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Rubber Band Man (Meeting Reed Richards)
Date of Scene: 17 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Everyone is on their 'mostly' best behaviour to meet Dr. Reed Richards - until the fanboying begins. Despite that, agreements are made to forge forward with projects, including a tenuous invitation to help with the secret work being done at Skye and Clint's place.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Hawkeye (Barton), Mister Fantastic, Winter Soldier, Jemma Simmons, Melinda May

Quake has posed:
"I still don't understand how we got this assignment," Skye frowns. She and Clint weren't usually given Ambassador duty, for all the reasons - especially not together. Okay, Skye had maybe been showing more than a small inkling of being rather more capable in that department than one might expect, but still! She had other business she was supposed to be doing right now, and she already felt weeks behind...

Which may have been another reason right that. This here may very well have been a smart tactical move on Assistant Director May's part to get Skye to take a much needed break without ordering a much needed break.

"So what do we know about this guy anyway, other than he's a kinder, politer version of Brainiac?"

Skye follows along with Clint towards the prepared room where they'll be meeting with Reed Richards, both to give him the 'Hi, We're SHIELD' introduction, and to find out why he'd come knocking on their door in the first place.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The world is going to end, Clint Barton is wearing a suit. One of the bog standard ones with his orange and grey lanyard clipped to the breast pocket, just like the rest of the Adminions who worked around the Trisk.

"We must have done something wrong," Clint reasons. "Especially me," he says giving his right foot a shake. "Do leather shoes shrink? Cuz I think these shrunk."

He carries on with his too tight shoes.

"Reed Richards? Only one of the first superheroes, and the smartest man in the world. I've seen him and the Fantastic Four a few times as an Avenger, but this is the first time I remember him actually coming to the building." Not that Clint hung around the Trisk much. "Anyhow, we should just let Fitzsimmons lead, and they can all geek while our brains drool out of our ears."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed actually arives driving what looks to be a completly normal car though from the plates one could tell it was recently rented. He really didn't feel like showing the four everywhere when he wasn't with his team, well his family. Sure under his very fancy suit Sue had picked out for him he did wear his uniform it was completly covered, and only incase of emergencies. Driving up he smiles kindly to the people who meet him, and do everything they ask parking to the side Reed assumed was some previously picked spot. He is then escorted to the proper room he is going to need to go with little choice for detoures Reed doesn't speak much other then to thank one for opening a door as it was only polite.

He does on the other hand look around as they walk him to the meeting point just taking in what is around him. Of course not for any combat sake, but he was just curious where they were at for general use so was occupied for the short trip. When they finally get to the room he kinda walks in looking around at the place, and the people in it. He gives a simple smile, and wave. "Hello, I am Doctor Richards.. I was told this was where my meeting was?" though he doesn't look confused, like he is confirming just to make sure.

Inside his head we was actually a bit nervious.. It had been a while since he had left his lab to get out here, and well these people were not his family. While he was sure they were nice people they still made meeting them nerve wracking, not because he didn't like talking with people, but because he was a bit worried he may of gotten rusty.

Winter Soldier has posed:
So having the Winter Soldier show up more or less at random in the lab during this meet-and-greet is like visiting a new friend's and finding out that they just kind of let their pet leopard wander around the building as it pleases. Though it turns out that Bucky does own an actual ordinary people suit that isn't a uniform, sweatpants, or his HYDRA gimp gear, and he even has it on. He's clean-shaven and scrubbed, hair pulled back neatly into a low pony-tail, and he's got his ID pinned on him just like Clint. Maybe Reed won't know him by sight, either as Steve's old buddy or as the Winter Soldier, once famous, more recently notorious. But he comes in right before Reed himself appears, looking faintly nervous that he might be late.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    It is rare for anyone to see Leo Fitz outside of his lab in the Research and Development wing...simply because it is rare that he leaves it, outside of going to where ever Leo calls home...and even that is a rarity. The man likes his job. However, it is one of those rare instances in which he happened to be out and about...actually returning from the cafeteria, heading back to whatever little project he was working on. The time was serendipitous, to say the least, as Leo was walking through the lobby when one Doctor Reed Richards arrived for his appointment.

    And you better believe that Leo recognized the man immediately.

    From there, it was a quick run to the R&D lab. Leo sticks his head in, calling out "Jemma! Jemma! Come on, you gotta see dis!"

    A sigh escapes from Dr Jemma Simmons as she looks up from her particular task, which is scattered on a table in old school paper files. "What is it this time, Fitz?"

