.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"You owe me," Kate laughs at Matt. "You too," she tells Danny. "Don't make me sic my mother on you. Sunday dinners are really a thing."

The room suddenly full of people and signalling Kate's movement back to the bench she'd previously been sitting on, and returning to untaping her hands. If she'd even thought to entertain the notion of continuing venting her frustrations, that plan was right out the window now. Plus, it gave her something to do while the others shuffled around introductions and feeling one another out.

Daredevil has posed:
"Stick trained me first then Dragon helped polish my training when I started my night job," Matt explains giving a nod to Dragon when the master is mentioned.

Though he grimaces pretty hard at the Catholic stuff, the movement of his head suggesting he's rolling his eyes behind those red lenses of his. "Are we going to have to have another talk about how all relgion isn't bad, Jess?" he asks her.

As for Podcasts? "Well it's not like I watch TV," he offers as an explanation. "Though maybe your favourite superhero does," a thin smirk on his lips with the playful jibe.

Dragon's words are considered with a tilt of his head. "Point taken," he says of the lack of focus, of letting the noise in his life build up and drown out the important things.

The exchange with Danny and Kate is met with a smile, "Plus you did like to tell people about the whole living weapon thing," he says of knowing who Danny really was. Following that with a chuckle, "I've been to those dinners man, take that threat seriously," he says with a bit of laughter in his voice. "How are they anyhow?" he asks Kate about the parentals.

As for May, that combination of smells is distinctive and he can put a name to the presence before she slips into the room. "Hey, is someone else here?" he asks the group, slipping seemlessly into his blindman kabuki.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Wow, wow, wow, hold your horses, sea-foo-young," Jessica calls out at Richard's cryptic advise, "I don't do none of that martial arts philosophy bullshit. None of that to turn right you must turn left. Not for me...you wanna tell me something, you say it straight to my face, not going to waste my time solving a verbal puzzle..." Jessica looks relatively calm, despite her tone, as she speaks to Richard, clearly not truly upset with him so much as making it clear she won't be taking part in that game. Though she does admit, after the fact, "the big dogs are fucking freaks, I'd rather not have to ride with them for a long fucking time."

She turns to grin at Matt and Danny as she turns her back on Richard, "you hear this guy? I'll know when it's time...last time it was time when only fucking 10 people on Earth were still awake..."

Needless to say, Jessica isn't one of the karate ninjas around, so she doesn't pick on May coming in, while she listens to Matt's answer, just in case it shows up on Jeopardy, next time she happens to play. "So that dude is more of a ninja badass than Stick?" Jessica looks stunned, before turning to peek back at Richard, "hope I didn't offend you, Sensei." But she returns her full attention to Murdock very quickly, "depends, if you want to be proven wrong again, sure."

"Good point about not watching TV, but what are the odds you'll pick on the one freakin' podcast that features me?" Jessica groans, before shaking a finger at Matt, despite him being blind, "wow, wow, wow, hold your horses, you weren't going to feature in my top 5, I know you, so...how awesome can you really be if you know a bum like myself?" She grins teasingly.

Dragon has posed:
Richard seems amused at Jessica as she sees fit to pretty much try and say to RICHARD DRAGON not to use philosophical terms of phrase to her. Tilting his head. "Very well." he puts it in very simple terms. "Sometimes it is better to stay where you are than to forge ahead." he smiles then, but Jessica's words seem to prove his point enough all the same.

To Danny, Richard nods lightly. "Its good to know that you are succeeding. It makes an old man like me rather proud to see you prosper. I look forward to seeing what else you manage to accomplish." he gives a nod of approval to Danny, not that the Immortal Iron Fist needs such things. To Kate, he leaves relatively alone. Silence is sometimes misinterpreted, but never misquoted. Best to leave her be.

Tp Matt, he gives a smile. He always had the talent, he just needed a bit of fine tuning, like a guitar before one plays a grand solo.

Melinda's presence is noted as he turns to look at her. "Hello. Do you search for something?" of course, Dragon was never one to assume intentions, though his eyes have a slight inkling of caution.

Iron Fist has posed:
    "Gotcha. Watch out for Mama Bishop." Danny reaches for that smartphone of his, miming taking down that most important of notes before putting it away with a sheepish grin. A grin that cannot help but evolved into a smile as Richard offers praise. It is followed with a quiet and almost shy exclamation. "Thank you, Sensei."

    The presence of the honey badger known as Melinda May may have been sensed, but there really is no indication from Danny. In fact, there seems to be not much of an indication of him being present much at all. After the quiet thanks given to Richard, Danny seemed to have just...vanished. Those with a sensory advantage would have noted that Danny might have noticed a text on his phone during that mock notetaking....and that text seemed urgent enough to warrant a disappearing act.

    Damn those karate ninjas and their super sneaking ways.

Melinda May has posed:
"I was, but I appear to have found him." May nods her head toward Murdock. "The bartender down and Josie's said I might find him here." Her eyes flick toward each person, including noting Danny's rather more abrupt than would be normal for a civilian disappearance. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Her tone is either flawlessly Vulcan-esque, or she's still channeling the honey badger.

Staying in the doorway of the boxing gym, she might possibly be waiting for someone to invite her in properly.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
It's Kate who not only notices May - okay, everyone probably has noticed May by now - but has tweaked onto something the others may not have yet, "Uh.. Interrupted? Not really?" She tries to make casual about it all. "Not much more than me making a fool of myself and trying to kick one of Matt's friends out of the gym here. But actually, I was thinking maybe we could all take this party back to Josie's and have a drink or some wings?"