    "Well...If ya don't wanna meet Dr. Reed Richards....ya know, Mr. freakin' Fantastic....then you can just stay 'ere and keep doin' whatevah yer doin'." Leo starts to duck his head back out, to head to the lobby. "I'ma goin'"

    A blink, followed by a surprised exclamation from Jemma. "Dr Richards is here?! Wait, Fitz! I'm coming!"

    A couple of moments later, the pair of Fitz and Simmons spill out into the lobby...being more than willing to escort the good Doctor through the Trisk to his appointed meeting. And...the security guards seem more than willing to let them take the escort.

    Finally, as Reed walks in, Jemma and Leo let themselves in, even if they were not invited originally. Too late for them to keep them out now. Though, at least they remain off to the side, for now. Though, it is apparent that Jemma is holding in her excitement...and Leo? Well...if Leo was any more eager, they would have to drag him away.

Quake has posed:
Skye, for her part is struggling to be comfortable with the length of the skirt to the outfit she'd been informed was not only necessary, but protocol. All official like, complete with blazer, SHIELD logo and emblems, and the works. "I look like a stewardess. Since when do we think me in a suit is a thing?" ADding, to Clint's complaints, "And at least you don't have to wear heels. Seriously, who thinks up these torture devices?"

Mind, she hasn't long to complain, as the others begin arriving to the meeting room, the large space having both plentiful seating for all, but refreshments as well.

"Any word on whether or not he'll get the tour of the labs? Actually, think Fitz will remember to drop Dr. Richards off here first so we can say hello before dragging him off into the labs never to be seen again?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Smirking at Skye's assessment of her outfit, he says, "In which case, can I get a coke and some peanuts?" he says stepping nimbly away to avoid swats. "Probably bad time to tell you it looks hot too, right?" he adds teasing her a little more before people come in and he puts on his 'serious face'.

"Probably," he says about the labs. "Don't even know why Dr. Richards is here."

Then he's all smiles and nods, Bucky gets a nod in solidarity for the get up, as do Fitz and Simmons, and Reed? He gets a smile.

"Doctor Richards, good to meet you, you're right on time," he offers. "I'm Cl-, Agent Barton, his is Agent Johnson and these are Agents Barnes, Simmons and Fitz. Please make yourself comfortable."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed looks at the people gathered around him all dressed up as he is which makes him he does reconize a few people though he doesn't think he has actually met any of them. First is Clint believe it or not, as he had seen videos on him, and some of the things with his bow were actually interesting so he paid a bit more attention to it. He thought to himself.. What was his name though.. Of course he knew Tony, and Thor, of course there was Bruce... What was his name. Of course from the outside he would seem stoic, but inside he was playing back some memories until he found what he was looking for, of course this was just remembering like normal but he liked to picture himself watching them projected on a wall

Of course next was Bucky, he actually had videos, and memorabila about Bucky. He respected him not for just what he did as they all helped to do that, but what of what he faced even without some super serum. So does give him a bit of a smile, and nod as he is glancing over the room. He looked a bit different now, but he couldn't wait to go back home and tell Sue he actually meet Bucky. The others he doesn't know as well, but if they were in Shield they were here for a reason so each of them would get respect from him.

Pulling himself out of though he smiles, and hears the name so he marks it down so he won't have to try to recal it as hard next time. He nods, "Thank you for the warm welcome Agent, though if it would be easier feel free to call me Reed" in a friendly voice. He follows his instructions, and takes a seat kind of looking around at everyone looking at him now sitting down. "So... Umm.. Listen I am sure some may wonder why I asked to meet today." he starts so to take initative in this situation. "I am just here to see what the Richards can do to help Shield, as we have seen people like Tony, or Bruce help out it has inspired us to reach out and see what we could do to help more people." he then thinks about it. "I am not so good with this clearance thing.. should I have not just said that?" he asks with a small smile looking around.

Melinda May has posed:
May arrives last of the SHIELD contingent, though it's not too much of a surprise if one knows how much she has to keep up with on a daily basis. She's wearing business-appropriate attire much like everyone else, though instead of a pencil skirt and heels, she's wearing black slacks and low-heeled boots with the white button-up shirt and black blazer.

Those who know to look for this sort of thing will be able to tell that the blazer is concealing a smaller array of weapons than her usual leather jacket. Her eyes take in everyone who is already there, mentally noting and being impressed that every last one of them actually bothered to take this meeting seriously.

Having caught the tail end of Reed's words, she stops by one of the empty chairs. "Everyone here has sufficient clearance or they would not be in on this meeting, Dr. Richards." And ... she doesn't introduce herself. Oversight? Intentional test of the man's knowledge of all things SHIELD?

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There might be just a bit of a flush of red from Jemma, as she has at least the common decency to feel a little embarrassment for just walking into a meeting, regardless if she has clearance or not. Leo...doesn't seem to share that embarrassment. He does, however, have the common sense to just not speak up directly. Out of everyone here, the FitzSimmons duo seem the most dressed-down individuals in the room. They do have their labcoats on...and fortunately buttoned...but the tell-tale sign of tennis shoes under the labcoats speak that they were more dressed for comfort, not impressing visitors.

Quake has posed:
May's arrival in PANTS no less leaves the junior agent slightly disgusted, leaning to whisper to Clint, "Nobody told me there was a non-skirt option."

Too late for that, though. She was not only here, and in a skirt, but now she had to behave, because *big* *name* guest. Though, unlike the others, Skye wasn't as well versed in the superheros - witness her shock at finding out who she was dating. Mind, the girl has more than a little fascination with all things computer and code, which may leave her a little more of a place to hang a hat on when dealing with the man.

She gives Reed one of her trademark grins, confirming May's observation, "Yep. We all have clearance." Well, Fitzsimmons /had/ clearance, but they might not have it for this particular meeting, mind, did anyone really thing Reed Richards was walking into SHIELD and Leo Fitz wasn't going to show up? Which meant, of course May had invited them. Ultimately it was simpler than enacting discipline later.

Skye opens up her laptop and presses some keys, nodding to May, indicating the room is secured.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint blinks and smiles when Reed retreats into his own memories for a bit leaving Clint to wonder if it was appropriate to wave a hand in front of his face or not.

He guessed not.

"Like my colleagues said, we're all cleared, and as for what you can do for you... is probably best left for other people, because the only thing that comes to mind is photo op," he jokes with a smile.

As for the comment on the non-skirt option, Clint leans over to whisper, "Really? That's something your SO should have mentioned," he says with a grin. In this case, making May /and/ Clint both equally owing of Skye's wrath until he confesses: "I had to do something to keep my mind off these damn shoes," he says of not telling her she didn't technically have to wear a skirt.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed stands up and looks at May with a small smile he nods, "There are many things you can learn face to face that paper may spoil for you, and to be honest it looks like you are the one I need to talk to." he gives a nod to her before taking his seat again though avoiding the question. He gives a chuckle to himself, "I am going to be honest here, while I can put a lot of it together which is why I am here, there is a limit into how much I have used my sources to dig into anyone here. I have checked into what you do, and what you stand for that is the information that was important to me. Your personal privacy is important as it implies trust." he thinks about it for a moment, "But Agent May I must say what little you told me pales in comparison to seeing it in action." he waves a hand at the two in the labcoats. "It has been a long time since I have seen that drive. I mean it looks like they have litterally ran out of their lab. I just wish I could get Johnny up this early." he chuckles a bit at that.

Reed does turn a bit to face Clint with a nod he gives a small laugh, "Ha.. that is pretty funny I was thinking the same thing." he glances back at Agent May then back to Clint he whispers. "Maybe after.." turning to face her again. He takes a deep breath to regain seriousness, "I know this is... different, well maybe not for you, but for me this is a fresh start to working directly with another organization." he gives a small shrug, "There are many things I could offer, but in this particular case I can usually ask what do you need?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier is politely pokerfaced, as he listens. No one here needs a bodyguard, least of all in the presence of an ally, but that seems to be the affect Bucky has on offer. At least until he looks down at his metal fingertips as if examining a nonexistent manicure, and wonders, oh so casually, "How are you with cybernetics?" Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Ulterior Motive has arrived.

Melinda May has posed:
May takes a seat as Reed returns to his chair. Skye and Clint each get a brief flat look, but she doesn't call them out. Not here, not now.

"You are correct that we're not strangers to collaboration with outside parties," she replies to Reed. "Though it's rare when someone approaches us with an offer, much less someone in the sciences field." She looks over as Barnes speaks up, and for just the briefest second gets about as close to smiling as she ever gets in front of most people. And then her attention returns to their visitor.

"As to what we need, I'll let doctors Simmons and Fitz cover that part."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Confession time. Leo takes the initiative, his lips curling into a grin as he speaks with that Scottish accent of his. "Dat's cause we did." That grin remains on his features, at least up until May suggests that he and Simmons actually state what they might need. And, like anyone else that suddenly gets an opportunity to speak to his idol, Leo botches his first attempt in dramatic fashion. "Ah...err...you want us to...to cover that. Right." Leo nods once, trying to formulate a clear sentence...and failing, finally turning to Jemma for help in that unspoken manner they seem to share.