Because the little discussion about who is who and what their fancy superhero underwear looks like is no longer on the table.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt considers Jessica's question about Dragon and Stick's comparative bad assery. "Yes," he settles on quickly. "And with a better personality." Which to anyone who's met Stick isn't exactly a high bar to surpass.

There's a smile about the odds he'd find that particular podcast. "I heard about it from client, asked if I knew this Jessica Jones lady," he explains. "Figured it was worth a listen to," he says before he pulls a face chuckling, "Not even top five? Jess, I'm hurt," Matt chuckles. "And hey you're not a bum, you're that H-word, I promised not to say."

Danny's vanishing act is noted, but not commented on.

His attention then is fully on the newcomer, "Agent May?" Matt asks, he'd been introduced in that capacity before, besides putting the agent out there let people know just what they were dealing with here. "Is there something I can help you with?" he asks.

Shifting his attention again he nods to Kate, "I'm all for a change of venue, if nobody minds the walk."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm sure..." Jessica snorts as Matt offers that Richard has a better personality, "a DMV employee has a better personality than Stick too," Jessica quips. "A client, huh? Well, you'll be getting some referals at least from the boatload of calls I've been getting since that show, that April lady is really good for a bump," Jessica confesses, before giving Matt a mock evil eye which is wasted on the blind, while crossing her arms, "so long as you don't actually say that word out loud."

Turning to face Agent May, Jessica offers a mock salute, "lovely to see you again...," before she chips in, "wings sound good."

Dragon has posed:
Danny's departure is known, but not spoken upon.

Otherwise, Richard seems to bow his head as Matta nd Jessica apparently decide Richard is more badass than stick. Something the Masters might disagree on, since Stick has more life experience (arguably), given his advanced age. "I'm flattered." though as the group seems to decide to shift gears and eventually go to Josie's, Dragon smiles. "Unfortunately, I am only visiting. But by all means, you all go out and enjoy a good meal." He smiles softly, giving a bow of his head to all as he begins to make his exit. "I have a few things to tend to, but if I find time, perhaps I will join you." he gives a smile to everyone, before he officially leaves.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate remembers Stick, the man was gruff, rough, and borderline rude - but he also was something of a martial powerhouse. And another whose blindness wasn't the impediement it should be, which left her, once again acutely aware of the secrets in the room, and pondering the fact of whether or not Agent May knew them. Kate supposed she didn't, but there wasn't a graceful way to broach the subject without dropping that elephant into the room.

Dragon's departure gives her reason to suggest, "We could all walk down together?"

Melinda May has posed:
May steps out of the doorway so Richard can pass, offering him a small bow as he does. It's the gesture of one fellow martial artist to another and very much a gesture of respect. She then looks at the others as they plan to head down to Josie's for beer and wings, offering Jessica a nod hello. Looks like the people she hadn't met before were the ones to leave quickly. "If I'm intruding, I'll track you down another day, Mr. Murdock."

She's fully aware that she can be seen as a wet blanket, or depending on who you ask, scarier than a banshee. So, she keeps that in mind when dealing with civilians or people that aren't SHIELD proper. It's just politeness.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grins at Jess drawing an X over the left side of his chest, "Cross my heart," he promises about not actually saying that particular H-word. "Do have Jewel CD back at the office for you though."

He wasn't going to not tease Jessica a little.

"And huh? Who knew, but yeah, send over anyone who needs it, we'll get them sorted out, our office has been humming lately, oh speaking of which, Kate, Jess, we hired some extra help around the office, Mary Walker, need a background check run if you've got the time. Probably going to be pretty routine."

Dragon's departure is met with a nod, "Good night, you know where to find us if you finish early."

As for May's question Matt shakes his head. "No, I think you'd be welcome at Josie's, but we might need to put a hold on talking business until after," he says. "If that works, then you're welcome to join us."

He feels for his cane nodding in Kate's direction, "Sounds like a plan," he says ethused. "Want to lead the way?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"That so...? 'Who Will Save Your Soul' is a classic, I hope it's the Greatest Hits album," Jessica plays along flawless, not showing any signs of being rattled, because she'd never give Murdock the satisfaction. Such a shame he can spy on hearbeats and totally knows he got her good regardless of how much she perfected looking unfazed will being absolutely shaken. Then again, Matt is a smart guy, he's not going to press it on and make her really lose it. Jess is wrong, Catholics like Matt CAN be nice.

"Follow me you fucking drunks, I know the way," Jessica is more than happy to take the chance to get out of here and loosen up, with a drink or a dozen, as she walks a little too fast towards Josie's.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate easily steps into the role of being Matt's guide. Thankfully she's done it before, so there isn't the added awkward of that to how to pretend to lead a blind man who isn't around.

"Sounds like the only thing left to figure out is who is paying."

Melinda May has posed:
May's eyes flick from Matt to Kate to Jessica, and then she lets the others precede her out of the gym, closing the door behind her and taking up the tail end of their little procession toward Josie's. The more military-minded would see it as 'watching their six', and honestly so does May. The civilians, though, might find it a bit unnerving. Like Murdock.

It's not mean to be. Honest.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt snerks when Jess comes back at him. "Yeah, definitely a good track," he agrees with just a little bit of tightness in his jaw. That song was going to be stuck in head /all/ night. He does know enough not to push further, letting the whole thing go with a smile and a mouthed, 'Evil' aimed in her direction.

Matt takes Kate's arm easily and says, gesturing with his cane, "Follow Jess!" to the rest of their dwindling group.

May's right about picking up their six, it makes the back of Matt's neck itch even if his senses give him a 360 degree picture, people right behind him? Total pet peeve.