    And Jemma doesn't disappoint. "what I believe what my colleague is trying to say is that we have some projects within Research and Development that could use an outside opinion. An unbiased informed review, if you will. And, since you are one of, if not the single greatest mind of our times, it would be an extreme benefit, not to mention an honor, for you to be able to assist us in these research advances we are striving for."

    A well-spoken statement, if a little vague. It is almost as if Jemma has practiced it in front of the mirror for just such an occasion.

    Multiple times.

Quake has posed:
Clint's little admission gets a small noise of amused disgust from Skye, who signs at him ~We are sooo having words when we get home~ But if that was a threat, she's really got to work on the menacing look, because she looks more like she finds the whole matter funny moreso than someone about to deliver a lecture.

And now she knows: Next official 'meeting' she can wear the slacks.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed looks like he might be about to answer when he hears Bucky ask him something, so other then answering he gets up to walk over there. He walks to where Bucky is in the corner which may seem strange, but Reed holds his hand out to him. "Mr. Barnes if you asked Tony he would say I am the second best person at it. I would say top three?" and smiles at him. "Sue and I both know of your days during the war with Cap, if ya want me to take a look at it I would be more then happy to as despite that rough exterior." he puts a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "Is a true hero. That might need a haircut," and nods to him with a grin.

With that he turns to listen first to Leo but, then turns to look at Jemma as she actually gets it out in one go. He nods listening to her.

He walks back over talking, "I see.. informed reviews would actually be a good start as you know I am decient with Robotics, but what field might this be in." he looks at May, "If I may ask of course." before finishes walking up to them he holds a hand out again. "I am going to assume you two are the ones that actually keep everything running around here." and chuckles looking over at Leo. "Don't worry you get used to public speaking the more you do it. It will come to you." he says a bit lower with a nod.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint smiles in the face of that menacing look. Flapping his hand twice at Skye under the table, in a blah, blah motion.

As for the discussion at large, he has nothing to add for th moment.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck is quite obviously a little gobsmacked by that reception. Reed isn't treating him like a rabid dog who needs to be chained. "Uh," he says, eloquently. "Wow. Uh, thanks. That I....would be grateful for. Since it's a one off and the designer's long dead, having an engineer of your caliber check it out....thanks." That he's a hero....no coherent response to that. Just a funny, shakey smile.

Melinda May has posed:
May watches Reed, ready to try and pull the man clear if he does something that Bucky doesn't appreciate but ... surprise surprise. She very privately sends a mental thanks to Lili for her calming influence on the man.

She then watches Reed chat with the science kids, and while his comment co Leo so easily could have been taken as condescending, she just doesn't get that impression. The man is more down to earth than she would have guessed previously.

Quake has posed:
Actually, all of this talk snaps Skye out of her quiet contemplation of matters, and since the room /is/ secured..

"Actually, if you don't mind my asking, Dr. Richards, how are you at computer hardward and software."

Because while the science duo were talking in broad swathes (or fanboying), Skye had a particular and immediate need.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed smiles and turns looking at Sky, "Well while it is not a specialty of mine.." he looks at Fitz "I have a floating robot named Herbie I should invite him to come next ti.." he stops. "Oh yes sorry, yes I can code some though my skill may not be the best." he sticks up his thumbs and they just wobble showing the fluidity of their movement. "I am an extremly fast typer." and chuckles a bit. He turns to May, "Perhaps we should retire this conversation to the Labs, and talk more details on both sides?" he glances at the others inviting to their lab also, "Or when a better time for sure as I would like to set something up here I am sure we could work together to make things a little bit better for everyone."

If he is lead out he would only turn to talk back towards Bucky, "Hey stop by the lab when I am there, and I will take a look. Nothing intrusive just a few scans." and then would follow wherever he was being lead.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Sure," Buck says, still with that oddly tentative air. HE has a fanboy of his own. He hasn't had one since 1945. Like he got a present he doesn't know where to set down. "Uh, just let me know when's convenient for you." Is he ...blushing?

Melinda May has posed:
Yeah, May is hiding her amusement. It's honestly a good thing to see Barnes discombobulated over something positive for a change. She's not about to stop it.

"We can do that, Dr. Richards. And we'll get you the consultant access card as well while we're at it." She moves to stand and gestures toward the door.

Shall we, then?"